Saturday 14 February 2015

Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha not hope to help him with his own purification. Buddha never guarantee it. Washing out the pollution of beings not in the powers of an enlightened being. Nobody can do for others or unstained purity. As a noun Religion which we normally understand, Buddhism is not "a belief system in order to worship and allegiance to a supernatural being."
Buddhism does not require blind faith followers. Here belief simply be cut off and replaced with a belief based on understanding, according to Pali ( saddhĂ  ). A faithful believe Buddha as a private patient in health food, or a teacher in a private student. Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha because he has found the path to liberation.
The Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha not hope to help him with his own purification. Buddha never guarantee it. Washing out the pollution of beings not in the powers of an enlightened being. Nobody can do for others or unstained purity.
The Buddha in the position of a masters taught us, but we must have direct responsibility for the purification of us.
The Buddhists but refuge in the Buddha, but not those who surrender themselves to others. Buddhists do not sacrifice his freedom of thought to become disciples of the Buddha. He can make free will and their intellectual development to the extent that the position of a Buddha.
The starting point of Buddhism is reasoning or knowledge, in other words, the right view ( Sammaditthi ) .
For those who seek the truth, the Buddha says, "Do not accept anything just because it is heard (ie think that we have heard for a long time). Do not accept anything just because of tradition (ie that has been passed down through many generations). Do not accept anything just because of propaganda (that is to believe what other people say so without understanding). Do not accept anything just because accordance with its classic. Do not accept anything just because of speculation. Do not accept anything just because inference. Do not accept anything just because deems reasonable. Do not accept anything just because suit their prejudices. Do not accept anything as it may seem acceptable (ie think people say that is probably a good man should be trusted his words). Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is that we honor his words should be accepted.
But, when the self I know that things are not right, these are not legitimate, these are the critical sage, these practices as accepted and will lead to harm and grief - then you throw them away.
When you know the saying, These is true, this is not to blame, this is the sage praise this practice as acceptable and will lead to good and happy, then you have to practice. "
The inspiring teachings of the Buddha still retain its original capacity and animate them.
But there is not blind faith, one might retort is affordable in Buddhism does not worship the images etc ...?
Buddhists worship a picture is not expected to benefit the secular or spiritual, but to show due reverence what the other denotes the image.
A Buddhist understanding, the rise incense, flowers before the image of Buddha, feeling like standing in front of the Buddha was alive, and so super Vietnam's sympathy and compassion of His infinite, so he attempts to follow the example His greatness.
linden is also a symbol of enlightenment. The church exterior material is not absolutely necessary, but they are useful, because they make people concentrate. A group of intellectuals who can give them away because he can easily focus the attention and visualize the Buddha in his mind.
For the sake of us and to our gratitude, we must denote respect Such superficial. But what the Buddha expects his disciples is not submissive but practice his teachings. Buddha: "Who follow the teachings of the best I honor me with the most" "Who saw the French it means to see me."
However, for the image, Earl Kaiserling said: "In the world This, I do not see any picture is greater than the Buddha. This image is the perfect embodiment of the spirit of the great field of tangible. "
Further, we can say that no prayers have personality begging in Buddhism. Although we can pray wherever the Buddha much more, we can not be saved. Buddha did not give grace to those who pray to him. Instead of begging prayers are with meditation to bring order to subdue the mind, body purification and enlightenment.
Meditation is not a dreamy silence, nor keep the mind empty. Meditation is active effort. Meditation will be used as a tonic for the heart and brain. Buddha taught that the mere prayers are useless, but also condemned the slave soul. A Buddhist should not pray to be saved but hope in yourself, and make his freedom. Prayers sympathetic nature private, selfish bargaining with God. It searches for the object of worldly ambition and makes the "ego" prominent than ever. In contrast, meditation alters "ego" ( Sri Radhakrishna ). [1] In Buddhism there is no God almighty to obey and fear as most other religions. Buddha did not believe in a god cosmic power omniscient and omnipresent. In Buddhism there is no supernatural revelation or angels. Therefore, a Buddhist is not a slave of any supernatural power, because there is no power to control their fate and arbitrary payoff. So, Buddhists do not believe the revelation of a god. Buddhism does not require exclusive truth, and does not proscribe any other religion. But Buddhism recognizes the infinite potential of human beings, and that they may teach liberation from suffering by his own efforts, independent of the patronage of the gods, or the help of the religious Dr. intermediary between the divine and the mundane.
Therefore, do not be limited to call Buddhism a religion, because Buddhism is not a system of belief and worship. Buddhism is not "foreign movements or form expression that people want to express before the existence of God or the gods have control over their fate that they must obey, serve and honor glory. "
If religion means "a doctrine not look shallow superficial life, a doctrine looked at life, not just on the surface of life, a doctrine provides a motto human behavior to suit insight into the inner, a doctrine makes those dedicated to it volition be able to face life with courage and resilience to face the death with serenity heart ". ( Bhikkhu Silacara ) [2] or a system of religious doctrine to liberate the condition of life, then surely that religion is the religion of all religions.

[2] . Silacara Bhikkhu (1872-1951): British Father, His Mother Scottish people; Note father died soon be nurtured, then became an ordained monks refined morality seriously. He has spread Buddhism both Western and Eastern nearly a quarter century.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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