Sunday 15 February 2015


Nibbana (Nirvana) is the concept of Buddhism, a religion not recognized and not acknowledge God, god, immortal soul.
Lofty aim of Buddhism is Nirvana. In addition to Nirvana and aspire to attain nirvana, Buddhists do not seek and desire nothing more. So What is Nirvana? Nirvana exists, does not exist? If exists, exists where the Nirvana? If exists, it exists as the reflection, Nirvana is a concept derived from the nature of a real existence is the concept of real, meaningful. If not existed, exists, is called Nirvana just illusions created by humans to deluding themselves. The question again is the existence or non-existence, the belief in Nirvana have to give people a value that does not? Article will analyze each issue. To answer the above questions, it is necessary to understand the general philosophy of Buddhism. We can say the whole philosophy of Buddhism based on experience enlightenment (The Englightened) that Tathagata Buddha achieved. According to him, though philosophers have knowledge of how matter is to generate knowledge from the experience of the philosopher, that's what is experienced or seen. Buddha always emphasized this. Tri is always associated with, because there is no vision, the knower no depth, unable to understand the nature of reality, of life. Insights are found myself understanding. His ideology is based on the realization that his experience has experienced six years of ascetic and enter 49 days under the bodhi tree. Everything he taught, the idea of the universe, of life and the human attitude towards life ... is the opening of the inner senses which he achieved at the time. Can summarize the essence of Buddhist thought as follows: Chu acts impermanent, selfless beings law, President pure nirvana. Everything is impermanent. Everything is gathered that the city, are predestined by the dominant form. Coast where the universe came into existence, existence, the universe coast tan does not exist, does not exist, everything was destroyed. Everything is always becoming, is impermanent. Everything is falling. Everything from grace should not have calculated and no identity of their own, do not exist in isolation. They all rely on each other, this is what the other had, this one does not, then the other can not. None of yourself can be. No object is a separate entity, not transformation. Selflessness is therefore impermanent. Impermanence is ranked in terms of time, selflessness is ranked in terms of space. Shurangama old wrote: "All things are no self-because that only a relatively continuous and uninterrupted view immediately changes from state to state bar shows other exists around. If there self-assessment is not affected by the change and transformation is the flow of the universe biochemical this never happened ". Due to the impact of conditions, the evolution becomes continuous, absolutely everything is just so unreal, without any permanent character. No actual birth, there is death, there is this thing, there are other things. Born kill, kill is born. Predestined world without beginning and without end become, not the beginning not the end. Everything is impermanent, uncertainty and change only the impermanence of this new uncertainty is real, permanent, permanent. The true nature of the world is impermanent but selfless human beings ignorance, not realizing that the truth of reality. People do not see the body of its five aggregates are impermanent and selfless, was the dominant causal laws, the human greed, hatred and delusion. Join want to make your own easily won, owns his own. Golf is anger, hatred, jealousy for not achieving desired. Si is ignorance, darkness chasing the chimera value created by ignorance. Ignorance leads to craving. Ignorance and craving lead people to life is hard, life is suffering. Dhammapada says: "No fire no fire involved, no such heart prison yard, no net like ignorance, no river like craving" (Dhammapada - Do craving human actions and actions constitute professional career and put the smiles around in reincarnation: birth and death, dying and rebirth, rebirth and death. Born as the animals do, do ghosts or LAA is a religious custom depending on our actions. Tu is directed to terminate the cycle of birth and death, to escape samsara constant infinite life and death, to reach Nirvana. The question here is: Nirvana table as the termination of the cycle, then it is not real or what? If it is not real, then nirvana where? Doing Milida - Panana wrote: "There is no place to look westward , south, east, north, above, below or on the outside that can be said is Nirvana ... like fire, is not stored a particular place, but when the fire qualify phat (1) students. Also he can not say where Nirvana but charming enough to lead full, Nirvana achievement results (Buddha and Dhamma - Maha Nirvana wrote: "In no Nirvana sun, moon, stars, cold, heat, wind, rain, birth, aging, illness, death, 25 planes a. Nirvana is so often not in place Tathagata change ". (Maha Nirvana Episode 1 Nagasenna explanation of Germany and of the Buddha tells us that Nirvana is not the real space, ie a place somehow, not a certain heavenly, and Nirvana are not at all. If so, is not the nirvana is nothingness, is not really there. Buddhism offer the following story: Long time new fish see turtles. Fish asked: - Hello turtle sister, go sister, but I have not seen a long time ago? - Ah, hello fish. I go out on dry land - Turtle replied. - Dry soil you? Fish surprise However - she says dry land, dry land so what? how soil is dry? I've hardly seen makho land. The land is dry'm nothing at all. - I like to think so well - Turtle replied - Still Of course I had to go out in very dry soil. - Hey, you turtle, as she said again. Dry soil that how you say it, like what? It does not wet? - No, not wet dry land. - Dry soil with cool soothing comfort it? - No, not dry soil cool, calm and pleasant. - Dry soil with transparent and light shines through it? - No, not during the dry land and light can be shed through. - Dry soil with soft and gentle to yourself swimming in it was not? - No, not the soft ground and not swimming inside it. - Land movement and drift into the line does not? - No, not moving soil and drift into the line. - Land churn and foam formation is not? - No, no land and no churn tan foam. Fish laughed and confirmed with turtles : - I asked what she confirmed that no soil is not moist, not cool, comfortable, non-transparent and light does not penetrate, do not move and went to the line, do not get angry and do not dissolved into foam. Thus, what she called the dry land, there is only nothingness, no truth, no one called the dry land. The story above shows the Buddhist assertion is true nirvana. Nirvana is not nothingness. But that is not true Nirvana anywhere, space is not true, is not the place in the sky somewhere in the universe, then what is Nirvana? Look at the business and economic Udanna Itivuttaka Great Nirvana shows According buddha when ignorance and craving to lead and control the human person can not do all of reality as it is, only the knowledge of reality. People were clinging to such knowledge, become attached and controlled by them. Humans create suffering for ourselves and for others. Maha Nirvana wrote: "He who is burning craving, craving is overwhelming, because it's blind, who had the intention to harm yourself, for others and for themselves as well as the economic the inner experience of suffering, affliction "(Maha Nirvana, Episode 1 To remove the craving to be aware of reality as it is. When the reality is perceived as it is the ignorance and craving destroyed and enlightenment arises. Enlightenment is enlightened reality of the real world. Beijing University Nirvana wrote: "He who see the truth of things with wisdom, who did not desire the huuA .By the wrecked eradicated but there is no desire to participate, the suspension of all aspects Nirvana "(Maha Nirvana, Volume 1,  thus Nirvana is the cessation of ignorance or false perception of reality eradicate any craving or attachment by ignorance brought back. Nirvana is the extinction of desire, hatred and delusion, ending the cycle of birth and death due to ignorance and craving lead. Nirvana is the wisdom of reality , is the perfect enlightenment, the world is getting the right foot as it is, is to stop the flow causing suffering and cling to false knowledge. Business Journal A Ham wrote: "What is Nirvana, O brethren? The cessation of participation, eradicated the field, to eradicate ignorance. That, the brethren, called Nirvana" (Buddha and Dhamma, Sir Edwin Arnorl also wrote: "If any teach Nirvana is to Cease, say unto vd They lie, if any teach Nirvana is to leave, say unto vd chĂșng err, not Knowing this. From a metaphysical stanpoint Suffering from Nirvana is deliverance. From a standpoint Psychological Nirvana is the Eradication of egoism. From an ethical standpoint Nirvana is destruction of lust, hatred, and ignoranca "(The Light of Asia or The Great renunciation By Sir Edwin Arnorl London 1948, p. 153) (Taegukgi If anyone teaches Nirvana table is finished, let's say they were deceived. If anyone teaches Nirvana live there, say that they were wrong. Do not know this. In terms of metaphysical Nirvana is liberation from suffering . In terms of psychology, Nirvana was destroyed selfishness. In terms of ethics, Nirvana is to destroy the greed). Nirvana as described above is a direct result, rather than not physical space, or any form of ontological existence. It is a mental state in which the human intellect ultimately achieved, is the supreme achievement of the transformation of consciousness. So in a state of nirvana, the state has eradicated greed, ended reincarnation, was to destroy the ignorance and craving human life like? Want to reach nirvana first and foremost deposition of all activities of body, speech and mind. Must get rid of all attachment dinhmac in the form of feeling, the sense of pleasure brought back by ignorance. To conduct meditation (Dhyana). Meditation is the path to Nirvana human liberation. In meditation, people clearly see the truth of the world. World of thousands of others all wrong, with the various phenomena in appearance, but on the homogenous nature. All is impermanent, selfless. Realizing the nature of the universe thus arises modern human mind, compassion. Humans moment infinite love blossom for all species of all things. All are one, just as false knowledge to new human greed, ignorance, creating new industrial action to meet and raise capital ego self. With insight meditation given by the boundary and one person, oneself and others, and they're born, people and things disappear, infinite love, infinite love border and the blossoming world, coming overflow. Give people insight into the cool, happy, at peace. Maha Nirvana wrote: "It is peace. This is the ultimate peace" (Maha Nirvana, Volume 1, The Buddhist Society of Medicine 0 mode selfishness or egotism termination "(Maha Nirvana, Episode 1," to think that no soul resident, who did escape nhungkieu chronic, selfishness by the notion "I was" shown "( Maha Nirvana, Volume 1, The Buddhist Association. Thus achieve nirvana of human happiness, self, happiness, purity, no infection, liberation. Buddhism gives examples to compare happy Nirvana Talk to your senses happy as follows: As people are itching to feel happy while scratching, but then the pain caused by scratching. Do scabies which he praises and suffering. But when no scabies he had the pleasure of an entirely new form colleges and more. The experience happiness worldly experience is seen as scabies, also happy Nirvana is not the same as scabies. The Buddhists call happiness attained in this lifetime, while carrying the five aggregates as "Nirvana Organic balance". In addition to this direct effect also has direct effect "parinibbana" is the direct result that the Arahat, the bodhisattva achieve lift off the body at the five aggregates. But that is where Buddha says pirated intellectual property of beings can not understand. From the above analysis allows to draw conclusions about the Nirvana of Buddhism as follows: Nirvana is achieved enlightenment religion as a mental object. It is the result of the effort, reaching understanding reality, the world as it is. Directed results from the stance that accepts all aspects of reality and its value. Nirvana is not running away from the world, not the denial or rejection of the world that are looking to transform the false perception of reality, seeks to change attitudes towards the world as it became a place of comfort and happier. Nirvana is the intellectual or enlightened with the result that the fullness of personality and moral perfection. The enlightenment that is based on the perception of the truth of reality, on a true insight of reality. Nirvana is not created by the Buddha that not even own property Buddha. Buddha did not create Nirvana, powerless to do with Nirvana. Buddhism is not a threat to promise, as no condition to recruit someone into Nirvana and anyone standing outside Nirvana. With Nirvana Buddha was enlightened, reaches. With Nirvana, Buddha and sentient beings equally as Buddha nature and fellow beings. With Nirvana Buddha who succeeded, they are people who are born into, will succeed, if you desire truth and diligent effort, step up the noble path. With Nirvana Buddha and sentient beings are one. With Nirvana selfish ego, ego narrow collapsed. The boundary between oneself and others vanish so in essence identical time. With Nirvana human development of his personality on the level of spiritual and social. Nirvana is not so physical space, not a heavenly place or something that one must register for approval and selection. Nirvana is pure, whatever infection, liberation, is the absolute wisdom and absolute love. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/2/2015.

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