Sunday 15 February 2015

is owned, heritage, is the cause, the relatives, the refuge of it. Now classify all living beings into high and low status. "
We are confronted with a world completely off balance. We found disparities between the fate of human diversity, and multiple classes of beings are present in the universe. We see this person was born in a rich context, passive virtues inherent moral psychological and physical well, while others in the plight of the poor and miserable. There are pious and holy, but, contrary to his expectations, he always encountered misfortune. Life is cruel completely contrary to the expectations and aspirations of Medicine. Although his life and full of sincere piety, he still suffer abject poverty. Others sinful and foolish, but fate pampered, enjoy all kinds of favors, though full of character defects and faults immoral lifestyle, sexual misconduct.
We may ask, in Why has the lowest high guys? Why people stutter from gentle hands when Budding mother found a few summer, while others die at young flowers, or at the age of 80 or 100? Why do people suffer illness and disability, while others are healthy and robust? Why is this the beautiful, the ugly and the other heretical, was all desert? Why this was brought up in luxury scene, and the other impoverishment, and steeped in misery? Why was this person born a millionaire and the other was a man outcast? Why this is an intellectual level, and the other guys are stupid? Why do people have innate qualities of holiness, and the other has the tendency to sin? Why do some people have to the linguists, mathematicians, artists, musicians from the moment while lying on a cot, while some others are born blind, deaf and disabled? Why some people are born lucky happy, while others bear the unfortunate risk from the moment of birth?
This is a common problem caused confusion in the minds of people thinking. We must explain how the imbalance of the world, and the inequality of mankind so? Is it due to the risk unfortunately fate or just casually talk?
There is something in this world happens because of the risk accidentally or unexpectedly unfortunately all. If you believe that anything happens by chance, not sure what else this book itself came here. Strictly speaking, there is not anything happening to people that do not involve this reason or other reasons.
Is this the order or the power of an irresponsible Creator?
Husley wrote: "If we have to assume that someone deliberately moving this magical world is quite clear to me that he is not perfection, public-mindedness, in accordance with any sense can be acceptable of the word, on the contrary position that really is cruel, unjust ".
According to Einstein (1879-1955) [1] is: "If God is all-powerful god, then everything that happens, including actions, thoughts, feelings and aspirations of the people and all his works, why force people to take responsibility for their acts, their thoughts before such omnipotence?
In While giving the punishment and reward, and he shall judge yourself according to a certain extent. How can this be consistent with good faith and justice even ascribe to Him?
According to the principles of human learning is often created universe guess contrary to his wishes, and even from birth or who shall be entitled to merit, or is banished forever. Thus, human or good, or evil, fortunate or unfortunate, noble or ignoble, right from the first step in the process of its creation physically until the last breath, regardless personal wishes, aspirations, expectations, or is striving pleas to its diameter. That is the theological fatalism. "(Spencer Lewis) [2]
Charles Bradlaugh (1833- 1891) [3] said: "The presence of evil is a terrible obstacle blocks for theologians. Grief, misery, crime, impoverishment still facing advocates eternal goodness and intense challenges that can not be answered before the statement about God as he is a god of perfection, full location and omnipotent. "
According to Schopenhauer: "He who has formed self from the" not "must also think that he returns to the" no "; because there is an infinite amount of time has elapsed before he exists, then an infinite amount of time to start another, through which he will never cease to exist, there is something weird ideas.
"If Birth la okhoi absolute, the General Department of death is absolute, and the assumption that man is created from the "no", of course, led to the hypothesis: "Death is completely finished."
Comments the suffering of humans and God, professor FB Haldane [4] writes: "There are two hypotheses: Either suffering is a necessary condition to improve the personality, or God is not all-powerful. Previous hypothesis was rejected because of the fact there are some people less suffering, but good luck to the family lineage and education, should have very good qualities. The argument objection second hypothesis is only when it comes to the universe as a homogeneous, then a new loophole in knowledge that need to be filled by hypothesis there is a God, and a Creator chemicals that can do what he wants. "
Lord Russell (1872-1970) said: "They say that the world as a Divine Beings of perfection, full creativity. Before the creation He foresaw all the pain, the suffering that he endured world. Therefore, he must be responsible for all these things. Every argument that the suffering in the world is due to sin, then it is useless ... If God knew the sins that people commit then of course he will be responsible for all the consequences of sin when he decided he created them. "
In the poem "Despair" made ​​in his old age, Baron Tennyson [5] was violently attacked God in His word as recorded in Bible Isaiah: "I make peace and create evil" (Isaiah XIV.7):
"I have known the infinite love has served us very thoughtful is that?
Rather cruelty created boundless eternal hell.
Have we created, has anticipated the fate of us, we were banished before and still do all the detail of your desired.
Moreover, cruel mother our dead, she had never heard of us groan?
Sure, "The doctrine advocated all men are sinners forefathers, Adam, is a challenge for justice, compassion, kindness and absolute justice. "
Some ancient writers declared forthrightly that God created man in His image. In contrast, some modern thinkers is that God created man in the image of himself. With the advancement of civilization, human notions about God and becoming more sophisticated.
However, we can not conceive of Being such beings, either in or outside the universe.
Is this difference is due to genetics and circumstances? We must admit that all physical phenomena by chemical scientists discovered is somewhat helpful, but we can not totally responsible for the subtle distinctions and vast differences between individuals. Also, why two twins with the same physiological, cellular elements are transmitting the same, with the same right nurturing, often very different in personality, morality and knowledge?
Only Private heredity alone can not explain such large differences, in fact, it only explains a plausible way of the same. A living germ extremely subtle biochemical approximately 30 million distributed in part inherited from parents, can only explain part of the basic human physiology it. For psychologically more complex and subtle, differences in ethical knowledge, needs to be clarified further. Genetic theory can not satisfactorily explain the birth of a criminal in an ancestry more noble life, the appearance of a saint or a noble family in the famous dishonesty, the appearance of the prodigy, the genius and a great leader beings.
According to Buddhism, this difference is not only due to genetic conditions, congenital and nurturing, but also by our own industry, says Alternatively, as a result of past actions are inherited, and the behavior of our present. We ourselves must take responsibility for our actions on happiness and suffering. We build our own hell. We are the architects of our destiny. In short, we are now (Kamma) of us.
One occasion, a young man named Subha approached the Buddha and asked him why and where in humans due to the high level and to other vile each other.
He said: "Why do I see in humans have short guys there, people live long, healthy man, the sick, beautiful guys, the bad generals, men of authority, the helpless, the poor, the riches, the downstream, noblemen, ignorant, smart people ?. "
Buddha answered briefly: "Each of us are now living, is now owned, heritage, is the cause, as relatives, as its refuge.
Industrial classify all living beings into high and low status. "
Then he explained that the cause of such discrepancies are due to the moral law of cause and effect.
Thus, Buddhist perspective, differences in psychological, intellectual, moral and current situation between us, that the actions and our tendencies, both past and present.
Industry literally means action, but in the sense that ultimately, it is the basis of good and evil mind (kusala, akusala cetana). Now make both good and evil. In fresh sage met, met in evil evil; brass respectively, at the same gas demand. That is the law of karma.
Some Westerners like to talk to now as "the consequences of action."
We reap what we have sown. What we sow, we will reap at a certain time, at a certain place. In other words, we are the result of what we did, and we are the result of what we are doing, and we will absolutely not the result of what we are doing . For example, a criminal today, tomorrow may be a saint.
Buddhism attributed this change to the industry, but not all are confirmed by now. If all by now, a man must always bad, bad for his career. So one does not need to consult a physician for treatment, as if his career is like that, then he will take to heal.
In Buddhism, there are five levels or the impact in the field of physiology and psychology:
1. Class actions and results (Kamma Niyama), examples of good and evil actions create results commensurate evil.
2. Inorganic physical level (Utu Niyama), for example wind and rain weather.
3. Level seed or seeds (bija Niyama) (organic), eg rice produced from rice grains, sweet taste from sugar cane or honey etc ... create scientific theory of cells, and the same seed of birth of the two twins could be reduced to this level.
4. Level of consciousness or mental laws (Citta Niyama), for example, the process of consciousness, mental capacity etc ..
5. Level laws of nature (Dhamma Niyama), such natural phenomena occur at a Bodhisattva appeared in last birth, gravitation etc ..
All phenomena are psychological or physical can solve liked by 5 levels or in the process, that is the law.
Therefore, now only one of five levels usually occur throughout the universe. That is the natural law, not with the original legislation. Usually the natural law as the law does not require the key issued. The impact of this legislation in its field, not by an independent motor in any foreign intervention.
For example, no one should ban fire-fighting law. Nobody ordered the country to find the right balance.
No scientist ordered water is H2O, and cold air is one of the characteristics of the water. That is the nature of our own. Karma is not fate, nor is destined to put us in a mystical power can not be said that we must obey. Because it is their own actions impact at ourselves, and therefore, it can change the way the industry trend to a certain extent. The people turning to some extent depend on themselves.
It goes without saying that the words as reward and punishment are not included in the table at issue now. Because Buddhism does not admit an omnipotent God ruled his subjects to arbitrary payoff. In contrast, Buddhists believe that suffering glad that we feel are naturally derived from the evil acts of its own. It should be noted that now includes the principle of continuous and responsive.
The ability to generate business results, available in the industry. The cause birth outcomes; results explain the cause. Particles produced results; results explain the nuts, because we have a mutual relationship. Likewise, business and results of mutual business relationship "incipient results from the nucleus."
A Buddhist totally believe in karma theory does not need others help but cheer rely on yourself self-purification, because theory teaches personal responsibility.
The karma theory this gives him comfort, hope, confidence and mental strength. Main faith in this industry, "the valuation of one's efforts to stimulate the enthusiasm of her", making him always compassionate, tolerant and interested in others. It was faith in this industry to promote him to refrain from evil, do good and be good not out of fear of a punishment or a reward from temptation.
The theory now have the ability to explain issues of suffering, the mystery of the so-called fate or predestination of other religions, especially the inequality of mankind.

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