Thursday 12 February 2015

Business Tu Hieu
BUSINESS understand from [1]
World-Mind-conformance Kanji translation into Vietnamese language.MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.
          One day Buddha asked the monks: "Monks Hey, birth parents, ten months pregnant, sick relatives as important, to date reproduction, mother worried father fear, in that situation, it is difficult to finish are. After birth, then, will remain dry place, she is wet spot. A very refined level, blood into milk. Clean bath, fully clothed, taught security committee, feast your physician courtesy, military Communist Party chief. The face refreshed, excited parents, if the sad, withered heart parents. Once out the door, still remember the love, entered the house and saw the child labor peace. Mind usually worry, fear not healthy. How you parents, get much in return? "      
          The monk white Buddha said, "O Lord So-Ton, as filial son, should be how to eat at every feast, from Center offerings, reward parents."
          The Buddha told the monk: "Hey monk, adoptive parents, by these things: Orange Route hundred smell, to put his mouth, every natural language music to the ears like people, beautiful clothes fantastic, brilliant person body, shoulders bent, traveled four sea, nurturing gratitude to the end of my life, called him? "
          The monk, white Buddha said, "O Lord so-Ton, called modern tastes, nothing more?"
          The Buddha told the monk: "Hey monk, but such is not the taste, need to practice: parental ignorance, not glass Jewels; hung cruel, absurd abuse theft, sensuous external identity, lying airstrip, drunk wild disorder, contrary perhaps true, such extreme violence, I can wholeheartedly, to enlighten him. If still confused, not knowing awakened, and he brought humanity, civilizing gradually; Viewers labor or prison led the king, led the example of the hexagons of the prisoners, said that his parents: "These prisoners are not under the law, should have been all suffering itself toxic, great grab yourself , lost his destiny itself. Par lost, Than go, detained on charges of domestic Thai resistant paint, fire, poison all sufferings, his screaming, no one to save, because by doing evil, he must felony. " For though not move, cry cry, not great dining. Such action, but not smart person, but really painful, because affection, fear their children die, will strained patience, piety compression. If the change will, serve the Dharma, keeping the five precepts: no killing kindness, no burglar bars concessions, no sex, virginity, the signals do not lie, do not say filial piety. In the concrete subjects: the body, the hospitality, the husband, wife, virgin, cooked them [2] Air section, conveniently converts servant; thoroughly imbued throughout remote, anyone who is not wholeheartedly grateful. Ten schools of Buddhism, God dragon, demon, religion king, faithful servant, the people who do not want their beloved, blessed peace. Although politicians have met crazy, assistant flattery time, the evil, arrogant wife, thousand thousand evil monster, do not be, for parents, peaceful life, the life of all, living in the heavens, and Social Council to place the Buddhas, heard legal, directed all of life, sa really suffering. "
          The Buddha told the monk: "Hey monk, life nothing worthy to be called hospitality. Make parents abandon evil to do good, keep in men and three self-regulation, is that even though obey morning, afternoon lost, thank him immensely important than merit raise, nursed by his parents. If you do not know the teachings brought Jewels, a civilizing ink for my parents, but the taste is still nursing as disloyalty. There bitter wife, should be advised, as far as her bitter sage, without parents, only sexual desire, passion is not boring, born of the left horizontal filial piety, parents harmed, the main national panic, thousands of people in exile. "
          "The media tend to do the favored candidates, holidays, consider their gender, popular heart's ease, always the path of virtue, popular mind calm, even during school information, gods illustrious list, match Sage. If mistakes committed within concubines, female identity passionate, passionate sex, graceful appearance, turn off all connections. Those little place, those who see near, suddenly gradually, press return, drowned out myself, hazardous mother's father, the risk to both countries. Ham the clear identity, hate anger, sloth, pride, heart opaque canopy, dishonesty action ... So far only because of sexual harm the network itself, crushing relatives. So therefore, this monk, avoiding the need to grace the ceiling, dedicated to awakening. Clean your press, religion is the key. "
          "Keep the commandments fulfilled, if the king, hold four sea, full central servant, who brought water treatment; allows the father to be smart, you have to taste the husband signal, s wife. The Pros and Pros-she-rules-she-di, do like, forever to see him, see Legal, enlightened. "

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