Saturday 14 February 2015

The elementary principles of moderation lifestyle is essential for those who are on the path to Nirvana. attain nirvana How? By Eightfold Path. Eightfold Path consists of: Right (Samma Ditthi), Right Thought (Samma sankappa), Right Speech (Samma Vaca), Right Action (Samma Kammanta), Right Livelihood (Samma Ajiva), Right Effort (Samma Vayama), Mindfulness (Samma Sati), and Right Concentration (Samma Samadhi). This is the only path of the World (sila), concentration (samadhi) and wisdom (Panonoa). Buddha Middle His compendium on short poem , florid as follows:                 "Avoid all evil                 Well done everyone happy healthy                 Keep in mind clean,                 striking the word Buddha. "                 (Sabba Papassa akaranam                 Kusalassa upasampada                 Sacitta pariyodapanam                 Etam Buddhana sasanam) About (sila) is the first stage on the path to Nirvana. They are not killing or harming any living creature, that must have compassion and love all animals, to the small creature crawling under my feet. Do not steal but upright, honest in all his actions. Do not commit adultery, because it hurt the noble nature of man, to live pure. Be honest, avoiding the lies. Avoid using drugs, because it makes people insane, to live in moderation and ardent efforts. The elementary principles of moderation lifestyle is essential for anyone on the path to nirvana . Insolvency means the world to bring obstacles on the road, causing the deadlock caused its moral progress. Precept means advancing steadily and smoothly on the road. He who practice tame words and his actions so, and efforts upholding the new apartment can go step further. While practitioners sequential forward and firmly with words and actions are controlled, the senses are tamed, the karma of this diligent practitioner can obligatory medical abandon worldly pleasures and follow ascetic life. Then the following thought came to him: "Family life is the struggle Full strenuous and demanding, but generous and noble as the vast sky, is the life of renunciation. " No should think everyone should live according to the lifestyle of a celibate monks or to fulfill his purpose. The advancement of spiritual practitioner quickly is by living a life according to the monks. However, the laypeople can also become the Arhat, if after reaching the third phase of the Holy result, one live a life of celibacy. Keep feet firmly on the ground precepts, then one will advance to a higher stage practice of meditation (Samadhi), control and cultivate the mind, the second stage on this Path. Meditation is the First Center. It is concentrating on an object, and dismisses everything not related to the object. There are different themes for meditation, depending on the circumstances of each person. Attention on the breath is the most easiest to reach the center. Meditate on compassion is beneficial, because it leads to peace of mind. Practicing four unconscionable, from (metta), compassion (karuna), joy (Mudita) and discharge (upekkhà) is recommended consolation. After careful consideration theme for meditation, the practitioner must choose a theme that best fits your personality. When this arrangement is satisfactory, he should endeavor diligently focused mind until completely devoted to the topic, and dismissed all other thoughts out of my mind. Five obstacles to progress are: Greed, anger, drowsiness, fatigue, oscillation and doubt, then temporarily tamed. Finally, one reaches the stage of samadhi, with no description elation, he sank into meditation, enjoying the peace and serenity of the most state of mind. When the person reaches the most complete state This center can be developed 5 supernatural ability (Kabbalah: Abhinonoa): Thien label (Dibbacakkhu), Thien atrial communication (Dibbasota), Additional network (Pubbenivasanussati Nana), Tha clearinghouse (Paracitta Vijarana) and Spirit sufficient information (Iddhividha). Whatever the mind of the practitioner was now calm, outbreaks tend to remain hidden desires inside, because thanks to the forces that desire temporarily subsided, but we can rise up at unexpected times. The discipline and meditation are less likely to wipe out the obstacles out of the way religion, but only insight (Vipassana Panonoa) will help people see the truth of things and, therefore, reach the end by eliminating completely the desire was dominated by meditation. It is the 3rd period and the period end on the road to nirvana. With calm mind, then like a mirror was cleaned, one can observe the world to look right on life. Wherever practitioners look to the eyes he saw only three properties Impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and non-self (anatta), stands out clearly. Meditators understand that life always changes and all conditioned things are impermanent birth. Even in heaven or on earth, he did not find any true happiness, since all forms of pleasure are open for suffering. So, what is impermanent, suffering, and where there is a change, grief dominant, then there can not be a permanent immortal soul. On three properties, one choose a feature like best for you, then best to continue to develop insight that particular direction until the glorious day appear, then he attained nirvana for the first time in my life for three-ring chain eradicated are: Illusion of self or body is (Sakkaya ditthi), doubts (Vicikiccha), cling to the false rites (Silabbata Paramasa). At this stage the meditator is called Career Enter note (Sotàpanna): who had entered the water leads to nirvana. Because not all fetters put away, so you also recycled up to seven times more most. As a result of seeing this nirvana, the holy pilgrim has put all efforts to advance quickly, just improve cultivate a deeper insight, become a First degree hybrid (Sakadagami), by weakening the two fetters of craving (Kamaraga) and anger (Patigha). This position is called the First Hybrid (Sakadagami), because there reborn on earth again, if not achieved results Arhat. The 3rd stage of the holy Real hybrid results (Anagami), the position This new completely eliminate the aforementioned two fetters. Then, this position is no longer reborn in this world again and also not born in the heavens, because he no longer desires of sense pleasure again. Later, he was born on the scene specific gender bias (Sudhavasa), one of the realms of Brahma (Brahma), until achieving results Arhat. Then yogi holy encouraged by achievements ever before in their own efforts, should finish the last step, eliminate the remaining fetters love Lust (Ruparaga): like being in the realm of Lust, love Immaterial (Aruparaga) : love exists in the realm of Immaterial, Maggie (Mana): arrogant, agitation (Uddhacca): oscillation, and ignorance (Avijjia): confusion, become a perfect saint, A-la-drought levels , revered god. Now he understands that what needs to be accomplished, the burden of suffering has been put down, all forms of bondage have been overcome. Then the Venerable stood atop the higher heavens, completely free from greed and unbridled defilements of the world, peace attained nirvana hard speechless, and as many A-La- Drought elders once exclaimed joyfully verse:

"Mind is the correct legal practice, zeal and wisdom,


Supreme Virtue based on good ethical standards,


This makes for a pure human being,


Rather than status or property. "

As TH Huxley said: "Buddhism is a system not known God in the sense that the West, deny the soul of man, to believe in the immortality that was a mistake, denied the validity of the prayer and worship, the system that makes people not to expect nothing but his efforts to rescue. Buddhism in the original pure nature of it does not know vow obedience and never seek the help of the secular power: that it was spread over half the world, non-rapid UCON is often no religion and have far-reaching effects of a large part of humanity. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/2/2015.

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