Sunday 1 February 2015


Do not take no for attachment

The layman after taking refuge in the Three Jewels and sex life over the years, do not commit any gender. About protect chastity makes the most religious lay up easily and can go on the road of suffering. Throughout the years our practice building yourself a solid practice that moment suddenly craving for attention that we lose everything.

Body and mind have unity with each other. What happens to the body also happens to the mind and vice versa. The purity of the body as well as the purity of the soul. The violence of the body is also of interest violence. When someone is angry with his mad mind and have done for myself did not want to close their employees or their close angry with me, I did not like. And if anyone is interested injured loved ones, so they make themselves wish to be spoiled, to be close. But what has this world is to be what you want. Many loved ones while away from hundreds of thousands of kilometers while I hate people who make her angry, it always have to touch your face every day.

His childhood carefree soul very innocent but why now grown up a bit, the soul becomes agitated. His body is at the heart of Saigon, but I stayed at Da Nang and Nha Trang. I'm remembrance other people do not know this time I do not remember it, do not know who this is now not healthy. How much does the remembrance, as many as delusions do not mind staying with relatives and put in place certain. By his mother clean the house more than 20 minutes and still have not finished wiping, his mind was wandering, I was not really present in the moment.

Each day that passes is a shortened life. We must cherish every moment in the present, do not let your heart not use false charity, think of the unnecessary and sometimes it makes their actions lead to sin again. In the old days I used to love someone passionately. More than a year to pursue love almost failed him eventually be accepted. But in love nothing is forever, it comes and goes like the wind of autumn. Happy time is not long before he gets married. Now I realize the potential love so much suffering, and happiness is very fragile.

I said the other injured people, but in fact we love myself more. Tell her you love the other person, the other person wants at his side, where do people go to report to you all. People have lost the freedom to me. We must always look at the nature of love to clear and not excluded by sensations. Sometimes we think we love a person, but this love may be just to satisfy their selfish necessities only. First love is like binding drugs. It makes us the most comfortable time, do we lose mindfulness. Can we not look deep enough to see the necessities of the other, including the need to be free, safe, protected and respected above all.

"I am determined to practice chastity protect themselves and other children by not cohabiting, not relations before marriage, no illicit relations with those who are not their husband or wife"

In love always accompanied by sexual lust when it increased thirst despite all we do to possess for being the other. The relations before marriage brings suffering and sin loi.Thu is both brought adultery is guilty of theft dam.Thu two cap.Than be a spiritual temple, in addition we are also his parents Her ancestors are present in us. Despite how much you love each other, but without the permission of the parents, not reported grandparents, ancestors should not slept together. Stealing here is not your parents' permission that was granted and left.

Young people are now open for the cohabitation without thinking of the consequences. Simply try to live together if the wedding is not the way everyone goes. They did not know behind the relationship that may bring them diseases that they did not anticipate and aggravated pregnancy is unintended. Those who courageously kept the children were very young age, not to worry about where I now have to hug me then, can affect learning, work and embarrass our family again. If they go to an abortion that they create for their crimes. The sin of abortion is being led to hell immediately. Was born as the great blessings that I have. Her know where I was going through countless new human life. This treasured family networks that do not create karma. All beings from grass to tree species lowly average short-term central yearn to live much more a creature about to be born. Many infertility is difficult to have a child or permanently unable to have children, then the children for them is a joy, but they have denied the child.

Put loyalty to the forefront and not commit adultery. Adultery is already bad deeds. We have to understand is why in his present life with the wife or husband of adultery and its very painful because of his past life had an affair and do such acts. Folk have a saying:  "He ate fried food she brought" many wives say their husbands infidelity, I can not but sin. If angry husband for adultery transgression, and his transgression and they both suffer. I do not keep sex or lust than that quibble for the behavior of their transgressions.

Daughters enjoyed the bishop's son mother enjoyed virtue. You should not eat salt to the water to drink, do not make your child start collecting the industry. Sometimes they cause now its not a subject but also its impact on children again. So to keep the family warm Yem is determined to keep the faithful happy and condition that crap. That poor faithful, happy than rich without loyalty, happiness.

"Whether male or female homosexuals, I appreciate the virtuous, happy family and protect every cell in the body of the ancestors. I know practice for body and mind healthy children, their families and healthy society, so the thing for me was always clean, the choice to live in a clean environment and exposure to the media clean. "

In his precepts should add homosexuals because now there are gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. When I was at school or in the military I also often solicited gay people but I've overcome that solicited by the energy of the convent of the monastery tap.Neu that the monks had expressions of love Trade excessive closeness, the monk or abbot must immediately stop immediately, do not let that happen monasteries such status. We need to be mindful to have a sense of responsibility. I am not unchaste responsible for their own safety to many people. If irresponsible, I will probably break all the Practice About this, I have to keep the Sangha was beautiful forever and build confidence growing.

In order for your body and mind stay healthy without being polluted, I do not go to places where no healthy, stay away from the wedding you always enticement of all his transgressions. Craving his heart is being pulled by a section of pornography on a computer network. The practitioner uses a computer to listen to the Dharma prayers. When sexual energy arises, I exercise or walking, jogging in the park. As for who should meditate and practice walking meditation to reduce the energy consumption of their sexuality. Eating a balanced yin and yang and avoid contact with the opposite sex without a third person sees. Mind sexual misconduct surfaced, the recognition.

" I am determined to protect and nourish the body and mind by not using alcohol, intoxicants and narcotics and the harmful products. "

To protect and nourish your body and mind should not drink alcohol and intoxicants. If such a long time to meet friends or relatives, you can drink 1 or 2 glasses of beer delivered to discharge greet relatives, the ones that may be acceptable, but it is best not to drink even a glass or a sip. Their drinking a bluff, sad and drink, fun and drinking, drinking drunk to stand up there. But once drunk, I do not even mastered their own actions led to beat his wife and children, or cause accidents in traffic. Especially in alcohol stimulates sexual desire. If you do not know how to control it easily lead to actions committed adultery and third world is not protected virtuous. When the old drunk sober enough not to work anymore and vulnerable.

Along with the harmful effects of alcohol is also one more thing once tried and did not end up being that way as drugs. When to addiction without money to buy drugs to use, then I say lie stuffy relatives or robbers stabbed the murder for money. This person accidentally commit more first world is killing human life, transgression stealing second, fourth world is a lie. In layman world have an intimate relationship with each other. If no one in the world to keep it very easy to commit the rest of the world.

Nourish the body and mind are not well be toxic products encroachment.

The first is food for the eyes. Eyes watered by the material of love, of compassion. Do not see the provocative images, violence, adultery. Now there are online shooting games violent stabbing attracted many children and even adults. Soul children in need of care than ever before, because you never know what evil is called evil. If the games stabbing each other in the game a long time they can become cold blood. Who knows, beyond just their lives collide uncontrolled friction, due to the game they are going to fight without thinking the consequences.

The second is the food for the ears, many people like the sound corny, melodic, sad, noisy ... Many people like to go to bars to be listening to the deafening sounds of DJs. If the day does not go, they feel extremely uncomfortable. I've been heartbroken, sad for months, ever hear songs like "Night Cry", and then every night crying. Every time they hear such sadness increased. Practicing mindfulness ears, practice listening to the sounds of life around, like birds, crow morning. His still life still have ears to hear. There are also toxic products related to nose, tongue, body and mind.

"To preserve valuable intellectual seeds, preventing the causes birth to sin and do not lose control and fall into sickness of body and mind, the only use of healthy food and drink offer pure bliss for the body and mind. "

When hungry stomach just want to eat a bowl of rice but always delicious looking dishes will no longer be given a cup or two more. Go eat buffet, get to full fill their plates, but finally did not eat well. Accidentally left their food waste, laborious work of so many people work. To get a plate of fries, the farmer must sow the seeds into the ground, watering, fertilizing (the work of farmers) due to sunlight (natural gift of life). Wait five months of the new large tree root, used to transport to the supermarket market, then they bought the spices processed potatoes. When we eat a deep look like to clear all the gifts of heaven and earth, of all species, the contributions of so many people that I should be grateful. Do not eat much, but just enough to eat well, do not eat all that remove excess is very wasteful. In the past a lot when I buy food or skip too, going to the store with the vegetables or tofu ky, shiitake me not to eat, or I get a lot of food to eat well too. I still qualify to buy food, while the poor meal meal no hunger. Thought so I try to eat out or the next time we say we do not give up on those who do not eat foods you do not have to turn away, and get enough food to eat.

While I have to chew food thoroughly so good for the stomach and the stomach for support work again. When you put all your food to feed the mind and recognize the presence of people around, not random thoughts, do not want to eat it done to be one or the other. The more you avoid the bad mental as greed, anger, sadness. If you are angry with someone and anger in our hearts, then we are eating meals anger. When the mental anger, sadness was begun, then the people we secrete toxins that make food tasty delicious no more. Our consciousness is very important when eating. It can be transformed into toxic or hazardous food fresh and partly because our consciousness while eating. In the old days, he Kassapa had bad food alms stale, musty of the wretched poverty, he used it in a happy, healthy and delicious deep gratitude for your dedication to the experimental all that. Today, the food that we use will be abdominal pain, intestinal damage immediately. But the peace of mind you, the food was becoming feeder. From practice, Bi, Hei, Discharge while eating helps us arise to improve the mind, it is essential source of food. To preserve the intellectual seeds you notice preventing the causes arising out sin no loss of autonomy or illness, the use of healthy food should not eat bad food.

Vegetarians should eat so is simple. Because many dishes imitation, which is imitation salt then processed additives can be toxic to cancer star. Eating healthy foods to be able to bring peace and calm to your body and mind.

Every day we nourish the body and mind in many things such as music, books, movies, partying singing ... Why do not you lead her to eat, watch music, watching movies, or give up my books love, novels, detective that is of meditation, of the teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Gate Divine, Sri Buddha ... The weekend did not lead her to the movies that teaching yourself heard. I have to think that teachers how to nourish your body, mind, sowing the seeds of their love. So I shall always cherish the time her teacher and always read the book to the teacher's gift to further develop understanding. But not hear and read is finished. It is my wish that teachers must understand and practice.

"I know this world practice helps families in peace and happiness, physical conditions of intellectual development Jiang, family harmonious society, so now giời and about how I never drink a beer, smoking and cigarettes, do not use drugs, do not eat the toxic products, and not consume products containing toxic violence, terrorism, bigotry, fear, lust and hatred. "

Drink beer for a long time will be many diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, depression, gout ... Many people love to drink well being dismissed always, affect household income. Tobacco use is made ​​of lung cancer. Want to healthy body and bring joy to the family, they must consume a healthy and smart. Stay away from things that make me destroy myself wear. I always remind myself that way. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/2/2015.

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