Sunday 1 February 2015

Keep the rowers.

Practice to be freed in the present moment requires the practitioner to have the patience to practice day and night, do not let yourself every moment of mindfulness is lost. What starts in the mind, whether or not wholesome goodness, pleasant or unpleasant, I also have to recognize. A year ago when meditation is not myself very whirring, attention or distraction, and especially when ignorance, anger emerged, I could not extinguish it. Who commended the like, and those who belittle it feels uncomfortable, sometimes longer afford to pay hanging dueling.
After a year of practicing meditation I found myself changed. Mind whirring and fewer distractions. Now I praise one of "merit à, à criticism" to not get stuck on words that praise. Also when ignorance, anger emerged, I thought the confusion, anger there. Not fun idea conception to know that it is wrong treatment center yourself, is urgent, prompting the body to do it like this or like that. There are even people who do not restrain his anger, but a hand killing someone because look unfavorably.
I can enthuse a swimming, psychology, research on traditional medicine, the affinity which is encouraging. Swimming helps her have a tough health, reduce the risk of illness. Psychologists help yourself to listen and understand the minds of others that I can help them, medical research to find a cure for the disease. But if interest in the virtual game world, the study of toxic products are very dangerous.
For discerning mind must always be mindful, that is, in the mind or concept identification ownership interest. If you've ever loved someone, then realized that his love is always perfect, the solid prop yourself, even for a few relatives advised her not to listen. I've put all their faith in the love and sweet words have been the glamorous side. Where now know that times are less Thach Sanh Thong that reason, many countless even Ly Thach Sanh Thong longer disguise to rescue the princess again. By recognizing the truth to be cheated, I've faded beauty, aging has died.
A proper practice, the mind must be as bright as a mirror is clean from day to day, the more time it will be more polished. But no religious observance, not ignorance, it is wise to recognize what is wrong district where. Many people thought that the temple to many Buddhists and monks he heard rumors that there are simply not living donations received ... But on arrival witnessed and observed around it knows the truth of the truth. So are the " not heard a hundred shows. "  Know the truth and only just more sadness. And pity for the Buddhists were wrong to believe the rumors and false minister did not know that he was going the wrong road. By recognizing feet minister of truth and if they do not understand the suspicion fell Jewels is truly sorry for those who practice true.
I usually run in crowd psychology, where the few Buddhist temples, or even to not only a teacher and a teacher of this role is to ensure that the practice or take advantage of what this author so few people follow. But I do not know that it was a religious man but a religious man Buddhists do not need to be frozen, donated for many and also do not need to explain what it's suppose to do. Time will tell and all, but do not know that I have lived to verify whether alone. Because of my practice has less than enough so wise to distinguish fake his worldly and still stuck on the praise, in general too much. Teacher scolded her a bit, but was sad and angry labels want to alienate him then. As traders want to play the game the right path, so they scolded, do not understand the skepticism that his teacher again.
Now yellow brass confused, naked eye can be seen, know where the other generals have been honing how to edit. So practice is not easy at all. I've found practicing Buddhist center, hoping to be freed immediately in the present moment. If you choose to be a true teacher guide with the right approach, it is a great blessing, nothing can match. And vice versa, I chose the wrong path is partly due to the confusion, partly because his career has made payable now. No one can save himself by his own so shall you sow. Relatives or fellow astray, I recommend them but not sure they will listen to you. Everyone thinks he is going TCON Middle Road. I just could silence and pray to the Buddhas of the ten directions to lead households to relatives and fellow practitioners to take refuge in the Three Jewels, practicing the Dhamma and liberation in the present moment.
I can repent behalf relatives, fellow and every time his meditation Please spread kindness to relatives and fellow then at some point it is no longer good karma, now full of goodness, instantly relatives and fellow going to take refuge in the Three Jewels and practice until the day of liberation.
Doubt is an obstacle in the interior. If you do not know how to value it would doubt the practice and will not achieve the desired results. A month ago, there are today, my cynical heart ongoing relentless. Which is doubt about the path, do not know the right Dharma and no doubt about his teacher. The doubts arise without any notion that it is wrong to use it a lot as it can be the path will be stopped immediately. Even the fellow for suspicion arises that there is no recognition, the concept skeptical and did not attend anymore. At that time my mood very confused, did not know whether to stop or go.
If they have to go to the new faith belief that somewhere out now? Now that I look back at myself in the past year was the teacher taught, he has been much progress and the body and mind feel soothing peace. The sorrows of the world are no longer attached themselves and in their love and became huge though he was injured or not injured himself. Where there are teachers that taught her so enthusiastic, always recommend his practice, precepts, do good, avoid evil away. Buddha said: "When you hear something and you have to observe, reflect and experience; only when, after testing, you really notice this teaching kindness, good, ethical, user-friendly, the place was shining and praise; if you live and make this teaching will lead to happiness, peace and happiness in the present and in the long, long time or place that you trust and estate practice. "
One of the reasons for skepticism is due to the evil slows your career, make changes to their thinking no longer practicing. So I have doubts arise skeptical notion à, à skeptical. Concept to identify skeptical mind is starting up until the skeptic is no more.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/2/2015.

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