Thursday 12 February 2015

Buddhist scriptures DI-EDUCATION

Sino-translation: French Three-Tibetan Master Kumārajīva life-Qin Yao.

Vietnam-translation: MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.



          Staff Buddha-Ca-Ni, begin to legal-moral, for years the monk's Sun-author Kieu Tran-As-etc .. Finally, he preached to his the Tu-canvas-poly- la. These people should be level, he completed degrees. His stay in between two trees about to enter Sa-la and nirvana. Then, at about midnight, quiet no noise-mail him for practitioners,   teachers go over-the-weak legal.

2. Morality

          The monk, after I enter-kill, the weight should respect and honor-glass-Ba-La-de-Jupiter-Rub, as having dark morning, as the poor have treasure. The world should know that the level of the Great Master and taste, not unlike what I was in that life.

          The precepts bar-net, not doing things like: trade, barter, build farm houses, foster the people, servants, animals. All of the crop, the treasures of wealth, should stay away, as to avoid fire pit. Do not play tight trees, digging gravel soil, air-conditioning, medicine, see the general good, bad crystal-stellar observation, reflection-guess enough, lack, history-of-payment plan, are not recommended.

          Keep close-degree weather, eating on time, living alone in a bar where-net. Do not take the life-plans, porcelain-face inter-communication, attention-art elixir, befriended people into, dark close-momentum-missed those boring, arrogant-friendly, are not recommended.

          The center should keep themselves upright, failure-foot-key concept, to demand the release.

          You do not hide stains, a show unusual, to love-them-or pants.

          For the four-worship seems, knows the amount of contentment. Hardness-apparently, not stored.

          It was said by the Minister of morality.

          About the units-of-foot main prize-upon way to escape, so-called "three-la-rubbed wood and threads." Human health in this world is born of meditation and mind-Property-end suffering.

          Thus, the monk should keep the bar-net world, do not let the lack or cancel. If the world who hold the bar-net, there will be good-law. If you do not hold the bar-net world, the good-faith were not born to be. Therefore, the office should know the origin of-merit-an-okay so first.


          The monk, and have an in-office world-law, should be prepared in alkaline-based, do not let it loose in education. For example, the shepherds, eyeing it stick, do not let it spoiled rice commit aggression-plated one. If loose five senses, not just spread it in education, but it went out almost boundless and without institutional-dress is! Like horse, can not be used as the alkali-institutional seconds and it will draw people fall into a pit. As robbed harm, suffering only one life, but ear-painting of the enemy base in drag to many generations, making heavy losses, can not help but take-out!

          So, wise-author alkaline-based mechanism in which such based on, keeping it as the enemy, do not let it let loose. Suppose, for it to let loose, soon, will see the instant kill for it. For years based consciousness mastered them. Therefore, should well-prepared for the mind! Mind scary, scared than viper, wicked-fun, resentment-hackers. And as soon as the fire burning is not enough work for them-for example! For example, a person holding a bowl of honey, steamed-di-action pull over, just look stunning, no pit. For example, wild elephants have no hooks, monkey, ape, earned the woods, climbing, climbing, dancing, hard stop-forbidden-processing for them! Should urgently break her heart-concept, do not let them let loose. Let loose his mind, losing the good of the people. Overpower it in one place, not what was not done. So the monk, so diligent philosopher-crystal-progress for the center position!


          The monk, the recipients of food and drink, so almost pills. For better or worse the map, the students mind you do not increase or decrease. Essence help themselves out of hunger, thirst is! As bees picking flowers, the flowers you just suck without compromising color and flavor-harm! The monk, too, receive the offerings of the people-apparently, reinforced disturb-brain, but not for much, do-good ice-damaged human mind. For example, the pseudo-wise, the amount of energy buffalo, can work more or less, do not let it do the part, exhausted!


          The monk, the day should be diligent practitioner-friendly set-law, not a waste of time. In early night last night, do not waste public-wife. Midnight chanting, in order to observe the biophysical-kill (target-News). Not by human-conditioned sleeping, making a bed through life not realize anything! Should concept of impermanence fire, burning all the earth, so, so early for self-degrees, do not sleep. The annoying enemy-brain, often lurk murder. It's worse than resentment-home, so can sleep without provincial commandments? Snakes disturb the mind-brain is in. For example, black snake, sleep in your house, you should take the hook "morality", minus dismissed early. The snake was sleeping out in my house, can be dormant. If it does not go out every lie, it was the unblushing. Shame shame suit, for jewelry-serious, it is the most. Shame as iron hooks, or institutional-for those who do non-legal. Thus, the monk, often to know shame-shame, not be changed in the interim. If shuns blustery-tiger-time loss of faith. Persons interested to know the shame-shame-faith approach. The heart knows no shame-shame the same as the other non-avian species-interesting.

6. commandment buckling-time

          The monk, if people are spending ever-more mutilated body-where possible, self-photography-heart do not let it arise pitch-hatred. And, should keep his mouth, do not say bad words spoken. If you let go of resentment center yourself the time-constraints for the strikers, loss of interest in work-ethics-ons. Germany ring-humiliation, morality, asceticism can not equaled. The ring-humiliation as well, newly called Higher-committing resources. If one can not be happy to receive the words of the evil deadly-plated, such as medication orange-highway, while not called the wisdom to lead. The reason why that is? The dangers of resentment as it undermines good-law, damage-damage the good reputation of this life, afterlife, people do not want to see in a fun way. Be aware, mind-angry resentment, it is stronger than evil fire, so always be preserved, not for its intrusion-enter it. Robbers of-merit, nothing worse than resentment, The White-y-touch enjoyment of sex, is not the issue-directed, they do not have the means to self-control mode, they start to resentment-anger, there can be forgiveness; the monastic practice, no ham-like, but also embraces center-angry resentment, is not so! For example, in cold clouds, lightning sparks start, should not this time!

7. Commandments the type-MẠN

          The monk, to rub my head, found himself, his left things very well-equipped, excellent wear-destructive, carry-gas storage applications, taking the beggar to live like that, but if while starting the arrogant heart-friendly, time to kill it off early. Growth hoity-friendly features, and neither is the white-y-continue to do so, let's join the export-directed, was because the resolution-out, humbled himself down, which makes real beggar-U ?

8. commandment SIEM-KHÚC

          The monk, flattering attention-singing, twisted, is contrary to religion, so, need to keep healthy breakfast directly. Be aware, flatter-singing, twisted, a lie. He has directed that, while perhaps not that. Therefore, the mind must be kept straight-straight, take "quality-live" as the original.


          The monk, and you should know: who desires much more beneficial for players, so many hard-brain. The desire for less, do not need no want, no ear-fire period it. Frankly, nothing, so there is little desire tu-set, the situation is even less desire born of-merit? The desire at the time did not have the heart of Siem-track to bridge a pleasant one, and also not be the basis pull-pull. He did well "sexual minorities" (little ham-like) time-course of mental, not fear nothing, nothing touches are redundant, and often does not fully-sufficient. People with faith-calculated at the same time desire Nirvana. So-called "sexual minorities".


          The monk, if you want to get rid of the pain-brain, so shop "tri-sufficiency" (enough said). Know the law tri-sufficiency, which is where wealthy, happy and safe-stable. The tri-sufficiency, but on the ground still to be fun. The tri-not-sufficient, but in natural-sugar nor pleasant. The tri-sufficiency not, however rich, poor, poor tri-sufficiency but rich. The tri-sufficiency not often embroiled in sex, being the tri-sufficiency trade-pity. So-called "tri-sufficiency".

11. argues

          The monk, wish for peace-touch, unconditioned President-static, so leave the noisy-noisy place, where comfort alone. The security-static in place, God-Like King gods are the same as the glass-key. So, to give them their furniture-and-them another map, where emptiness, an-idle alone, thinking about the anti-minus original size. If many people preferred site, the under-brain troubles. For such a large tree, every bird-set convergence on it, it would have broken ear-dry fire. The binding of the earth, immersed in every format. For as old elephant sunk into the mud, can not be drawn. So-called "renunciation" (away from).


          The monk, if diligent crystal-forward things are not remembered. So, should the crystal-diligence process. For as droplets flowing forever, can breach the stone. If the center of the onion-author, often lazy-lazy abandoned, as the fire punching trees, trees not only draw was hot, so, but wanted to be a fire, but the fire was difficult to flare up. So-called "fine-progress".

13. NO wandering

          The monk, who ranks tri-mode-friendly, good-household-level needs support, not for being interested in "any death anniversary" (do not forget the key-concept). If people have heart "any death anniversary", while the enemy can not disturb-invasive brain-enter it. Therefore, you should usually the photographer-concept in mind. If you lose the concept of time-loss of merit. If the power-of-concept capacity-building firm, but in the sleep group sex, nor harmed. For as armor to battle the fear not. So-called "no concept of death."

14. Zen-ON

          The monk, if interest is photography, an interest at the time. Security at the center should be legal body said student-kill-General of the earth. Therefore they are often so fine-tu-set of the process. If the mind-disorder disapproval. For as the custodians of the country, clever correction dike road. Action-author, too, for the location-wise, to meditate well-specified, makes no leakage. So-called "meditation-on".


          The monk, if they do not take place-IP-wrecked. Often consider themselves not to place false-optimistic. Thus, in the religious-legal-I will be out. If so, did not direct-workers, as well as platinum-y and khongphai, what name is not called that! People with mental mind-as-true, as the boat is durable marine-make overcome aging, sickness, and death, as well as spot lights are shining dark-dark ignorance, as wage-pharmacological treatment of any disease, is Hammer ethnic tree-brain troubles. Therefore they should take office, private, religious-wise, increase the benefits for themselves. If anyone has an illuminated by location-wise, but the flesh-label, but is "intelligent-is" (clear) so. So-called "mind-knowledge".


          The monk, everything Coliseum-expression, it makes mind disorder. Lingering on the Coliseum-expression, but is ordained, but not escape. Thus, the monk, the Coliseum-fold leave a comment psychosis. If you want to be a happily passed away, only to kill reform clever ear-happy-expression. So-called "no-argument Coliseum".

17. The struggle while

          The monk, on the merits, it's usually the most attention, leaving all the reporters-riches, such as drop-hacking resentment. The Dai-bi-Ton say what interests-interests, are already full, the hard-power should carry-out. Once in the mountains, while in the empty dress, while in under a tree, or an-idle when in place, in a deserted house, need to take these teachings were field-receptor-law, not to forget. Should usually exertion, diligent practice the dharma that. Do nothing, die empty, then this will lead to regret. We as physicians or, knowing the disease for drugs, drink or not to drink, not a bug where the physician. Back directions as well, only one path for charity, listen without passing, not a fault in the same directions.

18. Resolution

          The position, if the legal Four-Empire as suffering so. where there is doubt, you should ask the buck, not to be skeptical, but not for the settlement. Then the World-Religion-spoken three times like that, you do not have to ask again. The reason why that is? Since we no longer expect more-comfortable. Now Ton-A-brown-term pseudo-momentum-shop-they look great heart, white Buddha said, "O Lord So-Sun, the Moon can heat, the sun can cold-Truths Buddhas said Empire There can be no difference was. Buddha said is real suffering-suffering God can not be pleased; Tap-Empire really is "human", no other person; Suffering, if eradication, ie kill people. Staff should kill kill fruit; religion "Cessation of Suffering", really is true-religion, no religion any more. Lord Bach-Ton the monk, to approach the "Four-Empire", decided not distrust anything.


          In this we, have not done the job tu-proof, anti-see the Buddha, should be bi-feel. As the new entry-law, listen to Buddha said, and he obtained the degree. For example, the night saw lightning, and he was found religion. If you have done any work-practice controls, crossed the sea soon suffer a thought of that: "World-Ton passing, temporary, why so fast! Ton-A-brown-term pseudo-momentum word was spoken on then, we have shown that during the four-Saint-Empire. German World-Religion-they want for this great patience-trying, he took great interest-bearing because they say: "The monk, do not bring compassion-brain, if I dwell a lifetime, opportunity-case and also melt-away. Assembly-where insoluble leave, absolutely can not get. The self-advantages-tha, the measures are full-sufficient. If I dwell too long to no avail. If the heavens above or the human realm, so high, have degrees, who are not high, are also a prime cause of human-coast. "

20. FRANCE-dear-IN

          "From now on, my disciples-mail, real-development-transfer-law out of her teachers, the body such as law-office-Lai often-insoluble-kill. So, should know: "Life is impermanent, where all have melted. Do not take a brain-heart benefits. World-generals. Be diligent crystal-forward, early-exit the bridge. Using location-intellectual light, killing the si-possessed. The real-time risk-flooded, unstable-sure. I now kill-level, except for being evil-like illness. This body is the body panels should be discharged. This body is sin-evil things, the names are relative only. Who is location-wise, minus-kill it off, as resentment-pirates kill, but not party-happy?


          The monk, it's usually best center-forwards so hard for. All the action or legal estate in the earth, are general-state failure-destructive insecurity. The stop you, do not ask again! Time-space going through, I want to kill-level. This is a teacher-exchange-post my dinner! ".END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/2/2015.

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