Sunday 1 February 2015

What Is Freed.
1. A Fixed idea is to subtract craving, except accept the body is falling or falling facility, habit of cling to the body. Cling to the body is the cause of mortal suffering and samsara. Should not cling to the body, not the body, enjoying the pampering tiu but do not destroy it. Why? Because the body was difficult and the body is the best medium to practice the rescue. The self-destructive stem to be freed as well as people who want to go up the mountain that manually chop their legs because of the outrageous step mess.
2. who is not rescue Centers and problems, not before, do not accept the pure body esteem, nor accept the stem cells directly under value for destruction. Who has the wisdom to know the positive options come up on the vehicles themselves are temporarily have to most cultivation effort to rid any binding of the Earth, of the education, of the good and of the myriad colors, until completely escape from samsara.
3. What is rescue? Six radical purity, not wrecked six infections was freed. The eyes do not immerse deeply shaped infection, ear infection, nasal sound immerse doesn't soak up the scent, no tongue infection wrecked body odor, infection do not immerse the infected contact gentle softness, Italy does not soak up pollution praise praise. That's freedom. Blindfolded, ear protection is not freed. The blind, the deaf are not the people who were freed.
4. want to be freed should practice meditation with Satipatthana bars mindfulness, the enlightened, effort contemplation of breath associated with the far glass, glass saw, the removal, to abandon, mindfulness, the vigilance, effort consistent on the fuselage, the Café on the longevity, the Café Central on the mind, the French Consulate in France for the purpose of paragraphs make referencethe ends of the pitch, the ends of si. Make sure it is free and does not commit the errors it anymore.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/2/2015.

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