Saturday 14 February 2015

Flower Adornment Sutra says: " All beings are inherently Buddha ", the Buddha is still present. There's over now, you have delusions, discrimination, attachment should turn into something like this. If you let go of that idea, discrimination, attachment, you are the Buddha Sakyamuni, Amitabha Tathagata Buddha, Buddhist monks Na Price Lo ... not different; ie intellectual, moral energy, talent, absolutely perfect equality minister. The fellow was heard and also very suspicious. Naturally, because if not superior, he was able to answer. He could not answer because he did not trust himself is Buddha. We have been outlined in a chart called " enlightened urban maze sacrilegious intent ". Chart has also released several times. Many practitioners after watching the show came to ask me: " After all delusions, discrimination, attachment mean? ". We can not bring the topic " delusion, discrimination, attachment "research during several hours. Certainly not enough, even 20 days, 20 years or 200 years is not enough. As the three types of delusions, discrimination, this attachment boundless. While teaching, using methods that respect means, bring boundless thoughts, discrimination, attachment inductive again, classification, contract proposals classic slip in order to teach, help us understand roughly . Want to know the truth must practice. His own body refuses to witness this incident is no way to permanently explain, especially our thoughts were accustomed start centromere concept is called delusion.

The opposite is true hope. Hope is not true. So in the Dharma says " No comparable hope u really wrote , "is not equivalent to the truth, which is expected. " It is , "What is this ?, not easy to understand. If you know the " real "you are the legal body Bodhisattva. " It "is really the law minister said that the Mahayana teachings. Usually during explained, we use words clearly understandable for everyone. I often say " the truth of the universe's birth ", this statement is very general. If a little more detail is " Essence of the universe "," The phenomenon of the universe "," The effect of the universe ", which is from above" can - General - use "speaking.

World beings are created every sa boundless realms poor

The universe has no edge, in that boundless. Science World is now called crystal system. Currently we reside on this planet, you have to understand, it is only a small planet in the state do not. It also has a satellite system, the satellite system everyone is very familiar. Solar system has nine major planets revolve around the temples, they operate on a certain trajectory. However, neither the temporal estate, is the temporal. It brings in a population, such a refined system then rotate a larger crystal system. This large crystal system is now scientific discovery is the galaxy. Galaxy revolves around whether there is a larger crystal system is working again? No person detection. Yet, in the Dharma talk, true system also has larger crystals.

In layman old Hoang Niem To have told me this problem, we call the " Three great natural disasters the world "or" Ten realms Buddhas ". Flower Adornment Sutra Flower Store comes to the world, the world of Archives, we have studied. Imperial old lay that galaxy is a unit of the world that the scriptures say. This we have not thought of. In the old days, I think the world is a unit of the solar system, but on the unit Buddhist scriptures say the world is measured in units called " natural ", roughly around 1000. A so-called satellite system trichiliocosm gathering 1000 trichiliocosm is called secondary worlds, then the set of 1000 centered worlds called a modern worlds. Basically, great natural world is a parish of the Buddha.

For example, Shakyamuni Buddha teachings of an area in which lord, secondary disasters, disaster agency, together known as the three great natural disasters in the world. Great natural world in no only three thousand, many people especially wrong on this point. Three thousand only say great natural texture of the world. Saha World of us is a great natural world. World of Ultimate Bliss are many times larger than the great disasters of our world. World Flower Store In total there are 20 floors, such as a large floor building, the Pure and Saha's world we are at level 13. The main floor is a modern satellite system. So from the Avatamsaka Sutra can confirm, our galaxy in the state not only as a minor point. It circumambulating a huge crystal system is moving, but now scientists have not yet discovered. So 20 world stories Flower Store, economic called marine world. Even in the universe infinite, number of lots.

This world is provided for? Each world contains beings live. Formless beings are different, some of us can see with the eyes of meat, remaining ten chief legal world stately sum y la Xang. How Ultimately, the future be? The problem is very complex, not ideal or judgment that the truth of it is true the law minister said on Uncivil. For real-Minister of Justice, you are all intimately, and not a little mistake, the eye can see, in person contact, which is what I call true, is not expected. If you do not know anything, in your heart to judge where they imagine it is all illusion, delusion countless endless. Shurangama, Buddha says a good phrase: " all human beings ".

First Book of Shurangama: " All beings from beginningless far ". " All beings "throughout France including unreal world, not the exception being in the realms of Water," from beginningless far, birth and death are followed by the office often do not know the nature of mind, nature pure invention may, Using these delusions. Because it's not ideal, should have rotated ". The question is if we say meticulous two hours may not be enough. Temporarily, " Blasphemy marketing intentions "are simple ways to show off for you. Mahayana thoughts of doing many places called ignorance. Ignorance is not thorough. You inherently thorough, so say you inherently Buddha. No thorough, it is called ignorance, delusion. Are you often cynical, often thought, it is all illusion. So there are many ways to say ignorance.

Flower Adornment Sutra clearly: " All beings are the intellectual virtues Minister Tathagata "

Germany is the moral energy, called the current language ability, talent. General gratuitous mention blessings of living beings. View the last three trading Pure, blessings of the Buddha Amitabha Bliss Western world, his body has countless generals, generals have immeasurable beauty, not just 32 PM 80 beauty, so it is still too little. Sambhogakaya Tathagata 32 80 beauty minister is due to Bhagavan as we introduce, so we immediately knew it was his own. Chinese Zen masters say good performer " Our mind is Buddha Amitabha, Amitabha ie our mind ", why? Amitabha by our minds is, " the only current mental state, the only food processing facilities . " Economics is often said, " In addition to the legal mind, in addition to measures not mind . " You must understand these two words, small world, big world, turning the legal world, the world is like nowhere in the realm of dreams. Each fellow we have experienced a dream. After dreaming awake, you try to think of the last scene in a dream world, it is provided for. Actually, it's because you turned out the center. When you dream in mind, your heart is dreaming, dreaming out scene. Thus, in all scenes in your mind's dream.

Yongjia University professor said, " In the dream obviously has six realms, disillusion and empty the great disaster ". Zen Chinese Feng said, " Our mind Amitabha ie, the mind is the Pure ", the dream, the Buddha Amitabha is the human mind, the Pure is also our mind. Our mind is turned off, so now it's our planet, our solar system is our galaxy's us, seen luxuriant la Xang. If after enlightenment, you will know that I, as we turn out attention. Truth is the heart, the mind turns prospects, including delusions, discrimination, attachment. Mind realistic turn, you suddenly realized not. When he awakened, the whole universe is all his own, innumerable beings themselves, in all over the globe including all people, the animals, all animals with a possible contract with our lives. After treatment, you will have a different view for all beings, will be very close. Compassion will arise naturally closely, " Compassion legal world turns, throughout the human goodwill ". True after the enlightened, your realm than when I was completely mesmerized the same, so there must have been out of ignorance yet? Never. What do such simple. Ignorance, discrimination, attachment just toned down a bit.

The must know, distinguish the thoughts of legislative approval. The attachment of the ego. Ego is disturbing obstacles, legal compliance is tri block basis. Two types of obstacles make the intellectual, moral energy, great generals of all of us who were under obstacles. So the Buddha taught us to practice what is religious, is located two types of attachments. There are so many classics, you must meticulously perceive, do not have room realization. Each business you just flip out, if true, then all contracts entered has its realization. Now realize why there is no room? So when you pray, ambiguity cursory, perfunctory sketchy, not meticulous observations of associations. In Business Floor Museum to see " great responsibility Avatamsaka Sutra, ten modern worlds shelves Mote, a four mote the galaxy . " This speech of the Bodhisattva Nagarjuna is true, you have to hear to understand. " Ten great natural world mote shelf "is not a digit. Huayan used to denote ten, delegates fullness, meaning, gender variables nowhere legal world, nature, minister, justice, the, causality, something that is not there Flower Adornment Sutra? Flower Adornment Sutra live right in front of us. Sudhana 53're lucky enough to be good knowledge, we are the stars? From early evening no less friendly to resources, but why not enlightened? Because you are not the center of attention Tai Shan, if the genius mind of enlightenment you soon. So our negativity is true, is that idea, discrimination, attachment too heavy.

Delusions, usually in Mahayana teacher said, " ignorance negativity "," laid bare negativity "," investment is disturbing . " Tiantai also say, ignorance is disturbing thoughts in the Flower Adornment Sutra. Tran sa negativity is discrimination. Investment is disturbing is attached. Here, there is negativity, have preconceived obstacles, just not the same severity. In ignorance, many preconceived distention, bloating little disturbing. In distinction, the same afflictions preconceived stumbling block can be equal. In the attachment, tri head slightly offensive, objectionable heavy afflictions. So that idea, discrimination, all attachments are preconceived obstacles, obstacles are disturbing ignorance. On the Flower Adornment Sutra, the fundamental delusion of ignorance. Great experience says, " a concept that has no sense of ignorance ", that is to say the original, why you are in love? This issue of the Mahayana teachings called " Great basic problem . " I am inherently Buddha, but why we launch a concept of ignorance, when starting up a concept of ignorance, and what causes it starts up ?.

When we study Buddhism has encountered this problem, I asked Roshi reason. The Master Li smiled heard no answer for us, why? Replies do not understand, is not zero replies. He told us to watch Shurangama. Oh! In the fourth book Shurangama, is a respected author Phu Long Na has a similar problem, he asked the Buddha Shakyamuni or arises why this concept, and how long the start-up a concept. Shurangama have a very long passage, many readers Shurangama but few people understand. If you truly understand it immediately became the Buddha, they still fail to understand is mortal.

First you have to recognize that expectation, hope is false, " a thought suddenly "is illusory. The concept after suddenly, you have to be true, it is mesmerizing. If you ask love from time to time, Flower Adornment Sutra says the time: " Mindfulness dung life "concept is a concept, a concept of time is very short; life is the very long time. A concept with countless lifetimes no difference, because the concept is promising, countless lifetimes are also expected. A concept by not, countless lifetimes as well as not using. No not at all reasonable expectations? Once understood, we have a little bit of associations. It turns out that this incident did not have before then, no far and near, even where such a thought suddenly, like in dreams awake. When awake, it is called a Buddha. Inherently Buddha, just to dream, dream ten consecutive fall in the legal world. You do Bodhisattva in a dream, as the legal world four holy Buddhist; do you dream in the sky as the sun is the legal world; you are in a romantic encounter ghosts, animal, hell, the three-way sex is legal, does not fall within the concept. That is the truth the truth, but the day before the teacher does not speak out, why?

So after saying, make your gateway blindfolded. It is a very cruel way of teaching, so do not say certain Zen Buddhism, which advise you witness yourself. After enlightenment bring your own realm with Roshi said. Then Roshi nodded sealed for you. You are not in this realm is absolutely not yet. This particular point is not the same teacher down. Lower Church has always said, after talking, you have to prove yourself. If no real proof, so you are still in a dream, not a province of. So, you need proof body, so the body by way of evidence?

Necessarily abandon

Gia masters program taught me the secret Buddha attained Bodhisattva practice, it is see through to let go, let go from raw to health. Crude then let go first, then drop health. The crude is attached, is a little more distinguished, most health is delusion. University associate professor Eden said four " Tibet, Communication, Special, Vienna , "the Tibetan Buddhist teachings and Special Teacher of Tibetan Buddhist teachings are not the same religious views, which are Buddhist in ten legal world, not out of ignorance, delusion not a paragraph, Buddhist teachers have to Special clearing a product of ignorance, legal certification body part. Special Buddha's teachings than the Bodhisattva II Vienna teacher behavior, Cross office, Cross happy. In Cross happy, happy first is Private, well-II, in the Buddha's teachings Rangers. Site of Special local teacher's office Private Members also teachers, just break a product of ignorance, legal certification body part. It was recently in the US we have read strictly, be amended.

So we should know, the original charm of ignorance, is the delusion. Since in the present distinction delusion, ignorance is laid bare disturbing new, differentiated. Then appeared the attachment, the attachment is so rough. In the attachment is also fundamental, called " Question born ego ". Birth is not a life sentence, but since this past life brings. The past is still the past, the past infinity, infinite future. Only when love this new phenomenon, even when there is no compensation. This phenomenon is illusory. Just as we see this film on the big screen with young, middle-aged, old age until after there, slowly happening. Dream, the dream has this realm. But, if you came to Cinema, check out the studio, you immediately see the truth. If a little smarter, the right of the silver screen have seen it before then, the lights each plate each separate sheet. Before then is, relative to similar appearances. On the silver screen nothing. Screen is nature, in spite of the nature of this phenomenon, but this phenomenon is illusory, not real, it's called the truth the truth. So we have to accept before the general illusory or not? If the attachment is wrong.

Luc Economic Forum held talks a lot " if the religious man, no error earth ", why? Because the world is illusory, do have errors. Only touch the oppressed in the world see the bug world. A super Vietnam, they are not seen immediately, they know is fake just like the movies. On the silver screen, the character has done so much wrong, make a lot of pity, you see then being angry. But if you are wise, know that it's not fake, although exposure to this realm as motionless and still; know that picture, " illusory image cell ", which does not have the offense. That is a wise man, a man of enlightenment.

We currently have honest money carefully, right from breaking attachment, is to let go of attachment, which struck right here. First paragraph is to invest negativity, or is, a kind of attachment. You see what's wrong, why see wrong? Since then, you bring the body to be yourself, accept yourself before this body. Dharma insight, in General cardboard say, eight form, attachment is the most serious form Saturday, discrimination is the most serious form Friday. A delusion is Back Skin Formula, very subtle. Buddha in Tibetan Buddhist teachers and teachers are unaware of Information form which is Saturday. " Four general negativity often custom "that we, we can not ignore.

In the four major afflictions, the first is " Falling is ". " Knowledge "is the interpretation, now we call perception. The recognition of this false, false-self recognition. Falling is the attachment is with us. There is one and there was greed, leading to visit us, our courts, our ignorance. Masks are often customized minister in four major afflictions, ie fundamental negativity. Just there is ego, greed three consecutive certain toxic trail. Sometimes it says fall kindness, compassion ego is involved: I see, my love, my ignorance, I'm romantic. Also it says that I see, I take. What is involved with a sense of love I take, I si, i chronic. Currently we struck from? Roshi taught to let go, we understand this principle, let go of each li by little. First to be struck from the " I participate, I'm romantic . " For all of the legal world, especially in material enjoyment, Flower Adornment Sutra says, not for sensual pleasures. Five sex is " financial, color, name, make, lobes ", if not radical, then slowly let go of that release. In a nutshell, do not let go can not be, it is " involved "greed are located. Must let go of ego, personality, shallow, high drain conceit, despised others, mistakes are very serious. So to learn something? Learning to respect others, who are interested in learning. Western scientists advised us to learn to love people, it is true. But they say not comprehend.

Where the evidence of continental body structure Hui Neng

We must understand the true facts " abandon attachment "although not easy to understand. Only Buddha Shakyamuni said in scriptures is absolutely correct, because he has the body control. Three thousand years ago, the conformation of the Buddha taught that learning through life in a foreign country, we also have the certification body. In China, the certification body a lot, but the most famous, prestigious details magnitude nor through Grand Master Hui Neng, Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism. He attained at the age of 24, delusions, discrimination, attachment were all let go. Once monk Hoang Rings, Diamond Sutra teaching staff hold him, preached to " Ung countless children born periodic office center ", if you like a normal person, how can thoroughly enlightened era. After the lecture, he replied Roshi " Any doubt nature, pure equity "," Any doubt nature, which does not kill , "said the five groups he heard the true radical enlightenment, let go of that idea ignorance paragraph. If ignorance is not passage, he was unable to say how many verses.

Today we can do is sacrilegious Me Meets Italian Furniture Market. Nature we use a white circle participants, the great master Hui Neng see his own nature, and of all beings, why? Since all human beings with their own nature a. The Buddha himself, he also knows all beings are inherently Buddha. Currently you are confused, like drunkards. Those who drink less, quickly disabused out, others are seen whirling dance apparel, which are known to be good people. After a while they will recover normal. Just as people see the nature, being aware of the legal world's ten beings suffering, are transitory enchanted crazy, now they make certain to take notice. So how does the new refused to report? New awakening refused to press. They love too heavy, not provinces out there screaming their size does not provinces. Bodhisattva Buddhas teachings of beings as well, because if you woke up. Some light anesthesia, the province has called immediately, but love can not be too heavy, have closed on their end, they just groaned over an hour and then sleep.

Me not encounter the same, so great master Hui Neng said, representatives of the three types of color in the chart is different. Yellow delegates delusions, blue distinguished delegates, representatives red attachments. Three things you have disposed of even very fast, cutting-called enlightenment. Listen to gradually realize economic import shop called enlightenment. Shop enlightenment mean letting go of each floor of each layer, gradually letting go, not a paragraph at a time. Realization or enlightenment cut though the store, if you do not let go, you will forever enlightenment. You can preach Buddhism to fall flower heaven, preach very easy to listen to, but still fascinate yourself crazy, the things you say are the only others, not yourself. Lifelong Grand Master Hui Neng told them yourself, not other people. He did not know the word is not in school, but Endless Tibetan nun Read Nirvana hear him, after listening to me, he immediately explained. Business is business of Buddha Shakyamuni, University lecturer is Professor Hui Neng continental organization, but no difference. Likewise, France Achieve Zen Lotus Sutra reads hear him, listening to him preach the Lotus Sutra for France Achieve Zen enlightenment. He preached the Lotus Sutra, Nirvana from the nature, teaching eight great food, nature made up, although all you are not learning. This is a true story in China.

But why others do not? Because they have not let go. You have to let go or not, how much you let go? Full nature you instant Prajna wisdom note how much output capacity of nature to save out how much the blessings of nature and immediately stored out that much, I do have from the outside through the school. So the body is not easy to break, if the body is just breaking, four major afflictions no longer. Thus in mask mode, ego is as is or, falling behind greed, ego yard, private or conceit is, Arhat can let go of these things. When they set enlightenment, six realms are no longer associated. Six Realms is  "self is "," I participate, I replaced my chronic "turned out, it was chief of staff of six realms. Staff was cut off, the six realms are not seen immediately, you immediately the province.

Contact themselves and use of practice

With the use of the Earth, all measures are no longer craving. Not only worldly, even the Dharma, too, if the Dhamma with greed or craving Dharma, you are still mortal. Buddha is you have to let go let go four major afflictions, moved into position mask nature equal position. Buddha did not do these things to make you change the subject. Before you desire to enjoy sex in six ceiling, now you let go of those things that desire dharma. This is noteworthy. Buddhism teaches you to let go of greed, not teach you to change the subject. How can you start craving the Dharma, Diamond Sutra says very clearly, " France should also discharge, let alone illegal ". It is a tool, we can not participate. Think about it, Hui Neng continental organization of economic life is a never learn, you take something? The result is all business, if you come before him and asked, he can lecture you listening comprehension. We have to study him. Buddhist concept is reborn certain realms Report It Dignified, the upper rebirth, not in the realm of the holy flesh, nor in the realm Media. We learned professor for many years, right up to this point and not even realized it was just empty school. Study yourself and then help sentient beings, beings created not help the poor. Must help them let go of greed being romantic, that's true pronouns called compassion. In addition, we have set an example for being considered.

Lifelong Buddha Shakyamuni why no ashrams, you think about, if he wants a ashrams also difficult. In ancient in the world, India has the great monarch of sixteen disciples refuge in the Buddha, in addition to his courtiers, bourgeois, wealthy businessmen, many practitioners wealthy. If he wants to have ashrams, who without consent offerings. But he does not need, which is what? It is to teach people to let go, do not start greed, He manifested a good example for you, no greed, no arrogance, treat anyone have true joy in harmony. Shakyamuni Buddha never scolded the arch bearing eyes widened, and he talked to people in terms of mild air. We have learned that right there, do not comment on who we are compassionate, peaceful same. The current society in a rush, wherever you are no good mood, mind reel air, their bodies naturally many diseases, will shorten the life span, is very detrimental to the body and mind. We here everyday business school professor, is studying the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Buddha Business Business First, it is true, " Hundred of thousands of hard eternal quest for "the blessings of the Junior College World production time. Often hear, you will immediately awakened. The awakening is one of the most modern in this life, unrivaled.

Science proves " People do not die "

Most recently, I was taking a little time looking at four very good books of Dr. Danger From US HY, a psychiatrist. In the book there is something he wants to say to us, that he used the scientific method to validate that people do not die. You should not fear death. Since then, we never die, no matter birth. The body is only a tool only. The body is like a car. I went on the vehicle, until the vehicle is no longer possible, we change the other. He wrote, the soul does not die, kill the body is just a physical change only. The past does not know how much has changed over the body, the future will change a lot more friendly. Dedication life itself, this book written very thorough, very good, is true.

Some people have deep hypnosis, they can help you to know the situation of a past life, second life, or three generations. From this, we see the soul of a man is repeatedly reincarnated on Earth, in the different countries, races, faiths. Each of your life are not the same. The psychiatrist said, we are all the people a home, understanding the work, you immediately know this life is not important right. Important as the next.

In the book also has a very long chapter astronomy comes to religion. True religion is a house of God called religion, meaning of Dharma called legal nature, as nature legs. In the realm of the soul no matter reincarnate, it is heaven in spirit world, no hard feelings of happiness and sadness worry amnesty. This situation is in fact very similar to God's Quartet No Dharma. But Tu Thien is not very high levels, they are not so high, they have almost the same realm so. Finally, the author of the book gives us an answer, people came to this world which had the purpose of learning. Learning what? Learning to let go. All knowledge is wrong, wrong thinking, wrong behavior must be let go. Must love learning, called the Buddha of compassion; to learn tolerance, humility, and make concessions. And want to learn this stuff, first disciples learned Qui, Touch God, The Kamma. That's the time required texts. When do well, you immediately graduating class, will not stay in the human world again and go to heaven. Heaven of heavens with all courses, one step upward. When you do well all the text in this universe, you are graduating. At that time, you still have to do what's this time? Church of beings, who teach and help other people.

The risk of this Justice had never learned dharma but he said just Dharma. After you graduate, voluntary redundancy re-hybrid spectral beings. Not to graduate, you must return to the human world, I often call this phenomenon repetition. Because the school is not good, you still have to continue to learn. If the school is not good, serious mistake, demoted, you will be struck down an animal, hungry ghosts, hell. Therefore, the present Regulation is all locked Disciples of the human realm. Cross also Kamma Act, there need to learn well? In the Dharma talk, which is Buddhist, upward basic programming courses. Not a good learning basic programming courses, when upwards will not learn how to do. Y under the Act Cross Kamma is located attachments, including all evil must all let go. But also a need to promote attachment, the attachment of the good that is. Round attachments are scaled to a point, not only immoral attachment attachment choose the good. One step further, the attachment is not good, not instant attachment. No attachment, then look to the next floor.

What is Discrimination? Tran sa negativity. The must know, after the demolition attachments can immediately being catechized. So Arhat is holy, they came to teach the six realms of beings. In religious beings, a face teaching, learning a break preconceived face obstacles, teaching and learning and development, why? Since when not teaching, we do not know a lot of things that do not understand yourself. Until recently exposed pupils, students raised many issues, we recently discovered. Some of these issues, we understand and can answer, but some do not understand the problem, we have to learn. The development of teaching and learning, teachers help students, teachers teach students. And so, gradually shrink to distinguish, let go of negativity which laid bare as the sand of the Ganges, infinite. Based nature of all beings, crazy fascination of all beings, and the expectation of being, without any things you did not know, there's new help them, can solve the problem.

So if you do not teach, not catechized beings can not be differentiated segments, as well as tri block basis. Effective method to break preconceived block is teaching school. You can open mind, meaning every day are close to the Buddhist Bodhisattva. On the day in prayer, every day to see all the things people are Buddhist bodhisattva, inside thorough. Buddhist Bodhisattvas are fascinated crazy, you are not certain contempt them, feast on the contrary, praise, offering them. Even the smallest animals, plants flowers, mountains and rivers great place, not something which is not a Buddhist bodhisattva, we must have a feast heart, mind, certain non-discrimination, equality pure sincerity .

But in different forms, why there is a difference? Be aware, " depending on our consciousness, the knowledge base amount ", depending on the amount of attention the instant difference. They do not have to be a higher realm, you reverently them unduly, such as harm them. They will think you really have become a Buddha, it has a god, they become hysterical. So contact with all beings, can not be a no-brainer. Letting go of attachments, instant open mind, but not perfection, this place is called 1/3. 1/3 attachments unless you give it reveals the wisdom of 1/3. Then finish the route segment distinguish add 1/3. Until and unless that idea, the whole manifestation. The furniture market is using this method to display.

Town of Venerable Master Yin Yun and Optical

After Buddha Shakyamuni, to Grand Master Hui Neng in China, we continue to explore the modern era, with the An Quang Dai Su, Hsu Yun old monk of Zen. Be careful viewing of his signing. All his life he manifested the intellectual, moral energy, great generals, countless manifestations of beings to feel. That capability, great generals, and blessings. They absolutely do not enjoy being that for enjoyment, plus they always find the optimal method to help enlightened beings.

He did not press the same Nowhere same. Lifelong Venerable Yun temple building, and University Professor An Quang Pagoda life not only in economic construction, seriously alms, legal offerings. Nowhere Venerable life giving, offering resources. Beings too see things the referee, referee candidates refused, so Nowhere Venerable an example. About alms security measures, masters An Quang an example for us to see. To compare with the scriptures, " seven treasures with great generosity natural world, not by merit because the four verses say , "Buddha a clear ink is legal alms First. An Quang lifelong masters do it. From the sign of the great master passed, we see him with blessings to appear in old age, at no merit young, unknown to him. Seventy-year-old who recently discovered. It turns out he is a true ordained moral educated teachers to invite him. Then they sent him a letter and write a reply, they immediately brought the reply letter published in the media masters. Who knows more and more, they invite each other to visit and worship Putuo Mountain interview him. He became famous, four disciples refuge, offering a lot. He did not bring this offering to go to build the temple, never offered them to improve life for himself, he will not bring offerings to help people ordained. His entire focus in books, founded a commune in Hoang Hoa Chau, where circulation scriptures. He himself has gone through frugal life as usual, without the slightest change. He appeared so are teaching us that we study.

The first year I close with Roshi Ly, Ly special teachers' training college professor told me to take the An Quang as teacher, as a disciple of the Indian private organizations. Indian groups but no text back but still. Every day reading text back, I understand the teachings of the masters, y Catholic liturgical practice, do not dare contrary, it is true disciple of the great teachers of the An Quang, direct successor of the Indian industrial group. I hear teachings, often to the center. Later, outside teaching experience, gradually getting more and offerings. These offerings are taken me in this business. Indian organizations have Hoang Hoa Commune, in Taiwan I also have a " Golden Buddha Liberal Arts Society ", specializing in business, decades of unprecedented disruption. We are in business regardless of sect, not only in the Pure Land. Even abroad, the Pali texts from Thailand, Burma brings originality through this for us, I press release, print, and send them into circulation. Already in business through the Pali Tripitaka, the writings of the Venerable South transmission, written in Thai, Burmese and letters. We never refuse people, just as the Dharma, in addition to good books, not copyrighted. We are always willing to circulate large quantities. If control of copyright, it is an obstacle. Recent years have offered much, I focus in economic Tripitaka, bought statistical concepts turn, has its own place in the 6500 and beyond. That are learning Indian monk Quang Dai.

Charitable relief in experimental methods

The relief charity, we can do relatively little, because in doing alms included charitable relief which, even more wins for help enlightenment. Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha Dharma talk lifetime teaching experience, career charitable relief normal world, Buddhism does not have even a single penny. Home people do not hold money in hand, living each day to beg, just a bowl. India belongs to the tropics, three y a bowl is enough. Under each tree only sleep a night, every day eat a meeting, simple life. So do not give alms financial Buddha, Buddha legal alms. If say, the internal financial resources alms announced it has merit wins over foreign assets. Internal resources are physical, intellectual, legal everyday teaching experience talking with everyone, every day with people answer doubt, it is giving local talent. Three types of alms, the Buddha are all full. For fearless generosity, Bhagavan appeared to great generals, the Chinese called gas proud, alien called from school. From the Buddhist bodhisattva of wins is not nothing, after contact from his school, you feel immediately felt calm, which is giving fearless. Compassion spread his wisdom, majesty powerful force that can make all sentient beings rapt attention, stop disturbing. Today we call this phenomenon is the way feel of virtue.

So take the money out of the realm that we say, first, we let go of all attachments evil, hold good attachment. Confucius taught the " good Trach bigotry ", all the evil will not be attached. Grapes - Favorite - Director, three are good, we must all learn. First handshake from grapes, learn Touch God, to learn Cross Kamma Act, which is " good Trach bigotry ", then from place to raise a further step, to improve not attachments. Doing good without attachment new high intelligence. Mahayana teachings say " Three rotation can not ", we cultivate good, but not as good as we make attachments. For example, the charity for people, we do not have to think about them, and do not remember what I was offering them something, in a clean heart pure, honest reached selfless minister, inhuman Minister, Minister countless beings. Buddha said, para tu good evil is not the merit of which is that of merit. Merit can help you beyond the three realms of six lines, so you can let go of ego Minister's minister, minister beings. In this world, all for the sake of beings, do not think of myself. Benefit all beings not stick to all beings minister, so newly purified, was liberated. It's called the bodhisattva activities, directed Bodhi smoothly.

Today, the law says teaching experience, teacher of beings also fall minister, who minister, minister beings. Accept minister, in this case only bring blessings, not merit, so will not contact to end birth and death, escape samsara. In other words, you still continue in the six realms of samsara, can not get out. His own study of religion, the Buddhist concept is good, each day bringing Dharma to others introduced it is also good, but because they have not let go of ego, ego is, falling greed, ego and delusion, arrogance, for should in future retribution is just heavenly blessings person only, still in the realms of education, not to be the realm of gender identity, why? As the heavens gender identity without conceit. Mahayana, the Buddha would say " no chronic Up gender sensitive "to the subtle realms of world peace scuba center, an array of compassion, remain in the realm of meditation, immeasurable quartet" of love, compassion, sympathetic joy, discharge "so no conceit.


In summary we have to learn. To raise yourself, do not keep an eye on anyone else, attitudes, words are not modest exposure to people, it is the attachment of evil, right from the very first paragraph of this site. The people who live together, love, respect, mutual tolerance, forgiveness of others. Currently this society, the most urgent of the conflict, the promotion of social security, world peace. We must do right, right from our own mind, let go of ego from our minds, to respect others. The desire to respect other people how they themselves must respect others like it. That is true of merit, in addition to the world peace and security, you also have contributed dedication. With that idea, discrimination, attachment, you must know its center, there must be genuine studious mind, you will receive compensation, then slowly realized that in.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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