Saturday 14 February 2015


The basis of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism: Suffering (the raison d'être of Buddhism); cause of suffering: craving; The end of Buddhist Nirvana (Landing Journal of Buddhist charity); and the director. What is the Noble Truth of Suffering?
"Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, to be combined with what I dislike is suffering, separation from what I love is pain, no gain is what you crave is suffering, clinging to 5 Aggregates are suffering. The cause of suffering is what empire? "The desire leads to rebirth, enjoy here and there; That is the sensual longing (charity: Kamatanh ā, desire exists (Friends charity: Bhavatanh ā), and longing cessation (Unknown Organic love: Vibhava fishy ā). " Cessation of suffering Noble What is? "That is the annihilation of desire is not left out, give it up, let go of it, it's liberating." The road leading to the Cessation of suffering is what? "That's eight chief directors, including : Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration. " Whether the Buddhas appear or not, the Four Noble Truths are still there in the universe. The Buddhas only discovered the truth lay hidden in the abyss of time. Explain scientific, method may be called the law of causality. Two factors include the entire Buddhist teachings. The three first Typical Buddhist philosophy, fourth represents the ethics of Buddhism, based on that philosophy. All four limbs are based on the body itself. The Buddha said: "Based on the body itself 1m60 long with perception and thinking, we declared World, the cause of the World, General Director of the World and the road leading to General Directorate World. "Here the word" World "refers to only suffering. Buddhism is based on axial pain, but not so that Buddhism is pessimistic. It's not totally pessimistic or optimistic completely. Rather, it teaches a truth in between the two extremes that. We can rightly told the Buddha is a pessimist if he only claims the truth of suffering without giving a method to end suffering. Buddha saw the popularity of suffering and he himself proposed a remedy to cure this common disease of mankind. According to the Buddha, the great happiness can realize Nirvana, which is the cessation of suffering. In the British encyclopedia, author section on pessimism writes: "Pessimism specify an attitude of despair about life, a vague general notions of suffering and sin, dominates the behavior of humans. The original teachings of the Buddha really optimistic as any other optimism of the West. To call it pessimism is merely to apply to it a particularly Western principles, which can not be happy without ego. The true Buddhist fervent expectations are able to enter into eternal bliss. " Usually, the enjoyment of sensual pleasures is the only secular. Obviously there are things happiest time of anticipation and recollection satisfying pleasures such fleeting material, but they are illusive, slender how! According to the Buddha, non-attachment is bliss you most. Buddha did not expect his followers always thought of suffering and misfortune to live a life of misery. He encouraged them to be always happy, joyful for blowing ( Piti ) is one of the factors of enlightenment. Real happiness is found in the interior, and is not defined by property, children, honor invasive optical and appropriation. If the property was acquired by improper bullying, misappropriated that, even looking at them with attachment, they will cause suffering to those who owned. Instead of trying to rationalize explain suffering, Buddhism takes it for granted and find the cause to eradicate it. As long as there is still suffer thirst. Just can eliminate suffering by step according to the Noble Eightfold Path and reached the supreme bliss of Nirvana. The four truths can be verified by experiment. So Dhamma is not based on the fear of the unknown that set on the basis of facts which we can experiment and verify with our own experience. Therefore, Buddhism is very reasonable and practical. A streamlined system and practices like not contain esoteric rituals and esoteric. Therefore, blind faith is alien to Buddhism. Where there is no blind faith, then there is no coercion, oppression and bigotry. For unique prestige of Buddhism, one must say that going through the process during the year 2500 not a drop of blood shed in the name of the Buddha, not a monarch who use the sword to its powerful communication Dhamma, and without resorting to any religion of violence or coercion solutions. However, the Buddha was the first preacher and the greatest ever lived on earth. Aldoux Husley [1] wrote: "In all the world's major religions, Buddhism just go their way that does not need repression, censorship, examining one. " Lord Russell [2] noted: "In the great religions of history, I like Buddhism all, particularly in its earliest form ; because it's less of a terrorist from past to present. " No one was bloodstained altar any of Hy- Patia (AD 370-415: Greek philosopher) [3] , or a Bruno (1548-1600 : monk, philosopher Italy) [4] were burned alive in the name of Buddhism. Buddhism charismatic people in terms of intellectual rather than emotional vehicle, pay attention to the personality of the believer rather than strength of the majority. In case of Upali, one of Nigantha Nata- putta, [5] to close the Buddha, Buddha hear the sermon, he was happy to the point immediately expressed interest in becoming a disciple of the Buddha. But the Buddha has advised him to be careful, "Hey landlord, for the truth, he should understand thoroughly so it would be better for an outstanding person like him." overjoyed at this unexpected comments Buddha, Upali said: "O Bhagavan, if you become a follower of another religion, the religion's followers would work the channels, the procession walked around the streets and declared that:" A million rich like that, has abandoned his previous beliefs and follow us. " But with Bhagavan, he advises you to have fully understood. Through this idea of Bhagavan, the more pleased. White Exalted, once again I would like to take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. " Buddhism overwhelming demand and the spirit of freedom and tolerance so completely. Buddhism is the religion with the open mind, heart and sympathy, enlighten and warm the entire universe with two spark of compassion and wisdom, its magical aura shining down all beings are diving Drop in the ocean of samsara. Buddha tolerance that he also did not use the authority to order the believers in his home. Instead of using the command, he said: "It is the duty of the child should do this, you should not be an obligation to do that." He did not order but encouraged. Buddha spread tolerance to everyone and everything beings. The first Buddha tried to abolish slavery and vehemently opposed the degrading caste system was firmly rooted in the soil of India. According to the Buddha's teaching, it becomes an outcast or not so noble lineage, but by his actions. Caste or color does not impede a person wants to become a Buddhist or join the Sangha. The fishermen, who trash, courtesans, both to the martial and the Brahmins, are free to join the Sangha, are entitled to equal treatment, and also assigned to the corresponding position . For example, the Venerable Upali - barber - gain advantage over all others, topped in terms of discipline. Sunita [6] the garbage shy-be Buddha himself received him into the ranks of the Sangha, and he has attained A-La- drought. Anguli-mala [7] bandits and criminals - has been educated as a saint of compassion. Fierce Alavaka seek refuge in the Buddha and became a saint. Gypsy Girl Ambapali [8] joined the Sangha and attained Arhat. The typical so often see a lot of the Tripitaka, proved Buddhist door open to all, irrespective of caste, color or race. Buddha improving the status of women was trampling, not making them aware of their important role in society, but also established Church celibate nuns first for women with discipline and gender appropriate. Buddha lower for women, but only see them as people who have a predisposition weaker than men. Buddha clearly innate good of both men and women, and regulations for the status they deserve in his teachings. Gender does not make obstacle to the attainment holy. Pali Matugama sometimes used to refer to women, mean Matugama class mothers or mothers society. As a mother, the woman holding the position of honor in Buddhism. Even the wife is considered as "best friend" ( parama Sukh ā) husband. Critics hasty judgment only superficially they charge Buddhism is jealous woman. Although the original Buddha refused admission of women into the Sangha, on reasonable grounds, after he had yielded to the entreaties of his mother's cell Pajapati Kieu Dam Di ( Pajapati Gotami ), [9] and founded the Order of monks and nuns. Like two Arhat Sariputta ( Sariputta ) and Moggallana ( Moggallana ) has been nominated as the two chief disciples in the Order of monks. Buddha was appointed the Arhat Khema [10] and Uppalavanna [11] as the two foremost in female monastic disciples. Also many other female disciples are also known as the Buddha devout disciples and his elite. One occasion, the king of Kosala [12] are not satisfied when the queen heard a girl living Buddha told the king: "Sire, a girl who knows may later prove to be a better son macho." Many women would have been forgotten, again distinguished themselves in many ways and attain liberation through dharma practice and joined the congregation. In this new congregation, has proved to be a great blessing for many women, the queen, the princess, the girls of the nobility, the dew women, widows, destitute women , the poor Gypsy girl, all of them, even though the class and different social status, met on the same ashrams lectures, and enjoy the comfort, and peace, and the inhalation breathe the air of freedom that those cloistered in the thatched hut or magnificent palaces are unable to enjoy. The Buddha also forbade killing the poor animals for sacrifice, and advises believers His extended kindness to all beings - even for the smallest creatures crawling under my feet. No one has the right to destroy the life of another creature, because real life is precious for all species. The true Buddhist must show compassion to all beings the right order and at the same himself with all, may not discriminate in any way in terms of race, color or gender. It is this compassion of Buddhism has overturned all the walls between people and others. There is no reason to separate yourself from other people just because they belong to a religious or ethnic groups. In the "Edict clemency" this greater, based on the Special Economic Sub division and differentiate University ( Culla Vyuha and Maha Vyuha ), Asoka ( Ashoka ) [13] said: "Only the best blend is high all must be willing to listen to teachings that others believe in. " Buddhism is not limited to any one country or a particular toic people. Buddhism is a world religion. Buddhism is not a nationalist, in other words, nationalism is a form of class based on a broader basis. Buddhism is an ethnic surrealism, if allowed to say so. For Buddhists not far or relatives, enemies or foreigner, no renegade or Dalits. Because of universal love is expressed through empathy create brotherhood between all beings. A true Buddhist is a citizen of the world. He viewed the world as his motherland, and everyone as our brothers and sisters. Therefore, Buddhism really is unique because in virtue of tolerance, nonviolence, reasonable, practical, effective and its universal properties. It was the greatest influence in every affected combined and single lever can lift up the world. This is one of the distinctive features of Buddhism, and in some basic teachings may include: Industrial or moral law of cause and effect, rebirth, selflessness and Nirvana.

[1] . Aldoux Husley (1864-1963): British writer, famous for his satirical novel, and several novels in favor of oriental mystery.     [2] . Bertrand Russell (1872-1970): The mathematician and philosopher of British idealism, the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950.        [3] . Hypatia (370-415): Greek philosopher. [4] . Bruno (1548-1600): priest, philosopher Italy, was convicted of heresy, and burned alive, are considered martyrs.     [5] . Nigantha Nataputta (Ni Geography): A sixth patriarch of the famous pagan, founder of Jainism. [6] . Sunita came from a humble part in society, working as garbage crescendo, after Buddha attained and the degree of Arhat. [7] . Augulimala (Central-excavation-ma-la): disciples of the Buddha. As a faithful Catholic Brahmin, he killed people, finger into the corolla bearing on the neck. He has killed 999 people, to kill his mother again for 1000, it is enough Buddhist salvation. [8] . Ambapali: She came from geisha, of the Buddha, and later attained Arhat.   [9] . Mahapajapati Gotami (Ma-ha-ba-ba-bar-di-topic conversations Kieu-): She is the sister of Queen Maya, mother of Nan Da, and is portable form of Buddhism. After Mahamaya died, she nurtured prince reached Ta Si. She was the first nuns in every nuns, and is the leader nuns. She died before the Buddha 3 months.           [10] . Khema: She is a devout Buddhist women, the Buddha taught, recognize impermanence of life, so please Buddhist monastics, and Arhat evidence.               [11] . Uppalavanna: A devout Buddhist woman, then left home, proof Arhat, and the gods through First in line nuns.       [12] . King Kosala: That king Pasenadi, a devout kings and very devout.       [13] . Asoka (Ashoka): He is the king of the 3rd Dynasty Peacock ( Maurya ), reigned from 269 BC to 232 years. King had great success in upholding Dharma, advocates of the 3rd recital of 1,000're Arhat, built around 84000 stupa in India, and the carving of Buddhist texts into beer ice to preserve.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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