Thursday 12 February 2015


BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Mahāyānists-strength tests Pāramitā
- Sugar, Bat Nha translated text on the kanji.
- Love-Heart-World Translation Chinese, Vietnamese words.MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.
          I myself heard: a World-other-Ton in Bamboo Forest-crystal-amnesty: Ca-Lan-Da (Karanda-venuvana), of Great-great-Xa success.
          Now, he is very much the same position Dai-Bodhisattva, no-quit-transfer office [2] Cross-certified home address [3] and has ten member-satisfaction measures Pāramitā [4] . There are many University-On-Soviet, are level Arhat, all illegally-industry [5] has expired, no longer bother-brain, the benefits they have been [6] , the heart-friendly escape [7] , IP-friendly drainage solutions [8] . There are numerous property-love (us-students), have discovered the heart Forever-upper-class, Main-sense.
          Then, Dai-Bodhisattva Maitreya (From-Market) at-law in this opportunity, instant start-up the concept: "The legal-property-love in this opportunity, poverty-and she-route [ 9] , helpless-leaning, up-turn in life and death pool, sink-immersed in the river take-loving, wants to reach the shores of Nirvana, the legal right to hear, see the World-wish-Ton, for the First unit-position [10] , but no power-power! "
          At that time, Bodhisattva Maitreya wanted to ask about the World-means-fun-Ton deep-away: Out-sexual beings, how discovered the Bodhi-mind, the Buddha to decision-making, in three countless lives no-frustrated boredom, fatigue? The Sun is Buddha-date stock levels are public-ethics, attention-puzzling fun, deep-large distance; Posted exquisitely-shot wonders, member-fulfillment completely, remembering individual-difference separate cause and effect of organic-love, expecting quick results are direct-Forever-upper Bodhi [11] . Great-Bodhisattva Maitreya like and Development Center, instant from his court sat up, fix-to-care for, good-thing-six units [12] , body, speech and mind-now all of them echo -lang. However, six bases of the Bodhisattva is being born where hundred eighty-serious signs that page, micro-magic, the three-member chronic countless lives saved-wing Dai-place-Property (Ma-ha-Bat Nha Pāramitā), as the light of the hundred, thousand, thousand-page strictly where the sun himself, all beings-the-threshold contemplate getting bored, near the "Supreme Buddha-class level results Bodhi ". [13]
          Bodhisattva Maitreya bring such body, to which the Buddha, five possible [14] , planted in the earth, down two feet Buddhist ceremony. Bring back the amount of hand-wheel-page ethics seriously, as new lotus bloom, providing hands-glass, white Buddha said, "The Lord, O-Ton! As-The-Chun Lai in a concept may know the mind-trip, the-future, present-at-love of all beings! Or ask organic-mistress-han, the mind-net bar, or organic-mistress as receptor-signed Tu results rock-Completion, to results Arhat, Pratyekabuddha results, or direct-sale-sign-effective Forever upper-class Main, Main-sense. So that means-fun, glasses asked to as- Lai, bent forward-Religious World-special prize-distribution theory! Nay-World-Religion is the root, where the rules of organic-y-life situation in three! Or the real-property-out well Mahāyānists, heart they need-air, glass-Ton ask the World-Trade-pity, remember to think about it, is the legal position-Cam Lo, World-Religion should not use their own-consumption, the co-existence should be entitled to legal-he! " [15]
          - How to every property-the nipper to saddle-path stability, the Dai-foot-Nirvana? - The Organic-love that, should anything for First-set-position is no-quit-switch? - How satisfied are member-pilot father-Ba-La-Density Tri-Property to Pāramitā? - Back tu-set how satisfied employees are Tri-Property-Pāramitā mother in law is Pāramitā before? - Back age-worshipers who, how show-deliverable? - And, the organic-sex tu-training how to shore there is Nirvana? Dear Lord So-Ton apply fertilizer-the-difference theory, because all beings want to be good-love-interest, safe-touch, making them the glad-yourself!
          Now, the World-canopy-carbon-Ton Dai-Bodhisattva Maitreya, saying, "You-chemical substitution, wealth-turned instead! Good-men-mail! He now or benefit-ons, an-located for all -sexual beings, so that-interesting question that deep massage, organic-sexual urges religious-practice-friendly organic agriculture and generally make the hard-power-tu-set. He did most attention, generously for all Organic-love, quick-lock end beam welding, bother-brain, need for teacher-law. He did so bring higher-interest-bearing from that, the three-member countless lives chronic six measures Pāramitā in an age-law. He is now director-colon near the Bo-De, boundless Nirvana, as well as intelligence-crystal was grown, sun shine pink coming; he did well, as the Buddha-to-date comparable [16] . He now listen carefully, remember, think for smart, because you're going to the fully-distributed-that-interesting enough that deep-away!
          - As a location-wise, might think-think, Mini-look familiar-turn in the road is life and death insurance, but nothing can be more extreme is no refuge-through. For example, the command-boat involved in capture of the sea, there is no trade-owners, in that many property-love (us-students) were the victims of drift-washed, immersed-rays, waves, water down, break-destructive, sink lost, they often worry-about, pray goodness, is very level-merchant-Master to slash-through. Again, the situation in an organic-living-fear-fear death more often, so for the world-recourse to force, not the enemy invasion-caused resentment-anger, resentment-hated enemy though there may very crazy-big mess tuberculosis, who was leaning slash-level United-author, resentment-hated enemy other, the decision-making can not he suffer-harm. Moreover, the enemy resentment-hatred there, see how-force then, quit-center resentment and hatred upon under the main teacher-turned-leg. All beings-love and the like, are starting to attention-concept: "Who can be a place for me to do for you-y, so from the failure-of-fire and make their victims are still happy?" Explore the three worlds, in this direction [17] of them: God, Long, Drug-Soa (Da-Soa), A-Bowl-La (A-Tu-La), Ca-Ro-Ra (CA- long-La), Event-Dat-Ba (Qian-real-Ba), Emergency-Nai-La (Emergency-Na-La), Ma-Support-Lac-Ca (Ma-Most-La-Aging), Human Resources and Non-Human ... no one can argue that its provisions-y? "Why? - devas ... the other, themselves have not been able to out-dress-mail candidates, clearly bothered-brain pitch, note-switch three worlds, very-quality, no-margin-suffering pain tore at the string-fear-fear, because there was spread a net take-sex-fin, how much more can we do to place rules-y!
          Moreover, the gods ... usually wear armor-head match-war, often fear the center A-Bowl-La the other, how much more for other people and animals. Therefore, bar-close in the three worlds, six directors, no one can be for our health-promotion, because so-y must be a Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. So, unless the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, no one could have been saved-protection. If all beings-the Nirvana for the fun of religion Infinite-upper-class Main, Main-sense, should be provided-y Buddha, Dharma and Sangha-Bao. By his grace-workers, making all the rules-organic-y Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
          Then, Dai-Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddhist transparency that: "World-Ton O Lord! What is called the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha-Bao? - What are rules-y?".
          Buddha Maitreya Bodhisattva: "Speaking of the Buddha-Bao has two levels: one is the Buddha-body, two-Lord Buddha".
          Buddha-body is: As-Lai, application-worshiping, Main-variable-Tri, Minh Hanh-Sufficiency, Compassion, The, World-Space-League, Wuxi-Shanghai-Si, Article-fisheries-Phu Thien Human-Master, Buddha, World-Religion [18] , the volume wheel, boundless, countless lives-past childhood too, did not spare body-par, diligent practice continent-level, operator-fulfillment, under the Bo-De, Kim sat court-diamond, surrender ma-military, para-kill every enemy to-treat (annoying-brain), is the First-set-position, the College-Main-sense. These micro-magic-faith fully so called Buddha.
          Lord Buddha-ie full decade (ten) power, quad (four) wheel base-captain, bowl (eighteen) non-public-law [19] , higher-word-bearing age, age-joy, great-conditioner, three (three) Award-escape-subjects [20] , three (three) market-directed [21] , green (six) god-information [22] , depending Tam-ma-site [23] , quad (four) position [24] , dual (two) position [25] in the Buddha-body; tri leave, exit [26] , paragraph bother-brain-block [27] , and tri-block-basis [28] , leave everything set-gas [29] , no direct use [30] , starting as-as- chemistry [31] . Or far or near, on, in self-in, no-stumbling block. In a mustard seed can be loaded into the collector-Dieu-high-quality mountain (Tu-Di) [32] . Public-very-quality faith, such immeasurable, Buddhas As-Lai, both are full. Back from a myriad life-eons, life itself-at-par, can not harm-reduction. In the spirit-scenes information, go to turn-out, no-stumbling block, arbitrary self-in. World-Ton Buddhas, before doing the-village-out place, convergence-communication [33] , release the yellow trench-ray micro-magic, illuminating his place. We-born in it, met her trench-rays, patient-friendly, heart-disease were from the end, then fire away mind, body cool-cool. The stretching is bent, the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, the chaotic mind, heart average return of old-static. The demon-crazy-crazy sentimental work, love-birds catch hell, are subtracted from both. The ceiling is off their clothes, people have become interested arrogant-friendly flex-made, the grief, center-stable peace, the road goes left, meet-the horizon, the hungry get food and drink, the be detained-hold-out, the fear is fear-fear not mind. Go-pile of folded-rapids, mountain-elbow segment slots, all are average-key, like to hand. Home narrow, naturally tall, narrow roads, bad, all of them wide flat. Market-hammer, neighbors Indians, natural open-categorical; Filthy things-no-evil net, clean fragrance response time; -toxic spikes sharp corners, tile, gravel, sand, stone, are not shown. The sun illuminates but not hot, toxic, fragrance-style harmony throughout, without dust. The first bird: white-crane, giant-deprived, I-weapons, health-seat, steering-frequency-shift-old, the-only-la, la-na-sentence, community-par ... [34] , known it or, calm, harmony-singing the elegant language. Elephants, horses, cattle, goats, species-ox, ox-mao, style-ox, ox-architecture, are called the micro-adjust the sound of it. The music-air: not much, pepper, enemy AI, iron, drums, whistles, no self-nature type sounds. And, many of the common tasks-god-colored, well-led foreign rare-hearted, well turned-out feature. The rarity like, every day, every day is different and adds to the unique-winner, is due to God's authority-as-Lai so. [35]
          If there is doubt we-born Buddhist World-Religion (Buddha-body) and work-ethics Buddha (Buddha-faith) is one or the other, so the saying: "Buddha and not a virtue-nor the other! For as lamps, oil, wicks (heart) light, the light is not the one and the other is not. Put oil, wicks, no light can have its own light. If it lights light without oil, wicks, time and place that the bright, hot fire must. Buddha-body, as well as the world-faith! " [36]
          Body micro-magic that is French-body work-no-counterfeit virtue of Buddha, the refuge-per-class titles of self, neighbor-receptor-user-friendly [37] . However, the Buddha-body that is not possible, but, leaving Body went out, did not have any French-own-special body [38] . If his body is "possible", and the foreign-object, with quad-era generals [39] ; should know that is not the general (non-general), nor is not a general (non-array-General). If not the general (non-general), at the same time as state-damage-not; as co-damaged state, ie properties that "normally", without any difficulty in fault-error-means method. Self-liquidity-net, no infection, no copying, no deep-quality, no-change variable, difficult to understand, difficult to know, President-static micro-magic, full wheel-border public-health ethics foot Maritime cooperation, an end to all theater-expression. And, just playing them, know, other steps can not be equaled, nor used experimentally-than-example that can be measured. Bodhisattva Maitreya should know: "The body like that, that is the French Minister of Buddha-body-Religious World, as some constants in the river sand-past, present and future-you-in". [40]
          Buddhism is the body's alarm-wheel-wage Wednesday amount of happiness-faith, the virtue of wisdom mind-As-Lai-set convergence of three wheel of life, starting out the infinite-honesty, generally-cylindrical invariance, all base-general, our wisdom-light-transparent, and throughout France-world, are charity-based wealth illegally exported world-born, can not think, desk, because beyond mind-wisdom can- time. So, the property-net-independent, that is the minister, took legal endless, boundless interest-optimistic. Bodhisattva Maitreya should know: "That means press-body-satisfied members of the As-Lai". [41]
          Chemical-friendly: Organic-love for the other, depending on where the goods-so-volume appeared countless multitude of-body of the Buddha. Place of Buddha-body, or out of Hell itself was, of other property-love, that they leave any hard-brain, the lead-in-law took them, make them give rise to specific-winning, student on Human realm, the realm of God-receptor enjoy the pleasure-pleasure-win, for the Buddha-law, private-deep thoughts, the Buddha-law-division and St-director-effective. Or Self-demon born of species, teaching organic chemistry-the-other, making them far apart are the second-hungry, photo-department and the teacher-in-law of them, make them give rise to specific-winning, student on Human realm, the realm of God, enjoying the pleasure-of-sale communications, deep-enter the Buddha-France, St.-director-effective. Or chemical make-born eagle, in other realms; or as relatives of Ca-ro-la, or of making the body: the dragon, lion, elephant, horses, bears, tigers, leopards, lean, sweet, fox, mink, rabbit, pythons, snakes, scorpions, fish crabs, three-three, crocodiles, white-crane, giant-stripping, phoenix-queen, Mandarin-run, he-dancing, shopping-town ... that the organic-love it, away from the brutal-harm each other, together toward the center-, avoid all the fear-fear and just told them by the law-making-believe they have a profound thought, rules-y Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, was born on plane Human realms God, all things are bliss and pleasure-Buddha-law-division, Saint-director-proof results. Or extension-of-ownership situation in the other country-route; or the sun, the moon is not nowhere to shine. All of these places do not have the Buddha-law, Major-is-established law, as provided for every property-the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, scrape off the hair, gender-ban sale of Buddha, do you Turn-On with chocolate -Number-Ni, or the O-ba-of-ca (good-south), O-ba-ca-investment (credit-female), construction Increase room, household-major prime-law; Security-up no-volume, numerous property-love, reaches Nhan Thien Nirvana award-out, which is attained. Or students to realms God, Catholic-turned-love other beings, that they separated from the five-education [42] , mind-infected clones, the lead-in-law took them, discovered the Bodhi mind, the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the break-enter-law, reached the spot attained Nirvana award-out.
          Or living in the human world, where the king is born clan Like, using the well-equipped-led, teacher-turned-love all property, except for paragraph-bother-brain, strong-fire, birth, aging, sickness, death in the three worlds, so now sold-born, beyond the production-processing, spread grass Cat-wall [43] , under the Bodhi, sitting in the director-colon, where buildings Kim-General, ma-military surrender, the College-Main-sense. So, the organic-chemistry-love, move the car-law, emit large-rays, all wide, illuminating the earth, their interests, interests, are both members-fulfillment. Or is President-static, in the Great Nirvana, that is chemistry-Buddha. All the clever-clever-convenient volume wheel, such immeasurable, are self-god-of As-Lai and it means "form" of the triangle (three) body (France, newspapers, Hoa body) no general difference so. [44]
          Then the Lord told University World-Ton Bodhisattva Maitreya said, "Good-men-mail! Italy he think? - If faith-men-mail, female-friendly human-provided-y Buddha, time should France rules-y-bar-net body of the Buddha. If you want French-body bridge of Buddha, the oath-large prayer like this: "Prayer: child and all other circumstances would be useful-the-faith French- body like that! "- Why make them play-pray like that? - So, application-friendly (press-body) Buddha turn-change each moment, quickly turned-Buddha entered Nirvana, and French- relative merit of time-usually-quiet office, so should provide French-y-bar-net itself. The French-y-body, ie rules-y-Buddhas in the past, position-bred, out-in . If we give them-born, stock Nirvana, which is subject to the co-location of suffering in hell, if the co-existence-the-exit situation, though in Hell, but not like in Nirvana . Because human-affinity them, making them all the rules-born French-Buddha, Nirvana funny scene evidence, such as research-wing-like (French-count), no more, no less. French-like body, legs-an-touch, so just make them-born French-Buddha rules. [45]
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! How France called bar-net-protection? - Speaking on France-protection has three levels. What are the three steps that? - First French-sure: Nirvana, Orange Prize-escape-route, usually, communication, self, purity, [46] as "to-count", can kill all birth, aging, sickness and death , giving, compassion, suffering brain.
          What is Student-suffering? - It is, thanks to the sub-templates-case, species-e-net in any pregnant mother, the wind power industry is preserved, over the nine-month period, at the birth, maturity-organ (Themes- organ) dark-dark, no light, unclean impure, where air-complex of eighty-insect protection; breathe out, breathe in, all-out according to the operation of the mother; mouth can not speak, eyes are not looking, hunger, thirst, cold, hot, all pressing hard body and mind. Those suffering like, no-volume, infinite, making everything we are not free-living-in, so-called "student-suffering". Although he suffered pain, which may be a-virtue, all the resentment part (the bad guys) can not feel it, do not say anything bad about the error, right. In an-touch approach Nirvana Forever-rate [47] , there is no pain like that!
          What is Aging-suffering? - As we-born from young to old, time-changing weather, something full-sufficient and losses are reduced, weight-failure-weak force, go, in trembling, silver hair, wrinkled face, eyes, ears fuzzy , deafness, teeth, fangs sparse, broken, bad facial massage, body hunched-khọm, people who blame, hate. There teachings, said to forget, for this is the whole body burden. For as lamp oil were all gone, no longer turns off. How old is grease (the fit) of age were all young men, will die shortly. Brought back as early face mask face, meeting everyone, who saw the world, and he was born joking. This old mask like this. From a village-to-village part, all of them born with a mask-failure-old, who makes jokes are also seen. As human-affinity that, old as large, except to die, but there is no cure medicines. But the brain of the elderly suffer like that, but still do not want to give it boring, but Spirit-term demand-island, constant desire longevity. In an-touch approach Infinite-billion Nirvana, no old-format it.
          How is the disease-suffering? - The earth, water, wind, fire thwarted, devouring each other, all suffer together this body. All of us-students, regardless of age, infants, and have it all. Once infected, the first five months of sexual wellbeing with the same physical gold, silver, treasure-security, home-sexy-ethnic belonging, are separated from the whole. There is nothing to teach men, women, relatives are not redundant-upon, all the resentment-processing environment, supported by help-liar. Patients suffering like that, do not spend all expectation. Therefore, patients should be aware that large. In peace Infinite-rate legal Nirvana, bar-net, no sickness silence him.
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! What is Tu-suffering? - As we-gas (breath) off, get away, not knowing anything. In all suffering, nothing of the suffering he died. Birth, old age, disease-suffering, in the realm, the realm can have that void, not specified, but this e-suffering, the planes are. For example, the suffering of the poor lack, stole the glory-flower, as the suffering of hatred robbed kindness, but, if the suffering of death comes, what time do not fussy old, young, stupid, position, to, cowardly, all robbed before. Put this body and, in the dark-dark, clothing, toys lying all the treasure, not what is. Go naked, did not elect you, whether brought wealth nor redeemed from event-report and take no where treatment. O dear, very often! Often harm him, so patience is evil, do not picky guys resentment and relatives. We-born in the three realms, nobody is inevitable, death were blocked off, who can save? - Although the strength of Jump-rotation-king, on-kingdom, are also impressive start. Be aware of the suffering of countless dead-volume, infinite. So shop-watching, saw death as large. In solution-escape wheel billion Nirvana calm, peace and happiness, no e-suffering it. 
          For such people were swept away by river water, sink-wrecked, sticking up high mountains, from the fear. We-born as well, often all flowing river of life and death swept away, sink-wrecked, up mountains Nirvana, avoiding fear of birth and death. Like the rain, except for the block-afraid-toxic heat, ceiling-UE ..., people-people peace, cool the body, mind, hundreds of beautiful trees, the fruit-achievement; As the wet method of re-Lai also like: minus-brain troubles are all toxic-heat, we still fun-born, award-drain, cool, add all the same great good in white, bar-net (bach- pure good-strain), [48] a-achievement indeed, evidence is Nirvana. By his grace-workers, Buddhas World-Ton dedication wheel often, witness scenes fun Nirvana.
          Now the World-to-Ton said that he wanted, he immediately said that the verse:
As-Lai Yew-to-body ie France,
Thanh-net, the same foot-soles-drainage; [49]
The sun, light inseparable,
Public-As-Lai virtue is Nirvana.
Buddha's foot-fall and no difference,
As interesting places-of-the property;
Student-Prince, Nirvana: a unique,
As of that indestructible, not make-work.
Calculated as-such as stigma, others clean,
The Buddha's own unique know-Ton.
We are born-As-Lai-Tang (50 ) [50]
Three-protected so is the earth.
Organic-enter all the Buddha-mind,
So, not liquidity-net-particularly wrong.
-Born Buddhist and they count the same,
Fan-wife saw another, no other Bible.
All of us-born stick-net capital,
Three generations of As-Lai and say so.
As of that stigma, still not clean two,
We Buddha-born and not differences.
Nowhere-not, regardless ten-difference,
Mind-per-class features such as well.
For example, all of them-born men,
Across the damage-not, take birth-kill;
All student-kill units and the like,
At the micro-world very well.
For example, damage-no fire no fire,
Birth-death-of multiplicity indestructible.
Location, hydro, wind-rotation shifting each transfer,
Nowhere-not no what health minister. [51]
Aggregates, origin, gender [52] and that three,
Permanent-race career, annoying-brain-computer;
Now, disturb other brain-where?
- Often slash-great expectations, proving the original wheel.
- Mind-great expectations in other public place?
- Where the wheel of the mind-net calculation.
Aggregates, origin, other world, present-book author,
All the inherent French-wheel cylinder;
Now-or kept together as land, water,
Hope, thoughts turn-up as wind,
Mind-calculated net capital as damage-not,
Hope, not ideal refuge, no room.
Messing-brain, now, suffering, starting from expectations,
Now, suffering annoying-brain-workers.
Or, now not certain week-complete,
No people, no charm no convergence-Assembly;
No birth, no-kill count is not president,
The Can-am-transparent bar-net position. (53) [53]
Self-born emptiness, not-change variables,
So, annoying-brain, very-clever cover-fill;
Blurred vision saw two moons,
We accept-fall-born, legal, too.
Messing-brain like bees,
Honey it away like-Lai-organ;
Honey bees are her all-coated fins,
Tri-fake his household, usually honey.
The Minister continental Vo-the-making facilities,
The evidence is that the other French-friendly. [54]
For example, rice shell not give clean,
Can not treat the delicious meal;
Shell-brain troubles, excluding Bodhisattva,
Unable to Cambodia rice recipe.
Action-workers remember falling jewels in place,
Although not gone forever from dirt;
The God-label shows where pearls fall,
Pick up the bag, wash arbitrary use.
Buddha-born properties such that they are two,
Wanting to getting rid of annoying-brain memory;
Mahāyānists orange-route the water wash,
Wash bare-workers, Buddha-existing properties.
For example, wheat germ had just given birth,
For the rice: yes, not no-decision making;
Buddha-properties do not leave in the "have not"
The only self-certified new Buddha understood. [55]
Self-France-storage properties often bar-net,
World-Ton Buddhas have said so;
Guest-bother-ceiling cover-filled brain lost,
As the morning sun with clouds.
French-Bao Vo-configure all sufficient merit,
Often, optimistic self, impurities are member-satisfaction.
French-liquidity-translational how to find?
- Turn-division-special-position is attained.
As the pond water clean-dirty stain,
In the shower was not infected-copy;
As real-moon and am back up,
As the sun rises in the private cloud.
Unknown-the-moral structure around the site-serious,
Disturb brain-washed, light show. [56]
          Buddha said: Bodhisattva Maitreya! He should know the First French-Bao Dai-ie Bat Nha, award-out, body-law. [57]
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! He should know the French-filed-sensitive storage, ie Virtue, concentration, wisdom, virtue of the micro-magic-like thirty-seven Bodhi legal department: quad (4) concept-office (mindfulness), quartet ( 4) the pars (the need), quad (4) god-sufficiency (as-the-sufficiency), five (5) units, five (5) capacity, ventricular (7) sense-unit (sensory-chi), bowl (8) Saint-direction (main-direction). It is thirty-seven measures [58] along with bar-net-Bao France before, do-means method. What is means-comfort? - So, does that practitioners are sound-proof net other French-friendly. Be aware that that is the Second French-Bao.
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! What is the third French-Bao? - As the law of Buddha-World-Religion in life too-numerous-volume history as the sand of the Ganges said and we now also deal said. As eighty-four thousand of magic-legal-aggregates, [59] which-we-born affinity for pure-independent, making him Ananda (Ananda) and higher-filed-mail .., heard a turn on the ear, all of them in mind, the only-maintenance and can be recorded as regent-year-organ parts: one, Beijing-organ, second, Law-organ, third, Luan-organ, four are, Bat- Nha Pāramitā-organ, in the Da-la-ni-organ subjects. In that part-organ, the teacher-turned-organic, depending on where to level, will speak to them.
          If other property-like situation in the mountains, often in place of leisure-president, satellite-lucky (Zen-on), so as they say on Business-organ. If other property-the popular file-superior authority, the household-maintenance-law, peace-of-escape in a solution, which is eternal Buddha-law-office, so as they say in law-organ. If the other property-the-law likes to say, feces-special properties, general, research-saving time-turn-off to study deep-space distance, so as they say in Luan-organ. If the property-other-popular collective wisdom and true position of Mahāyāna, inevitable fall-compliance, legal-approved distribution-particularly so because they say the Bat Nha Pāramitā-Tibetan. If other property-love can not be Khe-receptor-maintenance business, it-s, (law) to approach (reasoning), Bat Nha, or organic-create all the bad karma, the mortal sin [60] as: Quartet (4) key, bowls (8) key, contingent (5) Infinite-break-guilty-by-economic class, no-credit etc. target-kill is made, the fast-fast-break to cut-enlightenment Nirvana, so as they say on Da-la-ni-organ.
          In his French-organ, such as emulsions, communication, student-Car, Motor and topic-independent micro-magic lake. Deed-business as emulsion; It-s (Law) was lost, For-law-professor (thesis) as the other student-bowl, Mahāyānists Bat Nha and Independent Motor and General-prime-half (Da-La-Ni) such as threads lake. Cartesian lake is the easiest thing in the micro-predicates: emulsion, communication, student-bowl, independent-bowl; unless it is the patient, make the mind-body-the peace-friendly fun. General-prime-half (Da-La-Ni) was filed in the Supreme Organ: deed-doing so., Because, except for the weight-crime, making them all-liberated life and death, quickly attained Nirvana, an-optimistic, French-body. [61]
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! After we kill-degree, Mr. Ananda (Ananda) receptor-prime and said Beijing-organ, he Pros-Ba-Ly (Upali) receptor-maintenance and organ-law said he Ca-poly- Forum-Na (Ca-fried-dien: Katyayani) receptor-prime and said Luan-organ, Bodhisattva Man-Foe-Interior-dysentery (Manjusrit) receptor-prime and say Mahāyānists Bat Nha Ba-La Multi-organ-syrup. Bodhisattva Kim-as-prime (Vjrasattva) receptor-prime and tell the President-prime-half (Da-La-Ni-organ) deep massage, micro-magic.
          Church-like subjects, except for being annoying-long brain at birth-death-hell-ownership situation, quickly escape and award-exit controls were effective. For example, the light-dark except for clean up, visible way. Buddha also like torched location-wise, ten illuminates the dark-dark evil (ie ten evil), which saw good way. For example, the other organic-fraud treasure lotus, heard this before, so lily-work and give to all the people impoverished. If you have the wrong-they-now, listen to this then, remove the evil, good practice; if people hear this mad-data and then, immediately ring-humiliation is. Being lazy-lazy-love, heard this before, crystal-progress. They spread-disorder-born, heard this before, President-static center back. the organic-ngu-si, heard this before, and he found location-wise, is mind-intellectual and religious center of the recovery are good. Again, the organic-overhears this and close wicked-fun, paving the way Nirvana, enjoys an orange highway, attained award-out. Be aware that third-Bao France.
          In all measures, dark religion, supreme, not any more legal Infinite-range approach. Why? - So, boat-law was suffering friends in an e-large-born workers, the wage-cam-Highway-the organic pharmacy. Moreover, the results attained in three continents countless lives-level practitioners, running the store-sa Buddha, Bodhisattva. Public-magic-legal ethics park-like contentment, should provide micro-France-y-Bao Vo. If you have them-born receptor-prime business, the play-this prayer: "I pray rules-y-Bao like France. French-y-storage regulations that then, pray for all of us-six students in the religious development He atom. The present rules-y, also makes the property-an-office-in-law that virtue, leading to Nirvana and true security-head. "
          Bodhisattva Maitreya! He should know that that is a third French-Bao !!
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! What is known and true-Tang Bao?
          Boost-Bao has three steps:
          - De-most mean-Tang: That is, Buddhas, Saint-Tang, head-like-an-law, can not see, can not hold, unbreakable-destructive, non-harmful to burn, can not think desk and well-being are good fields for all of us-students. But the field reports, but no place field-sales, mortgage-defense, the moral-legal-for-often do not turn. So-called De-most mean-Boost.
          - De-Saint-Boost II: The Complete Tu-Da-oriented, Tu-Da-Complete results; Da-Ham Tu-oriented, effective April-Da-Ham, A-Na-content oriented, A-Na-function results, Arhat direction, Arhat fruit; Bich Chi-Buddhist-oriented, Bich-Chi-Buddhahood, Bat Dai-Human senses, Tam Hien, Holy Cross [62] . So-called De-Bao Tang II.
          - De-tam-being-filled-Tang: As You Turn-Soviet, Soviet-On-Ni etc .., receptor-prime precepts, location-wise, listen more, as God-the tree [63] , often covering -rop them-born. Like going back in at the same sand-gravel wide, thirsty, sweet rains rainwater rushing down, instantaneous full-sufficient. Again as big tanks, all of the treasures that originate in place. Boost-Bao Phuc-filled so well, often giving the peace-organic-steady-touch pleasure. Again, Tang Bao-bar-net was not infected, usually kill greed, hatred and delusion-renders them-born. As the full moon night of the full moon light, love all beings-not-religious who is not a dream. Just as sure-Continental Manila, often filling-sufficient and all-good-will of the property. So-called De-Bao Tang triangle.
          Make that three-level increase, all beings-the-y How should provide? It should say: "So that we shall-y-born De-least-mean-fragile micro-Tang Bao. Why? - Because, as very often micro-pillar-Tang. Tang Bao-insight is that nothing is -lau, no-scope, no change, no other. The wheel-y-Tang Bao such contraband, destroy all organic-suffering love. Back to pray for the situation would be useful-wheel-merit such illegal world. It is his legal right, took legal Tam-redundant, high-organic-exit situation. The rules-y Buddha, Dharma and Sangha-Bao, not fear-fear suffering in the three evil paths, and unwanted birth up Human realm, God, just swear organic-saving situation, suffering from life and death. " So-called Sangha-storage regulations.
          Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! If you have provided us-students-y-Tam said, should give rise to this: "I now have relatives living in the human world, are from eight victims [64] , the difficulty was, still is, user-friendly ways-means tu-set all enemy-win approach, micro-magic. If I left with high-roof chapel like, not good-legal requirements, and also a self-deceit, and boaters in the tank, to the place of treasures , returned empty-handed. "
          Rules-y Buddhist Sangha-storage facilities such as local-out of suffering, if not specified then the foreign-hate-y so promptly!
          Given that then, need to try-hard, fine-tu-training needs, a quick prayer-achievement. Compassion-law has, too-past sins should be repentance-exchange, except make-cut off. Speaking words: "The wheel of life and death whispering now, body, speech and mind-now, refresh sin-volume to infinity, infinite, all from heart failure-expectations, crooked phat- start. For parents, Hoa Thuong, Grand-Master-key and religious context of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha-Bao, made-operation from all sin, repentance-exchange date have. And because two of the artifacts that every crime-pole-key career as Dieu-high mountain. The offense did what? - One, body-loving, second, hostility-resentment. If, in the birth-death-accident level, two types of property-the plaintive , other relative, close to the no-avail the benefit will start Consulate-wide look something like this: "Being-with the other beings, are oriented melt-away places, you do cause offense! " [65] Again, to all beings in the ten-the-world that can do all good-now, the Huu-school level, Infinite-learning, Single-enlightenment, Thanh-Van, Buddhism and Buddhist-filed , all-Hien Thanh, children are custom-wedding [66] . Moreover, for numerous youth-whispering, birth and death-transfer-resistant make-shaped body in animals, wheel relative to the amount of resentment guys with the ever-useful bit of public interest, present-in, you are not well-bred little, but the wheel in its earliest childhood because those plaintive, other relatives, make-work all sin, human free will bear, do not swear interference-up to all of us-others [67] . As important as the equipment-fire, for family-loving, self-esteem-care, improving child-support body, massage bath-wash-term, supply-level dining, sick-sick-help support everything thuoc- scales of-wealth, while the so very precious-chemical, but for disease-suffering of beings, why not instead be much more in the future could save lives suffering large-working life and death for children are. Which of the following in the body-that is not shifting, not for nothing, how much more life tomorrow! I was so dear, friendship-love too. The self-cultivation and are not due to be, so to regulations Three-security house-y and true. Why? - So, that person is often-office. For example, a location-wise, while insurance-victims, who are world-power requirements, and household saving her. We-born, too, in-casualty insurance life and death, the Tam-y-protection, to master yourself, can overcome the large tank life and death. If the child is then also re-employed, cover-passenger, research-protection for all of us-students-victims suffering ". [68]
          The play was so great vows, are college-credit-center, the front of the Buddha, knees straight hands, opening his right shoulder, initiated the words: "Regulation-y Buddha, Dharma and Sangha-Bao". For example, the poverty-equipped in the earth, all beings-the-horizon are visible contempt, false-making, drive-kicked, abused-nhiec, cancel-humiliation. Than he was despised, and he needs to have the respect-your-power generation, to master himself, and he avoided everything as-humiliation. Organic-love too, or evil-born in the same animal in the human world, often suffering radiation-pressing all myself, in the hope to avoid so-y Tam-protection rules, the sufferings like award-exit feature . Three-y-protection rules and, again please play-prayer: "I pray we all study-household-birth, life and death over the pool, to the shores of Nirvana." As modern-home-trade, trade-goose-driven people who, through insurance contracts where the sand-gravel wide, to place fear-fear not. Professor Tam Dao-protected so well, Wire-sex-driven, through which large copper long life and death, to Dai-Nirvana is Infinite-basis-captain (do not fear-fear). [69]
       Bodhisattva Maitreya! He should know the mind-tu-act play well Mahāyānists rules should have a thought-y-Tam Bao like!

[1] Business Mahāyānists Li-Luc interesting Pāramitā is sutra 261 in Great-Organ-trading. Beijing has 10 products, divided into 10 books. The Triple-products-this is the first storage. Beijing belongs Mahāyānists and talk about the fun-foot-save-wing base (legs-as-management) of all law, that is to say the "real-minister" of the thing, so-called "reasonable routine ". Li-beasts Bat Nha y where (location-IP) Pāramitā (Prajnaparamita) into five well Pāramitā other: Dan-Na (father-pilot) Ba-La-Mat -Multi (Danaparamita), Thi-La (Tri-world) Pāramitā (Silaparamita), floor-Recommended (Ring-flesh) Pāramitā (Ksantiparamita), Ti-Le-Da ( Crystal-progress) Pāramitā (Viryaparamita), Zen-Na (Zen-specified) Pāramitā (Dhyanaparamita). So-called continental Pāramitā or called "altitude" which is composed of six measures: Dad-pilot, Tri-world, flesh-Rings, Fine-progress, and Tri-Zen-intellectual. Pāramitā (Paramita) translated means "Savior-Wing" (reaching the same spot in the ultimate self-employment, training of the Bodhisattva); "Due Belgium-Bank" (real-out pass an age-prayer life and death, to the shores of Nirvana); "High-Forever-Pole" (Bodhisattva Vow to overcome the distance of every law-wide) and translated as the "India" means "high-drain".
Three-Protection Rules-y: The y-mean return, slash-leaning. Recognizing human-friendly, world-Men: impermanence, suffering and non-self, no-net; the-future-such as foot-count, because methane mistaken expectation-great-switch to save life and death should go back and leg-slash-leaning often-cylinder count. Buddha (Buddha), France (Dharma), Tang (Sangha) Tam-Bao, to sense-realization, the end of suffering, be happy forever-sensing in Nirvana award-off, is provided Tam-Bao-y. Tam Bao-place division level 4 or 6 steps, but the total can re-regulation in three steps as follows:
1 / Co-Body Three-Protection: a) Buddha-Protection: Buddha and one of them-born co-projector can sense (sense-realization, light-transparent). b) French-Protection: Buddha and their French-born co-tablet-a chronic, often-cylinder, per-class. c) Increase-Protection: Buddha-born and we can co-calculate a harmony, bar-net.
2 / Special Three-Body-Protection: (or so-called export-Tam-Bao): a) Buddha-Protection: French-friendly, press-friendly, chemical-body of the Buddha, as Shakyamuni, Lord A- Di-Da etc .. b) French-Protection: The law of Buddha-like Tam-learning, Four-Empire, continental-level, 37-lead aids etc .. c) Increase-Protection: The Saint-Tang, Bodhisattva-Tang as the Four-effective, Four-oriented, Coast-sense, Tam-Hien, Cross-St.
3 / Head-Tri Tam-Bao: a) Buddha-Protection: Painting-Buddha. b) French-Protection: Five-organ-Catholic Bible: Economics, Law, Luan, Bat Nha, Da-la-ni-organ. c) Increase-Protection: The monk-artist.
[2] No-Quit-Transfer: English Pham called Bat-A-Stand-Chi (Avaivarti): Means of-faith, charity-based practice is increasing, as progress, not regress-furniture, move-turn . Real-quit-turn there's more: In Cross-believers, believers 6 is "Trust No Quit"; Cross-head in preliminary-Development Center as "Play-Center Real-Quitting"; Head to the 7th is "Action-No-Quit"; in Cross-site, application-site as "Stock-No-Quit", to address the Eighth (8th place) no use religion as "Cast No-Quit".
[3] Cross-Site: 1 / Hoan-wedding-locations. 2 / Ly-structure-site. 3 / Play-optical-site. 4 / Diem-IP-address. 5 / Nan-win-site. 6 / Show-money-place. 7 / Far-out-place. 8 / Real-work-place. 9 / Compassion-IP-address. 10 / French-so-local. "Site" means the sum-of-merit recorded organic and non-vi-vi self-calculated and used as shelter make-sure-leaning than the tu-out, or student-led growth.
[4] Ten French Pāramitā: 6 Pāramitā above and 7 / The-Room Thien-Xảo Pāramitā (Upayaparamita). 8 / May-Pāramitā (Pranidanaparamita). 9 / Luc Pāramitā (Balaparamita). 10 / Tri Pāramitā (Jnanaparamita).
[5] For Gonorrhea-Industry: Education-contraband ie, organic-counterfeit, pirated smart wheel. Gonorrhea is troubling-brain. Action-up mistakes made ​​methane detector-rust, tan-the-lost direction and reach the lost-faith healing and gonorrhea-optimistic in life and death, so-called "illegal-now".
[6] The advantage I have is: That is where self-tier A-La-Han willow-born-mail address.
[7] Mind-friendly solutions Escape: Tier La-Han Vo-birth certificates, the center-to-reach places achievements.
[8] Tue-friendly solutions Escape: Tier La-Han-top section of Take-bother-brain Tri Vo-Born-Tri.
[9] archery, she-said: It says they are born less than-full-of-faith-financial measures of Aryas and no evidence was French-body, not really the Buddha-mail, there was up-turn in students -From.
[10] First-Site-Design: That is the Buddha-mind that is known throughout all legal.
[11] On this Bodhisattva Maitreya observed mass-them mentality Trade-pity, want directions to the Buddha, expecting feeling-realization. Buddha was enlightened-realization, the public-the-planet supreme virtue, full of interesting ideas-large deep-distance confusing, only the Buddha to Buddha-knowledge is willow. Therefore teacher-law (text-shot) of the Buddha, micro-magic extraordinary: a how-function words all words, a well-meaning enough amount that wheel. And, so that Buddha-writable memory, understanding cause-effect-lens error-special-status of the property. Rules-y to seek the Buddha's scene-world self-awareness and sense of Buddha-Full-full realization of Buddha.
[12] Six units: Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
[13] On this feast about Comfort-glass supply of Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha solidarity with. Also is spreading happiness-faith-carbon-member-severe chronic page of Bodhisattva Maitreya, because the Bodhisattva is a First-origin student will complement attained enlightenment high-taste-not-super-climax nothing and only peer Buddha to Buddha alone (Unknown college-level results Buddha Bodhi).
[14] In-Body: Two knees, hands and head.
[15] This is the start Bodhisattva Maitreya want advice from time-The-Sun. Before visiting Bodhisattva-matter-born praising them, they-born is, text-utility benefits, stock-effective. They most student-centered mind-upward Buddha, Buddhist Nirvana law should provide an upper-wheel fun, unborn eternal prize-theory they are suffering from, cheer, not individual effects.
[16] Buddha-to-date: Buddha or break-si-born referring to them should take the sun for-instance.
[17] In religion: God, A-Tu-La, Hell, ego-devil, animal-born. The three realms: the realm of Education, Excellence realm and the realm of Infinite-Sac.
[18] See sutra-The-Yin Bodhisattva has signed award-receptor-like.
[19] See Business Compassion Cross solved.
[20] Three (three) Award-Exit Gate: 1 / No: all French restaurant. 2 / Disable Minister: understand all the legal ultimately formless. 3 / Unknown vowed never expected the Friendly in later life.
[21] Three (three) Market-Directed: Three open-market method, lead-directing them-born: 1 / body transformation. 2 / Mouth teach commandments. 3 / Italian restaurant-engine-equipped police.
[22] See trade-Tu Hieu solved.
[23] Depending Tam Tam-Ma-Location: Tam-ma-disk that is "The" in The Buddha-body usually no when is not specified, same-concept idea with The so.
[24] Four (four) Tri: 1 / The basis of location work. 2 / Dieu shop-watching location. 3 / Average-class-calculated position. 4 / Great location-member-glass.
[25] II (two) Theme: Unit-of-site and post-prime-location.
[26] Lia Tri Warning: This means that the approved leave of location-Property (prime location features), accept and leave the scene-color (base-prime-scene), to witness the true-as-property law.
[27] Trouble-brain-distention: On-the-brain troubles and custom-bother-brain disorder brain-body-mind them-birth, stumbling stumbling-directed Nirvana.
[28] Department-Tri-Bell: ngu-delusion-possessed, do not understand the real-property-General and of all law, that is to exit the base-tri-stumbling block.
[29] Class Weapons: That is the gas-section (steam-driven) Order-set again. Hope, or the Mahāyāna divided into three: make-out, race-mail and file-air. -Up is now operating, is given passage-mail, but also a little bit of hope-or-direction it would appear Minister of expectations-or, call set-gas.
[30] Vo Dao Advantages: That is, the Lord Buddha-work-use self-course, do not make-work anymore.
[31] Run As-As-Chemistry: Buddha-results are not lending to public-use, self-advocacy-taking in, without stumbling-constraints.
[32] This age-of-use to say, do not be afraid of the Buddhist faith stumbling-up to the mountain Tu-Di or rapeseed not see spending big, small.
[33] Capacitor-Us: It villages-resident population.
[34] The First Bird: Confucian-Deprivation: English Pham called Ma-do-la (Mayura); Anh-Vu Pham called Thuc-hour shifts (Suka) (birds such as English speaking people); Xa-dysentery (SARI): China-US route is called bird-Thu; Ca-Lang-frequency-Aging (Kalavinka): birds or air-elegant language. Sino-US called Air-elegant birds; Just-A-Verse (Kokila): Sino-US bird called Hao-bar (or singing); Question-Na-La (Kunala): Sino-US bird called Hao-label (beautiful eyes); Community-clause (Jivajiva): Bird a body, two heads.
[35] On this show reveal the god-force-wheel afraid of Buddha.
[36] The above table of Buddha Buddha-friendly and non-faith Council nor simple.
[37] On this started about three (three) bodies of the Buddha are: France, newspapers, chemical-friendly. Self, tha-receptor-user-friendly newspaper-body belongs. Due to the amount of human-being-very religious faith, be sharp-friendly, but the effects of self-acceptance is legal-wide communication, mystery, is "self-receptor-user-friendly". Due to average-level position, Buddhas market-friendly bar is color-pure, micro-magic, every work-ethics because every tenth Bodhisattva legal-moral turn, makes the Bodhisattva, is passive-use law ectopia of Mahāyāna.
[38] This refers to the capacity of member-French-Buddha.
[39] Four-University: land, water, wind and fire.
[40] In France it is about wealth-vi-friendly, no-contraband of Buddha. This is where the French-body y-only newspaper-friendly. French-body is not a minister, is not general, inherent often-office, not through the human-coast-to inconvenience; self-liquidity-net, micro-magic, per-class is not one nor the other.
[41] The above is talking about newspaper-body of the Buddha, which is close by the end-result of natural human-friendly practice-practice-based wealth-wheel smuggled in eons that is.
[42] Five-Education Finance, size, name, make, thụy (of-wealth, beauty, name-expectation, eating, sleeping).
[43] Co Fortune: English Pham called She-sa (Kusa). Raw-going while Buddha attained enlightenment, God-Like King of human flesh, grip grass, clean, he asked: what? - The man said, this is auspicious grass. His cheerful thought: I break any sand (not healthy) to the auspicious (good). Then he would like to think, cover, sitting and feeling-realization.
[44] paragraph above about the benefits depending upon their utility-born-but-the-embodiment of-the picture to. The current-to-body can be divided into three: 1 / Win-the-body: now the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Coast-sense, Thanh-writer. 2 / Lit-to-body: the body's current, God etc., In the realm of Education. 3 / Custom-type-body: see where we need to attain high-born, will present the application-for.
[45] On this say about the French-y-Buddha is more.
[46] Chan-often, foot-touch, foot-falls, foot-4 moral purity of Nirvana award-out.
[47] Infinite-billion Nirvana: That is research-wing Nirvana, nothing match. 
[48] ​​That is illegal race-mail wheel of-merit, but the future-all of us-students are full.
[49] as the real reason, the French-Foot-like properties.
[50] As-Lai-Tibetan: legal means infection, net are calculated as regent-prime in-Lai. Or, as in Chan-disturb-brain, called the "As-Lai-Tibet".
[51] The above said, the French-foot-net body, magic-of-Lai As the French research-wing-body-like Nirvana Truth is Truth-as-legal-multiplicity distribution-particularly, the -thoat two obstacles: life and death, and bar-net. Truth was calculated as the sun and light inseparable. Truth was no micro-computer, no-work, no more, no less, no stain, no clean-born Buddhist and they average-class no difference, because we are born-As-Lai-organ features. We-born methane wrong, do not recognize the foot-calculated, the other is wrong, only the Buddha knew that average-Foot-class features such as damage-not distributed across the ten non-special. We-born students in damage-no-kill, so all of the organic-based and student-kill status and wealth in the micro-world, too. Nowhere is damage-no-no, no-no-vi-vi-count is calculated, can not fire, damage can not be it, because it does not fire the minister for that damage; There just is nothing that stands in the place of birth of new y-kill only.
[52] Xu-yun-About: ie five (5) Aggregates: identity, acceptance, perception, volition and consciousness; Twelve (12) Parish: 6 units (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind), 6 ceiling (color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal); Cross Bat (18) About: 6 units, 6 ceiling and 6 form (label-form, ear-consciousness, refugee-form, damage-consciousness, body-awareness and attention-mode)
[53] It said five aggregates, 12 origin, 18 y sexes in industry, medicine industry-brain to bother, bother to hope-y-brain idea, hope-y in very-clever idea, very-very clever y in microcircuit. Mind-liquidity-net and hard work, now-or kept together as land and water. Heart failure as a net-zero, as expected-great wind. Or-industrial-size-week results completely amorphous. If non-use properties comparable to the current bar-be-ie not. Not already show-route, while not born, kill, not equity-president. Info-transparent no-count them, which is to be location-ray Bat-elegant bar-net.
[54] This self-talk features-such as no-kill students, variable-change, but only because no-messing-brain clever cover-fill-foot property, mortgage-born self, law enforcement, hope-is the Birth-kill only. As the moon sore eyes see two moons. Messing-bee brain, As-Lai-Tibet as honey. Honey bees always been how-fin. I like to take the place of honey, bees keep their stars burn out, is to get honey. Like not be bothered-brain appealing, user-level as the continent-protection-friendly facilities, executive-director, display-As-Lai net-route calculation, the evidence is bar-net-body approach that.
[55] We-born full-sufficient location-wise, faith-General as the Buddha, because no-clever-or hope-filled cover without evidence, such as rice pounding yet clean shell, did not get good rice, cooking treat people, not bothering-brains would end, so make provisions for them-y-birth! Buddha-properties but is very annoying-brain-smart cover-fill, but never anti-septic, like pearls falling stain-dirty place, not knowing picked up, washed away, while still hiding forever, but, picked the wash, you still like the old. Buddha-count too, if using position Wisdom in Buddhism, water Mahāyānists orange-highway, brain-washed troubles, the Buddha-counted out. Buddha-properties do not leave "yes" and "no", such as wheat germ is just rising, said that the rice is not rice or is not! But that's only Buddhist self-aware new evidence.
[56] It says calculated and true, the bar-net-virtues of the French-protected, although guests are annoying-brain-ceiling cover-fill, but, using distributed-Wuxi-special-place-elegant but modern Bat will cleanse the evidence is, the light will appear. As the lotus in the mud, like the real moon-done, for example. Guest-ceiling-brain: that is, the brain is not bothered-material-inherent properties of interest, since the start of the maze, so-called "guest", because as cache-count, so-called "bare ".
[57] This refers to the three virtues: 1 / Self-count Buddha, often law-property-office eternal Dharma-body-virtue. 2 / Understanding the real-world of computer-hybrid, every minister of Justice, the Bat Nha-virtue. 3 / The minus all the annoying-brain, or, karma, life and death, is self-in, the prize-escape-virtue.
[58] Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva to protest France: Cross-Thien see business solutions.
[59] Noble-Fa-yun: The law-goal aggregate micro-magic-5 Museum in Tibet, as the Buddha said to customize chemical-mechanical level.
[60] The Crime Weight: Four-esteem, major bowl of monks, monks-nuns; no-break-five offenses: five-instant offense contrary, feel-bad-things receptor 5 now, suffering in Hell result wheel indirectly: 1 / Create professional, through space-segment sales. 2 / Thu non-interrupt-size segment. 3 / Time-space-paragraph break. 4 / Body-par uninterrupted pars. 5 / Body-packed picture is not open (no-break); By-College-Business: Business-ie the processing of Mahāyāna.
[61] It said the five-organ protection in French-is-in, so that as grace of-the Buddha said.
[62] Bat Dai-Human-Enlightenment: Tier Dai-eight people feeling-realization (see economic sense Bat-University-Human): Three-Hien ie Head Cross, Cross-Action, The Return-oriented; The Venue News Holy Cross.
[63] Trees Thien-Italy: the tree that is in heaven, the prayer-what are like.
[64] Eight Victims: Eight-block where the accident to see the Buddha, listening to France: 1 / Hell. 2 / Self-demon. 3 / Rinse-sinh.4 / North-question-European burners. 5 / School-life-disaster. 6 / Deaf, blind, dumb, lisp. 7 / World-location-information measures (a location-earth wisdom information-intelligence, defense-uncle). 8 / Born in the mid-last Buddha Nirvana, Buddha-like following unpublished.
[65] The above is talking about repentance-exchange means to reveal the sins before and from now on do not dare eat-contrition again.
[66] The above said, who do the most mind-merit are delighted canopy-carbon and followers.
[67] Please take retribution.
[68] The self-realization on impermanence right place themselves. The body is not often-cylinder as birth, old age, sickness and death should not be able to rely. Even relatives okay to be replaced and rely only Three-protection is often-cylinder, so rules-y. Rules-y reach rescue-wing, left-born voluntary rescue them. It is self-awareness and-pray.

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