Saturday 14 February 2015

Celebrate Spring Maitreya.HAPPY VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR.19/2/2015.

The Vietnam Buddhist psychology also admire, revere Maitreya and he became a symbol of joyful expectation, long-term prosperity in our heart of hearts ...

Spring is the season's first five seasons beginning to change meat creatures, trees are bud, things change, full of vitality. People so eager to welcome spring, spring is also welcome Maitreya, Maitreya belief manifested in life with good things will happen to everyone, every home. 
Business  Maitreya Upper birth  experience  birth Maitreya  said that he came from a Brahmin family, then do a Buddhist, passed away before the Buddha, bodhisattvas using cylindrical body in heaven Where instructive sermon rate This realm of the gods. According to legend, the Bodhisattva because we want to teach students, and do not eat from the new center; whom he predestined he called Tu Thi. The economic  longest  ( 1) , the bodhisattva-kindness he took the letter  from  the Four immeasurable as head of Buddha. That compassion born of strain properties Tathagata, that all beings in this world do not lose Buddha nature. Exalted and each time prophesies that all human life is 4,000 years old, estimated at about 57 billion 60 million years, then Bodhisattva birth to the Buddha realms as root Longhua, divided into 3 Social Theory law. Due to his sense rather Buddhist bodhisattva preacher should call the Best Birth processor, Bodhisattva processor, processor slap threatened. When he became the Buddha, the Tathagata called Maitreya, Maitreya. 
According to the above sense, his portraits, mostly in the temple worship the image of Maitreya smiling mouth, belly exposed; when there are forces which are still worn around the child calmly, self at infinity. So, Buddhist psychology we love to admire him, especially on the first day of spring in the sense of "procession accompanied former neo", remove the evil, bad luck in previous years, efforts to practice good to welcome the new year with many good things.
Maitreya Buddha image exists with a smile, gentle appearance also makes one look into my soul soothing, gentle friendly and happy as ever. The first day of the new year that has been felt joyful, gentle compassionate humanitarian petal material, nothing like bliss by, nothing more impressive for their faith in the Three Jewels, with belief probably people to live lives of faith. Much more then, essentially directed learners who were known to live under the direction of improving lifestyle gentle, honest, rejoice with people who love all things, first to the temple Buddha, to think about his qualities Maitreya "From the market" in its more likely to manifest externally. Therefore, our mind is even more fun, more happiness when in contact with people in the present moment, now and here. 
Obviously, when people living with gentle heart good, right view on life with religion, with joy in the good practice, abandon evil law, then this is the belief in the near future Maitreya will manifest. The Buddha Sakyamuni had been convinced that the gentle lifestyle friendly, user friendly director of the school, to worship, evangelism is the basis, the foundation welcomes He was born on this earth. 
The economic  cakkavatti Lion amalgams  ( Cakkavatti-sihanada-suttanta),  Digha  1 predestined that Maitreya appeared totally different from Germany Sakyamuni was born in the middle of worldly pollution, with with a local center is extremely complex, heavy craving. Meanwhile, Maitreya appeared only at people with an uplifting moral life, people know the connection of love, true life, happy together people enthused. Thus, the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha symbolizes a good direction moral life, pure, culminating in the radial release. 
Understandable words, anyone who is born, grow up, mature are expecting a happy life, full of material, good health, long life longevity, wisdom and sanity. More importantly, he should be a holy spiritual life, rich in material love is expressed through petal compassion in everyday life. So when Buddhists eager to welcome spring Maitreya, Maitreya seek born in mind that they wish to live wholesome, abandon evil law, practice Dhamma in boundless joy.
This is the core of this text, as well as the intensification of the Buddhas want to recommend Buddhists welcome spring and celebrate spring with the most basic living "usually in the spring" year round, when the mind pure, unstained, life will be lengthened. Conversely people will suffer when traveling under physical spring with the expectation to enjoy passionate and sensual world, full of greed. Life expectancy will decrease, certainly suffering and oppressed will communicate arrived.
Buddha, man is master of his career, is now heir. So people decide life or well-being of their own suffering. A family on doing evil, evil mouth to say, the idea of ​​evil, the level of suffering which will increase sales, meaning the life go down the end point. Only when people realize the dangers of an immoral life, and to live with a good start, with Sa subjects Honor, respect for elders in the family, practicing the Dhamma, the risk of suffering will be minimized and life begins to grow again: 
"Bhikkhus, to a period, so people do evil deeds, the human life span is only ten years old, ... and the beings think because we're creating immoral to kill other people do the same. Let us do the good. Do good deeds should be longevity is increased prosperity, beauty growth. As life expectancy is increasing prosperity, growth Beauty human life should be only 10 years old but their children will expectancy to 20 years old. And to think that we do more good deeds, good living out of 10 measures, filial to her father, the monk subjects prostrate, Brahmin, reverently holding the first position in the family ... their children will up to 40 years old, 80 years old ... until the human lifespan up to four thousand years old and children up to the age of eighty ...
Thanks to efforts to improve living sage, was convinced by the trust estate to the Three Jewels, the results beauty, longevity until people become more peaceful, peaceful, happy family, parish Base prosperous, peaceful world really ... Now human life can be up to 8 thousand years old, the king cakkavatti will appear, use the Dharma people to safety, making it the world peace , prosperous and sustainability. At this time, the Buddha Maitreya also launched and sermon, which makes everyone happy to dwell in His teachings:
Then taste cakkavatti named Sankha born, is taken dharma dharma kings of the country, conquered the four men, the rule states that all seven treasures. He so this earth to customs border, use the Dharma governance, not the staff, not the sword. Brethren, when human life up to eighty years old, Bhagavan called Metteyya will be born, the arahant, Enlightenment, Ming well-sufficiency, celestial, World of delivery, the Supreme artist Article fisheries wife, God mercy monks, the Buddha, the Blessed One. You know this yourself, witness, and declare theory on this earth, including the Empyrean, Makai, Brahma world; He let the world including, Brahmin, God Species, Species him. The lecture will improve primary, secondary friendly, good post, with full meaning of texts and bars popular theory states the holy life fulfilled pure as I now lecture. You will have a few thousand monks Sangha as I now have a few thousand monks Sangha ". 
Obviously, events and German cakkavatti Maitreya Buddha was born out of the world as canonical record of conviction is the answer to the problem of why we must exercise good gentle lifestyle, living by the rules Comfort, with right understanding and compassion cover petal to everyone. Here, humans no longer starts greed, hatred and delusion in the behavior of man with man, man and society, man and nature and the environment. Thus, the meaning Maitreya celebrate the occasion of the birth of the Spring Festival is the message to live the lifestyle upward, above all aim to liberate the suffering middle of this turbulent life. 
That was the way of life of this ancient Buddhist towards. To be specific, individual existence in life to know executable lifestyle director  "In the home, the father dutiful mother, out on the street, it helps to know the country households, while sitting alone must know for self "  ( 2) . The teachings in order to show us establish a moral human life, is built on the foundation dutiful father mother, along with her ​​children, said sharing, helping people in specific circumstances, above all, the cultivation of virtue in order to adjust itself to adapt to all conditions of life that behave properly directed. Therefore, individuals must present regular mindfulness, comfortable living by the rules, do our utmost to do good, do take intellectual career. 
Thus, when you do something, as well as Buddha's birth and joy in doing each conviction  Increase Chi"Before you do something good, we also born joy, what do good while also being joy, after what good work is being joy " . This is the basis of all people on this planet together efforts to create a peaceful world that Maitreya appeared. We have the right desire and the efforts towards building the world's happiness now.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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