Sunday 15 February 2015

Main business, rooted in ignorance and desire to facilitate regeneration. Now past, enabling this life and now currently associated with industrial past amenity for future life. Currently only the offspring of the past, and in turn - the parents of the future. As long as there are still karmic rebirth, because they are born only tangible expression of this invisible karma. Death is only a temporary end to this impermanent phenomena. That's not entirely destroy the creature called this. Organic life has ended, but karma has driven life until now has not been destroyed. Because karma completely dominated by the disintegration of this body is temporary, so the departure of the current knowledge fetters born only facilitate a new consciousness reborn a different life.
It is now, arrested from ignorance and desire to facilitate regeneration. Now past, enabling this life and now currently associated with industrial past amenity for future life. Currently only the offspring of the past, and in turn - the parents of the future.
If we assume a life past, present and future, then we are confronted with a mysterious problem: What is the committee's ultimate life?
Or to have originated either could not have originated life.
To solve this problem, there are schools have assumed a primary cause - God - is seen as a power or omnipotence.
But other schools denied the first cause, because according to common experience, the cause is always to be the result and the result returned the cause. If it comes to causal loops can not be conceived as a first cause. According to the school of life before the beginning point, but after the school of life has no point of beginning.
From the scientific point of view, we are the direct product of the sperm cells and egg Fr. our mother created. Such is life based on life. For the origin of the first protoplasm of life, or the glue, citing scientists do not know anything.
In Buddhism we are born from the womb of the industry. Parents provide only a tiny cell. At conception, the industrial past to facilitate the initial formula gives life to the fetus. The main business of this invisible force, derived from a previous life, now make up the psychological phenomenon and the phenomenon of life in a physiological phenomenon was available to complete the three constituent people.
For a creature born here, there must be a different creature to die somewhere. The birth of a living being, literally speaking, is the presence of 5 or 5 aggregates psychological phenomenon in this present life, corresponding to the death of a new life died; as well as common parlance, sunrise this place means diving elsewhere. This cryptic sentence could be more easily understood by imagining life as a wave're not a straight line. Birth and death are only two phases of the same process, birth precedes death, and death on the other hand went before birth. The chain of continuity mortal life in the line of people make up what is called samsara ( Samsara ) endless. The origin of life is ending What the Buddha declares: "Unable to recognize was the beginning of the cycle of reincarnation. Start of beings because of ignorance and craving for binding, keep on wandering aimlessly, should not be recognized. " The flowing lines of this endless life, insofar as it was the mud ignorance and craving nourished; How long these two factors must be cut off, only to then if they want then the new water stopped flowing lines, the regeneration will be terminated, as the case of the Buddha and Arahant. The starting point of this life cycle can not be determined, nor may notice a life stage when this line is ignorance and craving covered. Here, the Buddha refers only beginning our lives students, and argue about the origins and evolution of the universe, let the scientists. Buddha did not try to solve all the problems of ethics and philosophy ever distract humanity. Industry is also no mention of the theory and the inference is not intended to education and enlightenment. He also does not require believers to believe blindly in a first cause (only Creator). He focused on the problem of suffering and the cessation of suffering. So just for the sole purpose to full practice and special, so all matters that are not suitable are not interested in. But so what we have to believe in a past life? Evidence prices most of the Buddhists raised to defend the theory of rebirth is the Buddha, for he has developed into a winning position so that she can get to know the life of the past and the future. Follow his teachings, His disciples also developed clairvoyance stuff and they also know what their past life to a very high level. Even some Indian prophet before the Buddha, has celebrated the special powers of God label, God atrial communication, Tha clearinghouse, etc. Additional network .. There are some people who may follow the natural laws associated memory development life too his past and remembers his past lives. But such cases are rare, but the case was proven thoroughly reliable, can shed some light on the idea of a past life. The experience of a number of credible psychiatrist modern and some particular cases of some of the characters know transformed also demonstrate the concept of past lives. In the hypnotic state, some who recounted the experiences of their past lives; while a few others also know all the past lives of others, even cure some illness. Sometimes we had the strange experience can not be explained except rebirth. Since Why do we often meet people we have never met before, yet suddenly felt very familiar to us? Why when we visited many places where we felt we almost completely familiar with his views? Buddha said: "Through the erstwhile relationship or affinity current agreement, love reappear as other ancient lotus in the water. " The experience of a number of modern psychologists reliable, the witches, telepathy, the strange characters and multi-paradigmatic forms etc ... has shed some light on this issue regeneration. In this world often appear perfected beings like Buddha and many other super character. Does the he suddenly developed so? Could he be the result of a single life only. How do we understand the great personalities like Buddha negative ( Buddhagosa ) [1] Panini, [2] Homer [3] and Plato, [ 4] genius like Shakespeare, [5] the prodigy as Pascal, [6] Mozart, [7] Beethoven, [8] Raphael, [9] Ramanujan, etc ..? Only the genetic theory alone can not explain that you are the source. Otherwise ancestors did you express it, and descendants also great you more than you will prove it. How can they reach such a high level even if they have not lived the life of a noble and reap similar experiences in a previous life? Is it just because they are accidental parents especially like being born and living in circumstances such incentives? A few years that we are privileged to live in this world, or about 100 years is much, certainly not a suitable preparation for eternity. If we believe in the present and the future, is also reasonable to believe in the past. Now is the offspring of the past, and to turn, is the parent of the future. If there are reasons to believe that we have existed in the past, then obviously there is no reason not to believe that we will continue in the future survival after now my life has completely ended. In this life there are many who see virtue unfortunate fate and evil villains too glorious riches, which is an eloquent evidence to justify the doctrine have past lives and future. A Western writer says: "Whether we believe in a past life or not, it is still the only reasonable hypothesis to fill the gap in human knowledge about the events of daily life. My reason tells us that only the views of past lives and karma that explain different situation between the two twins. How do people like Shakespeare with a very limited amount of experience to be able to describe the exact financial situation of the very different patterns, scenes etc ..., and the fact they do not know? Why is the work of genius always exceed your experience? Why has the prodigy child, the difference is too big for the mind, morality, brain, body of the conditions and circumstances and environments can be observed in this world? " should be This theory says that regeneration can not be verified, can not be refuted by the scientific experiment, but it has been accepted as a fact can verify an obvious way. The Buddha continued, causes This is the karma of ignorance, or ignorance four noble truths. Therefore, ignorance is the source of life and death, and also so ignorant metabolism of clairvoyance ie termination of life and death.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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