Saturday 14 February 2015

Talking about faith Maitreya sure that the majority of you would remember the image of a seated Buddha beat his breast, fat, big belly and grinning. Yes when you see him next 6 kid, kids, the ear hook, the hook mouth kid, kids, then tickle etc ... The image of it as a joke. I do not know why there is a joke in this temple. That's the meaning we need to know. Talk to Lord Maitreya we must study history from India to China to you from mistakes. Many heresies now up Buddha Maitreya makes them appealing to standards Buddhists. Buddha Maitreya is the name of the ancient center. After this has translated into many different names, but because we have used is called Lord Maitreya . Maitreya word is transliterated Sanskrit, translated Train From Market (Market are they, from compassion). Yes theory says that when his mother pregnant His departure could not bring mercy killing living beings and not eating meat is said to be the "From". Since his birth mother where it should be called from the market. But there are other theories say more. Since ancient practice of compassion His three-soot so later named Tu Thi. But his name is A-riches-to-multipoint audio services as well as Sanskrit. Tau is the word translated in Nan Win Forever (Forever is not, Nan is difficult) that is not possible any more to be. For him the virtues of wisdom and fewer people are so named Nan Win Forever. It's about the Buddha under our habits. If speaking business is called the Bodhisattva Maitreya. Muslims living Buddha, Bodhisattva Maitreya is a historical person born in the south Thien Truc, in line Brahmin. After meeting the Buddha, he left home, practice the Bodhisattva conduct. It is true image with a clear history of Nandina. Survey lot of, firstly I doing A-levels lead. School A-levels can say this: The Buddha taught that later on I-her realm, the human mind is increasingly evil, ten good deeds they ignore that always create more bad karma. Until now they ever you ten ancient evil as well as good and professional esteem ten life being reduced to ten years old, the last of Maitreya Buddha was born. As much bad karma, the life according to that decline. Ever life expectancy was only ten years old, and now the life we see is a hundred years old so, then the world will have the accident to war. To war here is not one kill each other, but the leaves of grass can also turn into a sharp sword. We cut and die cut. Through this accident to accident to war disability services ie sickness epidemic. So the vast majority of people in this world are left to die just a little practice on the small hidden in the mountains. They live leftovers. When they live through the time and then die, they find their family relatives dead, surviving only a few thin people, then they knew that from that time until now his family do evil Now new die such retribution. So they devote ten good again. When you start practicing ten healthy increase their life expectancy, just a hundred years, increasing age. Ever lifespan of up to sixty-four thousand years old, then people crowded behind the net, healing the Buddha was born under the tree at Longhua called Long States Congress. So you imagine now that we're in the rate of eighty life that just dropped a hundred years old, was reduced to ten years, and then increased to sixty-four thousand years old, the time from here How far to go there? According to the book, when Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha's passing away, the Lord Maitreya and enter Nirvana. He was born to heaven Top-electric power in the internal life of four thousand years old. Then he been born in the world Ta-she, enlightenment under the tree being taught Longhua next Buddha ca. So how long seemed Maitreya born? Yet there are some who heard the Buddha Maitreya said trading was born heard Longhua opportunity, then they make up less meals Maitreya Buddha was born, a few meals Longhua opportunity to etc ... That's heresy to cheat Buddhists fool learning without understanding the Dharma, the person claiming to be Maitreya, or self fans that he would await the Buddha Maitreya. You consider, if we believe the Buddha Maitreya only one processor to heaven phen Top-interest, then give birth in the world Ta-she became the Buddha, if the word Buddha Shakyamuni, they say in business I have always believed the time was the day Buddha was born. We believe the Buddha Maitreya, there is opportunity Longhua forget that time. Then just indifferent, just heard of Maitreya Buddha was born, then rushed to pay homage to seek etc ... That is the mistake too great to take advantage of heresy noun Buddhist propaganda superstition. The true Buddhist should understand that. It was my study of economic history from the roof being called Maitreya, Maitreya Maitreya give birth and a prayer. Lessons that are due to the Buddha Shakyamuni said. Carefully considered and then the business, we know the Lord Maitreya history, so do not listen to the words of some people talking, messed up. That we speak of Maitreya Buddha in India. Now speak to the Buddha Maitreya in China. Maitreya Buddha to China in time? Actually, if based on the image we worship no idols of Lord Bodhisattva in India, which is the image of Lord Maitreya in China. It was a paunchy old man stubby, such as Maitreya in China and not in India. Maitreya in China was born when? That we have to see again. There are many theories say Lord Maitreya is now in heaven Somewhere over-capacity. He has not time to teach beings in this world. But to understand the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism, the newspaper Bodhisattva body, and the body is the incarnation. Depending frugal living beings that they turned countless applications themselves unimaginable. For China should have told me that roughly two incarnation of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. One of his relatives called Can Increase Life Thanh Quoc Pagoda near Sui, ie in about the sixth century. He said that a Chinese pagoda am near bars and places to go preach a certain place. There too, when he rode on a tiger, in the temple we see economic crisis. As to when no one is measuring. There was about a boy hugging his posts in the temple named Cross Dac. Sometimes he has a ragged in the cold mountains, snow-covered himself called Hanshan. South Dak Son and the Cross is regarded as the two beggars in the temple. They are two of the ragged sleeping in the hallway. Then wait for them to meals eaten out, and the excess sludge something he poured the user. Sometimes they also collect water underfloor rice, rinse and eat. They regarded them as the temple two equally beggar, but there is something strange after two he inspired to write poetry. The poems of him nobody knows anything. One day, suddenly, after a lunch break we increase all, he climbed two of his neck and his enemies Van-Samantabhadra sitting. An increase in the lower his health suddenly rose up, surprised to see such a new process to run away or tell him abbot. Mr. Abbot pulled down two hoppers rebuked him all sorts. The two were close friends of his weight. You Can Increase president then. One day the boss districts with an incurable disease, his dream that he himself is a virtue Can Increase Maitreya told him to pay homage to Van-specific Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra and showed him a remedy for all diseases drink. Want to pay homage to the temple two then asked the name of South Korea Thanh Son, The Dac because it is the Bodhisattva Van-specific and Samantabhadra. He said that district only find healing medicines, new look to the temple to see the two Chinese Qing Han Son, The Dac. When he saw his abbot asked the district to pay two beggars in the temple, he did not want to cry too afraid. But he said he longed district met two there. Forcing him abbot invited two out. The two hands come out. He saw two districts kneeling down prostrate MOP. The two new laughs and says: "The old forge Can Increase makes us exposed to it." Two him, carrying several runs into the jungle plucking away. So know that two of Van-specific embodiment, Samantabhadra, he also embodies Can Increase of Maitreya. But the story has already said, no one expected to pay homage to them fully. The others in the tenth century in modern Chinese team called the Great Venerable Father. Position that close to us, ie the old man here rotation huge, round, smile, belly, chest beat shirt. His father University Venerable always shoot a big bag, take place in the human encounter with what he would like to leave here. East to a place with a child, he sat down to divide them, play with them. So people see his mouth always amused laugh. It is the Lord Maitreya image, a Buddhist monk big belly, fat, grinning.

Why call him Dad is Great Venerable Maitreya?

He said that begging so many things happened to him strange. In history have said enough, here I just comb few essential points you knows. He would like to go and live in a time so Minh Chau province. There he wandered here and that. The time period that is longer prosper Zen practice in China. One day he met Venerable Thao Duong asked: "How Great the Dharma?" Is turning to be on His shoulders down immediately. The monk asked further: "Only like that or have the path forward?" He brought his bag over his shoulder and went to. That was his answer.
In the history of Zen, and that question, The Linji Yixuan brought Hoang Lien group was asked to eat sticks. Here his father Venerable Great for that question, he just let the degraded land. Ask path forward again, he took up the role was plucking away. The picture that is how? So that people still do not know how, traces how? But one day he passed away going, returning the temple. He sat at the table jellies do a verse and then president. Verse like this:

Foot Maitreya Maitreya

Sub-friendly department memory

The time period the market's

Time's unconscious self
He said: Maitreya Maitreya truth. Clones of all memories. Usually only teach people life. The unknown life itself. Thanks verse that people know Venerable Father University incarnation of Lord Maitreya. So Lord Maitreya want to draw people immediately draw the Venerable Father University. It is the merit of Maitreya in China. Now we worship the Buddha image that church. May Lord Maitreya Bodhisattva in India, I do not know. As Lord Maitreya in heaven Top-interest even more unknown. We only know Maitreya incarnation in China with an image of the Venerable Father University. It is the study of history.
This new meaning to talk about Buddha Maitreya, vía th day of the new year. On this astral astral what day of the Lord Maitreya. In India, the days do not know, in China incarnation two, three generations, did not know the date yet. Speaking in heaven Top-interest even more unknown.

So Maitreya's Day astral astral what day?

We do not think that has to wait one day being the day the new president called on chickened out. This is the deeper meaning of Zen. The group has cleverly chosen as the date of the first day of the new year chickened Maitreya Buddha. We bow to him with questions: Longhua Holiness to come, Religion birth to Buddha Maitreya. Patriarchs see the world see a day of New Year's day for a year to dispose of. On this conservative people every word, every act cautiously, wary of the names who visited her, wary of things. So the first day of the new year is on full meaning of his future. In the temple day of a New Year mean? The team took the first day of the new year as the date of the Buddha Maitreya chickened is brilliant future date, the date of the future will become a Buddha. Morning of our Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya chickened faith, are set out in the hope of the future, hopefully we will become a Buddha. Do not expect riches nothing but hope will become a Buddha. That is the deepest meaning of the day of a New Year celebration for us Maitreya Buddha. The second meaning is smiling image of Lord Maitreya. That is the picture of happiness. So there is room for a noun instead of Maitreya back to a happy man. Why are people happy? At this stage I walked into the depths of Zen. Q: What is the spirit Dharma? - He threw his bag down without answering anything. Q: Is not the path forward? - He was on the shoulder rotation where to go. Great reviews Dharma's no wonder. Frankly e bother you, but do not tell that to hide e. Great attention is only one word dharma is to be discharged. Accept yourself means to accept people who, falls, Dharma, power, fame, etc ... So let go of all that which is the spirit Dharma. Saying so that your e confusing. I told the story a little bit ordinary but no less important. The Royal Ba To see Linji Yixuan, a Zen Zen highest, between lifetime Street. He taught that, just giving a full all. Giving is the other dishes for this dish, which discharge or let go. There is only one happiness is fully discharge all. Talking about the virtues of Monk, promoting his Master, his critics, saying his followers Matsu, over eighty're Good knowledge, but when it comes to diarrhea, or a bit more rustic said that if comes to human diarrhea, only the venerable Qui Tong is full of earth human diarrhea. Speaking of diarrhea you do not think its rustic style, which is discharged all. Only Tong is venerable Qui people were all discharged. People are human worth of discharge than before. So you see clear discharge is a legal cause people to reach the fullness of religion, if speaking Zen. So after he let go of the bag down and then, asking for anything else, his bag over his shoulder rotation. Do not think that there all right, I thought nothing more. Main let it already, get a dial up his new role in order. Therefore, the temple has the "Skip all that is all." But to give up everything to be all, I was involved too. Now just leave all that is enough. The very unfortunate that the discharge is very deep place and take us to a place of supreme liberation. So in the Zen saying we do not have a teaching that the only option means removing the key nailed it. Nailed remove key is discharged, is located accept. Discharge is done. Now I come to your teachings to practice more easily visible. Speaking of discharge is said to be happy to hear your most frequently used word is equanimity. Two is that the person which is effective. It can be said that human joy, discharge is effective, it can be said the opposite discharge is the joy that results. Why is that? As you do every day with her ​​a little vexed that his frustrating. As frustrating is not fun. Now he apologized himself, his new neighbor is instant fun. There is no excuse to be angry. Where is the joy, the effective discharge. Fun but forgive them, so new is fine. Anger can not be forgiven. Where is the joy that. Because its fun to your new exhaust, new exhaust are the results. But people here say that happiness is the most joy is the result discharge. Because we have discharged our new fun. If we do not then we discharge is never pleased. I said something very trivial, as fellow believers in your family, a husband and wife who vex, while vexatious not see each other for fun? Do not talk to each other, do not look at each other. Never discharge was at that time a happy talk. Such cases are caused by the discharge of fun. If no discharge is not fun. It is a small example, my broader example. Where we are against the life or friends, if they have raped his actions or his words more. At that time I did so? I have peace about her is not? Not happy that's why? At remember him saying that his guards, or bully her, he raped a strong dependence weak. When you think so, do not be home sleeping, rolling forever is not alone. Want to be asleep to do? If I still think people bully you, they hang themselves. At that time I have felt happy or not? Maybe never fully happy. At that time in my life, in trouble in the three poisons not happy. Now that is something that really leave happy. So the Buddha in the world, begging him one day in the Brahmin, leader Brahmin float away to follow Him. He preceded him go after scolding. He yelled yelled at him just how much goes slowly. Go to the intersection cushions sit him gone. He ran to the front asked: "You lost me yet?" He responded with a poem:

The more, the more resentment

Losers restless sleep

More than losing two were discharged

He was peaceful sleep
Ie, the more people should resentment. His resentment that people have fun or not? Lose people are lying about not sleeping through the back nostalgic. Thus both the root of suffering, of negativity. In turn, the more the loss dropped two tears off, they can go to sleep in peace. At night they sleep lying down leg wheezing, do not worry do not count, do not sulk at all.
It's happy. Happiness is provided for? Since the discharge of that, but we just embrace negativity in my heart forever, how can that be happy. You remember, if our family does not exhaust itself the nostalgic angry angry wife is not happy. Out social bullying people on his mind, the other said his guard, his contempt that person, do something, people hug inside the abdomen so that person always suffering, always disturbing out. Just say who think their guard as the wind outside the ear, and then did not even remember that dumb, that's what happiness. Whoever indoors as well as outside having something vexatious, see it as a mistake of not miss anything important of all, there is nothing to sulk, who is so new that people happy.
Early years we wish to know each other, a year full of happiness. Happy happy that every anxiety skeptical how happy they are. So just a mere wish.
Here I do not wish for you all, but only advised: "In this episode of diarrhea quite a bit," as long as you get diarrhea as he Qui Tong then you will full of happiness.
That's just say my own little happy world. And if it comes to supreme bliss further, ie the universal reach of economic liberation is also taught us not to accept scenes, serving people, do not accept the mind, not law enforcement. If we let go of all those that accept the current Nirvana, permanent happiness. Do not accept that is discharged. Equanimity is the new truth is forever happy. So talk to Lord Maitreya is said to be well-petal Chinese him with images symbolizing his venerable father University, a happy smile pictures always ready petal.
So this year you Maitreya Buddha ceremony is remembered well his petal, remember the happy smiling mouth of God. If you live to be so happy that you are happy not only in the present but perpetual happiness of people at Nirvana.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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