Saturday 14 February 2015

The iron will, profound wisdom, love, vast, infinite compassion, faith serve carefree, worldly renunciation historic, completely pure, attractive personality, the way model method used to spread the teachings, and finally his success - all the factors that led to a fifth of the world today welcomed the Buddha as supreme Fathers so .
(The essence of Buddhism is translated from the English Buddhism in a Nutshell by Venerable Narada compiled, consisting of 11 chapters, introducing an overview of Buddhist teachings.)

On the full moon day in May in 623 BC (DL), Prince Shakyamuni Indians, was born in Nepal. He was predicted to be a great teacher in the world. Being raised in a lavish scene, acquire the appropriate education for a prince, he also married and have children as others. Nature thoughtful and compassionate His infinite not allow him to enjoy the pleasures of material temporary palace place. He does not know suffering, but to sympathize deeply suffering of mankind. Amid affluence prosperity, he realize the universality of suffering. Castle with all the secular entertainment is not the appropriate place with the Prince was full of compassion. The time was ripe for him to go. Get truth is illusive nature of pleasure at the age of 29 years, he abandoned all worldly pleasures, simple yellow jacket of an ascetic, alone, white hands, traveling here and there, seek the truth of peace.
It is a modern occurrence unprecedented in world history; He left home because not old age, but it was during adolescence, not in poverty but in the context of affluence. Since ancient times people believed that liberation can not be achieved unless they live a life of extreme asceticism, his efforts to practice all forms of mortification most intense. "Out of this effort to other efforts, all these austere asceticism to another," He has extraordinary efforts during the six years uninterrupted.
His body was almost a skeleton. The more physical abuse, the purpose of targeting him as he backed away. The method brings suffering severe and disabling that his efforts practice has proved a complete failure. Now, thanks to his own experience, he firmly believes the best mortification is useless, only weakens the body and results in spiritual ruin.
Over the invaluable experience of that myself, finally He decided to go the independent route, avoiding the two extremes: bohemian and mortification. Live bohemian spirit makes slow progress and mortification make mental impairment. The new way to discover that he is a middle path ( Majjhima patipada ), later became a prominent characteristic teachings in his teachings.
A good morning, while he was entering into meditation without any supernatural powers guidance and help, but rely on the effort and his intellect, he clip root of all pollution, purify ourselves, insight true nature of all things, to achieve enlightenment in 35 years. He was not born to be an enlightened, but he has become an enlightened by his own efforts. You can now complete a virtue which he preached with profound wisdom coupled with infinite compassion; His noble sacrifice his life he has left the service of humanity, by virtue of exemplary and without any personal motives dominate.
After 45 years of complete fulfillment of the lofty vocation himself, the Buddha as everyone, obey the law of impermanence harsh, he finally passed away 80 years of age. He advised the students see teaching as their own masters.
Buddha was a human being. He was born as a man, as a human life, and ended his life as a man. Despite being a man, he became an extraordinary ( Acchariya manussa ), but never claim to be god. The Buddha emphasized this important point and not to place for anyone to fall into the mistake of thinking that he is an immortal god. Fortunately, no deification in the case of the Buddha.
However, be aware that there is a certain masters' every atheist like Buddha, but no one like the same spirit. "
Buddha is not the embodiment of Lord Vishnu [1] Hinduism as some people believe, he is not a savior who saves another generous with his own salvation. The Buddha advised his disciples to rely on themselves to liberation, because both purity and defilement are dependent on him. To justify his relationship with his disciples and emphasize important points must rely on their own efforts and personal, Buddha clear: "You have to attempt, the Tathagata is only the masters. "
Buddha directions, but our obligation is that way for myself to be calm.
"rely on others to release the negative, relying on his own new area pole ".
Looks count on others means abandoning his own efforts.
To encourage students to rely on ourselves, the Buddha taught in business Mahaparinirvana (Parinibbana Sutta): "You go themselves as islands, take your refuge, not to seek refuge in another place. " These teachings meaningful for themselves upward. We know how vividly manifested itself efforts to accomplish their own purposes, and how frivolous when seeking salvation savior of the charity, or desire illusory happiness in a future life by birth imagine divine worship, prayer or unrequited and sacrifices meaningless.
Moreover, the Buddha did not claim exclusive enlightened result, it is not true privilege a particular grace. He has reached the highest level of perfection that people can expect, and is a very open-minded masters, he opened a single straight path leading to Buddhahood. According to the teachings of the Buddha, anyone (if necessary effort) may also wish to reach perfection. Buddha did not condemn mankind are coward, on the contrary, he encouraged them, tell them the soul of this ancient capital of purity. According to his view, the human world is not evil, but were deluded by ignorance. Instead of making disciples disappointed and just keep it for his sublime state, he encouraged and guided them to follow him, for Buddhahood latent in all beings. In a sense, all beings are Buddha is a.
A person aspiring to be called Bodhisattva Buddha ( Bodhisatta ), which means that location wise. Bodhisattva ideal life is good and noble ever raised between this selfish world, because there is nothing more noble pure live and serve. As a man, he reached Buddhahood and proclaimed to the world the potential super Vietnam and creative abilities of humans. Rather than put an invisible omnipotent God on man, arms control predict the destiny of humanity, turning them into slaves of a Vietnamese super power, he again highlighted the value of humanity. Himself taught that man can achieve liberation and purification by self-effort without dependence on a foreign god in God or intermediate clerical group. He himself taught this selfish world serve lofty ideals and impartiality. He himself was against the degrading caste system, teaching human equality, equal opportunities bring to all, to strive in all walks of life.
He declared that the door leading to success was open to all people in all conditions, high or low life circumstances, sages or criminals, who wants to turn a new page and wish life was perfect.
Regardless of color, race and class He founded a congregation composed of both men and women, single and democracy. He will not be dependent disciple of his teachings or practices of Himself which allows them complete freedom of thought.
He encouraged the bad guys with some words of comfort. He cured the sick outcast. He helped the poor and helpless.
His improve the deluded life, purified of sin depraved life. He encouraged those who are weak, divided mediator who, enlightened men delusion, unravel the mysterious monk, who coached honest, humble guys raise up those lofty dignity. All the rich and the poor, the holy and the mundane, are a joy loves him. The tyrannical king and true, the millionaire generous and stingy, scholars arrogant and humble, the poor interior world, the garbage man trampled, brutal murders, the Gypsy girl despised - all of which are beneficial because the compassionate teachings and wisdom of God.
The mirror his greatness as an inspiration for everyone. Peaceful serenity shape his image is gentle on the eyes hidden. The mission of peace and tolerance, he was welcomed by everyone inexpressible joy, and those lucky enough to hear and practice will forever benefit.
Any where his teachings penetrate it all leave on the personality of the different peoples that an indelible impression. The advancement of the culture of all peoples to Buddhism as a result of his wonderful teachings. So really, all Buddhist countries like Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, etc .. are all grown into the cradle of Buddhism. Despite this great teacher passed away in 2500, so that his unique personality has a strong influence on all who know him.
The iron will, profound wisdom, love wide large, infinite compassion, faith serve carefree, worldly renunciation historic, completely pure, attractive personality, the design method used to spread the teachings, and finally His success - all the factors that led to a fifth of the world today welcomed the Buddha as supreme Fathers so.
Be thorough homage to the Buddha, Sri Radha Krishna [2] said: "For the Buddha Gautama, we have a spiritual teachers come from the East, and ideological influence on human life does not give way to anyone, and he is the founder of a religious traditions have a profound impact not least any one religion. He thought about the history of the world, belong to the common heritage of the educated person, and impartial review of the intellectual virtues, moral fervor and spiritual enlightenment, surely he is one of the greatest figures in history. "
Speaking of the three greatest in history, historian HG Wells [3] wrote: "Through the Buddha, you see that He is a simple man, passionate, single combat, because the light of truth, a lively, real, rather than a legendary figure. He gave mankind a message with the universality universal.
Many modern thought and our modern harmonious true Buddhism. He teaches all the anguish and conflict are due to selfishness, before a person can become calm, he must renounce sensual lifestyle because of his or her life for. Then he becomes identified with a sublime. Five hundred years ago the German Christians ( Christ ), in a language other words, the Buddha has called humanity of self-abnegation. In some ways, his closeness with us and with our needs better. He scrutinizes the personal values ​​and mission of our Christian faith more and more little vague on the issue of human immortality. "
St. Hilaire said: "Buddha is the perfect model of all those which He taught His life is not a stain. "
Fausboll [4] said: "The more you know him how much I love Him more."
One of his humble followers might say: " The more he knows how much I love Him more; how much more in love with him, the more I know Him. "

[1] . Vishnu (God Flawless New York): The spirit throughout all hear and know. He is one of the three supreme deities of Hinduism. At the time of Vedic mythology, he is considered one of the solar deity.         [2] . Sri Radhakrishna (1834-1886): One of the very famous philosopher of modern India, sects of ethics.               [3] . Herbert George Wells (1866-1964): A British novelist, writer of scientific research work and social reform by imagination. [4] . Fausball (1824-1908): Son of a pastor, originally studied theology, then, he taught himself Sanskrit and Pali. He wrote The Birth proofreading experience, very valuable. But an admirer of Buddhism, but are not Buddhists. He died in 1908.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/2/2015.

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