Friday 26 August 2016

Application of the same newspaper causality causal laws.
Each religion has a method of reasoning causality in itself, the content is also not the same. The law of cause and effect is notice different concept, even exist in other major differences. Buddhism, for "causation response message", a complete and thorough wetting, this article according to the reasoning of the word of the Buddha to do pursuant to the issue of causation research.
Content storage comment causation in the Dharma is very wide. Cause and effect application report discusses key issues of causation response message, the song it's just tiny water particles in the sea law of causality immensity of Buddhism.
Said simply, "causation response message" is doing charity bitten, also do the evil of being bitten. "The law of causality" is the method, the same rules fixed law of causality reported.
Also clarify, in evil acts are mostly "evil Cross and five against". Every evil, bad behavior must bear the evil report with that behavior. Besides, based on the evil bad behavior heavy or light that would result in different newspapers. Do ten evil, after death sure to gauge the life in hell, is also creating lighter, evil after death moved in life birth species hungry daemons, if slightly more evil life, creating suffering in animal species. Life after all the suffering in this way, then, will be transferred back to the students, and continues to be the newspaper life as below:
1. Kill: Will be results reported as: many sick, disabled, abortive, many disaster apart, apart ... (Directly or indirectly murdered, beaten, mistreated, harm people, animals, both in police behavior, the results were reported as above).
2. Theft: Will be the fruit of poverty report, property seized by others. (Every member or another person's goods, have yet to be agreed by them that we get used or seized, are stealing).
3. Deviant porn: Being bitten meet the wife (husband) aggressive, unfaithful wife, the other raped, her predicament. (Shit, relationships with men and women, to do things that are related to sexual identity, belong to the deviant porn).
4. Lie: the Result was the newspaper libel, despise. (Not true, witness nonsense, not Word, are committing the crime of lying).
5. Say the word vague: Getting results report comes out a word people are skeptical, not, words are not clear, people don't understand. (Say the word deviant, the words made people think of charity grace, are called an elaborate).
6. double-way: tongue Speaking Been bitten apart in attractive, bad evil kinship. (Prick slip paddy rice, were being divisive, were guilty of double-way blade speaking).
7. Say the word brutish: bitten often yelled at people swear, having plenty of dispute lawsuit. (Use brutal, cruel words yelled at people, are part of the evil Word).
8. Join date: Being bitten heart don't know enough, the exercise is not bored. (Join the globe enjoy the types such as money, beauty, benefits ... charm no notion away, all things belong to join).
9. Pitch the need: Being bitten were often people who gossip, negativity, causing turbulence, or suffer harm. (Get instant predicament born angry resentment, this news is ruicheng County).
10. Comfort: Being bitten was born into the family ties, born of outlying places lack of Dharma and civilization, Center for nọt, not flattering straight, more intrigue Devil design, like the sucking. (The only Facilities for those with deviant look, don't believe causation). END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/8/2016.MHDT. 

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