Saturday 27 August 2016

Area of the strip the Dhammapada.

7. She Hit Da Ðắp Y Threads do not Match
The Center has not yet left the cleaner directly under ...
This theory teachings as Buddha lived States Members, dedicated to the celebration of Golden Threads-her medical life-reached-most Property in the United Kingdom.
On the occasion of the two disciples of Buddha, each led five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, from the nickname of Buddha travel from States Members to the United Kingdom, the population of the United Kingdom from group two, three-Campus people or more Eastern-donation upholder surges for worship.
One day, assuming the ECHO, benefits-in-Residence portion of the helpfulness of Germany said: "the homeless musician, someone yourself alms but do not teach others alms, he was blessed wealthy newspaper many consecutive life but do not have to report by sanan in Phuoc. A neighbor taught her others but not themselves alms, he has blessed to report by sanan in in many, but not have the blessed of the property. Others not for themselves nor teach others alms, in successive generations the rice porridge no belly that Lonesome and deprivation. Again, a man who has just his own alms, alms and teach others that many people's life, in the hundred of thousands of life, life in hundreds of thousands of life, has just been blessed of the assets is more extruded progeny ".
Property-the echo benefits-fake religion has such a theory.
A false position heard done thought to myself: "Sir, this is a magical theory article, explain the meaning of happiness. We have to create a false sense of the two German ".
Then he invited elders to real life, says dear Sir:
-White Corrugated, please let me serve, donation tomorrow.
-The renunciation, he invited how much Bhikkhu-stilts?
His entourage included Communists bolster ties-how many fake Religion, stilts-Bhikkhu?
-A thousand Bhikkhu-stilts, Sir!
-Please bring the whole Bhikkhu-stilts of tomorrow and for me to be served, donation tomorrow.
False religion.
Then go around the streets of renunciation, advised others donation.
-The he, she! I was sometimes a thousand tastes Bhikkhu-stilts. You can rise actual figures for how much the Bhikkhu-stilts? You have the ability?
The promised residential real animals, each customized surges of their vehicles, they say:
-We will rise to ten.
-We will rise to twenty.
-We will consecrate a hundred.
Upasaka guide them to bring real animals to a place and said:
-We take real objects in a collection and General cooking. All the grandparents bring to Sesame, rice, butter, milk, honey and others.
Now an owner surrender a set y of gold worth a hundred thousand flavor marinated currencies, says:
-If the food donation to contribute without enough, let's sell this health cash compensation in place of lack. If the real object has enough, the grandparents can worship the y for any Bhikkhu-stilts that you agree.
The real treasures contributions back to the full discretion of the owner, not missing anything else. Therefore, say to the men:
Hey gentlemen! This gold due to a family medical leaves home worship, for purposes such as told, now redundant. So should we offer?
Some people said:
-We should consecrate Property elders-benefits-the echo.
Others said:
-Property-elders benefit-the echo only to retreat when the season finished rice. Longer Threads-BA-reached-most comes to us on regular season as well as normal, and always be ready as the pitchers. We offer worship to him.
After a long dispute, the majority of more than four people decided to Subject-her-y surges reached. Then they consecrate Threads-she-hit. Threads-she-reach-multiple cut of two medical, sewing, dyeing, to do part of the upper part and the other doing down y; and even medicine on when going out. The people back at taunting when he saw new medical relief:
-This medicine with Threads-BA-reach-multi, which corresponds to Property-benefits-echo fake Religion. Threads-she-reach were up with the upper and lower y y no a match with him.
Now, there's a Bhikkhu-stilts in the far away from Property to Property,-the United Kingdom he came to Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl and expressed my joy to meet Him. The Buddha asked him about the welfare of two Australian disciple. Locate Bhikkhu-stilts sailings to tell you the whole story about the y from start to finish.
The Buddha says:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first Sight-she-reach were up the y that he didn't deserve. In a past life he also had inadequate medical relief.
Said unto Him, tell the following story:
7A. The Hunter and the Elephant Princess
Oldtimer once, when King Pham-ma-reach (Brahmadatta) ruled the three-dollar complaint, there is an elephant Hunter living by the profession to kill elephants, ivory, nails, outfit and tight meat market to sell. The time, in a forest there are thousands of elephants looking grass. One day, into the forest they met several independent from Buddha. Since that day, both the weekly goes on and on, they all kneel before Buddha enlightened independent from then advanced to the next step.
Hunters found the elephant herd's actions, he's not out of the question: "Kill this beast, herd, truth is hard, times would come and go they are independent from the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl. They see something that wealthy girl look so ceremony? ". Let's come to the conclusion that it is for the gold, and he decided his health: "We must also preserve a y gold away". Then he went to the pond where independent from common sense to the Buddha. While You are bathing, medical leaves to on shore, he stole his medicine. Then he went hunting, waiting on the road had elephants back and, with the spear in his hand and leaves the top government medical. Terms of elephants is independent from Buddhist thought, you see him, stop him and step in the ceremony, wealthy girl. The elephant to the wealthy girl finally news whale herd was killed with a spear. Get done with ivory folder other valuable parts, buried remaining unidentified to the ground, he ran away.
Soon after, Bo-slapped reborn do elephants, then became the first elephant herds of elephant herds. At that, the hunt continues old wile. Elephant God saw that the number of elephants in the herd declining Federation:
-They go where the elephants lost so we flock there, too little?
-We do not know, Sir.
Elephant God thought to myself: "we can't go anywhere without my permission". And then POPs in whale head facilities relationship: "the guy sitting in the seat and everything with hooded, y must be the cause of confusion, we have to follow him".
Then the first elephant herd to other elephants to go ahead and the final itself off, slow steps. When the last elephant finished desk and go through the wealthy girl, Huntsman found elephant God came, he immediately roll back the health and spear. The elephant Princess has precautions when coming near, should step back and avoid spear. Knew who killed his elephant, elephant God immediately zoom in to apprehend him. But Huntsman has agility jump over and hiding behind a tree, maple tree. Elephant God intends to grab the hose cuff all Huntsman with the original tree, grab the guy and dashed down to Earth guy. Then, the Huntsman quickly position the key plate y gold out for elephants. See the leaves, elephant khựng again seems to wonder: "if we attack this person, please respect that thousands of schools of Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, and independent from the A-la-Chinese for us of course will lose", elephant nodded ballast, asked Hunter:
-You have to kill the other bereaved relatives of us?
Hunter answered:
-Yes, Sir.
-Why are you evil action? He made appearances for the medical panels have quit taking exercise, but not to you. When this is done, you have sinned gravely.
Say, elephants back to reprimand him for the last time:
Who wear ca-sa,
The Center has not yet left the weapon, UE
Homemade, not real, not
Not Austria ca-sa.
Who left the weapon, UE
Precepts strictly maintenance manual,
Homemade, true life,
Ca-sa coat deserves the truth
-He has not deserved.
Elephant talk like that.
When Messiah direction terminate this lesson, Mr. Dong for the characters in the series his duty Being as follows:
-Hunters at the time was the Subject-she-elephant, the Lord rebuke he is. The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first Sight-she-sheet's y were attained that he doesn't deserve, he has done in previous lifetimes.
Finished, He read the Dhammapada:
(9) Who wear ca-sa,
The Center has not yet left the weapon, UE
Homemade, not real, not
Not Austria ca-sa.
(10) Who left the weapon, UE
Precepts strictly maintenance manual,
Homemade, true life,
Ca-sa coat deserves the truth.
8. The Australian Death Ðệ
Not legs, the true ideological ...
This is the Buddha's teachings when he implied theory in essential forestry Construction and property related to the disciples of Buddha reported that pagan Sanjaya from no to refuge in Buddha. Starter tail story as follows:
8A. Life Of Buddha
Four A-increase-and a hundred thousand past lifetimes, our Professor of ethics being made a Prince She-la-Mon in Amaravatì is Sumedha (Super). After you have reached any tricks, He abandoned the legacy of up to countless millions of parents leave, spice, live life hermit, located in the region of the Himalayas, and Prime meditation yourself there is God. One day the Buddha-nature, the force Collected Commonwealth, leaving property Sadassana ELF to Ramma, people go ahead make way. Sumedha flight that day, found the road had been cleared, Sumadha select a clean yet, waiting for the Buddha to taking myself to do, spread the deer leather jacket on the mud, located up on and says: "Please don't let the Buddha and raise them above the mud, please step on the hull, to continue the journey."
When Buddha saw Sumedha, He said: "he is a future Buddha. Four a-increase-and a hundred thousand this next life he will into the Buddhist names Abbreviated-talks ". Such is the words of the Buddha-nature life--sign up for Mr. Hoang Ba-la-Mon Sumedha. After the Buddha-nature--sign to those following Buddha: Kodanna, Màngala, Sobhita, Anomadassì, Revata, Sumana, Paduma, Naràda, Sujàta, Piyadassì, Sumedha, Padumuttara Atthadassì, Dhammadassì Siddhattha, Tissa, Phussa, Vipassì(Bhikkhu-she-contest), Sikhì(competition-gas), Vessabhù (Bhikkhu-Phu-XA), Kakusandha (Sentence-save-religion), Konàgamana (Verse-ham-contradict-ni) and Kassapa (lettuce). Turn twenty-four Buddhist birth and illuminate the world. And from every Buddhist, Mr. Hoang Ba-la-Mon Sumedha are received will sign as the Buddha life. Now after Sumedha has fullness 10 three-la-suite, 10 three-la-suite commissioned and 10 three-la-upper level security, all of 30 three-la-suite, He was reborn as Prince Vessantara and past Crown Prince Vessantara, He released the great French pilot , sacrifice both his wife and son shook the Earth. General network, Mr. reborn into the Sun you see, well past that, the Sun of ten thousand world gather himself riveted Him:
The time has come, little steps out of the force,
Make Christmas birth mother, pregnancy
Save the sunken floating drifting t.j Nhon,
And explore the path of immortality
Soon after Mr. thinking this year. And through that damn You sire on the line of Kings Like ca, was raised in the Royal silk velvet. During this time, He enjoyed the good spring, at age three the Castle according to the seasons, enjoy glorious Imperial lifestyle can alongside the Sun. Time passed, one day in a row in 8 days, He came to the garden for entertainment then met the three angels, which is an old man, a sick person and a dead person. In three days, He returned to the Imperial Palm unspeakably shocks.
On Wednesday, He met a man his life, monk. An idea flashes bloom in the mind: "the better off we should renounce the worldly life, monk".
Cuddling in the dream about the life of austerities, He continued on to the garden, throughout the day sitting on the lake shore in the Imperial Palace. When He sat, Sun Vissakamma to edit the form, and even in him precious raiment, page views him with everything. There He received Prince La-almost-la has just launched. Feel the compassion the strong resurgence, He wisely stated: "we must sever the right binding, otherwise will grow further". That afternoon He returned to the Imperial Palace, Kisà Gotamì her daughter Uncle himself, reading the sentence following shelves:
Happy mother,
Happy instead of the father,
Happy wife,
Having a husband like Him.
Kisà Gotamì read the sentences on the shelves cause him to blurts: "Gotamì was telling me where is the happy feet to search"
Then He took a string of pearls sent you.
Return to the Palace, when lying down long ready. You clearly see the appearance of the female bad dirty sleeping. Disgust, He awakened regarded horses Away, bring horses to anonymously-Hopea-Trac, and Him riding Hopea-Trac carry Far-anonymously do you are headless companion, heavenly ten thousand worlds surrounding. You go, make a great glass-discharge.
Africa the horse to the river Anomà, He left the world and living the life of monks.
Live life, He continued to the United Kingdom and go into real qifu gangui. Then He retreated into the mountains of the Pandava, sitting in the cave monastery. King of Ma-masterpiece-da to where United for him but He surges inland refused. He promised the King is going to visit the Kingdom upon Him evidence. And then He came up with Alàrà and Uddaka. But after the French world of followers. He did not lead evidence (A-la-Han). Then He embarks on wars in six years.
One early on the full moon of the month of Visìkhà, You take the bowl of congee by the Sujàtà cult, drop the Golden Bowl rising drifts on the Ni-contact, and then throughout the day in the forest of Mahàana (Australian) You enter into the meditation. In the afternoon He heard megaphone long United Kingdom Kàla to scatter the exclamation of his noble virtue. He stepped onto the Court of Bodhi, bunch grasses of Sotthiya surges, scattered in front of himself and pledged that prayer lyrics: "We will not leave this building sit until We completely stop taking five education world and immerse Him completely off, illicit or rescue".
Then He sits facing East and Ma win the United Kingdom before the sun set. In a soup broth, the Student Network prove Him two certified Natural label Him last year He certified soup, take advantage of the Global reach, Gonorrhea and the DAC power Cross, four infinity concerned and all noble virtue, He sat on the Court during the seven-week Bodhi. On week eight, He sat under its most of the goats (bodhi-tree) and visualizations about the marvelous range of penetrating even France, finally crashing out embarrassed French theory an inability of birth.
Immediately, Brahma Sahampati along with Chu heaven ten thousand worlds in which Australian Brahma often go by, came to see him and ask Him the sermon. Observe the world with Buddha brand, He accepted the request of Brahma. He thought:
-We will discourse for one first?
Look around the world, You see Alàra and Uddaka has died, but remembered in Bhikkhu-stilts have been enthusiastic to serve yourself, You stand up and go to Kàsipura, and meet Upaka on the road and talk to him.
On the day of the full moon, Aasalha, Writes to Isipatana in the Deer garden, where five Bhikkhu-stilts. In T-stilts address Him correctly, He taught them the right way. Then He began turning the Falun, the immortal water board up to one hundred eighty million followers, but above all to the Bhikkhu-stilts Annà-Kondanna (A-elegant bare-as-Suri). After turning the wheel in France, on Thursday, H.e., half an year of Bhikkhu-stilts on, all evidence of A-la-Han. Also on that day, He found that the prestigious young guy Yasa has enough charm, and production personnel when Yasa leave the House, your disgusting nhờm what was found during the night, You see him call back:
-Here, Yasa !
And for you. That night He also for Yasa certified results Projections, and the next day the certificate A-la-Han. Then He gives you fifty-four degrees of Yasa .
You call them:
-Come here, Bhikkhu-stilts!
They became instant Bhikkhu-stilts, then You level them proof of A-la-Han.
So is there sixty A-la-Han upon the Earth. Settling in the rainy season and the ceremony itself four finished. He sent sixty Bhikkhu-stilts everywhere:
-Let's go, the Bhikkhu-stilts! Please preach!
Also he himself to Uruvelà. On the road in the forest Kappàsika, He preached for thirty boys in the group Bhaddavaggiyas. The worst person in the Group Preliminary results certification (save) and the most eminent man Tam syndrome result (A-na-function). All the boys are admitted to the Sangha only with lyrics called "here, Bhikkhu-stilts!" Done, He sent them all over the place. Sees Uruvelà, Mr. Grace three thousand five hundred Kabbalah and renunciation for Uruvelà-Kassapa, Nadì Kassapa and Gayà-Kassapa. Such is the three brothers Ca-Romaine, the hair braided, ascetic has a thousand disciples. He taught French for getting them done, this ascetic on the Sangha only with the words: "here, Bhikkhu-stilts!" In Gayàsìa, Mr. speed their results A-la-Chinese escort, to the garden Latthivana near the Property of the United Kingdom, the promises made to King vase-sa-United Kingdom (Bimbisàra) Ma-da-depleted water.
"Ethics Professor to ascended into!" One clang rân. Hearing the news, King vase-sa-United Kingdom has come along very patriarchal Eastern She-la-subjects according to most, and the Buddha has glee sermon for King, the King and most of She-la-Mon effects that save, and refuge for the Ba-la-the remaining subjects. The day after the Buddhist God of Sun King like to listen to, in the form of a-la-Mon young, to the United Kingdom the noble German exclamation concur Amnesty, then entering the United Kingdom. Real life in the Imperial Palace, He received King, cosy property Veluvana Crystal (Lisa) and dwelling. And here, the echo benefits--Xa (Sàriputta), item-hopea-lien (Moggallàna) has come to you
8B. The «economy of Upatissa (Sarìputta) and Kolita (Moggallaana)
Before the export of Buddha, there are two villages of BA-la-not far from the property name Kingdom Upatissa and Kolita .
One day, his wife a-la-keeper named Rùpasàri lives in the village of Upatissa know tho thai, also on the same day that her wife-la-keeper named Moggalì lives in the village of Kolita also know the life abortion. Heard in seven generations, the two families have the dear love of tight and sticking with each other. They held the ceremony Told thai for two mothers have brought in that day.
After ten months of the lunar calendar, both her lower beings. On the day named for the two older, they named Upatissa for children Her wife-la-Mon Sàri, because the boy is the son of the Chief of the village of Upatissa; and the other kid, because his chief in the village of Kolita should be named Kolita. Growing up, both children are skilled, more than anyone in all academic and tricks. Every time the guy Upatissa comes out of the river or the gardens to tasty Vietnamese, there are five hundred gold escort procession, and Kolita has five hundred thoroughbred horses escort car. The two young men who each had five hundred servants under most.
Now an annual ceremony in the United Kingdom is the name of the mountain has anything. Property A bed for two guy listed in one place, and two guy sitting in common witness Festival. Sees the opportunity to laugh, they laugh, they cry, cry on occasion, to the carpet at alms them alms. As such, they attended many days. But one day, old age, they don't laughed on the occasions they did laugh, no tears would goes on scene they cry and they not alms as required.
It is said that, the two start guy thought: "why are we watching this? Before a hundred years passed, everyone will lose and there's nobody in them anymore. Better we should go in search of the way the rescue ". They cuddle that idea, then Kolita told Upatissa:
-You Upatissa! You seem unhappy and do not enjoy as the day before. Moreover, you favor a sense of sorrow. What do you think?
-You Kolita, I feel there is nothing a durable idea when looking at this population, the hordes that downright useless; better I should go find the path of liberation for yourself. But why are you troubled?
Kolita also say that. When Upatissa discover Kolita Council with his mood, I go to decide:
-We all have both a high ambition. We need to find the way out and leave the world together. We will join with the master Administrator?
At the time, had an ascetic artist named du Saniaya to the Property of the United Kingdom with du ascetic artist. Upsatissa and Kolita along unanimously:
-We will export and Monk under the leadership of Sanjaya.
Then both of you copper dissolved the five hundred servants and ordered them:
-Let's take the procession and a horse and then go away!
With five hundred people left, they appeared together and go tu according to Sanjaya. From day two young boys and the monk, Sanjaya has advanced to the top list of great benefit. But in the last few days, the understanding of them crossed the teaching of Sanjaya. Therefore, they are dear to him:
-Sir, is this the whole truth that the master knew, or there are also higher than what?
-This is all, you know.
Upatissa and Kolita all disturbed: "If so, it's useless for us when in student teachers further. The path of liberation that we look for when to abandon the world, certainly can not be reached from teachers. But the Match-matching-theme is a native to wide, let's travel through hamlets, cities, Imperial Citadel. Sure we will find the masters only taught us the way the rescue ".
Since that day, wherever the priest heard or she-la-erudite subjects, they all look up to and conversation. The problems and Kolita Upatissa raised the are not able to answer; but all the problems to, Upatissa and Kolita were answered smoothly.
So, they traveled the region Match-match-up, and then they turn to step back home of his own. Before his retirement from, Upatissa Covenant with Kolita:
-You Kolita, we reach immortality before please tell the other.
And then they parted.
In time the two of you live such a Covenant, Dao master after traveling from one place to another, as told above, to the United Kingdom. The Buddha was receiving essential Veluvana dormitory and stay there.
Then the Buddha sent sixty A-la-Han go preach the Germany of the three jewels.
-Let's go, the Bhikkhu-stilts! Please preach and teach!
One group of five Bhikkhu-stilts, An evil-pedestal, back on the United Kingdom, and on early the next morning, hugging the Bowl y offset qifu gangui. Also on that morning, ascetic artist Upatissa breakfast go to secluded areas of the singer. Presbyterian eye shape Upatissa. Heart full of amazement and admiration, Upatissa intently elders:
-Previously we had never seen a monk would like it. He must be one of the monks has privileged A-la-Han upon the Earth, if not also the people have stepped on the path taken to the Holy fruits of A-la-Han, we try to meet the monk and asked him: "for anyone, my buddy, that buddy owners left the world? Who is the master of Hien owner? and his possession of the French missionary who? "
But guy ballast back for fear her too, leading the way but the sudden:
"It's not the right time to ask how the monks, because he goes home each real qifu gangui. Should we follow the step of the monks, as they normally do to ask a favor? "
Upatissa step by evil-pedestals. Elders got finished a partly true. On the way to somewhere, seeing that the elders would like to sit down, he put his stuff is located on adjacent land and surges for elders. Real-life monks, the guy pouring water in his pitcher invited Him. The duty of a student for master, and when real life is finished, the elders motherfuckers guy greet elders, ladies:
-Ladies and gentle, she's the purity of the water, his skin really shiny and clear. Because, dear gentle possession, He gave up the world? Who is your teacher? And he spread the tenets of who?
Elders thought: "the ascetic singer of religious opposition or we follow, so we'll just let this penetrating even the monks of our leaders".
But first of all He explained that he was just a basic profile. He said:
This organic Sage-! I'm just a beginner, I go tu yet how long, I am new to France and this law, right now I have no more word to the sermon.
Ascetic monks guy whisper "I'm Upatissa, please say more or less according to his ability, determined I will find out the meaning by the hundreds of thousands of ways".
So the guy says:
Let's say less or more,
But key said,
I only need the essentials,
Stars have to say more?
To answer the first line use, elders of the Dhammapada:
All human beings, the coast from France
Multiply her charm, As Lai has only
Just the first line, the young ascetic Prime effects artists travel store, understand the significance both in a thousand ways. The guy just finishing effects, unrivaled elders read the remainder of the second line:
And also teach how to terminate.
This, the teachings of An Sa-Mon.
He was located higher than the results, he thought there must be a reason, so the guy the elders:
-Don't high theory further, had enough! DAO's we are in?
-In the Ramírez, owner Lisa!
-Then, my false Religion! Please go ahead, Sir. I have a friend, him and I had a deal with each other: "we reached immortality must first notify the other person". I have to keep this promise. I will invite my friend to Christ, DAO, go the way of the Lord.
Say, Upatissa prostrate in stature under the feet of elders, going three rounds right interference and abandon him, go to meet the ascetic artist guy you travel.
The ascetic artist Kolita sees from afar, not from the excited whisper: "today, we hand you seem different, sure he has to immortality".
Kolita impatient asked his friend immediately:
-You have achieved immortality?
Upatissa reply:
-Well, this parent! I have reached immortality.
Finished, he says the Dhammapada as Evil fake Religion-sitar said. As soon as the end of the shelf, Kolita syndrome effects. And Kolita said:
-You, Professor of ethics?
-At Lisa., Evil-stands, we've let me know.
_ Well, Hey you! Let's go, come meet the Buddha.
Property-benefits-elders to develop have a stroke especially respected his teachers deepened. So He told you:
-You, let us press for his master, du ascetic singer Sanjaya that we have gained to the immortal, like mind he will awaken and he will understand knowledge. Despite his lack of understanding of the organisation he definitely still believe we are not lying, and upon hearing the Buddha sermon, he would reach moral outcome.
Two sailings go to the ascetic artist du Sanjaya .
See them Sanjaya ask now:
-The owner! He has succeeded in finding people only for the immortal path?
-Yes, Sir, we have to find people like that. The Buddha has on the world, France has appeared, the increase has occurred. Still, Mr. going nowhere in Africa go. Come, Sir, go to Christ with our Professor of ethics.
-He can go. We're not going to be!
-Previously, I was a master of many. For me, back into a disciple as well as a ridiculous name raise afternoons are allowed to go to the wells. We can't live the life of the disciple.
-Do not do so, Sir!
-No, you! You can go, we don't go.
-Sir! From when Buddha appeared on the world, people brought flowers and incense in their hands, go to and reverence Him alone. Let's go to that. The teacher to do?
This useful leaders-! Who constitute the majority of this world, stupid or the position?
-Sir, stupid, the lot, the location is less.
-Good, useful leaders! Let the mind to the monks Limited intelligence-talks, and let stupid come up with stupid wife is me. You can go, we don't go.
-Master will become a celebrity, Sir.
Two former disciple says so and hit the road. When they go, the Congregation of Sanjaya disintegrate, and the forest became deserted. Sanjaya unbearable before secluded forests, he sad news of fresh blood koku. Five hundred du singer asceticism accompanied Upatissa and Kolita a ramp. Then, two hundred and fifty people remain loyal to the Sajaya 's return, the remaining two hundred and fifty people, two acquisitions they make disciples and gave them away as to Veluvana .
The Buddha was sitting between the four of them, two du ascetic artist, far from raising the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, there are two useful leaders here is Upatissa and Kolita. They double would be my disciple, disciples.
Two du ascetic Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl singer, respect, sit down one side and ladies:
-World Religion, we are pleased to accept into the Sangha by Buddha, we ask for refuge and renunciation.
The Buddha said:
-Go to the Bhikkhu-stilts! France will be the theory, let's live life happy offense until dying to end all suffering.
Right away, thanks to God, they are natural medicine Bowl, and became the Bhikkhu-stilts elders a cent lower.
By the theory of the disciples, we increased the Buddha preaching to France. Except for two Australian disciple, everyone is a prime result and A-la-Han. Rather outlandish, two Australian disciple still not meditation achievement leads to three results of a higher position (reason like that? Because of the intellectual three-la-suite of Australian Buddhist disciples had a level of importance).
At the time, fake Australian Religious Items-hopea-contact, near the village of Kallavàla in the Kingdom of Morocco-masterpiece-da, fell into a kiss dượi wild bass on Saturday after acceptance into the Sangha. But the Buddha awakened, Him from kissing wild and dượi deposits apply headings consistent meditation about the College that the Buddha has given to Him. He achievements of meditation leads to three results in higher position and gain relief wings of wisdom three-la-suite of quadratic Ðại disciple.
Property-benefits-elders still echo in two weeks, with the Buddha, from the date of receipt on the Sangha, at Sưukarakhata cave, also near the United Kingdom. When listening to the son of her sister, Dao singer Dìhanakha read economic article Vedanà pariggaha, You focus on the article, and like an edible rice cooking for other people, You gain the intellectual wing of the three rescue-la-suite of quadratic Ðại disciple.
(Be sure to honor Property-benefits-fake is a disqualified person of greater wisdom. So, why You need a longer time Out Items-hopea-to reach the nearest rescue wings of wisdom three-la-suite of quadratic Ðại disciple? Because for him the preparations need to be meticulous. We should understand that this is the same case with a King, when want out travel, need to prepare many things, like arranging the cushions onto the backs of the elephants will realms ... For a poor person, though would like to go, he was right not to need much).
Property right-benefits-echo and Items-hopea-get to the Sangha, when sunset, Germany Dao master summons the disciple at Lisa, nominated Australian disciple status for two new into the Sangha, and read about the duty to Pàtimokkha. The Bhikkhu-stilts resented chattering to each other:
-The World Religion proved biased in this respect. Assisting the Australian taste disciple, you must give priority to those who renounce the world, i.e. the first group of five Expatriates-Tran-like. If you don't care to the claimant, you must give priority to elders Yasa and fifty four of his companion. If you don't do this the Australian Apprentice, you must prioritize the thirty youth group. If You dismiss this group must prioritize three brothers Uruvela-Kassapa, Nadì-Kassapa and Gayà-Kassapa. Dismissing all the Bhikkhu-stilts to advance and take the Australian Apprentice status for those who renounce the world after all, German Professor of ethics proved to be biased.
The Buddha asked them:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! You are debating what the problem?
Hear them told, the Buddha says:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! We did not prove bias in this respect. On the contrary, we're dedicated to Bhikkhu-stilts and to all the other what stilts-Bhikkhu who each wish when Word of testimony. Longer Annà Kondana have donation the season nine times, but has not pledged Australian volunteering disciple. On the contrary, he was at donation that he must be the first to reach fruition paramount, that is A-la-Han.
-World Religion, when?
-Listen, the Bhikkhu-stilts!
-Yes, The Ton!
After that, the Religion ever since:
Past stories
8 c Minor and Kala Kala.
The Bhikkhu-stilts! Fuck the past ninety, the Buddha Vipassì appear in my life. Then the two brothers out of the black and Black, both this home rule a vast rice fields. A Minor Black day to paddy field rice and peeled, fresh unusual finds.
Not long after that, he wanted to dedicate a gift by the LUA non up increase them due to the Buddhist leader. So he went to the same competitor he himself:
-Hey you! We peeled rice and proper cooking to donation of the Buddha.
What you saying, huh? Never has someone peeled rice non donation, nobody likes to do so in the future, don't damage crops.
The child echoed his comments several times. Eventually the British decisively:
-Okay, let's divide the rice in two parts. Do not have the touch part of the UK, but do what you like on the paddy fields.
The U.S. Black says:
Then the children split into paddy fields in two large rent some farmers, labor, Peel and rice cooked with a lot of milk, add liquid butter, honey, sugar and cooked rice to Increase troop levels rose due to the Buddhist leader.
The meal ended, the black ladies:
-World Religion. by the early results seem to worship in Germany this season, for the child was doing the first reached the ultimate fruition is A-la-Han.
-Will be so.
German tutor helpfulness of ethics and merit for the home laboratory.
When the children return, look back at the field, he sees the entire field full of rice budding branch, knit together as tied into bundles. This scene makes you feel in the joy. He joyfully: "so lucky". When transplanting rice, he appears to be the first wheat cotton. Along with the villagers first results achieved. When rice is rising, the bunch bunch of rice first. When the pile, he collected rice surges in the first pile of rice. When rice into dry dock, he surges in first rice threshing rice, he surges when the first rice mill. When swung, he first swung rice section. consecration When the substance into the warehouse, he surges into first lẫm rice. As such, he surges into the first of the season to nine times to donation. Anything he brought surges are offset, and he has a bumper crop. Blessed Germany come up with who know the largesse.
Therefore, Germany World Religion says:
Indeed, out of Germany! Virtue of protection who know preserving ethics, living ethics lead to happiness. This is taking advantage of the moral life, people would live in ethics would not now go to the suffering condition.
So, in the time of the Buddha Vipassì, Kieu-Tran-as the first achievement made to nine times, volunteering was the first to achieve the ultimate fruition. Also, during the time of PadumuttaraBuddha, a hundred thousand lifetimes of the past, in the Hamsavatì, he made abundantly, and covered with humiliation at the foot of the Buddha, was willing to do the first achieved the ultimate fruition of A-la-Han. So, We have spent for him according to the status report. We did not prove bias in distinctions.
Past stories
8 d. Da-Dormitory (Yasa) and fifty-four Friends
-World Religion, fifty-five youth do Da-dormitory (yasa) leader created the merit?
-They had pledged under a Buddhist prayer are reaching fruition A-la-Han, and has created many public in Germany. Before the present Buddha appeared in my life, they made friends with each other to the achievements of Germany, and worry the burned corpses of poor. One day, saw the corpse of a pregnant woman, they brought the corpse to the cemetery. Da-residences and four friends indicated the burning, the rest back to the village.
When the skin-burning, use the tree guy Amnesty skewer through the body die, flip over to flip back, and the spectacle of the body impure. To share this understanding with the four you, Guy expressed: "you, take a look at this body. This chapped cheeks, not that different from the skin of cows, impure, grease and hideous. "
Right there, the four of you guy also radically the spectacle of the body impure.
Five people you go back to the village and communicate back to the others. About the Da-home guy and also property imparted to his parents and his wife, they both thoroughly wetting the impure.
This is the Germany that they have created in previous lifetimes. And this, by the German industrial property Da-experience the defilement of the body when in the room looking at the female American sleep. In addition, basic they arrived at maturity, so all the boys are achieving results. As such, this young guy who achieve the desire as they pledged. We did not prove bias in this respect.
Past stories
8 e. Thirty Prestigious Guy
-But, Bach World Religion! Thirty prestigious position this young has created the Germany?
They also vow that falls under the foot chư past Buddha reached into fruition A-la-Han and had created the merit. Before the present Buddha appeared in life, they are reborn do thirty evil guys, but to hear tips for teaching him the Tudila, they hold in the world during the sixty thousand years. And these people also hit as they pledged. We did not prove bias in this respect.
Past stories
8F. The brothers Ca Romaine
-But, Bach World Religion! The three brothers Ca-Romaine is Uruvela Kassapa, Nadì-Kassapa, Gayà-Kassapa (Pros-long-frequency-speakers Ca-Na-Ca-subject lettuce, Romaine, Gia-da Ca-Romaine) created the merit?
-They also build the merit and was notable A-unit prayer la-Han. Fuck the past ninety-two, two Buddha Tissa and Phussa at once appear on the Earth. His father Phussa is King Mahinda. When Mr. Phussa enlightenment, the King's youngest son to become his disciple and the Australian son of priest became the second disciple. The King to Buddha and Bach:
-The Buddha is my youngest son, who is An apprentice, and the son of the priest is the second disciple of Buddha Out.
And look at all three, the King rejoice:
-The Buddha's own, French is my own, my own is Increased.
And he solemnly called three times:
-Please concur That ranks him as the evening of Honor, Worship, full Buds.
Then he planted himself at the foot of Germany ladies: Professor Dao
-World Religion, now on the end of his life lasted ninety thousand years, it seems that the time has come for me to sit dormant eyes. I'm alive, please don't come home, take four the donation of his own.
Get the consent of the Buddha, the King steadily donation for you.
Now the King had three other children. Most adults have five hundred troops of the Entourage, the youngest among three hundred and two hundred. One day, they asked the father to be donation brothers is PhussaBuddha, but was rejected. This happened several times, soon after, a rebellion broke out in the border and the three brothers was sent to squash the enemy. Successful in recovering at the border, they return to the Imperial Palace, the King embraced them, kissing up hair, praise and reward:
-The love of the father, the father will give what you want.
They well command:
-Your father! We're please to receive the grace of the father.
After a few days, when the father they reiterated:
-The baby, we're going for anything you want.
They offer sailings:
_ Your father! We don't need anything else apart from now onwards we ask for donation of our brother, grant us grace!
-We don't give you the grace to be, baby!
-If the father does not want to give us this privilege regularly, then please give us seven years.
-We don't want you, dear!
-Ban the privilege for us six years or in five, four, three or two years, or five, or seven months, or six, five, four, three or two, or a month.
-We don't want that, you love!
-Well, my Lord. Give each child a month, bless us all three months!
-Oh, Darling! Make donation brother for three months.
Now all three brothers have only a loincloth and a housekeeper. Member countries to a hundred and twenty thousand people.
The three brothers for its great contributions and the housekeeper leave directive:
-Within three months, we will keep life ten, up y gold and settled with the Messiah of ethics counsel. When we are absent, the duty you have to takes care of food donation, every day you are required to provide adequate food, both hard and soft, for ninety thousand and a thousand men on stilts-Bhikkhu. From now onwards we will not suggest anything else.
Then the three brothers bring a thousand soldiers of the Entourage keep ten precepts, up y gold and begin settling in dormitories.
The contributions of players and forces turns Butler completed his duty donation, retrieved from food warehouse of the three brothers to donation. But when the hordes of people who serve demanding porridge oats and the food they insist, before at Rising to. Consequently the Sangha only get leftovers and not offered any new food resources. Finally, the contributions of its member countries and also to their appetite get less food, and then working out seems taken for children, but they eat it all. Find delicious food does not resist cravings, they thousands of eighty-four and the Group of people they have to eat the food that they have obligations to consecrate the Sangha, death and fragmented, they are reborn into species of demon hungry daemons.
When the General network, three brothers and one of thousands of people are beings Entourage up heaven and fucking now ninety-two days from the sky to the Sun. Such is the German public that the three brothers had built in that time because the voluntary establishment of achievements fruition A-la-Han. What they get is only due to the word of the testimony of their vows. We did not prove bias in the Board for what is needed. The average is now Butler Park-sa-United Kingdom, the Treasury is upasaka females Visàkha (Bhikkhu-dormitories-being) and three Prince's three home hair party ascetic.
Nhữnh servants of their serving reborn in species of demon hungry daemons. Some time after the experience from this shit, to both good and bad, they are reborn in this next life in realms of hungry daemons demons throughout the four Buddha life. In this, the first they came to KakusandhaBuddha, head of world forty thousand years, and asked Him:
-Please, Buddha tell us know when would we get food?
The Buddha answers:
-The person who will have nothing to eat during my plat, but after college I will raise a mile, Buddha and Konàgamana will appear, best you ask Him.
They wait all the time, and when the Buddha Konàgamana appear, they are asked and answered Sir sailings:
-You will have nothing to eat during my plat, but after We graduate, will raise a mile, and the Buddha Kassapa appear, the best person to ask Mr.
They wait the entire time, and upon hearing the Buddha Kassapa appear, back to the ladies and asked and again be heard:
-You will not get anything to eat during my period, but after We graduate, will raise a mile, and the Buddha Gotama will appear. At that time, the attraction of the vase-sa-United Kingdom will be King, he will worship it seems Germany Dao and will revert the direction Germany was created for you, and then you will get food.
The period between the two Buddha later for them also fast like today through the following day. When Such Hybrids appears in the world and Average-sa-King of the United Kingdom on the first donation, they receive no food. They wait for night, and created a scary noise and appears before the King. The King to Veluvana , the following day, and love for art As a hybrid. The Ethics Counsel explained:
-Australian United Kingdom, ninety two lifetimes in the past, in the time of PhussaBuddha, the devil is hungry daemons's bereaved relatives. They sneak eating food that they have the duty to Raise, they asked Buddha Kakusandha, Konàganama, and Kassapa when they are eating and Chu had said to them like that, like that. During this time, they'd get the alms of the United Kingdom. Of them made noises last night because your Majesty alms but they do not get blessed alms quote it.
-But the White World Religion! In the case of the alms, now they have received?
-Will receive, out of the United Kingdom!
The next day, King sometimes Sangha Buddhist leaders, led by surges of food is abundant and ladies:
-World Religion, from now onwards animal food from the Sun please for those hungry daemons had demons.
And when directed to the hungry daemons demons the Germany of his donation, they receive food supplies from the Sun.
The next day, the hungry daemons demons appeared naked. The King submitted to the Buddha:
-Today, the White World, the hungry daemons this Devil reappeared naked, I don't know what to do?
The Buddha explains:
-Royal of the United Kingdom, because he didn't give them clothes.
The next day, the King rises to the Sangha of Buddha by medical leaders and also vows henceforth expect they are clothing from the Sun.
And when the direction the German donation for says they like, immediately they are clothing from the Sun, right at the time they leave the fuselage hungry daemons demons and receive lettered natural body.
When the Buddha the helpfulness in Germany, He read business articles cite vows: "hungry daemons demons out of the Cliff House"
When you finish the helpfulness part Germany, eighty-four thousand beings reach France pure label.
On this Buddha has lectures, narrates the story of the three brothers hair braided.
Past stories
8. Sarada and Sirivaddha
But, Bach World Religion! The Australian Apprentice has merit achievement?
-They have pledged that prayer reaches its Australian disciple. In an a-increase-a hundred thousand more damn damn period the past Property-benefits-the ECHO, to be reborn into a family She-la-rich disciplines, is Prince Sarada. Items-hopea-be contentious in the family head fake wealth, name is Sirivaddha. Two young boys do you together from an inverse ground.
Prince Sarada enjoy big inheritance when his father's death. One day, alone, he wondered: "we only know a little about the life of this world, I don't know anything about the life of the afterlife. Who are born are sure to die. We have to abandon the world, joined the Sangha and go in search of the way the rescue ". So he came and confided:
-You Sirivaddha, I plan to leave Earth and go find the path of liberation. You can leave the world with me or not?
-You, I can not leave, you go out alone.
You refuse, Prince Sarada still does not change the intention, and argues that:
-No one goes to the hereafter with the bereaved relatives or companions or friends. We want to do is make one himself.
So, he opened the warehouse and alms for the poor broadly, du, and eat you. Done, he withdrew into the mountains and live life hermit ... First one, then two, then three, and then many others imitate you choose life austerities. Finally, hermit hair braided up to seventy four thousand, Sarada was active and the bowl, and teach people this method hair braided hermit gathered meditation. All are evidence of the five and the bowl.
At the time of Buddha, Anomadassì appeared in his life. The name of Mr Candavatì father is the Yasavanta class soldier, and her mother Yasodharà. The trees of the Lord are Ajjuna trees. Nisabha and hotel Anoma is Ðại disciples, Varuna is the server, and Sundarà and Sumanà core renunciation is female. He based that a hundred years of high stature, fifty-eight cubits, and the aura from the fuselage to the twelve mile (fifty kilometres). He has a hundred thousand Bhikkhu-stilts Princess school.
One day, Dawn recently, after producing An intention, Mr. observed bi world and find recluse Sarada and recognized that: "today, when We came to hermit Sarada, will have a great sermon. Sarada will vow to reach Australian disciple, and position you to him, head fake Sirivaddha would set the Chapel Royal status reached the second disciple. Last posting, seventy-four thousand hermit Lady hair braided will witness the fruits of A-la-Han. So we have to go there "
Then the Buddha Anomadassì up y hug the bowl, do not say a Word to anyone, such as a lion, with the intention to show to the Sarada knows himself a Buddhist.
And while the disciple of the recluse Sarada absent because finding the fruits, the Buddha from the sky down to the ground right in front of Sarada .
When the hermit Sarada see spirit and excellent General of Buddha, he silently recalled the verses related to the characteristics of a University. He knows that a person is, for things like General Phu, if living at home is a King, a London transfer ranks of Saints, living life spice will be eradicated, the reference is a full Buddha. Thus, Sarada assume this person as a Buddha does not doubt.
Therefore, he came to see the Buddha, in the scale, wealthy girl, compose a seat rises, the Buddha sat on has been prepared, and recluse Sarada select appropriate seating, respectfully sit down one side.
Seventy-four thousand of hair braided hermits were absent because went in search of fresh fruits and many countries, now just returned with their physician. See the Buddha sitting between the teacher and sit next to them, they said:
-Sir, we usually go all over the place and that no one higher than the master. But with this position, we both decided that Him than coach.
-Dao property! He said what? The mean he is comparing a granular restoration with the mountain of Tu-di-high sixty-eight thousand miles? Naive, little children! Do not compare me with a whole Buddha.
The hermit agreed that: "If this is a trivial, we will not compare like that. This location truly sublime! "immediately they prostrate before the Buddha's foot.
And then master them, hermit Sarada told them that:
-You, we do not have a worthy things foods rise schools of Buddhism here, Professor of ethics and have come here in time we usually go to qifu gangui. We offer Him animal products according to our capabilities. Search and brought all these fruits.
So, they go check out fruit, hermit Sarada cursed hands and personally put the fruit into the custard of the Tathāgata. Just when mastermind situation to the Administrator who left the tree donation himself, Chu heaven in the taste of the sun into the fruit. Hermit Sarada water filter himself also surges up Buddha.
After the meal, when the master Administrator who still sit in place, Sarada appealed to all his disciples to sit down, talk with joy Christ Dao.
Professor of ethics and thought: "Two Australian disciple and Bhikkhu-stilts come here". Immediately, two Australian disciple along with a hundred thousand A-la-Han accompanied does come, wealthy girl who respect and Ethics desk sat a party. Then the hermit Sarada told his disciples as follows:
-The Buddha's seat, then low and no place to sit for a hundred thousand Bhikkhu-stilts. Today you make glass Buddha ceremony. Go find at the foot of the mountain to bring back the flowers of brilliant colors and fragrances.
There's a saying that the time spent to say the table is just waste, people have the spirit through the power range can not imagine. Therefore, in Flash the hermit brought about the flowers of brilliant colors, fragrances and they got into a long mattress a miles (nearly five kilometers) for further links then they Buddha a flowering mattress radio three quarter mile for two Australian disciple. The mattress for the Bhikkhu-stilts remains a half-mile in length or shorter, mattresses for Sa-front long subjects a usabha (120 cubit). Should not wonder why those seats have great size are again on this ascetic monasteries. Firepower can be due by magical abilities. When seats were ready, hermit Sarada stood before world Religion and hand-pieced together provide dear:
-World Religion, please take up this flower to the mattress is of salvation and grace work zhanyi County in Germany.
Therefore it is said that:
He contributed many floral type
Compose the Court's bed, dear Sir: sometimes
"We did send ready,
Proper seating with aroma.
So, please, dwell on the Court
Please let your heart be pleasing an Republic. 
Seven Buddha, sitting on
The United States and child mattresses for children
The mind of the average President silence an course
From the client to the celestial are happy ".
When the Buddha sitting then, two Australian disciple and the Bhikkhu-stilts each seat for themselves. Hermit Sarada took a large flower on the top cover As South 82 mph. The creator whom Dao lawyer:
-Pray for the hermit hair braided surges this honor for us should be bitten. And immediately, You enter the Removal take advantage. German tutor Administrators noticed entered Kill take two Australian disciple, also enter into and Destroy take. In the seven days it sat tutor, Administrator of Germany participated at peace by Destroying the ends. When it's time to go in search of food, the disciple of Sarada goes into the forest and use the wild fruit and more fruit. The rest, they stood before the glass bows hand Buddha accepted. Hermit Sarada don't go looking for food, but for seven days continuously cam SW 0 mph flowers cover the Buddha, have found joy and happiness.
When German Professor of ethics, He says with the Australian disciple, master Nisabha, sitting in the right hand.
- Nisabha! Please revert the direction Germany for the recluse we offer flowers and seats.
After that, the elders, as a courageous General highly important inauguration medium from London United Kingdom, Holy Heart Transfer full of glee, the show presents three intelligence-la-suite of the Australian Apprentice ranks, starting post. When You terminate, the Buddha told Australian second disciple as follows:
I also make the sermon for the Bhikkhu-stilts!
Buddha taught obedience, elders Hotel Anoma impairment tests to tripiṭaka Scriptures, teachings of the Buddha, and lettered the sermon. But although two Australian disciple has, without a Bhikkhu-stilts would reach France pure label. Then Germany Dao master manifest boundless capacity of the Buddha, began the sermon. When the sermon ended, all seventy-four thousand hermit Prime hair braided A-la-Han except hermit Sarada. DAO master when that stretch out and take off:
-Come, Bhikkhu-stilts!
They shed hair loss immediately, and eight essential dishes are appearances on who they are.
Independent from pundits wonder why hermit Sarada not certified A-la-Han? Because he spreads the mind. It is said that while the Australian taste disciple sitting next to the second Buddha Hall show intellectual presentation 01-la-suite of degrees of Ðại disciples are, at the hermit began to listen to France, he began reciting: "Oh! the Convention may, at the time in the future, in the Congregation of a future Buddha, we received the responsibility that this disciple got taste! " For that reason, he could not witness directed results.
Sarada though wealthy girl, ceremony, and stood facing him, Bach:
-World Religion! located next to the Hall He sat on stilts-Bhikkhu delivers what the title of the Congregation of the Lord?
-Such is the person with me in the early Zhuan Falun, which is who has reached even the wisdom of three-la-suite of quadratic Ðại disciple, that is who has sixteen possible grips of knowledge. Therefore, he was called Out in the Congregation of disciples.
-World Religion! Here, in seven days I've stood holding the East at 22 mph, in this way cover flowers rise up honor Him. Result of this merit, I'm not expecting life after God made Love or Brahma, but in the future, the chapel became the disciple of a Buddha out of, like the elders Nisabha present.
Sarada establishment of prayer is completed, Germany would like to know of wishes, Professor of ethics who has no achievements, He then launched natural labels and observe the future era, found after a a-rose-period plus one hundred thousand lifetimes, wishes of Sarada will achievements. Sir hermit Sarada says:
-This wish would not far abelmoschus moschatus. The end of a a-increase-States shit plus one hundred thousand shit anymore, Buddha Gotama will appear on Earth. His mother was Queen Mahà màya, Mr làvua father Shudhodana, his son is Ràhula, he is the attendant Ananda, and his second disciple is Moggallàna, and he will be the Australian Marshal disciple of belief, and his name is Sàriputta .
After Germany Dao life monks for the hermit, He, and then raise them together surrounding, You fly into the air. Hermit Sarada search disciple and his elders, thanks to them for messaging is fake Sirivaddha leader that "his friend, hermit Sarada was prostrate at the foot of the Buddhist Anomadassì and aspired to be out of position in the Congregation of disciples of Buddha Gotama, who will appear later. He wishes to please be in Australian second disciple ".
He finished ahead of the other lines and one of elders to stand at the door of the House Sirivadha.
Meet old friends, Sirivaddha welcome:
-Finally, after a long period of absence, my esteemed friend has returned.
And immediately Sirivaddha invite you to sit, and sit a lower Chair, visit:
-But, he false Religion! He does not have his disciples and those who access the?
-Yes, you! Buddha Anomadassì came to our monastery, and we have reverence in our power range. The Dao master theory for everyone, and the last lecture, all the Prime outcome are minus syndrome A-la-Han and both joined the Sangha. See the position of the German Ethics disciples Professor Royal is Nisabhaelders, I aspired to be An apprentice position under the Congregation of Buddha Gotama, Who will later. You should also aspired to be An apprentice position Monday in the Congregation of the Buddha.
-But, false Religion! I do not have friendly relations with the Buddha.
-I will shoulder responsibility ladies with Buddha, prepare a great determination.
Listen as the low open, Sirivsaddha sailings on Royal page a wide range of eight karisas (eight models) door his solemn with a ruler, sand spreader, tossing five types of flowers, including the United làja, erected a tent to cover the entire roof with Blue Lotus, makes clear the available WAD of Buddha, and the Court of the Bhikkhu-stilts also was composing. And knowing how products are prepared. The guy is done thanks to the hermit Sarada to invite the Buddha and A-la-Han. Please, beautiful hermit Sarada bringing the Sangha by the Buddhist leader arrived home center friends. Sirivaddha out front to see the Sangha, helping the average bat from crew instructions, such as on the tent, sit on the Court has reserved, surges of water and provides the selected food.
The end of the meal, he surges home up expensive medical Sangha, a German Professor of ethics and:
-World Religion, us donation for establishment of prayer reaches its not trivial. Please asked compassion to stay here for seven days.
The Dao mastermind pros stay. In seven days Sirivaddha products abundantly as the animals rise has since. The donation ceremony of fullness, Sirivaddha , wealthy girl, DAO, Marian and hand-Bach experience provides poor students stand before:
-World Religion, you pigs, hermit Sarada aspired to become a Buddha's disciples Ðại. The prayer also please become the second Australian Ðệ the disciple of a Buddhist.
The monitoring the future Consulate Professor of ethics, and saw the guy will be satisfied. Life and he signed him as follows:
-End of a a-increase-States and lifetimes plus one hundred thousand, he will become the second Australian Ðệ the disciple of Buddha Gotama.
Listen to the Buddha's life, Sirivaddha brims, satisfied. The helpfulness of the German industry Professor of ethics about the donation of food and then increase them together back to the essential.
And the Buddha concludes:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is the wish of Our disciples at the time. They've got the right life with their wishes. When We proclaimed a what, We are not biased.
(Termination Of Past Stories)
The finished art professor of ethics, two Australian disciple of the same ceremony and wealthy girl ladies sometimes:
-World Religion, when we also is home, we got to watch the ceremony, has anything of the mountain.
The two recounted the whole story happened, until the certificate is immediately saved effects Holy first Presbyterian Assaji (Pedestals) theory. Then they ladies:
-World Religion, we came to our old masters, guide him come up on the Buddha, and only for him to break out of the shadow of comments, don't forget to emphasize the good Club benefits as if he's subjected to. But he told us: "for me, now live the life of a disciple, the truth is ridiculous, as familiar in Venice again goes to wells. We can't live the life of a disciple ". We tried the award presentation: "Sir, the public now hands clutching flowers and incense Sunday to worship our creator's own Ethics Professor tauseef. So the master plan? " He asked against them. "In this stupid world and the smart people who winter over?" We answer: "Sir, stupid, clever, then at least". He definitively: "smart people, then go to the specified Bhikkhu-stilts wisdom is Gotama (Abbreviated-talks), and we come up with stupid people are fools. Also, please come to the he preferred ". With statements, the White World, he refused to come here.
The Ethics Counsel heard that mainland teaches the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, due to accept its deviant comments, Sanjaya was mistaken for the fictional truth and hope for truth is damaged. But he, because of one's own wisdom, has the proper distinction what is true in the veracity and something damaged hopes of computer damage. He has wisely eliminated what frivolous and accept something true.
And then He said the Dhammapada:
(11) No leg, true ideas,
True see.
They do not achieve true,
Because the private railway ties.
(12) true, true said,
No legs, no legs,
They are honest,

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