Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XXI. Mixed Products
1. The Ganges Water Surges
Thanks to abandon small ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in at Lisa, relating his past actions.
An early life, the Bhikkhu--XA is a municipality rich in strong, populated. Seven thousand seven hundred and seven the Prince connection to each other. Each King had a private Palace, many temples, castles, parks, outdoor shower everywhere in origin. In summary it is an affluent city.
But soon after the food sources were running, then crop, followed by famine. The poor starve to death before, they were the farmers's everywhere, fetid smells emanate charmed some demons. We unleashed raging do some dead person more, smell the dead big business brought to the disease. So there are three disaster happens: the evil spirit, hunger and disease.
Population again surges up petitions to the King:
-Australian United Kingdom! As we're being three disaster, during the seven Kings of the past did not happen. The time of benevolent would have passed without calamity.
The King was meeting national Congress, declared:
-Can I committed a few errors, please judge us.
People explore the behavior of the King ever, doesn't see what the error is.
-Out of the United Kingdom, we do not find bugs where Mr.
They are meeting each other, seeking to reduce the disaster happening. Some people suggest, demand worship, Carnival, but unmitigated disasters. Others put the plan:
-Currently there are six more Catholic tastes the power, we invite the to see may have reduced the disaster.
Other people say:
-Full Feeling has ascended into out where his life, he is the Messiah That Religious teaching catechism to the suffering beings. He has a lot of spirit and supernatural power. If You come here, the disaster will reduce.
Everyone approved comments.
-Currently World Religion?
At the time, almost to the day settled in Germany in Respect of forest Structure in the World, according to the promise with the King of Qin-BA-sa-la. And at that, there is a Prince Licchavis governed the line named Mahàli, who is in the Royal Council of King of Qin-BA-sa-la, has attended the result-save, present at the Conference. Population of Bhikkhu-shopping animal products page-XA solemnly thanked Prince attached to the Mahàli, along with the son of the priest, to the United Kingdom-to Buddha visiting campus
Prince Mahàli and his son priest to meet King Qin-BA-sa-la surges products, stating the reason and request:
-Australian United Kingdom! Let Germany World Religion to our city.
The King just says:
-He is the smart ones, can sometimes get.
They then go to Buddha, and wealthy girl ladies:
-World Religion, in the city we have three devastating natural disasters. If You go to that they will reduce. Please come with us.
The Buddha heard the complete request, observe and know that, as soon as the sentence was read Diamond business litigation in property-ly, will-Bhikkhu shook tam natural world. When it ended, the trading post will have four thousand people awaited, eight are French label, and natural disasters reduced Him to accept.
The King of Qin-BA-sa-la heard the Buddha accepted the invitation to the Bhikkhu-,-ly ordered the Amnesty news throughout the United Kingdom, and the King to Amnesty-Buddha, ladies:
-So, are you going to the Bhikkhu--XA.
-Thats right so, your Majesty!
-If so, please wait for the cleanup of the road.
The King ordered to clean up the road five miles long, from the United Kingdom-the Ganges River, to the halls of every mile laid a caravansary. When it done, the King to Buddha knew that he could hit the road. The Buddha's departure, took five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts. Per line, the King ordered the United States cover bands to the knee, the flag NW 2 mph WNW 2 mph, two white-filled John che on Germany in world Religion, also positioned on stilts a white SW 0 mph-Bhikkhu. Around the Buddha and the Bhikkhu-stilts, King tung flowers, sprinkled incense, each station the night the King of real animal donation. In five days, the King brought the Buddha came out of the River, decorated a splendid boat then message the Bhikkhu-XA-ly:
-Be prepared for road construction and nghinh Germany World Religion.
Population of Bhikkhu property-ly SIS:-"we will welcome the world to honor long twice in King Qin-BA-sa-la". Thus, from the banks of the Ganges to the Bhikkhu-three miles long, glass-hostel they clean up the flat land of high mountains, low mountains north 73 mph flag, dedicated to the Buddhist four East at 22 mph, the Bhikkhu-stilts position two ESE 42 mph. Prepared, they stood waiting for this side of the river.
The King of Qin-BA-sa-la-column two boats together, build the roof above, full of brilliant flowers decorate, put a Chair by the Jade Buddha sat for the type. The World Religious seats, Chu Bhikkhu-stilts step down the boat, sitting Buddha surrounded the King's boat, follower. Wade take to the neck, and white Buddha.
-Germany World Religion, I will stay in this river, waiting for Him to return.
Finished, King pushed the boat out and go on. After the boat was a mile, Buddha to diocese into property-ly-Bhikkhu.
The Prince Licchavis governed the line to greet the Buddha, they also Wade level, pulling the boat to shore and brought the Buddha left the boat ashore. When Buddha had just set foot ashore, a great storm arose, as rain water uplift, venting, clean the body down the River, and the whole city becomes pure clean. The Licchavis governed the Prince invites break each Buddha miles of hiking, animal food, cosy doubled rising supplies of King Qin-BA-sa-la. After three days, the Buddha to the Bhikkhu property-ly-.
Heavenly Soles owners Prefer to fly down there, all lettered celestial Entourage; with vast power influence like that, the evil spirit flees. In the afternoon, standing Buddha at the city gates, ordered A fake Religious-nan.
-A-nan, please listen to me and take the Diamond Sutra around the infection back to create the capacity in proceedings for protection on the three layers of the Bhikkhu-city of glass-halls of the Prince Licchavis governed.
False religion A-nan received from kim That Ton guns, took to the water in the bowl of the Buddha, and then went out to stand at the gates of property-ly-Bhikkhu. False religion visualizations of all the Buddha's "start from havethe the Buddha, to thirteen-la-suite of the Future great year, As laboratory experiments, three German favour, is lost to the world, because the benefit for relatives and for the search of enlightened bridge; Bo-slapped into thai life Finally, Ðản Birth, Renunciation, Asceticism, the devil costume, Sanming and nine floors to determine Meditation ". Visualizations like finishing, false Religion, through three broth the night away in the city into three layers, walked the diamond as a reader chants the capacity for protection.
When the false Religion of the third paragraph to read and sprayed water, falling water droplets hit the devil. From the third onwards, the water drops into the agglomeration of small little silver balls, flying high to the place on the sick people. Immediately they healed, rise everywhere and surrounding Religion. Also, when the three-paragraph verse just read up the evil species, chui was hiding in a pile of firewood, rubbish heap, jammed the wall, when touching the water drops are intended to hide out, they jammed the narrow door that must break the wall that emerged.
People use a variety of incense rảy up on City Hall is located in the heart of Bhikkhu-glass, for construction-residence roof above the starry gold-mounted and other trimmings, seat arrangement for That Suen sit. The World Court sit in Respect, the Bhikkhu-stilts and the Licchavis governed the Prince sat surrounded circle then the home bias, same charming genius in Chu Likes Soles also stand on his seat. False religion A-nan goes around the recently completed, along with the return of the sick are healed, the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, sitting to the side. The World we observe Respect, repeat business the Diamond once more. Listen to complete eight four-thousand people in 1290 was France labels. This happened consecutively seven more minutes, Germany World Religion still teaches the same lesson over. Then, noticing all the disaster are all goals except, You teach the Licchavis governed the Prince is finished, leave the property-ly-Bhikkhu. The Prince Modupe respect That human Respect, and again during the three days following the Buddha came to the banks of the Ganges River.
The Dragon King resides in River thought to myself: "humans have revered as Lai, why don't we do it?" And he turned the boat in gold, silver, jewels, whereupon seats on Pearl, full cover water Lotus iridescence. The Dragon King Buddha up occasionally:
-World Religion, please bless us.
At the time, Chu heaven from the Sun Exercise to the Sun Security Violation:
-The Dragon and was revered as the future, why don't we do it?
And they same honor Buddha. The long United Kingdom erected the tree next to this tree the other SW 0 mph WNW 2 mph, a mile high and below, the long United Kingdom also do so. The species of Chu on the tree, in the forest, the mountains, the sky, from the Dragon world to the Sun, gathered into the circle, each holding a NNW 2 mph, between East 73 mph is a flag, the flag is cuckoo, tossing between divisions scattered flowers, scented water sprinkle soy source. The male splendid jewelry as the Festival, flying on air, praising rolling wine (traditionally, there are three the Congress like: a Buddhist culture informed spirit currently in parallel, an occasion He from heaven down, and one on the occasion of the Ganges water surges). On the river side of the United Kingdom-King of Qin-BA,-sa-la prepared animal products animal numbers double joint of the Licchavis governed the Prince and standing Buddha.
When the Buddha saw the solemn character of the products of the Kings two b the Ganges, insight schools of thought of Qian, Mr long and he turned a Buddhist culture and five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts for each boat. Also y, a Buddhist culture sitting under every tree white SW 0 mph, a sitting at the bottom of each tree as Italy, a sitting under each wreath, is surrounded by a myriad of Dragon spirit. Between the celestial realms and realms of Chu, also a Buddhist culture and map them. As a Festival of all the world, and projection to try Dragon species, on each boat by the treasure of the Dragon have a Buddhist culture, and to try them sitting up, on each of the treasure boat has turned the Buddha sits.
Long United Kingdom put Buddha and they Increase down long bows, heard the Buddha preach France throughout the night; the day after the donation of Buddha and Raises them to the epigastrium hard type food, the type of software. After Phuoc helpfulness tell King Dragon, the Buddha left the long bow, the same boat five hundred the Ganges River, in the horizontal pool provides client's natural Sun God Like nghinh. The King of Qin-BA-sa-la to welcome the Buddha, He sometimes left the boat, donation, solemn Buddha welcomed twice the Licchavis governed thePrince, and brought about the Buddhist Kingdom.
The next day, the teacher Bhikkhu-on stilts walked the back, sit chattering in France:
-Oh! The spirit of Germany That extraordinary Respect. Truth the credit instead! Please sincerely trust of people and heaven for That Suen. Throughout the eight-mile stretch along the banks of the Ganges, with glasses of Buddha, the news the King was moved by flat land, clean sand cover, sprayed flowers awash to its knees. Also long United Kingdom then sprinkle shower full of iridescence on the River, the flag NW 2 mph John from low up to the heavens, encompassing world page as holidays.
The Buddha and asked:
-You sit here talking?
And when you hear said:
-The respect and dignity he intended for Us not by the spirit of the Buddha, not by the spirit of long and Chu. Such is due to a simple animal products We made from the past, which We currently receive.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts asked the reason. The Buddha tells the story of the past.
1a. La Samkha
Oldtimer, for so long, there's a-la-keeper named Samkha, Takkasilà, he has a sixteen year old son named Susìma. Day Susìma said to his father:
-Father, I want to Ba-la-complaint, learning the classics.
-Well, I have a friend She-la-Mon in, your child will learn with him.
Susìma listen to the father, to a three-dollar complaint search Her teacher-la-Mon. The She-la-Mon get your child his disciples. And after a break, he started to study with the master. Guy learn very fast, very much and remember everything, not a what, as milk Binh in Golden Lion, not exude drops. Not long out of school principals what guy worth learning. The guy read the eulogy, the grips, the Middle, but do not understand the last paragraph. Sir Guy's thing with the master, the master said:
-This, I also do not understand the last paragraph.
So who are the people who understand the last paragraph, Sir.
-In Isipatana , Sage may get out the grips, please ask there.
Susìma to the independent from Buddha and asked:
-Is it true you clearly understand this paragraph?
-Yes, we understand.
-Please teach me.
-We don't teach people yet. If you want to learn, become Sa-Mon.
Guy Susìma Italian spice Association and became an Sa-Mon in the Congregation of the independent from. The teacher teaches Sisìma: "Let's wear down y like this, please wear upper y..." As such, the school teacher's basic profile facilities dread.
Stay here as a docile disciple, broke off what was taught, as there special ability should not reach fruition masters independent from how long. The reputation Susìma KY in three-dollar complaint like the full moon in the sky, You get more reverence and donation. Soon, independent from Visual Susìima Buddha entered Nirvana, because the Karma You create works only to a short network life. The independent from Buddha and the people making a solemn burial ceremony, income and symbolism, built the Tower of the shrine at the city gates.
Meanwhile, the father thought whisper: "you're going to be quite long, I'll go search visits see what happens to it." He went to Three-la-complaint, saw crowds, he thought: "Surely there are few people who know about her". He steps up to ask:
-Formerly a youth named Susìma ever been to this city, the having to know about him?
-We know! He learned most of the three Vedic sets in her home-la-keeper, then spice do Sa, reached fruition independent from and enter Nirvana. This tower is the Tower of the.
Heard complete, She-la-Mon beats hands down, weeping cry, go around the tower. He spit clean of grass around the Tower, use clean sand containers scattered around the Austrian turrets, watering, tossing flowers to pay homage, spread out like a cuckoo leaf shirt and plug the tree his covered South 82 mph on the Tower, done goes on.
Ever since the end, Buddha's conclusion:
-At the time I-la-Mon Samkha, Phuoc weeds around the newspaper by the Tower of Buddhist Visual independent from Susìma, so currently he Huang cleared the road eight miles long, no longer vegetation, flat land. Because we spread the sand around the Tower, so the long road We went today also be sprayed sand. Because we're tossing flowers onto the tower so today the flowers were scattered on the road, and a mile on the Ganges is full of lotus flowers iridescence. Because we're watering around the tower should be when we just to the Bhikkhu-a rain-ly property down. Because we hang the flag NW 40 mph should plug the whole Chu Lyra flag NW 2 mph high to take advantage of the Sun.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, the products and the reverence she is not naturally to me because of my God is real, not due to the force of the Sun, the Dragon. In contrast from the force there from the rudimentary Ta from time past.
He said the shelf:
(290) thanks to abandon small,
See the larger Club,
Remove the small position ranks,
See the larger Club.
2. Do not Take Resentment Nemesis
Sown suffering for people ...
This story happened when Germany World Religion in States Members, to contact a woman eating a chicken's egg.
In a village not far from the Hostel-protection, there is a fishing people. One day on the way to the Hostel-protection, he caught a couple of turtle eggs along the banks of the river Aciravatì, he then picked up the grab. Property-protection, he sees into the home of acquaintances, boiled eggs, when sitting to eat him for her daughter host a fertilized egg. She ate, demanded, mothers must take the eggs out of the drive boiled hen for her. She eats eggs, from which she was crashing like this dish and often get the eggs to eat.
The chicken to note that every time her spawn are the girl carried away eating out; a resented her resentment, she swore that: "When I die, I will reborn do teenagers eat those babies, she". After his death it returned to this House's cat, did she return to hens. Hens lay eggs were cats eat, so up to three times. Hens news too and he supposed: "three times you eat eggs, also like to eat meat at all. When I'm reborn chew the bones thou and thy son ".
Then hens being made of Leopard forest, the cat into the deer. When the stag, Leopard to eat meat at all parents and children. Like in five hundred lifetimes, they eat swallow each other, causing suffering for another. At last one party made her a party, teenagers, do women in the Dormitory-protection. The story continues as old, until met Buddha, teaches the sentence:
(291) Sow misery for the people,
Expectation for myself,
Being bound, hatred
Why not get rid of hatred.
The two enemies heard complete, teenagers, grandparents, in refuge, please. No longer vengeance, man woman also Preliminary results. Assemblies are the benefits.
3. The Bhikkhu Vanity Stilts
The value for do not do ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the cave at Jàtiyà near Bhaddiya, contact to the Bhikkhu-stilts Bhaddiya .
A German Religious World, are in action Jàtiyà, Bhaddiya. The Bhikkhu-stilts here have the habit of decorating the shoes of the master, as in Vedic describes "The Bhikkhu-stilts in Bhaddiya habitually wear Sandals showy enough". They do or make Sandals by precious materials, expensive, trendy fad, right ... Like they float is to learn, precepts, meditation, wisdom.
The Bhikkhu-stilts seen so very upset, and he brought the white with the Buddha. Buddha rebuke those master ham distillation of this area:
-He came here for what purpose, that now pursue something useless like that?
He said the shelf:
(292) Work worth doing, not doing,
Not worth doing, doing,
The arrogant, Yi,
Pirated or must increase.
(293) handyman need m n,
Usually, body bars
Does not work,
Work worth doing.
The fourth anniversary of the triangle,
Smuggled or was.
The master-your favorite sounds beautiful on stilts Bhikkhu, testimony of instant A-la-Han, the assemblies are also benefits.
4. Sa-keeper to kill Parents
After the murder of my mother my father ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the fake Religious Lakuntaka Bhaddiya.
At one point, Germany That are Religious in some Member States the Bhikkhu-stilts to visit Him. After the ceremony, wealthy girl, respectful retreat sits on one side. Then the false Religious Lakuntaka Bhaddiya walked there. The Buddha knew the mind of the Bhikkhu-stilts at the right time, You look at Religion and said to the Bhikkhu-stilts.
-You look! Such is the Bhikkhu-stilts have killed my father, killed his mother, escape suffering.
-The World Religion saying?
The Bhikkhu-stilts exclaimed, looking at each other, doubt, and asks the Buddha:
-World Religion! He said what?
The Buddha thus said the shelves:
(294) after killing his mother, father,
Kill the two-King,
Kill the Kingdom, spirit,
Pham Chi, countless lives.
Listen to complete the fight A-la-Han.
The story concerned a sentence like the following on the shelves, the Buddha also says about false Religion Lakuntaka:
(295) after killing his mother, father,
Two King She-la,
Kill the Tiger generals Thursday (suspected)
Pham Chi, countless lives.
[According To Explanatory Notes: "... Mother (mata) is the metaphor for pleasing the craving (tanha), and father (pita) is the metaphor of the fallen beam (mana). Because of the falling beam and craving that I must regenerate more life, more shit in the US she this reincarnation. The two Kings of the two marginal comments of ignorance: usually comments (eternalism) and snippets of opinion (annihilationism), often create useless controversies need to be demolished. The other territories of the Kingdom is 6 flat and 6 ceiling: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France. The position of the Archives Of the great spirit (treasurer) is to just immerse greed, sexual contacts arise and contain from 6 to that base. Finally, the fifth General of the Tiger is the fifth demon do hinder the mind, wisdom. Such is the "comfort" of 5 slopes: tham, anger, Kiss, trạo, and skeptical. After paragraph kill all the hindrances, new practitioners thong dong, himself in, go to the rescue ... "]
5. Boy and the devil
Always order the ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in at Lisa, involving a boy who sells firewood.
In the United Kingdom-have two babies, often play ball together, a child is a child, Buddhists is the home layman. Teens often Buddhists recite the Buddha thought, whenever you read ball toss "Nam Buddha-da". I'm the home layman customary merit the layman, and every time I read up ball toss "male model A-la-Han". In the game, teenage Buddhists often won the contest, and boy layman is often lost. Enemy observation, the boy thought: "the youth usually commemorate the Buddha and read like that each time unleashed the ball, and thus usually wins. We will also do so. " And I start reciting the Buddha thought habits-da.
One day, my father hit the car into the jungle to find firewood, bring me go by. After the full Airport firewood, he returned. On the way home, he stopped at a cremation ground beyond the beach, location clean, adequate water, grass and then bring out the rice to eat. PM to cow his sled, going by a herd of cattle into the city. The father runs according to catch cows back, back out, the darkness, the closed gates says not out. Thursday night, the boy outside the beach tha ma slept alone under the car.
At the time, the United Kingdom-a few demons often property, cremation ground Beach has two demon attention to boy to sleep in. A demon often find each cremation ground and beach as deviant, the demon, the foot of the Chief Justice. Ta Devil demon security principals:
This is A delicious bait-Let's eat it.
The Security Chief of demons;
-Stop it! Do not think nonsense.
Although it tries to stop preventing evil, deviant just disobey, it assumed certain boy leg torn. At the time, according to the Buddhist Memorial habits, boy in her sleep suddenly said: "Southern Buddhist model of" Pagan demon, frightened pull. The Chief Devil says:
-We do not do so, we'll be fine.
And to atone, it stood guard for the boy, while the devil ties into the city, grab a fork with gold in the net supply of food-filled packaging, King brought about. Both the demon boy care as parents, you wake up and take food for you. Then they used the message engraved onto the forks recounted the story happen, tell each other: "let the King read messages, other people can't read". To fork up the car, they stood guard throughout the night, and am new to go.
Days later, tv news that thieves stole gold forks of the King. The people closed up and searching. Search does not find it, they go out, messing around, they see the plate on the boy's car. They grabbed you and melodies of the King:
-This is a steal.
The King received the plate, finish reading the story written on him, ask:
This child-like mean?
-Dear your Majesty, you don't know. Wednesday night, and then my parents bring food to your children and watch for the child to sleep. The yen should not fear even the parents and good night. That's what I know.
Right at the time, his parents the boy has just arrived. Listen to them that have to figure out myself ... The King brought all three to the Buddha, tell the story and asked:
-World Religion, have to recite Buddhist thought is a cover, or anniversary ideas and other things also are households maintained?
The Buddha answered:
This notion, idea-Buddha-da is not just the only way meaningful to be protected, but the Buddhist notion of profound practice primary legs of the idea of one of the six items that do not need any protection would, ways of protection would, incantations, or herbs.
He said the shelf:
(296) the death Ðệ Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night,
Usually the Memorial Da Buddha.
(297) the death Ðệ Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night,
Often the Chief Memorial of France.
(298) the death Ðệ Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night,
The Memorial often Increase-elderly.
(299) the death Ðệ Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night
Usually sharp Memorial.
(300) Ðệ Prince Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night,
Italy have fun my ahimsa.
(301) Ðệ Prince Gotama,
Always order the sensory,
Infinite comment day or night,
Italy happy meditation.
6. Prince Afterword States Do Sa Mon
Almond spice fun hard ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in property Australian Lam tinh (Mahàvàna) near the Bhikkhu property-ly,-involving a Prince Awning line-States (Vajjian) has established the Sa-Mon. the story is as follows:
A Prince Awning line-States renunciation do Sa-Mon. Master Sa-Regal subjects lived hidden in a forest near the Bhikkhu--XA. The city holds the 24 blaze throughout the night. Master Sa-Freddie Prince subjects heard the coil, the drums, music from the Bhikkhu-dancing-ly, Amnesty a melancholy, sad and he cried moaning:
We're alone in the Woods,
As the song the trees dropped.
In the night like tonight,
Anyone with me.
Raw Sa-this subject has served as the Prince in the Kingdom of Canvas-States, when to his water therapy session, gave up the Spice Imperial Palace do Sa-Mon. On the full moon day of the month Kattika, whole streets into Bhikkhu-flag-the East 73 mph residences, institutions and events. Take advantage of the night-long evening, the Master-keeper heard the drums, Sa blared, music, legendary Green Forum ... When seven thousand seven hundred and seven the Prince Vesàli as well as how much the Prince, Lord splendid jewelry, rushed out of the road, then attended a business trip in the wide corridor six meters, on top of just had a fine moon. The teacher to sit on the couch, thinking about her body parts, lack both a festive, lack both aó pants jewelry, like a tree being lost in the Woods. The teacher thought to myself: "is anyone unhappy over us?"
Normally, I have enough, and the virtues of a Hermitage, but at this time because the teacher said discontent like that. A forest spirit in the forest she knew to be so told myself: "We would encourage the teacher", and said the shelf:
He alone in the forest,
As the song the trees dropped.
Many people wish to be,
As the đoạ hell,
He who is in heaven.
Sa-keeper heard the following day, the pallets to the Buddha, and the glass palace, wealthy girl sitting on one side. Buddha had to know, and want to tell the teacher to know enough about the suffering of the worldly life. He said about four years of misery in the shelves:
(302) the fun almond spice is hard,
In his hard-living,
You are not living, suffering,
Drifting rolling reincarnation, suffering,
So shalt not living reincarnation,
Shalt not run by suffering.
7. Center the renunciation-Credits
Credit Center, living world.
The story occurred when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to renunciation of mind (Citta) .
Citta as a male who Director rich renunciation, he always respected every time to fake A-Ton Buddha most nan see and he asks the Buddha:
-World Religion! Only when Citta to respect new Buddha like? Or also be respected when visiting the others?
-A-nan! He has always been respected as such, though until We visit or visit anyone. Because she's renunciation full faith, mind and virtue. People like, whether to go to the place would also be revered.
He said the shelf:
(303) Credit, living world,
Enough values title, property,
Where people come,
Ch she was respect.
8. The Happy Girl
People heal regardless ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the Cullà Subhaddà, his daughter independent from Her Level.
Time youngster, She had a friend named independent from Australia-old, also the Chief House author, they shared a teacher, and the same promises that later when the family furniture, both will marry the son for another to love more sincerely. And then Granted Her the same independent from Australia-old became Chief in his city.
A wholesale, fake old-Growth to the Dormitories-with five hundred vehicle. He Granted her the independent from and he calls for the daughter, she Cullà Subhaddà, to suggest:
-Hey, Daddy-he old-to-Australian home, you care you're full.
-Sir, Yes.
And when he is old, aunt-personally prepared food with full aromas, prepared chalk, cream, lotions, oils anointing themselves ... all facilities for you. After his meal, you take care of the bathroom a nicely rounded.
Fake Australia Chief-old noticed her completely, so huh uh. In a conversation with future Prime Minister, he reiterated Her promise independent from the old days, and please her wedding Cullà for his son. Fake old-growth according to the layman, so he Granted independent from Her to consult Religious know How Buddha. Australia-charming old Holy syndrome result should recommend he accept; and independent from Her Level after the table with his wife, has agreed with Australia-old, and then set the date for the wedding.
As head of the fake Dhananiaya when she married Visàkha, chief author of the level She is also independent from the baby a lot of dowry. He also advised the ten things: "this child, when her husband's parents live in the House, the clerk brought the fire in the House out...". He also said eight under for her first Cullà .
-If my daughter has what mistake with my parents my husband, he just taught it.
Wedding day, he seemed to be Buddha and increase them solemnly, and to demonstrate the results of Nice quote her in the past, he brought her husband home in glorious best ritual.
She Cullà to the Australian's-old, husband and all attractive body out. Like Visàkha, she sat on the car, go say hello over the splendor of a bride. She received the gift of the people and respond adequately according to the preferences of each person, making all the city praised the beauty and her happy.
Father husband often invited the hermit to the accomplice in the big occasion, the occasion of him also. Her husband's father ordered:
-Come debut and ceremony to honor the master.
But she Subhaddà can not look at the singer, her accomplice refused to say hello. The second, the third, she is also not to say hello, he is the father of her husband angry:
-Let's chase the girl out of the House.
She answered:
-Could not accuse me without cause.
She invites you to the protection, presentation is everything, and they recognize that she is innocent.
He heads the author narrated with his wife and said:
-Daughter-in-law I refused to anoint the hermit because it said that the him vulgar.
She asked:
-The status of the master it to how it is so revered?
She called daughter-in-law to ask:
The master my praise
As they backed out?
About what law they keep?
Practice the blessing?
To answer, she Subhaddà praising Germany's grace Buddha and the Buddha's disciples:
Align the master,
The master mind purity.
Purity when I go,
When the stand is also an.
Eyes always looking down,
Little mouth when spoken,
The sa-master the subjects,
The Italian President, gun body
As jade beads not Bhikkhu,
Outside and inside all morning.
Virtue always deserve
The master of such children.
Sad world when lost,
When are then excited.
The master you don't like,
Investors can lose all stops had left.
Honor the Earth,
Melancholy world reputation.
The master I don't so,
Don't mind the humiliation of glory in the membrane.
The world celebrates award
Sad world was cooking.
The master you don't like,
Diem course despite praise cooking.
The world crying laughing by,
The gauge pleasure in life.
The teacher of the serene,
Please don't move gauge.
With answers like that, Subhaddà made his mother her husband satisfied. She asked:
-We can meet your child's teacher?
-Gentlemen, okay.
-Well, Let's arrange for us to meet.
Subhaddăa many animal products prepared for instant Buddha and they increase the high floor, climbing her towards the World Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl in body build land, commemorates the Buddha's grace-da, the revered Buddha by scent, flowers and incense, she bounce nowhere a jasmine and vốc uttered:
-In Germany, the World Religious sometimes him and monks to the House tomorrow. Please let Him know that I was visiting the Palace.
Jasmine fly through the frivolous, the colon, the stop before the Buddha, when He lectures are for them.
At the time, chief author of the level She sometimes also independent from Buddha to come home tomorrow. The Buddha answered:
This false Head, we-the invitation of others.
-But nobody, come before you, you accepted the invitation?
- Cullà Subhaddà invite Me.
-My daughter to stay away from this more than a hundred and twenty miles, how inviting?
-Thats right, but people who heal regardless, still visible as are near.
He said the shelf:
(304) Who heal regardless,
Clear as the mountain snow.
The evil oil at near,
As the name of the black night shot.
King Sun God's love to know the Buddha accepted the invitation of visiting Subhaddà, ordered the spirit Vissakamma:
-Be present in hundreds of towers, tomorrow take Buddha and they rose to Australia's old city.
The next day, the Vissakamma turn enough five hundred towers and stands waiting in the port States. The Buddha to bring five hundred A-la-Han, and he sat with them in the Tower, to the Australia-old. Fake Australia captain-the same old family according to the directions of the Subhaddà standing in the way of Buddha will come. He saw the Buddha and they Raise go to the dignified cheerleaders, filled with the wedding Festival. He carried the very respect of ink, the procession Buddha and they Increase to the House, tossing flowers scattered incense, donation, solemn Buddha in seven minutes back. Buddha sermon, and then head of Australian author-same old four eighty thousand people are privileged France labels. Especially for the grace Board Subhaddà, Buddha indicated A false Religious-nậu-da-long stay. Since then, the population of the elderly become spirit-the rich, the mind.
9. Independent from Subject Residential Sa
Who sits, lies alone ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the false Religion independent from Homeless.
False religion independent from the famous Residents of the four sets of them that he is the man who walks alone, standing alone and sit alone. The Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha on Religion:
-World Religion, her elders, like.
The Buddha praised:
-Heal instead! Heal instead! Bhikkhu-stilts can poison living residence:
And praise the life far, alone, He said the shelves:
(305) Who is sitting alone,
Independent from not bored.
Subduing yourself alone,

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