Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

VI. Place Sage Products
1. A Person Gaining Spiritual Treasure
If degrees of Sage ...
This World Religious doctrines taught in the States, related to the fake Religious Ràdha .
Before becoming Sa, Ràdha is a She-la-Property-poor subjects. Tu, he decided to go to the glass, do enough things: cut grass, scanning, portable water washing. The Bhikkhu-stilts treats you nice, but won't get you into the Sangha. The result is more thin.
A Religious observation That happen, see who She-la-Mon can result A-la-Han. He pretended to walk around the property to Her, Crystal-la-keeper asked:
-She-la, what are you doing here?
-World Religion, I do everything, large and small for the Bhikkhu-stilts.
-You get treated?
-World Religion, there. The son is eating food full, but you don't let your teacher.
Instant meeting the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts asked:
Hey, the Bhikkhu-stilts! Does anyone remember a her work-la-other subjects?
Property-elders benefit-the echo dear:
-World Religion, when the real in the United Kingdom, qifu gangui him worship for her a spoon full of food himself. I remember clearly that gesture.
-Property-benefits-This echo, a person has to do a job like that, do not deserve to escape the negativity?
-Sir, I will accept him into the Sangha.
After joining the Sangha, he was a son of seating line in the outer ring. Porridge and other foods long on making him also bored.
Property-benefits-elders to develop for him real, frequent General qifu gangui commandments prompt, lesson:
-You have to do this, you should not do.
The position respect follow stilts-Bhikkhu, true teachings, so much so that in just a few days symptoms A-la-Han. The same elders said to the World, and wealthy girl sit down. The friendly welcome, the Buddha asked:
Property-benefits-echo-! His Ðệ has easy to teach?
-Yes, The Ton! Cute teacher teach, any children only, not against the left.
Property-benefits-echo-If he have disciples like stilts, you will-Bhikkhu received how many people?
-You will get off, the White World Religion.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Property-elders benefit-the ECHO is gratitude. A She-la-poor subjects just worship him a spoon feed, also grateful and his disciple. Again false Religious Ràdha, who is hard of hearing monitory prompted, had been a patient of teachers just teach.
And he sounded so Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first Dormitory-benefits-echo in gratitude. In a past life, he was once like. And the Buddha storytelling duties being Alìnacitta as follows:
Alìnacitta, the enemy must be defeated powers, guys
Alìnacitta captured King of Kosala, who disagreed.
Also, Bhikkhu-stilts, followed the instructions properly austerities,
Thanks to practice offense, Nirvana was reached,
When ripe, the weather coast personnel
Will take remove all legally binding.
The Buddha said:
-Early life, elders Residences-benefits-echo is the lone elephant, donated the white audience for the hordes of Carpenter, cure foot pain reward.
And mentioning the false Religion Buddha Ràdha :
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! When a Bhikkhu-stilts are just an error, he should comply with the precepts as Ràdha. And when reprimanded, should not be resented. Li deserve to see themselves as the only people to blame people for treasure.
And then He said the Dhammapada:
(76) see degrees of Sage,
Only errors and rebuke,
As the only possible buried gold,
Please close the position!
So close,
Only better, not bad.
2. The Bhikkhu Wayward Stilts
Those who recommend or teach ...
World Religion taught me this in the States, related to the Bhikkhu-stilts Assajipunabbasuka. But the story started from Kìtàgiri .
The Bhikkhu-stilts is two Australian students, but the evil bad disciples and not know disgrace. Time in Kìtàgiri, they planted and cultivated plants and all happy. They disturbed his family, claiming the need to use. They make the Bhikkhu-decent property in stilts.
Hear, That they beat out decisions Respect the Sangha. He summoned two Australian disciple to with us:
-Let's hit export not obedient. But the commandments and teach the people obedient. Or recommend the commandments and teach the little guys mind hate, but the person who has Tri dear.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(77) the person or recommend teaching,
Prevent someone else from doing evil,
Investors can trade, glasses guy
Be evil people don't like.
Two Australian Property disciple-benefits-echo and Items-hopea-recommend the commandments and teach the Bhikkhu-stilts. Some obedience modification attempts, some complete, others also were expelled from the Sangha.
3. Elders Far-Anonymously
Shalt not dear to you evil ...
In the States, That Religion teaches the sentence on because elders Far-anonymously.
Far-elders once anonymously insults two Australian disciple:
-From the same day That the great Respect to discharge, I can't see anyone else, so that now the two elders Moss again rao "Property is-benefits-the ECHO, thought-qian'an County-related, we are two Australian disciple".
Listen to the Bhikkhu-stilts recounted the words of Far-Religious World, anonymously to invite him to rebuke. He was a silent, but then continue to decry the two elders. World Religion called and reprimand him for the second time, the third time:
-Away-anonymously, two Australian disciple is a good friend of his, is the upper ranks. Let's make friends with good people like that, and just learning them.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(78) Ok with you evil,
OK guys, minor body
Please dear friend,
Take the upper ranks of human body.
But elders, Alcoholics Anonymous far-heard Buddha-like, continued to decry insults the two elders as before. The Bhikkhu-stilts Bach again with Buddha and was He taught as follows:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! How long we're alive, he would not teach the far-famed anonymously. However, after I enter the removal, you will succeed.
When the impending Religious import Nirvana, false Religion A-nan asked Buddha to treat Major l o Far-anonymously? World Religion taught to even beat (Brahmadanda). A-nan have y words That call, Xa-anonymously to declare so. He upset, anxiety, perceived as the clerk three times before. He shouted:
-Religion, please don't hurt me!
From there he wholeheartedly pastoral duties, soon the symptoms result from the A-la-Han and the spirit.
4. Australian Presbyterian Kappina
France Hy bring peace ...
World Religion has taught on the sentence in States, involving fake Australian Religious Kappina .
Past stories
4A. Sower and spikes Home
, Fake Australian Religious Kappina took vows at the foot of PadumuttaraBuddha. Through numerous caodaiists, following with you please do the primary weavers in a textile village near Three-dollar complaint. Then there are a thousand independent from Buddha the feeling was in eight months in the Greek code-Hy-Zen, down the mountain to the surrounding Three-dollar complaint to stay over four months, and eight have been sent to the King to ask for accommodation. King are busy preparing the ceremony, should answer the blunt is not free to worry, the appointment back in the day after tomorrow then turned back, not even invited to a meal. Thus the decision through other villages.
Accidental wife weavers Chief goes to three-la-complaint, met the wealthy girl, and ask:
-Lettered Honor author! Have you come to Africa?
When all the, and smart capital, credit, she invited the boys life sailings tomorrow. Although the Buddha up to a thousand, she convinced with this village is one of thousands of weavers, and each person will take care of the food, and accommodation. the Authorised promise availability, she rushed back to the village, and then the notification for construction, seat theater, preparing the dishes upper position. The end of the meal, she along with all women the ceremony and wealthy girl village ladies and sometimes they stayed three months. Investors can get the lyrics, she encouraged the villagers, each person portable hammers, axes, on the forest felling trees to tent the grass and leaves. Each building houses a tent, there is room in the daytime and nighttime accommodations, all one thousand. And the villagers were fully supply all your needs in three months of rain. Sees the last day, she convinced each of the worship to the Buddha entered his tent down in a y value for a thousand. Most of the season settled the Buddhist Thanksgiving, go.
Due to this merit, villagers weave reborn do a client group heavenly in thirty-three heavens realms. Enjoy the most blessed realms, quote them reborn as these homeowners in Three-dollar complaint under Anthems Buddha-Romaine. Weavers Chief is the son of a Chief, his wife is also the daughter of a Chief. She is married to the former he is her husband.
Day, heard the news of world Religion, the owner brought his wife along to the essential. Just in the portal then rain down venting. Those related to Sa-di or Bhikkhu-stilts in essential, then, to the Interior halls of residence. This home crowd still bear battle because no relatives.
Homeowners complain his head:
-It's fantastic! Decent people such as we here in circumstances like this, it's shameful!.
And he advised people pooled our money back to build a glass house for Buddhist worship leader of a thousand homeowners. copper, other homeowners each year hundreds of wives, each of the two hundred fifty. Because works too, with a scale of thousands surrounded the Tower, so halfway deficit money they must play more half the amount. Property is complete, glass they do ceremony, donation and increase them during the seven-day Buddhist and all twenty thousand Bhikkhu-stilts each a set y.
Wife's own Home Secretary also contribute like everyone and with wisdom she donation center played more for the Buddha a set y Anoja flower color is worth a thousand with a bunch of flowers Anoja, she would be beautiful and have names like United Anoja reincarnation. Buddha's promise of availability. After the General network, everyone being natural.
Current story 
4B. Kappina King and Queen Anoja
From the Sun, the Master Chief regenerated into the Royal family of Kukkutavatì, the King of Kappina. Other people are doing in North Korea. His wife then reborn on the Imperial Palace of Maddà in the Sàgala. Her complexion as Anoja flower color should be named Anoja. As to the age of marriage, she became the wife of King Kappina, Queen Anoja. The other women also being on the House, everyone enjoys the honor of flowers, like the King, also riding elephants or sit a horse, splendid costumes, also because of my life before them and the King are all along the same medical largesse.
The King has five horses: Vàla, Vàlavàhana, Pupphavàhana, and Puppha Supatta. The Supatta for King and the other four for the Messenger. One morning, the King ordered them ejected four doors up find all over in two, three miles to see the Buddha, France, did not Increase. They return no news whatsoever.
The other day, King and other courtiers horse riding stroll the flower park, saw five hundred tired appearance traders are entered into. Great King for they asked to visit, heard the good news. Them from the Dormitory-protection to, a hundred and twenty miles of go, and what makes the King run up with years of feelings excited are they notified who of enlightenment, the Buddha was born. Falter for a moment, because not tame, King stutters asked again for sure:
-Dao, you say?
-The Buddha was born.
The second, then the third King to hear so and donated them to a hundred thousand Dong, finished said believe anything else?
-Dear Ðại United Kingdom, Dhamma was born.
Also as before, the King hesitated because not tame his emotions, asked back for the second, the third, and then for a hundred thousand Dong again. And when hearing the Sangha was created, they are the King ban more a hundred thousand Dong again.
The King looked back a thousand courtiers, ask:
-Dao, your happiness is what?
They asked again:
-Also the happiness of the United Kingdom?
-Buddha was created, France was created, Rising was born. We don't return to the Palace again, because Dao, I go tu according to Him.
They bar ladies:
-My Lord, we also joined him.
King wrote a message on a golden plate, given to hordes of traders and told them:
-Queen Anoja will give you three hundred thousand Dong immediately upon receipt of this message "the Crown today delivered full for the Queen, be an enjoyment of vinh Phu QUY hoa". And if the Queen asked us where we were headed, said exporting countries according to Dao.
Courtiers also sent a message about the same as for v. The King and I am more than a thousand people.
In the early morning, police the World Cafe Buddha knew the work as above, and also foresees that they will witness A-la-Han with the gods, so He came to meet them. Like a London Transfer to the Chief small hamlet Seong, Buddha up to hug the Bowl y, sailed two hundred miles, to sit on the banks of the river Candabhàgà, under an original maximum of six colored auras and fired. Along the way, the King and the related having a river name Aravacchà deep a mile, two miles wide, no boats. If you go looking for old friends die boat. And with the resolve to give up the world because of the three jewels, King vows force of three jewels will no longer be river water for water anymore. Then the King towards the Buddha, attention:
-He is the Messiah, the Religious Enlightenment, ranks the Chief Justice Turned to the voters.
While such attention, and the King on the backs of thousands of African horse on the flat Rock River, do not get wet even the top of the toenail.
Across the river and then, King continued to meet other rivers named Nĩlavàhanàdeep, half-mile, half-mile wide. Things happen before, this was the only other King to France Said:
-Dhamma due to World Religion novel micro magic instead!
Sees the third River is the Candabhàgà deep a mile, a mile wide. This time the King to Increase Security:
-Increased delegation of world Religion up chon TAM Chief instead!
Cross the river and continue on the King to see the six Buddha-body color aura. Stem, stem, tree leaves are like gold. The King thought that this light is not of the Sun, the Moon, the Dragon, the God Garuda (Kim ugly birds), but because the King decided to go to export in That Respect should have been the Buddha seen know. The King immediately down, tilted toward aura, to World Religion. King step into optical Buddha as being submerged in the Sea World and Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, along a thousand courtiers respect sitting on one side.
World Religious alphabetical class theory. The last King of France, and the related Expected results, witness stand up please join the Sangha. Cafe Buddha, know that these before worship a thousand of y for a thousand independent from Buddha, and Buddha in Ca-Romaine also worship twenty thousand sets of y for twenty thousand Bhikkhu-stilts. As such they will be y Bowl due to the force. Stretch the right hand out instant and Buddha says:
-Come, Chu Bhikkhu-stilts! Let's live life happy, the offense make the negativity.
Now that they are to be used, the dish eight elders. They fly up, not down, sit down, buffet and Professor of ethics, wealthy girl.
On the part of traders to the Imperial Palace, met the Queen to put plate gold. They narrated. And when they repeat the news Buddha, then France, then Falling out of his life, like the King, the Queen, the whole-body shocks the mind; each such message she reward them three thousand Python. After listening to the King and were established Bhikkhu-stilts, the Empress summoned the wife, recounted the story, and the same people ask the Queen:
-They have no message, my Queen?
-They delivered the entire property, the status for the freedom you enjoy security.
-But the Queen how?
-The King know vinh Phu QUY hoa will lead to suffering, then we too. Who knelt down to lick the King's saliva spat out. We don't need ronghua, we will also line up under Messiah Dao.
-So we also ordered her and renunciation.
And the Queen ordered a thousand Chariots, and then along the lady up the road. As well as the previous King, she came to the river first, don't know how questions, only to find a horse for the King's footprints, but didn't see anything. Think that would proclaimed King "because the three jewels that give up the world" and then over the River, the Queen also pray so, and focus on the three jewels, she orders a thousand chariots moving across the River as Africa on flat stones. Both the crew and even rims are wet. Also, her two remaining river.
Know she's coming, That Religion changes caused the Bhikkhu-stilts invisible, no one saw him sit around the Buddha, the Queen came close to seeing auras, she also thought like the King before. See How her wealthy girl, respect stands aside ladies asked:
-World Religion! I think Australian Kappina got to here and Mr. with Respect to abandon the Earth because Christ Dao. Where is King now please just for us.
The Buddha said:
-Sit down! You will see him right here.
She was so excited, because the thought of sitting that will see her husband. And they sat down.
World Religious sermon in the class. The French post and the Queen, the last group are certified result Projections. Australian Presbyterian Kappina and Entourage heard the Buddha sermon for the instant she certified A-la-Han dynasty along the God. At that World Vision the Bhikkhu-stilts for the Mrs. The Department of World Religion not only the Bhikkhu-stilts right because she saw her husband was afraid the y offset to the birth center, skinhead, sorrow can not be proven leadership results. When the belief she was solid, the new Buddha just shows the Bhikkhu-stilts bact at it's A-la-Han. And she collapsed, my Tan the previous A-la-Han, ladies:
-Lettered Honor author! He has now reached the rescue wing of the convent life.
World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and they respect stood a party and would like to join the Sangha. Few Bhikkhu-stilts thinks that the World will Respect for the United States Federation Identity Ni stilts-Bhikkhu (Uppalavannà) but That Respect back they come, into dormitories-Dormitories of the Bhikkhu-stilts ni. They walked a hundred and twenty miles. where are treated and reverence. They were admitted to the nuns and A-la-Han. World Religion leads to a thousand Bhikkhu-stilts rise not about States members.
In the States, fake Australian Religious Kappina to accommodation during the day and sleeping at night uttered:
-Oh, happy instead! Oh happy instead!
The Bhikkhu-stilts heard tell That ton, think sure he said happy while authority as King. World Religion called Him to ask why talking about the happiness of love and authority. He nonchalantly replied that sure you know Respect say the words like or not. That instant Respect the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Ðệ said a death like not related to power. He's drinking France and happy in Chief of France. The joy of the wedding Festival he related to Nirvana.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(79) France Hy bring peace,
With pure translational Center,
The position is usually the wedding Festival,
With France ranks of Saints.
5. Sa-Di Pandita
The marine water treatment.
Do what the Sa-di Pandita, the Religion has taught as on in the States.
Past stories
5a. God's Love And the poor
Early life of Buddha in the world, remaining lettuce-Sangha consisted of twenty thousand Bhikkhu-stilts were smuggled. One day the Buddha instructed them to Ba-la-complaint. The public hearing meeting, each group of eight or ten person donation. After the real life Buddha the helpfulness in Germany:
-The renunciation, in this world, there are people who themselves alms but do not recommend others alms, as such they are wealthy but no servants. Someone recommend others but themselves not alms, as such they have servants but no wealth. There are also people who themselves are not alms and don't encourage others to alms, as such they have wealth, not his staff, living as people eat leftovers soup residue. One more class just by yourself, other people recommend alms alms, they are both blessed treasures of wealth and servants.
At the time there was a man standing nearby heard that playing the mind of Buddha and the donation of twenty Bhikkhu-stilts. Enacted by the Buddha to accept real life tomorrow, he entered the village and announced to everyone. And with the fans, who worship please for ten, twenty, a hundred guys, five hundred. He notes the number of leaves on the set. In the city there is a very poor man, people called him "poor Prince" Mahàduggata, and he also invited donation. He just knows the answer:
-Sun! I that do nothing for the Bhikkhu-stilts? The Bhikkhu-stilts need rich people worship them, did I, a batch of rice to cook porridge for tomorrow is still not enough, then there is nowhere for the Bhikkhu-stilts?
The other man tried to explain more:
-Mr. Mahàduggata ! In this city many lavish living, eating expensive food, silk is covered within the body, the GAM arrogance, smooth warm mattress beds. But he make not filled. You never tell anyone what?
-I also think so, Sir!
-So why now he not create the Germany go? He was young, healthy, why not alms donation according to ability?
Touched, he told poor write your name leaves the cult for a Bhikkhu-stilts. But he said that the other has only a Bhikkhu-stilts, then write up the leaves do spend, should forget.
Poor Prince home to his wife or, and both side go do rent to worry about donation. He went to a rich merchant, who favors the three hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, was delivered to the fucking. He fasten belts belts and do their best. Merchant found him work incredible, amazing, and when knew because he'd have food for donation, admiration.
The wife was given merchant wife pounding rice. She finished pounding, chop, ready in a way happy joyful as dance. And when was the reason also is to have food donation, his wife also adore.
Done, he got four match public money, rice and fold four more times by the benevolent merchant further courtesy. She was part of a cup of milk jugs, a secret, a spice and a lot of rice. Glad to see yourself enough donation widgets, they wake up real soon. She told him to go find Curry leaves, there is no market, he must go along the river picked up leaves, singing fun, think belly "today, we honour donation the Bhikkhu-stilts!". A man fishing near there heard singing coming, and give you more fish.
World Religion to observe the world, knew the name Bhikkhu-stilts are donation are written on the leaves, except c a position he omitted to poverty. So there is no Bhikkhu-stilts would give his donation? And supper being ended is supposed to have, which is the dominant religion. When he come home prepared cooking, then God's throne Like warming up. Know it, and know that the Buddha spent the blessed God, Like poor Prince turned to Mr. Cook please help. The poor man has no money to pay the God should love to do in Germany, won the right to cooking rice and porridge, and the poor man go find Bhikkhu-stilts. The person bringing the Bhikkhu-stilts called on leaves to each home, to the poor, the answer is he forgot. He was like a knife stabbing in the stomach, punched his chest crying begging for was a Bhikkhu-stilts. The public hearing, the mind responsible for the campaign, making him the embarrassment doesn't know how to fine, suddenly remembered That Religion, you rush to the poor essential Buddha: visiting campus
-A East Kings, the great spirit is waiting before visiting, to Buddha that funiture flavour not yet. Buddha is very hurt poor people, you keep stating and please bless, certainly will be.
The poor man to follow, to the right flavor. Buddhas opening, bringing the average Bowl for him. People see all the oral cavity jaw dropped, while his heart was to do as coaches London Transfer Hon Seong. They dare not winning the average bowl of Buddha in his hand, but the example given him money. He declined to run out.
The King said the money didn't tempt him, so no one get the average bowl of the Buddha has given him, but the King still was he seemed to be not worth how much, should plan to dedicate his time to the belly of food, will take World Religion back donation. So the King went by Buddha.
At his poor God, Emperor Like cooked rice porridge, finishing, Curry and the other dishes, available seats for That Suen and sat waiting. He brought the World to Respect poverty and come in. The House he came low tè, new stand to be. But for headless Buddha never stand, the ground is lower down, or home to raise. It is blessed by the alms quote of Chu, and when the Lord of the things back. So the Buddha into the fitting, sit down chairs have composed. Then the King told Mahàduggata please turn to see what things clear for That Suen. Open the map cover out then would rice porridge, and other things, fragrances throughout the flight. The King nodded That confession, Religious ceremony, wealthy girl his intent, and please come out for fear of making the home laboratory. God's love to dish up World surges of Religion and Buddhist service of dedication. Real life is finished, the helpfulness of the German public Respect and stand up out of. God's Love to the poor he help the average bowl of World Religion and follow the Buddha.
God's love to the poor he returned home, stopping before the door, and look up into the sky. Immediately the seven treasures rain down, filled his house in only VAT lu and poverty. Small children are closing out because no longer blank to stay. Mahàduggata return, see so know that it is blessed by the message the donation. He offers up a King please off delivery of property, is one of thousands of new cars carry enough. All are piled before the Imperial Palace grounds, high by tree. King just for people to see, and ask them to have someone who owns this not shy about using. They see no one with the poor, and he sent for him as Attorney General. The King only possible location to house the archives before the Attorney General was in, he cleared the trees to build a House for him. When the floor clean and flat, many gold silver vase mudskipper treasure meet jingle. The King is reported, confirmed:
-First, the seven treasure from down-filled home is due to the donation of the true Buddha perfect lettered. This time the treasure we are also due to his merit. So only he is entitled to.
Store the finished House, Mahàduggata donation Buddha and Increasing them seven days. After his birth, celestial public network. Enjoy the most blessed lost the Sun during the middle of the two Buddhas, he current Buddha forecast reborn into the home of a wealthy merchant in Dormitories, the protection of-elders-benefits-the echo Property.
Current story
5b. Pandita, Sa Di Seven Years
When pregnant mothers, poor Prince dreamed surges worship five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts by elders leading the echo benefits--Xa, and medical relief to gold, sitting outside the assemblies and get the leftovers of the Bhikkhu-stilts. Dreams are achievements, Ms. Entertainment increase them seven more times. (Same as series Tissa ).
Originally named, she ask elders about tv for the baby. Investors can she said in this House who handicapped, deaf and dumb are become wiser from the day she became pregnant the baby, so He named Pandita Dàraka, the Sage.
Up seven I want monk. And identical Tissa notes were moms please elders led to essential, then the hair shaving elders taught meditation on the bars in the first element of the body, at the same time I was getting into the Sangha. Parents Tissa stayed seven days of donation in comes about then property.
On Wednesday, eight elders led me in the village, behind the Bhikkhu-stilts, because elders have to go around all over the property cleanup, scanning planet Duke, filled with drinking water and water for washing, the correct place for Chair beds, as well as the furniture throw throw indiscriminately takes the order. Because he did not want to give the layman into dormitories co decry occasion: "see the disciple habit hermit Limited-talks!" Boys don't know how should Bowl hugging medical relief follow the master, after having been the teacher only taught.
Along the way, you see a water trench led into paddy fields, questions to ask the teacher. The teacher explains that's matter but man can control, led to anywhere you want. You wonder why people do not mind control, subduing his mind to show results A-la-Han?
Let's add some more, you see people doing them are arrows and sticks on fire and squint to straight bending. You ask the master and also wondered why the arrow straight bending can be senseless by pellet fire, while humans have to locate them can not control and subduing the mind to achieve results A-la-Han?
Play golf far away a little more, I found Carpenter are worn and the shaft rim spokes, other parts of the wheel. I wonder y as before: If we can get the wood formed accidentally crumb wheel run by Italy, then why are we also have position but not subduing the mind to reach fruition, A-la-Han.
So pay attention ladies with elders please get back his uncle wants to Bowl y. Elders do not allow himself to think "small Notes of this new mobile Sa-into the Sangha that had spoken as though he was the smaller Buddha". In contrast, positive options You get back his bowl, and y keys furniture for fear of paying attention in the outdoors. Note also the explorers if bring food back for you, just ask I preferred, if not by his German will for his uncle's German.
Uncle Sa-di Pandita obedience the master opened the door furniture master on Zazen, body, subduing the mind God's Throne Like Italy suddenly spoke up, He knows everything, and he wanted to help that should be ordered:
-Four, let's chase the birds are nesting in the garden of the property, and the four-corner guards Elf!
-Hold the Moon the Moon!
-The Sun God keep the Sun again!
God then Like now people come to hang the rope opening and closing, stood guard. Not a sound property, except in falling leaves. Mind the notes Sa-di an, static, and in just about the meal, I was Italian thing and Tam.
Meanwhile, elders to house the home laboratory He knows is very dear to him to qifu gangui. They rise right food dish of Uncle Sa-di like and real-life Sir done will bring food back for Sa-di. Elders think his disciples make hungry, so the speed is done in a hurry on the essential.
Early in the morning, the breakfast is complete Respect to the essential. You see most of the happenings on the Sa-di Pandita, and also know the uncle will witness A-la-Han before meals. So, if elders arrived at the property, will put food glass causing obstacles in meditation at are consistent. So, the Respect to the elders, wait at the furniture, and ask him four questions:
Property-benefits-echo-, he brought?
-World Religion, food.
-Bring something?
-World Religion feel tho.
-Life Sensibility to bring something?
-SAC, the White World Religion.
-Quality Shades bring something?
-World Religion, exposed.
Meaning like this: A hungry people are eating, the food will do hunger and bring longevity. From body beautiful, good will lost life more, should say that life from birth. Authorised body colors like, that person being the heart rejoice, therefore when sitting or lying are exposed rejoice.
During the four questions and answers continually, the notes Sa-A-la-Han sequelae with the spirit. That Honor then told elders brought food for Sa-di. Elders well ordered to knock on the door Interior. Carry out steps taken Uncle custard to one side, hold the fan palm-leaf fans for elders. Enacted by the said master, new notes. So the boy was seven years old, was subject to the eighth day of the Sa-, as a fresh, blooming Lily sit down to practice the French consulates Passport Center, then real life self.
Wash and store the finished Bowl, the two gods were freed for the Sun and the moon. The four heavenly not hanging up the four corners, God's Love is also discontinued door, and the Sun are noon suddenly diving.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering:
-Hooded unusual darkness down, the sun set at noon, Sa-di just finished breakfast, why?
Buddha comes, hear them told, that:
-Thats right, the Bhikkhu-stilts! When Uncle Sa-di tried to reach the fruit A-la-Han, then the gods keep the Sun, the Moon, the four guards standing guard at the gate or essential corner residence; I, though is also Buddha cannot rest, so must come with my disciples; the place to see the marine water treatment, hairdresser, Carpenter name bending name chipped wood, have consistent meditation on the section titles, and winning his self certified A-la-Han.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(80) The values of hydraulic conductivity, water
Guys who do the straightening name name,
Carpenter wood bending,
Degrees of location photography itself.
7. Steadfastness As Ðá Foundation
Like a stone solidly ...
In the States, That Religion has taught, involving elders Lakuntaka Bhaddiya.
The Sa-di and others unknown elders often pull the hair, ears, nose, bẹo grasp question quiz:
-Pay attention! Don't tired martyrdom? DAO do pay attention fun?
Elders are not resentful, nor anything. The Bhikkhu-stilts that soy sauce sautéed together, World Religion hear sailings:
-Thats right world the Bhikkhu-stilts! Who except off, illicit or not, angry or resentful, but serene, not waggle like rocks.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(81) As a stone solidly,
No wind would shake,
Also, the mid complimented cooking,
The location is not agitated.
7. The quiet After the storm
As the deep water lake ...
What Religion was taught in Member States, relating to the mother of Kànà .
The mother of Kànà, a female has effects, daughter to a person in another village. Kànà have a chance to visit his mother on her husband, then the message was less about. Her mom, mother holding back, that:
-I was here spread, why the hands?
Then she made the cake, Italy for her little gifts for my husband. Then a Bhikkhu-stilts to qifu gangui. She sit and donation filled Bowl. Go taste for others to hear. And then the second, third, fourth to qifu gangui, all four people are donation gear, so most of the cake. Kaanaa must stay. Her husband texting two, three times, and also for the reason that she is not about to be. Her husband did not wait anymore, take another wife. Hearing the news, Kànà for that Bhikkhu-stilts have hurt her happy, so she was name-calling, insults any Bhikkhu-stilts she saw. The Bhikkhu-stilts dare not go through her house. World Religion story associated to it. Mothers sit and porridge and hard food donation. You Respect ask Kànà, call and ask:
- Kànà, why do we see the negativity and weeping?
Her mother told her the Respect That did. The Buddha turned toward her, said:
- Kànà, I heard that We disciple to the real mother and qifu gangui for their gear, so they have an error?
She lost weight increased salivation response:
-The Bhikkhu-no bugs on stilts, Bach World Religion, only my fault.
Then her World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl please be forgiving. Buddha sermon for her and she attended the result saved credentials. World Religion back to the essential, the King saw when He came across the Imperial Palace, so please be wealthy girl. Enquire about King Kànà va then asks the Buddha:
-World Religion, You have to do is stop the hook of her nhiếc for the Bhikkhu-stilts or not?
The Buddha answers: 
-Authorised, Australian United Kingdom! She was off nhiếc hook, and have your mastery of production world.
-World Religion, good. So I will give her worldly possessions.
World Religious ceremony Ðảnh done, King returned to the Palace, a large procession, for she sent for her radiant, Princess and she totally pods message code. A great aristocrats marry her. From there she puts people in four doors and to serve all of the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhu-stilts on stilts-Ni. She also wanted to make more Sa-more subjects to serve the donation but no. Food donation then abundantly, both soft and hard, always available at home and flush out the door as a great flood.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering again in France the way about her. How to Respect, listen to them tell, and he responded:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first time that four elders he also reincarnations to bother Kànà. Also not the first time We convinced her that in reincarnations have also like.
The Bhikkhu-stilts past story-telling Buddha please, World Religion and he brought storytelling Duties Being Babbu
A cat found,
Second son appears.
The third, fourth,
This cave we find to.
Four cats at the time that four Bhikkhu-stilts. The mouse is Kànà and the treasure is the dominant religion. And he said the Dhammapada:
(82) As deep water lake,
In the morning, do not stir.
Also listen to the Chief Justice of France,
The place to enjoy net.
8. A flood of Wandering.
Do what the five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, That Religion has taught as on in the States. The story begins in Veranjà .
How to honor the invitation of Ba-la-Mon Veranjà to Veranjà to enter the lower house with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts. But She-la-Mon to dazzle devil being never to Buddha, although only a day. Moreover here happened famine. The Bhikkhu-stilts out real qifu gangui but received nothing and they hunger. Horse traders then have them horse groats. Elders Items-hopea-see them starving, please allow to Uttarakuru qifu mumo carried but That Religion is not for. However the Bhikkhu-stilts not anxious to food one day, which only worried tu to eradicate illicit sex craving.
After three months, the Religious press for Her-la-keeper He came out, he feasts and Buddha are the Buddha, and y. Bhikkhu-stilts back to the States. Property-Protection of population surges adequate food welcome Him back.
Early life due to the kindness of the Bhikkhu-stilts that five hundred eat you alive in the glass barriers. Ate leftovers of the Bhikkhu-stilts and then they roll out sleeping. Wake up, they run out of the river screaming, dancing, grapple tackle. Inside the cave, outside the property, they are all such finely nothing, only the scandal.
In France, the way the Bhikkhu-stilts chattering, seems to displease. Meet famine in Veranjà they have diffusion, but now eating enough they let Cavalier enough wiggle back type. Also the Bhikkhu-stilts at Veranjà and here are living peaceful, and quiet.
World Religion in France the way ask the Bhikkhu-stilts, heard said, and he said:
-In the next life before they also act like that. They are five hundred donkey drink grape residue of five hundred horses like Sindh, water that has been mixed with water and then filtered through a towel and Lü BU, a shabby, bland water no longer smells. Then, they're queer, la vang rân savages.
A piece of light wine,
Do donkeys say tilted heads.
Nothing against chuếch, Sindh horse
Although drinking well.
West, too!
Stupid people easily say,
The position has always calmly,
Wine never moved lay.
And world Religion says:
-Like this, the Bhikkhu-stilts! The Sage give up evil, and bad sex reference not agitated whether happy or sad.
Then He read the Dhammapada:
(83) The Sage of all,
Healthy people do not exercise, desk
Oil life contacts feel miserable,
Ranks do not happy sad.
9. The husband and wife
Not because, as the ...
World Religion has taught me this in Member States, involving elders Dhammika .
At the Dormitory, a renunciation of life-the life of the Chief Justice, like to go tu, an intimate day let the wife know. Wife please her husband waiting for child birth. Thanks to when the baby, he said. His wife says to wait it mature. For he, allow or not doesn't matter, because he freed his own suffering.
Then he spice, the Sa-Mon. Get the subject of meditation, he practiced efforts and achieve the great goal of his life. He returned to the Dormitory-protection, search theory and for his family. He went and also certified A-la-Han. His wife see nobody at home any more, so also the mind go tu, and also soon witness A-la-Han.
In France the way the Bhikkhu-discussion on stilts, and Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! People do not expect success whether for themselves or for others. The only way the Chief chon TAM refuge in France.
And say the Dhammapada:
(84) Not because of themselves, because of the people.
Not being children,
Not of an asset,
Not his achievements bridge,
With illegal employment.
The position was maintained,
There's wisdom, true France.
10. Few people Sees the other Shore
Few people among mankind.
What Religion was taught when attention States, related to the matter heard in France.
At a residential Property in the path-protection brunch donation, and decided to stay all night listening to France, but they can not hear all night. Few people have been the dominant sexuality and fled back home, some do worry too worry angry, others Kiss bass dượi, wild chicken to sleep sitting asleep, not a drop of France would reach the ears.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering about on the roads in France. World Religion heard successively taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Beings in the world most stick stuck into tam. Very few people are on the other side.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(85) the few people among mankind
Sees are the other side.
The longer people stay in
Reverse swept this bank run.
(86) The who released the French maintenance
According to the Chief Justice cited French teaching
Going to the other side
Magic beyond difficult to escape.
11. Waiver of Max Trai
Tri guys put allowed black ...
This is How Religion taught in Member States, relating to fifty Bhikkhu-stilts to visit.
Fifty Bhikkhu-stilts have entered the lower in Kosala , lower prize to World Religion. They respect him and ceremony, wealthy girl sitting on one side.
World Religion listen to their maintenance experience and teach them the Dhammapada:
(87) the mind Guys quit France black
Gathered under French white
Leave home, live,
Live the far glass hard.
(88) to fun Nirvana
Remove, not owned,
Positions guys wash
UE profile from the inside.
(89) The one with the Chief Justice,
Manual practice vigilance,
From AI infection,
The wedding Festival does not accept player,
Pirated or not, incandescent,

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