Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XI. Old Products
1. You Of Bhikkhu-Sá-Being Drunk
What jokes, rejoice ...
For those of you Ms. Bhikkhu-Respect should've overstayed-residence teaches sentence on at United Park.
Five hundred prestigious youth for five hundred wives under great renunciation maidservant-then, believes that with-XA good like their wives will live life mindfulness. from then on though to tribe members or essential, the wives always go along with Bhikkhu-dormitories-overstayed. The Festival staff drinking alcohol, the alcohol brewing tea cup for my husband grandmother during the seven days. Sees the empty bit eighth day ceremony, the husbands return to work normally.
See also alcohol admit, she wanted to drink the wine sneaks husbands giauá should follow, and then asked property-overstayed-Bhikkhu to tribe members. They drink on, say, a widely admired fainting all over the garden. Looks of her gait, Bhikkhu-dormitories-knew they were drinking and being drunk. The layman will be given women's renunciation of rao Moss Sa-Abbreviated subject-drinking conversation, she called wives to rebuke:
Hey, you made big mistake, do I also spread the humiliation. The husband you will get angry. You have to do here?
They worry dear:
-Dear Lady, we will report the disease.
Back home, the husband he knew they were drinking. They were beaten so very sad.
The Festival the following year, they like to drink wine like last time, should she ask Bhikkhu-overstayed-entertainment to the infirmary, but was she refused. They then abandoned that intention and brunch to glass. That is they are about flavor flowers, hand clutching jugs of wine, warm, to meet gown Bhikkhu-and she overstayed--property essential. Later, the wife he sneaked away to drink alcohol, throw the jar and then on to sit in the front of the line, France Germany World Religion. Ms. Bhikkhu-Bach: then-residence
-World Religion, please live for this grandmother to hear.
But the Lady say that body swaying the island through the island back and suddenly they bounce like dance. One of the loveliest in the United Kingdom see Ghosts associated catch them, make them have the defamatory gestures in front of Buddha Buddha is seen cafes ... causes, and he thought:
-We will not allow the bereaved Ghost in the United Kingdom. Because the purpose of complete sensory fullness of happy we don't have to be the devil to be raging occasion.
He launched a dark blue auras from leg. God immediately darken. Ma'am there fear death so much alcohol in the dry. Buddha left seat, soaring peaks and Tu-di, aura between long eyebrows, at that morning as thousands of the same Moon grows. And he told her:
-You have to come and go here in the center of the canopy. Hence a progeny of Ghosts in the United Kingdom has captured correctly. At the time that you should not laugh at the joke or the gestures are not strictly, it took you to laugh ridiculously loud. From here on after you have to efforts to extinguish the fire and craving the craving.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(146) Laugh, rejoice,
When life forever burn?
Been dark cover,
Why not find the lamp?
Know they have faith, no longer be unshakable Buddha again, down the mountain the Tu-di and sit on the Court As a hybrid. Then the Bhikkhu-XA-overstayed ladies:
-Alcohol is evil, has led the way as the product, but this woman sitting in front of That Religion, still unable to control his actions, that foot dance, clapping, laughing, singing, dancing.
The Buddha said:
-Thus, Bhikkhu-dormitories-being! Alcohol is evil, because probably there are countless beings sorrows.
But the White World of the time, and the cause would happen on?
World Religion and he recounted stories of the past in his duty Being Kumbha .
2. Treat the Buddha A Bhikkhu Stilts Crime Situation
See beautiful silhouette ...
This is How Religion taught at Veluvana, related to Sirimà .
Sirimà the capital's girlhood in the United Kingdom. In the rainy season, she missed the offensive to female Uttaràrenunciation, his wife Sumana, daughter of a rich family, and is the sister of Phu gia Punnaka. Want to resume good relations, her renunciation of world Religion and female Sangha there. When real life Buddha finished, she came to him asking the Confessor. World who Collected Religious reader power racks for Sirimà listening to:
(223) Retrieved not angry angry WINS,
Get friendly, no WINS
Take lab WINS San took part,
Retrieved chon Tam win spoiled Wei.
Last posting shelf, Sirimà evidence of effects. (This is just summary of the whole story is in part an economic treatise in shelf products article Outrage).
Then she sometimes That Respect to real life, and after much surges. From there she steadily donation at the eight servings. Her entry into the liquid butter and milk-filled Bowl, part for a Bhikkhu-stilts enough three to four Bhikkhu-stilts, and she also alms to sixteen.
Have a Bhikkhu-stilts to qifu gangui in home Sirimà, back he stops at property three miles away glass. The Bhikkhu-stilts asking him real life where and how? He is honest enough to mention in detail, would be the perfect dish, a three to four servings to use well enough, was that the more lovely home lab look more beautiful. A Bhikkhu-stilts others hear that fell in love with her, and would like to see.
Asked are addressed, in the early morning just dawn. Bhikkhu-stilts up way to play defense, qifu gangui votes themselves to be elders of the Congregation and receive a voucher for eight servings at home Sirimà. A day earlier, news on Bhikkhu-stilts across awareness dinner goes on, her illness, to remove the jewelry lying out in the room. The Bhikkhu-stilts to qifu gangui, she is not up to your service, so thanks slaves carry clean up, don't forget to tell them to care, and done lead her to the ceremony, wealthy girl Bhikkhu-stilts.
Her to the front of the Bhikkhu-stilts, wealthy girl, whole body shaking. Bhikkhu-this allows the African soul her stilts, are sick but also nice like that, if healthy, wearing makeup and jewelry, also nice to! Then the craving has accumulated millions of years in the insurgency. He does not even know what all things around and real life can not be. He carry the bowl back to the essential, tightly Bowl back to one side, where y and is long. Bhikkhu-stilts go begging, but he does not swallow something.
Right up that day Sirimà died. World Religion or believe, the correct Riding Hood to King in the House burn, shalt not be cremated, and don't let the crows pecking dog keepers. On the day, came on Wednesday, the body of Sirimà an account up, like piles of meat cold sores, from nine-hole dòi cow out like rice cookers broken cracked. King for drummers rao over getting people to come see the correct Sirimà, who does not come to see the eight fine money. World Religion along with the Sangha to view.
Now this equivalent stilts-Bhikkhu gave up eating four days, is not unfazed the advice of fellow tu. The rice in the Bowl were rotten, custard, then up the mold, But upon hearing the News That Sun CE about to go see the correct Sirimà, is bedridden and he immediately speed up nhỏm. And when people ask him not to, he responded not to think: "I go". Then he removed the cast and take off thiu always rice doused the bowl in mesh basket is finished.
World Religion and Bhikkhu-stilts rising standing on one side of bodies. They Bhikkhu Stilts Ni and retinue of the King with the southern hairpin upasaka stood on the other side. What Religion asks King:
-Out of the United Kingdom, who is this woman?
-World Religion, Sirimà, children of Jìvaka .
- Sirimà ?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Then select blank loan off city who spent a thousand will be owned her.
There's no "margin". Buddha told King devalue down low. From hundred down to a dozen, and then to the coin, part two coins, a quarter coin, a piece of eight cents, well nobody wanted to head her though is for not.
Buddha taught sailings:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! You clearly see the value of a woman under the public eye. In this city, formerly dare dismiss thousands of copper to the pleasure through a night with this woman. But now is not who is head of the Little Mermaid though for not because of beauty has probably broken, not anymore. Look, the Bhikkhu-stilts, this body broken down and rot.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(147) see beautiful silhouette,
Place the substance contains wound,
Sick much thought,
It's not something the school.
3. Ms. Ni Elderly
This trunk is old ...
Buddha on the sentence in States, involving nuns Uttarà .
Nuns continued to qifu gangui pilgrimage visa for up to one hundred and twenty years. One day, met a Bhikkhu-stilts, she rises off the food in the bowl, don't put anything for themselves. On Monday and Tuesday, Uttarà also met and surges to the cult that old spot stilts-Bhikkhu.
Sees on Wednesday, Uttarà 're going real qifu gangui as usual then met Buddha in place of truth. She stepped back, she turned, her medical leaves trample, entanglement should fall. That Honor comes near her and said:
-I, your body is weakened by old age, not how long will sabotage.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(148) this Body is old,
Fragile patients, disabled drives
Group of impure,
Death, the cessation of life.
4. Group Bhikkhu Stilts Believe
As the fall election ...
The Buddha said in States Members on questions related to group all the news on stilts-Bhikkhu.
Five hundred Bhikkhu-meditation headings consistent receiver on stilts from the ton, withdrew into the forest meditation efforts. Think its no longer craving and have completed the practice, they come out of the jungle to tell What Religion were privileged. They just came out of the gate, the security rush Respect essential XA elders A-nan that they don't yet have the charm to meet Buddha, please come to the incinerator before and come back later.
Instead wonder why, the Bhikkhu-stilts told each other, "the Buddha is the University position, surely You mean". They obey to the incinerator and saw the bodies. With the body so long to a two-day, they see the disgust, the new dead body fresh seafood again provoke the crush of their education. At that time they realised the craving still inside. World Religion sitting in the Interior photo optical zoom flavour to the opposite of the Bhikkhu-stilts said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, see the raw skeleton that he enjoy taking the match probably wicked wrecked?
Then He read the Dhammapada:
(149) As the elected left fall
Were hard put to toss away,
Bone white doves group,
See also fun?
5. the Nuns and ball Sac
This city made of bones.
Buddha taught like in the States, involving nuns Janapada-Kalyànì Rùpanandà
She thought: "my brother gave up the glory of control, become Bhikkhu-stilts, and now this is the transcendent in the world, is the Buddha. His son is Ràhula Kumàra, is also increasing. My husband is rising and both parents as well as ni. The whole family are living life spice, why we're still stretching in his life? " So she'd go tu, joined the Sangha and not to trust because of the compassion family. Because it looks so gorgeous she named Rùpa .
One day hear That Religious preaching: "beauty of colors is impermanent, implications with suffering, Africa; tho, thought, consciousness also are like that ". She said that the Religious World has seen bad ones on his body, though very beautiful to look beautiful to watch. So you don't like an opinion That Honor again.
Residential Property-protection in the early morning, donation usually continue on duty of eight. Afternoon dress belied the clean, floral handles, they gather in the essential French nuns, to hear amnesty. Listen to France, to the praise of Religious merit.
There are four criteria for judging people Like Lai and taken as satisfied:
1. On what they see as kim of the Buddha, dignified with thirty-two general good and eighty looks DD p.
2. On what they hear about the virtue of Buddha through many hundred lifetimes, and listen to Buddhaghosa includes Marvelous Bowl when Mr. sermon.
3. On the Buddha's asceticism.
4. On the comment about Him is, have power, have collected, static security, Buddha is the unique quadratic no one.
Rùpanandà listen to nuns and female homeless singer recounts praise As a hybrid, but she said that they concur too far for Britain. If You plan to criticize her beauty in just one day, he will speak much in the time period? Then she intended to go to France, then back to the Religious World view which does not want to find themselves. Happy nuns lead Rùpanandà go, because for a long time she didn't want to have her he will, most Buddhist theory with much richer in detail.
World Religion known today Rùpanandà to wealthy girl. And to teach people too wrecked before myself, to dissipate her pride because y have beauty, he will use physical beauty do the media, like prickly thorns ceremony must be used. World of instant information: spirit Show Respect a girl sixteen blue spring, beauty not seen wearing Crimson costume, makeup, jewelry dish with all standing before world Religion, holding the fan factions semicolons. Only the Buddha and Rùpanandà saw the girl.
Rùpanandà on property with nuns ejaculation. She stood behind, in Buddhist ceremonies and wealthy girl sitting down drills down nuns. Then she observed That Religion from head to toe. Bright brilliant with good general thirty-two and eighty beauty, aura surrounded the widely up to two metres. And then she saw the girl standing next to the Buddha and she observed the bright moon-like face of the girl. See again myself, she found herself what Crow is standing before the geese God kim. She trợn round eyes because your hair girl, Oh truth Subhadra. She enthralled each Department on the maiden, and eagerly want to also be like that. World Religion knows her ideas should start for the French post after her. World Religious culture missing women from the age of sixteen to twenty years. Rùpanandà recognizes this ball is not equal. Then the young woman into a woman, to the middle of last week and a khụ old woman. Rùpanandà track each stage of transformation, each at the beauty of this place, fresh colors there. and when she is standing there teeth fall out, hair back, silver cuffs, buckling as the human-shaped, home to rui propped up shaky limbs, sticks. Rùpanandà not out of disgust.
The last part of the Buddhist theory article is her illness. Throwing sticks and fan goes, she shout up, falls to the ground, roll over rolling back on the pile of feces and urine. Rùpanandà look and want to lợm his voice. Then the Buddha shows the death of the old woman. Adjacent bodies she swollen, pus discharge hole from nine of the form such as Wicks and expels worms lights. The Raven and the diving dogs who tear her up. The event shook Rùpanandà wise. She clearly now this spot this woman getting old, ill and then died; and her body will also like. From the found myself lying in the impermanence, she found his body implications to suffering, and thus real African.
The three adjacent France (elderly, sick, dead) like the House was fire burning, or as horizontal neck wrap cord, immediate presence Rùpanandà makes her heart go into meditation. Buddha, however, said she could not testify, should read more shelving to support her post as follows:
Look, Nandà!
The Association called parts of the fuselage,
It is sickness, impure, assholes, leak flow.
Truth is stupid if it desires.
How this body, other body too,
The other body, this body will also.
Let's look at the elements of the body are not.
Do not return to the world,
Please extinguish craving make reborn,
And you will go in static security.
Under Italian direction Buddhist teachings, Rùpanandà Tu-da-fruit syndrome. Because she wants to give up leadership of the Tam and Tam result on again, pushing her further meditation on not. World Religion taught:
Hey Rùpanandà, don't think this body real, not what is in reality a bit. This body is the Citadel made of bone, due to three hundred bone up.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(150) the city made of bone,
Auto scan by blood, meat
Here old and dead,
The starboard side, containing scams.
Last posting shelf, nuns testifying results A-la-Han, and many well maintained article this shelves are life.
6. Queen Mallikà And Dogs
Beautiful King car also ...
At the Buddha had taught Member States on questions related to the Queen of Mallikà .
The other day the Queen Mallikà to the bathroom. Face washing is finished, she leaned down and wash the feet. Not her pet dog also reservations to follow. It saw that and he made her impure, and happy she let it continue. From the upper floors of the Palace the King was seen off, then yelled at her nhiếc maybe even worse. She sought to reject around, but the King said:
The main eye-I have seen. Fuck off, the handy Bhikkhu bastard!
She was still fighting:
-My Lord, really strange! One step into the bathroom, people outside look at all saw two.
-Mi lying.
-If you don't believe it, please go to the bathroom, the cards will look on the outside.
King of the result is honest, both should do as she. Sudden Ðột her out la furniture bar:
-The King crazy! Why do unclean with the goat?
-Ai khanh, one has to do it!
-Main card eyes see!
So the King believed the explanation of the Queen, who is in the bathroom were found in two.
But Mallikà felt insecurity. Yet have gotten to be the King of lies, because he is a stupid name, but she had committed felonies, and mistakes when convicted of the King. World Religion will know of her crime, both Australian disciple and eighty elders also knew. How serious sin! (Before Ms. King and a lot of treasure, the donation amount up to one hundred and forty million. Germany's own Future As are four priceless dish donation: a white West 55 mph, a bed, a Chair and a leg supports).
Mallikà deathbed forgot exactly the donation, just remember to practice his evil committed, thus has fallen to hell A-Bhikkhu. The King-anonymously adored her Mallikà so sad suffering immensely. The funeral finished, King came to Buddha, Italy would like to see her birth. World Religion, so tactful not to remember King the reason to go to the essential. Buddha for the sermon, King heard the finished bow Hui wedding Festival. Like during the seven days of the King could not remember to ask.
Also Mallikà, after seven days moaning clenches in hell, be freed and reborn into the Sun-See.
(Department of Buddha to do so because the Mallikà are breaking. If she knew, a person of faith solidly, alms donation so much that fall into hell, the King's fate after this? The King will understand wrong engenders skepticism, not to continue the donation five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, and like King will fallen to hell).
On the eighth day, the Religion out of real alone qifu gangui. Sees the Port Royal King heard the Buddha's bowl, plan to bring up the terrace of the Palace. But the Buddha wants to sits right in the garage, then King of that place and seat rising donation hard-type food type software. Then the King asked the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl you've forgotten during the last seven days. The Buddha answers:
-Offers Sun-See, your Majesty.
The King is still upset should gauge coal:
-World Religion, from when she goes on to other realms, man I'm not alive anymore.
Comforting Buddha:
-Australian, should never hurt. Such is the invariant rule for all beings.
Then Buddha said:
-United Kingdom, this car Out of who?
-World Religion, says I.
-Also this vehicle?
-Of my father, the White World Religion.
-Also the car there.
-By I.
The Buddha then taught:
-Australian father's car, still better than the car, so the car's better than my father's car. The decline will also do this body disintegrates. United Kingdom, only Australian leg of the new Chief Justice virtue does not disintegrates.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(151) the beautiful King Car also old,
This body will be old,
France ranks charities not elderly.
So ranks JEE,
Speak up for the ranks.
7. A Bhikkhu Stilts Typically say no Right Place
Little people school hearing ...
Buddha this sentence in the Member States, involving elders Ca-save-da-di.
This is your favorite to the elders of the House where the people doing the ceremony and read shelf about mourning, such as "they stand outside of the dead". Instead of saying how appropriate, means alive forever, when the funeral is in progress you say things extramarital shelves as "alms and mercy". or a sentence in the Dharani Sutra "any property would have been, this life as well as the hereafter".
In fact, regardless of wherever, if he intends to say something then when opening the mouth is also different, and he himself does not know I have missed words incorrectly.
The Bhikkhu-stilts and he heard him say the Buddha:
-World Religion! CA-save-da-di come to Club ceremony or funeral ma has benefits? The fair value for must say, Ca-save-da-di said lất order.
World Religion answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first Ca-save-da-di said that in a past life he always says the right thing then, said lất order.
Past stories
7A. Aggidatta, Somadatta And the King
Old, have a Ba-la-keeper named Aggidatta at Ba-la-claims to have children is Somadatta under most recitals are King. He lived by farming, only two bulls, left to die a. He said I'm the King of the other cows. E the King his misunderstandings right advantage Honourary beggars, Somadatta told his father directly to please the King, and the fear he doesn't know the words, you only teach facts meticulously. He led his father to cremate named Dust Cuscus, picked up the grass bundle in the shoulder, said:
-This is the King, this is the viceroy, it was the Commander-in-Chief of the army. On the Imperial Palace of his father to go on like this, like this step backwards here. And then my father my Lord the King up front, the later satrap. Sees near King, father ph i ask "the Supreme noble Majesty!" And stand like this, and then read the following shelves:
I have two bulls help I plough the disposal.
But a child has died,
Please give me another child, Prince hero!
BA-la-lost subjects a new year in the main article on the shelves. He let you know, the same careful bringing sacrifice up the road. Arrival, Somadatta to sit close to the King. BA-la-keeper alone brought the sacrifice to the Dragon. The King is pleased to see him, asking for part and:
-Hey, man! You went way to far, sit up in bed and tell him you need more details?
BA-la-Mon get their read shelf a Democrat:
I have two bulls help I plough, Harrow
But a child has died,
Please take the rest, Prince hero!
King Marvel asked:
-What strange that, man? Please repeat!
But he still recalls the y as before. King said he missed the speech against her, and he laughing said:
- Somadatta, make sure you have more bulls in the House.
Somadatta Dear Sir:
-Your Majesty, many by the number you have given us.
The King was pleased with the answers of the future Buddha, should ban her sixteen-dollar bulls more jewellery and furniture, and a village to reside. Like the King has given Ms.-la-gift worthy subjects and great honor.
Buddha story done, assimilated as follows:
-At that time the King is A-nan. BA-la-Mon is Ca-save-da-di and Somadatta is.
And he adds:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first time he couldn't right the right time because too foolish. Indeed, little people school hearing no different male Buffalo.
Read Buddha Dhammapada:
(152) little people school hearing,
Older male Buffalo, old
The meat of it while growing up,
But wisdom does not increase.
8. The shelves Of Elders A-Nan
Wandering the how lifetimes ...
This Buddha uttered when sitting under its Bodhi, later said for elders A-nan in response to a question.
Under the original Bodhi, before sunset, Buddha Devil victory; the beginning of the night, Mr. veil of ignorance has covered from many lifetimes; middle of the night, God; last night, as the mercy being, He focused thought on human physical charm, consistent meditation in the afternoon and derivations and breaking dawn That enlightened Religious fullness. Then, as Buddha did Chu immeasurable, He solemnly spoke after the shelves: article
(153) wandering how lifetimes,
I search but never met,
Who built this House,
Replacement gauge is reborn!
(154) Oh! Who do the other House!
Now I've found you!
You don't do the House any more.
Ðòn thy hand snapped,
Loss suffered tạn column.
The mind we reached the President,
Craving desires destruction.
9. Rich, son of Australian Attorney General Block
Young happy at no ...
World Religion has taught me this at Isipatana, related to Mahàdhana (An Phu) son of the Attorney General.
An Phú birth in Ba-la-complaint, rich, property worth eight hundred million of wealth like that, so you don't need to do anything other than play outside. So the Australian Millionaire only learn to sing and play. A wealthy in the property also have eight hundred million being girls. As agreed she should also be parents just for singing and dancing. Two kids grow up, they married each other in ritual practices. My parents both sides died cause his property two older double the number eight hundred million.
Routine, every day three times, to the Attorney General the right to block most of the King. A dishonesty in the way visually impaired quến rù Ðại Phu to the shaft. They make wine and need a place to sit, stalking the road out of Phu experiencing. Saw him, they came close, taking out wine to drink, for salt and sugar into their mouths, shoved the root and onion on the tooth chewing voraciously and then take off:
-Let's live to a hundred years old, the Prince the son of Attorney General of archives! With sponsored by the Prince, we will be eating and drinking ages!
An Phu Dong sub question surprises follow:
-These people drink?
-Mr. Dasher, a type of alcohol.
-Ladies the Prince of this world, no.
-Then we also drink.
And then the Security Council carries the Emirates Rich Australian a little more alcohol ... and drink. Soon they're dishonesty know that Australian Millionaire was grog. They gathered around him, more and more East. Each time you have to target drink one to two hundred. Then he stage the substance of money each pile to call alcohol and other things such as:
-Take the money buy me!
-Money, bring to me.
-This manual Who poured the dice, the other is good at singing or dancing, that person forums! For this person a thousand, for the other two thousand!
Throwing money out of the window like that long, he squandered most of his assets eight hundred million. Then eight hundred million of the home his wife also tan as clouds of smoke. Australian Millionaire sold off land, gardens, vehicles ... always both cups cups, bedding, jackets. About father sold the House, Waterside Inn and wife walking the walls of others, holding a piece of glass top with Street beggars, make little leftovers soup residue through dated January.
The other day, standing in front of a House, you get the leftovers of what Uncle Sa-di and the episode. World Religion to see that smile. Elders A-nan asked and He explained:
-A-nan! Look Out, the son of Attorney General of archives! He has spent twice the property eight hundred million to pimp his wife now go begging. If you know young used the money to trade, then got into the position of first Secretary to the Attorney General; and if you do leave the world Bhikkhu-stilts will DAC results A-la-Han, also his wife witness Triangle results. If in middle age, he is not spending week assets and know how to eat, will become the second Attorney General of archives into this; and if you actually remove the world Bhikkhu-stilts will Tam, the wife is also a prime will prime the second result. If last his lifetime, he was known to redirect as already told, it will become the third Attorney General of the archives, or the second wife also Attended-proof results. But now I've lost most of the property belongs to the homeless, as well as the result of. He does what no other Stork in the pond.
Then read the Buddha Dhammapada:
(155) the young, At no
Not looking for money,
As the old pond party, Stork
Moody, not shrimp.
(156) the young, At no
Not looking for money,
As broken bow,

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