Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

IV. The United States Products
1. mind
Who conquered this land ...
That Honor comes as on when he is in Residence-to teach five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts are waste hours discussing the land.
One afternoon, the Bhikkhu-stilts back States-members after the journey over to Germany in world Religion and gather in the Lecture Hall. They began to discuss the different soils from the village to the village, that is flat and not flat, more mud, more gravel, clay, red clay.
The Buddha came to talk and ask questions, teach that:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! that's the ground outside. He has the duty of cleaning the land inside the mind.
And then he said the Dhammapada:
(44) Who conquered this land,
Da-Lama, heaven,
Anyone skilled instructor the Dhammapada,
As the manual picking flowers?
(45) property to conquer the land,
Da-Lama, heaven,
Owners learn to preach the Dhammapada,
As the manual picking flowers.
2. A Bhikkhu Stilts Testifying A-La-Han
Know the fuselage as the foam of the water ...
The Buddha on questions for a Bhikkhu-Stilts are consistent projection of illusion when You reside in Dormitories-protection.
A Bhikkhu-meditation topics receiving consulates on stilts from the Buddhas, to the jungle to meditate. Despite steep off effort aim has yet proven results A-la-Han, and he brought his World to show respect to your meditation proper pubs.
On the way he saw illusion, and know that the sunny season is often found far from the picture looks like the real thing, but up close, then disappeared, this life, too, not because of being there. And the illusion he is Meditating. On the road on tiredness, he bathed in the line Aciravatì, then sit in the shade of the trees on the banks of the River near a waterfall. He looked at the water to foam, then lightly broken by the rise of the power of strong beats on stones. He realized that his life also, b. and removal, and he took the subject of meditation.
The Religious World sit in divisions, see know the position so secure sailings on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Yes, stilts-Bhikkhu. This life is like water or foam illusion, there are born and are destroyed.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(46) knew as water, foam
Enlightenment is like going to,
Flowers of ma name cracking,
Escape the eye of death.
3. King Vidùdabha Revenge Them Like Ca
The person who picked up the flowers.
World Religion taught me this Property due Guard story-in King Yuri (Vidùdabha) and troops flooded the book dead.
Property protection-the Prince had at Three-private-anonymously the King of Kosala, Bhikkhu-had the Prince-ly property Mahàli in tears-XA, at-contest-na has Prince Bandhuala the King of Mallas. All three are to a Masters in the United States to study. Meet in an Inn, they ask each other why here, names, their lines, and then they make friends with each other. They shared a long, see Prime facility many academic, they left the same master sailed home.
Mr. Hoang Ba-private-anonymously did his father satisfied with your technology should be in succession. Prince Mahàli , the church dedicated the Prince Rate-so blind eye clinic. The Prince Council wholeheartedly support him, and he continues to teach five hundred Prince Rate-many different academic campus. Private Prince Bandhuala , the Prince line Mallas challenge security secures the bamboo Bundle consists of sixty bamboo, every bunch had to insert an audio into the middle and was suspended on air. Bandhula eighty cubits high jump (elbow) sword slash. When close to the last bunch, heard the splenic iron way he didn't know why, and when to understand the self he toss blame her children crying, complete the sword and friends nobody tell him, because if he would have known how to close without making the iron pieces. He finished with his parents Sir please kill the Czar Mallas, and would rather they rule. His parents prevented on the grounds that the Kingdom must be hereditary and use every convincing he abandoned this intention. He then left to defend his friend live with-Xa.
The King-anonymously to hear his pickup into a special honour, and ordained servant army. Bandhula to invite parents to come and reside at the Residence-always.
One day, the King-anonymously stand on the terrace looking down the road, see thousands of real-life goes on stilts-Bhikkhu toward home he Granted independent from Her, Her independent from Supply, Bhikkhu-XA-overstayed and Suppavàsà. The King was surprised to ask and when to know that every day there are two thousand Bhikkhu-stilts to his Level, independent from Her five hundred to his home State to Grant independent from Her and also about some of them to the home of the Bhikkhu property-then-and Suppavàsà to the receiving line of food, medicines and many other things, the King also wants to worship the road should go to the essential property of Buddha and sometimes a thousand-Bhikkhu-stilts to real-life Prince. King surges on seven and on worship end and wealthy girl sometimes with five hundred Buddhist Bhikkhu-stilts continue often to real life. Because Buddhist followers never to take a regular spot, should Respect the election of elders A-nan led the increase.
In seven days, the King personally sớt Bowl for them increases, do not allow anyone to do that. Sees the eighth day the King distracted duties. The Bhikkhu-stilts to supply the King tho son thought the King ordered not to do so, no one is worried about seats and increased their service. Various discarded. The next day, too, and add some more to go. The next sees anymore, the Bhikkhu-stilts go off except for elders A-nan.
Real people living with Chief comments do home are all situations to keep faith for democracy. World Religion has two disciples increase core Property-benefits-Presbyterian is the ECHO and Items-hopea-contact, two ni core concentration is Khemà and Contact the United Colors, two male upasaka concentration reinforced head fake Citta and Hatthaka Alavaka, two female upasaka core concentration Velukantakì, the mother of Mr. Nan-da and Khujjutarà. In summary, all the disciples, start with this, the eight would have created, has third degree Cross fullness-la-suite and so is the public University in Germany. Elders A-nan also, established voluntary, has Collected an fullness for a hundred thousand, and was a public University in Germany. Therefore he does not love any dents, and remained to keep the credit Center for the King. As such, only you alone A-nan presented the seat and the road.
Complacency now tho, the King came and saw the feed intact yet to crash, and he asked why. Investors can know the Bhikkhu-stilts was on top of that, except that Mr A-nan, he angered to see the damage and to the right the Buddhas ladies:
-World religion, I have prepared for five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts that now only a his A-nan. Food is intact, no one hurt, but don't see the silhouette of the Bhikkhu-stilts at the Imperial Court. Please respect That tell you the reason.
The Buddha not for the Bhikkhu-stilts, just reply:
-United Kingdom, Australian disciple of we don't trust Royal of the United Kingdom. That is why they can't come.
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts in those conditions would the Bhikkhu-stilts are not required to come to the home countries, and appropriate conditions to the Bhikkhu-stilts should come, in the post of business as follows:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, a pilot family home if there are nine points not eligible then the Bhikkhu-stilts should not visit. So Bhikkhu-stilts not to visit her family because they are not obligated to. If they have to visit without obligation to sit back. Nine points. Such is the:
1) family does not stand up to welcome the Bhikkhu-stilts in a fun way.
2) They do not offer the Bhikkhu-stilts in a fun way.
3) They do not sit in a fun way.
4) They hiding what they have.
5) have more, for less.
6) have food, food for the poor.
7) instead of the donation was a way to honor, they worship seems to nothing.
8) they don't sit listening to France.
9) They do not talk with the wedding Festival.
In contrast, a family of nine eligible point then has the right to receive the visit of the Bhikkhu-stilts. The Bhikkhu-stilts have yet to arrive, so the family had to then should sit. Nine points.
1) they stand up to meet the Bhikkhu-stilts a fun way.
2) They say hello in a fun way.
3) They sit in a fun way.
4) They do not conceal what they have.
5) there are many, many.
6) have food, for the food.
7) They do not worship it seems a ridiculous way. They seem to be a way of worship revered.
8) They sit listening to France.
9) They talk with the wedding Festival.
Buddha says:
-Out of the United Kingdom, for this reason We disciples of unbelief where he, for this reason they have not come. Even the steps of wisdom vintage motorcycles in order to a place not happily, believing, though full service still being miserable sick, importance of forest to a place of pleasing them happily, trust.
King asked what happened, Vows to honor recounts:
Past stories:
3A. Kesava, Kappa, Nàrada and King Three La Complaint .
Oldtimer when Pham-ma-reach rule of Three-dollar complaint there was a king named Kesava renouncing the throne, went along with five hundred Entourage live life hermit. Kappa, who keep the treasure for the King also monk and became disciples of the King. Kesava and retinue in eight months of Hy-Greek-paint code. The rainy season, they reached the Three-dollar complaint search salt, vinegar, and into real qifu gangui. Three Kings-la-complaint joyfully welcoming them, was Kesava promises to stay throughout the four months of rain. King took off home in the garden and am pm access to the service.
The hermit disciple of Kesava, there are several days, very angry that the elephants and other animals should meet Kesava nagging and nagging to go about Hy-Greek-paint code. Kesava positive no because promised to stay four months rain, but they still insist please go, allege they were not master them to know in advance. At last they came to a place not far away, to be able to know the news divides the master them. And then they, wealthy girl Kesavaceremony, on up the road, leave alone Kesava stayed in the Palace of the King. How long does Kappa also disagreed. Though teachers tried to persuade several times, Kappa also go and see those before.
Teachers remember thinking constantly to his disciples. After a time, his illness because the inner insecurities. King invited a physician but not relieved. Eventually the hermit Kesava told King if he was wanted for health, then take him to the disciples. The King approved, puts up the wrong bed, hermit four officials led by Nàrada he says to the group, do not forget to tell them to King know what hermit lived.
Kappa hearing the news came to him, and the disciples also gathered again, hot water, many physician tauseef fruits. He cured in just a few days, the body back to the dazzling yellow.
Nàrada ask him:
He quit the powerful rich King.
Happy to meet enough demand.
Sees the Prince of the deep forest, Kappa.
Deprivation, You copy an OK?
-The trees here, smooth,
Do I wholeheartedly welcome.
The word Kappa suave, humble bow.
We're satisfied, Nàrada.
-Rice cooked flavor sweet meat she shared.
You know the ultimate taste.
Now the same old forests Lama rice millet.
Mr. Kham frugality smell really have?
-Real Animals whether delicious though.
At least oi or is promoted much.
Trust each other, fun-loving life
Trust, taste unbeatable float?
That ending Religious lessons and merge.
-King at the time was the entry-hopea-contact, Nàrada Property-benefits-the ECHO's disciples, Kappa is A-nan and recluse's. As a result, Australian United Kingdom, Oldtimer who also endured the pain and need to place worthy of trust. Ðệ of Us don't trust him, no doubt.
(All the past)
The King wanted to buy redeem the trust of the Sangha should think the way is to marry a girl of world Religious kinship. Like the Sa-di and those episodes will bow to the King, because the convent is now the Religious kinship.
The King sent messengers to. They like confused not know because their enemy is King, if rejects will be even more destructive, King King is not at the same level.
King Like Mahànàma suggested his daughters name Vàsabhakhattiyà, was a son of a Bhikkhu cards. Envoy about the arts again. The King rejoice because know Like Mahànàma are brothers uncles with That Religion. The King sent messengers go girls, don't forget to suggest.
-The Prince in the working class soldiers are lying, you just take her about when she definitely sitting with my father.
Everything's done, and then Vàsabhakhattihà was ordained the Queen with five hundred women provided by most. Soon she being a Prince. King happy sai servants bring trust to the Thai Queen, wife of King to please name it. Thai Queen Mother uttered:
Prenatal-Hoang nam, the Queen has been pleasing people. Now make the King as to "breaking" the Queen over all.
But this most inbred, so he listened to the wrong word "Vallbhà" is the sũng Ireland into "Vidùdabha" (Yuri) should be about my Lord with the King.
-Thai Queen said to name Prince is Yuri.
King to obey, because think that is a very old name in his family. Although still small, the Prince was held for army because King believes that should please religious World.
The Prince at the age of seven found the Prince was her grandmother donate elephants, horses and many other gifts, why his mother thuồng craving there. The Queen had answered as his grandparents in their line Like in the far away. Over sixteen years old guy telling her mother wanted to visit the foreign party, she falls Deathly rot far away go do anything, Guy forever, mother finally demanding reasons for going with the retinue and a letter telling. Despite this, they prefer to treat the guy still lukewarm, they give the little Prince so nobody runs out of home to greet the glass guy. They tell a short Guy:
-This is your grandfather, this is your uncle.
To stay a few days, Prince Yuri group up way back. A Bhikkhu females clean the seat of the Royal House at the guy with the water and milk, said scornful:
-This is the seat of her son almost Vàsabhakhattyyà .
A soldier left the sword back, hear her words Bhikkhu females. The procedure and know that Vàsabhakhattyyà is the daughter of a bhikkhu of women Like Mahànàma, he claimed in the army doing disturbing people. Prince Yuri knew swore that: "now they like to wipe my seat by the milk with water, when I as King of the United Kingdom, I will wipe my seat with blood gushing from their throat."
Communists bolster ties to Property-protection to the news also reached the King. Anger from them Like, he deposed Empress and Prince, reduced to the most people.
A few days later, the Ton to the Imperial Palace, the White King again. World Religion advises King:
-Australian United Kingdom! they love to do. Want to marry the same person to be their King. But out of this United Kingdom! We need to speak more clearly to Mr. Vàsabhakhattyyà was the daughter of the King got ceremony United Kingdom class soldier, and Vidùdabha is also the son of the King. There is nothing important to the mother's family? Only the new father family is actually a measure of social status. Proving the ancient military style still Queen for a poor firewood gatherers girl, and her son Prince is King of Ba-la-complaint, a twelve-mile wide, the King's name is Katthavàhana .
Then the Narrator being the duty to Respect Katthavàhana. The King heard of France being the heart and revive the wedding Festival Prince for the Queen and the Prince.
In the sentence-contest-na, she Mallikà his daughter Mallikà, and wife of Bandhula army unit, has long been rare of late birth no. Bandhula Chase you home. Before about her into the States-members of world Religious ceremony and most wealthy girl. World Religion asking, she recounts and was recommended to Him come back home to my husband. Bandhula was her art teachings of Christ cross, know that the Buddha has a reason should be approved.
Soon the Mallikà pregnancy, and suddenly crave a drink in the outdoor shower and bath in the Protection-of-ly Hoang XA Rate property for the ceremony--was crowned. Bandhula pm Italy retrieved bow that a thousand new extended floating, put his wife in the car and hit the car from the defense to Protect-XA-Xa-ly, in the port by Prince for Rate- Mahàliproperty. Hear the airport of Bandhula, Mahàli is in the House next door, gate out immediately is the Czar Rules-being residence distractions.
Outdoor shower is carefully guarded from outside and inside. Party on the Lake John a grid iron, small enough to fly the birds eye failed. Generals Bandhula blatantly alight, attacking guards, followed them running and tear down, Lotus iron mesh along the bath with his wife. He finished out of the city, according to the old way back.
The guards for the Prince-Rate accommodation. They outrage brought in hundreds of car chase, getting to be Bandhula and Mallikà. But Mahàli stopped for fear of them being killed off. Dress up, they still go. Mahàli warned them again, please come back to see the car of Bandhula land subsided on the axle, if they still run will hear lightning blast before, if they do not back will find a flaw on the yoke of their vehicle, then they should also not go further. Dress up, they still Chase didn't come back.
Mallikà see the car chasing behind, with her husband, Bandhula said when all lined car Word for then said. At that time he was awarded the diamond wire for supply lifting up married, his wheels to the ground subsidence associated to the axle. The Prince was still in pursuit. Flicking his chords, explosions resound like lightning. They still aren't back. He shot an arrow into a hole before each ride, through the belt of five hundred Prince and ground. The Prince did not know that his residence-Ratio was shot, again trying to: dollar
-Stop! Stop!
And still they continue the Chase. Bandhula stop says:
-The full English is dead. We don't fight with the dead!
-We are the dead?
-Loosen the belts of the Commander in Chief.
They loosen the belts he Huang. Right now, he lays down ch t.
Bandhula says:
-All the same plight. Let's go home, deal with any necessary work, telling his wife and child for the last time, then please take your borders.
They follow the word, and finally the Prince he fell out dead.
Bandhula led Mallikà property-protection of.
Mallikà childbirth all sixteen times, times would also twins. Her children are all courageous events, incredible power into reach many. Each person has a thousand servants. Every time as the father to the Imperial Court, the Chief Justice who filled their power.
There are times in a fraudulent case, Bandhula treatment of back light and fair lawsuit, the owners are actually legitimate. People and to scatter his exclamation. Talking to the King, the judge dismissed, all power was handed back to King Bandhula. See the damaged rights, the magistrates of causing split in the Royal family and he claimed Bandhula want to seize the throne. The King believed that they, like to take Bandhula so bought some, they rebelled at the border and Bandhula go won, while implicitly wrong a group powerful troops to follow him to the guillotine he and thirty-two children, carry on. Results occur as the King desired.
Day, Mallikà invited the two disciples of the Buddha along five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts come home son rising. She received a news alert messages, see mail store nonchalantly finished into the Pocket, and continue to treat the increase we have something going on. At the time the Bhikkhu females are surges of food, wonderful hand made hot honey jugs in front of the elders. Property-benefits-you advised her the echo do not interested in things because of the nature of them is broken. Mallikà withdrew the letter in his pocket out ladies:
-I've just received my husband and children are beheaded, not wasting time you touch a jar Lake case, hot, my False religion?
The position of the control system of belief read shelf begins as follows: "longevity being here, how long it's difficult to know...".
The sermon is finished he stood up back glass, Mallikà call thirty two bride to recommend:
-My husband, my children had no sin, only evil karma thing coming before the lifetime leader. Do not grieve, do not mourn! Make love, not resentment the King!
King's spy hearing, my Lord, the King of the incredibly touching, came to Mallikà her and the daughter to forgive, and the King will grant her a favor. She accepted the invitation. For her husband and time-honoured done, she take a bath and then to supply the King would be grace is returned to his homeland with the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law of the House they left his home, in the sentence-contest-na. King ban army officer for Dìghakàràyana, a nephew of Bandhula. But this man anywhere yelled at nhiếc King is killed his uncle.
Since the killing of Bandhulaoan, the King repented suffering, insecurity and don't have any fun in the water treatment of inhabitants. That time Messiah Professor of ethics are implied, near the small village of Ulumpa of the like. King camp nearby. He arrived in World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl with the essential property of the few servants close. King entered the Interior flavor alone, after the delivery of the first year royalty logo for Dìghakàràyana ( Dhammacetiya told so).
This year he's done raising dishes to honor Prince Yuri ascended the throne, the Property Returns-protection, leaving only a horse and a Bhikkhu.
The King visit asking What Religion is complete back out do not see the soldiers, asked the women to know the self, Bhikkhu together with me getting Saved. He went to the gates of XA,-the Kingdom of darkness. Weary of his exposure beyond the sun wind, King-Wednesday-holiday in an Inn housed anonymously and breath night.
Sun breaking dawn light, they hear the woman lamented:
-The King of Kosala , ye! He just left it alone, take off the cover!
United Kingdom Property into front are they to the news and he celebrated a solemn funeral.
Remember the old foe, King Yuri led an army out of the essence to kill line they like. World Religion to observe the world in the morning, see kinship coming destruction, there to protect. He went back to lying, qifu gangui to the right like a lion in incense. Afternoon, He flies up into the sky and sat down a terrible tree, at least in the shade, in the vicinity of Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection. Nearby, there is a Banyan tree to the lush green cover, shade, lies on the border of the Kingdom of Yuri. King Yuri surprised why the Religion do not sit under the shade tree when the Sun is too hot, and he asked the World to honor and He answered:
-Do not worry! Australian United Kingdom! The shade of the body by the attraction He is in the cool.
King said Italy World Religion like to cover their line should He return, holiday Residences, wealthy girl-. World Religion also stand up bay of States members.
Vengeance study yet to outsiders, the King again went out a second time. See also Religion in the old place, King nodded back. The third time, too. The fourth Buddha, Quan sees the police clearly see the line's past actions they Prefer is throws poison into the river; know can not prevent bitten so he does not go to the terrible tree anymore. What was King Yuri with his powerful force even affection toward.
World Religious precept's national body should not murder his enemies, they would rather die than other guys life winners. They wear armor up street fight, hoping to use his talented makes enemy flee. The skilled gunner they like dexterity controls arrow shooting through shields and loophole ear, without winning one. King Yuri saw the name bay don't believe they like to promise not to kill enemies, but when the count back to his people, he left new doubts. Yet he still ordered the lowering of all they like, except those under Like Mahànamà .
They like to stand on your land, do not even know about yet another should a group of grass leaves in the tooth hydrated, other groups hold the reeds lie. When asked is they like Sàkiyas not, then they reply or not Sàka (vegetable) that is grass, or not Sàka (vegetable) which is a Reed. Thus, these two groups. Later, the people who hold the reeds called Love-wipe. Because the word sàka (rau) has the same sound signature Sàkiyas (Like) so they said reflux to avoid breaking the world hope. King Yuri who only goes by Like Mahànamà, also eradicated most of them Prefer not to put the child is located. King Yuri has caused a river of blood, wipe their seats by the blood spray from the neck as you like.
The King's return, catch the likes Mahànama. Sees the breakfast hour, King wanted to eat together with his grandfather Mahànama. The soldiers would rather die than suffer along with the children of slaves, so he refused, but fear the King kill themselves, each ton nan officers choose to kill his life. He sends his dirty working laboriously please go take a bath. Then he xỏa the hair down, tying knots in the tail, Paddy his toes into hair, her country. Due to his merit, long bow and heated up. Long Wang and he surprises to him, put him to sit on and take him to the long bow. He remained there for twelve years. King Yuri waited not to see him, to take down the outdoor lights command search, examined in the tangle of the clothes down he but do not see him anywhere. For that he has to go, King Yuri. King to the river Aciravatì in the night and camping in the back. The King's entourage of some Communists bolster ties on the banks on the sand in the shallow river, some is on the hard ground. Who is on the cat who is not previous crimes, were biting comments from Sandy Wade up lies on the ground; also who is on the ground that the offenders the previous lifetime, should cause Wade down the banks of the sand River. Right now she's a storm blowing, the rain came down on unremitting architecture. Floods inundate the River, King Yuri and retinue overboard as bait for fish and turtles.
Panicky about whether they like and slaughtered for it is unjust. The Buddha explains is not unfair if said career the past, because before they were conspiring to poison thrown into the river. The Bhikkhu-stilts is also back in the French way, whispering the Buddhist mainland taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! In this beings at the lo satisfy their ambitions, Pluto cut short their lives and throwing them into the sea four defilements, same as the floods washed away the village drunk.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(47) Who picked up the flowers,
Passionate Italian, infection,
Suffered death carried away,
As the continental drift of the five villages.
4. Who honor Husband
The person who picked up the flowers ....
That Honor comes up this sentence at Property-protection, in relation to her Patipùjikà, i.e. who honor her husband.
In the heaven of thirty three held a pool named Màlabhàrì -wreath-carriers on the garden scene with a thousand female bias. Half of the natural female climbs the tree to throw United down, half in the ground picked up the flower fall, makeup for the King. A woman sitting in a tree, then died, the body disappeared like a light switch off, and reborn in a family Property at position-guard. She remembers reincarnations should grow up normally surges floral, sweet, to pray to be reborn on the husband before.
Sixteen years she was married her husband. Whenever donation Chu Bhikkhu-stilts food according to the votes, draw on food culture and thirty per month or during the rainy season, you are praying to return with her husband before. The Bhikkhu-stilts said she was always positive and busy just because of that desire, and called her Patipùjikà, who honor her husband. She often serve in synagogues, drinking water and seating for the Bhikkhu-stilts. Every time anyone wants to donation of food according to the votes, or draw on food culture and thirty, they are taken to for her to raise them up. Served like that, she was fifty-six French charity at the same time. About family life, she in turn being four children.
One day after the donation ceremony of the wealthy girl and Bhikkhu-stilts, listen to France and maintained life world is done, to the evening, her sudden illness, death and rebirth of with her husband before. During that time the females are still picked up flowers for the King. Màlabhàrì see her asking her where to go, she recounts the early life and let go of the lung instead of alms donation, and for countless reincarnation past life, unknown to old and dead. Poor Sun King and instead of the world, living dead drunk asleep, not known to ever escape the suffering affliction. (A hundred years the people by a day and night realms. Thirty days of night sky realms into a month, twelve months a year and a one-thousand years, Sky News thirty-six million years in the realms).
The Bhikkhu-stilts in villages, to the way no one cares, no seats, no drinking water and are known as Patipùjikà has died. Bhikkhu-stilts would not testify and preliminary results, recalls the time her treated kindly, not hold tears; the author also has A-la-Han, the manner of France.
The Bhikkhu-stilts after losing, ask about her Religious, and she is known to have been reborn about thirty-three heavens realms with the husband before the right to pray. They are grieving for too human's short, new morning surges Increase feed them had the disease and died. The Buddha then taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This worldly life of being short-lived. So while they are still eager to list the advantages, and to soak up the education in Lac dissatisfied, then the death was overwhelming they carried away in the cry of coal.
Then tell Ton racks:
(48) Who picked up the flowers,
Passionate Italian taking infected,
The exercise has not yet satisfied,
Thread death conquers.
5. Kosiya Stingy
Like bees to the flowers ...
When implied volatility in World Religious teachings, protection-Amnesty question, related to the Attorney General of archives Niggardly Kosiya .
In the city of Jaggery, near United Kingdom there the Attorney General of archives Niggardly Kosiya property up to eight hundred million, but he never, though only a tiny oil droplets standing on top of the grass enough, didn't even dare to eat. Much like that of his son, daughter and the Bhikkhu-stilts, She-la-Mon are not entitled to keep intact, much like a haunted Lake.
In the early morning the Buddha defined Australian export bi Tam-I, using the label Buddha Café suicide found his believers throughout the universe, and see how he hath forty five miles away is the Attorney General of archives and wholesome charm enough wife was harsh.
The day before, the Attorney General to whom the Imperial Treasury. On the way home he found a home near starvation, are eating the cake circle full of sour porridge. He played hungry. When home, he thought if his story out the hunger hungry for others to follow, then how will it take, Sesame, sugar cane honey, how crude and many other things, by im. He went walk, endure starvation. Hours passed, his face pale, pale gold prices increasing, floating around the tendon. Eventually, he snapped out of the room, lying down animals entwined in bed bar. But too painful because of hunger, but the thought of being costly attrition fees, he didn't dare to breathe.
His wife came to visit him, rubbed his back asking:
-Phu home, what's the problem?
-The King made him sad?
-Then ... or is he need, crave?
He jumps nhổm because right now the wound. But hearts of also sees him again the silent abdomen bear hug.
His wife, sure think I guess should approximate beg:
-Phu, tell me! He wanted something?
The Attorney General out of the archives, thều font thào the font still lost:
-Yes, I crave one.
-What, the wife of Cravings?
-I want to eat a fried cake!
-Oh! talk soon? He has poor nothing! I ate the whole bag enough into Jaggery.
-Sun! Who says her concern for mankind? They like to eat, try to make the purchase?
-Then, I just treat her children along this road.
-She spent too!
-Then invite her in the House!
-Very expensive!
-To I bake enough for beginner slopes children spouses.
-Why many calculation?
-Okay, I just have him eat nhe!
-You also need to eat?
-Authorised, alone.
To avoid many eyes, he told his wife to leave raw rice seed, seed-only hot, take the coal ovens, baking molds, a little milk with sugar cane honey, honey and sugar, and then climb to the first floor two seven-story buildings, baking, and he would sit to eat on the spot. His wife only knew well.
In the early morning, the elders said Religious Items-expatriates-to the Jaggery is the seventh floor houses the Attorney General the Treasury to speed him, teach him to discharge, and then bring both grandparents about States with cake, milk, honey, the by God. Buddha will together five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts sitting in real life the fried cake. essential property
In just moments, elders stood hovering between heaven, before the seven-floor window, brilliant glory. The Attorney General of archives to see him run like Civet drying. He hid up here also for fear of someone to qifu gangui. So this man back lù lù. Not know that the elders wanted to be Attorney General, the Treasury breathing fizzing fury, listeners like salt and sugar thrown in the fire. Mr. louder:
-Mr. Bhikkhu-stilts! He wanted something that stood hovering over? He had to retreat back until the marking a pathway in the sky don't matter!
Elders still impassible go forth before the window as before. Attorney-General Secretary:
-You wait that come forth? He sat again also not old urban planner.
Elders sit feet old unlawful arrest.
-Despite his stand on the window.
-Though he belched smoke as well.
The Attorney General said the Treasury would be the elders doing the right thing for the last, y. entire House smoke covered railway. The Attorney General of the archives feel like stabbing needles eye. Fear of fire, he compressed the best dare not say: "Although he has the fire." He thought: "he whispered this teacher sticking dai as the glue. If not for something, he won't go anywhere. " He had told his wife to do a Small cake to RID master. She retrieved the small powder Bureau put into the pot. Bulging powder into the cake to flow both pans. He is tearing the ear:
-Sun! She retrieved a large powder Bureau too!
And then he really get myself a little flour lumps on the head remove the Spoon into the pot. The dough back bulge bigger than previous ones. So, the following pies bigger than previous ones. Finally the twinge away from the basket, but all stick together. Mrs. globe save him, but he also did not try to extract. Sweat flush all over himself, he ceases even get her sailings, basketball gear for Bhikkhu-stilts. Master theory for two grandparents, stated the Tam's, begin with the sentence "The alms is the way chon TAM Chief ceremony for". Mr. happy's Phuoc explained he and the other German, clear as the Moon in the sky.
To listen done he signal Center, invite elders to near real-life giướng, sit down. Items-hopea told her he brought cake-to place like Ton donation. He will bring both go by the spirit. Go stairs in the Castle will remain in place but the foot of the stairs will be located right on port property States Members crystal. He will bring two grandparents to Member States more quickly is to go down on the floor from under the floor.
The Attorney General of the archives agreed recommendations. Elders and he brought to the top of the stairs alone and ordered:
-Foot ladders, please stay in the port States.
The elevator appears y. The two of them then to Member States to block Attorney General before world Religion dear life time son. World Religion into the dining room, sat on the Buddha editor available along with Rising troop surrounded. Attorney General block surges of water opening the Buddhist monks and donation sessions. His wife put the cake into the custard As Lai. World Religion took just enough user, the Bhikkhu-stilts used finished, both Mr. and Mrs. well fed, but cake still. After the split the cake for the entire Bhikkhu-stilts in Crystal hostel and for those begging scraps, bread. Buddha brought out the bread pours out the port States. Today sees it named Cave of the cake.
Two grandparents to That Religion, respectfully stand aside. That Respect the helpfulness of Germany, ended both effects save witness testimony. Then they greet the Buddha, up the stairs in the port States Member and go home. From then on the Attorney General of archives used the property of eight hundred million dedicated to serve the Congregation of Buddhas.
The following afternoon, the Bhikkhu-stilts to France the way along God whispering dread of Items-hopea-have attorney block dress Zhao. Buddha taught through listening:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! A Bhikkhu-parish homeowners a want on stilts doesn't harm the faith, do not increase the demand of wealth, not suppressing nor do they to preach to them to understand the Buddha's, like a bee on flower-suite. You, your-Kien-lien, Bhikkhu is a true-like stilts.
To concur the exclamation elders Items-hopea-contact, Buddha said the Dhammapada:
(49) as the bees to the flowers,
Not harmful and incense,
Cover flowers, take the stigma,
Holy ranks going into villages
The Buddha said about his happy, and to know this is not the first time that He had ever before in chemical innovation archives Niggardly Attorney when preaching correlation between action and result. And the Buddha tells a story of his duty being Illìsa .
Both legs
Both also back this khiềng lame always
Mole, Strabismus molding
We cannot say who is Illìsa.
6. the Hermit Accomplice Able Pàthika .
Should not see the error.
At the Buddha had taught defense questions-Residence on related to hermit can Pàthika accomplice.
The wife of a Property at home-protection for every need offering worry hermit accomplice can Pàthika, viewed him as a child of his own. She was a French eulogy neighbours née of Buddha should want to hear French essential property. But those times to please recluse he advised not to go. So she will invite the World to Respect to the sermon.
That afternoon, she gave her son to the essential World occasionally to Religious property in the morning. The boy came across furniture, hermits were he says don't go. You dare not defy parents fear of being disturbed. And he told you he don't just for That Suen right the way to the House that just like your House nearby. And then when you have to run about truth, do as other lines go. Then, come meet hermit. Obedient boy to follow. When you enforce things done and back home the hermit, he praised the boy and promises to eat together the donation of Buddha.
Before the next day, the hermit to her home lab, along with the boy sitting room inside. The neighbors extra plaster the House with cow dung, embellished by the third year of flowers, both of the United Làja, and composed of upper-class seats available for That Suen. (Those not yet close to Buddhist followers don't know how to compose the Court's Buddha. Chu also Buddha never need a guide. When Chu Buddha enlightenment under the original Bodhi, do dynamic rúng ten thousand world, all roads are becoming clear to him: the road to hell, the road to cõïi cattle being, cõïi hungry daemons demons; up the people, the Sun; to the immortal realms, Nirvana. Headless Buddha does not need to be the only road to the village, town or city anywhere).
Because of that early Buddha holding the bat straight to her home health care, home laboratory. Her out of the House a piece away to greet Buddha, five in sow down the glass and under Buddha home. Drain water onto her right hand of Buddha and fine food donation hard and soft. Midwife retrieved the Bowl when the real-life, Respect and sometimes You repatriate the Germany. She listened to the French and the English verb forms such as canopy lai:
-Or instead! Or instead!
Hermit sitting behind the hear that angry, do not accept her as his disciple, and stand out on, don't forget the harm he:
-Sweat the witch! MI will damage because the evening of his canopy.
Then he used enough insults women and credit position of world Religion, and then discarded. Dazed because the words yelled at blamed of hermit accomplice, she riveted, unable to hear Religious attention theory. Her confession to show respect and be Mr. advice:
-Do not bother to words of foreign guys, no need to pay attention to such a person. Just look at his error; committed or not.
And say the Dhammapada:
(50) should not look at the error,
People do or not do,
Should look at her own self,
Do or not do.
7. The King and the King of Kings
As fresh beautiful flowers ...
World Religion teach this verse regarding the renunciation Chattapàni when you reside in Dormitories-Protection.
Upasaka Chattapàni Property-protection in information tripiṭaka philastraena classics and were the second result. An early, keep, eight to World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl. For the proof of the second result and the Holy disciples of the Buddha, because has pledged that prayers, need not hold about eight. The unit, due to the fruit's happy, Holy life, eating only a day. Therefore, Germany World Religion said: "Royal United Kingdom! Potters Ghatikàra eat on just a packed, live life happy offense, then did the ethical, the real main." Therefore, these were the second result naturally eaten on a packed and Holy life).
But Chattapàni also still holds about eight. He came to the world and respect Religious ceremony, wealthy girl sitting down to listen to France.
At the time, the King-anonymously in Kosala also came to World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, Chattapàni see glimpse of worried don't know to act. He was sitting with the presence of Theravada Buddhism, the King of Kings, then couldn't stand up salute the King of a country. Then he decided to sit still doesn't stand up, though the King-anonymously have discontent is also very good. Ah, the King of World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl done respect sitting on one side, the face is no fun. World Religion and he said thus:
-Out of the United Kingdom, Chattapàni is in good position, knowing the Dhamma and the familiar classic tripiṭaka, impassive even at success or failure.
The King heard Him praised his virtue, subdued lap back.
Then, one day, finishing breakfast, the King stood on the Imperial floor see Chattapàni going through the yard, although the leg handles bring slippers ordered him to. He left though, take off your slippers to greet the King and respect to stand aside.
The King asked him:
-Why he quit though and take off your slippers?
He responded:
-When God heard Australian Kingdom for claiming on sailings to though and slippers aside prior to the meet.
-Then, clear today he knows I'm King?
-I always knew him as King.
-Why today before us place like ton, he didn't stand up?
-Australian United Kingdom! If the stand before the King of Kings which God stand up salute King a lack of supply water glass with Messiah World Religion. So God has not stood up.
-No, what has it let through. I heard he mastered the issues related to this life and the hereafter, and in classic tripiṭaka, so feel free to read the proceedings prohibited for Consort.
-I can not do, Australian United Kingdom!
-Imperial Palace is where strictly confidential. Right or wrong are severe, your Majesty.
-Do not say that. The other day, when we met he saw no need to stand up for that. Do not hurt the wound further.
-Australian United Kingdom, if a server on duty of a Bhikkhu-stilts, the mistake is heavy. Please occasionally a Bhikkhu-stilts to preach.
The King approved, ordered most of the beach. After that, the King sent to Bach with Buddha, World Religion to the Imperial Palace with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts to tell France to two was Mallikà and Vàsabhakhattyyà. Because as Buddha could not to a place, should Respect the election of elders A-nan steadily to coincide the French propaganda for two. Mallikà studied very hard, serious preparation and attention to the word of the lecture, and Vàsabhakhattyyà shall not be so. Gaining World Respect enquire, elders of the two she presented. Buddha:
-A-nan! When one, who doesn't mind listening, learning, and educational preparation was not anything useful, such as the flowers have color without divisions. But who would listen, learn, and enjoy many benefits will be educational.
Then Religion reading Dhammapada:
(51) As fresh, beautiful flowers
There are no sharp divisions,
Also, the affidavit says, the mudskipper
Do not do not result.
(52) As fresh, beautiful flowers
There is another excellent flavor,
Also, the affidavit says, the mudskipper
Have done, results.

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