Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XX. Product Ethics
1. The Chief Administrator Is the ultimate Sugar Bowl
Bowl of the Chief Justice, the enemy WINS ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in Member States, relating to five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, the Buddha after hitchhiking back to the Hostel-. At the time there were five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts about the roads went through: "the path of this village is flat, the roads of this village, rugged roads of this village full of stone, gravel roads of this village there is no gravel. "The Buddha found the master enough charm to show results A-la-Han, and he went to France for directions, ask:
-You sit here talking?
When the master dear, He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the roads that not worth for us to care. A person is Bhikkhu-stilts must follow the Scriptures, only Administrators that freed all suffering.
He said the shelf:
(273) the Chief enemy lines, Bowl WINS,
God, the four enemy WINS,
LY took part, France enemy WINS,
Between the legs,
French label, the enemy to win.
(274) this other sugar, Sugar
Give to pure knowledge.
If you follow this road,
Ma force will fascinate.
(275) If you follow this road,
The gauge is sore.
We teach you the way,
With prickly, temperamental.
(276) your enthusiasm to work,
As the only hybrid theory taught.
Operator maintenance of meditation,
Escape the evil bondage.
2. Impermanence
All impermanent.
The story happens in the States Members of world Religion, relating to five hundred Teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
There are five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts got the subject of meditation from the Buddha, and the maximum effort in the jungle, but not proof of results A-la-Han. The Buddha, please return the subject proper. Notice that the Bhikkhu-stilts, at the time of Buddha-meditation Uncle lettuce, has specialized in the number-two thousand years about Impermanence. So Impermanence is the items that I will preach. Thus, Buddha taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, in this and in other realms realms, all compounded by the micro is not really so are dominated by impermanence.
(277) all impermanent,
With customary wisdom to see that,
Suffering aches are boring,
The pure lines.
3. The gauge
All the suffering ...
This story as the story above, Buddha master of consistent gauge.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, all the aggregates forced us, it is agony.
He said the shelf:
(278) all suffering.
With customary wisdom to see that,
Suffering aches are boring,
The pure lines.
3. Anatta
All France egolessness.
The same story on the Buddha, found the master ever consistent about the Egolessness in five hundred, He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the aggregates are not fixed, and are not real.
He said the shelf:
(279) all France anatta,
With customary wisdom to see that,
Suffering aches are boring,
The pure lines.
5. We recommend Appointment Tomorrow
When needed, not effort.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the States, related to the fake Religious Padhànakammika Tissa .
There are five hundred youth into Dormitories-protection under the Buddhist renunciation, receiving consulates meditation topics from Germany the duty to counsel and go into the Woods. One of them, afternoons, but four times the appointment percentage the other ninety-nine effort of meditation and DAC results A-la-Han. Now, the teacher returned the white Buddha on the results achieved. When qifu mumo carried through a Property-Protection way village a mile, a sighted teacher. He invited about rice and donation, food, and after receiving Word of helpfulness, she invited the faithful to real life tomorrow master.
About Property-protection, to master folded take off y Bowl, to Buddha ceremony. The wealthy girl That Show Respect and intimate visit Hy Festival the master. Only the master home afternoons tu thought: "The World most Religious lyrics is pleased to welcome the other teacher. Also, because not yet proven results should He didn't say a Word. Today we have results A-la-Han, maybe when we get back, the new Religious talk to us ".
The Sa-keeper of the white Buddha:
-World Religion, on the way home we are a friendly credit offers real life tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we will go.
SA-keeper has not certified result, throughout the night he went forth, ended up falling asleep too master falls to a broken foot, stone benches, screamed in pain. The Sa-keeper when hearing the running to care for, coach. Sun was shining that how busy they still care for you. The result is five hundred commies master was to take her morning real life.
The Buddha asked:
Why don't you go into villages and real character?
The master ladies things. The Buddha said:
-This is not the first time he prohibited his character. In the past he was also so.
He tells the story of the past (Jàtaka 71), and concluded:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, people would not rise right now, weak willed and lazy, he never developed the meditation and Scripture.
He said the shelf:
(280) does not attempt to place,
Goal of gas releases strong affective,
The United States early age lazy lazy,
Expect the Chief Director.
6. Demon Pig Starter
The speech was cautious.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in at Lisa, involving a demon pig head.
One day, the fake Religious Items-Hopea-together fake Religious Lakkhana down the mountain States-SOAP-. Sees a spot the fake Religious Items-hopea snatch-suddenly smiling, false Religious Lakkhana asked:
-Why brother laugh?
-At the moment should not ask, wait to see What Religion.
The two continued to qifu gangui in real property-United Kingdom. Finished back Lisa, comes before the ceremony sitting back one side wealthy girl Buddha. And suppose Lakkhana and he asked the fake Religious Items-hopea-related questions, at this new false Religion answered:
-I saw a huge demon body nearly a mile high, but the first humanoid pig, in the mouth grows out of a full tail worm is going up at dòi. I think the whisper: "I haven't Really seen a creature like that". So I'm smiling.
The Buddha confirms:
-Items-hopea-result is to have the eyes to see. I also like when sitting under the Bodhi tree, but I thought: "If anyone didn't believe, it is that this disaster for them". And because traders who should not say. Now there are Items-hopea-witness, we boldly speak the truth.
-World Religion, the demon before she did what?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, listen.
Past stories
6a. Vandal Love You Ðệ
At the time of the Buddha aromatic herbs, two-Ton pseudo to live together in a monastery, the village's adults age sixty, who is under the age of fifty-nine. False religion before the medical review to the Bowl typically large and followed, rounding any duty as a sub most of the leader. Like the two brothers of the same parents, they live in, peace agreement.
One day, having a teachers to spot them in that day as the listening day. France, both to honor author account abuse and monks says:
-German, French instructor please Australian for us.
This teaching unit for both, they are very excited. The next day, the two Religious pundits take guests into the village of qifu gangui. After dinner, they sometimes:
-Parent, please Respect the next lecture yesterday in the French segment.
And two visiting Professor master theory is always for people. Listen, the Buddhists invited teachers please come tomorrow. So you go to the nearby village of real qifu mumo, two master teachers brought to the familiar.
Teachers think silently: "this teacher is Two. We will find a way to make them leave this place and occupied Yugoslavia this Institute ". In the afternoon, he was to take care of two big old fake Religion. When it's time to go on vacation, he to the older tastes, says:
-Religion, I have to say to Him.
-Please tell me.
Teachers all tuna and then says:
-There is a lot out there I say disastrous.
He finished silent removed, to younger tastes also do so.
On Monday, he also played as such, on Tuesday, both false Religion were provoked. Teachers to spot fake Religious elders, says:
Sir, I have something to say but don't dare uttered in front of Him.
This pressure unit:
-No, you name it.
-But, on the other, small fake something with you?
-You told? We like a brother to her, people get something then the other people also received the world, I have never seen him at fault.
-Is that so?
-Mr. Ton, this is what the fake Religious young age told me: "Sir, you belong to the high line, but also to honor this big old fake, if You have defined a relationship with him, and the idea that he was central and easy affection, then beware". The master repeated to me like right from the minute I arrived.
Heard complete, false Religious elders feel incredibly angry, mind breaking as a cracked ceramic vases. Teachers to spot young teacher, also says the same, and the teacher also felt like his brother broke down, the two often go together, that date actually qifu gangui to honor young author goes to the village alone, ahead of his brother and stop the step where the real-life, fake Religious elders to later.
When he saw his brother, the young author thought silently: "should we bring your bowl or medicine? No, we don't wear ". But then: "Drill! We never act like this, we can not lack of duty ". And weak, to the older tastes:
-False Respect Sir, please put the Bowl y.
Elders refused:
-Let's go, people lie. You don't deserve to wear y Bowl for me.
Just say You just drive the hands of cheap contempt.
I also think I didn't carry him Bowl y.
-This, I thought I'm nostalgic this monastery?
-I also don't need in monasteries. The monastery, he just stay.
Finished, he hugged y Bowl. Elders also came out, and instead go together like all times, is now a travelling towards East, a person goes to the West. Teachers told them:
-Do not do that.
Two elders said:
-Come on, out of Germany in the back.
And teachers who master the monastery. The next day, the teachers go into the villages, the people ask:
-Ladies and gentlemen, The Australian kia?
-Do not ask me. The two quarrelsome and him out of the monastery today. I can hard that cannot be.
Hear that, some Schmuck instant news, but the wise men said to each other:
-During his time here, we don't see two false Religious discord with each other. If the fear away, sure in his new master.
And they are very sad.
About part two of false Religion, both of insecurity. Elders think whisper: "Oh! Any damage is very small mistakes, "when I told guests to see" do not contact me ". And the young author also think like that. Both are frustrating, can't read or Zazen.
A hundred years passed, casually both false Religion along to a monastery and the same Western shared a room. When the old Chief had just entered the room and sat on the bed, the young author also just arrived. Seen together, they do not hold the tears. Young master thoughts: "should we say or not? That's not to be trusted ". And the Master Chief to greet him, saying:
-Sir, during the carry y bowls under him, have you seen what mistakes in thought, Word and action?
-No, we do not see.
-Then why He told the guest that the monks do not turn to son?
-This, one should not say, that on the contrary, we heard you said the same about me.
-Sir, I did not say never.
At the time, both realized that, he teachers say such excuses just because want to split the brothers, and they both got his error. After a hundred years of insecurity, both peace with each other. And two fake Religion back to the former monastery to invite monks stories out of the door.
Teachers saw the two back, hurry to take medicine before the bowl. But the two elders point to face the master:
-He does not deserve to stay in the monastery.
Dare not lingering moments, teachers immediately left the monastery. After his death, teachers say fall into hell A Bhikkhu, in the time between the two Buddha bear the punishment in hell, and bâuy now carry evil relatives suffering as said above.
Once finished, the Buddha teaches:
He said the Dhammapada:
(281) the words and be careful,
The Center cited by the private households,
Dear shalt not do evil,
Keep three net industry,
Holy leaders teaching credentials.
7. Pothila, said Clergyman is empty
Meditation wisdom born ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the fake Religious Pothila.
The elder Pothila, in Tibetan the Tam in the era of the seven Buddha, was the pronouncement reads the catechism to a group of five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts. One day, the Buddha silently told myself: "if given the opportunity, we will encourage the elders ended pirated or". And from then on, every false Religion to World Religion, He is usually known;
-Come here, Pothila is empty!
-Mr. Pothila is empty.
-Sit down, Pothila is empty.
-Let's go, Pothila is empty.
And when the elders came out, He also said:
- Pothila hollow was gone.
Elders Pothila thought to myself: "I informed in the tripiṭaka and read during the clarify, I am the teacher of five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, eight assemblies. So that Germany World Religion always call me Pothila is empty. Sure because I have not developed the Chief Justice should call Him so ". Very excited, the elders decided on Woods, meditation. Afternoon, He sort of medicine bowls, and dusk, and in every listener. The Bhikkhu-stilts are chanting no to Italy that is his master.
Pothila take a one hundred twenty miles, finally to the forest has three taste nươi Bhikkhu-stilts are hidden. Arrival, welcome Him as Chief and says:
-Elders, please advice me.
-Religion, you're the teachers, we have to study with him, why did He say that?
-Sir, please don't deny, please instruct me.
In fact, all of this evidence on stilts-Bhikkhu results A-la-Han. Locate the first elders think whisper: "this study because stilts-Bhikkhu wide going high arrogance". And so, take Pothila to second, the second person brought down to third man. And so, they pushed Pothila to the youngest in the group, a Sa-di bãy age sitting patch y. Like their gas of Pothila has decreased a lot.
Pothila pay attention to the Sa-di, accept the hand glass supply:
-German, Australian education only, please tell me.
-The Ơ. Professor, You say? Him than I am for age and education, I have to study with Him.
-Australian German, please don't deny, please just teach me.
-Mr. Ton, if You be patient, I will only tell.
-I will be patient, if You tell me to jump into the fire I also jump.
Note only a pond Sadi distance, Pothila :
-You take down the pond, for all y in Austria.
I know that Pothila wore beautiful, expensive health care, said such a test to see if Pothila has easy instruction. Just finished yet, Pothila has jumped into the pond, y o sũng wet. Uncle Sa-di exclaimed:
-Come here!
Away, Pothila climbed up and coming near you. Security Notes:
This false Religion-, assuming there is a cave with six gates, a son of geckos back, who would like to catch it, must have a steak in the shelf, put a door is going to be chameleons. Like Him should shut off shut off in the root, and focused on Italy.
With a man as smart as Pothila, saying of the notes Sa-di has to illuminate the issue.
That was enough, out of Germany.
Pothila focused thought, suicide myself, and began to meditate. The Buddha in one hundred twenty miles away, knowing that false Religion will become University wisdom He turned before the false Religion, says racks:
(282) meditation, wisdom being,
Quit meditation, wisdom.
Know the route the two reclining,
Give to the owner, the owner.
Let yourself efforts,
Render intellectual growth.
Listen to the complete, Pothila DAC results A-la-Han.
8. The Bhikkhu elders Stilts And He She
Ðốn the forest, not the trees felling ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to some of the Bhikkhu-stilts.
At the Dormitory, there is a great number-Phu gia world rights, and older age, they are friendly with each other, doing the same things. When listening to Germany That they teach, Respect each other:
-We are all old age, why do families remain homeless.
And he brought them to please the Buddhist renunciation, joining the Sangha, according to Sa-lifestyle subjects. Because the Qur'an cannot be older school shelves, they take off a draft PM outside the monastery, and in common with each other. Every time qifu mumo carried them home, his wife, and get food. Among them, have a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, ex-wife of master name Madhurapàcikà, very kind to the master. The master usually carry real animals get to the real-life House, Mrs. Madhurapàcikà remains or surges and curry sauce, sweet. Shortly after, her illness and then death. The Bhikkhu-old old hugged each other or news on stilts lamented since, this person falls on the other:
-Oh! Female pilot home Madhurapàcikà was dead.
Hear screaming, distorted the Bhikkhu-stilts running to, ask:
-The parents, work?
The Sa-old subjects answered:
-Wife of a friend we die. She is a good home for. We know where to find such a person. So screaming.
The Bhikkhu-stilts whispering this in France, Germany, the world Religious lines go to ask:
-The he gathered here what table?
When the Bhikkhu-stilts narrates the story, Buddha:
-This is not the first time they do so. In the past this happened also.
Past stories
8A. Jatakakàka
In the past, they are a flock of crows. And she male lab server is a crow that, when flying over the coast it gets swept waves and drown, the Forum called for crying, and sought to use the sea to save her slapped mine crows. Ended up both forums were tired in vain.
Telling stories of the past, the Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts? While Woods took part, si, you suffer. Let's take a fall forest then he be freed.
He said the shelf:
(283) the Ðốn of the forest, not the trees felling
From the forest, born of fear.
Ðốn forest and craving
Bhikkhu-stilts, be President of the pure land.
(284) When would not cut the shit,
Craving middle daughter son
Italian still legally binding
As nursing mother cows.
9. the Grass, the flowers Fade
Cut yourself craving ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts disciple he benefits-echo-Amnesty.
There's a young maize, the House silversmith, Disclaimer, renunciation of the tu student with Mr. echo benefits--Xa. The fake religious thought silently: "sweat the filed I was young, very strong sex". To help master Sa-young sex again prop subjects infected with fake Religious teaching, the master allows consistent impure. But not appropriate headings, so even though the master had to withdraw into the jungle, strive on a monthly, master still no focused thought.
The master returned, false Religious question:
-You have to master the heading consistent meditation?
The teacher presented her failure. False religion said:
-A person never said: "I don't achieve headings consistent meditation".
Fake religion only teaches more carefully on the subject. The master nor how much progress, right back to the process of with master. Third, assuming that headings also teaches, detailed teaching on reason, and causes the same illusion. Again the teacher again failed in the meditation.
Property-the echo benefits-fake religious thought silently: "A sharp, sensitive subjects-when the present education master know it. When exercise is not present knows that they do not exist. SA-non responsive catch on this subject, yet leaders in unshakable steadfastness. However we can not understand the ideas and tendencies of the master. Sure the teacher will tame the Buddha's teachings ".
In the afternoon, false Religious guidance to disciples of Buddha, and tell the story:
-World Religion, it is the disciples, you've taught y. ..
-Know are ideas and tendency is the power of Buddha's own, is Full of sensory level has one shining through, making ten of thousands of the world praise.
The Buddha Cafe world survey of master Sa-young subjects, know that this life is not the master of birth in house silversmith, which has five hundred lifetimes of birth in the House. And spent long periods away from making jewellery, carvings of Lotus Flower, ca-nị-gold hues, so consistent bias on the subject critically and tedious nhờm, definitely not appropriate for the master, only the headings appropriate new playful. Buddha said: Respect
-Property-benefits-the echo of this! With Sa-which he named headings consistent meditation has just spent four months tired in vain, he will find evidence of A-la-y Han today, please go elsewhere.
After chasing the false Religion, Buddha used to go through gods created a golden Shower to wheel, lemon fresh leaves like truth, gave the master Sa-keeper said:
-Stilts-grab, Bhikkhu Lotus this out beyond the planets, plug it on top of the sand, and sit the old unlawful before it, in this preliminary phase, repeat the sentence "Ðỏ pretty close! Prashant Ðỏ! "
Upon receipt of the Lotus from the hand of world Religion, master Sa-keeper became the master. follow the word of Buddha, made a pile of sand outside the fenced essential, plug up, sit the old Fang Lotus in front of it, and forgive, "Prashant Ðỏ Gaga! Prashant Ðỏ! " Once, the slopes of what was destroyed, the master begins to enter the Preliminary development, meditation, meditation, meditation Ii, four meditation. All master body sink deeper in meditation. The Buddha attends to know master gain, wonder "Sa-this subject can grow fruit to the Scriptures?" See that the teacher can't reach, He ordered the "Lotus make wilt!" The Lotus flower which immediately meditation teacher's fall color, very yellow, as was crushing.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts export, see the world, thought to myself: "what way this becomes yellow, old Lotus? If these things like being into the world information but also being prepared by old age, nothing doubts the story beings immersed worldly attachment will be subject to chế similar outfits. "That is a clear lens, probably impermanent. Election time, both physical and always spherical egolessness. Three French publications specifically with teacher like blazing fire, or like the rope columns around the neck.
At the time there was a flood of children playing near it, wading in the Lake Lotus nature break into piles on the shore. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts look the flower under water and on the shore. The United Fresh beautiful underwater, also on the shore of wilt, the remnants of the charm. The master back to myself: "If the age old defeated the being in the world, has something do not beat beings immersed worldly attachment?"
And master as physical injury, invisible clear lens, egolessness.
The World Religion found that the headings of meditation had completely conquered. He then turned to the master.
-What's that?
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts surprised looking up to see the Buddha seems to stand in front of. Master Doll stands up, accept the hand-glass palace.
The World religious affiliation say shelves:
(285) Sequence cut craving,
As the hand snap shower,
Please, President Director of the tu
Nirvana, the Charity Was taught.
Listen to the complete fight A-la-Han.
10. Will surely Die
The rainy season we here ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the great funky Mahàdhana trade.
Mahàdhana together the five hundred trucks filled with red mhuộm fabrics, from the Three-dollar complaint giving goes on sale. When Property-protection on, he stopped on the banks of the river and told myself silently: "tomorrow we will cross the river". He stopped the car, sleep on the banks. Throughout the night, a storm arrived and rain as empty. During the seven-day River and water surges back seven-day holidays. Mahàdhana does not have the opportunity to sell of his canvas, he told myself: "We have to go far, if returned, will it take I will stay in this rainy season, the winter and summer of next year, to sold out of cloth".
When the Ton goes, he realized the real qifu gangui contemplated by Mahàdhana and smiling. False religion A-nan asked the reason. He said:
-A-nan, he has seen the great Mahàdhana Phu gia?
-World Religion, Yes.
-He does not know himself dying, and plan to stay here throughout the year to sales.
_ The White World, he's going to die?
-A-nan, the seven minute again, he will be the fish to swallow.
He said the shelf:
Be engrossed work
Do what should be done today.
Anyone know of death will visit tomorrow.
We're still not constant wrestle
Every day the same death?
This is the Sage words of praise:
Happy, enthusiastic live guys
Day and night, not tired
Although only a night y.
-World Religion, I will tell him.
-Okay, let's go.
False religion come to Mahàdhana qifu gangui, he respect Religious donation. False religion question:
-You plan to stay here?
-Mr. Suen, I had come from distant, if returns going late nãi. I will stay here throughout the year to sales and keep going.
This renunciation,-although the death close by also difficulty. Be careful of this.
-Why, I going to die?
-Renunciation, in just seven more days.
Mahàdhana very touched to hear false Respect Privacy, and he invited Buddhist monks to the same donation in seven days, on the last day, he ask Buddha to wish joy to himself. Buddha:
This residential-and songwriter wisdom should never think that: "We will stay here during the rainy season, through East to the lower, we're going to do this, the excuses ...". Better, he needed his death visualizations.
He said the shelf:
(286) the rainy season we here,
West, also down here,
Stupid mind thought so,
Not self harm.
Listen to the complete, Mahàdhana evidence of effects-save, they also benefit society. He practices the foot chư falling a distance and then come back. He felt a headache and head is located. Before long, his death, and rebirth to heaven-See.
11. The mother Takes the child And The Rapeseed
The passionate Italian ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in States, related to him Kisà Gotami .
The story of the Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Kisà Gotami, as told in the Dhammapada, 114 Thousand. Meanwhile, the Buddha asked:
-This Kisà Gotami, had found granular white wealth?
-Dear, I do not find, in the village of dead people so much more than the living.
-Not only have you lost me. Such is the general law for all living things. Death as a stream of data, flood water swept phăng, snatching away and throw every species on the sea, while we live not delight.
He said the shelf:
(287) The passionate Italian,
Children and animals,
Death caught him,
As flooding goes to the village to sleep.
To listen done she effects evidence-saved, assemblies are also beneficial.
12. The Terms She lost all Bereaved Relatives
Without the cover.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to Ms. Patàcàrà. The story of the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Patàcàrà as told in thousands of products, the Dhammapada 113.
Day, Germany World Religion she knew with bouts of melancholy, and he said:
Hey Patàcàrà, who when leaving the world, no children or parents, they can sponsor, or cover for refuge. So, though the people who live there, as well as no. Wise men should have the moral purity to squash the clean way to Nirvana.
He said the shelf:
(288) A when death comes,
No children, sheltered,
Not the father, not her children,
Not like the cover.
(289) knows this meaning,
UG mind lo, maintenance
Do despatch,
The path to Nirvana.
Listen to complete her Patàcàrà symptoms effects-save, the assemblies containing the proof of Projection-save, Nhị and Tam.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/8/2016,MHDT.

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