Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

X. Penalty Products
1. The continental Pants Bhikkhu Stilts
People are afraid of the punishment.
What Religion was taught in the States, related to the Green pants Bhikkhu-stilts.
Seventeen located on stilts just finished editing-Bhikkhu spot in the Continental Group on stilts to tell-Bhikkhu pants:
-We are bigger, this place belongs to us.
Seventeen other wouldn't because of the way ahead. Green pants Bhikkhu-stilts guest sailings the Bhikkhu-his brother on stilts. Terrible for fear of death, they scream at to hot the lungs. World Religion hear shouting something, then ask Him to la issued precepts about the assault:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! From now onwards, a Bhikkhu-stilts are not assaulting. Anybody doing this is a criminal offense.
And he taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! We have to remember that as well as me, others shaking before simple and fear of death. So shalt not hit or kill people.
Read Buddha Dhammapada:
(129) the people afraid of punishment,
People are afraid of death.
Take yourself as an example,
Don't kill, don't kill
2. Green Pants Bhikkhu Stilts
People are afraid of the punishment.
What Religion was taught in the States, because the Group Green pants Bhikkhu-stilts.
The story is also similar to the above. When Lu Qun Bhikkhu-stilts to attack the Group of seventeen Bhikkhu-stilts, the following groups are threatening gestures. World Religion also heard screams, called upon to ask, and issued precepts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! From now onwards, no Bhikkhu-stilts would be do so. Anybody doing this is a criminal offense.
And he taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! A Bhikkhu-stilts have to know, as well as others we tremble, and simple as we others also ham lived. Remember to think of this in mind, do not hit or kill others.
Read Buddha Dhammapada:
(130) the people afraid of punishment,
People live longer.
Take yourself as an example,
Don't kill, don't kill.
3. A Young Flock
Being the bridge at peace ...
Do what the swarms of children, World Religion has taught the sentence on at United Park.
Workers go into the real World, qifu gangui guard-Xa Suen noticed a young snake sticks. He asked why, they told for fear of snake bites. Buddha taught sailings:
-If you hit this snake because that thought like that will protect his happiness, the consequences are later reborn into different places you would not be happy. Who find happiness for yourself then do not meet other guys.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(131) beings at peace bridge,
Anyone using thy hurt people,
To peace for yourself,
«Economy after not at peace.
(132) beings at peace bridge,
Do not take harm thy people,
To peace for yourself,
«Economy, after peaceful.
4. Bhikkhu Stilts And Ghost
Shalt not speak evil words.
Because the elders Kundadhàna that That Religion teaches the sentence on when at States.
Since Kundadhàna became Bhikkhu-stilts, any where You also have a female escort. Elders do not see, but everyone else saw. In the village of qifu gangui, the people also dedicate Him a part first, and then the second part for her.
Past stories
4A. Celestial Apparitions Women Women
The time of the Buddha, Ca-lettuce, two very dear friends stilts-Bhikkhu together like two brothers. The time of the Buddha Dìghàyu, this year through April, the Bhikkhu-stilts are met on the day of Papa-slapped. Two Bhikkhu-stilts to her lectures Announced-slaps a weekly.
A woman in the Sun so suddenly found thirty-three intend to separate them out. Crazy ideas just born in then a separated toilet. Natural female Mainland into a woman go into the bushes with the taste, and then along comes out, one hand clawed back bun, on the other hand this page. The unit itself is not seen, but the taste out instead. When did know, she disappeared. So Bhikkhu-stilts you just stood on the spot, are best protected surface stately standing:
This parent, parent-made world.
-Sun, I didn't do that!
-No? She would go after the parents there, walked this page.
Elders such as lightning, He stuttered:
In this manner, you hurt me-I didn't do it!
-What I saw, I saw with my own eyes. Do not expect me to believe you!
Then he cracked the top sticks the other way.
In the lecture, he slapped the No-Claims-slapped together with you. Natural women see it, knew I had committed serious faults, she genuinely interesting:
-False Religion! Locate the true elders do not violate. I do like that reinforced just try him. Please dad slaps with him as usual.
See natural male stand on nowhere says so, this news by stilts-Bhikkhu, Daddy bear-slapped in General, but no longer friendly with old friends again.
General network, two elders reborn as friendly. Also women were fallen angel to hell A-Bhikkhu, penalty during the period between the time of Buddha Buddha. She currently being made man, spice up on stilts, and rounding-Bhikkhu obligations. From monk, there is always a woman walks by, so called Kundadhàna .
(All The Past)
The Bhikkhu-stilts found that fake Head Protection Level You independent from pursuing her position off the property to, the carrying out of the glass. But the fake Head to Buddha. The Bhikkhu-stilts told Ms. Bhikkhu-overstayed-like, medical clinic and she also tr lyrics like fake Head. They're two of this renunciation, should tell the King to hear and ask King chase her taste out of the United Kingdom. The King agreed, and to essential, right on the entrance to the room. Elders hear noise, stepped out, the King saw the ball a women behind. When elders enter the room, sit down, King did not taste, but the ceremony, wealthy girl also did not see her again. The King looked at the door, under the bed, then she appeared behind. King concluded it was a ghost, and dear to elders:
There, false-religion silhouette impure followed, there will be no one to worship Him. Please Sir, sometimes for up to the Imperial Palace, I will provide the foursome.
The Bhikkhu-stilts discontent, the King's evil, while the elders are wicked, and now into a wild child of the King. Before the elders, not for response, response, now the Bhikkhu-stilts is depravity, is a wild child of the King, is communicating with women. The Bhikkhu-stilts comes Dear World Religion. The Buddha called ask and teach:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts saw a woman followed him, and they say that what they see. But did he, why he said what he did not see? Certainly because of the ties of a that this event happened to you, why are you now have the wrong attitude?
The Bhikkhu-stilts that elders were asked to do in reincarnations, Buddha narrates the career and concluded:
-Evil because of career on stilts-Bhikkhu that he must fall into the sad plight, he should not have the wrong attitude. Do not pay to hang with the Bhikkhu-stilts. Do not say a Word, as the bronze Bell hot mouth do not emit. Like he can reach Nirvana.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(133) shalt not say evil lyrics
Evil speaking, be said again,
Expressing outrage, gauge
Thy Ðao side touches people.
(134) If yourself quiet,
As the Bell hot mouth,
People have evidence of nirvana.
Will no longer outrage.
5. Property And Then In Bhikkhu Holds Eight
With sticks and beef farmers.
What Religion teaches the sentence on when at Pubbaaraama, related to the Bhikkhu-women and overstayed their residence-residence artist in eight days.
In on guard reunions-Dormitory boys, five hundred women comply with the precepts of boys and to the essential. Bhikkhu-then they asked for Amnesty-what purpose that keep the precepts.
The oldest person to answer:
-We look forward to the report on Irene.
NG middle-aged life:
-To escape from her husband's power.
Young people:
-We want to have children.
Great new woman:
-We would like to have my husband.
Bhikkhu-dormitories-being led all came to see the Buddha answers, and Buddha:
-Bhikkhu-dormitories-being! Beings in the world are being, old, sick, dead, like the shepherds hold sticks in hand. Being chased them to old men, old men chasing them to the sick, and chase them to death. This gauge axes four truncated life. However, nobody wanted to do not be reborn. Reborn is the desire of the people.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(135) With sticks, beef farmers
Recoiling crawling to the lawn.
Too old and dead
The public network to air currents.
6. Demon hungry daemons Python Pictures
Stupid people do evil ...
Do what the devil has a hungry daemons Python, World Religion teaches the sentence on property in Lisa.
From the top Thứu Ling, Australian Presbyterian Items-hopea-contact and Lakkhana down into Property real qifu gangui, United Kingdom. Along the way, your link to use natural label-qian'an County-see a hungry daemons demons in general figure twenty-five mile-long Python, being fire burned across her promised myself. Sir smile, the other end asked the reason, He said to wait to see the Buddha would say. And in front of the Buddha, He explains, because never ever see hungry daemons like demons, so He smiled. The Buddha also stated:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, Sami we have Angel label and used. I have seen this demon hungry daemons when the Chief Justice, but we don't speak out because people don't believe We will be harmful to them. Now there have been Items-hopea-witness, He said.
And according to the requirements of the Bhikkhu-stilts, He tells:
Past stories
6a. The Attorney General Secretary Sumangala and thieves
The time of the Buddha, Ca-Romaine, Attorney General of archives Sumangala bring gold to cover a wide range of twenty Usabha, i.e. by the amount built a fine residence, including the cost of the inaugural ceremony property. Elf
One early morning, on the way That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, he caught a thief hiding in the hostel gate, legs covered with mud, Austria boss from the start.
He knew he was stalking where throughout the night. The Thief caught, brought his hatred. He's burning his rice field seven times, fired home seven times, tight jeans leg seven times. Yet huh, he hit you with his servants to ask whether he respected what for. Investors can know that's he's waiting for That Suen Interior flavor into the real, qifu gangui sailings banging hot water with food and then a fire burning.
Listen to the cries of sandalwood furniture caught fire, the Attorney General of archives to but was late. Do not have sad pity, his jubilant applause. People surprised, he asked to explain because there will be occasion to worship the money to rebuild the lost flavors. The thief heard, for that could not beat him, unless he killed dead. In the seven days that he seems to increase them, and the last day, Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl he ladies:
-World Religion, I know that there is someone seven times, fired seven times, fired seven times, and tight her burning incense. I'm in favour of Irene's first donation to him this time.
The thief was hiding somewhere, hear, feel disgrace because of his tremendous guilt, anxiety and the King will head down penalty Christmas. So he prostrate at the foot of the Attorney General of archives please forgive. The Attorney General of the archives from the beginning he asked to come and apologize to him because Miss uttered the night of doubt caught him hiding. And both sides to forgive each other. The thief also apply to the spouses he as slaves for the Attorney General of the archives, but he did not receive and tell him to go away.
(All The Past)
And world Religion concluded:
-Do create such evil karma, when general networking thief was fallen to hell A-Bhikkhu, the penalty in that very long ago, but the results reported and yet, he must suffer on top of Ghost Thứu. The Bhikkhu-stilts! When do evil, fools do not know his evil work. But later on, he will be burned by the evil industry has created, as the forest was the fire.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(136) the stupid People do evil,
Non-sense work.
Do yourself, stupid
Heated cooking like fire.
7. The death of Australian Items-Hopea-Contact
Use the staff punishment not thy ...
World Religion has taught the sentence on at Lisa, related to An Item-hopea-contact.
The layman chattering to each other does not understand why Sa-Abbreviated subject-animal food donation be more talks. A man who says he knows the reason. Enacted as is Items-hopea-contact, because Items-hopea-up the Sun asked Chu had created what merit, and then return to the world telling people to do this, things happen ... and then he asked the sinners in hell why do that and also return the world recounts because of crime, like that. Folk believe his words, should bring more animals to food donation. Now if you go to kill, the animal products that would hand the layman.
Copper bar for them is a good idea. They then donated the home to be a thousand, earn a few marauding thug, hired them to kill the Obsidian elders. Them to the right places Him in, surrounded. Mr chui through key hole to escape. They returned and besieged again, He pierced the roof up nowhere. During the two months, they're bright enough, but how do you still failed. Sees the third month, see bitten by the evil industry created in money was coming, he does not try to escape. We finally got Him a real travel. They tear limbs crushed bone crushing Him out like grains of rice, toss out into the Bush and then discarded.
Elders want World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl before entering Nirvana, should wrap themselves in power do hard again, and fly into the air, to see the Buddha, and wealthy girl ladies:
-World Religion, you are about to enter Nirvana.
The Buddha asked:
-In the black, the White World Religion!
-Then take legal proceedings for me before, because from now on We will no longer see disciples of Him.
Items-hopea-obedience. First You climb, not the mental transformation as elders Residences-benefits-the echo did before entering Nirvana.
They kill delinquents Items-hopea travel-fly across the region Match-matching-theme. King A-SOAP-like stealth factions rushed to find the culprit. They're get drunk in a pub. This little clip backs one causing it to fall to the ground. And then yanked two flipped:
-Why don't you brush up your back? Do I fall?
-Fuck you, you try you. You are the first to hit the Australian Category-hopea-contact.
-Why don't you know I hit?
And then more chaotic voices:
-I hit!
-I hit!
Spy on all their King. About tide them the hermit can conspirators accomplice. King begins five hundred with Taoist five hundred thief dropped down to the waist deep pit dug available before the Imperial Palace grounds, to mulch around them to fire, burning his brittleness, finishing for the plough iron plough to pieces.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in France is An elders not to death. The Buddha explains that the evil is in the money. And he tells:
Past stories
7A. Little Kids Kill Parents
The old days, there was a very studious guy. Everything in the House as the pounding of rice, cooking ... a hands off, even to his parents ' care are also very attentive. See you too hard, two grandparents plan to marry the bride to help stupid part. He shook his head nguầy nguậy his hand, just want to serve my parents only. But the two men she was married for the last, a young girl is the procession on the House. Her husband and parents serve only a few days, then started talking light heavy. She kept nagging her husband is not able to stay in this House more famous. Thanks you away, she retrieved the land Bureau, stunned porridge scattered throughout the House. Husband of seeing homes tùm lum like that, hoiû. Investors can occasion she tru does intertwine
-Elderly parents in blindness of you do! Just throw a crazy, throw out the beach! I want to clean it off steam! My bad, how do I live for!
You keep complaining, moaning, making him her husband mad. Formerly, people are curious, far off the parent brand, and also find a way to treat evil against them.
He ripped off my parents come to visit her children. On to the deep jungle, he awarded the rope for his father here, bandits or stalking you, right down to the car, but the Bulls have cut their way, don't worry. He goes further then a screaming noise, increasing to, as the bandits are about to attack. The two men she looked around seen blueberries also only see a black screen, but the injured child, just think of the happiness of it, should rush said:
-Baby! Elderly parents and then, don't worry, please save yourself.
But you still leave, as bandits screaming hitting and killing two grandparents, throw the body in the Woods. Done back home.
(All The Past)
World Religion concluded:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Items-hopea-had committed such felonies. He suffered countless hundreds of thousands of years in hell. Then, because of the evil yet, should report a hundred lifetimes in a row hitting dead body torn to shreds. Therefore Items-hopea-suffered death corresponds to the evil career before. Also five hundred Taoist accomplice and five hundred bandits attacked non aggression with them, suffered death corresponding to that sin.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(137) the penalty not thy thy,
Evil people do evil, not
The ten types of suffering,
Good fold a type crazy.
(138) the life gauge Or violently,
The body suffers casualties,
Or disease,
Or disorders noted concur.
(139) Or disaster from the King,
Vu or felony,
Her children are a glass canopy,
The property of being crushed.
(140) Or building homes,
Burned ears burned,
When the General network sabotage,
Wicked beings in hell.
8. Bhikkhu Stilts Lam Of
Not living accomplice.
World Religion has taught on the sentence in States, involves a Bhikkhu-stilts more wealth.
Multiply wives died, a family home in the Dormitories, abandoned guard-the Bhikkhu-stilts. He built a furniture, a kitchen and a warehouse, in which he filled would butter, would suite, everything. Although he still stilts-Bhikkhu is there own slaves. They cook the food for his hobbies, and he only ate the item only. He was also much in demand, as a Ministry of health and the other night and day. In his next Elf. One day are exposed to the y and crouching, the Bhikkhu-stilts look to see he has too many fixtures, led him to the Religion.
World Religion ask him for clarification:
-Bhikkhu-stilts, they report about he true?
He responded:
-Yes, That's right, white!
-We teach stilts-Bhikkhu very clearly was the co-ed minimum education, tri-star should he compound contains more of the same?
Angry because the little, he shouted:
-Yes, I will go all over the place like this here.
Just say you just toss the upper y, wearing only the medical cabinet stand between assemblies.
That Honor still further advice: ring mosaic
-Reincarnations in stilts-Bhikkhu when doing the glass he was holding be counted such modesty and fear death during twelve years. Why now he is naughty? Have abandoned the world into a Bhikkhu-stilts under a Buddhist religion you like, how do you take your medicine, forget computer humbled and without fear of sin?
Bhikkhu-stilts as suddenly the, he humbled the bow back, fear death, wealthy girl, Buddhist ceremony and medical wrap bows the glass sit down one side.
According to the request of the Bhikkhu-stilts, Buddha recounts:
Past stories
8A. Mahimsàsa And Two of the Moon, the Sun
Really ancient, early life of Buddha also Bo-slapped, in he made Prince of the late Chief Justice Three-la-complaint, the name is Mahimsàsa. Later He added a brother is Prince of the Moon (Canda). The late Chief Justice through DD i, the King married, and had more of a Prince of the Sun (Suriya). King Rapture should want to ban a favor. The Queen later waited the greater then reiterated that grace is begging for his Kingdom. The King refused to see the two he goes all over the place, where would also glaringly like flames. But she feared retaliation, King said two children into the forest, when the King died the throne back to tangle. They retire from the father. Across the courtyard, Prince of the Sun saw and knew, and he goes by. All three to Hy-Greek-paint code. Bo-slapped the left trail, sitting under a tree told the Sun to bathe, drink water in Lotus fetch done brought about. This Lake due to a marine Monster Vessavana Shepherd, and he's allowed to eat meat one step down the Lake, except the person who would say what is Holy ranks.
Sun Prince stepped down, with Monster asked, answers that the Moon and the Sun are the ranks of Saints. Not true, so the guy was him getting locked in. See long, Bo-slapped the wrong Prince Moon go down, the guy answered, four methods is the Holy, nor should the right steps were taken into custody in action. Bo-slapped myself this time. Know the Lake has no monster cards down, which supply engines on hand waited. What the hell marine into loggers to the example:
-You ơi! You go make tired. Why not down to the Lake to drink water and eat a look, bath shower, then the wreath?
He knew right away he was a yaksha, asked what he's seen and the two children, as both not only who is holy. Bo-slaps that will tell him if he was bathing. Yaksha kuai releases associated to him, put them into bath water, makeup for him with precious jewels, and help Him up the Court to sit between the splendid decorated tent. He sat Him down and listen.
Bo-slaps says: shelves
Humble people, fear of crime,
Gaining millionaire fair,
The Chief Justice and gentleness,
Investors can call Holy.
Yaksha heard complete, detect Center where Bo-slaps, and please pay a brother to him. He chose the youngest Prince News Sun. He's not good, because like He abandoned children retrieved children do reverse nested order, ie you know Holy but not happy Holy. Bo-slaps the tail head to explain the story. If the Sun were to eat meat, then return to receive the Kingdom, no one believes Him but also cursed. Yaksha should adore delivered off the two children for the Bodhisattva. He transmitted five precepts for him, and continued to live in the forest with animal products because he provided.
His father died, He returned to the three-dollar claim to the throne, the Moon Kingdom, the Sun the great Marshal, and build a place for facilities yaksha. He was full of worry.
(All The Past)
World Religious dogma, He merged the characters in my duty of birth as follows:
-Yaksha is Bhikkhu-stilts more wealth, Prince of Moon Property-benefits-is disqualified, the Sun is A-nan, and Mahimsàsa is the US. And he continues:
-Bhikkhu-stilts! Like in a past life he has money learn holy ranks as the stars, there is modesty and fear of death. But just then, he acts wrong, when standing in front of Us between the four of them, with grotesque attitude that minimum, A Bhikkhu-stilts is Bhikkhu-stilts not threw quit y around themselves.
And reading the Dhammapada: 
(141) not living accomplice,
Hair braided, patching, ash,
Very good food, rolling on the ground,
Living nhớp industrious, squat,
That man is pure,
If not except or.
9. Santati , the Australian Spirit of King
Who live self jewelry ...
What Religion was taught in the States, due to what officials name Santati .
Let's squash the aggressors at the border about Santati , was the King of self-made anonymously Kosala Kingdom as regent for his delivery in seven days and a concubine to dance. During the seven days he was plying of alcohol tea, and his extravagant makeup on end climbing up the white audience to go to the outdoor bath. Through the gates of what Religion is on the real, qifu gangui he still sits on the backs of elephants, bow to him and go forward.
See Smiling Buddha, A-nan asked and Buddha said:
-A-nan, take a look at the King's officials, will magnificently decorative to Me, and listen to the finished article will shelves certificate last A-la-Han. And then he sits suspended eight surface tree and enter Nirvana.
IBM people at that hearing is divided into two factions. Side flaps that Sa-Limited subjects like, say talks-make drunken pumpkin billion, jewelry full of himself, will hear France and enter Nirvana. The fruit is a lie. Factions of Buddhists, the power of the true Buddha n spreads magic, and they will be seeing the glorious privilege of Buddha and of Santati.
Down to the Lake, Santati swim session, and then into the tribe members to drink alcohol, women can perform. To have a graceful figure, she had seven days and go hungry while carved out his own heart and stomach, the pain suddenly spoke up as being a knife cut. She dies, the eyes and mouth open. Santati only stutters:
-Lady, watch out!
Then she stopped breathing; Santati terribly forlorn. Within moments, the wine flows in his blood from both weeks now disappear, like water to over embers. He said no one outside the World Religion might stifle his sadness, so to meet Buddha, wealthy girl, recounts and ask for refuge. World Religion comforting says:
-You've come to the right person can do dissipate misery for him. How many times this woman has died, and he was crying her tears, phen left more than four sea.
And he read shelf:
What has passed,
It is best to let go.
And in front of you,
There is nothing in it.
If not catch anything,
Between the future, past,
Will step in peace,
No more suffering.
Just the end of the shelf, Santati proof result and A-la-Han dynasty along the God. Observe the network life, he doesn't know how many are still alive, so please Respect That enter Nirvana. Despite knowing of his work in the money, you still tell Buddha essence for pagan groups, waiting for the truth will happen other with predictions of World Religion, and Buddhist groups want to see the merit of his past, to hear:
-Then, Santati, make art about the past, but don't stand under the land, that fly up into the sky, high by seven tree.
Santati obedience. He touted the Buddhas, fly up, down again, then Buddha Hi fly, sit the old urban planner:
Past Stories
9A. The Sermon And the King
The way these ninety-nine, during the Buddhist Bhikkhu-she-I exam being in Bandhumatì. Fret not know how to subtract are craving and suffering for others, suddenly encountered the theory, I decided to do just that. I encourage people to work in Germany. I, too, on eight, I hold the world, alms and listening to France. I go around preaching: "No treasure can match with the three jewels are the Buddha, the French and the Increase. respect three jewels!". The King of Bandhumatì, the father of the Buddha, called me again asking, and when I do know Him ask me often use the media to go back. Listen to I still often go barefoot, your Excellency Mr. gowns give me a flower chain, like Sedum and give me a horse. Then the King called me back the second time to enquire. Know I still go to the sermon, King for a car has four thoroughbred horse Sindh drag. Asking for the third time, the King donated huge property resources, a splendid treasure and an elephant. Wear gloves off and sit on the backs of elephants, eighty thousand years during the sermon all over the place, created the Germany, the body odor smell Lotus mouth, fried.
(All The Past)
Ever since, Santati, still sitting on the Sun, old-unlawful import of optical Fire tam-I, and from there enter Nirvana. The fire burned off the fuselage, accommodation-benefit falls from from down as jasmine, World Religion to spread a white carpet to improvisation and take off the tower at the crossroads to worship. People revered this symbolism will have much merit.
The Bhikkhu-stilts about Santati, and don't know whether to call you recluse or she-la-Mon. Hear the Buddha answered:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Ðệ electronics We're called a recluse, and also known as She-la-Mon.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(142) Who live,
But NET security, stock photography,
Live date, persistence
Does not harm any creatures,
Pham Chi's position,
Or Sa, qifu gangui.
10. Bhikkhu Stilts And Foot Sweat Tear
It's hard to find in life ...
When implied volatility at United Park. World Religion has taught on the sentence because the elders Pilotika .
Day, elders A-nan met a guy wandering the torn clothes, bươm, miểng porcelain handles. He called upon again to ask why not go tu are rather more life like. The boy asked to:
-Religion, one for the monk?
He responded:
-We'll speed you.
And then You give him under, hand wash for him, he delivered a consistent meditation and heading for the UK. Fabrics before you wrap do internal medicine that is exposed on the tree branch. Investors can get into the Sangha, he rounded the duty and entitled to full material preparations for the headless Buddha, and going around with the y value for the price.
After a time, he found obesity and discontent, think not what benefits that roam the map of Forum participants, better than credit na wear old clothes. Then you come to the tree to find fabrics, self yelled at his nhiếc's brazen, stupid, bombast, leaving grace was wearing good clothes to go to patch up this trash plate with miểng top line begging, porcelain with. Keep this idea do headings consistent meditation, he reprimanded her, and the mind becomes NET security. I took off the fabric panels, back to the glass. A few days later he again discontent, and blame. Sees the third time too. The Bhikkhu-stilts to see you back and forth like that, ask, you answer is to master. And consistent meditation on the old cloth torn, he manually. Soon he's A-la-Han. The Bhikkhu-stilts back asking you why access to the master again, he said:
-Chu, as a stick stuck into the world, to a master. But now I've cut out bound with the world, I don't need him anymore.
The Bhikkhu-stilts with Buddha, said elders Pilotika lie. Buddha taught sailings:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, you're telling the truth, he and subduing A-la-Han.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(143) it's hard to find in life,
People know themselves, ultimately,
Know Dodge, criticism,
As the horse gentler avoid roi.
(144) As gentle horse touches the roi,
Be zealous fervor,
With credit, gender,
The same meditation Trach France,
Minh Hanh, mindfulness,
Ðoạn end to the immeasurable suffering.
11. Sa-Di Sukha
The marine water treatment ...
What Religion was taught in Member States, related to Sa-di Sukha .
Past stories
11A. The Treasury Chief Gandha, The Lao Bhattabhatika Ðộng And independent from Buddha the feeling
Gandha the son of the Chief of the Attorney General the Treasury three-la-complaint. His father's death, the King called him to pacify, and for succeeding his father made Attorney General. From there people called him the Attorney General block Gandha.
Butler Park, an open day, just for you all property money from his father, his grandfather and those before. I wonder why they don't take after death are explained, and people just bring yourself doing whatever evil or goodness. From that I infer that will eat the gravy train for all, before departure. He spent a hundred thousand Dong a bathroom made of Crystal, a hundred thousand do a seat made of Crystal to sit after the bath, a hundred thousand do a bowl of food containers, a hundred thousand do a roof on the dining room, a hundred thousand do a copper plated Bowl liner plate , a hundred thousand built a splendid window in the House. Breakfast, dinner, lunch full moon day a hundred thousand. On the feast day, you spend a hundred thousand for the Emperor in the page, wrong drummers call:
-Let's all go to the eating of the Attorney General of archives Gandha.
The people gathered to bring both the only bed. And Gandha to use everything new make: bath in Turkish with sixteen perfume flasks, open the splendid window and then sits on the crash for people to watch. Most people clean up the food in the bowls, to the copper-plated linings and discs put in front of you. Then you eat, drink with a troupe of dancers.
A country you carry firewood up into. To save him to the occasion, thanks to the friend that he was going to see you lead the way to eat of the Treasury Chief Gandha. Smell the fragrant food, you crave home too thanks to you please please. The Attorney General of archives is not for you, you ask for more, and said not to eat are craving too will die. Even the Attorney General, the Treasury declined. Many times too, please, the Attorney General of the archives required to speak up:
-He, every piece of rice is worth a hundred to two hundred copper. Anyone claiming also to what we eat, then?
You're still attention:
-The boss! The coffins are not pieces of rice he would die, he saved him.
-Not! Ah, but that, to me! If so, please tell him to make me three years we're going to give him a bowl of rice.
Country you agree, and do all of the work is very faithful, whether at home in the jungle, though on the night though. The people called him: "People make food, Bhattabhatika". Expiration, the housekeeper to tell the boss know, do not forget to praise him. The Attorney General of archives he ordered two thousand for dinner, a thousand for breakfast, all three thousand, and everyone in the House, except the lovely wife is Cintàmanì, day served him, watching as the boss. He was bathing in Crystal bathrooms, Crystal Chair after bathing, clothing Attorney General of archives ... and Gandha wrong drummers rao that Bhattabhatika for hire for the Attorney General of archives Gandha to get a bowl of rice, come see the glorious splendor of her rice bowl meal. Where I look to all rúng, around you dancer bưng servants serve and stand the rice put in front.
When you wash your hands, then a Visual offset y independent from Buddha, hug the bowl, flies, and put the leg down the middle of the assemblies, standing in front of you. Earlier on Mount Gandhamàdana, after seven days, you've seen that you have faith, good bless and will be more blessed. Bhattabhattika understand that because before he should not have to work for three years to get the rice bowl, bowl of rice-enough for a day and a night, but if this dignified ranks consecrate you will be fed a multitude. And he zipped the desire not to eat a piece of steamed rice, which hold the bowl to the Buddhist ceremony and wealthy girl, venting into the custard. Enacted by the half, He retrieved the hands cover the bowls, but I account please get out to you are blessed, not only this but also the rest of his life, and be partakers of French leaders that he has seen.
Buddha's promise of availability:
-All his desires will be satisfied as the jewel as Italy, pleas will achievements be full moon.
And he directed the German public for feedback. To for people to admire, He flies up into the sky to mount Gandhamàdana, and divided food for five hundred independent from Buddha, each received her portion enough.
The Attorney General of archives Gandha heard, brimming confidence, concur the exclamation I Hick did a difficult job to know how is the alms; While Gandha such enjoyment that don't give anyone any what dish. The Attorney General of archives invited him to, for a thousand and please share him blessed in Germany after the alms money. He died by heart, and the Attorney General the Treasury again divided his fortune in two, giving him half.
(There are four Prime categories:
-About wealth: As an A-la-Chinese or Tam certification unit result after exporting certain value for getting of wealth.
-About four items: by living with integrity and fairness.
-About wisdom: wisdom gained from knowledge in combination with Hy tho, do alms donation in three time past, present, future.
-About God: after the period of meditation, as independent from Buddha the feeling has developed exams).
Listen to the story of Bhattabhatika, the King of England, great for a thousand in Exchange for custard, said much of the wealth and made Attorney General. The two Attorney General of archives Bhattabhatika and Ganda links you together, eat together, sleep in the same bed trays. The overall network, Bhattabhatika the celestial beings, entitled blessed during the time between the two Buddha, Buddha's current forecast reborn into a home server Property elders-benefits-the echo in the Dormitory-protection.
Current stories:
11B-Sa-Di Sukha
Mothers are thorough care when the baby is still in the belly. Thats right under the will, she donation food full of spices for Property-elders benefit-the ECHO and five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, are tunic y gold, clutching a gold Bowl, and sit outside the assemblies, and share their remaining food Increase. She was born a boy. The day her son a name dear to elders chose the name and about me. In the House no one illness from when your uncle is still in the womb, the mother asked Him to name the note is Sukha Kumàra, happy news, and Writes about tv for the notes. On the occasion of banquets ear piercing boy and other occasions, she often surges up animal products monks. Seven years old I want monk, her consent. Mrs. dear to elders before, and then wear a beautiful dress for me, and leads to property entrusted to the Crystal elders. Mr t bi life religious for much hard rough, khứng bear, a topic consistent meditation and joined the Sangha. Parents pay attention remained essential, during the seven-day hundred food donation up to increase them, then return home in the evening. Eighth day Raises them up the way real qifu gangui, elders still too much work to do around the property should go after ejaculation with notes.
Along the way, you see the water line etc. like Sa-di Pandita, and elders to explain like Sa-di Pandita. Then Sukha put y Bowl for master please return essential. Authorised master assigned to the key, notes on the room master Zazen and radical nature of the spectacle
The uncle's doing God's throne Like warming up. He observed, to see things like that should want to help you. He invited the four heavenly to garden essential noisy bird flocks and eviction property guards the entrance to four sides. He also ordered the Sun and moon stood still and he himself stands guard where the main gate. Property completely silent. Elf Sukha intense focus, paying attention to opening-suicide-proof and Tam. Also elders qifu mumo carried finished hurried back to the essential. World Religion in the Interior flavor see know all, and well known Sa-di Sukha will witness A-la-Han, should He leave the Interior flavor to the front of the gate to welcome the elders latest four questions to extend the time for the Sa-di up proof of results. Finished answering the last question elders then Sa-di also has just proven results. New Buddha at that allows elders to bring food to the disciples. And the four heavenly Soles together Like left guard spot, the Sun the Moon move normally. The Bhikkhu-stilts tell each other why today morning for too long, in the afternoon hours, and Sa-di real life new. Instant Buddha explained and concluded:
-Sa-di Sukha found people are lead control, hairdresser named are bending the name, Carpenter chipped wheels etc. mind and body are autonomous DAC results A-la-Han.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(145) The values of hydraulic conductivity, water
Do guys bending name name,
Tetanus, Carpenter

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