Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XVIII. Structure Works Ue
1. People who sweat the Butcher And A Son
You're now just like leaves wilt ...
This story happened when world Religion in States, involving a butcher slaughtering cows.
At the Dormitory, there was another defense-butcher slaughtering cows. He killed many cows, often choose the most delicious meat portion for himself, his wife, and then cooking the wrong sitting on the dining table, with his wife and child get beef, the rest he sells for money. During the fifteen years he kept this career. In the meantime, although Germany World Religion in property besides the glass, he never for That Suen a tablespoon of porridge or rice spoon. Except for beef, he does not eat rice.
Day, Sun of the afternoon, after selling several pieces of meat, he gave his wife piece of meat to cook dinner, and went out to the pond. A friend came to his house, asked his wife:
-Feel free to give me some meat, my home there.
-The meat sold. He's just got to take a shower.
-If longer pieces of meat, she kindly to me.
-No meat, except meat and he told me to do for him.
People you thought: "If expired meat selling, just rest the meat designated for meals, and he will not eat without meat, sure he has good meat to it yourself". And this person is automatically portable pieces of meat.
The bath is finished, the butcher. When his wife clean up eat, only vegetables, he asked:
-What about meat?
-No Sir.
-I put a piece of meat for her before I go?
-A friend to buy meat for Home rider there. I answered most of the meat sold, that he just picked up his piece of meat goes on, although I have to say that the core pieces of meat to make food for him, without it he is not eat rice.
-Unless the meat I eat. I don't eat anymore, she fuck!
-Oh, how now? Only he is not eat meat a hard packed.
-I've said no.
Caught my wife fuck moment, he picked the knife out. Have a cow gets the column near the House, he steps up to the cow, fingers into her mouth she pulled the blade out, luck always the tongue and then back home, he picked the grilled beef tongue on coal oven, the rice and put it on the finished good eating. He eats a piece of steamed rice and a piece of meat. Fit to pieces of meat in his mouth, his tongue torn in two, and dropped down to the disk. Right then, he receives the punishment that he caused. The blood from the mouth, he lines up flush crawling around the House, like dying cows up the Dragons.
His son standing near it, look at his father dead, her mother said:
-This, let's look at it, the same punishment will come to you. Don't worry for parents, find the right away.
Dental Office and the fear before the sight, his retirement from his mother runs away, it goes on the Takkasilà. The butcher, after the Dragons up one at a time, and die, and then around the bulls fallen to hell A-Bhikkhu. Both cows also died.
Takkasilà sees a child apprentice silver. Day, it goes back to the village, suggest:
-Make jewelry dish like this, like this.
Small notes do as told. And when the owner about, looking at jewelry making ingeniously dishes according to himself, he thought: "this little Note will the trades and make eating easy". When the notes mature, be home for daughters, and bring forth a son, daughter. His son in turn, a different line of work, moved through the Dormitories-protection, and became a Buddhist Pure German Religious World City. He is also the father of them (people butcher the old days) stay Takkasilà, to the time elapsed without doing a little small merit, then pull to Gimpy. The children he invited his tools back to his home.
They each desk: "we take a donation in the name of our father". They invited the Buddha and the monks home tho. They arrange tables and chairs at home, surges of food up the Buddha and the monks, most down respectfully. The end of the meal, they the white Buddha:
-World Religion, eat worship today is creating the blessed father currently lives, World Religion to bless his tools.
The Buddha advised him:
This old-old, he has his body as the leaves wilt, he did not create the heal to make investment in salaries. Create yourself a spot a safe space. Please do wise men, not guys that delusion.
Buddha said shelves:
(235) You now look like leaves wilt,
Match the Embassy is waiting for you,
You stand before the gates of death,
Australian School of lack of salary.
(236) the island, do it yourself
Essential needs, discerning,
Except for UE structure, purity,
Sees the heavenly sanctuary lettered.
Listen, man, we Profile the Association syndrome also benefit.
The next day, he also sometimes Buddha and they Increase longevity. The end of the meal, they also ask for feedback toward Phuoc tell father. The Buddha to wish joy to his tools, added two racks:
(237) In thee now comes,
Closer to Pluto,
Middle of the road is not it,
Australian School of lack of salary.
(238) the island, do it yourself
Essential needs, discerning,
Except for UE structure, purity,
Don't return the old beings.
2. Each Little Fyodor
Quadratic placement sequentially.
This story happened when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to a-la-Mon.
One early morning, the Ms-la-Mon out, stop the Sa-keeper usually advice y, he stands observing. Place the dense, tall grass when a Sa-y's subjects on the cross, y scan through the grass, dew drenched in sticky wet. He told myself: "Ibm this grass must be cleared". The next day, he brought the hoe out Ray grass, clean up the place, it becomes flat island. The next day, he again observed, when the Bhikkhu-stilts, cross into y y's scanner on Earth and stick dust. He thought the whisper: "We will spread the sand". He took cat to pour for clean that place.
On one day, in the early morning sun was hot. He found the occasion Bhikkhu-stilts wearing y, sweat pouring drops. The She-la-keeper thought: "I will take off a camp where". Immediately he covered up a tent for the Bhikkhu-stilts. Again the other day, the early morning sun pours rain on this occasion, he saw the stilts were a wet wet-Bhikkhu, he thought the whisper: "I have to take off the new house". Think is doing, and when the House was finished, he organized the inauguration ceremony. He invited the Buddha and they rise to it, sit inside and outside, and then surges of food.
After the meal, he took the bowl of the Buddha, please revert the direction in Germany. He said:
-World Religion, when you stand this place, first look at the Bhikkhu-stilts up y, you see something like that, and did so, so.
And start from the beginning, he told Buddha heard the whole story. Finished listening to the Buddha says:
-She-la, people healthy workplace too, off at this other time, each getting one, end to remove the bad karma.
He said the shelf:
(239) Steps position sequentially,
Each suicide-na except gradually.
Such as for gold dust,
Except where UE structure.

3. The Pity of the Louse
Like lightning from iron ...
This story happened when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts Tissa .
In the Dormitory, there is a guard-young guy with the right spice quarter, do full duty, is the venerable Tissa. At the master in property in the glass, was a long rough cloth donation eight size. After menopause, the master of the House, put the fabric you see. She thought the teacher whispered: "fabrics are not commensurate with our children". She then retrieved a knife sharp, blocks of fabric into pieces, put them in a mortar, removing the soft dam fake coarse, woven into fabrics.
A few minutes later, Mr. Tissa, find out just a few more, and master and few notes Sa-di sewing y, to house her sister said:
-Give me the song I want to sew cloth, y.
She took the song to the smooth fabric of nine meters long, give it to the teacher. The master refused:
-Other Cloth is rough stuff bad, eight meters, this beautiful song back nine meters long, not mine. Please put song fabric today before.
-Sir, this fabric of that master.
She recounts her work and the master take fabric.
Mr. Tissa bring fabric on the property, and the planet may compose of the rice teacher Sister y. broth bring to the tailor, and when it is complete, the y plate. Mr. Tissa enjoyed the new medicine, master plan tomorrow will offset it.
But, the master was betrayed and dead, reborn a louse in the making of his new medicine. She heard the teacher, dive rolling under the feet of the Bhikkhu-stilts weeping. The Bhikkhu-stilts lo t: table, ma
-Nobody kumquat Tissa when pain physician, the Medical Department of the Sangha, let's share.
The louse la crisis:
-The teacher stripped of my property.
And it has just the ROAR just crawling around the y.
The Religious World sit in divisions, know the happening, and he called A-nan:
-A-nan, please tell them to Increase the Medical Division seven displaced.
False religious teachings to follow. End of day Saturday, the lice die and reborn over the Sun-See. Eighth day, Buddha allowed them to increase the Medical Division.
After the split is complete, the monks chattering:
-Why Germany World Religious orders to the y of Tissa back seven minutes, the eighth day of the new Division.
The Buddha approached the master asked:
-The he gathered here talking?
And when the master tells. He said:
- Tissa was reborn as children in his new medicine. When he divided the y, the louse got angry. It will be located, and he will back the fallen hell. For that reason I said to y. Today, Tissa was being up the sky you see new productivity-allow he retrieved medicine share.
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-World Religion, truth is craving a great suffering.
Buddha confirmed:
-Craving truth is great anxiety problems of beings on the Earth, as the corrosion arising from iron, iron corrosion back, craving arises from beings and taken to hell beings.
Buddha said shelves:
(240) As lightning from iron,
Born again iron iron-eating,
Too, too, favor
Auto industry leads the evil realms.
4. The teacher Bhikkhu Arrogance on stilts
No litigation do business nhớp ...
This story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the master Udàyi.
At the Dormitory-protection, fifty million Buddhists often donation breakfast for monks, and then they brought butter, sesame oil, honey, sugar cane, honey aroma and the need to listen to French essential property. After listening to the finished out on, they praise virtue of two Ton Property-benefits-echo and fake Items-hopea-contact. Master-da-di (Udàyi) heard that and he told them:
-He just listened to two Venerated her fake theory should praise like that, I'm sure if he heard me say France, did praise.
The next day, they sometimes Favor physician-da-di:
-Mr. Suen, today we come to listen to France, after the donation monks is finished, please show respect for our hypothesis.
Master-da-di. Hearing them and pulled to the side of the coach. Master sitting on a Chair, the dash fans, don't know what, only one said:
I'd read a post, let the other person theory.
Master step down. They invited other hearing teaching, and again invited the teacher up reading Chair. Pros-da-di back date:
I will read the notes on tonight, invite others to read notes.
They invited other taste, hearing and night to back seats. The master back to the appointment:
-Tomorrow morning I'll read.
The next morning, I don't read the sentence. The donation credit to angry throw ground, throwing sticks on the master, nhiếc that:
-When we praise virtue of two Ton Property-benefits-echo and fake Items-hopea-contact, say what? Now why do noble?
They fled, chased by master, and the master of falling down a tunnel.
The friendly trust about what happened during the day, said:
When we praise virtue of Property-benefits-echo and fake Items-hopea-contact, favor-da-di birth mind jealousy, announced that he was also the teachers. But when are invited him four times, the French speaking up France to court that said was a question. Being chased and with simple, stone tile, master of falling down the cellar.
The World Religious story. He said the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-This is not the first time, Preference-da-di falling down the cellar, past life him also did so.
Mr. Narrator (Jàtaka 153)
(The tale that, having a boar to challenge with the lion. Before that day it rolling in shit cause both fur are foul, and then to the place of rendezvous. Lions do not dare to go near, let it win).
The lion is the ECHO, pig-benefits-Hostel death-is-da-di.
Buddha comes back shelf between two beasts:
I'm fun, I also,
Come here little lion.
 Why did you flee.
Pork, this stinking, dirty, thick fur.
If you want to compete, we make room for mi.
After teaching such as that, the Buddha says:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, favor-da-di just learned a verse, but never read t ng is a major error.
He said the Dhammapada:
(241) the Court Not to do nhớp,
Don't stand up, dirty,
Indolence to do best to remember,
Ample magnification UE watchmen.
5. Deviant Women's Human
Deviant stigma happy woman ...
This story happened when Germany World Religion in at Lisa, concerning a young Aristocrat (J taka 65).
When Germany World Religion in at Lisa, have a young aristocratic line to marry a fellow woman caste. Not long after that, the wife. Shame for this young adult, dare not meet anyone. Sees the session guy into most wealthy girl to Guy World ceremony, Buddhist Religion, sitting back on one side. The Buddha asked:
-This long, why my absence?
The guy tells a story for the Buddha. He said:
-Right in the past, I've said that: "her Terms change as the River, and the place where angry that they are OK." But because reincarnation reborn obscured mind you, you have forgotten this.
Young guy asks the Buddha tells a story before (Jàtaka 65), He said the shelves:
Like the River, the road, a pub, conference room and warehouse.
She terms the world are like that, never know the forecast.
He taught:
-Like, is the weapon of the UE lewd woman, is the weapon of the UE sẻn popcorn alms, UE is the weapon of the evil beings in this life and the hereafter, but in all UE weapon, ignorance is UE for the weapon.
On teaching the Dhammapada:
(242) Deviant stigma, almond
San nhớp, guys take
Evil is stain,
In this and following life.
(243) in the texture, UE
Ignorance, stigma of paramount,
Soil Ðoạn, Bhikkhu-stilts,
The quadratic no UE.
6. Polite And Rude
Easy to replace, not living Tigers.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the Culla Sàri with fake benefits-Ton Property-the echo.
One day, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts that do the Auditorium, I get food illnesses. On the go master having a false Respect are real, he saith, qifu gangui offers:
-Religion, I have less upper-food donation, patients are not readily available, please eat fake Religion. Other times, if I receive, I will give for the Honor.
False religion is heard, but go no answer. The Bhikkhu-stilts bring the story of the white Buddha Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, people would not know shame, inert trẻn, real polite the live comfortably. Who would honestly and fear of each small error, then the life of leading reservations. He said the Dhammapada:
(244) easy to replace, not living Tigers,
Scurrilous living like crows,
Live the House pushing,
Desperate living, infected cells.
(245), Hard life of shame,
Often the bridge,
Carefree living, modesty,
Clean and bright throughout.
7. All About Banned under his gracious direction hard to Keep.
Anyone in my life. ..
The story occurred when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to five hundred adherents.
There are five hundred adherents, this person just kept about real suicide, others keep only one gender to another. The other day they talking, who would also assume that its hard to keep, work hard for. .. and they come to tell the story of Buddha. Buddha:
No less important is the world, the world would be more important, all the world are hard to keep.
He said the shelf:
(246) Who in his life, survey
Lying is not true,
In life taken not for,
Back with my wife.
(247) drink wine yeast, cooking wine,
People who live their passion so,
Just in this lifetime,
Manually digging through his ancestry.
(248) So people, let's should know,
Do not overpower is evil,
Shalt not to take part in illegal,
Do to the long suffering people.
8. The Errors By Guys
Due credit, Hy.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to Uncle Sa-di Tissa .
The tale that, Sa-di Tissa had the habit of looking for faults in the wrestling product donation of Her independent from Supply, credit's maidservant-even then-residence of five million products, friendly to both dark victory of the King – also anonymously see cons. When getting cold foods cold too, complaining notes when get hot food notes complaining too hot. When little food, I grumbled less stars? And when things get more real, I say sure they buildings in full, or: "They just worship for the master to be supported, the rice porridge this much truth cult is wasted".
But if she mentioned her, I said: "the box! Home of her children I provide adequately for the Sa-TU Phuong subjects ".
Tissa just a gatekeeper. When going by the builders Property, please note-up. The Bhikkhu-stilts seen Uncle always criticize faults and the good of other people, want to find the truth about me, the teacher asks visiting uncle in place and several Sa-di asking the villages:
-Have a Sa-di name Tissa people in this village, who is the uncle of kinship?
The villagers think whispered: "here don't have any noble youth, Sa-di wanted to search?". They said:
-Here, we heard the son of gatekeeper goes by carpenters and renunciation, that is the question.
The Sa-di about art again with the Bhikkhu-stilts that Tissa speaking appearances, the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha. Buddha said:
-This is not the first time Tissa grunts and speaking appearances, past life I have to boast like bragging.
Past storytelling Buddha (Jàtaka Katàhaka). He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, people complained about the real things too much or too little religious consecration, peanut, or does she donation donation other people, he was never proven results.
He said the Dhammapada:
(249) Due credit, Hy heart
New species alms,
Here anyone discontented,
Others are eating,
The day or night,
Not reach the heart.
(250) Who was cut, break,
Take root, spit the mind,
On him or the night,
All to be mindful.
9. Who Suspended Ðễnh
Fire with fire.
This story happened when Germany World Religion in States, involving five people friendly.
When the Buddha in property, there are five essential Complete Period the faithful heard Him preach, they wealthy girl Buddhist ceremonies in France and back to sit on one side. Buddha did not think: "this man-advantage line, the other line of She-la, people now rich, the other poor. We preach to people, not the other person for Faculty ". These things are not related to the subject of Buddha preaching, everyone is equal before the French, and the Buddha taught the same.
But five people sitting in front of Buddha, then guys asleep, then get bươi fingers on the ground, the swinging tree, people will look up into the sky. Only one person listening intently. False religion A-nan stand fan most of Buddha, the gesture of observation in her, and then the white Buddha:
-World Religion, He taught, like rolling thunder, that those sitting hear like that, like that.
-A-nan, he has a bi t they?
-World Religion, no.
-People asleep, did the snake in five hundred, usually the roll I slept so damn also sleep, no word of Him reached his ears.
-World Religion, it happens in many lifetimes or discontinuity?
-Once, this person, a heavenly divine appearances, and other times made solid. Cannot use the position that caodaiists. But in five hundred lifetimes, he's solid and never be bored to sleep.
Hand bươi users of the land, is already five hundred lifetimes do insects crawl in the ground, so now just by ground, listen to Me.
Person or lay twigs, is already five hundred lifetimes do monkeys, and because the chain branched habit, should present for grasping tree branches, don't listen to me.
People look up, as did five hundred lifetimes do astrologer, should also look up, not listening to what they say.
Who sat listening intently, as did five hundred lifetimes do Ba-la-keeper read Vedic chant so today also attentively as are reading Your message.
-World Religion, teaching Him penetrate deeply forked bone leather like, why are these people not attentively listening to?
-A-nan, he thought I was easy to listen to teachings?
-World Religion, He said that the hard of hearing be?
-Thats right.
-Why, Bach World Religion?
-A-nan, the beings in samsara endlessly not heard the name Tam, so now not able to listen to the Dhamma. These beings within this electronic birth extremely familiar just hearing the voice of beast. Moreover, they are spending time in eating, playing, dancing, singing, should not be listening to the Dhamma.
-World Religion, for whatever reason they can't hear?
-A-nan, because of craving, because anger, because of delusion. So, do not fire by fire burning, craving love not a little ash. At the time of the fire, the fire burned ear fuck the whole world is not a joke, but this fire burning within just seven Suns, and only fire in any weather. The fire left no craving at would not fire. So I say don't fire with fire, craving not pinchers with anger, do not mesh with the passion, not the River would by craving.
He said the Dhammapada:
(251) the fire would take part with fire!
Accept with anger!
The grid would mesh si!
The River with the river rea!
10. Fake Head Ram
Easy instead see an error.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in Jàtiyàvana near the Canvas-theme (Bhaddiya), related to the fake Head Ram.
The context:
10A. World Religion Visit Head Fake Ram
Early life, when the Buddha traveled through of Anguttaras, He noticed the people in the family of Major Ram fake has a charm-da-fruit syndrome. He faked his wife's Chief Candapadumà, his son is Chief author Dhananjiya, daughter-in-law Sumanà Devì, Visàkhà, girl I Punna. Noticed like that, You go to the Bhaddiya, implied in the forest of Jàtiyà (Jàtiyàvana). Fake Chief Ram heard Buddha comes to visit. But why was he named Ram ?
In addition to title:
10B. Head Fake Ram And the sheep with gold.
Following his home over here, in the broad courtyard eight models, have the sheep with gold to equal the elephant, horse, or water buffalo. They ploughed the land, back to Africa African quarter-tossing, punch back into each other. When the fake Head Ram need butter, oil, honey, or sugar cane honey, or food, or he should dress, silver or gold, he just put a ball by just bands on his mouth, Word of mouth we will flush out enough all the things needed for people throughout the Match-matching-theme, although only retrieved in a child. Such is the reason he is called Ram (Sheep). But what he did in the past?
Past stories:
10 c. how Fake Chief Ram Have Enacted Sheep with gold?
At the time of Buddha Bhikkhu-she-contest, he is the grandson of a man named Avaroja, he also named Avaroja. The person you intended construction Interior scent for Buddha, Avaroja I came to Avaroja you, suggest:
-Sir, we collaborate to build flavor.
-We do not want to share the job for anyone.
The person you're replying to. I think secretly: "as soon as the finished interior, flavor will have an elephant barn here." The guy put the lumberjack saws, building columns, stored in an elephant camp with all the rafters, Sesame, hand blow rui, the doors, Windows, floors, roofs are silver, gold treasure-filled carefully. So, faced with the loss of flavor As Lai is an elephant barn for you, decorated with furniture. On the roof of the barn has a gold Tower, top of the tower by the coral. The guy put a tent between trees West 55 mph by jewel, hidden in court sitting. The Court then has four feet by four feet, below the net gold chairs have four sheep, two sheep leg support golden yellow stats. Six sheep surrounded by Golden West 55 mph. Carpeted Chair by hand is just gold, silver, wooden chair backs just fried.
When complete, the young elephant tent open celebrating, he sometimes Buddha and six hundred eighty thousand tastes Bhikkhu-stilts donation of eight months. The last day, a religious guy surges each Bhikkhu-stilts three y, and only one y for each Sa-di was well worth a hundred thousand gold coins. After doing what Germany like in the time of Buddha Bhikkhu-she-contest, Avaroja I have rebirth realms, realm. And this bitch is famous fake wealth of three-dollar complaint.
Past stories
10 d. why Head Fake Ram And Family investors can Enable color?
One day, the Chief author of Ram to the Imperial Palace, against whom the Royal priest, he asked:
-Teacher, master had astronomical viewing?
-Sir, what do you need?
-Please indicate the fate of the country.
-There will be disaster.
-When the occur?
-Three more years there will be famine.
Head fake and he heard about many cultivated rice ordered home, take off your property buying rice, construction one thousand two hundred and fifty containers grain granary, fill, and spill more on lu bury jugs, how much he mixed with clay, built into the wall.
After a time, famine struck, he brought rice reserve number out to eat. When eating food is exhausted, he calls to bereaved relatives and said:
-Go into the mountains that make the food. When famine through return. If do not want to go where I liked the stay.
All progeny with in out, just left the Chief's wife, son, daughter-in-law, and a housekeeper Punna stayed with him, all five people. After eating off the land, buried under the rice they pried open the walls, underground water, rice gatherers on the plate each out to eat. Raging hunger wall and rice as well. Only one liter of rice at last, Ms. Head fake fear identity theft, put in suits, cover buried under the ground.
When he was Minister in the Palace of the King, asked his wife:
-She, I'm hungry, what to eat?
-And a little rice buried under the ground.
-Please dig up and cooking.
-If I cook the porridge eaten two packed, if cooking rice only a packed. Follow?
-Now we have nothing, only meal and then waiting to die, only rice.
His wife cooked rice, divided into five parts, and put part of Mr Head fake before his eyes.
On the mountain at the Qianwei County-da (Grandhamàdana) has a Buddhist Mural Chi added, he never gets hungry, but if He's out, soon he will starve because the stomach back. At the time He observes view where possible qifu gangui. (The beings would rise rice for him after college will be blessed quote Commander or peer level).
The Buddha Mural only use natural label observe the world, You find that a terrible hunger happened on the neck frill-fits-topic, and at the head of the fake Freddie was still only five people with a quart of rice. Whether they have sufficient credit to cosy up to him? Found them very successfully, and he credits offset ink y, bring the bowl to door Head fake.
When he saw the fake Buddha Head, his heart full of joy: "because of the past we never worship surges should now bear new horrible famine, rice-only section to help us live a day, if the donation we will escape being round Buddha in many lifetimes".
Think so, he invited the Buddha to the House, wealthy girl in ceremony in land, sometimes You sit, wash water, millet by foot the Golden mattress, and sớt rice into the bowl of Buddha when he was sớt. half, Germany Flanges cover Bowl with your hand, Chi expressed do not get more. He heads the white Buddha author:
-Sir, we in the General one liter of rice, part of this rice is one of the five sections is divided into. I don't want to do two sớt, I want to worship You all seem to be, I'm not expecting Him to ban blessings for your life now.
Say he took off in a bowl of rice and Buddhist prayer:
-Sir, looking forward to that where would the rebirth, I'll never be hungry like the present. You will have enough food for everyone throughout the Match-matching-theme. You don't have to do three back boxing to live. you will have a thousand two hundred fifty granary, after sweeping clean, shampoo and baby sitting in front of the depot, right at that grain would fall full of treasures lẫm. Where would my rebirth, my wife is this wife, son, daughter-in-law and the servant is the people.
Fake Chief wife thought: "I will not eat when my husband suffer from hunger". And she also thinks his rice portions for the consecration of Buddha, with the prayer:
-Where would the rebirth, you can't take a second famine. You have the right to use a rice bowl for all people on the Match-matching-theme, for how much discretion that rice bowl is still full. Volunteers who would be my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and is in the child's life.
The son he pseudo Chief also worship his rice portions with the prayer:
-I'm never hungry like this. You will have the power only with a bag of money a thousand which alms to all those in the Match-matching-theme, for how much discretion, money bags still filled. My father, my mother, my wife, who is assisting these people.
Daughter-in-law also worship his rice portions to the Buddha with the prayer:
-Never been famine. You will have a basket of paddy seed packaging provided for everyone does not go away. Where would the regeneration, who is the father of my husband, mother-in-law, and the maid's husband.
The Punna also worship his rice portions for Buddha Mural Genus with prayer:
-You'll never be hungry. When the plough lands, three sides, three plough garden beds raised bed plough plow a road on the left and middle, both seven road plowing are few hand span wide.
Although he can aspired to do Total Commander, but because of the emotional contact with his master, he vows: "who is the boss, mistress."
When each play, Buddha Mural Genus are says:
-Will be?
And he said thanks by the shelf according to the way a Mural of Buddha, then Spending the thought silently: "our obligation is to satisfy aspirations of these beings". He silently told "let these people look upon us until the Mount of Qianwei County-da". He flies up nowhere and they stand by. Arrival, He divided the rice in the bowl for five hundred Ridiculous Genus Buddha, due to the force of him fully for all rice. Five people stand still and see clearly.
At the Sun at noon, his wife was too fake Head wash rice cooker, cover and put them away. He heads the starving, fake out to sleep. Sees, he woke his wife, call:
-She, I am starving, she left pieces of elderberry would in the pot?
She advised that he had washed the pot put them away, certainly no longer a wart burned would, but instead of saying: "no longer anything", she said:
-I will try.
She walks to the place took off the pot, turn the lid off, and right then, the rice cooker is full of lovely, fragrant, kid beyond, the rice cooker lid both team mouth avail spilling over.
Witness the strange, her whole body vibration excited, she called her husband:
-He was up, I washed the pot put them away, which is now fully back on rice pot, fragrant ngut. This is a result of the blessed, blessed fruits of the donation. Wake up, eat, Sir.
She brought the rice for my husband and son. When they ate, she ate together with his bride, and then for the Punna. Although by how much rice cooker nor rising, for a emotion, the rice the other patch patch. On that day, all just lẫm in his Home Depot rice full of paddy. He heads the False rao over the city: "rice paddy complete in his Head, all who want to use just to get".
People rushed to get rice, and all the Matches-match are paddy rice.
He heads the author after his death, reborn into realms, the who, at the time the current Buddha, being the wealthiest family in Bhaddiya. His wife is also a current wife early, both sons, daughter-in-law, Punna. Due to the above quote Phuoc, the sheep of gold appeared in his home.
10E. Major Gi Ram And Family Perform Magic
One day, head fake Ram wants to retry his power. He wiped out a thousand two hundred and fifty rice warehouse, shampooing, and sits at the mouth of each warehouse look, immediately the lẫm are full of rice. He told his wife, daughter-in-law and the try of his power.
Splendid decorative wife, sitting in the gate of the House, holding a Golden Spoon rao:
-Who needs to rice.
Mrs. sớt rice-filled on the vase and bowls brought to, all who are to come. Throughout the day the rice basket of not less.
(At the time a vassal state of Buddha, on this occasion, Ms. rice rises to them Increased, with the hand holding the left hand, spoon the rice basket handbags. Thus, where the Palm of her left hand marked with Lotus flowers, palms face accented round moon. As she surges of water for monks, go to, go forth, then shower and marks the sign of the Moon appeared in the feet. So she called Candapadumà (the Moon).
Sons carried the bag of money out for a thousand Guineas, alms for everyone, and never in the bag well enough for a thousand Guineas. Daughter-in-law splendid makeup, also provided paddy seed for everyone, Paddy still not ahead.
The page also points out, catching a golden yoke plowing up her gold gown, gold cord onto the cows themselves it and lead out of their fields. Each line is seven ploughs, ploughs the clamp three line to the left, and a plow in the middle.
As such, all the people on the Match-match are all human food, like rice, gold and silver from the Chief delight.
End Of Story:
10F. The head Fake Ram Sees Met Buddha
When the fake Head powerhouses heard Germany the duty counsel to come into, he go to visit Buddhist. Out of the way, he met a group of layman prevents:
This fake, he Head-where to go? He believed God had Fallen without visiting the Abbreviated-talks, people don't believe this.
Although they tried, he still didn't reply to their membranes. He went to the Buddha and respectful ceremony, wealthy girl, sitting on one side. Buddha sermon, heard he attended the result saved credentials is completed. He narrates the word opposed, defamation of a foreign leader for Buddha. Buddha:
This author, who Head-he saw his error despite major errors, while others are not bugs, they also tried the bar guys, as a fan of paddy husk search.
He said the Dhammapada:
(252) quick-change saw the error,
His new found hard errors,
People search, brake fault
As in rice husks ready,
Also cloaking his error,
As crooks hide the post.
11. Bhikkhu Stilts By Errors
Anyone found guilty of the ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to the false Religion called People Search error, Ujjhànasannì .
This fake religion often looked red error of the Bhikkhu-stilts, the master says:
-This upper extension Master y, the other teacher down like other medical relief.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, false Religion, like him.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who would fulfill his obligation and advised others like that, that people not see the error. Who would have seen the error, search for the error, and the error class, rao Moss go people never achieve little enlightenment, only the growth in pollution.
He taught the Dhammapada:
(253) Who saw the error of the person,
Often being criticized, crush
He smuggled or increase,
So far smuggled or removal.
12. Nowhere Had the footprint?
Nowhere does the footprint ...
The story happen, related artist Tu-bi-du da-la (Subhadda). When Germany World Religion coming to enter the forest, Sa-la as Sentence-contest. The tale that when the front of the Tu-made canvas nine times the early harvest for the Buddha, did not agree and Tu-bi declined, finally good. So he does not meet World Religion at him just the leader and preacher. At the end, He sees the near extermination, he thought himself a new entry: "I have three things. And have asked the elders to solve. At the Sa-Limited disciplines-young talks should not to ask. Now time Nirvana coming, if we do not ask, then will regret ".
He goes to A fake Religion Buddha-nan stop him again, but the Buddha said:
-A-nan shalt not prevent Tu-bi-da-la, let him into the ladies asked.
Tu-canvas in, sat at the foot of the bed and asked the Buddha:
-Sir, is there any way on the air? There are people who would be called Sa-subjects outside legitimacy? Compounded vi school exists?
Buddha he did these things, he could not preach with shelf:
(254) nowhere, no footprints,
In addition to the Chief Justice, no Sa-Mon.
Beings like hý comment,
As lai, hý comment except.
(255) nowhere, no footprints,
In addition to this, no Sa-Mon.
The practice is not permanent,

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