Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XXII. Assisting The Food Hell
1. The death of Sun CE Da Seat
Lie fallen hell ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, linked to a pagan Religion-name artists du da-seat.
When Germany World Religion in the Sangha at the same Period, He received the donation of much respect par a flood caused by the water of the rivers Wuhe surges the same weekly (five great rivers), and the pagan sects before the presence of his Excellency, becoming eclipsed as the lamp before sunlight. They lost both the attendance and reputation. Day, they each meeting, taunting:
-From the Sa-Limited-subject talks appear, we lose the most profit and honor, before we presented cult, now nobody wanted to know us. We have to find a way to break the reputation and profit which y are. Who will be the person who can do this?
They talk to each other and the doctor travel:
-Had a female Religious artists-da-du capital, she will do so.
And when Vedic Religion-seat to their monastery, nobody told her a reply. She asked to two, three times they still silent thinh. She then asked:
-Gentlemen, anyone has hurt you?
-I don't see Sa-Limited-subject talks did us damage, deprived of any profit, reputation, which we have from before?
-What can you do?
-You have great beauty, stylishly, please do take honors Sa-Limited-subject talks, make the people rumored not good and lost his rights reputation.
Ton-da-seat accepted.
Then, every afternoon, when people go to hear back into France, they see Religion-da-seat extravagant makeup goes toward the States, with floral, aromatic oil, cream, pollen, camphor, fruits. And when they ask:
-Where to go?
She answered:
Having him place-talks-I have the habit of staying alone in the Interior flavor throughout the night.
And then she came to a layman in the back. The next morning, again opposite way back into. If anyone asks:
-Religion-da-seat, she goin'?
She answered:
-I have stayed the night in the Interior of the Abbreviated flavor-just talks alone and now back.
A few days later, pagan groups give money to some of you and said:
-Let's kill Ton-da-seat, and then throwing her body where the trash near the incense of Abbreviated-talks.
We follow orders. walk-in tours And the pagan started mosses rao:
-Religion-da-seat missing.
They ask the King. The King asked:
-The person who has the doubt?
-A few days ago, she is still in the night in the essential Members, from which Period Amnesty happen what, we don't know.
-Like, let's go look.
Enacted by the King's command, they gathered disciples into States Members messing around, and found the corpse Ton-da-seat is located in the Junk pile in essential. They just toss on the body, ask the King:
-Ibm disciple of Sa-Abbreviated subject-talks have told myself: "we will cover the Bad Religion have done". So they kill Ton-da-seat and threw the body into the trash heap.
Judge King:
-Let people know.
The layman take Moss rao over:
-Look at the actions of the mob Sa-disciple lineage Like death.
With the libel analogy, they passed over, and then return to the Palace of the King. The King ordered the latest corpse Ton-da-seat on the ground stake, cutting the guards. Part of the Dormitory-protection, except the Holy disciples, were booed:
-Look, hordes of disciples like line did so.
In addition, the city, in the forest, in the neighbourhood, they are yanked yelled at the Sa-Mon. The master to the white Buddha, Buddha:
-The he harshly condemned what they do. He said the shelf:
(306) lying, fallen to hell,
Do not do,
Both died, peer
Do people, career down.
The King for detectives investigating the death of Ton-da-seat. Meanwhile, they're getting money and then get drunk walk-in travel drunk, quarrelsome. They are saying to each other:
-Some brainstorming killed Ton-da-seat, throw some brainstorming identified Saudi on piles of garbage. Some brainstorming is more money tha outdoor drinking. Investors can! Investors can!
Instant detective tied to them, before the King. The King asked:
-Kill Religion-da-seat?
-My Lord Yes.
-Who hired the person?
-The foreign teacher.
The King asked the layman to catch up in the ad must be as follows:
-We kill Religion-da-seat to humbled Sa-Abbreviated subject-radio. SA-Mon and disciple no errors whatsoever.
They must enforce the order on, crowds delirious again follow. The layman b punished severely, and from there, the Buddha's honor back added.
2. Dry Bone Demon
Many coffee's sa ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in at Lisa, contact to the beings were bitten badly by the evil industry.
One day, when down the mountain with elders Lakkhana, false Religious Items-hopea-see the demons shape only dried skeletons unto Him, smiling. When asked, the fake Religion only:
-Parent, ask it not rejoice over This here. When would come before Germany World Religion we will discuss.
And, to the essential, before the Buddha, Lakkhana elders ask it. The fake religious Items-hopea-answered that he saw the demon bone dry. He also tells more:
-When I down the mountain, I also see a body flying through the subjects of Sa-fire.
And also a few more times, pundits saw the demons form Sa-keeper with the Bowl y, all caught fire. Entertainment, the Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts that: "The monks, the Buddhist period Ca-Romaine was joined but did not fulfill his duties".
He stressed to the results reported for the evil the Bhikkhu-stilts value for presence are clear, and said the shelf:
(307) many coffee shirt sa,
Happy evil not stock photography.
Evil people, evil, do
Are contentious realms of hell.
3. Tricks in search of food
Better to swallow the iron ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in property Australian Crystal Lam (Mahàvana) near the Bhikkhu property-related, glass-to the Bhikkhu-stilts Vaggumudàtiriya .
The Bhikkhu-stilts Vaggumudàtiriya often compliment each other that this result, the other evidence results in the presence of renunciation, for them to dedicate worship to eat delicious food. The Buddha knew, and he asked the master:
Hey you! There is real just because the stomach which he praised each other in front of renunciation to their delicious food, cosy surges?
-Sir, of the White World Religion!
The Buddhist master, rebuke them then and said the shelf:
(308) the better to swallow the iron,
Fire red flashes,
More about evil, let go of the lung,
Of food to eat.
4. United States workplace relations Guys
Four of the victims wait.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States Members, contact to Khema, fake, I Granted independent from Her.
Khema is a handsome guy maize. When ladies meet Guy love adored. Khema then again pursue his wife. One night, the King's men captured him, the guy comes in front of the King. The King felt concerned instead of the fake Captain's reputation should not say anything, let the guy out. Khema evidence challenged thing anyway.
The second, the third, the guy still getting caught, and the King also freed. Talk to the Chief, he brought the fake ear came to Germany in world Religion, presents the story and Bach:
-Please Respect the world teaching German for it.
The Buddha arouse conscience Khema and only for teacher guy mistake when pursuing his wife who by the Dhammapada:
(309) the four victims wait person,
Ample magnification according to the wife,
Stuck Accelerator, NAP,
Been cooking is Tuesday,
Ðọa hell, four things.
(310), the evil beast, fallen
Afraid, at least,
Of the critical penalty,
OK so according to my wife.
Past stories:
4A. The Curse Of Khema
The time of the Buddha Ca-Romaine, Khema is a champion on the other guy, hanging two flags of his party awards the Golden towers of the Buddha, and the prayer: "let all women, except for female personal old-world and her children dear, when seeing me all dotted". Thus, although the reborn where, guy was also all her love.
5. Mr. Sa Extra Courses
As the awkward holding sa ... grass
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, linked to a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
The tale that, a Bhikkhu-stilts missed hand made off a haywire. The master guilty conscience revive to a brother, narrates the story and asked:
-Mr. huynh, Bhikkhu-stilts made off grass, right?
The other teacher answered:
-Do not matter when that break the grass plants will suffer the consequences. Just out is the confession be sins.
Say, I spit a brush, throw away. The Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha Buddha Bhikkhu master rebuke.-extra heavy self on stilts, and says the Dhammapada:
(311) As grass (Kusa) awkward to grasp,
All were definitive sketch of hands.
Sa-Ta subjects isn't happy,
All were fallen to hell.
(312) lecherous Life let go of lung,
According to the forbidden world of pollution,
Live happy suspected Offense,
Why is the big result.
(313) need to do, should do,
Do take advantage of the same ability.
Lecherous life spice,
Only increase the chaos life.
6. Jealous Wife
Happy should not do evil ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, linked to a jealous wife.
M t he husband's affair with a maidservant to help the House. His wife knows, and he tied the maidservant, cropped ears, nose cut, locked up in the room sealed shut the door. To conceal the crime, she asked her husband to go to France. The two spouses to the essential, to sit on the assemblies. Meanwhile, there are few people your side my wife to come home to visit. They open the door, saw the cruel scene, and he opened the tie for her I'm a girl. She came to the essential, to report things to the Buddha and the Sangha. Listen, the Buddha teaches:
-Should not work evil though small, thinking that no one knows. With the Protestants, although not known should still do. Evil actions although obscure regretful later. Also good action makes us happily.
He said the shelf:
(314), should not do Evil,
Done good gauge of crime,
Happy, but should do,
Done, does not repent.
Last posting by France, the couple attended the result-proof. They charged me for her daughter's freedom and her Guide according to the Chief Justice of France.
7. Guard Yourself As keep up
As in the border ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, involving some Bhikkhu-stilts.
Some of the Bhikkhu-stilts to settle in a border town. The first month passed an extremely fine. But, secondly, we're thieves attacked the town and arrested a number of people hostage. Since then, people are busy, defense against thieves, and now no longer care to food supplies for the master. The master spent those months real insecurity.
Settle is complete, the master back to the essential Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, Period residences, lui sits on one side. The Buddha asked intimate visits:
-You get an OK?
-World Religion, the first really an okay. But in the months after the heist is raging, people don't have time where worries for us. It's time to take.
-Do not copy. You do not sorrow. Not always easy to find the place completely settled as Italy. But be as populated towns of their defense, each teacher Bhikkhu-stilts to guard his self.
He said the shelf:
(315) As in the border,
In addition to all,
 Likewise, households,
Suicide na shalt not let go of the lung,
The moment passed, melancholy,
When fall into hell.
8. The Dao Singer Accomplice Able
Tiger Tiger again not worth ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the Taoist sect-na, accomplice picture layman-qian'an County-Prince. One day the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts see Ni-sect Taoist qian'an County-Prince, were chattering together.
This parent, the Chu-Ni-hopea-this death easier to see the Taoist sect Acelaka (Lo-elderly-na). Some of the other completely naked, while the evil-less e-mail qian'an County are also a little fabric covered fuselage, help look embarrassed.
The Ni-hopea-death story said:
-Not because of the shame that we cover. Just because the dirt is also the owner of sexual beings have life, lest they fall into the food that we brought a piece of cloth.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, some agree with reasons above, others disagree, keep talking forever. After all, all come to Buddha, ladies out stories, Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who would disgrace when not put to shame, and don't feel ashamed when need to disgrace, will bear the agony later on.
He said the shelf:
(316) not Tiger, Tiger again,
The shameful, not,
Due to the acceptance of deviant comments,
Go evil beings.
(317) scary, Not afraid,
Ðáng fear, again see,
Due to the acceptance of deviant comments,
Go evil beings.
9. The children refuge in Buddha
Not an error, see the error again ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in States, related to some foreign artists.
There are a bunch of children playing together, the pagan House and the Buddhists. When the children go home, pagan parents not to greet the Buddha's disciples and subjects-not on the essential. They caught them to keep the oath. And to day, when the children playing near residences, were essential States thirst. The children have a pagan you Buddhists into dormitories please drink. I'm on the essential, the German Religious World encounter and tell the story for you to hear
-Drinking water is finished, the children came out calling for you on this drink.
They're all on met Buddha. Mr. tell the children hear a story easier to understand, lectures, making the children have strong beliefs and then led the children refuge and keep. The pagan children home, recounts the story of three cheek. They are angry, weeping moaning:
-We follow the master.
Meanwhile, a few neighbors are intellectual, to pacify them, explains them. As long as that, they noticed the Dharma and he decided: benefits
-We only give to you follow the guidance of his Abbreviated-talks.
With her children their line, they take each other to the Buddhist ceremony, listening to French essential property. Buddha Center observations of them and he brought the teaching shelves:
(318) Not the error, see the error again,
Have not found error,
Due to the acceptance of deviant comments,
Go evil beings.
(319) in error, know there are errors,
No sorry, know,
Because the Chief Justice accepted opinion,

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