Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

III. Product Center
1. Elders Meghiya
The Center startled agitated ...
World Religion taught this when implied volatility on the mountain Càlikà related to the fake Religious Meghiya .
Elders Meghiya being toxic triangle taking the pitch si harassed can't meditate essential forests in Mango, should return to the place That Religion.
World Religion taught him:
- Meghiya, he committed a great error. We have that we're only alone, he should stay to wait until there is another to go stilts-Bhikkhu. But he does not care to answer, just do. A Bhikkhu-stilts should never leave Us that when We ask in return. A Bhikkhu-stilts should never to mind Italy lead like that. When Italian agitated, we always knew tame.
And world Religion say two sentences the Dhammapada:
(33) the Center startled agitated,
The hard, hard stock photography,
The center position is straight,
Such as the name, as the name.
(34) as fish toss up the shore,
Throw out the marine world,
This powerful, swim Center
Take a piece of ghost powers.
When the World ended the sentence, Respect elders Meghiya testifying effects save Ii syndrome and many other fruits and berries.
2. The person Who Authorised Reading
Hard to hold, contempt.
The Buddha teaches this sentence when in Residence-protection, related to a Bhikkhu-stilts.
In the King's origin-anonymously, at the foot of a mountain, there is a village of settle the name Màtika. After receiving consulates meditation topics from Buddha, a sixty day Bhikkhu-stilts to qifu gangui's village. The mother of the hamlet Chief Màtika see associated invite Bhikkhu-stilts sitting, seemingly cooked porridge rising really delicious with selected spices, and enquire. Know the Bhikkhu-stilts look for a suitable place to settle in the wet season, she planted her foot down they ladies sometimes:
-Chu Bhikkhu-stilts here settled down in three months, I will observe five precepts and rules of Freemasonry, and will fulfill the duty day.
The Bhikkhu-stilts. With the help of Ms. they will out of worry about eating, and can get birth certificate. tu
The mother of the Màtika construction is finished, the procession essential XA Bhikkhu-stilts in. They remind each other:
-Lettered fraternity! We should not launch because ample living in front of us is the eight gates of hell open always proudly as the door. We've got the subject of meditation and Respect from the Consulate. Headless Buddha's grace cannot come up with the lies, though he had the step by the footprint of the Mr. Only when under the new Buddha are lettered Italian grace of the Lord. So we have to keep the buds. The two were not standing on stilts-Bhikkhu or a place to sit. We just have to meet in the afternoon to serve elders and early in the morning before going to qifu gangui. At other times, we are not gathered. If any Bhikkhu-stilts sick, take him to the front terrace of the essential and Bell, at which we will converge to the worry cure.
They all agree.
One afternoon, mothers of Màtika brings butter, sugar cane and other food security together hordes of servants to the essential. Don't see the silhouette of the Bhikkhu-stilts, she surprised and ask the Bhikkhu-stilts have defined together like that, and she has been advised to please Bell if want to meet them. When the bell rang, the idea that there are sick people. The Bhikkhu-stilts from place itself to meeting before the stadium property, no two crystals Bhikkhu-stilts to the same line. She found such renunciation back guess they quarrel, should increase them she finished raising ceremony, wealthy girl ask:
-You have an argument to false Religion, no?
Why when we came home, you go that now every one from his own place to one by one?
-Homeless artist! We are meditating in private interiors.
-Meditation is, false Religion, why?
-We practice thirty two elements of the body, from which a clear awareness of the destructive removal is located in the trunk.
-False Religion, the only Client He recently allowed to practice, and we have allowed?
-French tu does not prohibit stop anyone, Sir!
-So please teach me the fake Religious followers.
-Well done!
Finished school she started practicing about thirty-two elements of the body. As a result, even before the Bhikkhu-stilts, she certified results A-na-ham reached the quarter finals and the other information higher than God.
From my peace of the result, because the want to know at any of his sons (she loved the Bhikkhu-stilts and viewed them as a child), she used the Heavenly label look and see that they are still tied in the yard of si, while meditating but has yet to reach Intelligent observation. She wonders not knowing they can afford A proof-la-and see that they don't have. Appropriate accommodations or not? Case hearing. You board the tu are worthy or not? There. There's enough food or not? Not enough.
She provided for the Bhikkhu-stilts variety of porridges picked all the hard and soft food, flavoring in a variety of spices. The Bhikkhu-stilts receives the good food, the mind becomes quiet, and because of their Clever opening retreats, the intelligence surveillance A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
Most of the time settled the free ceremony Quartet is completed, the Bhikkhu-stilts from the pounding she Màtika about the visit of world Religion. She seeing a ramp and request they season the following year settled back.
Property-protection, sees the Bhikkhu-stilts that Religious ceremonies and respectful, wealthy girl sitting on one side. Buddha enquire:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts Look he has drawn healthy, are fully fostered, not worry about eating.
The Bhikkhu-stilts ladies:
-We are healthy, the White World Religion, is fostering full and off worry about eating is thanks to the mother of the Màtika know the mind of the US. She cooked our dishes correct thinking.
A Bhikkhu-stilts heard her brother praises her renunciation features the home laboratory, want to place it. He was the subject of meditation from the consistent Respect and please go. Leaving the States-members, he came to the village of Màtika. Step into essential, he started to think she was this renunciation knows the mind of the others sure will understand that we go to tedious line can not be sweeping, and surely she will tell people magazine. Ah she. And so this means to stilts-Bhikkhu drinking water can drinking water, thinking of porridge with more butter the same delicious food right, want instant hard also, wanted to see her spread even with soft food flavoring with selected spices, she personally brought to the right. When finished eating, Bhikkhu-stilts asked her:
-Homeless musician, she is the mother of Màtika ?
-Are children.
-You know the Italian mentality to other people?
-Why are you asking me that?
-Because she gives me everything I want.
-There are many Bhikkhu-stilts know Italian the other person.
-I do not ask other people, I asked her.
Ms. Màtika avoid not confirm that I read was the thought of others, instead she said:
-Those who do not know the other people thought so, my new friend.
Locate Bhikkhu-stilts feel confused. He thought: "who has certified results are intimate ideas can you high or despicable. If we start to think a thought sin, sure she as going in pads, will grasp the right Spire, summarized both the cover and being such a snatch thief, Oh disservice! Thirty-six designers have only got the very best. "
He retired from the Dame upasaka back World Respect, and recounts. World Religion:
-On stilts, where only-Bhikkhu is where he should stay.
-I can not, Bach World Religion! I don't want to stay there anymore.
-So Bhikkhu-stilts! He has been the only one watching or not?
-What is the Meaning, the White World Religion?
-Guarded his mind. Italian is very difficult to control. Ðứng think something more tame, the mind because the mind is often perturbed.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(35) hard to hold, contempt,
According to the education reeling,
Instead of healing, subduing the mind,
The center of things, peace comes.
And That Religion teaches Bhikkhu-stilts continue back to the old place, and should not think of anything else besides watch the mind of his idea. She knew before renunciation Bhikkhu-stilts coming back, should prepare delicious food, cosy, and surges in just a few days he certified results A-la-Han. France's tasted tribe of the result and a gratitude her renunciation, he wanted to know in the past she has been helping yourself or not. He recalled being ninety-nine before and found she was his wife, but only love for another man, and she had him killed. The wicked truth!
Her renunciation sitting at home observed Bhikkhu-stilts have reached to rescue leader, wing and also know as he recalls the ninety-nine before and know the mind of her evil past. She then recalled to fuck a hundred things she is his wife, and in the circumstances to kill her husband, she was spared. She said taste sailings Bhikkhu-stilts remember to reincarnations further and observe the work. Thanks to heaven through the Atrium, the Bhikkhu-stilts heard her and follow. He realized the result she was assisting his renunciation. He answers her renunciation of the problems related to the A-la-Han. Then, he enter the Invisible balance y Nirvana.
3. A Bhikkhu Stilts Discontent
Mind the inconspicuous, the delicate ...
Buddha this sentence when implied volatility in the States-Members because a Bhikkhu-stilts.
In defense, the son of a Residence-the Attorney General of archives to locate elders often qifu gangui his home reality, please teach your way out negativity. Elders advised him to take alms things like food divided by votes, on food culture and thirty rooms, dormitories in the rainy season to settle, y Bowl and other needs. He also taught should divide the property into three, in part to making a living, a part intended for his wife, and the third part donate Said.
He enforced the right teachings, and then came back to the elders, ask to do anything anymore. He teaches you keep Tam quy Ngu. And he further recommended the h i keep ten precepts, so he completes this German work slowly to Germany should be called Anupubla. He continued to ask elders and are taught is should. He immediately renounced the worldly monk, and under the tutelage of a Catholic attorney familiar life and an organ through law in Tibet. After rounding the duty to life Education English ladies sometimes and are taught in Tibetan:
-In Buddhist teachings da this is true of France, the other thing is not true for France.
If the ladies with a visiting Executive law was also taught in Tibetan law:
-Da Buddha teachings In this legitimate, the other thing improper.
Time passed, he felt depressed because hard mission with monks. I want to get that now even possible to stretch the hand also there. Living life homeless singer has also been freed negativity. So he intends to complete the procedure.
From there he discontent and discomfort in practice, not thirty-two factors anymore, nor listen to teachings. His face becomes Weasley, wrinkled cheeks, venation green, hard press, filled with people saying we're rubbish. Those who practice and Sa-di asking, he also tells the truth is is discontent. They give life and the Church law of England or, and this two take you to World Religion. He narrates his Center intended to complete the procedure, the Buddha said:
-Bhikkhu-stilts! If he guarded was a work only, then off to need attention to other things.
-What is that, dear World Religion?
-You can watch the mind did he?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-Fins, he guarded his mind.
You show respect say the Dhammapada:
(36) the mind, the inconspicuous, the delicate
According to the sex-mad,
The hedge positions,
Center for peace to the household.
4. increase the Nephew
Running away to live alone.
World Religion taught words when in Residence-guard relating to Mr. Rose (Sangharakkhita ).
The Dormitory-there's a guy guard in his family, after listening to That Religion, has abandoned the world, get to the Sangha, fulfill his duty, and in just a few days a prime result and A-la-Han. Such is the elders Increasing Households.
The youngest sister of elders being boys also named Increase Households, i.e. increase the nephew. Sees the age Increase nephew joined the Sangha by elders, and when rounding the duty, he settled throughout the summer in the village clinic. Get two Ministry of health dedicated to Bhikkhu-stilts wore during the rainy season, a long seven cubits, one of eight cubits long, he chose the long-intended for worship the stems rise to his professor and between the short, Complacency, he left the property to visit ejaculation master, just go, just real qifu gangui. Sees where he washed the feet of water, taking the sweeping, compose the seat for elders and sit watching the way elders will go through. He came, his elders enforce, bowls and medical clinic invited to sit. Then he took the fan palm-leaf fans for elders, drinking water, water washing feet, finally, placing the foot medical surges Presbyterian ladies:
-False Religion! Please preserve this y!
-Increased Households! We're all right, you keep wearing medical enough y!
-False Religion, self at the specified child y received consecration to him. Please get to.
-Do not worry, we have enough households to Increase y.
-Religion, please do not refuse. He received the medical will be blessed baó.
Despite repeated nephew Increase request many times, elders still reject the medicine. He has just fans for elders happy horizontal ngỗn cent clue: "at left is renunciation, spice, the same in General, but the elders still don't want a teacher got us donation. So we stay here longer, we should do what tu complete. " But he was worried, not knowing back in the home country will live. Well, we're going to sell the eight cubits long to buy this medicine a goat. There are goats that much then we sell goats, so the bag will fade, some wealth to the place. Then we will find a wife, the wife will give birth to a child. Then the next picture in turn appear in the head. He and his wife pushed the baby out of the car to visit his uncle, walked to chat:
-Hey, take me for a little child I would!
-Stories, closing it do here that pushes this car!
Mouth closing hands, she told vộ how do quính soldier fell tọt the baby down the road just below the wheel. He's angry at Christmas a stick on her back, and a fight fan palm leaves also fly down the top of the elders. Consistent and elders understand thing, said:
-Increased Households! He did not hit the woman, but an old Presbyterian did nothing to deserve to eat a stick?
Young tank panic:
-Oh! We're dead! We had a teacher knows all my meaning. How dare stay in tu again?
He threw the fan away and fled. Those episodes and Sa-di Chase, arrest him Buddhism leads to tell everything, Buddha:
-Bhikkhu-stilts! Why are you such a severe mistake? He is not a disciple of a Buddha has infinite power? Thread give up worldly life in the Congregation of Buddhas, which he forgot not subduing himself driven to Record results, the second result, result or A-la-Han. Why are you such a serious mistake?
-World Religion, the discontent.
-Why are you dissatisfied?
Boost nephew narrates the entire story, from the date of the y where settling time to knock the fan to the top of elders, and you dear:
-World Religion, which is why I want to leave no tu.
-Hey, Bhikkhu-stilts! Do not be confused. The mind often run under the lead of going very far. We must try to escape the bondage of greed, si.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(37) Runs away, lives alone,
Not hidden, deep caves,
One thing was the mind,
Escape the ghosts bound.
5. Center the Elders Enacted the fair Offers
Who doesn't mind an. ..
Property-protection at lived, Buddha taught the elder Cittahattha, who-being-mind-false-statements on the shelves.
A guy in the family accommodates glasses living in Dormitories-protection on forests make the cow lost. At noon I found and put it on the shoal. But starving too, he met Amnesty into Bhikkhu-the glass palace standing on stilts and bow to one side. See you too exhausted, the Bhikkhu-stilts are just leftovers out of the jar, you get to eat (when Buddha also does life always seems to be the same porridge with abundant much sauce and the Curry). Guy feasting is finished washing hands, greet the Bhikkhu-stilts and asked:
-Lettered Honor author! Visiting a new home today?
-No renunciation. The Bhikkhu-stilts often get food like that.
Guys see that though would actively struggled constantly day and night and never be chaó so delicious. While the Bhikkhu-stilts, according to them, was constantly eating. Why we live the life of renunciation? We will export. He came to the Bhikkhu-stilts please and be admitted to the Sangha. After rounding the main duties and only in the last few days are divided among animal products, cosy dừơng, England and Africa altogether plump out, but then he ran out like real qifu gangui life should continue. Back home to work only a few days the body you're terrible. He rose again, and dissatisfaction, and then back home. The time in General, or assisting the Bhikkhu-stilts should go home and ask tu back, they think of sex. Just like he was in to six times in a row. The Bhikkhu-stilts placed his name is Cittahattha, i.e. people with eccentricity.
Out to retreat to like, your wife's pregnancy. Last Saturday he brought back from forest and agricultural tools. Store the finished instrument farm he entered the room, please pause upset wants back y's. Now my wife is asleep, the clothes in water, tearing pieces nhễ parody, open mouth lightly Affairs, echoes, snoring like a corpse Zhang bulge up. You clearly see in this world all of impermanence and suffering brain. Sailings that he realized during the monk just because she thought that the rotten mind you falter. The border handles y English medium gold wrap on the abdomen just ran out of the House.
Mother-in-law suddenly see you flicking through launch, exclaimed, but didn't stick Interior hearing, a squid running straight. She only mutter:
-The guy who betrayed this, just from the Woods on the back, remove the wrap, its y that runs into the glass. That is why?
Step into the House to see his daughter is asleep, she immediately understood the reason. She lay awake daughter yelled at:
-Up witch! My husband you see you sleeping, it's hideously too should be gone. You're no longer my husband anymore since prison here!
The girl's eyes, his voice subdued drawl was nearly:
-Let's go, mom! Him or have anything important! Few packed again him back on.
On the way, Cittahattha review go review "Of France in the world are impermanent, bound in misery", and he attended the result. Sees the Bhikkhu-stilts you bow and beg on the Sangha. This time he denied vigorously:
-Not! We could not get to him. Why did you go tu? Starter you hard as stone grinding.
I supplicate:
-Lettered Honor author! Let's get the son on the Sangha again!
And after just a few days he certified results A-la-Han dynasty along the God. The Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't understand why this time in long, he explained that his previous relationship the world should leave the Sangha, has cut all bound should not go further. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't believe, remain with Respect to the story. The Buddha said:
-Thats right, the Bhikkhu-stilts! Ðệ of Ta when the mind infirmity, when French Protestants, the monk does not know anything or go home. But now he has let go of both good and evil.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(38) the Ai Center is not an stay,
Don't know the marvelous legs of France,
Net credit were rúng,
Wisdom is not a member.
(39) the mind not overflowing exercise
Heart failure (busy),
Great Ðoạn all evil,
The guys are not scared.
One day the Bhikkhu-stilts back about Bhikkhu-stilts went seven times and continue seven times, also because of bad sex in formidable damage. Buddha on the path of Buddha sit down, listen to instant world teach:
-Thus the Bhikkhu-stilts! Taking education very evil is disastrous. Suppose you take exercise had to take specific shape, then put a world was also too small, the Sun breaking the Australian also too low, does not contain floats. No expensive them to anywhere. Now a person of intelligence and high lineage you like and they're overwhelming. Ask who can tell its influence? In a past life, just because a bean-like Sassafras and the blunt hoe I went tu and birth six times in a row.
The Bhikkhu-stilts asked:
-It happens, White World Religion?
-You want to hear? Such is the:
Past stories
Kuddàla And The Hoe
Old fashioned Date-ma-reach ruled Three-la-complaint, have a friendly name Kuddàla, meaning "Saint Hoe"
He is a layman has lived eight months in Greece-Greek-paint code. A night in a ground, saw m wet he remembered at home left a bottle of bean varieties. The same frivolous scared him back the world retrieved a small pieces of land, clean up hoe trimmed beans and around the perimeter. The old bean cake, the picking him down, to some in the bottle to do the same, then the rest is left to eat. But soon he left worldly life boring, on the mountain during the eight-month overhaul. So, just because the bottle like beans and the blunt hoe, he went up to seven times.
Last Saturday, he suddenly experience that just because this blunt hoe tree that is complete and continue forever a monk should decide to throw it, always both bottles of the same bean. He came to the banks of the Ganges River forced the bottle like peas in a cloth forced into rolling hoe, hoe head chạt knobs, close your eyes, turn right on first three rounds hoe thrown into the river. He deliberately lanes like to don't see where Hoe down, afraid after this action the mind back down the river picked up. And he big big three times: dollar
-We won! We have won!
At the time, the King of la-complaint just returned after the won in the border, camping on the banks of the Ganges River and down the river. Suddenly, the listener Kuddàla resound Federation:
-I only recently got a new enemy called the victory, also claimed victory, you mean?
Kuddàla a:
-He has won the US off the bandits outside. His victory will probably lose again. Also I have won an enemy inside, robbers named took part in Exercise. He will never win me anymore. The victory was he really won.
And then he read shelf:
The victory didn't really.
When the lost to come back.
The victory is really.
When there were defeated.
At the same time, because look at the Ganges and visualizations about the water element, he reaches God. He flew up, sit the old urban planner in nowhere.
The King, after listening to the lectures of the Bo-Kuddaala, wealthy girl, holiday sailings slapped xin Pu c as monks. The King and all the long Eastern troops about a mile way. King neighbors heard wanted to seize the Kingdom of Ba-la-complaint, but when you see a prosperous it inane, understand that a King from a magnificent city like to go tu is definitely not want to be bound. Thus, wealthy girl King Portuguese Desk-slapping please be a monk with his entourage. just like the seven Kings in turn monk. Along with the assemblies I crowd-slapped Kuddaala happy birth Date life and onto the Australian Sun.
World Religion concluded:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! At that time I was Kuddàla. Let's learn from this story to know take education seriously dangerous.
6. Bhikkhu Stilts And Tree Spirit
Known as hull pottery ...
What Religion was taught when Property at-protection, related to the Bhikkhu-stilts opening-suicide-wisdom.
Property-protection at five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts Buddha meditation items to get from the Cafe towards the fruition of A-la-Han. With the intention of all meditation, they go away a hundred miles to a large village. The villagers, cosy seating, delicious porridge surges and other food items, and when the Bhikkhu-stilts need proper accommodation, the associated invite sometimes stayed three months, think of the gentlemen they will have strong place tho Tam quy Ngu. The Bhikkhu-stilts consent and are just to large forests.
Since then the gods virtue in the forest worried dare not to his wife, and climb the tree. They missed out on the ground, not to know, guess, guess is old if the Bhikkhu-stilts sitting under the tree at night then tomorrow they will leave the forest. But the next day, after qifu gangui in villages of the Bhikkhu-stilts returned the old forests. God of hope tree if now the Bhikkhu-stilts have yet to go there tomorrow, then the sometimes seemingly sure will go. But day by day it's no change, the spirit trees and very miserable because his wife and kids are in the ground, half. Because the facilities can stilts-Bhikkhu will stay up to three months, they are computer designed pursuing the Bhikkhu-stilts. They evolve to the Bhikkhu-stilts found the first body, the body doesn't start and to hear. Election time the Bhikkhu-stilts negativity because sneeze, cough and other diseases, so decided to leave the forest back to the Buddha's seat. after Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl glasses sat down one side and be questioned, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts ladies:
-World Religion, scary things have appeared in front of us, it's hard to stay, we have to decide to move.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he should go back in the right place that well.
-We do not dare, Bach World Religion.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the first to which he does not carry weapons. Now he must bring weapons.
-What weapons, transparency of world Religion?
-We're going for.
And he read the entire business From Bi, who began looking for the spiritual benefits for themselves, i.e. want to reach to the static peace President, need honest, Chief Justice, gentleness, and pretending not to. He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, please read this business litigation in the Woods, outside the movie star property, the Hermitage Elf he was going to be essential.
The Bhikkhu-stilts well under World religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then leave. Sees outside where Hermitage, they simultaneously chant and songs on the spot. The result, the gods across the forest have friendly feelings with the Bhikkhu-stilts. They came to him, asking for help, water wash Bowl y limbs, deployed guarding all over the place and sit with the Bhikkhu-stilts. No longer hearing the ghost, mind the Bhikkhu-stilts becomes quiet. Zazen though the night though, Bhikkhu-stilts are all trying to achieve Intelligent observation. They specialize in mind consistent meditation on the destructive in themselves: "this Environmentally fragile, unstable, as the ceramic jar." Finally the Bhikkhu-stilts Minh opening suicide.
The Religious World sit in divisions known as interior mainland taught:
-Thats right, the Bhikkhu-stilts! This durable non-fragile psyche, like ceramic URN.
And then still sitting in the Interior flavor Bhikkhu-stilts a hundred miles, He launched optical photo, we come to the front of the Bhikkhu-stilts, the broadcasting body aura six vibrant color and teach the Dhammapada:
(40) knew as pottery,
Stay mindful as the Citadel,
Against ma with a sword,
Keep winning out.
7. because of the terrible Evil Pimples Boils
How long does this body ...
The Buddha teaches the sentence on the Property at in-protection related to elders Pùtigatta Tissa .
A guy living in Dormitories-protection, hearing the Buddha's sermon about afferent sailings, please be in the Sangha, the Bhikkhu-stilts called the elder Tissa. Time later, pimples suddenly emerged over him. The first is the pus pimple larger, improved granular no ascendant by pisiform West, peas, Apple seeds, and by the left "vilva". Finally the pimples broke up and body sores elders, hence He named Pùtigatta tissa. Later on He started to rot damage bones, no one would care. Y in and out of him getting dried blood look like mesh gear. You should care impossible Liao along chasing Him out of the bureaucracy to lie on the ground, nobody to help.
The Buddha never forgot to observe the world every day twice, dawn and afternoon arrival. He looked from the horizon to the Interior flavor is not flawed, and saw the elder Tissa. Know that you are about to witness A-la-Han and no one else outside the refuge, the Buddha religion from interior scent go a round glass kitchen to clinic. You wash the pot of water put on the stove coal and wait. When the water was hot to grab the foot of bed tissa .
At that time the Bhikkhu-respect Buddha stilts:
-Please Respect That go ahead, we'll just toss him to the kitchen.
World Religion told to bring to a pot and pour hot water on. He said the Bhikkhu-stilts off of foreign medicine of Tissa, dry with hot water to clean and then dried in the Sun. Then, You use hot water, wipe her States and sunbathing. Shower then his health has just a dry well, foreign. World Religion wrong even for him and the medical exception taken of internal medicine dry hot water and dry. When people he was dry, the internal medicine just dry. Investors can even do gold and a medical cabinet y others do foreign y Tissa lie down in bed, nude body and mind your towel static security. World Religion stand where the Bao bed says:
-On stilts, the spirit coming knowledge-Bhikkhu left he long, who will become useless as a tree is rolling on the ground.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(41) this body not long,
Will lie on the ground,
Being hard up, unconsciously,
As the song useless tree.
Spy Chief shelves last posting Pùtigatta Tissa certified A-la-Han and enter Nirvana. That Respect for the tea ceremony-Bhikkhu, property and profit-taking stupa worship.
The Bhikkhu-stilts questions asked of world Religion:
-World religion! The elder Tissa reborn about?
He entered Nirvana.
-World religion! a Bhikkhu-stilts are about to witness A-la-Han why relatives like disease of bone cancer, left to rot? Before his professional practice as to how he was A-la-Han?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, things happen both by industry before.
He did nothing, dear World Religion?
-You listen to:
Past stories:
The Bird Traps Evil Exes.
During the time of Buddha, Ca-Romaine, the elder Tissa who trap the birds. He caught a lot of birds, the majority brought to the Imperial Palace or take away for sale. If kill birds go and take off again for too long not to sell the bird meat will rot and damage to keep birds from flying foot bones cracking and he usually loses bone, a mighty pile of them a spot to bring out the sale the next day. If traps are too many, he also hit the Cup.
A fragrant minutes cooked food has just moved up, a A-la-stop Han door he qifu gangui. He suddenly found the serene heart, thought himself was killed and the meat more potent birth should wish donation. And he help the average Bowl, put the full aromatic cuisine, in sowing the ground, wealthy girl feasts on ladies:
-False Religion! Please be at the highest position he had fruit.
Elders helpfulness merit for him will be the same.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, by Germany did this, blessed to have come to him like that. Because he has cracked the birds so sick he limbs and bone cancer he rots. Because he looks delicacies for A-la-Han should he witness the fruit A-la-Han.
8. Nanda Cow Blanket
Harm enemies enemies ...
The Buddha lived at Kosala taught Nanda farmers cows to this doctrine.
Fake Chief Level-she-toxic Property-protection in there name beef farmers Nanda. He was wealthy, well-off property, much fun. People say, like the House of hair braided hermit Kennigan hermit do spice. Nanda livestock cattle and property manager for the King to hold the assets of its own. Many times the Nanda offers five products of cow to come home from his Level-she-venom, met in Germany, French and occasionally heard Dao Dao counsel to private homes. Buddha did not accept immediately but wait until the position of lily Nanda chìn. Then the Buddha Bhikkhu with them-stilts go qifu gangui. Sees near the Nanda, Mr and monks sat down under a tree, maple tree.
Nanda to the World religious ceremony, wealthy girl, say hello to friendly and sometimes World Religion allowed him both to increase them in the donation of seven great years on select food from cows. Weekend donation, the Religious merit for his helpfulness and add the French post of alms donation. End of France, Nanda farmers certified beef effects Grenades. He then holding the soldiers Bowl for That Suen, seeing a mile, until the Buddha told his new stop back home.
Along the way, Nanda was a Hunter shot dead names. The Bhikkhu-stilts on the way back, and he thus came to world to honor my Lord asked:
-World Religion! Because he came to that, Nanda made many food, sending Him a ramp and killed upon return. If you don't get there, then he's not dead.
The Buddha answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Though I have to or not, although Nanda had gone four to eight directions, he's also inevitable death. Because once the aggressors stole or enemies do not harm beings in realms of this world are, mind damaged, their then pagan can harm them.
And Buddha said shelves:
(42) the harm enemies, enemies
The harmful matter, matter
not by the mind direction flaps,
Cause evil to itself
Because the Bhikkhu-stilts not asked Nanda did nothing in the Buddha didn't say so before.
9. Just as the father is both Mother
Mom gives her father, her children ...
What Religion teaches the sentence on when he lived in The Residence Period, for the Attorney-Treasury news Presbyterian Soreyya. The story begins in Soreyya and ends in the Dormitory-protection.
When the Victorian Chief Justice ranks implied Sense in Dormitories, then in- Soreyya the son of Attorney General block name Soreyya, sitting on the car procession with a close friend and aide, out into the bathroom. They encounter elders Ðại ca-fried-land are up College of medicine before entering into real qifu gangui. Blond body of elders hits Soreyya preventing him from blurts: "Oh! must read this Presbyterian is my wife! Or suppose we skinned wife was like that! " Italy wants to have just raised a run then you turn into a woman. The embarrassment and disgrace, he stepped off the bus and run away from concealment. People who follow not know what limp limp up:
-What does that mean? What does that mean?
Soreyya bringing women to the left body Takkasilà. General car people you find everywhere don't see. Shower the people home. They stuttered answered with his parents as he did on the ago. Sees his parents ' session go looking around still does not see the two grandparents, weeping wail; Finally you have to die, they do funerals.
Soreyya now, women having the same merchant convoy bound for Takkasilà, and he followed his car Chief. In paying attention to her, and questions do not know she is children. She said they just ride and you walk by. You must leave the long path, you worry lined them with the ring as a gift for a seat on the bus. They think, to his son the Attorney General Treasury into Dormitories-protection yet, and would like to do to you tomorrow, looking forward to miss the wedding gifts. See her combination of age and so beautiful, he's consent to marry her.
(Who must also undergo body parts when do men, while a woman. As Mr. A-nan, the full Germany calculated in hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, and as an Australian disciple, was once a blacksmith in a past life in samsara, a crime with his wife were an inferno, and then because the result of bad actions and yet, You have to go through ten four plus seven others wife fuck another end. On the other hand, she doesn't want to do anymore, and established career was reborn do men, will be like Italy. Additionally, the wives behave well with my husband will reborn as men do. But Soreyya have foolish dreams to the elders, so soon in this next life has turned into a woman).
She Soreyya pregnant and after ten months of birth to a boy. When the boy started working in short you know being the second child. Like Soreyya before birth and the father of two sons in Soreyya, now the mother of two kids being in the Takkasilà, all four of them. A Treasury Attorney minutes child companion when of Soreyya, left the Soreyya with five hundred cars go to the Takkasilà. She Soreyya stood where Windows on the highest floor in the Castle looking down the road you see the wrong women invited to the Bhikkhu sailings, large room, receive respect as usual.
The host told guests:
-Ma'am, I don't know her but she welcomed me too well. She knew me?
The landlord from waste:
-Is he? I know him very well. He is no longer in the Soreyya ?
-Yes, Ma'am.
And the hostess asking my parents, his wife, his health at first. The guests answered all questions and more:
-You know them?
-Yes Sir, I know they are very obvious. And this he, they have a son, now don't know where?
Tell customers upset, sad confession: Home
This is me, he-he!
-Come on, Grandma! She said what? He is my friend, he's like an Angel, is a young man.
-Almost there! But I know, he is absolutely right.
-What is that?
-On that, he has to remember to have seen Elders Ðại ca-fried-land?
-Yes, I remember having met Him.
-Temporarily at that time I suddenly thought to spend his wife elders or his wife get the complexion as elders. Immediately I turned into a woman. My run a circuit to this origin.
Oh it was disastrous! Why didn't you tell me? That he repent?
-You're right, in this city.
-You come here? I want real material donation for elders.
-Well, let's fully prepared. I will convince elders forgive me.
And then the friend of yore Soreyya to elders, wealthy girl, glass supply desk sat a party please elders accept donation tomorrow. He accepted the invitation. The next morning He came to stand in front of the House. The Attorney General's seat, Sir and the rise of the archives of feed. Then he led the woman to prostrate at the foot of Mr recounts the self and ask for forgiveness.
The wedding Festival elders:
-Well, please stand up. I forgive her.
Elders has just end the sentence, Soreyya immediately turns back into a man. The former husband of Soreyya reassure you:
-Buddies! Because he is my mother while I was the father of two babies. They are truly a child of both of us. So we still continue to live here. Do not be upset.
-You, I spent twice the metabolism in a human lifetime. First I was the man, turned into women now back doing man. Initially I was the father of two babies, new here is the mother of two kids. You don't think that after having undergone twice transformed in a lifetimes, I consent to live life in the home. I will come tu according to my elders. My duty is to nurture two this baby. Shalt not distracted.
Finished Soreyya kissing, hugging the two children on the Palm and gave the father, walked out of the House, and became a monk under Master. Elders for Britain in the Sangha, get you round duties, led him along on the Dormitory-protection. And he became the Presbyterian Soreyya .
Of the origin story is very emotional and tumultuous, to ask elders Soreyya real like does, and emotionally devoted to the two more powerful children. Elders answered a call with two merchant parents. Finished Presbyterian retreat from the crowd. When sitting alone sit, when to stand, the stand alone. Independent living residents, Mr. consistent projection of, and A-la-Han dynasty along the God. Adjacent from where anyone asked Him hurt two babies would more then He answered that is not emotionally up her child at all. The Bhikkhu-stilts sounded so for you lie, and questions to the Buddha. Buddha answered:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Ðệ electronics I don't it lied. We disciples Center completely online from the substance when he saw. No parent can bring benefit for themselves that only the mind toward legitimacy to do good things.
Finished Buddha Dhammapada says:
(43) the father, mother Gives her children,
No can do,
Mind the direction of the Chief Justice,

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