Saturday 27 August 2016

Area of the strip the Dhammapada.

3. Fat Guy Tissa
She yelled at me, hitting me ...
Teachings of the German Ethics Professor teaching this elders Tissa at him in the wihan States members.
Looks like German Tissa Ðại was the son who she's Buddha. Renunciation when were older, more stocky humanoid, Tissa preferred benefit nursing and the reverence for the Buddha. Y Austria of Ðại Germany always laundry slick, and he always sits between essential lecture halls.
A few minutes, How to boost Religious tourism and Tissa was a Royal elders, they would be the most privilege, clean legs for Tissa etc. German Australian silence.
At a young age to ask:
-You are what?
Tissa reply:
-Not have down at all. I am old and please.
 Monks blurts:
-Mr. Bhikkhu-bad stilts! He thought himself is important. Meet the Australian Presbyterian, he behaves not behave a bit. When they serve you these things, he was silent. He does not evince a bit regretful about the status of their worse!
Said, flicking his tank separated.
A person's pride in working class soldiers revolted, Tissa snotty:
-He came to who?
-We came to visit Christ Dao.
-But for me, he must also find out whether this person is who? We will kill the damn line.
Say a circuit for huh, and Tissa come to Buddhism figuratively weeping. So new monks Dao ascended into question:
- Tissa, why? Why did he come here tèm lem tears, misery?
The du rose previously had a desk together do not dare to Tissa alone e cause plenty of trouble, should take the Tissa, to Professor of ethics and Marian wealthy girl glasses sit on one side.
Tissa listen to the Buddha asked mainland response:
-World Religion, the Sa-insulting the subject.
-But he was sitting where?
-In between lectures essential Bach World, Ton!
-When the Sa-subject to, did you see them?
I have seen them, the White World Religion!
-He has to stand up for them?
-Dear World Religion, no.
-He has help up for the furniture to help them?
-World Religion, no. I can't help it for their belongings.
-Are you willing to serve them? And invited to drink?
-No, the White World Religion! I didn't serve as well not offer drinking water.
-Do you provide specific coordinates to sit and rub the legs for them?
-No Sir, That Religion!
- Tissa, he should do the work on the Sa-older subjects, because who does not do that would not be right to sit between the wihan. Only he is worthy of being disturbed. Please excuse the Sa-this subject!
-But they were insulting me, That Religion! I will not excuse them.
- Tissa, shalt not to do so. Only he deserves being disturbed. Sorry they go!
-You're not sorry they, Like Religion!
The Sa-keeper of the white Buddha:
-He is really stubborn, dear World Religion!
The Ethics Counsel to answer:
-The Sa, this isn't the first time he c ng head. Before he was also stubborn like that.
-We have clear count of his wayward in the present, the White World Religion. But before he did?
-The Sa-listen!
And the Buddha tells the story.
Past stories
3A. Devala and Nàrada
In early life, the reign of a King in Ba-la-complaint, there is an ascetic named Devala after eight months in Greece-Greek-paint codes on the making of salt and vinegar. He also wanted to go near the city during the four-month rainy season.
Having two boys where the city gates, he asked:
-The Sa to the city often slept the night in?
-Where the potters House, your Honor.
What is the Devala arrived home potters, stood before the door asked:
Home-join! If willing, I will spend a night in the House.
Potters open invite:
-The night I do not work, the back width: Please don't fake Religion.
Devala just into the House and sat down, then there's a hermit named Nàrada also from Hy-Greek codes-paint to please. Potters, with kindness and hospitality for the Sa, worry not know recluse before leaving to sleep with newly arrived or not, should skillfully told Nàrada:
-If the position prior to the hermit agreed to invite Mr.
And Nàrada Nàrada to see Devala says:
-Sir, if the master side, I would sleep here one night.
Devala the wedding Festival:
-Also, please invite the teacher and spend this party.
Then Nàrada entered, sat behind the Devala. They greet each other in a friendly way. Sees the hours of sleep, before lying down, Nàrada carefully remember where Devala and location of doors. But the Devala, instead of sleeping, lying in the middle of the aisle. The consequence is that when Nàrada stepped out of the night, he bicycles to pigtails of Devala. Instant Home dry up út:
-Oh! One step on pigtails?
Nàrada calmly replied:
-Sir, I.
Devala , tempers continue la:
-Sweat the hypocrisy! You are the map forests. Do you have a bicycle up the hair!
-Sir, I do not know master is located here. Please forgive me!.
Then Nàrada steps out, leaving Devala alone weeping as being someone who strangled heart break.
And yet. Then, Devala rotate backwards people, lay down, put his head on the spot were already to legs, deliberately to Nàrada Steppin'.
Nàrada step in, said one his heart missed offensive direction, this time I will go to opposite foot.
Of course is when just entering, Nàrada step right up the neck Devala. Instant Devala chaotically up:
-Sun! Someone?
Nàrada rush says:
-Sir, I.
Devala this time the more sonorous:
-Sweat the hypocrisy! The first time you step on our hair, conjure up the neck. I will curse thee!
-Sir, I am not to blame. I do not know this is located in the master. Upon entering I was downright dè Strasbourg, itself a reminder to be careful, go to the foot of the hermit, to avoid offending people. Master, please forgive me!
Devala still dread hang on: dollar
-Sweat the hypocrisy! I will curse you.
-Do not do so, Sir!
Even those fervently apologies Nàrada, Devala still cursed:
-The Sun has thousands of rays, there are hundreds of fires to dispel the darkness. Tomorrow morning, at sunrise, your head will break doing seven pieces.
Nàrada a:
-Master, I have disclosed most of the lyrics is not my fault, I still haven't heard. Starter blame will break do not head piece seven innocent people.
Instant Nàrada read the curse:
-The Sun has thousands of rays, there are hundreds we roamed the dark fire. Tomorrow morning, at sunrise, who will split the seven pieces.
Hermit Nàrada the great spirit, can be seen throughout the eighty minor shit: forty minor shit the past and forty u.s. future lifetimes. So he found the curse will hit his ascetic teacher fail you. He felt pity, and therefore do not allow for the sunrise.
Don't see the Sunrise, the people gathered in front of supply King, moaning:
-My Lord, United Kingdom, Australian sun rise again! He is the King, how to please us with Sunrise!
The King reviewed the actions, speech and thoughts, to see there's something wrong, so don't understand the cause would the Sun does not rise. The King speculating that this may be because monks quarreling with each other should enquire, and mainland torch go to bow to potters House Nàrada, respect, sit down one side and says:
-Mr. Nàrada, the inhabitants of Match-matching-theme can not living as usual. Why darkness pervading the world? Please answer my question.
Nàrada tell the whole story and the consequences of the curse.
King said:
-But ladies fake Religion, how can he escape death?
-He will escape death if I apologize.
King Devala must apologize Nàrada. But the Devala a recalcitrant ink:
-My Lord, United Kingdom, Australian man took this step on my hair and on my neck. No way would I crave sorry map that hypocrisy!
The King still required urgent Devala:
-Sorry, false Religion! Do not do so!
-United Kingdom, Australian I didn't apologize.
-Starter he will hot do seven pieces!
-Leave! I also don't apologize.
This time the King of voice dude?:
-He still won't apologize, right?
Then the King seized the arms, legs, abdomen and neck home hermit, bowed under arrest Nàrada. Open heart Nàrada:
-Mr. Please stand up! I did forgive master!
And then Nàrada with my Lord the King:
-United Kingdom, Australian hermit aren't sorry. Take him to a Lake near the city, put a lump of clay on top of him, caught him standing under water.
Kings of medicine lyrics. Nàrada also told him more when he did allow for the Sunrise back, Devala let's dive into the water and reached other places and then go away!
Result as that, just when the Sun sparked then touch the clay Bureau broke into seven pieces. Instant Devala diving into water, outcrops elsewhere and go away.
World Religion ends the story:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! The King was at the Ananda, Devala was Tissa, also Nàrada key is. Early life which Tissa also stubborn like that.
German tutor teaches Administrators and elders Tissa , as follows:
- Tissa! If a Bhikkhu-stilts allow themselves to think that this other person who yelled at me, the other people beat me, other people beat me, stole my t gi, he settled not hatred. But if the Company-stilts not cuddling these thoughts as such, hatred will outsiders.
Finished reading Buddha Dhammapada:
(3) It yelled at me, hit me,
It won me, stole me,
Who hugged her busy, biềm
Hatred can not cool.
(4) It yelled at me, hit me,
It won me, stole me,
Biềm busy, hug
Hatred is cool.
4. Don't Get Paid Resentment Resentment
With removal of hatred ...
Buddha Dhammapada for a rare late, He lived at the property States Members crystal.
One other person, after his father's death, alone fend shouldering all the houses with garden rice paddy, and maternal care.
His mother told him:
-Baby, I will make for you a young wife.
Dutiful son he saith my Lord:
-Dear Mom, don't say that. The only desire of the son is to be served a lifetime mother nursing.
-Baby, I don't want you to be alone shouldering all the work in the home in addition to paddy fields, let parents make a wife for my son.
He refused three double, then silent vows by phen. Hon crack mothers leave home, go to a House and everything make daughter-in-law brought about.
He then asked his mother:
-I intend to come home?
Her hand only:
-Sees a home there!
He didn't let me go to the House according to the plan, which is just her a different House you prefer. So she came to his house like, select options then bride wedding day. Unfortunately again a bride not childbirth. Hot mom pleasing closing you should rush told you his son:
-Son, the son told his mother brought about by the wife, but she didn't breed. Families the children will lụn, the same line of sheer will. Baby let me make one other bride look!
He the son seems to displease should head bracelets:
-Please don't tell mom!
But moms still harping the old chorus should reach the ears of the rare late wife. Her heart ngổn hundred horizontal clues. Is definitely the right obedience to parents, if the old lady make a easy birthing, you will often see her husband home, treated like a servant. Genus by husband and wife for her own.
What is the rare woman later went to the home and everything a girl for her husband. But have just cleft lip she met the opposition of the parents of girls. They ask you again: gặng
-She said something?
A woman who is not the answer:
-Honest, grandparents I unfortunately bad numbers, that families will very good. If your daughter says she came home I was born was a son, she would be home afford all household products. Please let me marry her grandparents home on for my husband.
Finally the woman persuaded the parents of girls and the procession to her home. Although has done in its sole discretion, the rare woman still not safe, for fear of childbirth, the opponent will be the mistress of the House. And then she told his opponent:
-Hey, baby! When I was pregnant, then tell me!
She obediently answered:
-The Cardiaca.
And as the promise, as soon as her pregnancy to tell his wife all know. Every day my wife both often see themselves for his opponent. That is from that day she put on a little porridge abortion pills. The results of her opponent suffer a miscarriage. Second, the wife also back to his first wife when pregnant. His wife both do as before and she is this miscarriage. The neighbor saw the wife after the naive, should just love the curious medium brand new asking:
-Have to shove my sister's rival wheel sticks?
And when listening to the service, they said:
-Sweat the stupid, why so stupid? Baits are afraid she prevails in the family should mix the abortion pill for her to eat. Next time don't tell the SE to know again!
The third wife later does not say anything, but she rarely seen increasingly following wife's belly to mainland asked:
-Why I have conceived without telling me?
The following honest wives think says so:
-My sister brought me here, so that twice she made my miscarriage. Why should I talk to her?
She is not the frustration: "broken, we've lost!". From there she watched, waiting for the opportunity for its lack of vigilance again hand out, because she has not yet resigned.
When the baby is in the womb has the looks, she both admit a snatch opportunity for mixing his wife after eating, but because the shape was full so the fetus is not corrupted, but stuck the cervical transverse. Soon after the intense abdominal pain and mothers feel dead now. Mrs. la looming up:
-You kill me! You bring me on and also you killed three children. Now I'm going to die, the next I'm going into the massage felt Devil eats you!
Curse you off steam and back into her home birth to a cat. Also he got no wives at the husband, picking rampage:
-You broke my family.
Then he used the elbows, the knees. beating her mercilessly. After the battle, the wife both seriously ill and then die, also born in her home into a hen.
So his wife after the regeneration is the cat, his first wife was the chicken. When hens lay eggs, the cat to eat clean. Three times so hens take off:
-Thread three times you eat eggs that my son, now you would eat me always. Next I'm going to eat you and you baby.
Curse so then it dies and is born doing Panther. Cat b. do the deer. Three times the deer give birth three times, Leopard to swallow fresh. When dying, nai the return:
-The three evil beast swallowing live baby phen and now we both always chewing it again. Next I will chew it up and swallow it baby! Then nai the regeneration is yaksha demon and beo die reincarnation into a girl in the dignified halls of line-protection. Growing up, she married her husband at the House Party live a small neighborhood near the city gates. Some time after she had children. Yaksha demon became a close friend to visit her daughter and ask the House:
-You me?
-In room in, she just gave birth to a baby.
Da-rubbed gap Hon said:
-Your son or daughter? I want to visit her.
And then all the description entered in, pretend to look at the baby and quickly grabbed chew swallow done comes out. The second, the Devils also swallowing fresh young wife's children. Sees the third, saw the young wife has large belly crafts only I could with her husband:
-Brothers, a yaksha demon has swallowed our two children die and escape. This time I returned home for the birth.
At the time, to the yaksha demon session go pull water (skin-massage turns pulling water from Anottatta Lake pour up source, expiration, four or five of them are dropping, if not die of exhaustion). After his release, instant massage skin-Devil run to meet the young wife asked:
-You me?
People in the home response:
-I met her. There is a demon yaksha has eaten the sons she was born in this House. So she went home parent.
Demon mutter:
-Although the run, it also did not escape from my hand!
Impatient because hatred, yaksha rushed into.
Originally named holidays, moms bathing and naming the baby is done, ladies with her husband:
-Sir, now we go back home.
Bring the wife went next to her husband. On the way across the planet, when to the Lake of glass, the young wife for her husband and son delivered down the outdoor bath. She finished bath, to her husband, and she waiting nearby and breastfeeding. In the meantime yaksha demon days appear. She sighted wife recognized it, immediately yell:
-Hey! Here! The demon here!
Fear of my husband to not keep up, you rotate the end run into dormitories. German tutor at her Ethics is theory between them. Young wife put his foot Buddha ladies:
-Donation to him this child. Please save it!
The demons also car according to the place. Angel Sumana when there are holes in the side door on the port property, Crystal sailings yaksha demon pane does not give in. The Dao lawyer elders A-nan:
-A-nan, you take out the demon called yaksha on here!
Elders y command. The wife has just seen the demons fear, exclaimed furniture bar:
-It's that, dear World Religion.
The Ethics Counsel to teach:
-Leave it on. Do not make noise!
Yaksha walked in, stood before Buddha. Buddha asked:
-Why did you do so? If not having a Buddhist as I, you would cuddle weld to thousand of life, the snake and the Fox shaking furiously, like Crows and owls. Why do you get resentment charged resentment? Only the new love is hatred.
And the Buddha Dhammapada readings:
(5) kill with hatred,
«Economy no,
Don't hate kill hatred,
Is the law of thousands of currency.
Listen to end of shelf post, yaksha Prime effects sailings. Buddha told the woman take the baby to the yaksha. A woman who is still afraid, dare not take. But after the Buddha said there is no need to, she magically given. Yaksha got the baby in his hands, embrace the cuddly, and then returned to her mother, began to cry. Listen to the Buddha asked why, yaksha sailings ladies:
-Dear World Religion! formerly the foremost porcelain contrive without enough to eat. Now I don't know what will.
Comforting yaksha Buddha, then turned to his mother, He taught:
-Tell the House the yaksha and most delicious porridge by farming.
Her man well Chief put yaksha home, for in the contract between the trees, and fed by the kind of delicious porridge. When rice threshing season, air to the batter rocketed up steeply down, yaksha fear air dam to the top should tell you may not be in here, and please go somewhere else. Yaksha in turn was to stay in the cabin to air dam, wells, wheat bread, distributed repositories, the ash heap and the port villages, but not in anywhere, always complain: place the rice threshing machine lifted output in two partnerships that, minor children are nonsense, then the herd dogs lie, or herd kids launched UE garbage dump, sometimes, the son of the village to huh. So she put the yaksha on a quiet location outside the village, each day brings delicious porridge to eat.
One day yaksha tell you herself:
-Year rains much, should grow rice in a dry place.
When yaksha said:
-Year drought, should grow rice moist place low.
Other people's rice is damaged because of correct term, but at Rice at her man's older then the bumper. Surprised villagers to ask her:
Her sister, her sister's rice-this can't be right, don't be. She seems to know the weather before the season. That right?
Her response:
-I have a friend who is yaksha let me know before the weather changes, and I grow rice on the ground high or low depending on the direction of insults. You don't see stars, I also brought delicious porridge and the types of food to give to her. If you do as I will also be hit by the season.
The villagers immediately honor yaksha. And from that yaksha crop care for people, get more gifts and is widely revered. Yaksha make up the usual eight meals, dishes also are maintained until today.
5. The Bhikkhu Stilts Or Arguing in Statements Of Shenzhen (Kosambi)
And others do not know ...
The Buddha Bhikkhu for this theory of the French post-stilts in Kosambi when He implied in the States.
5a. The Bhikkhu Stilts Quarrel
At Kosambi, in essential Ghosita XA two Bhikkhu-stilts reside, is a lawyer, the other is Magi, each leading in percentage increase. One day, the shaman after the shower has put a little water in a bathtub and go off. Then, the lawyer goes to see residual water, at come out he asked you:
-Parents are parents, This has put the country back?
-Yes, you!
-But you don't know is made?
-Actually I do not know.
This parent-, which is an error.
-Like, I will repent of the error.
-Of course, this parent! If you don't intentionally do not mind, called error.
Listen to locate lawyers says, Shaman Yen position viewed as no fault. That's the position of lawyers telling them:
-Shaman despite mistake still not found error.
And the Group of them when they study group meeting of Shaman sailings whispered:
-Master of the UK had committed errors that do not get the error.
Study of Shaman about recounts with his master. Shaman heard through instant answer:
The lawyer had previously said was not error, now says there was an error. He's a liar.
Study of the two sides met, then, the reply via:
-Master of the parent is the liar!
They debated each other. And its lawyers admit the chance sentenced hit export the shaman for failing to get the error. From then on, right up to the server donation for they also split into two factions, even the ones she teaches, they are both friendly ni spirits, friends and supporters, Chu heaven in the sky, spread to Brahma are like that. Everyone, even those not yet refuge also split into two factions. The controversy spread from heaven heavenly Quarter until the Sun God's Love.
Sees the level of a Bhikkhu-Stilts to near world Religion dear since the self: "who sentenced hit export, then hold the view that have hit export's true law, reverse the advocate is that against the law, and gather to support wizards despite those claims hit export prohibited them to do so". Thread two times World Religious messages both sides Bhikkhu-Stilts make solidarity, and receive the answer:
-World Religion! They are not subject to solidarity.
Third, the Religion said:
-The Sangha has been split!
Talking to the Buddha, Bhikkhu-stilts and just for locating Group on stilts, the lawyer-Bhikkhu claims hit export, the wrong decisions, and for locating group Bhikkhu-stilts, who do not receive the error, He also pointed to the fallacy in action. Again, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts Fang brother and cause them to act kind of on the spot, in a restricted area. He put the law to the Bhikkhu-stilts, if the cause of the wood in the dining room or elsewhere, they are required to sit in separate place son the road.
But the Bhikkhu-stilts remains constantly squabble, the Buddha back to where and advise the commandments:
-All right, enough values the Bhikkhu-stilts! Do not cause the wood anymore! Cause the wood, struggling, dispute, controversy, everything. Because arguing a little bird also do an elephant you must die.
And the Buddha storytelling Duties Being "little bird". He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, let's unite! Please stop arguing, because of the controversy that thousands of small birds died.
And he told the duty to "the birds". But despite this they still don't listen to Buddha, and a layman would like to reduce distractions, Buddha said:
-Sir, What Religion, France United Kingdom! Please stay home! The Creator Whom World Religion! Please live a lifetime and the self in this realm. We have cause the wood, fight, argue, dispute each other's new sheds light on who is who left.
At that instant, the Buddha storytelling Duties Being as follows: "this once, the Bhikkhu-stilts, Pham-ma-reach ruled the Three-dollar complaint, is the King of Kàsi. Date-ma-reach the war with the King of Kosala Dìghati, seized the Kingdom and kill the King during a controversy page. The son of Dìghati as Prince Dìghàvu, despite knowing that Breaking-ma-reach is his father's killer, still spared the enemy. So they live in peace with each other ".
And Him coaching the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, patience and elegant style of the Viking or using knives beautiful high sticks. Bhikkhu-stilts, he is the Spice guys are teachings by France and thoughtful like that Law, do more worldly lighting with patience and high status of the Mr.
Despite being admonished, the Bhikkhu-stilts are still not United according to the word of Buddha. Not glad to live in a noisy scene n o, not comfortable for being disturbed, moreover the Bhikkhu-stilts doesn't care to Word Buddha, should Respect the independent living residents decided to stay away from chộn men. After qifu gangui in Question-intensive, do not abandon the Sangha, the Prime Buddha of medicine, hug the Bowl alone, go to Bàlaka, where the sale of salt, here Mr. sermon for elders Bhagu about independent residential life. And then He came East to retire, and the theory of LOC Architecture for three boys world of well-being of happiness harmony. And from there, to Pàrileyyaka. There, under a tree in Sala , in Forest Protection, Germany World Religion has experienced a summer happily, there Pàrileyyaka elephants serve.
When groups of renunciation in the sentence-penetrating to the property and who met DAO, Elf, they ask the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-Mr. Chu, author of ethics lawyers Respect go?
The Bhikkhu-stilts a:
-In the forest of Pàrileyyaka.
-Try our harmony, but we don't.
In this Respect, Chu-there are, after being accepted as Bhikkhu-stilts under the leadership of Dao, You argue back at him asking the harmony?
-Thats right world, owners.
And then someone says:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, after acquiring do Bhikkhu-stilts under the leadership of Professor of ethics, does not want to heal the rifts in the words of his requirements. This is entirely their fault that we did not meet Buddha. For those Bhikkhu-stilts, we determined that will not sit well and never homage or donation.
And from there they didn't worship the glass the Bhikkhu-stilts. Consequently the Bhikkhu missing real animals and stilts-near starvation, so after a few days the Bhikkhu-stilts has said Easter. Then they repent, beg forgiveness. They told the singer:
-Dao property! We have harmony. Please for us.
-Mr. Chu, the Religious please repent with Germany World Religion?
-Not yet, the owners.
-Then please please repent of world Religion. And right when we forgive Buddha will return with the as before.
But because the are between the season settled the Bhikkhu-stilts are not able to see the Buddha, in the unlawful and their deprivation, while the Buddha happily, most of the elephants are lower. This is the first elephant elephant herd left the herd and into the woods with a unique reason is like to be happily. It says:
5b. The Buddha, elephant and Monkey.
-I live here were the elephant, elephant, elephant babies do distractions. Starter plants I usually eat and they chew, they feed off this tree branch to Freddie I just cracked down when the branch, they prey on opaque water I drink. When I down to the water and shore up, the elephants to the fuselage rubbing me. Maybe I should leave the herd and lived alone.
Then the first elephant herd pride, to near Pàerileyyaka, in the Forest Protection under a tree, Sala , right where That implied Respect, close to Him. Sees before world Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl, it then look around find blueberries do not see it, brushes, brooms, and behold the Sala tree bike below and use the exposed hose above to fall down and grab a tree branch sweeps the land. Then, it took the hose wrap water carried away water. Couple when needed to hot water, it heated cooking (how could it?). First it uses the drag hose fire lighter for punching out and rub into the wood spider. It's like fire group and heated the small stone and then used a stick to roll into a concave stone (water). Done it down the hose water hot enough yet, then bow to Buddha. See elephants arrived, the Buddha asked:
-Hot water yet, Pàrileyyaka ?
And the Buddha to the shower. Then the Buddha rising elephant forest fruits.
Buddha in the village now sees the real elephant, qifu mumo took the Buddha's Bowl y put on top of the head and follow Him. Riverside village Buddhist said, sees the elephants put paid y the Bowl:
- Pàrileyyaka! Don't go any further! Give me the Bowl y.
Buddha on villages and elephant standing there waiting for Him back in, proceed to greet him, to head up the Bowl y as before and brought back to serve Him, Buddha as usual and most of the fan with a tree branch. At night, to prevent, it used the hose holding a big stick "I will protect the Buddhas". And go forth in the forest until sunrise. (From which the forest is called the forest Guardians). In the morning, the Sun is up, the elephants get water for washing Buddha, and in such manner as said above, it is the duty of every other round.
Now, a monkey found on every action and gesture of elephants, do these little Buddhas, most duties and he played the mind will do the same. One day, while running casually it met a suite on the tree without bees. It cracked the tree down, holding the secret nests on tree branches, picking a banana leaves, put the hive on the leaves and bearing the consecration the Buddha Buddha. take that. Monkeys use not Buddha-eye view to ESC and see the Buddha does not eat. Monkey questions do not know what's here, and he flips through the flip back to the hive, just look carefully, and discover there are few eggs deep. Gently retrieved eggs deep out, monkey again surges up and Him Buddha Festival hosted suite Hy. Happy monkey chain from other shoots to shoots and dancing joyfully ridiculous ever since. But where do the monkey tree branch has just seized up and suddenly broken apart. Monkey falls down a pile of trees, crashed frequently and died immediately. Because the most recent complete belief in Buddhism, it is reborn into the realms of heaven and thirty-three, in a Palace with high gold thirty miles with a delegation consisting of a thousand female servants bias.
Both the Match-match-all know that Buddha are located in Protected Forests, was the first elephant herd to serve. From the Hostel, he Granted independent from Her-v she Bhikkhu-a female-overstayed-XA errors-and a number of other personalities sent word to him A petition-nan would be the privilege to meet Germany in world Religion. Five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts in beyond the complacency settling season also petitioned the French heard from kim That Ton long guns absent.
Elders A-nan and he guides the Bhikkhu-stilts to forest protection. With thoughtful virtues of a fake, he does not dare to see the Buddha with the crowd on stilts because known as Hybrid-Bhikkhu has exclusive resident for three months. Therefore, Mr to the Bhikkhu-stilts wait outside and go alone to meet Buddha. When elephants Pàrileyyaka see elders, it wrapped sticks rushes. The Buddha turned to look and the elephant:
-Back! Pàrileyyaka! You're not going to chase him. Such is the attendant of the Tathāgata.
Elephants away throw the sticks away and sometimes the elders put y Bowl, elders refused. Elephant wonder if he knew the law would not put his stuff on French Stone Buddha usually sits. Elephants have too worry because elders A-nan had put the bat on the ground of health (who know the law never put personal stuff up-seat French or Luoyang respect level's bed). Then the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl elders sat down one side. The Buddha asked:
-He came alone?
-World Religion, with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts.
-Where are They?
-I have not understand how Buddha, so to them out of it and on this alone.
-Tell them!
Elders y lyrics. The Buddha answers greet of the Bhikkhu-stilts a cordial way. The Bhikkhu-stilts ladies:
-World Religion, he is a Buddha, a Prince. Sure He has endured many hardships, stand and sit here alone for three months. Of course no one Buddha most primary and secondary things, no-one surges of water for washing or do everything else for you.
The Buddha answered:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Elephant Pàrileyyaka has done all the work to us. If anyone has been your companion as it's exclusive residential life nice. If there are, then the independent residential life still better.
Say, That Respect the following Dhammapada verse three readings in Elephant products:
If you are Hien entertainment
Ðáng living, healthy, happy
NIE offers all danger,
The wedding Festival live mindfully.
No see buddy,
Ðáng living, healthy, happy
As King, water removal
Make life alone,
As forest elephants living elephants.
Better life alone,
Not stupid friends,
Independent from the fuselage, not evil,
Carefree living, Lu,
As forest elephants living elephants.
As soon as the end of the shelf post Religious World, five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts DAC results A-la-Han.
Elders A-nan and he put his request Granted independent from Her and others.
-Buddha, fifty million Grant by the disciples of the Holy leading Buddhist aspirant independent from Her back.
The standard Buddhist medicine:
-Well done! Take the Bowl y.
And the Buddha walked out of the Woods. See elephants cross the foot and stand to the sailings between lines. The Bhikkhu-stilts wondered should ask, and be the Buddha answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, it wants the donation. It has long served Us, should not hurt its feelings, go back to the Bhikkhu-stilts!
Buddha and the Bhikkhu-stilts. Elephants into the jungle of banana and gatherers the other fruit combo, and the following day the ascent the Bhikkhu-stilts. Five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts would not run out. Real life Buddha finished hugging y Bowl comes out of the Woods. Elephant-back fray between the cross and stood on stilts-Bhikkhu legs before Buddha. The Bhikkhu-stilts can not guess the meaning, the Federation and the Buddha answered: -The Bhikkhu-stilts! After his retirement from the says it wants Him back.
And toward elephants, Buddha said:
Hey Pàrileyyaka! I will go now, no return! In this, you have no hope on the floor meditating, or reach the wisdom, or Holy syndrome results. Please stop!
Hear elephants speaking Religious retreat taps into the mouth, from from behind, walked to cry (if it sometimes be Buddha in back, it will be like before Buddha care for the rest of his life). The World Religion continue to coastal villages, He stopped the elephant said:
- Pàrileyyaka! Let's further thou will not be safe. The population is very dangerous for you. Please stop!
The elephant stopped and cried. The Buddha walked, and when just sight sight, elephant heart break and die. Because all faith in the future, such as elephants that are recycled into the realms of heaven and thirty-three, in a great Golden Palace thirty miles, there are thousand of natural female servants. Elephant named Sun Pàrileyyaka .
Along the way, visit the Buddha States members. The Bhikkhu-stilts of Fishing-intensive Property-Protection of Buddha listening sailings to repentance. The King of Kosala hearing also to Buddha and ladies:
-World Religion, not to the Bhikkhu-stilts on the water.
The Buddha advised King pane:
-Australian United Kingdom, the Bhikkhu-stilts is good people, just because they argue with each other should not obey us. Now they come to repentance. Let them on, your Majesty!.
He Granted her the independent from the Bach also with Buddha is not for the Bhikkhu-stilts of Fishing-intensive into dormitories. But the Buddha disagreed and he nodded in silence. Now, the Bhikkhu-stilts to her Dormitory-protection. World Religion ordered separate accommodations for them. The Bhikkhu-stilts sitting standing or otherwise shared with them, each person in turn to ask World Religion:
-World Religion! The Bhikkhu-stilts of Fishing-intensive or controversy.
So just Respect them and said:
-They are there! They then!
The Bhikkhu-stilts each person only on their side and chattering to each other so that they dare not shame head. Then they planted themselves at the foot of the Buddha please repent. Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! The sins he had committed heavily to know how! After doing the Bhikkhu-stilts under the leadership of a Buddha, although We argue again tried to encourage eligible awards. Even false position ranks still listen carefully the teachings of his parents before his death. They do not dare argue when your parents retire from life, and then they are handed the leadership both of the United Kingdom.
Then repeat Buddha Birth duty to Kosambika again, and concluded:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Prince Dìghavu, right after his parents died, he still didn't dare argue teachings, he then married the daughter of the King of Offense-ma-reach ruled both kingdoms Kàsi and Kosala. While he does not obey we should have committed severe error.
And the Buddha Dhammapada verses says:
(6) And others do not know,
We were defeated.
Place who understand,
Argument is quieter.
Hearing this, the Dhammapada Bhikkhu done-on stilts in which Prime effects sailings.
6. Kala Kala and British Children
NET vision General who lives ...
This was the Buddha Dhammapada verses said when the swelling near the city of Setavya, for Kàla children and Kàla you, Urine Black News (Culla Kàla) and Black (Mahà Kàla ).
The U.S. Black, Black Medium (Majjihima Kàla) and the black is the owner of three brothers living in the Setavya. Minor and Black, Black people and younger brothers, often going through the other with a group of five hundred cattle cars loaded with furniture for sale, also the home of the black Central sale of goods because they bring about.
There is an occasion, the two brothers carried a variety of cargo on five hundred carts leaving the Guard-XA. Between the roads-and States Members they stopped, unplug the car outline yen. Dimensions down, out of the black see Buddhists in Dormitories-protection holding the flower incense droves go toward essential. He is curious and he stop a person back to enquire. Investors can know they go to France, he also concurred to want to go. You're telling me to watch the motorcade, he was gone.
Sees as essential, wealthy girl he Bred and then sit down side outer ring assemblies. Buddhist theory, many French post sequentially as thoroughly Australian Black; He emphasized on the gauge aggregates to talk about sin, the crazy island along the dangers of sex.
Australian Black hear France is completed, in the disturbed: "everybody must leave all possessions when died, to the other side of the world will have no assets or bereaved relatives would go, so why are we live a secular life?". And he played Center.
He joined the Buddhist Sangha, please. The Buddha asked:
-He has left bereaved relatives must ask permission?
I have a child, the White World Religion!
-Ask him!
Yes, the White World Religion!
And then out of the black came to the minor dark wizards, I take off the property.
The minor dark wizards surprised no understand why, and when to know the intention of exporting countries according to the Buddha, the shock of the inevitable. He found enough to persuade him to abandon the intention of renunciation, but disabled. Finally the minor Black custom officers.
Australian Black out take the Buddha and became a Bhikkhu-stilts. And it was remarkable, Black also in the UK, but with a different intent, i.e. only monk for some time and will continue, and at that he would pull you under.
Shortly after, the expiration, Australian Black to the Buddha visiting Sir:
-World Religion, how many duties in practice the Dhamma?
The Buddha said that there are two, France and meditation. Australian Black ladies:
-World Religion, the renunciation when were older, you can't round France. But you may well hold meditation.
And he was the only specialist teaching Buddha tu pure almond by to incinerate to tu, eyeing the fruit tastes A-la-Han.
End of the day, meditation when everyone is sleeping, he to cremate. Breaking dawn, when no one wakes up, he returned to the essential. Now, people keep burning dumps is a woman named Kàlì, is responsible for cremated the dead. See this elders to stand up, sit down and step around, she is not out of the question and wanted to find out whether the person who it is. But she did not know anything about the elders, so one night she lit the lamp in the beach hut burning, son daughter hiding in a corner stalking view. When found, she came to the elders near the wealthy girl, ask:
-Dear fake Religion, steps back to dignified stilts-Bhikkhu here?
-Thats right so, her sister.
-Mr. Suen, who arrived in Miami this burn need to obey some rules.
Instead of saying "I think that I have to well under the Charter's sister?" Elders says:
-What should I do, the owner?
-Mr. Suen, who arrived in Miami the stake required to inform the holder of the beach, with terrace of elders of essential and with hamlet.
-The thief, when the owner wanted often flee to the beach, burning and removing exhibits here. Then take your employer to threaten and harm the occupants. But if the authorities are notified in a legitimate way, you'll avoid the hassle by confirm Bhikkhu-respect stilts you have resided here for a time. He is not a thief. So, You are required to give the authorities know his intentions. Australian Recipes said:
-I have to do?
-Mr. Ton, when He was in Miami to burn are food fish, meat, oil, flour, Sesame and honey. He was not sleeping on, not to be married. You have to live a high effort, used up the capacity will, avoid saying two tongues, lie. In the evening when everyone was asleep, you must leave the property of essential here. Breaking dawn, before people wake up, You have to go back.
Dear Mr. case, false Religion in this and gain burning beach rescue wing leader, and if the body to throw away, I will put on the correct uniform and as usual with aroma, doing the right thing according to the ritual burning. But if He doesn't hit, I will fire on her, pulling the dead with a pillar to outside her tight, each song with axes and thrown into the fire to burn out.
-Well, her sister. But the case you see a body can do proper headings for I meditate deeply about General Consulate, please open the kindness to let me know.
-Yes, I promise.
In accordance with the will, the Australian Black elders in the beach bars burn meditation. Also Minor Black elders, the busy, chaotic because always thought of home life, remember me, remember my wife, thought you yourself have a very difficult job.
Now, there's a young woman the world prestigious family home sick and died in the afternoon, beauty also salty. Bereaved relatives and friends put her on the beach to burn with wood, oil and other essentials. They tell people to keep the beach burn correctly.
Then they pay the price, delivered the body and out of. People keep cơiû Beach girls clothes, pay attention to the beautiful dazzling gold body, suddenly this body made headlines for consistent Religious meditation. Then she come to the elder Mr. said and sometimes You come. Elders arrived, ask the body trunk cover and stand from bloody Pub. He said she kept dazzling gold body plate toss Beach beautifully into the fire, and when the flame burning for him, or sharp. He finished on his own place and sat down. Guards do as told then to newspapers. Elders to incinerators and a police body. Place the meat, skin of the 1991 fire b girls look like Zebra cow skin Brindle, feet apart and loop tag down, hands convulsive, skinned forehead. Elders think whispered: "who see this body now that do not get rid of the word, a body rot, has ruined the removal". And he hath on his own place to sit down, a clear perception about Sabotage and destroy:
The impermanent,
French is being destroyed.
Sanh kill kill and then,
The President's removal.
Read this complete, the Dhammapada Ðại Black opening-suicide-and DAC results A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
When Australian Black elders DAC results A-la-Han, who is traveling with Professor of ethics Bhikkhu-stilts surrounded. Him to Setavya and into the forest Simsapà. The wives of U.s. Black heard the Buddha came to both attempt win back her husband. They sometimes go wrong Buddha. While waiting for the to Buddha, customary they must compose unlimited seating, and to ensure the thoughtful arrangements, a Bhikkhu-stilts was dispatched to the front, preparing court Buddha placed in the Middle, on the right is the seat of the elders Hostel-benefits-the ECHO, the left side is the master Items-hopea-contact , and then either side is showing reservations for them Bhikkhu-stilts. Therefore, Australian Black elders who have a responsibility to keep our Bowl, Increase medical call Minor Hacking says:
-You go to the front and controlled the seat.
See Black at day from Minor, the wife of sneering. They put the low at the beginning gives them Elders sit and High Court to sit on stilts-Bhikkhu front. Black told Emirates they modify:
-Do not have a set like that, don't let the lower court and High Court.
But what she doesn't want to listen to him, they are aggressive:
-He goes forth to do here? He took the authority ordered rank possible? He dropped one monk? One spice for him? He came here to do?
Ridiculed him most of the lyrics, they tore y upper and lower, his secular white coats on, put a wreath on your head and push him out, donate an additional sentence:
-Let's go find the Buddha, so we'll put the seat!
At the time, the new who Shou Bhikkhu-stilts in a short time, never settling down unlawful, if the refund is nothing to be ashamed of. So the minor dark wizards are not troublesome about his clothes. He came to the Buddha and the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl along the Sangha of Buddha done back home.
When the Buddha and the monks finished boys life, the wife of Australian Black found that attempts to win back her husband. So they sometimes Buddha on the day after. But this time a Bhikkhu-stilts were dispatched to seating arrangements, and like the wife of Australian Black takes the opportunity annoyance for Him. Clean up done seating for them Increased, she rises. The increase in real life to want to sit down and the Meridian Gate, the increase would like to out stand up and go out. The Buddha sits down and real life. Thanks to him the real life complete, successive wives ladies:
-World Religion! He will Black Out the helpfulness in Germany and then onwards, World Religion.
The standard Buddhist medicine:
-Well done!
Buddha arrived at the village gate, they increase the discontent comes together:
-Phew! The action of the Attorney Ethics result is hard to fine. Didn't know You had to notice or not. Yesterday the U.S. Black to advance to the placement officers end of life date. Also today a different tank was sent is not what happens.
But the Buddha remains to Australian Black in back and continue up the road. The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering again:
-Australian Black stilts-Bhikkhu virtue and nobility, not knowing the wives have made Him happy offense life end?
Listen to coil, Buddha stopped and asked them:
-He is the table?
They recounted, He said:
-But the Bhikkhu-stilts, he did not think the black Minor Black-like Australian?
Yes, the White World Religion, Black has two wives, but the Australian had eight Black. If she was surrounded and arrested eight retrieved does not know he will turn out the stars, dear World Religion?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, don't say that! The minor dark wizards live chaotic busy, to take part in the Center. Also, my son, the black Australian left permanently, not run by education, not waggle like a mountain of ice.
Then Buddha said the Dhammapada:
(7) NET vision General who live,
No Ministry maintained the grounds,
Xue deficiency, eating
Indolence no essential need,
Drug menace, guys
As the tree before the wind.
(8) Who live the contemplate impure,
The cleverly maintained the grounds,
Have an eating,
Have faith, essential need,
Ma did not frighten,
As the rocks before the wind.
The ex-wife of Australian Black surrounding the false Religion, oneness each other make:
-Who allowed him to go tu? Now he has suffered back home?
Finished, and more violent times ahead, she sought medical peeling. But Religious scholars anticipate, used the spirit of pine across the rooftops, and fly to the Buddha, lowered into the ground at the end of world Religious Dhammapada. False religion Buddha torso and wealthy girl kim praised the ceremony beneath Him. END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/8/2016.MHDT. 

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