Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XVI. The Wedding Products Charity
1. Parents and Children
Put yourself under the secular ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to the three disciples.
At the Dormitory, a family protection-excuses have only one son. The Prince is the joy and love for parents. One day, there are few locating Bhikkhu-stilts are invited to the House the boys life. After dinner-salmon say stilts Bhikkhu schools of direction. Young guy listened to the proceedings desires to become suddenly shelves Sa-Mon and immediately ask my parents. Two grandparents refuse. The boy thought the whisper: "When my parents did not notice, we will hide the House go tu".
Every time he goes where his father, he told his wife to watch their son:
-Please keep it carefully.
And when the mother is away, she handed him to watch. The following day, when the father left the House, her parents thought: "We will look after our child". She sits across the entrance, blocking the two legs the doors and begin weaving. The boy thought: "I will trick the parents away," and the guy says:
-Dear Mother, retire a little bit, I want to go out.
She nudges the foot and you come out. You're running as to essential and please allow the Bhikkhu-stilts for themselves. The Bhikkhu-stilts accepted the invitation, he joined the Sangha.
The father arrived home, his wife asked:
-Where's the Baby?
-It has just recently.
He was the father figure around, think: "we can go?" And when not to see his son, he concludes: "Make it essential to have dormitories". He father goes to the essential, and found his son's health was yellow, he wailing lament:
-Baby, you heartless with his father?
But then, he thought: "I have now, why are we still living life homeless musician do?" He then please country export do Sa-Mon.
Stay at home moms started impatiently: "Why you little kids and old man where to go so long?". Looking bored, sudden she suddenly came to mind: "I'm sure they went to the property and then the glass". She runs to find her father, glass became Sa-subjects, she thinks: "They were joined, I live in this world?" And her property, spice, please glass.
But even though all three have abandoned the world and accept the life, they also cannot be separated. Right in the property increases or party convent, all three are sitting together and talking to each other all day. Chu Bhikkhu-stilts blameless and her attitude up Buddha. World Religion to call all three and asked:
-Are you doing like that, like that?
They ladies well. Buddha:
-Why did you do that? That's not the attitude of the people.
-But, Like white, we can not live far from each other.
-From when the export countries, such attitude is not appropriate. Morte relatives or required to meet a nostalgic family, both of which cause suffering. Therefore, we should not accept the body or not, is picked up, though for people or animals.
Buddha said shelves:
(209) Remove themselves as secular,
Non-circular parts,
Leave the destination as the Palm,
Envious tu professional ranks
(210) the close shalt not lover,
Lifetime far guys hate.
Love does not meet is suffering,
Resentment is also experiencing the pain.
(211) therefore shalt not love,
Special charity Cup is evil,
But who doesn't love to hate,
Can not be forced.
2. Buddhist Comforting The Sorrows
Due to craving b. Shau favor ...
This story is told when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to a resident disciple.
One day he lost a son, he's saddened that each day go to the cremation place lamented settled. One early morning, Buddha basic observations of beings, He found he had the ability to witness the Holy fruit. Then, the morning after qifu gangui, You bring a Bhikkhu-stilts attendant goes to the home front. Hearing of the Buddha to the House, he whispered: "Religious World must want to wish health as polite as usual". He invited the Buddha to the House, occasionally sitting Buddha and respectful ceremony, wealthy girl, lui sits on one side.
The Buddha asked:
-Friendly South, why he is sad?
-New son should take the sad.
This friendly-South, shalt not favor bi! Death is not a dedicated place or for anybody, that is the general rule for all beings on Earth. No skandha would often at. So should not overly sad, but let's have a look rationally on death, as people often say: "The contentious French kill bear birth, things turn ruined suffered destructive variables".
Upasaka asked:
-World Religion, who has done so? In any case? Please teach me!
The Buddha tells a story of the past:
As his snake skin,
People go on other realms
Following the body
The body was dead.
See also know sad happy
While flames
Burned myself that
He didn't hear the cry
The child's grandmother coal
So I don't
Miserable sad because he died
He went, and to the
To where he's got to go
After the Buddha told full details what the forerunner of Uraga (in December), He said: "the past, the people do not act like you when his son died. You gave up everything, didn't eat, which cost time weeping. The location is not so. On the contrary, they specialize in the observation of the death note, do not follow the sorrow, as eating usually, do all the work. Hey, don't be upset because the thought of his dear son was dead. Strong bi fear just because I hurt someone.
Buddha said shelves:
(212) by AI was born, melancholy
Due to the AI, born of fear,
Anyone get rid of craving,
Not melancholy, this fear.
3. Buddha Comforting sense of Priority Guys
AI attachment b. Shau pros. ..
This story is told when Germany World Religion in the States, related to the female pilot home property-overstayed-Bhikkhu.
Ms. Bhikkhu-often overstayed her count-XA niece named Dattà, take care of the Bhikkhu-stilts while she was away. Shortly after Dattà death. Ms. Bhikkhu-cremated remains being-XA niece, too sad miserable she come to wealthy girl Buddhist holidays and frequented sat on one side. The Buddha asked:
-This property-overstayed-Bhikkhu! What thou sit here miserable, upset-filled tears weeping?
Bhikkhu-dormitories-overstayed storytelling:
-World Religion, grandchildren, daughter very dear honesty and faithfulness of the son has just died. You will no longer see it.
-This property-overstayed-Bhikkhu, how many residents in the Dormitories-this protection?
-World Religion, you hear Him talking about seventy million.
-Assuming that all these people are loved by you as Dattà, do you like it?
-Yes, Sir liking.
-How many people in the Dormitory-on death in a guard?
-World Religion, so much.
-In that case, you would surely not enough time now lamented, day and night you made the cry, cry.
-Dear World, Yes. I've been out.
-Well, do not favor melancholy. Favor or fear starting up only melancholy from AI relationship.
He said the shelf:
(213) love, hell lamenting,
Craving a good relationship, the shackles of fear.
The crush as frivolous
Prison break the shackles would lock forever?
4. The Prince and the Showgirl-Rate Accommodation
Hy craving b. Shau pros. ..
This story is told when the Buddha in the near-essential property-residence (Vesali), linked to the Prince in tears-XA.
On a festive day, the Prince Rate-đỏm with enough makeup dormitory-style jewelry, out of the city to the Carnival. When the Buddha went to qifu gangui, met them on the way, He just let the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Please look under the Rate Prince-residence! Who haven't seen Chu heaven heavenly realms thirty three, let's look at what this Prince.
On the way to the Festival, the Prince met a showgirl, and carrying her. The beautiful, talented, struggling, they go to a fight causing injury, blood flows into the river seem to be. People have to pick 'em up and though an egypian the Prince about the Imperial Palace.
The Buddha and the monks finished boys life, back to the glass, caught sight of it. The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-World Religion! Early morning, the Prince left the splendid residence-Ratio as a vassal state, so that now only because a girl they become pathetic.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Where are taking part, in which there are sorrows, anxieties.
He said the shelf:
(214) Hy craving b., azadirachta Indica
Hy-compassion born of fear,
Who freed Hy,
Not melancholy, didn't fear?
5. She Wife Kim
Craving b. melancholy ...
The story is told when Germany World Religion in States Members, contact to Anitthigandha Kumàra.
Kumara from the Sun Brahma reborn Property-protection, in a down family. From birth, he doesn't like women, if she's near the breast would bring Bong guy feeding want, scream cry nanny to a pillow before his chest. When coming of age, song said: Guy body
Hey baby! Ma wants to marry you.
Answer Guy:
-I don't need a wife.
Then the parents ask many times the guy refused. Finally, he invited five hundred jewellers to, give them a thousand gold blocks, they cast a female statue is so beautiful.
Again, when the security Guy: body song
-This, if the refusal to get married, I will great dynasty. Let the parents get married.
The guy is just gold statues:
-Ladies, if parents find a girl like this, the statues will obey.
The guy invited a few body song She-la-to say:
Our son is worth a thousand gold, needs a person with it. Please bring this to follow, and when to find a girl like that would be brought about.
The Ba-la-subjects accepted the invitation, they started looking, from the other end, until to the Sagala Kingdom Madda. In this city there is a very beautiful full Moon age, her parents let her in on the seventh floor. The master Ba-la-Mon lateral gold statues set route to the outdoor shower, and sitting there silently thinking: "If there is a beautiful woman like this statue, residents here see will tell each other, this beautiful statues as Freddie daughter the other House".
Now, the nanny of the girl goes to the outdoor shower, see her owner thought his statues, comes to strange:
-She's so naughty! I've just finished her shower, out of the House as she has come here before me!
Just say gentle medium statues, she suddenly found herself touched something hard, her muttering:
-I thought this was her primary home, why is this?
The Ba-la-keeper saw that and he asked:
-She had her home, she's just like this statue?
-You ch? This object is not equal to a corner!
-Okay, let's take us to meet. She lead the breast She-la-home subjects, narrating the story to her parents. They welcomed the warm and teacher for girls down to stand near the statue. She's beautiful enough to overshadow both statues. The Ba-la-Mon awarded statues for her parents, were allowed to lead her, simultaneously raising notify parents Kumara. They are excited, ordered her immediately, accompanied by many.
When Kumara heard has a beautiful woman than golden statues, fears that insurgent desire, wish to see the girl lick guy. Girls get in the car, but she too extremely slender, ramp ballast suspension makes you fall ill and die. Longer Kumara fire as long as:
-You come yet? Sees?
Please wait the guy's desire to manifest too violently make them not notified right away, today promised mai appointment. Then they told the truth, he exclaimed:
-My God! We have lost a beautiful wife!
The sadness of parting strain retrieved as Guy rock platform.
The Buddha saw the guy likely to prove results, should be on the real, qifu gangui stop door Kumara. The guy invited Buddhist incarnation in the song, the critical donation late. Boys life, the Buddha asked:
- Kumara ?
-World Religion, it's not good to eat, stay urge others in the room.
-Call out here.
Kumara come out, Buddhist ceremony and wealthy girl sitting back on one side.
The Buddha said:
-You seem sorrows too!
-Sir, of the White World, a beautiful wife not died on the child's wedding car flowers, he did the news saddened to the point of not being able to eat anything.
-But you have to know the cause of suffering?
-World Religion, no.
-, Kumara! Because AI born melancholy, melancholy and fear arises from craving.
He said the shelf:
(215) the Exercise of charity b., azadirachta Indica
Sex craving born of fear,
Who escape the exercise of charity,
Not melancholy, didn't fear.
Listen to the complete, Kumàra Tu-da-fruit syndrome.
6. Do not Leave Your Worldly Wealth m on T
Craving b. Shau pros. ..
This story is when he comes to the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to a-la-Mon.
A-la-Ta subjects on grassy clearing away the rice comments on the banks of the river. The Buddha found him capable of testifying, and he went to the place he was ploughing. She-la, though see the Buddhas, in no respect, only mark shed silent Buddhas opening, lyrics:
-She-la-Mon! What are you doing?
-I'm cleaning up the land, Abbreviated-talks!
Buddha did not ask more, to go through. The next day, he went plowing. Buddha also to ask:
-She-la, what are you doing?
-I'm ploughing, Abbreviated-talks!
Buddha heard complete, continue to go through. Every day, You are to place Ms.-la-Mon and ask. Each time, She-la-Mon replied:
-I'm sow I'm plated weeds, I'm farming country.
Buddha as well. One day, She-la-Mon told Buddha:
-Abbreviated-talks, he came here from when I was cleaning up the land, when rice I will share them for him. I don't want to eat alone. From here he is my friend.
Time passed, rice. BA-la-Mon "Rice has nine, tomorrow we go calling for Hunter and partner". And he prepared to reap. But that night, a fierce storm arose broke both paddy fields, fields or inert as was achieved. However, the Buddha had not met before knew. Early the next morning, She-la-keeper told myself silently: "We will go to visit paddy fields". When arriving to see the field was cleared, he painfully thought silently: "master co Viet – talks have to visit the field was from when I land cleanup, we have new promise to divide the rice for him when the harvest comes. But we don't hope of achievements ". He sad too so not eating anything and lie on the bed.
Now, the Buddha stopping in front of his house. Hearing the news, he said:
-Please invite us into your home and sit!
Sitting Buddha is completed, ask:
-The She-la-Mon?
-The Ladies are in the room.
-Please invite him out.
Grandparents-la-Mon sat out one side. The Buddha asked:
-What's that?
-Ladies Having talks, he was to visit-I from new paddy field pieces being unloaded on me, and I promise to share the rice for him. But my hopes are not up, so I'm sad miserable, no longer want to eat anything.
-But hey! Do you know the cause why he sorrows?
-No, Sir. But you know.
Buddha confirmed:
-Thats right! She-la, when would have wanted would have fear and misery.
He said the shelf:
(216) the craving b., azadirachta Indica
Craving born of fear,
Anyone get rid of craving
Not melancholy, this fear.
7. Mr. Romaine Thinks investors can Shift the gear
Enough values about Germany, the Chief Justice.
The story is told in the Buddha at the time Lisa, when You're on the go, relating to fifty youth.
One day on the occasion of the Festival, Germany World Religion along with eighty upper Presbyterian position players and five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts Entourage on the Property real qifu mumo, United Kingdom. On the way, He met five hundred youth shoulder carry bag cake come to Congress. When met Buddha, they just be quiet and keep going, don't invite a Bhikkhu-stilts would eat cake.
They're gone, the Buddha asked the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-You want to eat the cake?
-World Religion, where's the cake?
-He has seen the young has just passed, the role of carrying the bag of cake?
-But the White World, they don't worship for one pie?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, although they did not invite Him or he eats cake, but have a Bhikkhu-stilts goes behind will be cosy and cakes, he will be eating cake before.
The World didn't think bad or Religious hate who should You talk like that. And he sat under a tree at the same the Bhikkhu-stilts.
When the youth saw the fake Religious Ca-lettuce go after birth immediately, please dear, unspeakable joy pervades whole body when they had just found Religion. Them to the cake basket down, Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, finished off the cake for him: surges
-Please Sir take the cake.
False religion says:
-The World Religion and monks are sitting under a tree over there. Please bring the cake to the donation.
-Sir, white fake Religion!
They went to the Buddha and the monks rise cake. Sees the fake Religious, they turn the cake and then stand waiting for a party to rise, wait he's done, bring water to wash hands.
The Bhikkhu-stilts are friction, says:
This youth-biased when donation, they don't rise up That Religious worship or Jesus, shangguan elders which only worship for fake Australian Religious Ca-Romaine.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, a Bhikkhu-stilts as aromatic herbs are very Sun-Australian who, dear for so they are happy to dedicate worship foursome.
And he said the shelves:
(217) enough values about Germany, the Chief Justice,
Stay France, truth, witness
Do the work yourself
Gaining masses of charity.
8. Religious Fraud Ham Na result
French-language separatists hoped ...
This story happened when Buddhism was at States, related to a prime result elders A-na-function.
One day, the disciples of the elders asked his master as follows:
-The teacher, the teacher has reached the Holy berries?
As Chief he thinks: "even the row continue homeless musician Tam syndrome can also result. To wait when we witness the four result then will tell them ". And as such, did not say how long the master, not the President and fellow reborn up the Sun Five-function. The disciples of master wailing lament, go to place like ton, prostrated lui sits on one side, also lamented. The Buddha asked:
-Why do you cry?
-Master we have lost, the White World Religion!
-Okay, you shalt not sad, it's the law of impermanence.
-Sir, we know that. But we have asked people testifying or not, that result in loss, not answer them. So we're sad.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, you shalt not worry, Mr. He has proof of Tam and think: "even the row continue homeless musician Tam syndrome can also result. When the four would result, I will say to them ". As such he should not speak. When lost, he reincarnated into the Five-function. The excited, he exited five.
Buddha said shelves:
(218) French-language separatists hoped (Nirvana)
Italy upper emotions result,
The Escapist, mind
The upper tier calling deserves.
9. Nandiya enacted by Celestial Beings
Perfume glass customers on long ...
This story is told when the Buddha in Deer (Thien Chu fallen of) related to Nandiya .
At Ba-la-complaint, have a youth named Nandiya, son of a family of pure Buddhists. Nandiya has more virtue so dear song guy to guy doing fake a faithful of monks. Sees age, song married guy wants guy body Revatì, you're in the House opposite. But the Revatì do not believe the Buddha should not know donation, hence Nandiya does not want to marry.
Nandiya said mother Revatì :
-Hey, let's clean house, clean clean the Sa-subjects would sit, seat, prepared to map legs at the right place for you. When you arrive, take the bowl, sit, surges of water filter clean. When you're done, wash Bowl boys life. If you will do so by winning it.
Revatì do y, and mother of Nandiya said Guy:
-Now Revatì was pure.
Nandiya agree, they do marriage ceremonies. Nandiya said his wife:
-If you take care of the Bhikkhu-stilts, thoughtful and caring parents, too, I have the privilege of staying in this House, I should note.
-Yes, Sir.
Revatì promise to follow my husband. In a few minutes, she learned how to behave as a pure Buddhists. She was always obedient to her husband, and then the birth of two sons. When her husband lost her parents become gracious and Nandiya his property became wealthy. Guy donation Raises them regularly, and for real animals at the door, to steadily give poor people and travellers. Shortly after, listening to the sermon Buddha, Guy and he started to take off a quadrilateral has four dormitories, at essential in Deer. After the armchairs bed enough shopping, he surges to monks, religious ceremony of drain water and cosy horse surges to the surface World. When the water just drain into the hands of the Buddha, on thirty-three heavens grows up a splendid Castle twelve mile wide, a hundred miles high, made of furniture tell the countless natural ladies in.
When the fake Australian Religious Items-traveling up realms, He stopped before the Palace and asked:
-Who is the owner of the Palace with Germany blessed filled countless natural ladies?
Chu Thien narrates the German owners:
-Mr. Suen, Mr Nandiya, son of a well-to-do home has built essential dormitory donation Buddha, due to her merit, this Palace.
The white women with Respect:
-Mr. Ton, we are slaves of the Nandiya. Despite being born here, we are very sad for not having the employer. Please tell Nandiya up here, take off your body people do heavenly body, like smashing the pot to get the Golden vase.
False religion back to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, is it true that the person who would currently create more blessings in the who will reap the much honored in the Sun.
-This category-hopea-eyes, he saw the results on the Sun that thirty-three Nandiya achieved, why do you ask Me questions?
-Is so true, Bach World Religion.
-This category-hopea-contact, why do you say that? If there are children or brothers away long back, who stood at the gate to the village to see the rush of news for bereaved relatives. They will rejoice rejoice, mau mau go pick said: "My dear, how is having about". Also, when the friendly male or female friendly have created lot of Germany here, leaving the realms of life to other realms, Chu heaven brought many products go together painting animals and said: "Let me come first! I come first ".
And Buddha said shelves:
(219) the guests on long glass of incense,
Safe from far,
Her children dear along
Jubilant welcome.
(220) also the blessed career,
Hello, healing on-arrival reception
In other generations,
As relatives celebrate.
In Vimàna-vatthu tells that after the Nandiya celestial beings, Revatì not only increased their donation, yelled at and stilts-Bhikkhu fucking being thrown into hell at alive.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/8/2016.MHDT.

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