Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XIII. Worldly Goods
1. A lack of Ridicule MGA pretentious Young Bhikkhu Master C.
Shalt not follow France down.
This sentence was That Respect when you say in the States, with a Bhikkhu-stilts.
Area of the Strip:
Early in the morning, a Presbyterian and a Bhikkhu-stilts older go to Visàkhà House to receive the donation section in it, she always thinks of bread and porridge. The position of elders after eating porridge, comes to the House, to the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts in back. At the time, her daughter Visàkhà is helping her grandmother donation the mastermind. When she poured the water into the bowl for the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, saw his face reflected in the water, her smile; the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts look and also laugh.
She saw the teacher laughed, and he said:
-A skinhead laughed.
Floating teacher, yelled at her again:
-She is the bare head, her cheek, her head bare three.
Her Boo, cry up, Cook tells her.
Ms. Visàkhà asked:
-What is it, do you, honey?
She recounted the story. Ms. Visàkhà immediately come to the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts and ladies:
-The Australian, don't bother. You misunderstood this. That is just the manifestation of respect for a priest of high hair clean, cracked bowl jar handles hot go qifu mumo carried the patch onto the y piece in.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts women meeting the pilot server:
-Thats right, she understands the law, beard hair.. I must clean their cutting. But this little girl was a mixture of rights called me a "skinhead"?
She Visàkhà could not dissuade both master and me.
At that time, elders back and asked:
-What, female pilot?
After hearing through the story, elders hoppers located Bhikkhu-stilts:
-Stop it! You have to stay calm. Nothing outrageous for a clean cut ear hair tutor, dressed and went to qifu gangui.
-Sir, Yes. But why blame female pilot server instead, you blame me? You think there are not adequate, when mocking a monk by saying: "the bare head"?.
At that time, Germany World Religious travel to, You ask:
-What is it?
Mrs Visàkhà recounts the story of the tail head.
The Religious World to get to know the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts capable Tu-da-fruit syndrome, He silently thinking "we need to reach further to help the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts". He told Ms. Visàkhà :
-But hey, Visàkhà! There are adequate for her niece, when just because we're disciples of beard hair to qifu gangui, was ridiculed and called the master's skinhead?
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts older immediately jumped, hand-pieced together towards World Religion with the urgent, says:
-World Religion! Only You understand properly the problem, which even Mr. or Ms. rich home laboratory is also not understood.
The Buddha knew the teacher was subdued, and he says:
-Attitude mocked, ridiculed that happy is the vile attitude should not have, nor should live away ample magnification.
He read the Dhammapada:
(167) It according to France, landing
Shalt not live to wear, let go of the lung,
Shalt not as deviant comments,
Shalt not continued growth.
2. The Buddha to visit Ca-Bhikkhu-La-Protection
Effort, shalt not launch Yi ...
This was the Buddha Dhammapada verses speak out when You are at Banyan Grove, related to the father.
When the Buddha returned to Ca-Bhikkhu-la-midfielder for the first day of the Royal family, leaders come before you. On this occasion, to spill Royal arrogance of crush, he created a path through God by the treasure in the air, Mr to and fro on it, walked the sermon. Everyone in his family are being initiated, confidence is King and a Sanskrit Net rain fell on the people, causing the kinship chattering. The Buddha says:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first time that rain fell on my family, this has happened in the past.
He said his duty Being Vessantara.
After listening to the sermon, He got up out of, no one who invited a visiting professor of ethics. Net King Sanskrit also think that: "If you're not home I go?", advised the King about the Palace, not to invite the Buddha. At the Imperial Court, the King ordered the food and the Court sits for two thousand Bhikkhu-stilts. Next day, the Buddha goes on to the real, qifu gangui you think whisper: "when the Buddhist schools of the past back into your father, you go straight home or away qifu mumo carried as usual?" See that Buddha are lettered to go home once his duty in Germany, real qifu gangui also each go home begging. The rumor to the ears of King King, Sanskrit gown medium Net Austria has just come to prostrate before him and Buddha says:
-Hey, why did you insult my father? My father very disgrace when you go begging. The city itself is also not worth for me please by Golden procession.
-Australian United Kingdom! We don't insult out of the United Kingdom. We only hold true according to the traditions of the lineage.
-But, Hey! Our family tradition is to go begging each home?
-No, your Majesty! That is not his tradition. Such is the tradition of our people, as thousands of Buddhist followers went to each House to begging.
The Buddha said the Dhammapada:
(168) effort, shalt not launch Yi!
Let's live by the Chief Justice.
Happy epicurean principals,
This all my life, the hereafter.
(169) Make living smart, Chief Justice
Shalt not live by deviant!
Happy epicurean principals,
This all my life.
At the end of the French post, the King attended the result saved credentials, they also benefit society.
3. Five hundred Bhikkhu Stilts Certified Results
Look like the foam of the water ...
This story happened when Germany the duty counsel in at United Park with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts symptoms result.
There are five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts getting items from Germany the duty to meditation Master, back to forested and meditation effort. But although the exertion of fighting hard, they could not develop.
The master thought silently: "we will change the heading appropriate for us." The master came Buddhism, on the way the teacher found an illusion, focusing all the notion of illusion, the master opening. When stepping on the terrace of the convent, Sun pouring rain, the teacher standing there looking at the water as a Man Thinketh floating bubbles and melts quickly. A thought wake: "our ego as the foam floating water soluble". Immediately the master focused thought in this thought. The Duty Counsel are sitting in incense, he saith to the incarnation before the master, says the shelves:
(170) look like foamy water,
Look like going scene!
Consistent view of life as such,
Death is not caught.
Listen, the fight result and A-la-Chinese spot.
4. Prince Infinity Lt (Abhaya) Take Most Cards
Come look at this life ...
This story happened when Germany Dao at the Lisa (Veluvana), related to the unconscious Captain Prince.
Infinite Lt Prince won in the border of his father, Qin-BA-sa-la is happy, rewarded for the Prince a beautiful young dancer, good at singing, dancer and for imperial in seven days. In seven days, Prince charming sights seem extravagant Palace's father. Eighth day, Guy into the bathroom, shower on the flower garden to sit down, as Chancellor Santati see her dancing girls dancing, singing. Soon, as well as her dancer of Chancellor Santati, Miss this sick dancer and die.
Infinite Lt Prince very sad because her dancer's death. Suddenly a fleeting thought: "there's nobody outside Germany That Religion can do dissipate the sadness of our people". The guy went to the Buddha and said:
-World Religion! Please release the sadness for me.
The Buddha comforting Guy:
-Prince! In samsara, the endless can't count how many times the other dancer is dead, and also not knowing that the Prince tears to cry for her.
Know Prince was less sad, the Buddha teaches:
-Prince! Not so forlorn, only new zany guys bury themselves in hot bi pros.
He said the shelf:
(171) come look at this life,
As the car King splendor,
Stupid new immerse,
Any passionate guys.
5. The teacher Bhikkhu Stilts And Brooms
Who lived before let go of lung ...
This story is told when the Buddha in the Member States, involving elders Sammùnjani.
Elders Sammùnjani always sweeping from am to PM no time. One day, the person holding the broom to the furniture of the elders Revata (Ly-BA), see this taste remains static is situated as usual. Elders think silently: "the teachers eat not sitting already, just get your food in good credit, and then returned to sit in the furniture. Why not take the broom, sweeping at least was something his Interior? ".
-Elders-grandparents thought silently: "we will give the teacher an advice". You called Sammùnjani :
Hey parents, please come here.
-What, your Honor?
-Let's take a shower and then return here to me.
Elders Sammùnjani obedience, then to sit a respectful way next-her elders. You-she-says:
Hey parents! A Bhikkhu-stilts are not always clean. In the early morning the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts can clean the room, then go to qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried complete about essential, sat night part is located or the static part of the day, visualizations of thirty two bodies in the fuselage, knows the body impure. In the afternoon, the master may discharge the meditation and scan the room once again. But never should be spending all day just to clean yourself, or have free time.
Elders Sammùnjani care-fake Religious obedience, she soon witness A-la-Han.
After that, however, all over the room full of junk. The Bhikkhu-stilts told Sammùnjani :
-Dear parents! The rooms are full of spam why not scan?
-Mr. Chu false Religion! Before I let go of the lung often sweeping. I have now become an essential need, should not scan.
The Bhikkhu-stilts art back to the Buddha:
He said elders-a decent anchor.
But, the Buddha answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Him right. Previously, launch days let him lung, ample for most of their time in the cleaner. But now, I spend time in the fun, and not sweeping the leaders anymore.
What Religion says the shelves:
(172) Who lived before letting go,
After the launch, ample living
This dazzling glare,
Like the Moon escaping the cloud cover.
6. The story of the Only Man
Who's using the wholesome happy ...
This story happened when the Buddha in the Member States, involving elders Just Man (Angulimàla Central News-excavation-ma-la).
I hear like this: One time, Buddha in the country, guard-XA Xa States Grant independent from Her Life. The time of the King – anonymously (Pasennadi) have a killer hand-Brain Ridiculous chain wear. He's very bloody, brutal responsible vandalism, no mercy. He's devastated villages would not survive village, goes through the municipality would desert her municipality, killed the region's area does not exist. He killed one person to another, make a necklace using the fingers of the victims.
One morning, German Religious World up into the Bowl bearing Medical Clinic-protection qifu gangui. After qifu mumo carried Him back to the user in the morning, clean the room, and then brought into the Bowl y starting on the path of Man are Only Bandit lurks. The cow, Buffalo blanket blanket guys, farmer ran to, see go toward Religion have exclaimed:
-Sa-! Do not go in that direction. The killers that have Run-excavation-ma-la are hiding. He's brutal, bloody hands, killing destruction press. Him to where there is no longer life. He killed people, made into a sequence by fingers of victims wearing. SA-keeper! Occasional groups of ten, twenty, thirty, forty people together on this road, and all are killed by the Central hands-excavation-ma-la.
Wear them worry, Germany World Religion continue in silence. The second, the third time an emergency account asking Him don't go, but Germany World Religion remained silent.
Run-la-ma-see excavation of world Religion come from far away. He whispered: "it was remarkable! Awesome special! Woman long thread is usually gathered into groups of ten or twenty, thirty, forty people who travel together on this path. So that now only one Sa-keeper alone, not your companion, as if he's won the battle. Sir, we kill Sa-this subject ".
Run-la-ma-excavation handbags sword, bow, buckle deer runs after World Religion. Due to the force of the Buddha, so even though he's very Religious, world go normally, he's still no catching the Buddha. He thought: "it's extraordinary! It was remarkable! I've been holding stand both elephants, horses, vehicles, forest deer when they're running. So that the subjects are on the other, we leisurely run their best still not caught up. " He stopped calling for:
-Sa-! Stop! Please stop, Sa-keeper!
-We have stopped. Run-exposed, you should stop.
Run-think: "the Prince of dreams dashed lines like real, honest spokesperson said, but this had stopped speaking subject-while you're away. We have to ask you. "
Run-excavation say the shelves:
Even though, he said: "We have stopped".
I'm standing, he said: "You have not stopped".
Now, I would like to ask a question!
Why he was standing where I'm going?
World Religion answered:
This Central-excavation-! I stand back from long ago. Because we often upset with everyone.
No mercy in the little trade. And so stood shackled you not stand, Run-exposed!
Long-revered Sir, I rank the extraordinary wisdom, deep forest hermits. Jute was now listening to just teach, I will give up all the bad evil actions.
Say, the murderer throws the world gas down the hole, prostrate at the foot of That Religion would be making disciples.
The Buddha of compassion, wisdom, master of the Sun people, told the killer:
-Friendly hybrid, Bhikkhu-stilts!
And just like that, has turned into a Marijuana-medical disciplines.
Then, the Religious take on the venerable defense, has-Property Run-making fake a excavation, He goes to the essential Life independent from Her Staff Grant Period residence. Then before the Imperial Court of the King of capitalism-anonymous (Pasenadi), people gathered and Huma:
-Muon sire! There's a killer in the territory of the United Kingdom National name-excavation-ma-la. He's bloodthirsty, brutal, murder is not formidable. He's going through villages, municipalities, city, where no one survived. He killed people, retrieved the fingers into the chain strap. Please your Majesty, punish him.
In the early morning, the King-anonymously left the Imperial Palace with five hundred away from code, go to the essential. The King ride on about sugar can ride, down to far to walk to place like Religion. Sees where the king bowed glass and a Buddha sitting on one side. World Religion question:
-Australian United Kingdom has what distractions? The King of Qin-BA-sa-la ma-water's masterful challenge? Or the Licchavis governed the Prince of Bhikkhu property-ly-aggression? Or some former enemies?
-Germany World Religion! No, the King of Qin-BA-sa-la don't provoke me. Licchavis governed group. No other enemies. The White World Religion, have a Central name killer-la-ma-excavation in water. He's brutal, bloodthirsty, destruction of all municipalities, villages, he wears the necklace. And you can't punish him.
Hey great! Suppose your Majesty sees Run-quậ with the hair shaved clean, removing gold from the y's family life is not life, not being, don't steal, don't lie, just eaten on a packed, live life happy, true ethics Violations. Then the King will treat y like?
-World Religion! I will bow to him, will you stand up and sit down, I will ask for donation of food, raiment, dormitories, medicine for him. I will defend the position he advocates austerities, with Chief Justice of France. But, Bach World Religion! How a man of such evil can be perfectly well under the moral signals?
Meanwhile, venerable-Central excavation-ma-la sitting Buddha way not to far. And the Buddha hand only for the King.
-United Kingdom, Central Australian-excavation-ma-la!
The King-anonymously run up because of fear, limb, hair stands up. The Religious World what advice the King:
-Do not fear, your Majesty! Do not fear! Australian United Kingdom have nothing to fear at all.
At that, the King regained calm, the storm touched down, the King to the venerable Run-excavation-ma-la, asking:
-The white Australian German, are you is Run-ma-la-excavation?
-Yes, Sir!
-Please be allowed to know the religion of the father and mother?
-Australian United Kingdom! My father they Gagga, me they Mantànì .
-Great Germany! Honor instead of the venerable line Gagga noble, son of Mantànì .
Body politic will dedicated donation of food, raiment, dormitories, medicine for Him.
But then, venerable-Central excavation-ma-la has to comply with the conditions in the forest such as ascetic, go real, even qifu mumo y chalk algae, only keep three y should answer:
-Australian United Kingdom! Three y I was enough.
The King-anonymously to the Buddha, sitting on one side, and respectful gentlemen:
-World Religion! The magic real. World Religion thing the impossible things, reassures the guys led, overpower guys can't tame. World Religion subduing don't need to whip sticks, swordsmen with the guys that if we have to use to whip sticks, swordsmen also could not overpower it. The White World Religion! Now I have to go, there are things to do, to save the Center.
-Out of the United Kingdom for.
The King-stand Buddhist ceremony, outgoing-incoming interference around and back.
One morning, the venerable Run-ma-la-exposed medical relief brought into Dormitory-Bowl guard qifu gangui. And when the venerable follow usual from this House to another House, He saw a mother is hurt because of the impending birth. What, You think the whisper: "Oh! Beings suffering crush and how ".
Qifu mumo carried complete, venerable return, breakfast, come to the Buddha and wealthy girl sitting a party ladies:
-World Religion! This morning, I go Real Property-protection, as qifu gangui as usual, and saw a woman in pain as being difficult. See the scene, I think silently: "Phew! Beings suffering crush and how! ".
-Okay, this Central-excavation-ma-la, please come into the Dormitory-protection, to the woman and say: "Hey you! From birth, I don't when I have the evil mind killing for any beings. If this is true, an evangelical to with her and baby birth ".
-But, Bach World Religion! Such is the thing intentionally lie, because you have intentionally killed how many beings.
-Come on, Run-excavation-ma-la come say "this, since I'm being on the line, I didn't mean to kill anyone. If this is true please well-being to her, security for baby born ".
-Yes, Sir.
Venerable Run-excavation-ma-la World Religious obedience, back into the Dormitory-protection, to tell the woman .... She immediately gets an okay kid, born an.
Venerable Run-ma-la-exclusive live excavation, retreat from the world, single-minded determination Italy and soon the right life, religion author in intellectual, Clever, and police gain achieved the Supreme purpose of the Bible, which is also the aim of young people abandoned the life, renounced family life family no. Fake religion declared: "this is the last life «environment, Pham has created, job done, we have no back this life". Venerable has certified A-la-Han.
One morning, Jia Run-ma-la-exposed medical relief brought into Dormitory-Bowl guard qifu gangui. See mock Religious, who then threw to Earth, throwing sticks, stones throw guys beating the false Religion. False respect back, broken head, blood flow, bowl of hot, y Austria tearing in., description of world Religion. World Religion seen from far away, comforted:
-Take the ring She-la, please ring She-la, you suffer because of the current results of the evil action, instead of sufferings in hell for years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years.
Now, let's assume the Central-la-ma-excavation alone tu hidden, fun peace of liberation.
False religion say the shelves:
(172) Who lived before letting go back
After the launch, ample living
This dazzling glare,
Like the Moon escaping the cloud cover.
(173) Who used the fresh almond,
Do delete evil karma, blur
This dazzling glare,
Like the Moon escaping the cloud cover.
(382) age, however small, stilts-Bhikkhu
Diligence tu Buddha Dhamma,
Illuminate this world,
As the Moon escape from clouds.
The enemy, please listen to the doctrine.
The enemy, take refuge under Buddha.
The enemy, will claim good people,
The front of the Buddha Dhamma practice only.
The enemy, please listen to the doctrine
Of the happy teaching patient humiliation,
Of people praising the altruism is not evil,
And when the time came to follow her teachings.
People like that don't harm yourself, harm people.
He will attain Nirvana
And cover for all beings.
(80) The values of hydraulic conductivity, water
Guys who do the straightening name name,
Carpenter wood bending,
Degrees of location photography itself.
There's only been a whip, hook, simple sentences.
The Buddha taught us not by sword or whip.
The old days my name is "the killer",
But now we're numb "ahimsa".
On ancient Central-exposed, name him killer.
Enacted by being on the line of our Holy refuge according to Buddha.
We used the name exposed, bloody hands-Central.
The out! We transport Medicine Buddha,
Shining wisdom eye.
Do evil fall into hell,
We had a good result.
The repayment is completed, we now enjoy the result.
(26) They foolish lack of position,
Professional life sheltered Launcher.
The location, not ample magnification,
As keeping precious possessions.
(27) Never lived life sheltered Launcher.
Shalt not enthrall exercise.
Ample magnification, not meditation, 
Hit was at peace.
Respect, not furniture is our teachings well by,
We don't have to be taught things.
We have entered the most auspicious circumstances,
In all the circumstances.
We have proof of sanming,
We keep about Buddha.
When the fake Religious Run-ma-la-excavators finished shelf, You enter Nirvana Infinity. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts gathered in chattering path:
-Chu Hien, head of he being on?
Meanwhile, Germany World Religion go to, You ask:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! The he's here talking about what?
-World Religion! We're discussing where the reborn of the Central Presbyterian-excavation-ma-la.
-He got into Nirvana.
-World Religion! ? Into Nirvana after killed Oh people?
-Thats right! The Bhikkhu-stilts! Previously, lack the clarity of instructions, he triggers the guilt. But then, when he was well under the teaching of intelligent, ranks he lived very mindfulness. So, he deleted the evil past deeds tan by the Protestants.
What Religion says the shelves:
(173) Who used the fresh almond,
Do delete evil karma, blur
This dazzling glare,
Like the Moon escaping the cloud cover.
7. Weaving Girl.
In this real blindly ...
This story happened when Germany World Religion in the property Aggàlava ejaculation involves a little girl weavers.
One day, the Buddha goes to Alavi. The populace Alavi sometimes life Buddha boy. Boys life, the Buddha taught a short French article:
"Take the contemplation of death, the stanzas: people make the life of our fragility. The death of me is trying. We're definitely going to die. Death will terminate life. Life is not fixed, fixed is death. Who does the contemplation of death, will fear the time when Lin chung to, and will die in awe, as a woman experiencing solid, no sticks in hand, hopper seems to run. Also people have contemplation of death, will not fear in the last moments of his life, and as a daring people see snakes, has a broken tip it away. So, make the contemplation of death ".
Everyone heard it done again to return to normal life. Only a little girl aged sixteen weavers myself "teachings of the Buddha's real magic, part I contemplation about death". And her contemplation throughout the day and night. The World to honor departed Alavi to States members. She also continued contemplation about death in three years.
On one day, early in the morning That expels the World Cafe, Mr Suen saw her appear in the sight of him. He wondered "what happens?" You pay attention to now, the aftermath: "From the day she heard Me say France, were practicing contemplation about the dead last for three years. Now, we're going to the Roman Empire Alavi and she asked four questions, We will praise her, and I will say this In truth: the Dhammapada blindly. To listen done she will testify. Thus, they will understand the deep hearing my teachings. What is the Religion of the same five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts onto the road to property Aggàlava glass.
The populace Alavi heard That show respect to them, the essential life Buddha brother occasionally. property She also heard the weavers human, full of joy. She thought: "What Religion has to, steps from my dress, masters degree, master glass quarter moon as dung, Germany Having-Buddha talks-da". She told myself "now, for the first in three years, we met World Religion, yellow colors loved, now we are wealthy girl kim ceremony of him, and heard Him preach in France vi full-proof Sweet Magic".
But her father prior to weaving, told her:
-This cửi on the frame of his father, also a gauge of the fabric not yet finished weaving, weaving is done today. Please wrap only on the space shuttle for full and carrying folded to his father.
Girls think silently: "We are looking forward to hear the Buddha sermon, but my father has Lok like. We will go to France or spinning for us? " She thought: "if we don't bring the shuttle to, my father would beat me. So, are these filled the space shuttle for spinning, bring him, waiting for another occasion to go to France ". She sat on the Chair and spinning.
The populace Alavi waiting for That Suen, donation of food, after dinner they clean up the bowl and listen to Him only. The World Respect "We come across a road about thirty miles just because of a little girl, she is not yet available. When she came to, We will. " So, You sit hearing them unmoved, im waiting (When the Buddha do thinh, no person or the Sun would dare uttered a sentence).
She had finished the basket, remove the space shuttle and brought to the factory for his father. Along the way, you stop hearing them outside and intently the Buddha also see her Respect?, and she understand the meaning: "The Duty Lawyer sat in the France Association, expressed the wish to see Mark to close, He wanted us to listen in right now".
(Why Germany World attention, Respect her? Because he knew that if she went forward she will die when pendent, her next life will not know. But if her kid to listen to France, she will witness results of Projections and will definitely See Sun-realms up reborn. He knows she is dead today).
With signs of the Buddha, she look to almost admire Religious Halo colors around the six Buddha-body, respect and respectful ceremony, wealthy girl to close, she sat in silence with them around the hearing. The World Religion asked her:
-Where are you from?
-World Religion! You do not know.
-Will you go to?
-World Religion! You do not know.
-I know or not know?
-World Religion! I know.
-I don't know?
-World Religion! You do not know.
After four questions, Buddha's angry hearing soy sauce FRY: "look! The girl, the elders weavers said as joking with That Religion. When He asked where it must answer: "from the weavers". And when He asked where to go, said to my Lord: "Let's weave yard, new way".
World Religion told them hearing silence, He asked her:
Hey baby! When I ask you come from, because you don't know the answer?
-World Religion! He also knows that his father is from the weavers. So when You ask your child come from, I understand that the intent of the question was where children born here. But I don't know where children born to this place.
Buddha's praise:
-Heal instead! Heal instead! Hey, you've answered my question correctly.
He said:
-When We ask you about it, because you don't know the answer?
-World Religion! He also knew the textile yard with space shuttle basket on hand. So when You ask you where to go, I understand the intent of the sentence is when leaving it the rebirth of it. But to me, the unknown child born after death of.
-You answered my question correctly.
The Buddha commended her for the second time, and said:
-When We asked, you know, why the answer you know?
-World Religion! Because I know that you will surely die, so the answer like that.
-You've answered my question correctly.
The Buddha commended her for the third time, said:
-Why when I ask you do not know or affordable, the answer that doesn't know?
-World Religion! OK I know for sure is that I will die, but die at anytime, day or night, in the morning or whenever, I cannot know, so the answer don't know.
The Buddha praised last Wednesday.
-You've answered my question correctly.
He taught them the hearing:
-The person who does not understand the sentence, she said, should be angry. With no intellectual property label, they blind, just who would have the wisdom to see this new label.
He said the shelf:
(174) In this blindly,
Few see clear.
As the bird escape mesh,
Very few go to heaven.
The last French girl syndrome effects. She got the shuttle come to his father. He was sitting by the frame cửi. Don't know my father is sleeping she put the shuttle into the basket. Space shuttle basket touches to the top of the frame, the triggers cửi, her father gowns up to continue pulling the first couch frames, cửi heavily in her chest she fell out dead, being up the Sun-See. Her father startled to see her daughter lying close, full waves of blood and died. He horrified lamented:
-No one suffering for us.
He goes to tell the Buddha and said:
-World Religion, please help me.
The Buddha comforting:
-Ok, this melancholy advantage friendly male! Within the endless reincarnation, who had been crying the tears more than four countries.
The Buddha speak of samsara, the endless weavers heard complete, less grief, please Buddha are.
He rounded the duty of a priest and soon proof result and A-la-Han.
8. Thirty Gentlemen Bhikkhu Stilts
As Swan bay.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in at United, that involves thirty gentlemen Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, thirty unit Bhikkhu-stilts live in other parishes to visit A fake Religion Buddha.-nan see the to when preparing on most of the Buddha. A-South thought whisper: "I will wait for That Suen Germany welcomed the Bhikkhu-stilts, then we are new to most", and suppose to wait outside the door.
Welcome to the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts, the sermon was a way for the wedding Festival. After that, all symptoms result from the A-la-Han. His retirement from the Buddha, fly up nowhere.
The Bhikkhu-stilts go, A-nan to Buddha, asking:
-World Religion, there are thirty Bhikkhu-stilts to come here, where they are?
-World Religion, they go out of the way?
-They fly through nowhere.
-World Religion, so they got rid of death?
-Thats right! This A-nan! After listening to the French, they have shown him A-la-Han.
At the time, there were a few swans soar overhead. The Buddha says:
-A-nan! Who fully developed the God, he hovered as the swans.
He said the shelf:
(175) As Swan,
Related information between gods of heaven,
Won ma, ma,
Tri guys escape this life.
9. War-Old Slander Buddhism.
Anyone violating a French ...
This story happened when the Buddha in States, related to War-old Ma-na (Cincà Mànavikà ).
After the Buddhist leader, countless human and divine refuge under Christ, the Cross, the people growth. The happy Mr lan, honor and benefit accrues more nourishing. Towards the layman, they gradually lost honor, profit, as Firefly takes the light under the Sun. They focus on the road, call:
-Only the Abbreviated-talks is the Buddha? We are also the only Buddha. donation he brought many blessed report? Donation we also blessed the newspapers. Our donation stated many things like food. Should donation we should confess our canopy.
But even their sexual urges, nor are honour and profit.
They thus secretly meeting and "we seek to disparage Having Ðàm in front of people, to end the donation, honor y".
At the time, the Property had a defense-in-du singer ni War-old name. She is very beautiful, cute, as a first lady, bright body. A young layman, and he put a plan "To Fight old, can we disparage Sa-Limited disciplines-Ðàm, and terminate all the donation respect for him".
"Her plan was done", we concur.
War-old go into the monastery of pagan, say hello and waited, but the teacher said nothing to her. She asked:
-I feel I have an error?
She asked three times, and repeat:
-The Religious Chief, I just asked a question. Gentlemen, I have a Ton of errors? Why are you not telling me?
The layman reply:
-Sister, I know Sa-Abbreviated subject-Ðàm? People who want to do us harm, lost honor and benefit of us?
-The Religious Chief, I do not know him. But I can help in doing this?
-If you want to we won, let's find a way to disparage Sa-Limited disciplines-Ðàm, and the end of honor, taking advantage of him.
-Sir, I will do every possible way, don't worry about this.
War-and he finished the old start-up. She uses all the dexterity of a woman to reach the goal. When the populace into French in listening States guard-Amnesty Members returned, she wore a robe, carrying the cockroach wings floral color go towards essential States. residences A person asked:
-Where to now?
War-old answer:
-I go where you have become nothing to the people.
You stay the night at a monastery near pagan essential, and in the early morning, when people prepare to go to the essential Buddha morning, she visited the residence will return back to the city. People ask:
-Night where are you?
-I, have become nothing to these people?
About a month and a half, when anyone asks, you are a:
-The night I stayed in Her Interior-Ðàm perfume, just alone.
In this way, girls sexy the doubt in the hearts of those easy to believe, and they talk to each other "that Gives true or not?" About three to four months, she now backs tightening a rope belts, create feelings that she is pregnant, she is wearing a red shirt, where also says "I'm about to have a baby with Sa-Abbreviated subject-Ðàm". In this way, she fooled the fools.
Eight, nine months, a wooden fork column before her abdomen, gown covered up, do all people seem to try its fat by taking the bone smashing up the hands, feet, back, and out looks tired. Afternoon, she stood before the German lines to France As Lai. Here in Halo, you are full of brilliant theory. War-old man stood there, mouth open verbal World Religion.
-Sa-the great subjects of this, around France to court the crowd gathered to hear his sermon also truth is great, the sound is sweet, his soft tongue mouth. However, he is the person who made my pregnancy and birth. He does not try to find a spot for me is, does not offer the security, oil and things I need. He did not fulfill his duty, nor does it say those constant donation he as King-anonymously, or independent from Her or maternal Level property-women overstayed pilot-Bhikkhu home his greatness, that "Please make this woman what she needs". He knows very well how to enjoy sex, but don't know how to take care of a child about to birth.
She yanked the world between Religious assemblies such as yelling at a woman holding or on hand sought to obliterate the Moon dirt. The Religious World to stop teaching wild and Dragons up like a lion, says:
-What, sister sister, this right or wrong, just me and you know it.
-Thats right so the other lofty subjects-but one can decide between right and wrong about things that only you and I know?
At the time, the Court sitting in God's Love, God's Love warming consistent suicide causes, War-old vu does not Like Lai. God's love to think "I will elucidate the problem", and fly down with four meditation deity. The angels turned into mice bite fork column cord before War-old belly, and a wind blown cloak, Potter fell, off her toes.
IBM East boos:
-The name of the other Witches swear to honor World. yelled at
They beat her, throwing stones, sticks and chasing out of the States. When she walked out of the vision of the World, the Earth cracked out a deep hole beneath her, and flames from hell A-Bhikkhu, her book as a red cloth over shooting took, and she fell out of hell A-Bhikkhu. From there, the good and the good of the pagan lessened, and animal products rises to Power as many as Ten to Messiah.
The next day, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in France road.
-Chu ja! War-old slander who Lai, Worship, Religion, the World was destroyed.
The Buddha arrived and asked:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! He gathered here talking?
The art teacher, the Buddha teaches:
-This is not the first War-and slandered and old destroyed, in the past she has also done so.
He said:
-A King cannot penalize someone without awareness issues for clarification, when not carefully study all aspects whether large or small. He recounts the predecessor to United States (AustralianPaduma Mahà ).
Past stories
9A. The Prince And The Woman Rights Abusers.
Oldtimer, War-is-Bo's templates slapped, Prince of United Australian flowers. She like to adultery with the Prince himself, but was rejected. She then hitting yourself, make looks painful, to say to his father:
-Prince tormenting me out like this because I can't take adultery with y.
The King heard, extremely angry, immediately exiled Prince down the dead area. Perforated Angel through the mountain, carrying the Prince up and reported to the long United Kingdom. Long United Kingdom brought the guy about long bows, and ceded to the United States a half dragon. Here a n m, the Prince wanted to export the tu family, people up the mountain-code, live life, and develop the great plan to spirit.
A forest guards found him Prince with the King. The King arrived, say hello and after hearing the matter has suggested the throne for him. The Prince refused, advised the King that:
-For my part, I have no ambition to rule. But on the part of the ocean, should keep the ten wholesome, stay away from evil, bad roads and ruled his country of central districts.
The King stood up, tears and return to the Imperial Palace. The King asked the great spirit:
-Who was with direct Chinese spy glasses look like?
-Your Majesty! The Queen has caused this.
The King and he captured the Queen, hanging down the dead areas, and rule the Kingdom himself faithfully. Early life, the Prince Royal Lotus is the Bodhisattva, and the plans of the main guy is War-old.
Conversation predecessor Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Who destroyed a world, who will lie, who reinforce tribute messed up, who don't believe in the hereafter, does not abandon the evil would not do that.
He said the shelf:
(176) Who violate a legal,
Who says the word of hope,
Who denied the hereafter,
No evil would not do
10. Animal Products Cannot Compare
Glue Fang not being natural.
This story happened, when Germany World Religion in States, related to products from dark victory.
One day, Germany World Religion along with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts go qifu mumo, return to the States. The King-anonymously go to essential Buddha sometimes tho brother. property The next day, the King ordered the malls this page a lot of product to monks, and the cult rising population:
-Come look at our shop by product page.
People to look at the material, products, and then the next day again, they sometimes Buddha and they Rise, they also prepare the product, my Lord King.
-United Kingdom products material look come Out of the donation.
When the King saw the donation of the populace, have told myself: "The people of this town made many animal products than the deluge, I will second donation". Immediately, the King shopping this page on animal products, and when population was found Wednesday's donation, they also prepare back donation on it.
Between the King and the populace more nobody guards anybody-Amnesty. The result, after six times the donation, the population increase in animal products up hundreds fold fold a thousand times, fully prepared to float no one can criticize is missing something.
When the King saw them held full scale so You think whisper, "If we're not shopping this page more than them, we live to do?" And the King is long, all thoughts of posing. Queen Loss-benefit (Mallikà) go to, find the King lies and he calmly asked:
-Australian United Kingdom! Why is that? What makes Australian United Kingdom seems lo be sad?
-So late not know anything?
-Sire does not know.
The King narrates everything vying donation between yourself and God. Queen says:
-Please don't sire negativity, you have never heard or seen a Lord United Kingdom lose again? Cards will arrange this.
Queen Loss-benefit say so because she wanted to create a product in dark victory. She my Lord the King:
-Australian United Kingdom please ordered the construction of a castle made of wood for the tree's shape to the Sala for five hundred Sa-Mon Sat, also followers of Sa-keeper then sit outside the arc. Do five hundred white South 33 mph for five hundred elephants brought South 82 mph stand cover the Sa-Mon. Between the Castle put eight or ten table by Ruby. Between the two Sa-for some of the missing women Police line-sitting benefits sprinkle soy source aroma, and a teenager standing fans for two. Some of the missing women-line profit brought incense powder is sprinkled on the Turkish gold. Some carried green Lotus embedded on the Turkish divisions and surges up the Sa-Mon. Ðấy, people do have a daughter-benefits line, there's a white elephant, NW 2 mph and they will lose the Majesty. That's what you should do.
The King endorsed:
-Or too! The program of late.
And the King ordered Moskalenko of the Queen. However, the lack of an elephant for a Sa-Mon. The King told the Queen Loss-benefit:
-Ai khanh! Missing only one elephant. Now do?
-Majesty is not enough, say five hundred elephants?
-Yes, but left those aggressive elephants, when they found the Marijuana, they will float the infuriating as tornados.
-Sire aware stand for an elephant rampant, can bring the West 55 mph on the back.
-Where to order it?
-Next to the fake Religious Angulimàla .
The King y lyrics. Elephants swept tail down I take the legs, ears, eyes and stand still. People look at elephants with admiration, gray soy sauce together.
-The elephant on the other good new data!
The King worried most by the German group Increased World next to honor. After the cat King kneeling Oh and ladies:
-World Religion! The sweet boys, breakfast in worth or not worth the price, I'm all for That Suen surges.
Cost for the donation of about fourteen million treasure in just one day. Four priceless treasures donation for Germany That Ton disposal: a white West 55 mph, a bed, a Chair and a chair leg for support. After that, no animal products would rise worship Buddha can compare to the King's animal products, animal products should be called up to win. This has been happening for the Buddha, and is always led by the Empress arranged.
Meanwhile, during the two great gods Kàla and Junha. Kàla think the whisper "of wealth the King lost many! In just a day that most consuming Fourteen million treasure. And the elders on the other subjects-, after dinner, will take on sleeping khì! The King squander assets! " Also Junha think "Oh! The King of great creature food, sweet surrender! Only the new King to do so! Moreover, no person outside the King makes all species entitled blessed thanks to the donation. We thank the King that offer worship ".
When the Buddha finished, boys life the King take his Bowl waiting for Him the sermon. The Buddha thought silently: "the King has great wrestling products donation, donation as flood waterfall. People with glasses of this, or not? " And get to know the thoughts of the great spirit, He thought: "if we scatter the German exclamation of adequate food supplies for the King, the head of the Kàla will split seven, You just say a simple sentence of four article extolling the King, who is standing in front of Him after the donation up to win. Finished, He stood up back to the essential.
The Bhikkhu-stilts asked Angulimàla :
-Religion, He has a fear of seeing elephants brought South 82 mph helped white stood near Him?
-No, I am not afraid, Sage.
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-World Religion! Angulimàla lie.
Buddha confirmed:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Fearless Angulimăala, because the Bhikkhu-stilts as my son is the most noble of noble people have quit taking part in education; and fearless.
He taught:
(422) the noble Ranks, the enemy WINS,
The hero, the great artist ranks,
The winning ranks, immaculate,
Ranks cleanses, enlightenment,
We called her-la-Mon.
The King's bitter disappointment, thinking silently "after countless product donation, and there most Germany World Religion, instead saying his evening with animal products, You just say a short shelves and go on. Can we made the inappropriately for Germany That ton, can we also inappropriate things instead of the appropriate object. Can's like anger, Respect by Him usually have the directional feedback rate Germany balance with animal products. " Think like that, the King-anonymously go to essential Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, and Bach:
-World Religion, I have errors when surges not products, cosy? There are instead worship the cult again appropriate inappropriate things?
-Why your Majesty ask?
-World Religion does not merit helpfulness symmetry with animal products the offer.
-Animal products, This donation is very appropriate. Dark Majesty WINS product donation only once for a Buddha, products, things like that are difficult for the second.
-But, Like white, why He did not tell the Germans with animal products?
-Because there is great spirit not purity.
-World Religion, in the who is who to blame.
The Buddha said to the King two contradictory views of two of the great spirit and comforted the King that, since pity Kàla should He not lauded the in Germany.
The King asked Kàla :
-Affordable khanh had thought like that?
-My Lord Yes.
-We don't take what belongs to khanh, we only give what's mine, with the support of the Queen and the Crown Prince. We have mistakes with khanh? Please go away! What we worship we worship, and khanh stepped out of the Palace.
After chasing the Kàla out of the Palace, the King to call Junha and ask:
-To the right? think Mahadevan
-Yes, Sir.
-Khanh thought right, I'm very satisfied. We allow khanh in the imperial family and the donation of seven days as us.
The King for Junha in in seven minutes, and to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, the name she was foolish to behave badly. See the donation, y has the opposite reaction.
-Yes, stupid, not the wedding Festival to see who he is, and will be punished. But the fun decor like with other people are food donation and will bring forth.
He said the shelf:
(177) the glue not being unlawful,
Fools hate alms.
The position like the alms.
«Economy after enjoying.
Last posting by France, Junha evidence of effects. The assemblies also benefitted. Junha after the proof of results made during seven days as an emperor.
11. The Happy investors can Bid
Than utriusque Earth ...
The story occurred when the Buddha is in the States, related to Kàla, the son of her independent from Supply.
Kàla the son of the chief author Granted independent from Her famous father, and full glass Dharma news. Although like the guy did not meet Buddha or Buddha, or visit the salute as French listeners, or serve them. When my guy advice:
-Hey, don't do that.
The guy also does not pay attention to the word of the father. Chief author of thinking: "if we have such attitude and act according to it, said will fall into hell A-Bhikkhu. Nothing really nice when it is seen eyes fallen. Sir, no one on this earth not been bought by material, we will seduce it. " And he said Kàla :
-This, if you keep on the son, go to essential listening, when his father's French residence will give you a percentage.
-It will give your father?
-Thats right.
After his father formed l guy i promise three times, Kàla keep on son and goes to the essential. But the guy did not pay attention to listen to France, he found the place very good, is sleep and return home soon. He said his fake Human Head:
-You have kept about full-time boys, get delicious food for you to hurry up.
But Kàla says:
I have yet to receive money is I don't eat.
Guy who adamantly refuse to bring to everything. Father Guy can't eat, and he ordered the presses to bring money to, the guy holding the money on hand, and then eating.
The next day, he was Chief author said:
-I'll give This child a thousand, if you go to place like in a school, the short shelves, and returned back to me saying.
Away Kàla going to the essential, standing Buddha. Soon the guy in a shelf and want to go. The Buddha makes the guy does not understand the meaning of sentences her shelving, Kàla "I will learn in the following sentence". So, the guy sitting to linger and continue to listen to France. (Anyone hear of France with all attention will result and the resulting Profile credentials rest). Kàla listen to France with all the attention, but the Buddha also makes the Guy didn't understand the meaning, the guy think we will better understand the sentence the next shelf. The guy just to linger and listen, then evidence of Wikiproject.
The next day, the guy automatically take the monks, Buddha had led, in the Dormitory-protection. Fake Chief saw his son go after them up, telling myself "today, the attitude of the US made us happy". Also Kàla the thought silently "that his father would not give money to us today, in the presence of the Buddha. Expect that my father kept his job because of the money we save on brother sex" (but the Buddha knew this).
Secretary Rice to monks, but rising author has Buddha tho son and the son's food. Kàla sitting, drinking, eating soup and rice. When finished, the boys life Buddha Head placed the bag of a thousand in front of you and say:
-Make sure you remember the father and son, This has required the precept on son and go to France, and then will give you a thousand. This is money.
Kàla see father guy put money right in front of the Buddha, very embarrassed and said:
I don't need the money.
-Devices with money, baby.
Every guy deny, do not touch the bag. Fake Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and white Secretary:
-World Religion, my son's attitude today do so excited.
-The other day, I told him to go to the essential, promised for a hundred. Today he's back home, not eat without money. But today, when the son for the money it just refused to accept.
-Thats right so this Minister, author. Today the son he has Preliminary result, y has reached beyond the thing is made of sanh, Rotating the United Kingdom or Transfer or Brahma.
He said the shelf:
(178) Than utriusque Earth,
More contentious was the Sun,
More than his home universe,

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