Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XIX. Righteous Food France Head Office
1. The unjust Judge
You're not in France ...
This story happened when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to the Chief Justice.
One day, the Bhikkhu-stilts come true in the northern port city qifu gangui Xa-protection, and return to the essential, through the city centre. Then the sky pouring rain, the Bhikkhu-stilts On refuge in a French family, the master saw the Chief Justice of bribes and the foreclosure of the property of the people one way illegal. The master thought whisper: "What he viewed was not justly, we think they are the Chief Justice with integrity".
When the rain ceased, the master back to Buddha, crystals and white Buddhist story up just then, Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, people would surrender to desire vile, tyranny, cannot be called righteous. Only people going to explore the wrongdoing in a case, and handle the wrong which the French right, not tyranny, called righteous.
(256) You're not France Head Office
Act too tyranny,
Ranks positions need to differentiate,
Both the Chief Justice and deviant!
(257) the French right, tyranny, Not
Fair, walking guide,
Live the true France, ranks
Truth commensurate based nomenclature.
2. Green Pants Bhikkhu Stilts
It's not saying much ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to the continental pants Bhikkhu-stilts.
The tale that the Green Group on stilts or passing from-Bhikkhu pants essential essential at this other residence halls from this village to another village, loss of order in our dining room to rise. That day, the few young and Sa-stilts-Bhikkhu portable, after breakfast in the village, to the essential. The Bhikkhu-stilts here asked:
-Lettered fraternity like the dining room like?
-Please do not ask us. Some Green tights flag Tower-stilts claimed: "only we smart, we are the only intellectual. We will fight these teachers, garbage up their heads and chase them out. "
And they grab us, empty trash up the top, make the dining room cluttered up.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, we don't call someone smart when he said much and irritating others. I just called the wisdom when her patience guys, get rid off angry and scared.
He said the shelf:
(258) are not saying much, because
Commensurate level, list new
An okay, not resentment, fear
Truth value for call hierarchy.
3. Not because said many That Gaining Praise
It's not saying much ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to the false Respect For Owls, A-la-Han Ekuddàna .
False respect For Owl lives alone in the Woods and only know a unique shelf:
Sa-keeper thought the bar high,
, Practice in silence.
SA-who's the subject of constant NET security,
Always, there is no impurities mindfulness.
On each day, the fake Religious proceedings just read up a shelf, and Chu Thien applause echoes, hum.
Day, also on the occasion of Publication-slapped, has two geriatric stilts tripiṭaka pine-Bhikkhu, brought a thousand map them to the place. False respect For Owls found the master, so excited, says:
-The Luckily, today we will hear France.
-But, Sir, here's who to listen to.
-Yes, on said boundary, both forests are dynamic wine applause of Chu.
As such, the law and other teaching reading and he wide definition, but there is a God would clap. The question:
-Parent, He told us, this is when the law was read, Chu heaven applause echoes, hum. This is why?
-The other day, I don't know what happened today?
-Then He read law.
Most of them then Call fake religious ruling, court fans sit and read the sentence, Thien Chu back shelves of applause echoes, hum. Meanwhile, the Bhikkhu-stilts map them of two other masters are resented Chu, said:
-Heavenly Divine in this forest express homage by applause. Whether through teaching tripiṭaka stilts-Bhikkhu much about France, they don't speak a word of praise. So that when the head of the old read-only one sentence, they clap noise.
And return to the essential, they bring the story presented to the Buddha. Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, we don't call someone who is informed throughout the Dhamma only because they know or read more. But who would only read one sentence, grips the truth, the truth is the smoothly tripiṭaka.
He said the Dhammapada:
(259) is not saying much, because
The new list matched the French maintenance,
Those who hear, however little,
But the true France, stems
No Bohemian districts of France,
The new list matched the French maintain.
4. Young people can be the Master?
Not the elders.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, involving elders Bhaddiya Lakuntaka .
One day, the fake Religious Lakuntaka to do most of the fake a Buddha, and when it comes out, there are thirty monks in the Woods to see. The position to meet Buddha, and wealthy girl sitting back on one side. The Buddha found thirty teachers are likely to witness A-la-Han, and he asked:
-Do you see a moderate elders went out?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion!
-You don't see?
-We just found a Sa-di.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, that is not the Sa-di, which is a Presbyterian.
-He too young, dear World Religion!
-We don't call someone who is old just because they are elders, as they sit in a Chair, but the elders who would achieve this through truth, and dealing with other people, he is Presbyterian.
Buddha said shelves:
(260) not the elders,
Despite advanced age silver top,
NET not approved, almond
Religion claiming ranks venerable,
Such calls are useful?
(261) the One True, true France,
No harm, said the dress mode,
Ug, not UE structure,
The new list matched elders.
5. What is Complete?
Not speak fluently.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, involving a number of Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, some elders saw the Sa-di and Bhikkhu-stilts served young master, dye, medicine dry y. .. The chattering:
-We are the ones who teach smoothly, so without looking like that. Now we come to the Buddha said: the White World Religion! We are all adept, please order the Bhikkhu-stilts school front and Sa-di that: "Despite being school teachings with anyone, not until the preparation he was this teaching elders". So we will be honour and profit.
Desk, the elders to the Buddha and Buddhist thought: as above, Sir "In religious tradition, we have the right to say so, but those who only think of their rights". And he said:
-We don't comment you have absolutely only because he speaks fluently. But people do that all the pollution and bad morals were great except by Holy berries, he completely new.
He said the shelf:
(262) not fluently,
Not brilliantly dressed,
The honest people,
If he, take part, liar.
(263) Who was cut, break,
Take heart, pluck root
People's minds destroyed,
Investors can call the Sage.
6. Starter Should not do Bare Bhikkhu Stilts
Starter bare, not make the Sa-Mon. ..
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States Members, contact to Hatthaka .
The tale that, every time the master Hattthaka loses while debating, and he brought a date:
-Go to the other place, the place on the correct hour, the hour of the other, will end the dispute.
And the master before where appointment, and said:
-View! Those Pagans feared to come see him. So are they losers.
The teacher always used told the enemy every time losers.
The Buddha heard Hatthaka do so, call the teacher to ask:
- Hatthaka, does he do so?
-Yes, Sir.
-Why did he do it? A people do mistakes cannot be called Sa, although their heads shaved. Who would this page be any small mistakes is Sa-Mon.
 He said the shelf:
(264) bare, no Sa-Lon,
If the cavalier, lying,
Who is also full of sex, greed,
Why was called Sa-Mon.
(265) eradicate all sin,
Though large and small are not,
The Soviet Union pursue human afflictions,
Is purity Sa-Mon.
(Brahma Message room).
7. What Makes Sa Mon
Must see is Bhikkhu-stilts.
The story occurred when the Buddha in at the Park, contact a She-la-Mon.
There is a-la-alike from abandoning the family, becomes Foreign Minister. When he travels, he thought himself qifu gangui: "Sa-Abbreviated subject-call talks the disciples as" Bhikkhu-stilts "when they go to qifu gangui. He must also call me Bhikkhu-stilts ". He went to the Buddha and said:
-Sa-Limited-subject talks, I also feed by begging, please call me Bhikkhu-stilts.
The Buddha answered:
-She-la, we can't call anyone is Bhikkhu-stilts only because her begging. The same form all Bhikkhu-stilts nor Bhikkhu-stilts. Only the person who saw know as truth about the aggregates and maintained Samyutta, he truly is Bhikkhu-stilts.
He said the shelf:
(266), qifu mumo carried thanks to people,
Must see is Bhikkhu-stilts!
Under comprehensive,
Qifu mumo not, not enough.
(267) Who overcome evil,
Professional life Offense,
Jurors in the living of life,
The new list matched Bhikkhu-stilts.
8. Silent Not Make Holy Ranks
Silent but foolish ...
Professional fishing occurs when Germany World Religion in States, related to the layman.
The pagan teacher receives food donation often bless owners:
-Would like to wish you peace, happiness, increased longevity. These will not come to the place where gai corner, dyspepsia, Marsh as the place where the other excuses.
Like their helpfulness, blessings, Thanksgiving and finished. The Buddha's Sangha, helpfulness, yet the original master only real character and then go. The public criticism as follows:
-We are listening to thank and bless of pagan, while the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts is completely silent.
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha. Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, when sitting in the dining room or where real life, be thankful for his food, and say please owners when they sit near it.
As a result, the Buddha ordered the Bhikkhu-stilts helpfulness for merit. When listening to the lyrics, sometimes people try the master home real-life, and the donation very much. The pagan critics:
-We are holy and remain silent, and the disciples Having – GAB said talks on the dinner table and the real-life places.
When the Buddha heard recounted, He taught:
-  Don't we call holy person just because they are silent. There are many who do not speak because of ignorance, because of a lack of faith, sometimes as stingy didn't want other people to learn what I know. So I say he is not Holy just because they are silent. Just who would exit the exercise of new infections is holy.
He said the shelf:
(268) silent but foolish,
See known hermit?
As the person holding the balance,
This place ranks.
(269) abandoned the evil French,
New truth is hidden.
Who really understand the two lifetime,
New known hermit.
9. Noble Is Noble Ðộng
See known Holy Sage ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to a the High appreciation of the name. One day, the Buddha observed the syndrome likely results, so after qifu mumo carried near the door into the north side of Campus, and they increase-back through this person. Right at the time, the fishing is fishing. Meet Buddha and monks, thus Towering throw fishing rods and stand still. The World Religious stand away, back to the question Property name-benefits-the ECHO and the other position:
-He name?
-The Property is-benefits-the echo.
-Is the item-hopea-contact.
The fish thought silently: "the Buddha asked to name people, sure will ask my name". Buddhas know your turn to ask:
-This renunciation, he name?
-World Religion, the High appreciation of the name.
The Buddha said:
This residential-singer, winner of the lives of other people can't call is Conferred. Conferred is never hurt anyone.
He said the shelf:
(270) Also murdered birth ghost,
The Holy See called Sage.
Don't hurt any,
The Holy Sage called new.
10. Do not Self Complacency
Not just about banning ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, involving few Bhikkhu-stilts virtue.
Some Sa-full automatic virtue subjects thought that:
-We fully about Germany, we practice according to the doctrine, we learn, we live, we develop translational spirit through thanks to meditation. Thus, we witness A-la-Chinese is not difficult, we will witness A-la-Han anytime.
Also, the proof of results A-na-also thinks:
-For us, the result of A-la-Chinese is not difficult.
One day you go to Buddha, and wealthy girl sitting back on one side. The Buddha asked:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he has done yet?
The master ladies:
-World Religion, we have reached the ranks of Saints like that, when we do want to witness the fruits of A-la-Han. Because think so, should we hold position.
Heard the Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, inappropriately for a Sa-just because subjects had kept the round precepts, or just being certificate Tam, and think: "only a little less negativity in my current life." On the contrary, as long as smuggled or have not completely eradicated, people without rights himself was actually a prime witness.
He said the shelf:
(271) isn't just about prohibition.
Also not learning much.
Not certified meditation,
Living stick away alone.
(272) we enjoy an all right,
Divine Lady yet are,
Bhikkhu-stilts, shalt not self,

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