Saturday 27 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

II. Product Launch Not Yi
1.-The story of Reincarnation Around King Udena (or Udayna)
Ample magnification, not live ...
The Dhammapada by Germany Dao said in essential Ghosita property near Kosambi, linked to the death of Mrs. Sàmàvatì with five hundred female and Bhikkhu Màgandiyà and five hundred.
Part 1: the early years of the Udena
A life of excuses, King Allakappa ruled the Kingdom of Allakappa and King Vethadìpaka ruled the Kingdom of Vrthadìpaka. They are close friends from childhood, with a coach. After the father died, they connect ruled the Kingdom more than ten miles in width.
They met regularly, eating together in the same bed sleeping pallet. Noticed people just born and then die, both concluded that after death we don't bring anything, including environmentally correct, then there is nothing if life in the home, we should.
So the two Kings throne, his wife, and Monk, ascetic life in the Hy-Greek-paint code. Then they thought of renouncing the throne, lived life hard no spice whatsoever, but if living is not ascetic lifestyle. So they lived separately in two mountains, just two weeks into their giant on the meet. While not in constant contact with each other, they still know you yourself living or dead thanks to everybody on the mountain fire burning for others to see.
Some time later, Vethadiipaka dead, reincarnated son Ph m heavenly power. Two weeks later, Allakappa not see the fire on the mountain, knowing that his friend was dead. Vethadìpaka tubular regeneration has been observed, his heavens, review of work life before, the ascetic from spice, and want to come visit you. He dropped the class, turned into a bộä Act go to meet Allakappa, wealthy girl married respect stands aside.
Allakappa asked:
-Where are you from?
-I am a pedestrian from far. But Mr. ton, You here all alone?
-I only have one friend.
He's in on the other mountains, not seen on fire play, I knew he was dead.
-I am you, Sir ton.
-You re born in?
-In the Sun, the son Brahma has extraordinary power. I came back here to visit Him. You live here have an okay, or be disturbed?
-I am very bothered hordes elephants.
False-religion, what disturbed Him?
-Religion has just finished sweeping them has to put on full, and then stamp foot kick clear. Kublai Khan part, part land cleanup, I'm tired of ro.
-So you want to chase them away?
-Okay. I will help you.
Vethadìpaka for Allakappa a three wire and just read three spells to enchanting elephant flood:
-First line hit on rich widows and reading this mantra will flood run, dare not look at Him a bit. The second line hit on rich widows and reading this mantra, we will also run, every step every looked at Him. The third line hit on rich widows and reading this mantra, the first elephant herd will run to Him riding. This, use as you like.
Told you, Vethadìpaka . From the hermit lived alone.
Early life he King of Kosambi is Parantapa. A bright, sunny sitting King soon with the Queen is pregnant. Queen of the long coats purple King's cell value for a hundred thousand coins, and while chatting she remove the King's Indian jewel where the finger is worth a hundred thousand Guineas, wearing on his hands.
Right now, a large-billed birds such as hell or not to dump the Heliotrope, saw the Queen and mistakes her as a fresh piece of meat should spread into the wings. Hear the birds swooping down, the King turned up on the bow. Still the Queen, recently pregnant, slow medium fast runs are not frail, suffering from the bird crashed down, used quắp claw grab and then soaring not (strong birds by five elephants, can quắp fly bait go to place arbitrary then eat meat). But the awful fear the Queen still awake. Know that if la up, birds, the fear people will let go immediately, but dangerous for themselves and their babies in the abdomen. So she patiently endured wait when birds dđáp down will it shout scared off.
Ostrich hell as usual bringing the Queen placed on a tree branch pointed at three long years in the width covered canopy, Greece-Greek codes-paint, just look under the ground. (It is said of this bird species have the habit of watching the road leading to it are in the tree).
Know dd to put your hands up at the Queen, clapping, screaming big birds.
Sees, while storm emerged four sides, she moved, too, nearly fainted because of pain, there's nobody next to comfort.
Throughout the night she couldn't sleep. When daylight fades, clouds dissolve, the child's birth. Because between the storm on the top of the mountain at sunrise, she named the child is Udena. Not far away is the stay made of hermit Allakappa. On rainy days the forest picking not hermits for fear conditioning, which often go to the root tree picked up the excess bone samples of birds, small gĩa and cook the soup juice drink. , Alakappa go to collect my stump, heard the child crying on the shoots and looked up to see the Queen, He asked:
-Who is it?
-I am a woman.
-Why stay on?
-The bird brings me to.
-Sir, I dare not down for fear of another caste.
-Mrs. class?
-The working class soldiers.
-So do I.
-Please read the voice of working class soldiers.
Hermit read up, the Queen agreed to let him take down the tree. Well the Queen orders her to be touched, You bring the baby and then put down the land, to the Queen in self climbing down.
Recluse leading the Queen to his hut. Mr. and Mrs. served with honey, cooked soup and porridge with rice were planted, without breaking the world. Time passed, because of the fear of being hermit neglected, so do not know the way to all the way home, should the Queen raises the intention hidden charm. And the hermit had sex with her, from which two people living together.
One day see the astronomy, the hermit saw spirit of Parantapa King of Kosambi fade, and he told the Queen:
-She, King of Kosambi was dead.
-Religion, why do you say that? Why do you have a malevolence with the King?
-I do not have. I say so because the King's star dimming.
Queen of tears. Hermit surprisingly asked:
-Why cry?
The new Queen then said King Paratapa is her husband. Hermit comforting:
-Do not cry. Who was born also must die.
-I know.
-Why she's still crying?
-I cried because I was sad, supposed to be, being a white South 82 mph. Now it's just a commoner.
-No, she don't worry. If she wanted it, I would have. Allakappa them then for the boy in the tree and teach the enchanting spells elephants. The first day, the boy flicking strings first and read the verse notes UPO u elephant herds are gathered, the original Mandarin tree suddenly runs off, not daring to look back a bit. Over the next day, flicking the second strings and second spells, herds of elephants running away every step every looked at the boy. and before teaching third spells, hermit said the Queen taught the boy King's message: "I have to say the child was the son of King Parantapa of Kosambi, being an ostrich hell getting out, then the read Army Commander-in-Chief and name the General. If not, I will let them see this robe and Pearl ring is of my father ". On Tuesday, the boy sees in the words hermit sitting on the lowest tree branches, flicking the rope forums and read the sentence the third uncle, elephants fight forums to give me rides up, uncle elephant ear whispering:
-I was the son of Kosambi. Take me to my father's throne.
The first elephant herd raising dragons up:
-Thousands of elephants, gathering!
Thousands of elephants gather. Dragons second elephant:
-The old elephant stay!
The old elephant and he withdrew.
Dragons third elephant:
-The elephant in the back.
The elephant and he withdrew.
As a result, the boy went out between thousands of elephant dung. Sees a border village, declared:
He was the son of the King, who wants no warmth prosperity come to me!
Then Uncle go, enlist, besieged the city and sent the message "Or fighting, or given the throne". The people answered:
-Both are not. Our Queen captured birds getting carried away when pregnant. We didn't know she was alive or dead. We don't fight or given the throne to ever be Queen news.
Instant boy says:
-I was the son of the Queen.
Then Uncle read the name of the Commander, the name the General. See the people not to believe, given the cloak and ring. People get out, open the gates of sailings, calling the boy King.
Part 2. Of Ghosaka
The predecessor story-Kotuuhalaka Throw The
A life of excuses, in the Kingdom of Ajita happen famine. A man named Kotùhalaka is not enough to eat, to Kosambi to earn a living. He and his small son Kapi and his wife Kali to leave with a little food. (There are also people who say he left home for the people in it are dying of cholera).
They go until the food runs out. After all, they are not too hungry Bong, floating children. The husband told his wife:
-This, if we are alive then would have another child. Please remove the child back to go forward.
Heart mother always from Ireland should the wife answered:
-I never throw away a child alive.
So we got to l m?
-Take turns holding it.
Mother Bong session then the midwife the baby as a wreath of flowers, hugged on the Palm or take sides. Sees his father, Bong steam session would also see heavy, miserable than starvation. He just repeats forever chorus: "Hey, if we're still alive will have the child, throw away child!" But the mother depth determination not subject. A baby was coming back to the Bong Bong at a time then too tired so asleep on his father's hand. Kotuhalaka and he is slow of foot to the mother goes first, then sneaks the baby leaves pillow placed under a tree, and immediately go forward. You must leave a mother suddenly back, do not see instant baby asked:
-He! My child?
-Leave it under the bushes!
-Sun! You don't have to kill my lack of it I live floating star. Pay me back!
She punched his chest crying, husbands must go back and find the baby handed to his wife. (Do this thrown once that shit then, Kotuhalaka was my parents throw away seven times. We therefore have despised the evil and that's just the small things).
Continue the journey, they arrived home the cattle. Day had cow tongue should master it celebrating. After the Buddha often Genera Flange unit donation to qifu gangui, he favors a lot cooking porridge and soup. See the two stranded guests and pity for their plight, he claims, then the porridge and many dairy products. His wife then put the butter milk and liquid milk in front, make for my husband to eat delight after days of suffering hunger, did I eat a little less. The husband from consuming food eat grit still no for the starving six-seven days ago. See cow animal meal, sometimes for the bitch is lie under a chair a few tablespoons of oatmeal, husbands who covet again, good dog food is delectable and Phuoc no enough. Up to get my husband and he died, falls into the belly of the dog.
His wife buried her husband, remained always for hire. Investors can pay half liters of rice, her cooking rice to Bowl donation v Bich Chi Buddha, Phuoc helpfulness report for your child. Think whether or not the donation, also the privilege and most wealthy girl hypogastric Bich Chi Buddha every day, so there will be peace and blessings, she and he decided to stay here always.
Six, seven months later, a pretty bitch puppies. Dedicated home milk a cow for it. Soon it grew into a strong dog. Longer every real life Buddha Genus Flange are devoted to it a part should it wrap party tangerines porridge.
Every day people are cow blanket position Flange Buddhist Chi visited with the dog followed. On the way to a cave animal he often beating sticks on bushes and painting sticks to the ground three times exclaimed, "su, su" for animal fear. The other day, he's white with that when Buddha would not to be will send the dog to search, and please understood Buddha said he is looking forward to. Results of course a few days later, he felt discomfort in his dog to come sometimes Buddha. Command Server, chạỵ dogs go. Past where he's barking Zoo, cave three times then go forward. In the early morning, the new Uncle poop into huts, the Flange unit launches three barking Genus Buddha, and then lying on one side. Know the time has come, you teach. The dog ran front page ever chặp. Many times the position of Buddha ignore the wrong Genus Flange way to try to pay attention, but would you know, stand back and stop barking, let go the other way Buddha. One day, I stop back when Buddha goes the wrong way, but this time the Buddha does not come back, just grab the feet push it out and then go forward. Instant dog bites her in the Buddha's and pull back until You go the right way. Note result is loyal and enthusiastic, with Buddha.
Then one day the Buddha torn, cow animal health donation new medical fabrics, and the Buddha had to go to another place to help tailoring. He didn't fly up toward the Gandhamadana. The dog barking and chu up until the ball He gradually sight, and heart break right there. (People often say animals living ingenue not knowing deception, did people mind one way anchor mouth. So What Religion are up a Sa-subject: "the thought of unpredictable beasts also simple again").
The dog died, due to the straight heart Central, regenerate up the Sun with a thousand thirty-three female celestial Entourage, eligible tribe invisible. This unit just whispering sound has echoes far sixteen miles. When spoken normally across the expanse of thousands of miles away are heard (such is due to the dog before barking were relatives and chu because Compassion Buddha Genus Flange position).
Thirty-three heavens in the not for long, the public network (Client Network bias in this General by four causes: the network take advantage of, blessed the food, and anger. If more blessed, in this term and enough heavens bring forth higher bias, that is "to take advantage of the network". If less blessed, like a, two liters of rice dropped into such repository to anywhere, not how long will die, called "blessed take advantage". The third case, the Epicurean, forget ham Sun-eating, health decline and death, that is "to take advantage of food". The fourth is due to jealousy with the brilliance of others, anger that die).
The current story-Seven Times Ghosaka Being thrown away
Ghosaka reincarnations, is the dog, in the realms of heaven and thirty-three beneficiary should forget oral pleasures shared network, a human female born falls in Kosambi. Recently, she asked her son or daughter is almost immediately. Know the son she ordered "abandon the baby in the basket, to bring the old external hard trash. (Techniques for male just because daughter will succeeded them). Yellow hoodie and though an egypian dog around but by blessed before, such as the report would harm the baby. Then there who go to see Dr. strange, back view, met the baby son of instant trade right and pick up the farms.
That day the Attorney member of the archives in Kosambi in the Palace the King met priests viewed astronomer said a baby boy born today will the archives critical Attorney position. At the time, his wife, staff Attorney General Treasury are brought near that day on the birthday, but not yet born. Staff attorney-archives and he called her a slave named Kàkì for a thousand coins, the hunt over seeks new born baby today bring about folding. She slaves magpies everywhere. When come home baby are gatherers on the Mainland, she bid, from a coin and then ascending to a thousand coins then ask the child to carry on for Attorney General. He fed the child in the home, the abdomen if their child is daughter later going for it as root to connect industry Attorney General of archives, if the son will kill the baby.
At least the day after his wife gave birth to a boy. He then told Kaalii carries the baby fed to cows in the barn entrance right now go eat cows, so they trampled to death. and also said more review it is dead please about the report. the slaves do y in the words he said. As soon as the door of the cage open, Bulls lead out first, other than the usual as it goes after. Baby seat, it sees the four legs cover closed and stand there. Hundreds of cows in turn go out the sides, touch close to the slopes. Around this scene not out of eyes who blanket the cows are standing near you. He arrived near, surprised the child right pincers. He found it right and mainland farms.
Kaalii seen from beginning to end, clearly mention the self return to staff the Attorney General. He told Kaalii to see you fucking cow, blanket for a thousand coins to catch the baby. Next he ordered the Kaalii carry the baby placed where the wheel, because knowing that tomorrow morning, five hundred this chariot will line up a trip far merchant, these cows do not stamp die it wheels also crushed it. And he didn't forget to tell the boy must see Kaalii die out stars and about the report. In the early morning trade delegation Chief to the contacts on the yoke neck and finish them. But the region is not good. Several times, he doesn't wrestle for cows to sunrise. He wonders do not understand why, just look down the road to see the boy is well. He's closing up, heart happy because being a son. Kaalii still dog track, this return at a new notify Member Attorney General of archives. He told Kaalii to meet Minister of trade unions put a thousand coins to redeem him, then toss it in the bushes where the burn dump for carnivorous birds or demons to kill it. Kaalii bring the baby away, but there's no beast or demons would harm the baby because results reported first life cover for it. Suddenly there is a goat herd passing yards. A goat sister go, wool dust groves in leaves of grass, saw the child successively kneel to suck. The goats call forever she still not chun. Finally master it must hold sticks in and caught the baby, Hon openings. This time the child sees the yen yet because the staff Attorney General the Treasury has yet to give up. Kaalii again be ordered to redeem it from the goats and the steep climb Ðá Robber threw it down the slopes, it will bump into the cliffs and then fell down the ravine tan. But along the Ridge has a thick bamboo and dust on the two mountains of dust gunjà . A baby fell right between the hordes of bamboo as a feather mattress on the goats. That day, the guest team leader received a bamboo bamboo sale bargain. And when he and his son lia dao on bamboo dust shackles, the boy was tre waggle tears. He was surprised to hear the babies crying, like rush climb up view then see a son. He joyfully brought home. Kaalii back the ransom the boy again. Until this time the baby remains healthy living to large, its name is Ghosaka, but also the immediate staff attorney-Thorn. He still find ways to kill the boy. This time he personally came to the pottery craft, do you put in front of a thousand coins and suggest the following:
-I have a fourth child born and will send it to you. For it in a sealed room retrieved hammers sharp hashing it to pieces and then put into the furnace. This is one of thousands of coins as the delivery date. Job done I will reward you deserve.
Potter agrees. Home, staff Attorney General block call Ghosaka wrong to potters.
-Today we have thanks to the potters do a little work for him. Go to him to complete the work my father was delivered yesterday.
-Yes, Sir.
And Ghosaka up the road. Leaving a home he met his son staff Attorney General Treasury are playing shoot marbles with them. It stop Ghosaka asked.
-Are you going?
-I take the word of the father to the potters.
-Let me go! This kids ate my money, you eat me.
-I'm afraid of my dad!
-Do not be afraid, I'm going to tell. I've lost a lot of money then, you play until I return, try to eat my money again.
Ghosaka shoot balls very well should you feed it for insist. Finally the Ghosaka consent. So is the offspring of main Attorney General Treasury to potters, and true command appointment he killed a Messenger and then throw uncovered into the furnace.
Ghosaka play ball all day, new dimension. Staff attorney-block surprised to ask now:
-What about it?
Ghosaka Instant recounted. The Attorney General of archives pale like blood lose, muffler;
-My God! The gauge I have!
Then he rushed to the potters, distorted hands moaning:
-Potter! You kill me! I die! I die!
Potter saw him panic so the town rush him;
-Sir, do not make noise. The work done here.
Sad sore as a mountain left over shooting down, the Attorney General of the archives have to suffer extreme pain like all those who harm the innocent.
So Germany World Religion teaches:
(137) the penalty not thy thy,
Do evil, not evil people.
The ten types of suffering,
Good fold a type crazy.
(138) the life gauge Or violently,
The body suffers casualties,
Or disease,
The Italian Center of canopy disturbance or
(139) or an vạ from the King,
Vu or felony,
Her children are a glass canopy,
The property of being crushed.
(140) Or building homes,
Burned ears natural gas.
When the General strong, destructive
Wicked wisdom of birth hell.
Staff attorney-archives can't be eased as seen Ghosaka, should have sought to kill him. This time he was wrong he brought the letter to the Manager of hundred of his village, in the message he wanted to kill him and dump down the tunnel. The letter is the column where the Austrian border of Ghosaka. He does not know the word since from when born to be member of the Attorney General of the archives are always plotting to kill you, so you are not going to school. And with the command kill themselves, you beg the father of food to hit the road. Harsh evil father that on the road, in the village that the village which his friend do the governing Treasury and eat there, and then go forward.
Sees that village, Ghosaka ask the Treasury Manager home and met his wife. Know that the son of his friend, Ms. love now with boys. Member of the archives has a daughter as long as fifteen of sixteen years, amazing beautiful. Keeping the good and safe for children, two grandparents for her to stay on the top floor of the seven-storey Castle, the splendid behavior as her with a of the most.
That day, the wrong girl her most markets. Between her and her mother met most thanks to the seat cover for the Ghosakaleg, washing and anointing and bed cover for him. Her most markets of late, was her master hoppers, have to tell most of the lower Ghosaka. Listen to name boys, girls trader right taillight take bone marrow heart liver. She was the wife of Kotùhalaka before, thanks to the donation of Buddha was Phuoc Chi Flange position report of birth into the rich contributions of members. So please before nabagesera live again. The Religious World have taught;
Due to the previous contact,
Or profit today,
Happy flushing commercial affection,
As the United States reaching the surface of the Lake.
She joyfully enquire about boys. To know the boy lying asleep with the Austrian border where the letter, she sneaks away down to remove retrieved the letter brought about the room, closing the large window and the message đocï.
Finished watching girl blurts:
-Stain! The goofy guy, go with the command kill themselves required where Austria. If its not sneaky read message he must be killed.
Then she tore the phăng letter, written a parody voice staff, other Attorney General block: "this is Ghosaka my baby. Let's make sacrifice from our village a hundred for it. Arrange the wedding ceremony for it with the management of the archives of this region's daughter. Build a two-storey house in the middle of the village for the new couple, have surrounded walls and guards protect it carefully. Done, please notify me that it has to do so, we will miss deserved ". Done, forcing the Austrian border into the letter as old boys.
Sleep on a raw, Ghosaka wake up, eat, revive and go forward. The next morning the guy came to the village where hundreds of village Manager father reside. Say hello to finishing, he awarded the Attorney's letter soon. Manager mail finishing rings rejoice, and ordered his human cargo, wood and other building materials to save a two-storey house in the middle of the village as the lyrics said in the message. Then he brought the sacrifice of hundreds of villages to House member block away to the wedding ceremony. Election time he also informed members of the archives of the city attorney known to have done so.
Staff attorney-block was built the House and married to Ghosaka want to turn heads, just know than Whisper: "the Conspirators in the Nhon, in heaven!" Parting is sad because part of the dead, the pain immediately next fall, his staff always like fire burning, and also spawned the diarrhea symptoms. He still didn't hit the evening news on Ghosaka: "we're not going to let this bitch to inherit his property". And he's wrong return riders faction members call Ghosaka .
Girl member of the archives, is now the wife of Ghsaka, told public servants when anyone from the staff of the archives of the city attorney to, let her know before talking with Ghosaka. So when people return to their staff, she stop back. This person honest, said the Attorney General has not yet severe condition of archives, eating well, and please see Ghosaka to my father sick guy would like to meet the guy. Wife not to let Ghosaka know, this gives the ordered accommodation and remuneration, and the y stay away, when she's wrong y go.
Staff attorney-GR wait forever I can't see people texting back, ask students the message again, also no news whatsoever, and he sent more people to go. Wife do y as before. When the third person to know, believe that staff Attorney General Treasury ailments have heavy, not eating bedridden, to pour for her always potty Ghosaka or and advice from hundreds of products bearing guy village to visit his father. But when products are transported to too much, if essence everything up the same car go e delay, so that the girl said her husband should leave the House, only two husband and wife go, and don't forget to tell that: "I remember standing behind the foot of the father, and the children will stand his pillow party". And when the House she ordered her servants stood guard both the front and the rear of the House.
Staff attorney-archives are located on the hospital bed, have students return to rub your feet, and a report that his son and the bride was about. Knowing that Ghosaka is standing at his feet, he referred members to read to him the Treasurer of his income and assets as follows: "cash is four hundred million. Also tools and entertainments, the village, the land of paddy fields, servants, animals, carts, Chariots, total is possible, as long as he ... " Staff attorney-block heard, saying:
-All of this property I do not give my son Ghosaka .
But he said:
-We give.
Ghosaka wife heard complete, thinking that if he says it again, e will differ. So she pretended as saddened, hair screaming in action:
-Dear Father, father says? Although we also really unfortunate to hear the words of my father.
Then with extreme misery she crumpled up his battered head on his chest, his head rolling back in the middle of his chest causing him not to say more. Staff attorney-death of archives in the meantime.
People go to King Udena know. The King held the funeral finished raising questions about children of Member of the Attorney General. Knowing he has a son who is Ghosaka and has handed most of the property, the King Zhao. Ghosaka on offer. The King looked at him through the window, saw him jump over the puddle. Then the King comforted him and the Attorney for the city Treasury officials Committee. Thank the King and then leave. The King standing again he left the Palace. This time, he didn't jump over puddles that wading through a dignified way. King Marvel, call him back to the questions;
Hey Ghosaka! Is it true that when you jump over puddles, also at back then strictly through?
-Your Majesty, such results.
-Your Majesty, when entering the lower spirit is still a giddy youth, but now has been given the title Majesty, divinity is eliminating the old favorites and must behave decent, sociable.
The King heard the beautiful, Yes, sailings ordained for him right now. He inherited his father's estate with its Attorney General of archives and hundreds of villages.
After this, an occasion, she Ghosaka her breast revealed new Kaalii about swapping letters to save Ghosaka, and from that get the glory as today. Available for that occasion, the new Kaalii breast Ghosaka out was foster father plot to harm how seven times. When her husband about her wife, narrates most of the story, but he does not believe them then go ask her breast. To listen tell the self, Ghosaka dazed and find myself blessed fruit Germany escape terrible death seven times. So he promised to crush is not going to live my life sheltered, but try to launch dedicated mindfulness. You don't forget the alms for the poor blind increases a thousand every day, and the erstwhile management.
Part 3: the Birth Of Saamaavatì
In the city of Bhaddavatì has a member Attorney General block named Bhaddavatiya, which is the Attorney you block Ghosaka. They never met, just because you hear the trade between the two cities praise the age and the property on either side, and from which they donated products to each other.
Later, cholera is raging in the House Bhaddavatiya. First of all is the dead insects, flies, and then turn the mouse, duck, chicken pork beef, slave boys and girls, finally people in the family. Bhaddavatiya with his wife and daughter, thanks to breaking the wall to flee should escape death. They aim towards Kosambi looking to Ghosaka. Along the dry food, starvation and exhaustion, they must expose yourself under the Sun. Rough they get to Kosambi. After the bath is finished in a Lake they found pleasant, and then into the rest of the station house in the city. Staff attorney-archives tell the wife I know you, staff attorney of the archives here, each day are distributed a thousand coins for the poor blind hardly increases, and he decided to stay here a few days, for my daughter to ask about food alms, revive and go to meet you.
What is the rich girl, all pride in the tribulation, trying to hide the shame, take the bowl away with hordes of poor begging. People ask her to please those parts. At first she please three parts, the next day she beg the next parts, and again only in part. The first day her father was her mother comforted and insist the new forever bear that he's eating, but are still not objective, so early the next morning he died. And then the next day her turn left you that come under his father. Left alone, the girl is rolling the weeping wail for the fate and misfortune life uncertainties. But the hungry scratch texture gutted her sit up, just crying followed Union beggar begging rice.
The Manager Mitta remember that girl got food three days in a row, so picking jokes:
-Broken! bad woman Stuff! Ended up today you have to know how much are you belly contain?
The capital Home World Tycoon, gentle shy again, she sounds like rubbing salt magnet needle device. She knows only choked asked:
-Sir, so mean?
-The day before you get three parts, yesterday took two, and today just take one. So today you know you're belly contains how much rice.
-Sir, not I take the parts to me.
-So why don't you get?
-The other day I had three, two minutes ago, now just left me alone.
-The girl recounted the story from beginning to end. Mitta heard done not be tears. He said the girl, heart full of compassion:
-Dear, the daughter of Bhaddavatiya, but from today onwards you are my sister.
One day she noticed the seats distributed food always crowd noise, and he comments with my pets do walkways from two gates on to spot food, surrounded by fences. People are going on by this door, the food is finished off by the other door turn as walkways, so will order and Nice. Her father's consent and enforcement. From there the girl which name is Sàmà, now more Vatì means the fence.
The Attorney General of archives Ghosaka long has heard the buzz noise where the distribution of food, and also enjoy watching that is living in your home. Silent again today, he surprisingly asked to manage Mitta, and thanks to that known of orphan girl Bhaddavatiya you. Ghosaka offer the girl for adoption.
On the day of the Festival, the Lady the prestigious houses are allowed out of river bath. And when Saamaavatii, the adopted daughter of Ghosaka the same year hundreds of women go, via bath Bhikkhu, catch the eye of King Udena, should be ordered. Originally Ghosaka not obey for fear of abusive, adopted daughter, but after being King sealed off the House and the Sàmàvatì consent, he well Holy orders only. From then on she became the Queen.
Part 4: Udena Authorised Vaasuladattà
King Udena also had a consort is Vàsuladattà daughter of King Canda Pajjota of Ujjeni. The story is as follows:
One day, returning members from the United States, King Canda Pajjota look at beauty pageants and ask the hordes of courtiers:
-Also one brilliant beautiful like me?
They answer:
-King Udena of Kosambi more brilliant.
-Then take him prisoner.
-Don't get him going, your Majesty.
-Because he knows how to lead the example species of elephant. Can chase the elephants away or catch the elephants back to the discretion by reading the notes and play. No one has more riding elephants as Udena .
-So can not catch him?
-If you want to catch the most, use a wooden elephant, near King Udena, again created more horse whinny voice, King will go away to see the elephants or horses, and will be surrounded, then You can catch the King.
-The result is magic!
Then the King for making an elephant wooden machines, fabric and paint the truth cleverly, complete bearing set on the lake shore near the origin of his enemies. In the elephant's belly has sixty people go back and forth. Occasionally they exposed the elephant manure spills-shovel. A woodcutter looked th y ask sailings, elephant King Udena. The King and the custom widget sailings by loggers went to see elephants. Their travels were Australian spy monitor and notify King Canda Pajjota, and an army was sent to the next Udena, but not to let King know. Then Udena broken forums and read recorded mantra elephant costume, but not the result. Elephants are the people hiding in the abdomen, run rushing as never heard spells. King ends the horse Gallop to try to keep up with the elephant, so the soldiers fell back behind the far from shaking. When only one, people of Canda Pajjota, ambushed the two parties, some of the other available out catch Udena. Soldiers of Udena see King himself unceremoniously into the hands of the enemy, and he built an encampment just outside of ujjeni and stay there.
Canda Pajjota captured and taken prisoner by the enemy, opening the three-day party. Udena sits in the Dungeon to on Tuesday, venturing to ask guards the underworld.
-I, King of England?
-Ðang binge then captured enemies.
-The King of England to act like a woman. He caught me tha two is killed off, probably would've humiliated us that binge!
Prison guards went to the King and reported successively to ask Udena:
-Mi said ... like, like?
-Yes, your Majesty.
-Well, I'll excuse you if you handed me the talisman.
Outset, but when Sir-receive spells, you have good feasts.
-Glass Desk you Ah, no!
-Then I would give Him.
-We will execute you.
-We are not afraid, for he only master our body, not the soul mastery.
To listen Udena answered the King, stubborn and confused, not knowing how to win. Suddenly the King devised a plan, associated said:
-Security we will reveal you the article would you feasts?
-Yes, your Majesty.
-Good. In the House we have a hunchback woman. She will sit behind the curtain theme heard you taught the mantra.
-Shade or whatever lame, as long as he feasts, we taught the mantra.
Then the King came to the Princess Vàsuladattà .
-Honey, have a leper knows the spell work and you treasure. You sit inside him title curtain taught the mantra. You should study with him because I don't want anyone else to know, and then the father will return to school with your child.
The Department of the King to make hump and lacked for fear the leper the two people love each other.
One day, to a sentence that notes that Vàsuladattà can not read back is correct, though the Udena was repeated many times. News too Udena exclaim:
-Sweat shade stupid! Mo cheeks, thick lips big client! MI value for getting those slapped!
Vàsuladattà also angry no less:
 -Sweat the leper pleasure! MI say? Dare we call was a shade?
Udena surprisingly, the veil up and ask:
-Who are you?
-I am the Princess Vàsuladattà .
Her father said she was a hunchback.
-Also, the King told the leper to be.
Then both said a weekly:
-The King say so lest we love each other.
And the like, love to, should from then onwards they end most teaching school.
The King does not know, sometimes asked my daughter:
-You, you are learning This lesson huh?
The Princess butter a:
-Yes, father.
The other day, Udena told her lover that a husband can do the work that the father, mother, brother, sister, and if her rescue was Udena th will be ban five hundred people Entourage and Empress. Princess consent and to meet my father please open and an elephant to riding because of the need to go out at night, under the direction of the stars, find a species of herbs used in the notes. Positive for the King, and they are allowed to go at any arbitrary. At the time the King had five characters: an elephant named Bhaddavatì can go fifty miles a day, a slave named Kàka can take sixty miles a day, two horses of the Celakanthì and Munjakesì could go a hundred miles a day and an elephant named Nàlàgiri can go a hundred and twenty miles a day.
What the past-Year Transportation Animals Enacted Pajjota Canda
Looks like before the current Buddha's birth the King had is slave to a Head fake. Once the fake head goes out into the bath, back to meet a Buddhist independent from Sensory qifu mumo carried in the back out, with the average clean Bowl as lau, and he asked:
-False Religion! Can you get?
-I went a round and now out of the ownership, Director.
He does not answer the right question that say do not ask, but still means not getting food. Look at the average bat, found inane, head of a visiting author He waited a moment and then rush back home. At the time, bad evil pressure of Marà bosses all over the city, it's also disguised to ask him why not get food and advised Him to come back. But He decided not to come back, because the knew that once again Marà will use the powers to dictate population shouting and reborn.
See home have food available, head fake name rush most of his runs came to Buddha and took the average Bowl brings about folding. Head to the food bowl, filled with the most names rushed to bring the bat back to the Buddha, with the promise that will make him successful in Germany.
Most of the names go on and on! as the name shoot, and when putting Bowl for Bach was that:
-Religious affiliation, in the short time I've been away and about as fast. So blessed by this agility, I expect that will be the year to transport the animals can travel fifty, sixty, a hundred and a hundred and twenty miles a day. Time goes on and on which the hun hot under the Sun's rays. Due to this the job quote Phuoc expected that although reborn in anywhere, you will also be power by the power of the sun rays. The owner was the Germany of the donation, so I look forward to quote Phuoc partaking in the Dhamma he has food poisoning.
Buddha's promise of availability:
-Will be so.
And he said the shelves:
Looking forward to every voluntary pilot facility home
Enacted by the Nice achievement
Looking forward to every voluntary pilot facility home
As the fullness of the Moon
Looking forward to every voluntary pilot facility home
Enacted by the Nice achievement
Looking forward to every voluntary pilot facility home
Shraddha fullness optical route
Such is the job of King Canda Pajjota in before, and so blessed this quote King in animal transport
(All The Past)
An Nhon minutes kúc King Canda Pajjota roamed the grounds of the upper fluid, Udena fled. He shoved full of gold and silver money in many large leather bag, done the elephant backs up, then help vàsuladattà up alone and they leave. Military guards saw mainland Africa let King. King wrong soldier rushed in pursuit. Udena and he opened the bag of gold scattered gold coins down the road. The army wanted to stop the gold Chase then picks up. He opened his bag and silver sprayed down the ground. Military wanted all stopped to pick up silver should delay, to Udena escaped back outside the building. Soldiers of Udena saw him warmly welcome and escort him on Kosambi. He then married and ordained Vàsuladattà crowned Consort.
Part 5: the Buddha Refused Màgandiyà
A consort of King Udena 's Migandiyà was her daughter-la-keeper named Màgandiyà, life of Kuru. Her mother and uncle, her father's brother, also named Màgandiyà. She's as beautiful as a female bias should not hard-dollar seen anyone, even the most prestigious of boys have come to marriage, the Eastern roots made ready.
The other day, a German Professor of ethics in the early morning to observe the world, found Her-la-Maagandiyaa subjects and his wife have enough fresh evidence coast results A-na-function. Mr hug Bowl to the medical relief coastal town where she-la-Mon is the God of fire international. He see the body As Lai see perfect, thought no one on earth can match this person, I would marry my daughter for him to lift the towel fix bag. He told Germany Dao master:
-Hey, Bhikkhu-stilts! I have her daughter and haven't seen anyone with it except him. He has a wife and it must have a husband. I would marry it to him. Please wait here until I come back.
The Ethics Counsel stands still, not saying a Word. The Ba-la-alike rush home, Hon openings told his wife: -Grandma! I met a person with my daughter. Come on! Wear it on beautiful Kit!
Then he led his wife to meet Germany Dao. Both the coil:
-Once this amateurish enough geriatric type who would come to marriage daughter. But heard rumors that today he met a Mon posted for posterity. Do not know this guy face out the stars that dot the beans?
And then they follow him go see good guy. During that time, Germany Dao master instead of standing still waiting, He walks away, leaving a foot of oil. (Only appears on Buddha foot Oil has steps, no place else, and just enough charm blessed person would see. Although elephant forest or wildlife have stepped up intense storms or rain, wind howling squall blowing to, nor delete the footprint of the Buddha). Sees the old place, the She-la-keeper surprised not to see the Buddha. Look around the blueberries he discovered the footprint. His wife who She-la-Mon in the Vedic three hearts, including the poems related to General number. She murmuring read back and look meticulously shaped strokes in front of footprints. Finally she concluded:
-Hey! This is not the person's foot oil run under five.
Then she read shelf:
The footprint of the shallow, loud sex
of evil, weak strength down the road.
The foolish, often matted limp.
This, most people taking part in physical footprint.
The Ba-la-subjects don't believe bullies should wife jokes:
-Cleverly imagined! She always saw the crocodile in water pots, thieves snuck out of the House! Please shut up!
His wife is still a sure Squid:
-Your favorite, He said. But these are not the footprints run under five.
The She-la-keeper still go around looking, suddenly saw Germany successively Professor of ethics rejoice rings:
-He is!
And he is dear to the Buddha:
-Bhikkhu-stilts! My daughter for him to lift the towel fix bag.
The Ethics Counsel instead of answering yes or no, says:
-Ba-la-Mon! We have a few things to say to him.
And he listened to story Professor Ma Dao Germany United Kingdom has followed Mr how, from the spice to sit under the Bodhi, the last major at the devil sitting under the Bodhi tree, the least depressed brain because his power is not what Buddhas are. Devil's daughter and he came to comfort her father, and then turns into a young woman and a woman stand age to try to seduce The Professor of ethics at the time Buddha said:
Thread clearly Thirsty craving, the sad Melancholy, sex, tribe
I also preferred the happy love
The other body panels, containing the minor stuff, pepper.
We do not want, though foot touches.
As soon as the Buddha end shelf post, whom she-la-keeper and his wife witness A-na-function. Still Màgandiyà myself: "If he does not need us, telling the true, but said people filled part of the U.S. is too much. Okay! With the line-up, social status, property and the allure of adolescence are available, we will be a worthy husband, and then we will know what to do with Sa-Abbreviated subject-talks ". From there she adopted wholeheartedly resented the Buddha (the Buddha knew she hated him, but you still reading shelf for the benefit for the other two, to their scriptures, therefore not interested in vengeance against her directly)
Her parents sent her to Culla Màgandiyà know I deserve only the wife of King, should give her jewelry and then full brought to Kosambi surges to King Udena. The King pleased, ascended the throne for her consort with women a hundred years.
So King Udena has three wives with a thousand five hundred women a.
Part 6: the death of Sàmàvati and Màgandiyà, The Attorney General of the archives, The Bhikkhu Stilts And Tree Gods.
There are three Attorney General of archives in Kosambi is Ghosaka, Kukkuta , and pàvàriya. The rainy season near to, five hundred recluse from Hy-Greek codes painted on qifu gangui. All three chuởng Hy providing festival archives is located, cosy ờng and d food, and also in the rooms of his house, cosy surges during the four months of rain when the hermit good stay. From then on, usually after eight months in Greece-Greek codes-painting, the recluse of precipitation where three four-month implied the Attorney General.
Once from Hy-Greek-code back into the paint, the hermit sitting under a Banyan tree to the forest. The oldest unit has just thought of drinking water where the tree gods, please-make a great powers United Kingdom-then immediately they are drinking water. Think of the food you are feeding, and then want to see the tree the tree are also seen. Tree spirit separated from the trunk pouch. The recluse came near him and asked how he was such a force. Humble gods, seeing his little merit does not like to say, but because of being forever insist must tell the story of the past.
The Work Of The Spirit Tree
The spirit of ancient trees is poor, living thanks to find work with his independent from Her Level on eight, from essential Level She returned home, hostel independent from the human family had asked for the person making this known today is not about boys. They haven't said. He told Cook to give him part of dinner. But when rice cleaning up, he refused to eat, despite work drudgery throughout the day in the Woods. Of fasting because he is today is the day son. This afternoon it was deep, the other with all resounding noise dimensionality, is for me, for I am water rice soup, Curry ... Everyone keeps not dinner, even the baby did bring socks off; After the rinse them just shut up four sweets. A scented oil lamp lit up the whole room, and young and old are read over thirty-two elements of the body. Because you own or something late, beginning on February afternoon boys should enjoy the half of Germany. The dark sees him start to feel uncomfortable because too hungry. He belts a rope around himself, and holding the tail belt in hand you can squeeze more forever. Head fake or are, torch to pick four sweets for him, but he still didn't eat because of not wanting to take the half always Germany on son. He persevered to keep world like until Sunrise, then left his life as a withered wreath, and reborn into this tree.
Epilogue: the Attorney General of archives, Bhikkhu stilts and tree spirit.
Tree spirit then concluded: "head of Buddha, made of fake donation France, donation Increase. And thanks to him, I enjoy being blessed on half brother newspaper about the new University should force".
Five hundred hermit listened to Buddhist title chỗi sailings, dang hands off in the attitude of reverence and implore the tree gods say "da Buddha". They ask the God tree talking up his belief by repeating three times that "Buddha da" and then they official statement:
-Very hard to hear this title on the world!
And the conclusion:
-The Human Spirit! He took us to hear a sound that know how hundreds of thousands of lifetimes we didn't listen.
Then the disciples regarding with teacher they want to go to The masters. And all agree that tomorrow, after receiving a feed where the three Attorney General Treasury said for the three knows the intention and will hit the road. All three, after the consecration is located and donation porridge at his home, was known hermit will go now, the inevitable surprises should ask:
-Lettered Honor author! Not the Lord promised to stay with us four months rain? Now you go?
-The Buddha has appeared in the world, France was created, Rising was born. So we go see Dao.
-But only the new You deserve to go to Germany master Administrator?
-Does not prohibit anyone, the owner.
Then we go.
Because to be prepared should the three bolts from the Treasury to the hermit. How they show respect, confess, Mr. glass and ceremony, wealthy girl sit down one side. World Religious sermon downloads for them, and as soon as the end of France, all evidence of A-la-Han dynasty along the God stuff. Then they joined the Sangha, the Buddha said: "come, the Bhikkhu-stilts!" They successively became a Bhikkhu-stilts are full y Bowl due to the force created.
The third Attorney General of the archives, the shop things donation needed include dress, Crouching, butter, honey, ... of carrying every Thursday hundreds of cars go to the Dormitories. Meet Buddha, they wealthy girl, listen to France and the French post certified results Expected late save. They stay with Ton two weeks, donation and sometimes Buddha to Kosambi .
Return to the origin, the Attorney General of archives Ghosaka of building essential dormitory Ghosita, Kukkuta built essential dormitories Kukkuta, Pàvàriya take off property Pàvàriyacrystals. Done they sometimes Buddha to serve and in turn the Buddha in each property on a glass and real life. All three Attorney General of archives have servants is Sumana garden, they serve was long. He xin donation Buddha and is for tomorrow.
Khujjuttarà Transform The Sàmàvatì
Uk gardening Sumana still often sell flowers for Khujjuttarà, the handmaid to Queen Sàmàvatì. But you don't cut flowers delivered to the Imperial Palace which devoted to Buddha for Buddha sometimes surges home donation. In addition to the error on Khujjuttarà, he invited her to stay.
-Please wait for me most of the Buddha and listening to France. Then she can get out of the United Left.
She agreed.
When the leading Buddhist Sangha came home, Sumana take the average Bowl and was the helpfulness of Buddha in Germany. These words caused Khujjuttarà effects evidence.
Ever, in the amount of eight Council of King Udena for Queen Saamaavaatii buy flowers, she often takes off for his four private and only bought four. The Queen is surprised of double flowers every day, asking out new self-help, and the reason thanks to listen to the sermon of Christ Supreme Enlightenment. Instead of angry nhiếc yelled at her and reclaim the amount women Bhikkhu she has reduced her birth center back slit hoan Hy'd be drinking French line immortality. And before the French post of Tuyen As sterile Hybrids, Khujjuttarà was Queen for bath with scented water bowls, sixteen are wearing nice clothes on smooth fabrics, from underwear to outerwear, and also clear the one seat available. She gave the sermon for five hundred women heard how medical supply Ton spoke French, sitting in Court handles drawing fans. Everyone heard it done equally excited her:
Hey you, from now onwards, don't do the crime. Let's do a mother and a leader of our lawyers. Come hear enough Respect That most French instructors and about these infections declared to us.
She has to enforce honest words suggest that she recite most of the Freemasons, and the Buddha is also confirmed in the now homeless women, who learned in the Scriptures and can lecture the first solution is Khujjuttarà .
Five hundred women, after the French supply of Khujjuttarà are excited and look forward to having That Honor. But with the supply rules banning women, cannot freely go outside, so Khujjuttarà they keep punching the wall, bring flowers to perfume, available when the Religion to the door three Attorney General Treasury of words in each room looking through the hole in the wall will see Him to wealthy girl holidays and confess.
Màgandiyà plot against Sàmàvatì and the Buddha
One day, Màgandiyà left the Palace walk to the concubine, and surprised to find the holes on the wall, asking out knows is because the supply of women like to admire and to scatter plot you want Buddha. Sàmàvatì damage and should ask the Buddha to King Udena is Sàmàvatì and the female supply Entourage will betray the King and, in a few more minutes will harm the network. But King doesn't believe. She ask to my Lord the King but the ear is still not back. She and he sometimes King to the area of Sàmàvatì only the broken holes on the wall. The King asked why and when understand the reasons the King did not say a Word, just fill out media loopholes and make the window has a crack at the top, in all the rooms. It is said the type of the window openings on the side from it. Do not smear be Sàmàvatì along the concubine, Màgandiyà turned to looking insulted Buddha. she instigated the thugs go after Buddha yelling at nhiếc and insults him with enough heavy sentences:
-Mi is a thief, stupid, crazy, camel, Gaur, map, map in hell, animal, mi has no hope of being freed. The punishment will come.
False religion A-nan listen name-calling too, even unbearable, the white Buddha:
-World Religion! Here nhiếc and insults yelled at us. Let's go somewhere else!
-We will go anywhere A-nan?
-Other cities, Mr. World Religion.
-Should in fucking also that I will go, A-nan?
-Will go away again, dear World Religion.
-Should in which also his extant anymore?
-We go to the other place, Mr. World Religion.
-A-nan don't say that. Where there are difficulties then settle there. Fine and was allowed to go elsewhere. But who swear at him, A-nan?
-World Religion! Everyone yelled at nhiếc us, gangsters and the entire population of the other.
-A-nan, I like the elephant out of the battle. Duty of elephant stormed the battle is the arrow from four sides. Thats right, my obligation is to the wicked words ring mosaic.
Then the Buddha sermon about himself with the three following Dhammapada in Elephant products:
(320) we like the battle between elephants,
Bear archery,
Endure any defamatory,
Evil about a lot of people.
(321) Elephant trainer put projected multiples,
Horse training-riding King.
The paramount ranks, training,
Endure any defamation.
(322) Fine instead of pure Mule,
Thoroughbred horses Sindh
An elephant has tusks, statues,
This Supreme self.
[*] Nice horse species in the River, Sindha India
The French article has brought benefits to people at the time are gathered around. Then the Buddha advises A-nan.
-A-nan, don't be troubled. These people only yelled at his nhiếc in seven days, until the eighth day they will quiet down. Stuck to the Buddha does not extend beyond seven days.
Màgandiyà Although the conspiracy failed in pushing the Buddha leaves, still not back down. She set the female supply credit glass hurt those Buddha told her uncle her priest in carrying eight chickens live and eight chickens died on the King at that time, most are drinking wine with her. People pay attention to, to the highest steps then stand there, don't want to go nowhere dwell. She told fellow sub sailings to retrieve eight chickens living surges and King ordered King's Sàmàvatì ascent culinary King. King solo standard. The minor Council y go back to your command word of the concubine.
-We are not killing the creature.
Màgandiyà again ton sing:
-Australian United Kingdom! Want to know they have really killed the creature or not, would you consider cooking sent to Sa-Abbreviated subject-radio.
King listen to false again, the minor Council to provide female again. But this time Uncle carrying eight chickens live up to previous priest in Exchange for eight chickens dead King to command the new concubine.
-The King ordered the Cook the chicken this consecration the Buddha.
This time they accepted the invitation.
-Of course, this is our duty.
The minor Council returned to my Lord again rightly so. Màgandiyà do not miss the occasion to denigrate with King.
-Australian United Kingdom see yet! They do not do, but only towards others.
But the King still kept quiet, forgive them. Màgandiyà evening news but did not know what more can we do try to swallow hate to wait for other occasions.
The King has a habit of coming up with every seven-day Queen. Knowing that the next day the King will come to the Palace of Sàmàvatì, Màgandiyà messages sent to her uncle has a snake poison laced into the tooth. Play golf where King Udena still carrying the cello used Uncle elephant, for how flood art forums have holed, and she dropped the snake on that song plugged with a bunch of flowers.
When the King walked to the SàmàvatìiPalace, and he tells her the dream and please can the King don't come there. The King did not listen. She demanded to come by, though the King did not agree. Enacted by the Sàmàvatì and male servants wore dress, finished jewelry and floral scent, intimate dining and the King to bed, to crush the pillow party. Màgandiyà pretend to go forth, at no one to y in the bouquet cello withdrawn out. The snake was starved a few days earlier, crawl right out of the hole, and put the head and shrieked, his book on top of the bed. Màgandiyà do like a surprise to see the snake startled yell:
-Oh! United Kingdom, Australian snake!
And she càm ràm, blame:
-Foolish King, bad luck didn't listen to what I say. The scoundrel's disgrace, they do not know as to not get what the grace of the King but also want the King to die to live happy. But when King was alive, they will also WarBirds. United Kingdom, Australian coins were alarmed about nightmares and have the courage to stop Sir Sàmàvatì, you would have heard!
The King saw the snake fear death, fire phừng anger phừng, Mr. muffler:
-We have the audacity to work such a Sun designed! Truth is SIN! I have not heard Màgandiyà when she tells the bad vessels disabled, out naughty of them, which is perforated on the wall of the House to sit to look at it, said Cook chicken for us then we returned and today solid up our beds.
While it Sàmàvatì most of the advice she's five hundred prizes.
-You guys, we don't have any other refuge. Let's really love the King and Queen as injured yourself. Do not anger anyone.
Then the King ordered to take his bow, a giant bow to a thousand new people just toss it. To Sàmàvatì standing in front of all women bow stand close right Saamaavatii chest, but power comes from her compassion, the arrow goes back to the road has to be right, the King's heart.
The King thought: "this arrow can penetrate both rock and there is nothing in God made it turned back. Now it has come back to see Sàmàvatì. However senseless and without the s, it still knows Săamàvatì is gentle friendly people, a King, that a man like me, do not know ". King throw bows go, knelt before the Sàmàvatì, two arms, glass said the shelves:
We're so bewildered and confused
Four Sun overturning in the mind
Sàmàvatì o, please cover
Please do give me refuge.
Sàmàvatì Christ's disciples, out of Eyesight also by post racks:
Do not find refuge where I,
Find refuge in the Buddha-da
Infinite Ascended Into The Upper; He is the
The my heart towards that Lady waiting.
Australian lady who United Kingdom France United Kingdom
I'm a great refuge.
But fear of the King just caused the King to repeat the shelf please refuge where Sàmàvatì. She adamantly refused. Finally the King consent to.
-Then, I beg her refuge and place of Germany, we will ban Administrators thanks to her.
Mrs. Hy Festival;
-I would like to receive.
The King to Buddha and Buddhist refuge please receiving widely in seven days. Then turn to Sàmàvatì, King said;
-Please stand up and choose nothing.
-Royal of the United Kingdom, I do not need the gold, but we ask for this privilege. Please arrange for That Suen can come here every day with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts to I heard the French.
The King back to the Buddhist ceremony and a visiting wealthy girl, along with five hundred Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts. Because Buddha could not to a spot in as many places in need, should You send elders A-nan to Imperial Palace every day.
That day, as usual, they surrender the food and listen to the elders the sermon. Heart full of peace, they rise up five hundred gold health elders are appearances on the shoulders, each worth five hundred coins. When the King did not see them, asking out gold medical's offer cosy, known to ask elders sailings next;
-False Religion! You do with y more?
-I will keep enough medicine needed, the rest will give those already torn y.
-What it do with y?
-With the y torn that they would do?
-Make bed linen.
-Also old linens?
-Do the doormat.
-Also old carpet?
-Will do foot towels.
-And then the old foot napkins?
-Will be cut off small pieces mixed with plaster to walls.
-So, Bach Ton copying, though all y to show respect, but not extravagant.
-Absolutely Yes, dear your Majesty.
The King was pleased that media give more five hundred y put the foot of elders. (Mission that elders have ever gotten a thousand of the medicine worth five hundred coins up to a hundred thousand times, a thousand of the y worth a thousand coins up to a thousand times, a thousand of the y worth a thousand coins up to a hundred times. With the number of sporadic medical, from one, two ... up to ten then You get not to mention. Sees when the Buddha entered, A-nan elders traveled of Match-match-title, and he has donated Bhikkhu-stilts in the glass bowl himself's health clinic)
Sàmàvatì Burn Màgandiyà And Punished
Màgandiyà see that anyone would give up the consequences are contrary to the expectations of her. This time she carried a different plan. She ordered the people to pay attention to the Palace of sàmàvatì, opening warehousing retrieved the oil and then dipped fabric embedded in the columns. Gather all the women bow on, close the door does not wait for a one, then take the đuốt fire, finishing down goes on.
Sàmàvatì see the notes column with embedded fabric surrounds the oil question and surprise are known to make columns. And he's getting them into the room, fire. The fire spread quickly, Sàmàvatì recommend prompt the Bhikkhu.
-Though with the Buddha's wisdom is also difficult to determine within the rollover from the unconscious body, we've been burned many times. so, your mindfulness.
While the fire is burning real fast, Sàmàvatì and bows for women dedicated to meditation on the "pain" and they were the result.
World Religion, when listening to the Bhikkhu stilts storytelling Sàmàvatì and five hundred women lost supply network, to answer questions about their fate in the next life, have said is have people testifying Beginner result, the proof of the second result, Tam Phuoc due proof someone's past jobs report and said the shelf :
With the shackles of ignorance thought expectations
See the world as beautiful as durable
Due to ignorance, the coast bound
Fools for the world market exists
The smart people to hear as they really know
There is nothing out escape removal of birth
Then the Buddha sermon:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! In samsara, the beings do not necessarily specialize in celebration for the mind, sometimes they have committed evil, so they experience both lost and miserable
At the time, the King is in the garden. Hear the la arc of Sàmàvatì fire, he rushed there, but all were burnt. He sat down on the steps, surrounded by courtiers who respect Saamaavatii when recalling her virtue. He wonders do not know who can cause the pain and think Màgandiyà. He wanted to use the probe tip asked her should tell followers:
-Well done! Now me being busy or solicitations. Sàmàvatì always find the excuse to kill us makes us fear and doubt. But now I will mind alone and I can sleep well.
-Who did this, your Majesty?
-People that truly love him did.
Màgandiyà casually standing nearby heard the world receive his pride sailings is the culprit, along with his uncle. The King still calmly praise that no one truly loved King by her and will give her along with the attraction of a grace. Mrs schoolgirl body IM off to the Imperial Court, even those who do not hear well relatives tampers to be made. When they gathered, the King ordered digging deep pits to the waist, dropped them down to cover up and burn the straw straw. When the fire burned their flesh to rụm brittle, King for the iron plough plough body fill they stamped out. For Màgandiyà, sharp knife for cutting the solid meat on her people to pieces, put in the barrel of oil placed on the coal furnace, fried bread and eat her like.
In France the road, listening to the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts wonders about the death of Sàmàvatì with five hundred concubine, should:
Story of the past-Sàmàvati Ðốt and a Plot Flanges Genus Buddha
The old days, when King Pham-ma-reach ruled Three-la-complaint, has eight Flanges Buddha often Genera donation of food to the hundreds of women provided most of the lower House. Seven position back to Hy-Greek codes-paint, the rest enter a sit on the banks of the river where grass.
An occasion as the King to take a shower, the concubine was playing throughout the day in the water, now up to shore and run up because of the cold. They find fires for heating. See the grass they don't look sad before watching follows rush fire and though an egypian Sydney around. When the grass fire falls, they expose locating Flanges, Buddha Spent not know. Lest the King finally out caught guilty, they want Africa should bring the Buddha's body permanently tang of wood coming from every agent, into a big pyre, pour the oil and fire. Is complete they leave.
The first action of the bow females. But then they seriously offending measured, so being bitten suffer. Flange unit own Genus are immersed in Buddhist meditation, then, though there are a hundred thousand cars with wood oil up, You also do not see heat. So, on Saturday and go to export Buddha where He likes.
The woman, not the heated cooking hundreds of thousands of years in hell, which they also burned and they burn in their homes for a hundred lifetimes.
The Buddha tells the end the Bhikkhu-stilts said:
-But the White World Religion! Why Khujjuttà became a hunchbacked? Why smart? She attended the result saved credentials and why a Bhikkhu females?
The Buddha tells more:
Past stories: Before Khujjuttarà 's Work
The Bhikkhu-stilts, also during the reign of Kings Offense-ma-reach ruled the Three-dollar complaint, there is a Buddhist independent from Buds slightly shade. A Bhikkhu and he brought Him to see women wrap a blanket on the shoulder and the hand clutching a vase with gold cuffs, back down like a hunchbacked, and then slowly just walked just said:
-Mr. independent from Buddha the feeling go like this!
Because she's quoting General go of him should she hump.
However, the first day she was independent from Buddha the Feeling swelled a seat in the Imperial Palace, taking the average bowl of porridge full entry into the donation. Buddha received, but because of the paps too hot so the average chain Bowl from hand to hand. She sees so surges and he brought eight arms with ivory lining under the average Bowl. Complete Buddha looking at her, her ladies:
-Lettered Honor author! We do not use this round again, you get to see, as a gift of the US surges worship before.
The independent from Buddha the feeling of this round on the 1way bearing mount Nandamùla, and to this day remains intact. Thanks to this job, of blessed she rote tripiṭaka classics and erudite Lily, and also so she attended the result saved credentials. Such is her job in the period between the two Buddhas.
Ca-Buddha time lettuce, have her attorney's daughter of archives in the three-dollar complaint, one day when afternoon ball poured down, take the mirror off soi and makeup. A close friend of her nuns, who ends the end of sex, come to visit. (Usually the nuns did end out of sex, or to visit my home supporters to the cab driver). At the time of her most of her absence so she told nuns took them for shooping makeup. If you do not, you can float and the like will reborn in hell, but if you listen to the command, you will do most of the people in the next life. Most people do anyway also suffering in hell, should get nuns baskets of makeup gave her. Thus she became her most.
One minute the Bhikkhu-stilts dispute in France:
- Sàmàvatì and five hundred women bow flames in his home. Also Màgandiyà and in the torso were fire burning straw, iron ploughs ploughs were ragged quinces, private Màgandiyà was cooked in boiling oil. So who's alive and who's dead?
The Buddha heard, that:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who launched Yi let go despite a hundred years of living lung as well as death. Those specialized attention, whether dead or alive still is living. The Bhikkhu-khep, noted mindfulness Center shall never die.
Then the Buddha Dhammapada readings:
(21) non-life lines, ample magnification,
Ample magnification is the way of death.
Ample magnification, not not dead,
Ample magnification as dead.
(22) special false, unknown
The location is not ample magnification,
The wedding Festival, not ample magnification,
Happily happy ranks of Saints.
(23) The tu's constant meditation,
Often persist,
UG mind enjoy Nirvana,

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