Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XXIV. Craving Food
1. The fish
People live life reporter Yi ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States members, in the case of gold fish Kapilamaccha.
Past stories
1a. The teacher Bhikkhu Stilts Extra Self-Pirate Party magazine
Oldtimer, Buddha Ca-Romaine enter Nirvana, there are two brothers of a family spice do Sa-Mon. The English name Sodhana and brother named Kapila. Both the mother Sàdhinì and her sister Tàpanà also worked Bhikkhu-stilts ni. When exporting, both brothers were rounded duties with world master degrees and a way of life Education into the glass. One day, they asked the master:
-Master in this religion, how much duties primarily?
-Have two duties: to study and meditation.
Listen, brothers think whisper: "I will fulfill my duty of meditation". And master the duty engineer position side to stay five years. Get an item of meditation leads to results of intellectual property, the master in the forest and after his effort, fight A-la-Han.
The children said: "we were young, when we, old meditation". Select the duty teacher learning. Teacher learning through tripiṭaka, so master have many benefits and the nutritional chart. Drunk with his multicultural knowledge and being dominant, master list reference drug become. The master or the backs of other people. When people say the right master told wrong, when people say wrong master said is true, the guilty master said is innocent, the innocent for the guilty.
The Sa-ja German subjects still or advice master:
This parent- Kapila, don't say so.
The consideration about the law, master of the Dharma. But Kapila reply:
-You know what? O empty fish?
The master continued to humiliate people.
The Sa-keeper recounted with master Sodhana. Master Sodhana advised me:
- Kapila, a Bhikkhu-stilts, you should behave properly. I don't scorn, rejected the honest advice, and speak in a way you like.
But Mr. Kapila no membrane to your advice. Master Sodhana patiently advised the two, three times the teacher Kapila nor unfazed. The master only says:
-I will bring the first tutor of this notorious because of the actions the teacher again.
Mr. Kapila misbehaviors and incorporates a number of map them also as bad as coach. Day, the master said: "We will declare Tibetan Law coincided in France". Mr. AI fan, sitting Court, declaring read Law with routine questions.
-Ladies College in Germany, we have the team, the broadcasting giant anyone need?
The Bhikkhu-stilts thinks silently: "answered him nothing". All silent. Kapila :
This client-parent, here there is no doctrine nor Church law, have heard read the law as well as does not listen.
Kapila said it down Court. As a result, delayed teacher teaching the Dhamma of the Buddha Ca-Romaine.
In her lifetime, elders Sodhana into Nirvana. Kapila with attitude like that was on hell A-Bhikkhu. Both his mother and sister master according to taunt the Sudhakar-Germany, Sa also fell into hell.
At the time, there were five hundred bandits, one day we were chased by the catch, right into the hiding jungle. We can't find where else, and when met a hermit, we must welcome and ladies:
-Sir, give us refuge.
The taste he answered:
-No refuge by ethics. All he can hold in world?
We consent to the life in the world.
The fake religious hermit advised them:
-Today the life he has, whether his life is threatened, you're not breaking the world or have evil thoughts.
The bandits promised to keep precepts have tho.
The villagers pursued the ends where the bandits hiding, and kill everything. They are reincarnated over the Sun, lead the bandits into Angel home rule the other. After the reborn many times where the realms, at high low at the realms in throughout countless lifetimes elapsed in the period between the two of them, Buddha reincarnated in the present Buddha's life in a fishing village of the grid has five hundred families near the Hostel-.
Angel thai owner on his home town mayors, the rest in the other's reincarnation. Like the same day all five hundred reincarnation and engenders a weekly. He silently thought leaders: "do not know today in the village and the other boy was born or not?". For people who check all over the villages he is known all reincarnated into one place. "You will be my son's friend". He thought so and send food to feed off the boy. They grew up, playing with each other, the close friends until the same maturity. The largest boys become a fame, respect, be made the leader of the group.
Kapila life in hell A-gauge Bhikkhu throughout countless lifetimes pass between two Buddhist, and due to the residue of the evil industry, renewable at the do the fish where the river Aciravatì. I bet an iridescent yellow but stinking breath.
Current stories:
1B. Groups of Fishermen And Fish Odors
One day, her young friends tell each other:
-Let's kick the net less fish.
They retrieved the mesh toss down the river drives, how the fish into nets. When the villagers saw the fish, they rejoice exclaimed:
-The baby first we be all over the net, got the gold fish. How the King also rewarded in a way the late Hy.
IBM you youngsters throwing the fish to the boat, take audience the King. See the fish, King asked:
-What is it?
IBM youth ask:
-My Lord, this is a fish.
Realized it was a golden fish, the King thought silently: "The Religious World will know why this fish is yellow". The King ordered to bring the fish go to the German premiere of world Religion. The fish has just opened their mouths yawn, both essential Member States flooded dormitory. King of the white Buddha:
-World Religion, because what's the excuse this fish charm are yellow? And why is it smelly breath?
-The United Kingdom, during the Royal Buddha Ca-Romaine, the fish was a Bhikkhu-stilts name Kapila, multicultural, map them in the East of the island. By letting go, he benefits by wiggle has yanked yelled at, the desert Tomb Bhikkhu-stilts not according to yourself. He causes the delay spreading Buddha Dhamma Ca-Romaine and fallen into A-Bhikkhu. Later, from the evil industry report, residual reincarnation do fish. So the Buddha Dhamma teaching charm, read a classic evening of Buddha in approval proceedings for quite some time, their new fish are yellow. Also rotten breath because he had yanked the insults yelled at Bhikkhu-stilts. Out of the United Kingdom, As will render him telling about yourself here.
-World Religion, please take all the way to he himself tells about himself.
The Buddha asked the fish:
-Do you have to be the Kapila ?
-Yes, I Respect What is Kapila .
-Where are you from?
-World Religion, the child from hell A-Bhikkhu to.
-And you, Sodhana, ?
-World Religion, he entered Nirvana.
-Mother, Mrs. Sàdhini ?
-World Religion, who was fallen to hell.
-What about you girls, Tàpanà,?
She's also fallen hell, Bach World Religion!
-Now you go?
-World Religion, hell A-Bhikkhu.
Say, full of repentance, the first batter fish died on the spot, was reborn in hell A-Bhikkhu. They are surrounded by hearing touched, both sclera hair bristles up. The Religious World who finds them tame, and he lectures the proper French:
The living in Chief comments,
Hang Hanh tu,
Ðấy jade beads on to the beautiful,
You more in total.
Say yes, Buddha shelf meticulously teaching the whole trading post "Kapila"; later in the episode Nipàta Suta. He said the next shelf:
(334) the living life of ample magnification,
AI increases as vines,
Jump to this other life, life
As Gibbons took part in the fruit of the forest.
(335) Who live in this life,
Being legally forced to craving,
Misery will increase,
As the grass was experiencing rains.
(336) Who live in this life,
Craving to be found,
Sorrows falling off him,
Like drops of water Lotus.
(337) This thing we're taught,
The people gathered here,
Be eradicated,
As the original native grass Belgium,
Do not ignore to destructive sects, ma
As the water line of grass wiping.
2. The Sows Counters
As the tree gets tight cabin.
The story happened when Germany World Religion in essential forestry Structure related to the property she sows all living in impassable silk pile.
The tale that, one day, Germany World Religion in the United Kingdom-the real one, against qifu gangui XA sows. He smiled, A Presbyterian-nan see Halo brilliance from the teeth, raising question:
-World Religion, why do You laugh?
The Buddha said:
-A-nan, let's look at the other motor sows.
I have seen it, Like Religion!
-The time of KakusandhaBuddha, this motor is a hog in the chicken sisters near the Hall. You attentively listening to a teacher Bhikkhu-meditation tu proof heading mantras on stilts. Just listen to the sound of the other sacred, made her sister escape a past life is reborn into the Palace of the King, the Princess named Ubbari.
One day, the Princess went into the bathroom, saw the pile of dòi. Sailings to spot him, intently observing the dòi Horde, mind intent, she added Preliminary meditation. After the Manchu fuck Princess, she was being to Her lineage-la-Mon. From Her class-la-Mon, do career in her next life, she now makes rebirth sows this motor. We know the scene's case should laugh.
The Bhikkhu-stilts go after elders A-nan to listen Germany World Religion says, very emotional. After the impact Center them, the Buddha explains the foolish sailings of craving, and still stand in the middle of the way, He says the next shelf:
(338) As the tree gets tight cabin,
Root damage yet still durable,
Customized AI hypnosis not spit,
This gauge still being nostalgic.
(339) thirty-six lines,
The drift to craving,
The thought of craving,
Wash the deviant opinions.
(340) the craving that flows throughout,
As spill grows vines,
See the vines just being,
With wisdom, make the original paragraph.
(341) Who remember life craving,
The favorite, loving
While expecting peace,
They still have to birth, old.
(342) people were craving a legally binding,
The waving and panic,
As Bunny takes,
Bondage craving, beings
The long suffering long borne.
(343) people were craving a legally binding,
The waving and panic,
As Bunny takes,
Consequently, stilts-Bhikkhu unit
Looking forward to her taking glass globe,
Should photography offers craving.
After her next life, she sows regenerative motor powered into the King in Suvannabhùmi. Foremost, she is reborn in Ba-la-complaint, the next she is reborn in the port of Supàraka in the House a horse driver, and then being in a crew to port Kavìra. Next, she beings to House a family of high nobility to in Anuràdhapura. Finally, she is reborn to do his daughter Sumanà village of Bhokkkanta district in the southern region, was named for his father's Sumanà .
When people leave the village to go off, her father came to the Kingdom of Diighavaapi, in the village of Mahàmuni business. Lakuntaka Atimbara, Chancellor of King Dutthagàmanì, to see her, the Mainland marry, take on life in the village of Mahàpunna. One day, elders Anula in essential Kotipabbata XA go qifu mumo carried through the House to see her, and he told the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
This parent, son Chu-sows silk became the wife of Sir Lakuntaka Atimbara, Chancellor of the King, it's fun to know how!
Listen to these words she suddenly remember the your Student credentials and information network. Limb deep emotions, she asked her husband to abandon the secular life of renunciation under Bhikkhu Sangha-stilts ni Pancabalaca. After the lecture France Mahà satipatthàna in Matarahostel Elf, she Expected results saved. DAC And then when the Damilas destroyed, she returned to the village of Bhokkanta lived with his parents. Next, listen to the French article Asìvisopama in essential Kallakaproperty, results A la DAC her Han. The day she entered Nirvana, responded to the question of the Bhikkhu-stilts and Bhikkhu-stilts, she tells most of the story to the Bhikkhu-stilts Ni heard. Between a group of teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, with the help of elders Maha Tissa, the Bhikkhu-stilts usually say the Dhammapada are stay at Mandalàràma, she tells as follows;
-In antiquity, the lost body, being made of hens. Xớt hawks, and was reborn in the United Kingdom, abandoned secular life, do a Bhikkhu-stilts to refuse the action here and tu ni reach Profile Zen. Out damn'd, the reborn into a head fake. But only lived shortly, having been fallen do sows. Foremost, the reborn in Suvannabhùmi, then in Three-la-complaint, in the port of Suppàraka, in the port of Kavìra, in Anuràdhapura and following along in the village of Bhokkanta. After spending thirteen fuck ups and downs so, damn the feel of real life's like Italy should abandon secular, renunciation, and the fruit A-la-Han. Please Jesus who each own essential mindfulness tons to the rescue.
Her words made the four of them extremely touched. Then she entered Nirvana.
3. The teacher Bhikkhu Stilts remove the Dao
Investors can also escape the forced clear ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in essential forestry Structure related to the residence a Bhikkhu-complete on stilts.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts owned Australian Presbyterian disciple, but Romaine has won the Ca-Four meditation but a minute to play his uncle Hunter Gold, saw many beautiful jewelry, birth passage, greed perfectly. The master back Mike haven't job getting what should be evicted. From there Mr. friends with bad guys, professional job robberies. One day he caught master, yes both hands behind his back, carrying away the execution, on the road just to meet every crossroads again using the whip master beaten.
Ca-Australian Presbyterian Romaine on the real, qifu mumo found on stilts were removed-Bhikkhu master lead out of southern mainland makes the wire tie loose, and told the teacher.
-You make visualizations as heading back once did.
Well, my teachings Bhikkhu-stilts begin meditation, and enter Four meditation. Soldier escorts give me to the execution, said:
-We'll let you die.
Then they heated the iron stool red up. But the robbers never have fear. The soldiers charged the four-finned insert the sword high, lao launched morning thunderstorms.
See the robbers did not fear spending mark at all, they are calling for: -gentlemen, let's look at this. Ðứng between the hundred-five-five weapons, he didn't run in fear. It's a strange thing.
Too staggering and admiration, shouting loud, then to ask King. Hear the story, judge King:
-Please drop him off.
They came to the white Buddha story. The launch of world Religious aura, itself to France field said the shelves:
(344) the leaves of the forest back toward the Woods,
Get rid of forest run by the forest,
Should see such people,
Investors can also escape from forced,
Running under the binding.
Listen to the sound of the French mystery, Bhikkhu-stilts recant are lying on a table surrounded by dense hermetic, troops countering mainland visualizations headings being Prince, a French-Indian, tam, spectacle and not fall clearly privileged outcome Projections. In my peace of result just doesn't fly up to the master, a privileged place in Germany That ton, wealthy girl feasts. Right between them, including the King, the Prime master results A-la-Han.
4. Jail House
The location view yet durable ...
The story happened when Germany That implied Respect in Member States, relating to the jail House.
One day, the criminals were led to the front of the King-anonymously, would steal, Rob way, would the killer. The King orders cangue, ropes and chains to tie them back. At the time, there are thirty master Bhikkhu-stilts in the countryside to visit Germany in world Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl You got it backwards. The next day, going around the Dormitories-protect qifu gangui, the master through the prison and see criminals. PM, qifu mumo carried finished the master until Buddha and Bach:
-World Religion, today went real qifu gangui us the sinners are in prisons. They tied by the cangue, ropes, leashes, extremely painful. They don't take the cangue to escape. The White World Religion, have sturdy binding over again?
The Buddha answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, where things have taken anything durable. Please view the bondage of delusion, break these shackles named craving, the clear rịt of paddy rice, of passage, his wife and child. This durable binding wire folded hundreds, say for the right, fold a thousand times more than what he had seen. But the oil it so durable and difficult to remove so that the ancient people had the position still leave, go to the Hy-code-Greece-paint, depart.
Then He tells the story of the predecessor:
Past stories:
4A. The husband and wife
In early childhood, when King Brahmadatta are ruled in Ba-la-complaint, He was the son of a poor family. When coming of age, the father died, he adopted his mother hired to go to work. Mothers who choose to marry a girl for him with kindness, even outcry of guy. The time after the death of his wife, elderly mother, Guy nostalgic thai child.
Don't know your wife is pregnant, he said:
-I, please provide it. I will come tu.
A: the guy's wife
-You are pregnant. Please wait until the day I see the guy, birthing and Monk nor late.
-All right.
When she finished, the young boy born from his wife:
-I've loved You procreate rounded square baby mother. You can go to the convent.
But the wife says:
-Please wait for the guy to let go at the end of milk.
While the standby guy, wife to conceive a second child.
The guy thought to myself: "If I follow my request she's never going to be. We will flee and renunciation, do not give her or nothing at all ". That is not to say a word about his intentions, between the night and the guy turned up away. The guards caught the guy. But guy persuaded them to drop off:
-Ladies and gentlemen, I must care of elderly parents. You excuse me.
Stay around for some time, the guy up the road about the Hy-Greek Codes-live life hermit. After the DAC spirit and tu were the result of higher position, he continued to live there, enjoying the meditation. The guy thought: "I've been really tied up rope toss in action too him strength, taking wicked sex cord, ropes of pleased nabagesera, his wife".
Think then, he read a shelf.
(Finish The Past)
Since finished the past, Germany World Religion say the shelves makes it clear the meaning of the shelf post recluse:
(345) the iron Thorn, tree, bound,
The location view yet durable,
Join the treasure, jewelry,
Ambitious wife and child.
(346) Who has Tri says:
"This is a durable, bondage
Tri pull down, sink,
And really hard to escape.
American cut except it,
Remove the exercise not lost ".
5. Fog Mayflies
The passionate craving ...
The story happened when Germany World implied in Respect of forest Structure, involving the Queen Khema, wife of the King of Qin-BA-sa-la.
It is said that Ms. Khema, by blessed prayer treasures at the foot of PadumuttaraBuddha, beauty extremely extravagant. Rumor Germany World Religion often harshly condemned the physical beauty, she avoided not having Qin King Buddha.-BA-sa-la knew she was very self of his beauty should let people make songs concur the exclamation Lisa, and enjoin for artists to sing her songs all over the place.
Listen to the song, Lisa for her is actually a distant place would never know. She asked the artist:
-You sing about the forest?
-Your Majesty, we sing about the forest and forestry Structure of her command.
In an instant the Queen wanted to see Lisa. At the time, Germany World Religion is on France for four of them, and he brought her to know culture allows for a beautiful girl holding a fan stand fan most of the Buddha.
Queen Khema entered the path, see the girl she thought silently: "we heard An Almighty God blameless sense of physical beauty. But here again there is this girl standing fans most. We match a beauty corner her. Indeed I have never seen anyone as beautiful as this. Sure people talk about Germany That Religion is not right ".
The Queen just glued into the beautiful people, teaching the child's French word That doesn't Respect a finalist on her ears. Buddhas know she is into girls, young beauties turn associated diem rate across the old lady lụ khụ, and then finally a leather bag wrapped the bones. See the world, Queen Khema thoughts: "Only momentarily, a great American form as the world went to death, ruined. Results of this physical form of course not! "
The Religious World read her thoughts, associated said:
- Khema, she mistakenly thought that physical beauty is real. She did not see the truth of it.
He said the shelf:
She found Khema
Mix Jesica tangle?
Be filled the rotten disease of prostate cancer
Sweat the bad dirty impure
Every minute leak flow
Only the fools si
Passionate new things.
Listen to Queen, Khema DAC effects-save. The World to honor her:
- Khema, beings in this passionate craving, suffering heart damaging, anger was foolish fool, so stuck in the river the craving, cannot pass the exit.
And he said the teaching shelves in France:
(347) passionate Person craving,
Her line,
Like spiders weaving nets, sa
American cut except it,
Remove all suffering, not the membrane.
When the French post ends, the Queen Khema DAC results A-la-Han. The assemblies also benefit.
The Buddha told King Qin-BA-sa-la:
-Royal of the United Kingdom, Ms. Khema hours or are far left secular, or to enter Nirvana.
King of the white Buddha:
-World Religion, That Religion take her into the Sangha, wait to enter Nirvana.
Ms. Khema renunciation and became one of the elders of the ni Sangha the Buddha.
6. Boys that Acrobatic Wife
Quit too, currently, the lai ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at Lisa, related to Uggasena.
Her childhood in the United Kingdom-XA, every year one or two times, five hundred acrobatic circus actors to perform for the King viewed during the seven days. They make a lot of money and gold: indeed, people toss prizes to pull over them. Spectators piled up real high bed, climbs a clear view for the circus.
, A climb to the maypole, turned a lap and then she flipped gently set foot on first self-levelling column, just hovering over does not like you just dance just sing. In the crowd there son Attorney General of Archives also stood on the pile of bed with you guy, watch her perform. Her hands move charming soft too make a guy look drunk, and the guy loves girl. Tan singing home guy says: "If her new married life, did not die Guo finish". The guy sowed himself down the bed, something good to eat.
The guy's parents asked:
-Baby, the others do?
Guy a:
-If the wedding was the daughter of circus, who sang the new live. Otherwise, the child will die.
Guy parent tips:
-Hey, don't do that. Parents will marry for my other wife is a catch.
The guy is still a Squid's sentence and said he stinks in bed. His father teaching him patience to understand the guy, also did not make the guy was. Finally he called friends of the guy to put a thousand gold coins and said:
-You give this money for the circus and theatre he put my daughter on to my son.
Who sings the circus says:
I didn't sell my retrieved the money. If he could not live without my daughter, then let him go with us. Good so my new daughter.
The guy's parents for him or something. Instant guy said:
-Of course, I will go with them.
The guy's parents beg, encourage major. The Guy didn't come the words they say, membrane removal in circus theatre group.
Guy married the girl singing group and the same actors come over around the villages, the city, the capital. Soon, she was born a son. When playing with children, she referred to the "guest" or "car doctor Uncle loong toong," or "the guy know nothing drained". He husband also took care of circus wagon. When performing group, Guy prepared tools, construction or cleaning up after singing.
Just the main job then that his wife when the Chair used from above. The guy came to the conclusion that she wants her, and he implied question:
-You mean me?
-Thats right, I said.
-Thread so I will leave you.
-You go or where something came to me.
She still used the words she's flirting with you. Beauty and the huge income she earns her real husband was needed.
The guy thought: "why is she arrogant?" As soon as he understood: "because she is a talented actor". The guy decided: "Sir! We will learn circus".
School guy all the performances with his wife. Guy goes across villages, cities, the capital, most of it to the other end, finally returned to the United Kingdom-XA, tv guy rao over: "seven days, Uggasena son him Attorney General of the archives will performance art for the population of the United Kingdom-see campus". People busy rịp up real high and stand right on Saturday, they pulled together to. Uggasena swarm high column three dozen metres and stood hovering over top of the nest.
, From the German Religious World early observations and Uggasena appear in the games consistent of Him. World Religion thought to myself: "Youth Who will?". Soon after, He knows: "son the Attorney General the Treasury will stand on the top of the other props dangling to his circus performance and the audience will gather to watch. On the date he will read four shelves. Listen to complete eight thousand four thousand people will be France label, also Uggasena the DAC results A-la-Han ".
The next day, select the appropriate time, That same Respect German Bhikkhu-stilts onto the road in the United Kingdom property real qifu mumo-.
Before the Buddha set foot on the premises, performer, Uggasena hand gestures Hello, charged the audience's applause. And balancing on the top of the column, the guy in round seven, flipped the fly set foot back on top of the columns and keep the balance here. Right at the moment, Germany World Religion, and due to his placement, the audience turned looking at Him instead of looking at Uggasena beach. See the audience is no longer interested in her anymore, Uggasena extremely disappointed. "I thought the guy take a new training year was this performances. But Germany in world Religion arrived, the audience dropped him back to admire Him. My performances that are completely failed. "Buddha read the thought of instant security guy elders Items-hopea contact:
-He said staff Attorney General go to the Treasury, we want to see the guy performing arts.
False religion to side pillars told the guy the actor:
This, Uggasena
Talented circus performer!
Let's flaunt your technology,
Devoted to the population of the US.
Uggasena to listen so incredibly rejoice: "Germany World Religion wants to see my talent". Think so, instant answers, while guy still standing hovering over the top of the column:
See I, Category-Religious-fake qian'an County!
University place, University spirit!
I'm bringing the dedication crowd
And do they laugh rang delight
From the top of the column, go not up myself tossing guy flipped fourteen rounds, and then set the foot back, balancing on the top of the column.
The World Religion said:
Hey Uggasena, the position must leave legally binding body of the five aggregates in the past, the present and the back. As such, he escaped new birth, old age, disease, death.
He said the shelf:
(348) Quit too, we, the,
Sees across the life,
Italy freed all,
Shalt not entangled again being elderly.
Buddha said, eight thousand four thousand people are registered, son the Attorney General Treasury Prime results A-la-Han and be informed as soon as the God guy still hovering.
The guy down, proceed to Germany That year, in sowing the ground for Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and would like to join the Sangha. Buddha's hand saying: "come, Bhikkhu-stilts!" Instant guy turns into a master as long as sixty years, filled with eight customizable widgets. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts asked elders:
Hey you Uggasena, you climb from three dozen columns size down without fear?
Uggasena a:
-Chu, I don't fear brother. Bhikkhu Buddha white stilts-We:
-World Religion, Uggasena said, "I'm not afraid anymore" is said not really. He violates the lie.
The Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, Bhikkhu-stilts as Uggasena did eradicate the craving, anxiety no longer fear.
He said the shelf:
(397) Ðoạn off the unlawful use,
There's nothing to fear,
Do not immerse before forcing,
We called her-la-Mon
One day, we discussed together on stilts-Bhikkhu in France: "Chu brothers, why a Bhikkhu-stilts are likely evidence of A-la-Han as in turn saved by circus only because her daughter's singing xiệc? and how did he afford evidence of A-la-Han? "
The World Ton comes close, ask:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered discussions?
Upon hearing them, Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, two things happen in the same case.
To unravel the story of Buddha, since:
Past stories:
6a. I'il take Words And Results Report
Early childhood, when the towers in gold Church Buddhist symbolism Ca-Romaine was being built, the children of some of the plain Buddhists in the three-dollar complaint to the building of the Tower of the result by himself to embark on the construction work, and they bring the wagon full of food. Along the way, they encounter portrayals of elders are entering into real qifu gangui. In those who take the results to have a young woman to see her husband and he told the elders:
-Hey, the revered elders of we're into real qifu gangui. Our food contains a multitude of both hardware and software. You get to help the average Bowl and donation.
A husband to help the average bowl of elders and they bring the food bowl full of hard soft medium medium. Done the couple play pray:
-The white Australian German, we vow to be partaking with you the truth that he has shed light.
The position of elders has privileged A-la-Han. He observed the look of hybrid position prayer life they were not. When know prayer will become, He smiled. She saw the smile he told her husband:
-Brothers, Chief lảo of our dignified laugh. Sure He is also actress.
Husband responded:
-Yes, sure he's the real actor brother!
They continue to do his job. This is the career they made in the past.
(Termination Of Past Stories)
When satisfied, the couple is reborn onto the Sun. At the time of the Buddha to the present, the wife in the home birth service life a circus performer, then husband do son Attorney General of archives. So the guy said: "Yes, sure, he's the real actor brother", this guy is dressed as circus adventure. By Guy donation a meal for elders A-la-Han, a prime guy should result A-la-Han.
The human girl singing the circus told: "my husband what we taste fruit Prime witnesses will also testify as privileged guy"
She then appeared and also a prime result and A-la-Han.
7. Talented Young Gunner
The Italian railway photography offers ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts older name Culla dhanuggaha Pandita, which means gunner guy.
One day, a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts to get off the food donation, holding the bowl of porridge on to son the road saw off drinking water. The master in the free forums please. The House had just seen young thugs teacher Bhikkhu-stilts sailings fell, she said:
-The Australian, when would need water to drink, please come back here OK don't go elsewhere.
From there, each time with no drinking water, just to the home girls please. She personally supports the average bowl filled with water for the master. Candidly, she donation both porridge. One day, she brought the Chair invited Mr. sit and donation c m. She sits adjacent to, evoke stories:
-The Australian, home this truth is lonesome. Throughout the day we didn't have the ball the visitors.
After listening to her talk for few times, Bhikkhu-stilts begin to see boring life.
The other party, there are few other visiting stilts-Bhikkhu master teacher, ask:
-Parent stars look gold rocketed?
-Mr. Chu parent, I'm troubled.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts thus master came to the life of the Church and the priest. The two brought the teacher see Buddha and the Buddha, up white said:
-This is true, stilts-Bhikkhu is negativity?
-Ladies right, Bach World Religion!
Listen to the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts answered, Germany World respect Conference responsible for:
-How did stilts-Bhikkhu after producing countries entered the Sangha of greater power, Ursa Tathāgata instead of causing people to have to say that he was a prime result of Tu-da-done, or results-da-ham, he back to them saying he was suffering? He is actually at fault.
Then Germany World Religion said:
-Why is he suffering?
-World Religion, have her tell you excuses like this, like this.
Hey, she's on stilts-Bhikkhu do so nothing strange. In horror before she had abandoned Dhanuggaha, Archer best over all of India. Just because the passionate milieu for the time with a Bandit, she murdered her husband.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts please Buddha tells the story. He said:
Past stories:
7A. Talented Young Gunner
Early childhood, have boys name Gunner, Culla Dhanuggaha. Archer College guy with a very prestigious masters in Takkasilà. Progressive guy real quick make satisfied extremely thus, daughter for him. Marriage is finished, the guy put his wife on the Ba-la-complaint. Sees a forest, he killed fifty bandits, using only fifty arrows. When the name of the shallow, he grabbed the leader name bandits, blueberries to the ground then called upon wife:
-You ơi! Please give me the sword.
But just saw bandits, she his wife suddenly fell in infatuation, granted him the sword. The guy immediately killed the gunner guy and then leads her to follow.
Just go to the guy just thought:
-If she found another name will also kill us as we keep her husband killed the interview helpful?
Sees the River, so that she stayed in this party, carry off jewels to the river and said:
-You stay here, I bring a map through the first.
And then the guy leaving you. She called upon:
-Little Guy She-la-Mon!
The guy brought out to the river
Sweat the jewelry that you
Please hurry back, Guy
Providing you follow through the same.
The name Bandit responded:
Her husband canards years operate shoulder to shoulder
To grab, not yet accustomed.
She offers him her husband ever sweet share,
Ðổi a person you don't know.
She, she will leave him by other guys
Oh hello, I worry away.
To make her man to be ashamed, Like current sailings down the Soles carry the car and Park music spirit. God's Love into the forest, the dog hit the car the team Los fish, also make bird music. Shut up dog meat pieces standing in front of her man. The fish jumping up and down in the water, the dog launched down the shoot, dropped pieces of meat, the birds flying meat theft vù. Deformed fish down the river. The dog and the fishing. The woman broke out laughing. Dogs question:
-Who stand side bushes laughing?
Please tell me, why beautiful people laugh
Must see where dance, singing
This is not a guest at clap the rhythm
Is the time to cry, beautiful people!
The woman answers:
-Stupid Dogs, the wisdom you're only baby Ty,
You only have to water as you name cry,
You lose the whole meat-fish
-Legs, the mesmerizing passionate working laboriously,
That goes to the leg in d, torches
Both the mistress and her husband, she takes
She should cry it!
Now she says:
-Thats right so, little jackals, King of beasts,
Come on from here we obediently follow her husband.
The dog responded:
-Steal the eggs will steal the chicken anymore
Do you evil will continue.
The World Religion ever since finishing the story about guy precursor Culla Dhanuggaha (available in the Nipàta, He said:
-Damn, he is the guy the young gunner, woman is the girl for him to drink it. God's Love is King. She saw bandits were tired, kill the most skilled boys take India. Bhikkhu-you on stilts, this spit off the root in the craving heart towards this woman.
Highly recommend Buddha lectures, master commandments more for the teacher to hear, he said the shelves:
(349) anniversary of brain disorders do bad
Exercise lost more often demand
Work out more xiền craving
Wire drawing deeper clarity.
(350) Who cheer, an Italian NET,
Consistent impure, often reciting
He will kill the craving,
Cut ghosts bound.
8. Devil No Coward enacted by La-almost-La
Who to target, not fear ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, in relation to the United Kingdom.
One day, many elders Bhikkhu-stilts to wihan States Members not forecast. The master on the furniture. La-almost-la, wake up fake Religion. Found no place to sleep, and he set to false sandalwood furniture Buddha. This revered elders Unit new eight years old but has a prime result and A-la-Han. Ma Wang Vasavattì saw that and he thought: "son of Sa-subjects are located in front of the door of sandalwood furniture, also Abbreviated-talks-Sa then rested inside. If his fingers were painful grip, the Sa-keeper will also see the pain as being sandwiched ".
Then he turns into a giant God of elephants reach position party elders, the Religious head wrap hoses used and muffler. In Germany, the world Religious flavour found out, and he said:
This Ma-United Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of guys like you don't do La-most-dreaded dollar. People are no longer frightened because of the powerful, craving eradicate heroic, great location great hue.
He said the shelf:
(351) Anyone to destination, do not fear,
Charity cups. unstained,
Pluck the arrow of birth,
This last incarnation.
(352) Ireland left, do not accept the player,
Financial mismanagement cited by syntax,
Being from the unconscious fears,
Understand try before class,
To this end, hull-hull
Such a position was known,
University location, great staff.
Buddha said done, a lot of people privileged outcome Tu-da-,-da-na and A-jaw-jaw. Ma told the United Kingdom: "Sa-Limited disciplines-see talks", he then disappeared.
9. the Ascetic Monks Skeptical
We're offering all ...
The World Religion teach these words consistently to the ascetic hermit He meets named Upaka, in cult Ajìvaka.
After the ceremony under the Bodhi maple tree, Buddha saved seven weeks there. Then He brought medicine, holding the bat sailed for eighteen miles on Ba-la-complaint to turn wheel. Along the way, He met hermit ascetic sects in the Ajìvaka. DAO singer asked:
-Brothers, the real President, Sir, Mr. bright skin nice too. He who spice? Who is the master? Mr. tu according to the tenets of who?
The Buddha answers:
-As a hybrid has no priest, no life Church.
He said the shelf:
(353) we're offering all,
We clearly know all,
Not infected France would,
We abandoned all,
Craving, self rescue,
Thread winner himself,
Who called the master?
Upaka Don't expose seem to agree, any comments before the words of The Tathāgata. DAO singer just shook his head, then turn the Crown copy, go to the tents for a hunter.
10. France Won Every Laboratory
France pilot wins every ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're stay in Member States, relating to God like the Sun King.
One day, Chu heaven heavenly realms thirty-three gathering brought out four questions:
-What Animal he most noble?
-Delicious Taste would above all?
-Happy would even higher?
-Why eradicate craving is dark job critical?
Chu heaven no one answer to this question, the other, the other end asked snatch position, until each ask enough of the other ingredients. During twelve years, Chu heaven going around ten thousand worlds also don't find guys who answers the above questions.
Finally, all the celestial world ten thousand followers gathered together and came to the four heavenly. You asked:
-What that Jesus gathered crowd?
Thien Chu responded:
-We have four questions no one answer, should pull together to most of the United Kingdom.
-The questions?
Finished listening to the questions, four answers: Uranus
-Jesus, we also resigned. The King has often thought about the question that thousands of other people also thought, and he knows the right answer. Blessed Him trumps intellectual German. I go to most of you.
The four heavenly celestial other Island Eastern tributary delegation pulled up to see God's Love. The King asked:
-Jesus what crowded gatherings?
They ask God's love to the purpose of the visit. King says:
-Jesus, no one can answer, except the Buddha. The problem lies in the understanding of the current German my God Buddha World lettered Honor?
-Ladies at the Park.
-We go to most Germans of world Religion.
God King Likes the same overwhelming bias are lettered crew night and fly to the States, both essential morning glory. King Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl and then back out to the side. The Buddha asked:
-Out of the United Kingdom, have the same overwhelming Majesty Thien Chu to visit today?
-World Religion, it outlined four questions no one answer, except for That Suen. Please give us a clear explanation.
-United Kingdom, Australian Protestant instead! As to end except foreign facilities for beings like Jesus that As Lai completed thirteen-la-suite, in France the great discharge, and results of the Chief Justice. On the question of the United Kingdom? France won every lab. France won every taste, France only won all 3/. There's a new craving eradicate DAC results A-la-Han, so there are jobs up critical systems.
He said the shelf:
(354) France pilot, won every!
France, WINS all!
France only, win all only!
AI kills, WINS every gauge.
Glossary Of Originality:
France pilot wins every time: Although the donation the right forensic of banana calyx color for all of the Buddha, the Buddha, the Genus Flange A-la-so much so that Han became a line connection from the ground up to the heavenly realms Brahma is also not equal to read a shelf in the middle of the German work-oriented feedback withdrawal. Because the German donation this is not equal to y part sixteen of the article to read up the shelves. Therefore knows the importance of the lectures, reading and listening to proceedings in France.
Guys would help beings hear France will get larger newspaper newspaper Phuoc Phuoc donation real animals, whether the entry into the custard-filled all the Buddha, Buddha, A genus of Flange-la-han said on those upper feed. Blessed by the newspaper donation larger French donation the nutritious medicines such as butter, milk ... also same larger seem to home in, whether he built the untold hundreds of thousands of property such as Elf Maha Vihàra, the property of essential facilities like Loha Pàsadà. Phuoc's message greater than he reported Her independent from Phuoc and others enjoy the treasure by the donation to build the essential. Alms in France though only read up a shelf four sentences, helpfulness are blessed more boundless immeasurable newspaper cacù Friday alms.
Why is that? All the guys he it on the basis of donation due to listen to France. If you haven't heard, they never made the donation. Beings in realms-this lady if not heard of France nobody alms a patch, or just a tablespoon of rice porridge. For that reason, France won every lab.
-Practical, unless the exception of Chu and Buddha Mural of Buddha, the Genus as the fake Religious interests and the echo-Amnesty your friends You count most information no matter the raindrops of all the rain during a past life, is also a prime result cannot Tu-da-complete and the result tastes that are attributable to the French post of evil pedestals , of another. And after all, when listening to France of Germany That fake new religious practice, keeping the three-la-suite Royal of the United Kingdom, for the same reason, France won every lab.
Talk about delicious, from the road suite ... to paint the proud location of rare Navy as Chu's Heavenly food are all charismatic people are keen to roll out electronic beings drift reincarnation, for it is the root of suffering beings. Only the taste of Dhamma, thirty-seven grips aid section leader brought to the Chief Justice and the nine steps of meditation is the epigastrium. For should say: France wins every taste.
Pleasures of the life as children, sex, music, dancing, singing ... well just attractive rolling drift in mortal passion reincarnation, it is also the root of suffering beings. But France only being in the mind of the French speaking guys, or listen to France, prompting them to enjoy boundless peace status, causing tears to flow, hair bristles are sclera. This ended the peace being Prince of reincarnation, save position results reached Wing A-la-Han. This new peace is dark? For should say: France wins all 3/3/ .
Finally to the issue of craving. When craving removal, Prime witness A-la-Han. By AI killing should stop to clean off the pain of birth Prince for rollover should say: Charity WINS removal of all suffering.
Buddha says France is completed, God King Like Buddha ceremony and wealthy girl says:
-World Religion, if France is so dignified pilot stars He didn't teach her merit-oriented feedback for us? From here every time That Religion says us Congress French Bhikkhu-stilts, leaned him their helpfulness merit for us.
To listen she petitioned the Buddha associated meeting them on stilts-security Bhikkhu:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts from here onwards every time, whether in large or they are just a normal lectures, or a brief legal article, or when said thanks, thanks to the helpfulness virtuous for all beings.
11. Do not Block The Attorney General Agency
Property damage the idiot ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, involving the Attorney General of archives is not the name of the Aputtaka.
The tale that when the Attorney General Department is dead, the King-anonymously asked:
-Who is not the death of the property belongs to who?
-My Lord, the Supreme Majesty.
King for carrying the deceased property back during seven days. Then the King to Buddha, Buddha most asked:
-Look Out, where at noon to the King?
-World Religion, in this defense-related Attorney General Amnesty the Treasury does not kill the other day. I've just finished carrying the property for back then associated to it.
Next: White King
-You hear every time food position in the upper plate of gold to give the Attorney General the Treasury officials, he said: "people eat this food? Why we dare you joke with me right at home? " If the person most venturing to eat him, cleanup would throw ground rod or taken to expel them. He only ate rice porridge or congee bran yogurt, says: "people just eat this food". Most people bring to these beautiful clothes, vehicles well, umbrellas, he drove by ground, simple as above. He just wear pants hemp rough, goes the old chariot clean pile, start picking the leaf cover.
Thus the Buddha before storytelling of the Attorney General of archives:
Past stories:
11A. The view Attorney General of archives Xẻn Popcorn
Out of the United Kingdom, during the past, the Attorney General of this disagreement made food for a Genus name Buddha Mural Tagarasikhi .
-Please bring food for the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
He told his wife that, then stand up for other work. Devout wife listened silently, thinking her husband: "I long to hear Real mouth he uttered the word" loan ". Today, the affable dreamed my donation turn into truth. " Midwife retrieved custard Sponge Genus of Buddha, put them into full of delicious food.
View the Attorney General back the Treasury, where the Buddhist Federation Genus Flange:
-Master got food?
He hold the bowl and see the upper feed, any sense of pity cheap think whisper: "must read this stuff to servants we eat the better know! They ate will work actively. Also the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts are just eating and sleeping. This food to go is nothing "
The view Attorney General of archives, and kills the son of his brother to award winning unique fortune. Grandchildren often hand notes that leads away these excuses, GLib mouth:
-This wagon in the property my dad! This cow is also the person's cow.
View the Attorney General the Treasury thought: "at this time he said that. He's polite and still can see his wealth in this House? ". One day, he was walking the endless forest, you strangled to death as people break a radish so, then toss into the Bush. Ðấy is his past crimes before.
(Termination Of Past Stories)
Australian United Kingdom because of the Attorney General the Treasury calling for his wife brought food donation Flange position the genus Buddha, during seven consecutive lifetimes he shou blessings and then reborn on the Sun. Due to the balance of the donation, through the seven lifetimes he keeps exclusively held the Attorney General Treasury into Dormitories-protection. United Kingdom, Australian due to pity the cheap themselves did and say the word blasphemy, when results are reported to he cannot use the delicious food, wear, ride good, can not enjoy active sex world.
More than that, so kill me to Fortune, he was fallen hell hundreds of thousands. And because part of the balance report, throughout the seven evil bitch adjacent he die not the foreclosure property, nourishment. This was his seventh. Out of the United Kingdom, he was blessed by the shallow report that does not create a new agency, the Treasury now Attorney Irene threat in hell Roruva .
The Buddha tells the King, Three-private-anonymously ladies:
-World Religion, the Attorney General of this Department is the real sin is too big. Fortune how his huge spending for him or play Center donation Germany World Religion, Buddhist Vihara in close are now his home.
-Thats right so your Majesty. Result, when fools are wealthy they don't find nirvana bridge. On the contrary, wealth only makes the craving arose in the mind they do from them long term. He said the shelf:
(355) stupid people, damage property
Don't people search the other coast,
Fools because of rich,
Hurt yourself and hurt someone.
12. Many Alms And Alms Less
Grass harm rice garden ...
The World Religion teach these words when You are here in Yellowstone, Rock Pandukambala Silà, related to Ankura. The story has been told in full detail in the comment section the sentence shelf "The single-minded predestination" story involving Indaka .
One day, the aging A-na-Trưổng law on villages qifu gangui. Indaka donation to honor author a spoon feeding of his part. This is the charity he worked in my life before. Longer Ankura then provided the heaters around fifty kilometres throughout ten thousand years and alms donation very much real animals. Indaka be blessed greater alarm.
- Ankura, when he should ponder. To do so would be like the seed sown on the soil, lush results. But he did not do so. Therefore, the alms of him didn't take to the blessed great quote.
To clarify the issue, the Buddha said:
Alms should be considerations,
Should reap good results recently.
He considers,
Investors can place people praise.
Real wrestling surges worship before
People deserve a donation,
Will be immeasurable blessed,
Like the seed sown, giving
The land heal well.
He said the next shelf:
(356) Grass ploughing, harm
Taking the harm.
He divorced people took part,
So are large fruit.
(357) the grass harm rice garden,
The pitch to harm people.
Alms the glass courtyard,
So are large fruit.
(358) Grass ploughing, harm
SI harm people.
Alms who ly si,
So are large fruit.
(359) the grass harm rice garden,
Exercise to harm people.
He divorced people,

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