Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

23. Four Sa Di
Friendly hostility.
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, involving four Sa-di.
Wives of the She-la-Mon excuses prepared a meal for four Sa-subjects are specifically choose to invite. She told him her husband:
-You go to the property and they choose for Crystal four She-la-m n elder, and then the procession.
Grandparents-la to essential, ladies:
-Please select for Her four-la-Mon and take them out to meet me.
The selected unit fell to four notes Sa-di was seven years old but new DAC results A-la-Han dynasty, including the fake Religious Samkicca, Pandita, Sopàka and Revata. His wife who She-la-keeper prepared the seats very extravagant, luxurious and stood waiting. Just saw the ball the Sa-di, she was fuming over, broke a long colon sounds like salt, crackling on the fireplace:
-He came to essential child about four that brought property Court nothing big I rinsed he.
She wouldn't invite you to sit up again, spread seeds composed of other lower seat and called upon them:
Done she told him her husband:
-Grandpa, he invited several Sa-aging subjects.
Grandparents-la-subject to the essential, Religious Property-benefits-fake encounter the ECHO, dear:
-Please invite Him home.
He put false Religious home. See the Sa-di sitting there, false Religious question:
-The Sa-life subjects son?
-Well, not yet.
Knowing only four cooking home meals, Religious pundits says:
-Please bring the bowl for me.
Then hug the bowl, then fake Religious grandparents House-la-Mon. His wife asked:
-Him saying?
-The teacher says: "The viï Sa-subjects sit here to be real-life character. Please pay me the bowl ". Finish him holding the bat and go on.
His wife said:
-I'm sure he doesn't want to eat, you go up, make a Sa-other subjects put on here.
Grandparents-la-keeper back property again, and Crystal met the fake Religious Items-hopea-contact, as well as earlier and false Religious guidance, Sir. Mr. Ðại Items-hopea-see the notes Sa-di, also asked the same false Religion and the echo-benefits-Amnesty Baghdad go straight. His wife said:
-The author does not want to tho. He come again, and essential residence only Sa-aging subjects invite only.
Thou art my God the Sa-di morning have not yet had the wart would on the abdomen. sit hungry shaky. Due to the strength of the blessed God's Heavenly throne, they Prefer the German heats up. You learn the cause, see Group Sa-di sit from morning they're hungry people exhausted, mainland think: "are we supposed to know". He disguised as a Sa-lọm khọm old subjects, to the essential and most visible seat between the Sa-Mon. Grandparents-la-Mon to see God's Love, thinking: "She my wife I will satisfied". He invited God's Love of home. His wife had just seen God Like smiling sailings Hon, grab the carpet and double projection covered up a seat, hissing puppet solicitation:
-The white Australian Glass Germany I you, invite Him an is located.
God's Love into the home to wealthy girl holiday sailings of four Sa-di, in sowing land, then You make the old unlawful under the seat near the field where the low Board you're sitting.
His wife Mrs.-la-like subjects, says:
-Thats right he is the procession on the House a Sa-subject really. He put on this big position by his father that him again greet the notes Sa-di years by great-grandchildren. We don't need people like him. Ðuổi him out!
Grandparents-la-Mon took the role of God's Love, and then drag the hand, push back, pull Him out effort, but God's love to sit immobility. His wife said:
-He took a hand, I would fist.
Two grandparents holding hands or Soles Like Drudge, push back, try pulled Him out the door. But God's Love turns allow sit still place, hands waving Turkish Lira lịa greet them.
Two grandparents come to see him sit y, then fear, cheaper and freely terribly. Now You know who is the love for God. Two successive grandparents invite tho. Done, in the cheers. A Sa-di fly through the roof. The second unit went through the roof before the third, tossing roofs after the fourth position, ground, God also Loves it by an alley. So every year, leaving the other a steam House. From there the House is known as the "Home of five doors.
The Sa-di on the essential, the master Bhikkhu-stilts asked:
-Why? Chu parents go tho son?
No, please don't ask again! you LETTERED His wife Mrs.-la-Mon has just found them the first season ever got angry. Not for them the first seat available cleanup, which told him: "Mr. mau mau go Sa for a procession-old subjects". The priest they filed to, see them filed it "Sa-the subjects are sitting here should be the donation of rice". Say, false Religion and request the bowl and then go. His wife said: "He got the procession for a Sa-other aging subjects". Husbands take the fake Religious Items-hopea-home. When you see them filed false Religion, say like the fake Religious Accommodation-benefits-echo and go always. His wife told her husband: "the dominant religion of this imitation not want to tho. Grandparents-la-Mon, he come to the essential and the procession gave me a Sa-aging subjects ". This true God procession husband Like disguised at Sa-about subjects. At the time, two new grandparents for them first.
-But you don't Chu?
-No, they filed no wrath.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts to hear them reply, and he brought to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, the Sa-di says "we are not angry" is a lie.
The Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who are smuggled or no resistance against them.
He said the shelf:
(406) between hostile and friendly,
The moderate middle of the rampage,
Not infected, between the previous infection,
We called her-la-Mon.
24. Fake Australian Religious desk-There Also is a special team, No?
Who neglected to take part, ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at Lisa, involving fake Australian Religious-desk-(Big Wayman)
When the fake Religious Chau-benefits-desk-(Little Wayman) three months do not belong to a famous British shelves of him is An imitation-special Desk chasing Him out of the glass, close the door and then said:
-You lack the ability, do not understand the Dharma, worldly happiness I left. See also reason to pay attention to stay here? Pay attention please go away.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering about it, says:
This false Religious parent, Chu-Out desk-this special world. Surely even the occasional infection profiles depart already still anger.
At the time, the Buddha goes to ask:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered here talking?
The master of the white Buddha up problem. He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, no. Those who depart in infection structures of mind not the or, take part, and si. He's such action just because he put the Dharma, and the spirit of the Dharma over all.
He said the shelf:
(407) Who neglected to take part,
No, not jealousy.
As improved seed pinhead
We called her-la-Mon.
25. The power Gas Volume
Mild words talking up ...
World Religion teach these words when You're at Lisa, related to the fake Religious Pilindavaccha .
Venerable Pilindavaccha seems to have a habit of speaking with residents and Sa-subjects with these words probably just used to call these guys wandering the globe b any bridge.
-To this, man!
-Go, premature aging.
One day, many teacher Bhikkhu-stilts to complain with the Buddha about the behavior of false Religion. The master said:
-World Religion, venerable Pilindavaccha call the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts by the first class line only for words with.
The Buddha for Religious calling, to ask:
-Someone says sorry he is called the Bhikkhu-stilts by the gesture for the first class with sugar. No, Vaccha ?
-World Religion, Yes! I have an error.
The Buddha recalls watching the venerable position before that was where, and then He told the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he don't angry Bhikkhu-stilts Vaccha. Isn't he Vaccha also raising the wrath of the hate inside that comes with Bhikkhu-stilts brothers. The fact that he has over five hundred lifetimes reborn into the a-la-keeper, and he used the kind of language from this familiar throughout a long time that now says to everyone, just because of the power of the gas. Who except be smuggled or never use vulgar words, cruelty, never said the words makes people just heard sailings found lesions. Genus due to the power set of gas that the disciples he said features of the model.
He said the shelf:
(408) says mild lyrics,
The benefits and true,
Not lost anyone,
We called her-la-Mon.
26. Mr. Bhikkhu Stilts convicted of Theft
In short, long material life ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at the Park, involving a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
In the Dormitory, there is a--la-Mon railway heavily biased, one day for fear of her gown had fabric sheets smell of sweat, then take it off to outside, then sat facing into his home. At the time, a Sa-Prime has A-la-Han, after the boys are going about life the essential, see the canvas and look around no one, I think it's owners to collect it as master successively each fabric was torn away, dump the gatherers and take away. Grandparents-la-Mon to see sailings go to fucking fake: Respect yelled at
-This other skinhead stilts-Bhikkhu elders, you took my cloths.
-She-la, his cloths?
-Thats right.
-I look around not seeing anyone, thought it's going get. This, charged him.
The fake Religious right putting fabrics for grandparents-la-Mon. When on the essential, story-telling for the master teacher Bhikkhu-stilts. The master index of false Religion, and behold:
-Parent, This parent Canvas picked up long or short, rough or smooth?
-Mr. Chu parent, I don't need to know it long or short, rough or smooth. I am not wrecked it. I picked up just because it is thought they quit, that's all.
The master heard that and he brought the white Buddha story, and ladies:
-World Religion, teacher Bhikkhu-this stilts lie.
The Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, no. Bhikkhu-stilts has said is very true. Guys would be smuggled or not obtaining other people.
He said the shelf:
(409) in life, long, short,
Small, big, beautiful or ugly,
That means not to take,
We called her-la-Mon.
27. The fake Religious Symbolism the echo be misunderstood.
People have no hope ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, Religious-related Property-fake benefits-the echo.
A false Religion, Dormitory-benefits-the echo along five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts to Fang settled down in a hostel and there during three months of settling. People see the fake Religious sailings to the promised donation please Quartet. But after finishing the free ceremony honouring author Respect the four then, supplies donation yet to be brought to the end. Before the departure of the German Religious World, false Religion encounters suggest the Bhikkhu-stilts in back:
-When would they bring homemade donation comes to the Bhikkhu-stilts and Sa-di, the master received and sent. And if they don't deliver, also please the master message, please help me.
False Religion, go back to the Buddha.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering:
-Hear the word Ton Property-benefits-fake echo said today, also see greed also fall crash where he. False religion also tell about the one donation for the Bhikkhu-stilts along his Union: "Apply the master sent out pretty, or not, please, give me a message!".
At the time the Buddha arrived, asked:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered here talking?
C c the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts ladies story. The Buddha teaches:
Hey, you're not on stilts-Bhikkhu also took part. In mind he only thought: "expect that the server does not lose Phuoc, hoping that the young and Sa-stilts-Bhikkhu portable does not suffer the high nutritional losses". Therefore, a new telling him so.
He said the shelf:
(410) who have no hope,
In this and later life,
No hope, liberation,
We called her-la-Mon.
28. Fake Religious Maudgalyayana be misunderstood
People no longer craving ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to the fake Religious Items-hopea-contact.
The story is similar on the story. The ending, know false Religious Items-hopea-Lien has ceased to be craving, the Buddha said the shelves:
(411) Who no longer craving,
There are, no doubt,
That enter into immortality,
We called her-la-Mon.
29. Remove both the good and the Bad
People who live in this life ...
The World Religion teach these words when You are in Pubbàràma, related to the fake Religious Revata.
This story has been told in full detail in the comment section of the shelf post start with the sentence: "the forest or mountain villages". The tale continues that:
One day the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Oh, the Sa-di which benefit a great sight! Oh! Germany's real Uncle Phuoc boundless immeasurable! Imagine a person that built five hundred accommodation for five hundred teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
At the time, the Buddha arrived, asked:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered here talking?
The master of the white Buddha story. He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, Revata not blessed or infinitely blessed. He has let go of both.
He said the shelf:
(412) who live in this life,
Not infected at all evil,
Not clean, dust-free, melancholy
We called her-la-Mon.
30. Fake Religion Moon Optics
Like the Moon, air cleaner.
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to the false Religion Moon, Candàbhà .
Past stories:
30A. The Lumberjack Donation The Moons Ðĩa
Early life long far time past, there's a merchant living in Three-la-complaint, one day told: "We will go about the border region make wood". He bought a lot of clothes, jewelry, etc. led by five hundred vehicle go about the border location, stopping overnight at a port village, and asked the shepherd boy crawling in the forest:
-This village is anyone traveling the forest?
He name?
-Name, so.
-The wife and child he name?
-Name, like.
-Where is he?
-Like this, like this.
Businessman sitting on the deck of the car really smooth, follow the instructions of the boys, to the door the instant forest alight, into the House asking her landlord has the right to name, the other names are not.
Her thought: "It sure her children." She quickly nhẩu bring the Chair invited him to sit. Merchants say the host name, ask:
-Where is my friend?
-Sir, he's gone.
-The I A, I B?
He meticulously one by asking in the House, called full. He provided miscellaneous clothing, carrying Jewelries, and said:
-When would you go about forest, given clothes and food for him.
She hosts the utmost respect, reverence. My husband has just arrived from the forest, she said:
-Grandpa, this new merchants to visit his home were asking each person knows, full name, and the gift of this other stuff.
Builders go the forest also treated to merchants. That evening, the merchant is played only on the tre, ask the landlord:
-You, the foot of the mountain at around, you see anything strange?
-No, see only see big red tree.
Yes, many.
-Let's go see the trees.
Two people to the foot of the mountain, close to countless red sandalwood trees, substances end up in hundreds of vehicle. On returning to the merchant, you lumberjack:
-You, Sir, my home in the three-dollar complaint, you keep going like that, like that would make out. Occasionally invite you down trying to play.
Then he added:
-Gifts I don't what type of tree you have this red Spike, you remember me's and branch.
-The Cardiaca.
And long long he's downright divers visit the merchant, just bring the sandalwood. A: basically, merchants donated him money late hĩ.
When the Buddha Ca-Romaine enter Nirvana, a yellow tower was built to worship the dormitories-benefit. On occasion, he brought a lot of lumberjack sandalwood to Ba-la-complaint. He you instant merchant took some big wood he brought pulverized and he filled a single sandalwood powder, you lumberjack:
-You must leave you, rice, let's come to the tower building.
Two people came to the tower into consecration sandalwood powder glass donation benefits you Buddha-XA lumberjack then do a moon disk also with sandalwood and placed in the tower.
Current stories:
30B. Sa Vidya Qauang Subjects
When off, you are beings lumberjack up the Sun in the time period between Ca-Like lettuce and Buddha-ca. At the time of the Buddha, his life being present in the United Kingdom, in the home a-la-rich subjects. From navel boy emitted huge aura round the Moon disk should you be named Yue, Candàhà. It is said this is because the report you made blessed the other moon disc in in towers.
Some She-la-subjects thought silently: "if we bring this person goes by will conquer the world". Then they let him sit up a vehicle, carrying everywhere, having said: "mortal hands touch Her body-la-this subject will get the power and the glory, like".
People pay a hundred or a thousand Dong to be in our favour the Moon. Just wandering, one day into the Dormitories-and stay at a place near property States Members crystal.
At the time in tens of millions of credit-protection are the charity Property donation became monks before breakfast. After breakfast they bring aroma, clothing, medications to listen to Buddhist theory. The people of BA-la-saw, ask:
-You go somewhere?
-German Religious World heard theory Sees.
-Come here! Sees over there are useful? No God any more information through her spirit-la-Mon Moon of our Optics. Who's touching her position body will have the power and the glory, the like. Come to admire.
-Spirit of grandparent-la-subjects the person then seep into it. Only in Germany That the new State Religion through.
The two sides arguing vehemently for a revert, no side would win. The Group of people She-la-recommended electives:
-We go to the Moon or around the German view hostel Elf World Religion of the people, who have great spirit.
The Buddha has just seen the Moon makes the round tubular Optical aura disappeared, so the front of the Buddha, the guy ain't nothing more than a crow located in baskets of coal. Who she-la-Mon has just pulled away from the Optical round, Semicircular aura glow back as before. They brought him to the front of the Buddhas, the aura disappear. And so to the third, Yue Quang thought: "surely it is now going to make art's death". He asks the Buddha:
-Are you know Uncle art do's I lost?
-Thats right, we know Uncle art.
Please pay attention to tv.
-This is not art passed to secular people are.
Moon and he told Her the Optical-la-Mon:
-As long as we learned the notes will become superhuman character for Match-match-this. The people just stay waiting renunciation, in few days. will learn to pay attention to art.
I'm Buddhist renunciation do Sa-Mon.
The World Religion teaches meditation consistent headings about thirty two things made, Moon Quang asked:
-What is this?
-Before learning to pay attention to the other arts, to learn through this.
Long long ago, who she-la-Mon again to ask:
-You've done Uncle art?
-Not yet, I'm still learning.
Just days later he privileged the fruit A-la-Han.
The Group of people She-la-Mon again, you said:
-Come on, you go. I've been to a place that never did come back.
The Bhikkhu-Bach on stilts up Buddha story:
-World Religion, teacher Bhikkhu-stilts lying!
The Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he was telling the truth. Bhikkhu-stilts are not also wrecked the veterinary vụi the world.
Buddha said shelves:
(413) As Moon, UE, not clean
In the morning and silence, net
Owner of charity was to take advantage of snippets,
We called her-la-Mon.
31. Seven years in the womb
Overcoming this dangerous road ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're stay at Kundadhàvana, near Kundakoli, related to the fake Religious Sìli.
Early life, she Suppavàsà in the sentence-benefit, pregnancy a baby up to seven years. At procreate, because the baby is skewed, the pain she was tearing the bowel, associated himself said "The World Religion is actually ranks Supreme enlightenment. He has taught me the way to escape the suffering brain as this gauge. They increase the German group Increased World of Religion indeed is the very essential tons. He attempted to destroy the brain gauge like this gauge. Nirvana is peace, not the brain gauge this gauge-like ".
She rings bear the pain thanks to the visualizations. And then she asked her husband to most Buddhist, her name Please Sir ceremony, wealthy girl. Ðảnh finish ceremony, he of the white Buddha of her desire. Buddha says:
-Ms. Suppavàsà, the young woman Fishing line-benefit, abundant health. Wish her contentious son, healthy, happy.
Buddha bless medium done, Ms. Suppavàsà sailings birth a boy looks so pinky, perky. Then, Buddha was sometimes the same monks arrived at the solemn donation during the seven days. Since when was born, her son on the day care water filter for monks. Time after you published worked Sa-Prime and A-la-Han.
One day the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Chu parents think! A highly-esteemed so highly qualified certified A-la-Han, suffered through seven years of suffering in the womb. Him result was experiencing the formidable gauge system.
At the time, the Buddha goes to ask:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered here talking?
The master of the white Buddha story.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, so true. He now has escaped most of the suffering, to reach nirvana at peace.
He said the shelf:
(414) Crossed this dangerous road,
NIE offers reincarnation, si,
Sees the other shore of meditation,
No education, no doubt,
Don't accept the first, President,
We called her-la-Mon.
32. Mr. Charming Gypsy Girl Bhikkhu Stilts Sundarasamudda
Anyone in his life, the exercise ...
The World Religion teaches the words on when You're in the States, related to the false Religion of America, Sundarasamudda.
American, Sundarasamudda Kumàra, is a young, high-status Residence-to, being the head of a wealthy family, the property up to the memory of millions. One day, after breakfast, see the people holding the floral to hear Member States France, hostel Elf guy asked:
-You Goin'?
-Let's hear How German Religious sermon. 
-I also go further.
Guy follow them on their external field sits in the Assembly. The Buddha mind in France should faculty guy class from low to high. American thought: "it's impossible to do a family that kept breaking the whole almond, the ball may shine like the shell".
The French post of the Buddha makes the resultant pattern of heart, guy wants to please. Thanks they dissolved off, the guy to ask the Buddha to join the Sangha. Buddha:
-As a hybrid only got into the Sangha who were their parents allow.
Arriving at the House, just as the guy Ratthapàla and others, spurring effort guy, managed enough applying for parental permission to export. And the guy also made Sa, joined the Sangha the Buddha Bhikkhu-right on stilts., rounding every duty of a Rising singer. One day, he thought: "We stay here useful simulations?". The teacher left the States, to the United Kingdom, on the day go qifu gangui.
One day, the guards opened the big Festival-Amnesty. Parent teacher see teacher's old friends have fun delight among the lavish things glorious day of sad rười feel. The two men she cry, lament:
-Oh, you're where today enjoy this fun things!.
Meanwhile, there was a girl gypsy chic came home they play, see mothers crying, raising question:
-Mom, mom, why cry?
-I think my son should nostalgic cries.
-But the mother, where is he?
-Spice and then, with the master Sa-Mon.
-We can't call upon him back why?
-Also good. But it has suffered. It has left the Dormitory-passing United Kingdom Accommodation.
-Assuming the child calling for him, I will tell my what?
-We will let you do male property owners.
-Good job, mom, give me the money.
Get money, she hired a lot of people mostly, and then sailed to the United Kingdom.
She asked to visit the fake Religious path often goes real qifu mumo and buy a home where to stay. Morning, she worried about how to prepare the dish, and the often prefer to see master master go qifu gangui, she brought to the donation. After a few days, her dear:
-The white Australian German, please sit here to dine.
She takes his hand and fake Bowl vase please fun awarded. She moved to the master really delicious, and ladies:
-The white Australian German, qifu gangui went daily, please visit any of the German back Out. He will be happy.
Gradually, she led example are the teacher to sit in the patio of her home, taking the dish like the password.
At least a few minutes later, she calls for the boy to eat cake to the fuselage, and then said:
-Hey, you guys! When would see the fake Religious here, you pull together. Keep tossing the dust cleared up. She said, you're the hoppers do not crave attention.
Tomorrow, while false Respect are taking packed stone dust to fly the children, childrens. She hosts remonstrate, they remain inert inert. The next day, she again dear:
-The white Australian German, we launched this small railway dust. The hoppers they don't listen. Australian Home sits on in German, please.
From there, she was invited to sit in the House always fake Religion. Then she tampers the children, said:
-When false Religious meal, you're playing really loud. She has said, I don't mind.
The children did she reply.
The next day, she again dear:
-The white Australian German, this place is loud most unbearable. I've done enough way, children still noisy. A visiting Australian please Germany upstairs.
False religion by heart. She climbed up the top floor of the Villa, the master rushed to the front and she followed close behind. From the first, false Religion is always in the correct rate only receives food by qifu mumo carried from this door through the other door. But now, being voracious ghost management responded to a formidable prostitute, climb to take the floor two of the House seven floors. She brought a Chair to sit for master.
Her girlhood carved out your technology, all kind of tricks make her the charm to seduce teacher Bhikkhu-stilts. Finally, she stood before the false Religion, reading a passage of poetry:
The red painted toenails,
Digital Ladies slippers,
Spring is green,
I also own the page.
Happiness shared, please enjoy,
Guy will be,
Slave guy, I promise,
The warm life together smoothly.
Then after missing spring day,
Quit the game,
Hand-held sticks together against,
The age old rancid brain masonry.
False religion suddenly suddenly static: "O Oh! We have committed significant world! I think "lack of action. The shock of the master of fear. Just at that time, the Buddha are in States Members of false Religious way forty five miles. He knows all and smiling. False religion A-nan asked:
-World Religion, why do You laugh?
-A-nan, in the highest floors of a seven-story mansion in the United Kingdom, going on the battle between the US Navy and stilts-Bhikkhu master a gypsy girl.
-World Religion, who will win? Who will lose?
-A-nan, Bhikkhu-stilts will win American girlhood she lost.
Finished yet, still an on-site course, the Buddha image optical zoom embodiment to advance American and stilts-Bhikkhu says:
-Depart, go on stilts-Bhikkhu the craving, please remove all desire.
And then He said the shelves:
(415) Who in the life segment,
Left home, home living,
A useful exercise is to take advantage of snippets,
We called her-la-Mon.
* Glossary of Originality: Who's right in this life was eradicated two craving, depart secular, who extinguished the fire taking exercise, the end of birth, we call Her la's guys.
Buddha said, the false Religious American shelves DAC A-la-Han, used the spirit soaring through the sky, across the rooftops prostitute, back into Dormitories, wealthy girl spreads n holiday-Buddha.
, The master Bhikkhu-stilts gathered chattering in the path:
This tributary, just because the parents-the taste of juicy tongue that Respect American Customs almost destruction, may thanks to Germany That award c u Respect.
The Buddha heard so, said:
This _ the Bhikkhu-stilts, this isn't the first time I rescued him escape the bondage of wires. In a previous similar happened also.
To request of them, wanted to shed light on stilts-Bhikkhu problem, He tells the story:
Past stories:
The Antelope Trap Device Suite, Forerunner Series Vàtamiga .
(Sanjaya, officials considered the Garden Terrace of Wan's King of Three-dollar complaint, lather up the lawn to lure a wild Antelope into the garden. Then, he used the suite next to the Palace of the King of antelopes to lure and catch it).
The life sentence that:
Nothing more dangerous,
The book's taste,
Despite being in the family,
Or in your home.
Take slice of tasty bait traps,
Sanjaya lure always,
Antelope very forbidding,
Confine the legs, running off the road.
The Buddha tells the complete story of the predecessor Vàtamiga sailings explains:

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