Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

VIII. Thousands Of Products
1. name of Government Ðao
Despite talk of thousands of words.
World Religion has taught the sentence on at Lisa, about the name executioner teeth.
A us four hundred ninety nine bandits living plundering the villages and the other violent profession. Now, there is a tooth, skin color guy dipping his black full of scars, to please join them. Princess party look this guy see personality terribly brutal, can eat the flesh and drink the blood of the father, the mother should be rejected. Despite this guy still find ways to quit a long time love bought la kumquat, results are produced guy.
Sees a time duration, the bandits were incorporates people with the King's soldiers catch, put off to court. The judge ordered beheaded them with axes. The public embarrassment of not finding willing do executioner. In the end they say God's name if the party liable to kill will be spared and was also awarded the lot. But the ever living together, he's also not laptops. They are asked to name the copper skin, teeth, soaking his scarred, black, guys agree. And then we kill guy, was spared and rewards.
Also that they brought five hundred bandits in from the South to the trial, and sentenced to death. Cannot find the executioner, they remembered the guy, look to, consent. They guy who is exceptional and made permanent executioner. Then they brought five hundred bandits from the West and from the North to, and that guy killed a total of two thousand people from four directions. Since then every day guy who killed one or two people. During the fifteen years, public executioner practice guy.
Older guy can not decapitated person a coward, which is two to three puffs, which causes more pain in vain for victims; so people want to make the other person and tell the guy the holiday, following news that guy will take four pensions is old clothes, milk porridge cooked from fresh butter, jasmine and aromatic oils to makeup. So the day was dismissed, he ordered the Cook porridge and milk out of the river. Done, the guy dressed in old, worn round the jasmine, the aromatic anointing on limbs, go home, sit down then the porridge of milk placed in front with hand washing water.
At that time, elders Residences-benefits-meditation flush echo, looking ahead the way real, qifu gangui would go see milk porridge in the House named old executioner, you know that special person this would be treated, so that he will be blessed a large newspaper. See the specific medicine elders hug Bowl to stand before the door, he being the mind, and think of the wedding Festival know how to network the dead under his blade, he played Center for donation. He took off his front porridge Bowl, step out and wealthy girl invite elders to sit home, empty porridge bowls, sprinkle soy source in the jar of fresh honey up, and fan standing on one side. Long thread not tasted milk porridge, he was formidable cravings. Elders read them then tell you he eat. He put the fan for the other elders, he left fans eat porridge. Elders told the fans go through the old executioner for his fans. How is someone most fans, he ate a breakfast of porridge and then taken back to fan bellies, no fan for the elders. Sir real-life is finished, you take the average bat, and elders started the helpfulness in Germany. But he doesn't mind hearing, because long working brutal killing many people, now recalls the mind too disorder, he does not pay attention. So the elders find clever words to help you:
-He worked on his own or at the behest of other people?
-King do wrong, false Religion.
-If so, what errors you didn't,.
He puzzled, because in the words of elders he had no errors whatsoever. He said elders, please post. His mind becomes quiet, power rings were open he advanced to effects.
About the elders, He practices a ramp he matriculated. On the way back he suffered under the yaksha demon Los cow Gore died. He is reborn into the Sun you see.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path of the name executioner, and questions do not know he was being about this. Buddha comes, hears the Mainland taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! He's being up the sky you see. He has been friendly to the theory of knowledge, thanks to which he brought, tri-m should be heavenly beings.
Done, Buddha said shelves:
The executioner,
Hear the words cleverly said,
Enacted by the patient and then,
Up the Sun to enjoy the fun.
The Bhikkhu-stilts still surprised, said:
-World Religion, in fact, helpfulness wasn't what formidable capabilities. Besides, this person did wrong a lot, how he reaches to at least witness testimony like that?
World Religion answers:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, don't measure the Dhamma of Us more or less words. A full ethical questions still has merit.
And he said the Dhammapada:
(100) the oil speak a thousand words,
But no benefits
Better than a sentence meaning
Listen to complete, is the net.
2. The metabolism Of Bàhiya Dàrucìriya
The oil comes thousands of sentences the shelves ...
This is How Religion taught when attention States, involving elders Bàhiya Dàrucìriya .
A group of people out to sea, unfortunately the boat was punctured. Anyone as bait for the fish, except one who socks are pieces of plywood, trying to Wade to shore, near the port of Suppàraka. Take off clothes, he wrapped bark around him, including the young branch, and was a host for a piece of glass, he came to the port of Suppàraka. It is thought Mr porridge, soup and other dishes. They revered him, for it is an A-la-Han. If wearing good fabrics make not such benefits, so he Honorable still covered with bark. Many people often celebrate him as A-la-Han, he thought maybe his is one of the A-la-Han on this world, or at least are animal driven to fruition A-la-Han. He has been a center of solar activity is the ancient kinship.
2A. External Threads-Past Story
This kinship, i.e. who meditate with him in previous lifetimes. At the time of Buddha, Ca-Romaine at France's undoing, leaders have seven Bhikkhu-stilts sad sorry about the virtue of the Bhikkhu front drop-back on stilts, Sa-di and others, tell each other:
-While the Dhamma, we also make sure his degree.
And then after the Golden Temple ceremony, into the Woods, they encounter the mountains, they announced who wrecked before the worldly life come back, anyone bound make up the mountain. They set the elevator and people up the mountain, they're done for the elevator down, and the steep physical meditation. After just one night, the lead witness elders A-la-Han.
This Presbyterian Australian chew betel stalks in A Lake-nậu-reach, gargle and take food from Northern Gardeners Luzhou to tell the Bhikkhu-stilts kia:
-Lettered fraternity! Let's chew betel stalks, gargle and take this food.
But they refused, the only reason to use the food by themselves bring about after has A-la-Han as An elder. On Monday, the second Tam witness elders Ðệ results, and also offers food to offer, but they refused, because maybe not have refused the food of Ðại elders that now receive the food of the Ðệ of the second Presbyterian.
Then, An elders entered Nirvana, the second birth of the elders Ðệ Brahma, while the other five were opening not-police-rights, wilt wear out, died on Saturday and are heavenly beings. Buddhist life currently forecast, sees them being in different families. A person is King Pukkusàtì, who is Kumàra Kassapa, who is Dàrucìriya, others are Dabba Malla, and a person is Bhikkhu-stilts Sabhiya. "Bereaved relatives before" refers to the position of birth were Runnin' on stilts-Bhikkhu Brahma.
2B. The Metabolism Of Ðoạn Bàhiya Dàrucìraya
Locate Brahma saw his friend's Bàhiya are under Ta comments, can be very dangerous, rotating the bass should seek to provoke him:
Hey Bàhiya, you are not A-la-Han, also not yet animal driven to fruition A-la-Han, and the path you are following are also not brought to fruition A-la-Han.
Bàhiya very bewildered not knowing themselves, raising question:
-Heavenly! Maybe there's A-la-Han or the animal toward A-la-Han upon the earth today?
- Bàhiya, the North has a Property name-protection, Germany World Religion, steps A-la-Han of the A-la-Han, Chief Justice ranks Victorian Sensations are the sermon brought to fruition A-la-Han.
At night, the Center Bàhiya intense agitation, he rushed to leave Suppàraka sailed through the night guard, swallow-Amnesty runs out of one hundred twenty miles, thanks to the force of Brahma (Buddhism's on-site security). Bàhiya to the place where the Buddha had to qifu gangui. Real life is finished, he found the Bhikkhu-stilts walked the city outdoors Federation visited the World Religion. Know he came from so far away, the Bhikkhu-stilts suggest he sit down to wash the feet, anointing and rest, when the Religion back to he will meet Him. He can't wait, full-body flutter, he said the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-False Religion! I don't know when That Religion can be passed, or I will. I have just crossed a long distance one hundred twenty miles in a single night, do not stop also dare not sit down to holiday anywhere. Now That Honor I will rest.
He entered the World Religious meeting are protection-Xa qifu mumo, extremely dignified appearance of a Buddha. How long this, now he met was Limited, he talks-Sir. And the spot he recently saw the Buddha, he leaned his respect to Buddha and wealthy girl You desk in the middle of the road, clutching the ankle and ladies:
-Please Respect for his theory That the German, who Peacefully take a sermon for the child, to the long-term benefit and be freed peacefully.
Chasing Buddha he said:
-He went to Africa, Bàhiya! We're into the home people real qifu gangui.
Bàhiya heart remains impatient ladies:
-World Religion, not having previously received the material food, and I've been drifting forever rolling forever in samsara. I don't know when or How you will, please give my theory.
Second, the Ton decline. (See the Buddha he too excited, and still provoke, in addition also still tired, so if there are lectures, Buddhist sure he will hardly comprehend). Third, the Religion is still standing in the middle of the road, taught:
-Then, Bàhiya, he must learn to like this: "In the saw only what was found, in what was only his listener heard, in what is thought to be the only think, in what was only his understanding understanding"; Therefore, this Bàhiya, he is not here. In this Bàhiya, because he is not here, so he is not in this lifetime, not in the hereafter, not both. Only the new termination miserable.
When Bàhiya heard the finished France, he ends the illicit or, except for A-la-Han dynasty along the God. Sailings that he please get on Buddha Sangha. The Buddha asked him had he not yet meeting the Bowl y. Buddha said, You take take turns to go.
In twenty thousand years meditating, Bàhiya hasn't health donation bowls for a Bhikkhu-stilts, he usually says a Bhikkhu-stilts to handle retrieved his supplies, including food, shouldn't somebody else thanks. World Religion, and also know so he will not get power from the Bowl y, so he does not get you into the Sangha with the sentence: "come, Bhikkhu-stilts" as usual.
Bàhiya find y the yaksha demon Bowl under Los cow to Gore he died. Qifu mumo carried complete, World Religion with them Falling to where he lay dead on the junk heap of soài waves. He associated the Bhikkhu-stilts retrieved a stretcher are erected at the door of the House, unidentified bags out, burning the land and buried. Done them of property remain with Crystal Buddha and asked about his later life. He said the Buddha entered Nirvana, and of the renunciation and his disciple, Bàhiya is about learning the Dharma quickly. The Bhikkhu-stilts said:
-World Religion, Bàhiya has A-la-Han when?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, is on at hear the sermon.
-But the White World, you Respect the sermon for him?
-When I'm gone qifu gangui mansion, standing in the middle of the road.
-A French article too short in the middle of the road, the White World, he is opening a police intelligence with little words like that?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Shalt not measure my French is less is more. Speaking of thousands of inefficient shelf questions, nor with just a full sentence.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(101) the oil comes thousands of sentences,
But no benefits,
Better to say one sentence,
Listen to complete, is the net.
3. Grab the Girl Bandit
Oil said hundred questions shelf. ..
Buddha this sentence in the Member States, related to the Kundalakesì
A wealthy businessman in the United Kingdom, there is only a daughter sixteen years old gorgeous and stylishly. Her parents let her in on tier two seven-story Castle, in a splendid room, with a beautiful mermaid.
One day, a guy that arrested for stealing. People pulling the hands tied behind his back, leading to the French market, and at the crossroads they persecute you with know how words yelled at nhiếc. The merchant's daughter heard the crowd yelling, running out to look down to see the thief suddenly fell in love, heartaches that leave food lying in bed. Her mother asking, what should advise my daughter don't foolish like that, she would find people catch her husband remarried. But she is not good, vows to die if not grab this thief. She then tells her husband to hear, but he also didn't appease daughter father was furious, so bring a thousand views worry lined to redeem NET the thief. The view get money let him out, kill others and then ask King thief was executed.
Merchant's daughter for the thief. New bride want to occupy the whole of German sentiment so very cushiony lang, beautiful makeup, delicious cooking. However the thief still Italy map dishonesty: kill his wife retrieved the treasure, go get drunk. For that is the magic of the unique design, should be put to bed. Wife husband asking panic:
-You hurt?
-No, I'm sure.
-Or the parents do you bother?
-No, I'm sure.
-Then what?
-Brother! The day I tied lead away I was praying one deities up animal products rises in on the "brink of a thief" Please save the network. And thanks to the force of him that I was married to your wife and children. I don't know how all this oath.
-Please don't worry. I will worry about animal products, you need anything?
-Delicious Porridge, the wedge with the suite, and the year in which the flowers are flowering làja .
-Well, I'll worry enough.
And then to bereaved relatives at home, the couple together hordes of servants line up fun, smiling with a fortune you treasure on his wife, as he is her husband. Sees the mountain thief for Entourage stayed, told his wife to bring animal products, and then you climb to the top of the mountain fist "areas of thieves" (this party can climb is steep cliffs on the other side, but by contrast, the thieves from the top down are ragged area uncovered before reaching the bottom, so its name).
Ðứng on the top of the mountain, she said her husband's sacrifice. Silent thief thinh. You ask why he's not talking. In the end he is honest is gotten she up here to kill you retrieved the treasure. Because of the terrible fear death, she convinced him to let:
-Both the treasure and you are not in the UK? He was nothing but to kill you? Please excuse the die for you. From here please consider me as your mother, or for children to do most of the guys are also down.
Then she read shelf:
Please take this gold ring,
Investors can also add those precious jewel.
Get out and naturally,
See I like women. Bhikkhu
The thief is still not good, for fear she will tell about out with the parents. He also meets with shelf:
Do not whine too much,
Green wealth!
MI no more alive,
Wealth mi we get!
She clearly excessive brutality, he thinks that wisdom is not used to cook up food, but to help one can calculate in advance of his actions. So you find a way to deal with him. She said to her that he's been saved, should please him for she was his benefactor, wealthy girl he's desk. And then she walked around him three rounds, interference and then let him stand in the right position, he finished the four ceremonies, wealthy girl cry:
-This is the last time I saw him, and from this he also no longer see em again!
She embrace him in front and then hugged from behind, and from behind the target when he forgot the precautions, standing right, a hand pushes her mouth on his shoulder, on the other hand push the waist she shove him down, ragged meat bone tan before to the bottom. Gods in that hooray you with shelf:
Wisdom is not always,
Just for men.
She also sometimes terms,
Proved extremely tactful.
If the home, the parents asked, perhaps not really stubs, mouth tongue the two men certainly do not condone him: "Have a thousand ransom scoundrel network, stars mi back to kill him?". And if I tell you the truth the reason because he wanted to kill me before, not sure who to believe. Oh star family! " Think that she throw out the treasure, into the jungle to the seclusion of the nun, Hey respect like nuns.
The nuns, and after explaining the two entrances to the tu: meditation on the number-ten headings or concepts a thousand French credit litigation, she chose the second way. See her mature, nuns walk across the Matchsticks Match Threads to find useful knowledge could improve for France to be with her. To order a training branch in her hand, they suggest:
-Let's go, the owner! See response for renunciation is the genus please serve; see Bhikkhu-stilts for answers, please join the Sangha.
Red Apples, nuns name her to travel anywhere, ask to meet with anyone, nobody for responding. Her reputation that she heard the news, it was abandoned. Before entering into or onto the village of qifu mumo, she collected a pile of sand in front of Chief Justice, growing offshoots dug up and challenge anyone for answers was make this train training branch. No one would dare pass this tree branch, withered, she found another branch just fresher like travel, Property-protection to her. And though an egypian children around her tree branch has grown as usual watching what has happened, has just the right Property at Presbyterian-benefits-the echo of real life is finished off. He surprised the kids ask, know, You tell them to be trampled over tree branches. At first they were afraid to; but be sure elders will answer questions, they roared up the tree branch collapsed sand stone, applauding.
Let's see a real return, qifu gangui finished she responsible for yelling at the kids:
-We do not intend for answers with you, why are you breaking?
They answer is follow my elders. Investors can You confirm, you please advice and also He accepted the invitation.
Height down to her elders latest question. Both the coil wants to go hear. They go to her, bowed glass and elders sat on one side. She asked Him a thousand items of France, He answered correctly. And he asked again:
-She only asked much? Still other questions?
-Evening out, my false Religion!
-She asked me many questions, now I ask you a question!
-Please respect the fake question.
-What is A?
She very wants to answer but does not answer, ask again fake Religion. He responded:
-Such is the question of the Buddha.
So, please tell me, your Honor.
-If she is on the Increase, we will know the answer.
You consent to enter into the Sangha, elders message nuns finishing touches. After doing a full duty, she was named Kundalakesì, and only a few days A-la-Han witness together the spirit.
In France the way the Bhikkhu-stilts chattering about her story, that she only heard a little bit of France and was admitted to the Sangha, moreover she has come here after intense fighting with a thief and beat him. Buddha went to hear, and he said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, don't measure the Dhamma he say is more or less. With a hundred questions pointless then there is nothing compared to merit a sentence there. Winning variety thief nothing compares to winning his own Club Sex thief. A new mind-set is actually winning.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(102) the oil says hundreds of questions,
But no benefits.
Better than a French sentence,
Listen to complete, is the net.
(103) in the Oil field,
Win thousand of thousand cards,
Win yourself better,
Truly the ultimate victory.
4. Gaining And Losing
Nice wins over self.
This Buddha when at Member States, related to a-la-Mon was asked about are and. A She-la, questions sure to honor only knew there was not known. And he asked the Buddha, Buddha was answered:
-Ba-la-Mon! I know both are and lose.
-Then please talk to your child about death.
Buddha said the shelves:
Things that do not benefit
Includes: firstly, sleep late,
Lazy lazy occupied Monday,
Third, the Moonlight soi,
Wednesday wealth forever,
Thursday, or go back,
The awkward, steals his wife.
Run by the alibi,
Little she-la,
You will be the stuff,
Not useful to his advantage.
BA-la-keeper heard done praising World Religion:
-Or instead! or instead! Everyone's Dao ascended into! Leadership ranks of the people! You know both are and lose.
-Real World She-la-Mon! No one knows better than me about the loss.
Then consider how Religious converts are grandparent-la-Mon, You ask:
-She-la, he lived?
-Gambling career, he Abbreviated-talks.
-So who was he or the other?
-When the child, when then the other.
-Ba-la-keeper, the other guys win is a mediocre work, like victory where beneficial. But who would win the surfing tribe and self Education WINS, the victory like that more useful, no one can beat her.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(104) win, better Self,
More than the defeat of kh c.
Who cleverly subduing her,
Usually tame self life.
(105) the oil of angels, Thát,
The oil devil, Brahma,
Nobody win,
Who wins that way.
5. Notes of the ECHO and symbolism
Months leave thousands of gold ...
World Religion taught me this when at Lisa, regarding the Property's uncle-benefits-the echo.
One day, elders Residences-benefits-the echo came to visit me, He asked:
-Ba-la-keeper, he has never worked for the charity?
He responded:
-Yes, dear fake Religion! Each month I worship a thousand.
-For who?
-The Hermit can fake Religion, accomplice.
-To look forward to?
-To up the Brahma.
-Who told you that?
-The hermit, the master.
-She-la, both he and his master were not aware the path taken to the Brahma. Only Buddha knows that path. Please come with me, I will sometimes Buddha is just for you.
And elders lead uncle to meet Buddha. Ladies sometimes done was Buddha:
-Ba-la-keeper, despite his alms like this in a hundred years is also not by a person's quote Phuoc have confidence, though momentarily know respect my disciples, or donation disciple I though only a tablespoon of rice.
And Buddha said the Dhammapada:
(106) the month, removing thousands of gold,
Hundreds of years of self, international
Not by momentarily,
Donation suicide ranks.
Donation so better,
A hundred years of health.
6. The grandson of Echo and symbolism
Oil cover a hundred years ...
When at Lisa, Buddha taught the above sentence because of Property-benefits-elders to develop.
Elders also to ask nephew have worked not friendly. Constant, he killed an animal to train international, because of news that will be up the Brahma as the teacher he said. Elders also advised him to see and sometimes the Buddha teach. Buddhist dogma as follows:
-Ba-la-keeper, although he worshipped the fire a hundred years hence, the Germany also by the value We disciple glass desk in a kh c.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(107) the oil cover a hundred years,
Church fire in deep forest,
Not by momentarily,
Donation suicide ranks.
Donation so better,
More than hundred years of health.
7. You and symbolism Of the echo
Throughout the year, offer ...
That is the Buddha at Lisa, regarding you Property-benefits-elders of the echo.
Elders also to ask you as for Uncle and his nephew. British philanthropist you've ever done is surgery to be the celestial birth ceremony of vessel. He also advises and guides you to meet Buddha, ladies and occasionally taught as follows:
-Ba-la-keeper, despite his sacrifice animals a year, nor the Germans by one quarter of a friendly German public credit for the people, or the alms people know revered disciples.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(108) during the years of religious figures,
To request blessed in life,
Not by a quarter,
Dear Chief Justice online degree ceremony.
8. Boys Increase Longevity
Usually respected, dear.
Buddha this sentence when at Arannakutikà near Dìghalambika, related to Dighàyu boys.
There are two Ba-la-keeper lived in the Dìghalambika, according to layman and ascetic during forty-eight years. A person from the same fear died out so perfectly. He sold his merit for other people, and with a hundred cattle, a hundred copper, married life owner. Soon he was son to acne. The other monks, his old friends, go elsewhere, one day return visits. They greet each other. Monks a wish both spouses to live long, but when the baby was presented, the silent monk thinh. He questioned the father and nun explains there is a disaster waiting for the baby, and it will die in seven days. Both Mr. and Mrs. panic do not know. Monk advised to distress with Sa-Abbreviated subject-radio. They all brought the fear of tuna, the hermit, but the intense compassion making them and then also to world Religion. They came to say Hello World Religion, is Buddha wished to live long but the baby Buddha also silence thinh, same reason as monk said. He petitioned the Buddha prevent father don't let disaster stole the baby. Buddha:
-If you build a tent door, put a Chair in the Middle, going eight or sixteen seats around for my disciple; and if he let the proceedings litany of disaster prevention and safety during seven consecutive days, then he will avoid the dangers.
BA-la-do the right thing according to the Buddha, and the Bhikkhu-stilts have read right on seven consecutive nights proceedings. Saturday sees the Religious World to the heavenly realms, also gathered. There was a yaksha demon servant for Vessavana named Avarudhaka during twelve years, grace is seven more days will receive the baby, going to wait. But the absence of world Religion and powerful Angel, the other the weaker must pull twelve miles in favour, both Avarudhaka .
Buddha reading litany of security throughout the night, the result after seven days yaksha doesn't catch the baby. Dawn of the eighth day, the baby was placed before world Religion and be happy long life, up to one hundred twenty years according to the word of the Buddha, so called "boys increased longevity" Ayuvaddhana. Growing up you have five hundred disciples renunciation follow.
One day the Bhikkhu-stilts discussed in France way back to Ayuvaddhana, and do not understand why the life of beings are increasing in this world. Buddha hears sailings:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Not only have the longevity. In this worldly beings know reverence and solemn moral ones, will be four French growth, get rid of dangerous and safe life for life.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(109) Usually respect, homage,
The aging period, Captain ranks
Four French growth,
Tho, hue, Lac, strength.
9. Sa-Di Samkicca
Oil life a hundred years ....
Do what the Sa-di Samkicca, the Religion has taught the sentence on when at States.
There are thirty prestigious position live in Dormitories-guard heard the Buddha sermon, and monk. After year round duties, they came to hear the Buddha teach about meditation and learning. Great new years, because they can't keep the French famous school, which like to practice meditation, and Buddhist meditation consistent heading towards the fruition of A-la-Han, they go to the forest Hermitage. Buddha knew before they will be dangerous because a person eating meat on the sly, but if there is Sa-di Samkicca go by then will be an OK, and save the wings of tu's life.
Samkicca Sa-di of the elders Hostel-benefits-the echo just seven years old. Parents pay attention in Property-wealthy family. When pregnant, she died of sudden illness. From her body she burnt, did not fire the unborn child. But when using the baby bags for tree out of uniform, boy was that trees crashing into two three-seat meat, a nose hit on you, and then you were thrown into the pile of charcoal, burnt Uncle Meat. But on the coal pile reappears a boy as a gold statue sitting on radio sen. This is your last past life before Nirvana, and because fruition achievement yet A-la-Han so nothing can sabotage kill uncle, even mount Tu Di falling down.
Next day, they came to extinguish the fire, surprised to see Uncle alive. They take notes on a visiting Italian village fortune-tellers; and know if you live life owner, sanan will not poor during seven years, if monk will have five hundred people. Because eye sticks (Samku) crashing, they put my name is Samkicca .
Seven years old, I heard your friends talk about her life, her children ask rightfully so, I decided to go. She also has to mean that when listening to teller, should pay attention to instructions for wedding, parties, elders Residences-benefits-please accept me in the echo the Sangha. Elders consent and taught meditation consistent notes on the first element of the year. Medium razor hair touches right now, evidence from the A-la-Han. Such is the story of Sa-di Samkicca .
So when thirty prestigious position please go to the forest, the Buddha asked to meet elders Residences-benefits-the echo. Considering the job. You know what the Buddha should tell them to Sa-di Samkicca go by. At first they refused because no need to think that the baby was seven years old, but are elders to explain themselves is the obstacle course of Sa-di, and that was the intent of the Buddha, they consent.
Thirty-one people from retired elders left the planet. They traveled from place to place and, after one hundred and twenty miles of hiking they came to a village of thousands of families. Residents saw the wedding Festival, they wholeheartedly serve the stuff to use. Investors can know they go in search of a suitable place to tu, the people kneel, my foot begging them to stay out of the rainy season, they will keep the five precepts and rounded on duty. Investors can get lyrics, compose the people day and night accommodation, covered walkways and grass huts. They split the duty day for many groups. Who also do his part is not too hard, dedicated to serving the stuff to use.
Starter rainy season the elders agreed as follows:
-Lettered fraternity! We've got meditation section too from the Buddha and want to receive the grace of Buddhist followers do nothing other than effort. Brain gauge doors still wide open front; so just except early in the morning to go down most of the evening, qifu gangui Ðại elders, the other hour not be gathered from two persons. One is sick, please, we're going to worry about medicines. From now onwards regardless, let's focus on the meditation section diligence.
Then everyone returned to his seat.
At that time there was a poor life thanks to his daughter, but it lacked so you have to go threw search other nephews refuge. He to the Bhikkhu-stilts are sitting on the real-life sand after qifu gangui in villages about and respectfully stand aside. The Bhikkhu-stilts enquire, pity he and share mixed rice with soup and Curry on a leaf. (Right according to law is when someone comes into the rice now, if not the most divided dish gourmet are eating much less also). Ate he asked visiting and knowing the Bhikkhu-stilts not invited to eat anybody that goes real daily qifu gangui while he is slaving all day that never eat like that, so he intends to follow the Bhikkhu-stilts served.
Two months passed, because of the dedicated work, he was sympathetic of the Bhikkhu-stilts. Like to visit you, but fear of the Bhikkhu-stilts not to, he fled.
He came to a forest of five hundred bandits were living there. We pray to God to live there, if anyone on the forest will kill to spirit. And we meet him, he immediately besieged caught, tied back tightly and then physically firewood, fire, wooden stakes over curly. He surprisingly asked, we prepare meat to his spirit. The terrible fear of death, he forget the kindness of the Bhikkhu-stilts for he did all that just to save his life. So he just let bandits accommodation of thirty Bhikkhu-stilts to them as scapegoat, spirit will surely be more excited. The old man at all, just eat scraps. The bandits had heard him say, and he said he led the way to the essential. Arrival didn't see anyone, he told the leader of Bell, the Bhikkhu-stilts convergence to the Chair and sit down straight row of stones in place there. Royal elders of the Congregation saw bandits who Bell sailings and reason. They said needed a Bhikkhu-stilts to mental health. Ðại elders took the right leader decides that he will go the network load, don't let the fate of all have to die, let's stay in practice. But the second Ðệ elders also voiced. The duty of the leader of the second person to head, i.e. I would leave, those who stay are single-minded mindfulness.
So all thirty Bhikkhu-stilts lining up demanding to go, though not with her father with her mother but had to escape all bondage should anyone want to sacrifice themselves for others.
SA-di Samkicca hear the Bhikkhu-stilts said that the decision would go, but the Bhikkhu-stilts not to for fear of Property-benefits-echo elders blame why laptops delivered disciples for the bandits. However Sa-di is still determined that because of this reason that elders told his master go by the Bhikkhu-stilts, and pay attention also to ask for forgiveness if there are things wrong, and then note the Sa-di, the Bhikkhu-stilts, pleasing sound made by birds eye xang. Ðại elders tell the bandits when compose, curly pile, spread the leaves, don't let you see lest afraid. They carry the notes Sa-di go, to the ceremony. When it's done, uncle sat down, enter. The name of the leader role down guillotine sword brandishing. But the blade bent in two, the tongue touches the tongue. Straight blade bending robbers slash coward anymore. This time the blade chipped cracked from rolling to the nose as a leaf of grass.
Leader name startled to see the magic. "This sword to slash the previous head of the original stones or glue as guillotine buds, now bent and cracked. An invisible creature as the sword but also know the virtue of this case, teens outdoor person rational is him. " Think so he threw down prostrate, Sa-di ladies:
-False Religion! We were in the jungle, though thousands of people that saw us from far away, who also are shaky, and two or three people, then don't dare to say a Word. But Ngaì else tremble. Mr dashing face as net gold in the furnace or flower Kanikàra bloom to, why?
And he repeated the question in the post racks:
He does not run, not fear.
Moreover, it's static security.
Why he does not cry,
At such terrible?
SA-di export, the sermon for the bandits:
-Head! Who would get rid of black-market life view education as the burden on the head, and if being, just having fun, not fear.
And you said the next shelf:
The leader of this!
The escape took part in exercise
No longer will.
This, the witness!
The man who escaped forced,
No longer afraid.
Human reincarnation birth, death
If this life destroyed,
Death no longer scary,
As the burden of throw away.
Leader name listen Sa-di's done, look at five hundred bandits asked them what that intention. They asked him again, he responded:
-We too surprised about this miracle, and now no longer wants to live the life of the family. I will come tu with Sa-di.
All limp limp up claiming a monk according to, and they bowed themselves before Sa-di please join the Sangha. Sword, arrows, they shaved the head, cut the skirt, and staining with Brown soil. SA-di y's gold and tell them about ten tv for. And then the master game, go to the elders to you quiet the mind to meditate. The fruit, see note, He relieved welcome. I'm allowed to lead the revamped monks came to the Buddha and his master. Property-benefits-elders to develop and all the Buddhas are asking for five hundred disciples of Sa-di. And the Buddha told them:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, though only live one day an head office in virtue as he is living, living hundreds of years immersed deep in crime and robberies.
Done, He read the Dhammapada:
(110) the oil to live a hundred years,
Wicked world, not meditation,
Better to live one day,
Maintenance world, meditation.
After rounding the duty, Sa-di Samkicca the Bhikkhu-stilts. Enacted ten years, an uncle of the children she Sa-di Atimuttakaname. The correct olds sees the notes Sa-di be Samkicca elders sent home ask your parents age exactly. Along the way are five hundred bandits captured the international plan. Chemical innovation theory notes them, and drop them off with the condition was not tells anyone about their presence. SA-di keep the promise, so to see parents go against the bandits still holding your uncle Gerald. His parents are abused in the hands of bandits, weeping blame did with bandits, so no information to know before. The bandits heard blame, knew the boy had kept promises, should play the trust, would be joining the Sangha. Like his former mentor, uncle most acquisition and lead to Samkicca elders then came to World Religion. Buddha Dhammapada verses taught and he heard as on (110).
10. Bhikkhu Stilts And Bandits
Who lived a hundred years ...
Buddha taught the sentence on in States, involving elders Khànu Kondanna .
This elders receiving consulates meditation headings from the ton, on the Woods hide the proof and A-la-Han. Want to submit with his evidence, Mr Chu Buddha left the forest returned. Duong long tired, He sat on a rock type. Now a hundred years the Raiders name are bombarded a village. The spoils are wrapped up in how much power each person depending. They team up and start going away. Too tired to stay at a ledge. Mistaken elders is at its plants, they put the surround him, has a sack stats right top, and then rolling down to sleep.
Breaking dawn we woke up, found the device covers hug elders thought evil spirit should flee from concealment. Elders rush called for them:
-The renunciation, do not be afraid. I was Sa-Mon.
They bar ladies:
-Please forgive us, false Religion. We mistake him with a tree.
Private party up the Lord monk name according to the elders. And we were like, what the Sa-di Samkicca. Elders, and from then on he was called kondanna , Khànu Kondanna.
He led them to the World, and Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, though only a day has practiced one living hundreds of years created such a foolish enterprise.
Finished reading Buddha Dhammapada:
(111) Who live a hundred years,
Wicked wisdom, not meditation,
Better to live one day,
There's wisdom, meditation.
11. Razor Blades
Who lived a hundred years ...
In the States, the Buddha taught, involving elders Sappadàsa .
At the Dormitory-Wai, a guy that heard the Buddha, monk and was admitted to the Sangha. After a period of discontent, he attempts suicide because think that would rather die than do a priest.
One day, early in the morning, the Bhikkhu-stilts to essential real life after the amnesty, saw a snake in France road, located in the fireplace, covered up on sailings carried out essential. Bhikkhu-stilts discontent found that instant win bring throw solid core, jugs for snake bites to death. He came to a spot away sit down, shove my hand into the average pop to pop back but it doesn't bite. He even opened his mouth, with confiscated finger in it nor bite, he threw it away for that is gentle, not solid snake. And he recounted to the Bhikkhu-stilts at home like that. They do not bear is solid Sage because it puffed, hissing, catch it tired. But when he said it wouldn't bite though, they did all im always.
Bhikkhu-stilts discontent barbers who both essential. One day he went to the property where two, three glass shaving. A floor, a shaved hair. Times that he thought would take a knife to cut the throats of suicide. Then he propped up the stock of a tree branch, sticks a knife into the trachea. In that position, he opposed the Consulate about his behavior during the duty of a Sa-di, and that his nice character like the Moon shining in the Emerald Pearl or lighting. He pleased around the whole body. Compression, he developed-and evidence-A-la-Han dynasty along the God. He let go of the razor and turned into dormitories. Meet the other asking, stilts-Bhikkhu says ladies and real, and conclude instead of the old cứa with a razor, he quit to join the cứa knife wisdom. The Bhikkhu-stilts don't believe, How Religious questions. Buddha told, said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! People have quit taking part in exercise can't end to his own life.
They asked the Buddha:
-World Religion! He said this person has deducted the end join, why was likely to witness A-la-Han but also dissatisfaction? Why he can afford proof of results? Why aren't bitten?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! The simple story is the snake that is slave of him in previous lifetimes, should not dare to bite the owner.
And he recounts a brief cause. So this name was on stilts-Bhikkhu Sappadàsa (Who had the snake as slaves).
Past stories
11A. Discontent, and Ðắm
At the time of Buddha, Ca-Romaine, a guy that heard the sermon Buddha monk Tycoon. Most of the time rounded duties, he disagreed. Bhikkhu-stilts you advice and family life adversely. He follow and continue.
One day, sitting on the shore of Lake wash dust instrument throughout France he disagreed, he told Bhikkhu-stilts you going to France when the instrument intended to complete the procedure. He heard that the other should turn greed blame life spice accent: "Life do spend that custard to eat you from the House to the other House, also banned chat with my wife! Besides if you are you in or out of the Sangha then don't matter! " Then he praised family life more. Bhikkhu-stilts before discontent now again discontent. But suddenly thought why his former friend whine, family life now. And he also came to understand is he you covet his stuff French.
(All The Past)
-Like this, the Bhikkhu-stilts! A Bhikkhu-stilts for the Buddhist period Ca-increasing dissatisfaction should the current forecast, and dissatisfaction because of meditation throughout the twenty thousand years should now heal charm enough proof of A-la-Han.
The Bhikkhu-stilts heard complete, ask Buddha one again:
-World Religion, Bhikkhu-this has A security on stilts-la-Han upon the blade touches the throat. Can short time result would like?
The Buddha said:
-Thats right, the Bhikkhu-stilts. A Bhikkhu-stilts strive their best can result when lift the leg up, when put foot to the ground, or even when the foot hits the ground. Because a person striving their best although only a carving is lazy at all.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(112) Who live a hundred years,
Loafers, not,
Better to live one day,
Effort to take advantage of his power.
12. Patàcàrà Lost Both Families
Who lived a hundred years ...
Buddha taught in the States, due to the talk Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Patàcàrà.
She was the daughter of a wealthy family in Residence-property protection, up to four hundred million. Her stunning beauty, who are parents to two seven-story buildings floor, guarded carefully. Yet she still with his fellow space information. My parents have promised for a class fellow boys and the wedding day approached, she told fellow family name that he will never get the gifts to visit her husband's side, so he try to bring her out of this place, if you really love her. And they agreed to hide. Sees the date, she got up early, dress dirty, matted hair tangled, left ear more red dust on his own, holding the water, faking out the engine water to the appointment. And then both go far away to a village and everything living. Stack firewood gathering and harvesting the leaves in the forest. Portable water wife, pounding rice, cooking, doing the housework. She led outcomes report of his sins.
When there, she wanted to bring home the birth parents for help but my husband refuses, afraid they caught and convicted. She claims many times still fails, so when my husband into the Woods she sent home for neighbors and then go home to parents. Husband returns or be chased, by getting her back. But to a place she moved the abdomen born to be a boy. Both returned home. Next time wear, she also leave home their parents as before. Husband search by also getting her back. And on the way home to surprise a big storm blew in. Rain, Thunder cats constantly. Right at that time she moved. You hold the husband sought cover axe her hut. See the bushes on the dry dock, he just close down the snake slithered out bites, hot like fire, meat violet interrupts.
Patàcàrà intense abdominal pain, awaiting her husband's return not found nostalgic. Then her second child birth. Both unbearable wind rain, cry screams. She just has a way of imposing them on the chest, get yourself down to bear the battle like that all night. Whole body like no blood, golden yellow, leaf-like meat.
Breaking dawn the next day, she got underway, new born baby boy hug red hand hỏn in the Palm of the other hand, give big kid holding. Thểu furniture children parents follow the husband went, and seen him lying dead near the dry dock. She lamented who blame him and then go forward. Sees the river Aciravatì water rises, more space to the waist. She too weak could not Wade through with their two children. To this side of the big kid, she brought a small child across the River, a tree branch cracked the cover put it up, and then come back. Just look at the last year of both l i, to the middle of the line saw a hawk swooping down quắp boy. Her hand roamed panic shouted: "fly away, fly away!". But it does not listen for too far, and grabbed the baby takes flight. This big baby saw his mother side swing arm thought to call themselves, also the bulls down the River, water was lost. My husband died, my unborn child being the child, then the water, birds, she moaning like that and go forward to the Dormitories-protection. Meet a person from as she went out, enquire about his family. The other man know but don't want to talk to. She asked already forced him to say the truth is that both the family home collapsed overrides all dead. Neighbors and relatives have just burned them, smoke still rises above her still looks remote. She heard the complete crazy right, losing in most clothes that don't know. Naked as she was born, wander weeping breathing of coal:
Two children killed,
My husband died between lines.
My parents and I,
Investors can also burn on fire breaking dawn.
Anyone see her also shouted: "sweat the crazy, crazy!" Guys who throw rubbish, a dust on her.
At the time That property in Respect of the essential theory, are between Member States every disciple. He saw her from a distance and know she has fullness of a hundred thousand lifetimes, prayer circle and reach the rescue wing.
(Buddhist Era Padumuttara, she saw a Bhikkhu-stilts-ni was declared the first understood the Dhamma, Buddhas are open Sun God Like to on. So she may be a player recognized as the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts Ni first understood the Dhamma. Padumuttara Buddha looking at future knew she would be like praying, should sign the Buddha Having forecast life-she talks named Patàcàrà will be true prayer).
So That makes you Respect to essential. The Bhikkhu-stilts yell said don't let the crazy Lady on each other. But Buddha said to her, and told her:
-Sister, be the place!
Thanks to the force of Buddha, she immediately restore the mind. Now that she realized the costume lost, feel shame and fear of crime, she rushed over her. A person who throws her medicine. Even she, prostrate at the foot of the Buddha:
-World Religion, I ask for refuge, his refuge. The have a child be spared, m t kite kid who gets water. My husband died, my parents also died.
The Buddha said:
- Patàcàrà, don't be troubled. You've come to the refuge place, sheltered place, refuge for the thy. The things you mention are all right. To this day, over how much you samsara was crying for lost children, lost relatives, tears fall more than four sea water.
And he said the following: shelves
Four less sea water
Compared to the rate of water spilled
Because of fear and acceptance,
Why did ample magnification?
World Religion preach about reincarnation from the unconscious. He said her grief to go off to that. He said:
- Patàcàrà, for a person on the road across the world do not have children, friends or relatives progeny would do the shelter or refuge. You can expect them to be long in this life? The position must know its always purification, and the like will purge the path to Nirvana.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(288) A when death comes,
Without the cover,
Not the father, not her children,
Not like the cover.
(289) knows this meaning,
UG mind lo, maintenance
Do despatch,
The path to Nirvana.
Last posting Patàcàrà shelves certificate results Projections, and took part in many minds as the great fire, dust exhausting. Many others have also proven results-da-na and A-jaw-jaw. She joined the Buddhist Sangha, please, are received and sent to the nuns. She had rounded the duties, and because of the personality the fun should be named Patàcàrà .
One day, her entry into the water-filled vase and wash the feet of drain. The water flows out the soil seep down. The second, more flowing and also seep out. The third time beyond and also seep out. She took the meditation. I.e. the water first poured like beings died at age. The second when adolescence, and for the third time.
World Religion sit in divisions, optical zoom camera to in front of you:
- Patàcàrà, live a day or in a few moments that saw the birth of skandha is hundred years didn't.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(113) Who live a hundred years,
Don't see France being destroyed,
Better to live one day,
See France being destroyed.
Last posting shelf, she witnesses A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
13. Kisà Gotamì- Rapeseed Curing Dental Office For The Thread to die.
Who lived a hundred years ...
World Religion has taught on the sentence in States, related to Mrs. Kisà Gotamì .
13A. Kisà Gotamì was married to the daughter of a Wealthy Merchant
Have a merchant assets up to four hundred million living in Dormitories-protection. Abruption of converted most of the coal. He too miserable, quit eating, bedridden. A friend came to visit to ask what advice he don't be sad, but let's spread in store, coal up and sit there for sale. He said: you
-People are going to say: "most of the traders selling clothing, clothing, d u, your cane; He's also sitting here selling coal ". He will reply: "If I don't sell what belongs to me, then I do what?". But then again there are people who say: "most of the traders selling clothing, textiles, oil, honey, sugar cane honey, you sit here to sell gold". He will ask: "where's the Gold?". Person a: "Behold!". He said: "Take me!". That person will give you a grasp of coal, he should take it, bụm in both hands, and sufficient space for three dollars! It will turn into gold. If it is a girl, the wedding for his son, if the guy's daughter for him. And then he delivered four hundred million for the bride or bridegroom, they will feed you.
Merchants see comments or should follow. Things happen right as you said. And it's a girl the poor House named Gotamì, but because the illness is often called Kisà Gotamì. She made Strawberry merchant, ten months after the birth of a baby boy, but the boy died when new.
13b. Kisà Gotamì Search For dental office Healthcare Rape The Dead Thread.
Kisà Gotamì have never seen death. So when people bring the baby away, she prevented, and closing on the side away from the House to the other engine smoking home help. He said she was crazy because nobody medicines cure for the baby was dead. But she went because think how well find the cure for her son.
A false position ranks saw her and understand the circumstances, said she came to Her wealthy girl World Religious holiday Buddha, standing on one side and the ladies and asked:
-World Religion, is it true as people have said, He knew the cure for my son?
The Buddha answers:
-Yes, I know.
-You must make what?
-A group of white corn.
-I will go looking for, but know someone who has?
-Home would not have a son, daughter or anyone dying.
-Yes, the White World Religion!
She is closing in on the village, home to ask for rapeseed. They gave it to her, but when asked who had died, the House was known to people living then at least, many deadly, she vows to pay rapeseed. Let's come to the PM also not home with rapeseed according to Italy suddenly came to understand She's not Buddha. his only son, that she died in this village people dead more than the living. The crush she previously weak because her mother, far tougher permanently up. She brought the baby into the Woods, set into the ground and then go see a World Religion, celebrations and the wealthy girl standing on one side.
World Religion question:
-Have you been rape?
She responded:
-No Sir, Bach World Religion! The village would also more dead people live.
-Vanity if you think only of you. Who are also subject to the law of the real curious, that is: "death, like a flood, the water line swept sea beings, while they unregistered agreement of greed".
And he read the Dhammapada:
(287) The passionate Italian,
Children and animals,
Death caught him,
As flooding goes to the village to sleep.
Last posting shelf, Kisà Gotamì symptoms result Projections. Many others also result Balance saved, and Tam. She applied the Sangha, was So positive and Religious Affairs for the nuns. Next time round duties, she was named nuns Kisà Gotamì.
A dad minutes lit the lamp in the lecture-slaps, she attentively look at the flame. Few light wet plaster tops, few dropouts tops off. She took the heading consistent meditation: beings on the Earth as well as lamp, light off, only to suddenly suddenly reached Nirvana recently ended.
World Religion sit in divisions develop image optical zoom to the front she teaches:
-Beings such as the fire, suddenly brightened suddenly shut down. People would come to the new Nirvana ended. So although only living in the moments that Nirvana syndrome, more than hundred years of life do not see know Nirvana.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(114) Who live a hundred years,
Not found immortality,
Better to live one day,
See the immortal sentence.
Last posting shelf, Kisà Gotamì symptoms A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
14. The widow Bahuputtikà And The dental office and The Real Tastes.
Who lived a hundred years ...
In the States, led by Bahuputtikà, the Religion taught on the sentence.
A Property owner-guard had seven sons and seven daughters, all married and be happy. After her father died, her mother is a famous artist residents continue to oversee her husband's property. The son she'd inherited fortune, should tell parents is maybe not them not raising her stars that need to keep wealth? They say many times, she heard also should split into two and fortune for most children.
A few days later, the bride Secretary tell her husband:
-It is clear that only this home is the great mother of the US visit. Do as the eldest son inherited his part two does not equal!
What other brides also h a together talking FLOSS said soil erosion. And then to his daughter, from the youngest child to child health care also mold. Treated ugly like that, she doesn't want to live with me anymore, that intention. Her to a nunnery are pleased to join the Sangha. Next time round duties, she was named the nuns Bahuputtikà .
In large and small at work due to the Bhikkhu-stilts entrusted, she reminds herself is a monk when were older, so must, mindfulness, meditation all night. In the background, she hand-rails on the column times steps and meditation. When operating business fear the darkness hit the top of trees or other objects, she walked away tree-grips and meditation, determined to follow the Buddha, and France.
Buddha seated in incense, optical zoom camera to in front of her, saying:
- Bahuputtikà, though live hundred years not listening and meditation taught French, nor by living one day saw France prevail.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(115) Who live a hundred years,
Not found the ultimate of France,
Better to live one day,
See the ultimate French

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