Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

14. Dao Singer Accomplice Able Jambuka
Month with grass ...
Buddha taught in Forestry Structures related to Taoist accomplice able Jambuka .
Past stories
11A. Enhancement of jealousy
The ancient Buddhist period Ca, Romaine, a resident in the village of excuses to take off for a tu elders and offers four widgets throughout this time, elders regularly to real life at the residence. Now a Bhikkhu-stilts have end off, illicit sex, real home front stop qifu gangui went homeless. He is pleased to invite to, and respect, Mr. fine food and dedicate a y extension:
-Mr. Suen, please dye this medical relief and make y.
And then adds:
-The hair He grows long, you will find a Barber to him, at his return would buy Him a bed.
The increase in advance see upasaka affable welcome new tastes to please, discontent, ganh hate. Do not hold the favor of renunciation for the new position, in the afternoon, he immediately place elders lie on the bed, insulting and nhiếc four things:
-This guest parents! You should eat more excrement is part of the rice in the House this renunciation. You should pluck his hair with comb by tree than it is to edit by upasaka invited about. Don't wear clothes the better is up down y by upasaka. Parent is under the ground is better than lying on the bed of the renunciation.
Elders are not to mention insults, silently hoping this foolish friend is not compromised, and You wake up in the morning to go somewhere else.
Enhancement to well up in the morning, clean the furniture as usual and qifu gangui. Think that the elders are still sleeping, he wakes by typing the bells by nails, and then go into the village.
Upasaka prepared food waiting for the two to rise to. Just seeing ahead, he asks:
-Dear elders, false Religion?
Tank also surprised to ask again:
-Dao owners ask strange genus? Elders to his House yesterday that, once on the furniture has to sleep in the room. Though I wake up very early, he also didn't hear th y rollers, the cattle, the average wash water and knock my Bell.
Renunciation cannot believe a glass accommodates elders, dignified attitude can sleep up to this hour, think tank for sure before find themselves interested in micro elders should have said something to Him. Upasaka, very tactful, was still a serving glass supply ink tank, surges of food. Complete English breakfast, carefully wash the bowl and then stay full of delicious food with soup epigastric, through its steady turning donation please Sir if any elders. Tank receiving the average bowl of thought Trưỡng he used delicious food like will like always, so along the way he throw the food out. He's also come to sleeping elders but not see him.
For Pham Dinh tu, bad deeds throughout the twenty thousand years d. effective protection, should he be fallen down common network hell A-Bhikkhu, suffer the same extreme, in the period between the time of Buddha Buddha. currently, he is reborn in the United Kingdom Accommodation in a family of food oral supplements.
Current story
11B. Dao Singer Accomplice Able Jambuka
Since the boy not be lying in bed, not eating food that just eat his excrement, his parents think there is small too so don't know anything. Nhưmg growing up, you're not wearing clothes, under the land and eat his feces. The parents know that you're not used to live in the House, perhaps with the Taoist Ajivakasthe able accomplice, should bring you to please they collect on the Congregation. They agree, put you down a pit deep stealth, neck, collarbone through stats of your burden and that sitting on the spit with thot not comb hair.
The next day, at the invitation of his parents, the singer Ajìvakas in the village of told you go under, but he refused. Five times seven weekly urges, he still denied. The singer sent food back, he also refused to eat. On the day you're still not listening to them. One day, when the singer into the village, two in Taoist group pretending to go by and then snuck back and caught him stalking down the latrine gatherers manure hauling Food Bureau each moulding. The Taoist heard recounted xenophobic protected each other:
-Heaven and earth work of him is singer humiliation! If the disciple of Sa-Abbreviated subject-talks knows, bad rumors will be the Ajìvakas Taoist practice by eating the feces. This person could not stay with us.
And then they chase Jambuka from the Congregation. Ban the other night to the public latrine, depression of a flat stone, eat feces. People go see Bridge standing fireplace Stork on a rock, co one foot placed on the knees, mouth open wide, face rotated toward the wind, surprisingly asked. You answer:
-We're the unkempt wind does not eat anything.
-But why are you standing in a foot?
-We maintain strict asceticism, if standing in two feet of the ground will rúng. We stand a foot of co a foot placed on the knees all my life, never lies.
Almost everyone believed him. The two peoples Anga and Magadha is very touching and admiration, they carry loads of food for you, but you do not want to receive anything, and told them:
We only eat the wind, not the other dishes. If not, we will terminate their asceticism.
The villagers a cartridge you supplicate, repeatedly refused to be, you have to start a little grass blades on Kusa dotted with honey, butter. sugar cane, then pursue them confidential:
-Then, go away! The people were happy and salvation according to expectations.
So Jambuka live fifteen years, accomplice, eating feces, pluck the hair and lay on the ground.
Observing the world Buddha saw Jambuka enough fresh evidence of A coast-la-Han dynasty along the God, eighty thousand beings will French pharmacy brand purity and other Eastern number will be saved. So the Buddha next on United Kingdom real and qifu gangui to visit Dormitories Jambuka. The Sun knows, used the force to do rain down wash where Jambuka . All five different rain falling on a rock.
Sees where a slight noise and causes referred to:
- Jambuka!
DAO singer thought a bad name evil would call themselves should ask short:
-Who is it?
The Buddha answers:
-A Bhikkhu-stilts.
-What do you want, An Sa-keeper?
-For me to stay here only one night.
-It is not possible would be, in An Sa-Mon!
- Jambuka, don't say that. For us in just one night! -Sa-Sa unions search subjects-subjects, who find the mass of people, animals find mass animal.
-But he is a Sa-keeper?
Then water, wooden spoon, France his stuff?
-Everything we are used, but because of the bulky hard carry from this spot to spot, so we're going to get in here and bring when leaving this place.
Jambuka frustrated, asked again, dude?:
So, when leaving, Mr. bring?
-Diane, Jambuka! Please just give us any place in it.
Jambuka still a squid:
-No place in Australian, Sa-keeper!
See a very near mountain caves, Buddha towards that question:
-Is there anybody in there?
-No Sir, Sa-Australian subjects.
-So we're there.
-Evening with him, Sà-Australian subjects.
And the Buddha composing the court located in the mountain caves and lying. A soup Four Heavenly to serve Buddha, shining a brilliant light to the foursome. Jambuka looks surprised not understand what light. Align the two Kings of the Sky God Liked serving World Religion. Jambuka questions do not know who it is. The third and last soup soup is great Brahma, with a finger a lighting Cakkavàlalighting two fingers, two Cakkavàla, and ten fingers shining the whole forest. Jambuka doesn't know who it is.
Early the next morning, he met Buddha, a friendly welcome, respect stands aside and asked about the saw at night. Investors can know that is the Sun to serve Buddha, and Buddha is the paramount ranks than they, Jambuka and he uttered:
-He is a marvelous ranks, An Sa-keeper! I was here during the fifteen years that no one came to serve me, this time I live thanks to the wind, standing half-NET without anyone to serve.
World Religion said:
- Jambuka, you have repeatedly deceived the stupid crowd in this world, and now trying to deceive us. In fifty-five years, are you really eating, sleeping, and accomplice pluck hair with comb thot not district? But you've gotten hitting the Earth that unkempt wind, stands a foot, not sit, not lies. Now cut a lie to me again. That's because investment opinion vile, mistakes that you accept money in that shit, picked up dozen years you've been eating feces, is located below ground, can pluck the hair, with his accomplice comb thot not district. To you now also accept private comments on vile mistake.
-But, Sa-Australian subjects, what I did in a past life?
While the Religion evil bad story recounts before, Jambuka very touched and felt humbled down, fear bigger sin, he is prostrate on the ground. How to throw a Ton of medical leaves to wrap it for you on your own. You say Hello World to honor and respect to sit on one side. Ever since the end of the money, Buddha, and the French post you A last-la-Han along with spirit. He left the seat, How Religious ceremony and wealthy girl please get to the Sangha.
Formerly a Presbyterian insults were A-la-Han with four things, Jambuka was fallen to hell A-Bhikkhu, suffering the same stress, until of advanced a three quarter mile. But the result of bad behavior yet evil should have to live through the humiliation of fifty-five years of mistreatment. Now the evil end bitten then blessed by the report elaborately meditation throughout twenty thousand years of recovery, so the Buddha has the hand-dang Jambuka says:
-Come, Bhikkhu-stilts! Let's live life happy breaking!
Now that a general renunciation before disappearing, he abruptly is a Presbyterian after fifty years, fully eight things to use.
That day the people of both countries Anga and Magadha to donation elders Jambuka many animal products. See How they compare with Religious Jambuka, and questions do not know who is greater. Buddha guess what their thoughts tell sailings Jambuka interpreted away. Presbyterian ladies:
-World Religion! This is work I need to do.
He immediately entered the quarter finals and meditation. High flying by a tree, he shouted:
-World Religion, who Loads your Administrator is, you are his disciple.
Then he ground That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, finished back up by two tree, tree, with three to seven tree, confirmed himself as the disciple of world Religion and land.
IBM East see how downright praises headless Buddha's spirit That they Respect that.
-In hermit lived here, to the top of the tongue sucking grass Kusa with food because the person brings, that he had rounded the duty an ascetic hermit. But for now he is fasting to repent, not by the ascetic part sixteen ideas deserve praise spurred him to diet.
Couple of Him reading the Dhammapada:
(70) the month, with grass,
Stupid people have to eat,
By sixteen, part
Who understand French property.
12. Snake Demons And Demon Raven
Career of evil has been done.
What Religion teaches the sentence on in Lisa about a snake demon.
One day, between thousands of hair braided, fake hermits elders Lakkhana and fake Australian Presbyterian Religious Items-hopea-from the Summit of Mount Component Thứu down into the United Kingdom fixed real qifu gangui Property. See a snake demon, elders Items-hopea-smiling. Elders Lakkhana surprisingly asked, and was waiting to meet Him before world Religion would answer. Then He sees that new found a snake demon, the same person, under the same solid, so called demon solid. Twenty-five mile long itself. The draw fire from head to tail, from the tail to the head. Fire from the two side burners, fire from the burning fuselage on both sides. People say there are two long demon twenty-five miles, while the other demons only three-quarters of a mile long. This false Religious demons two Items-hopea-were found.
Once the other, Mr. Items-hopea-see the demon Raven suffered miserable on top Flexible Thứu tops, He questioned its past actions:
Long tongue in miles,
Starter nine, two-five.
MI did what,
To bear the suffering seemed to him?
Demon responded:
The fake religious Items-hopea-contact,
I always lie,
During the time of Buddha-Ca-Romaine,
Ðoạt feed them Steady.
Past stories
12A. The Demon Raven
Dear fake Religion, Buddhist era-Ca-Romaine, villagers found a group on stilts qifu gangui village-Bhikkhu, considerate welcome, surges, cosy seating, paps, hard, wash your feet and anoint the Bhikkhu-stilts. While waiting to bat, sớt now they sit listening to France. Most of the French, they sớt much delicious food from various publishers offer, gave them Increased.
At the time, I'm a Crow on thunderstorm blow, seeing that, I shut up three pieces of food in a bowl and eat it all. That food does not belong to them Increased, not worship and awarded to them Increased, merely the increase in eating the leftovers that villagers take home to eat. Such is my sin in previous lifetimes. Result report is when General network I have fallen into hell A-Bhikkhu, and then because the results reported and yet, I am reborn to the top Component Thứu do demon Raven.
(Fuck Off Crows)
Repeat: elders
-I am smiling because seeing the demon snake.
The Buddha left the Court stood up to confirm the words of elders Items-hopea-is true. See also Buddha's demon itself on The Dao, but because compassion for others, Buddha did not speak out because don't believe the word of Buddha they will be at a disadvantage. The Bhikkhu-stilts listening, please Buddha recounts the story of the devil in before.
Past stories
12B. Devil Snake
The ancient people built a grass hut on the banks of the river Ba-la-appeal to the independent from Buddha. He is often on the real, and qifu gangui inhabitants in the morning and then bring the aroma to most of you. They trampled or up hordes of paddy fields of a farmer. He tried to stop them, many times not, and think that just because there are independent from Buddha's tent, so he beats hot its food containers, drink, finishing a tent burning grass, l famous when He was on the real qifu gangui.
Return to find out the tent Mr ash's departure. People in the United States influences to worship as usual, see the tents were burned, the questions did not know the religious affiliation of their lawyers. Uk farmers, also stand out in the crowd, confessed that he had burned the grass huts. IBM East la up to catch him. All the evil name of this review just because they lose the privilege to meet a v independent from Buddha. So they retrieved him beaten by sticks, stones throw him to death and he was fallen to hell A Bhikkhu. Sees when of advanced a mile, you out of hell, but the evil yet, English newspaper as being made of solid Flexible vertex Thứu in demons.
(All The Demon Snake)
From that, the Religion taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, bad evil actions like milk. Milk cannot flow out just as soon as the Eastern, then the bad evil action also could not ripe now. But once ripe, the suffering.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(71) the evil Career was done,
As the milk, not the immediate East,
Subterranean fire by fools,
As fire ash cover.
13. Demon's Hammer
Itself to bear misfortune.
Fuck hammer entertainment, World Religion has taught the sentence on at Lisa.
Like the previous series, elders Items-hopea-related, from the top of the mountain Ghost Thứu down, to greet the world and Respect the glass sitting on one side, new for elders Lakkhana know why He smiled:
-Parent, I saw a tall demon three quarter miles. There are sixty thousand red flaming hot fire hammer to swing up and Christmas down constantly on top of it. Tight head sprouting this finished. I'm smiling because of this damn never seen a such beings.
In the Petavatthu has a shelf, along with the other shelf post, talking about this monster:
Sixty thousand sledge hammers,
Throughout all of everywhere,
Close your right your head tight,
Left neck, head inland to fall.
World Religion story, said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! We also found that beings when sitting on the Court of the Chief Justice, but because compassion for others, We do not speak out, because I don't believe they will be at a disadvantage.
The Bhikkhu-stilts listen, please do tell stories of Buddha in front of demons.
Past stories
People Throw The Ðệ And Prince Ðá
The old days, there was a lame career mastering throwing stones live in Ba-la-complaint. He's often sitting in front of the city gates under a tree, throwing rocks into the leaves cut into various shapes. The children in the love he makes them elephants, horses. In return they reward him hard and soft food. One day the King went to the garden, past the tree. The kids ran off, to a lame man among his shoots. The King stopped at the Sun stand the ball and walked among the roots of trees, shade-covered king lizard stripe horizontal stripes along each. The King was surprised, looked up, saw the leaf has been cut to shape elephants, horses. Investors can know which is his lame, King called him to:
-We have an international staff of three flowers too. The story is nothing he's potty plot three la real tired. You can throw a goat manure boot him?
He's lame dear:
-I do, your Majesty! Please for the goats, while sitting in front of the screen, then your Majesty with his clergy. I sit back and know how to do it.
The King do you cut a hole on the knife Tip: use curtain, and at any time priest mouth open, you are thrown into a goat pellets through the hole cut. Most goat manure jugs, he lame lay monitor screen to the King. Her priest-la-subjects are recommended as the King has swallowed most of raw goat manure jugs, so from then on did not dare open his mouth told King. Thanks to the expertise that he cripple the King bestowed the gift of eight hearing aids. and four villages to beautiful in East, West, South, North. Officials of the King, the Advisor of the Government and Holy King, know them then do the shelves:
Skillfully, really marvelous!
But good or bad,
Let's see, the lame throw
Enacted in four villages.
Officials at the time was the World Religion.
See the lame success and prosperity, a name to apply for an apprenticeship. Initially he lame refused. The other name is still determined to pursue, should bear the hard clean limbs for the lame to long time. Thus, the lame media trades for him. Teaching is done he asked him to do. He honestly said it would hit a cow or someone to kill. He's lame note to him about the fine, a percentage of the money for cows and a thousand of money for the network. And he advised he should find someone who didn't have parents to forfeit.
He's obedient, hit the road with stone Corral in fine clothes. See a cow, know that it is her husband should he doesn't shoot. Find a person, to understand he had the parents should also ignore. Then he met a Buddhist independent from Buds the name Sunetta are entering into real qifu mumo and know that this person is not my father not mother, he tried his own by shooting on independent from Buddha's ear Buds. The stone through the left ear causing Him pain can not go real qifu gangui continues. So He flies up into the sky back to the grass near the tent and enter Nirvana. The villagers did not see him raising grass tent and wept before the Lord of humiliation. The name throwing stones also join with villagers, see confessing sailings is himself shot Him. The villagers caught the evil name up coral and beat him to death right there. He was fallen to hell A Bhikkhu until the great plate rises a mile. Because of bad karma yet so evil then he's reborn do demons hammer on top of the Ghost Thứu.
World Religion storytelling done successively taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! If a person with expertise or power will be very disastrous, because he made him miserable.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(72) it suffered misfortune,
When mailing the Temple of fools.
Fortunes compromised,
Starter it crack.
14. Citta And Sudhamma
Your Favorites list is not adequate.
In the States, That Religion has taught on the question concerning the elders Sudhamma. The story starts from Macchikàsanda and ends at the Hostel-.
Fake Chief Citta in Macchikàsanda, satisfied because of the way of the elders Mahànàma in Group five Bhikkhu-stilts are going real qifu mumo, should get custard and Sir home surges, sweet food. The end of the meal he heard evidence and effects. Have solid beliefs, he point blank water into the right hands of the elders, surges in both forests, cosy Ambatàka with garden entertainment in there, doing the essential for the Sangha. As soon as he said "Buddha's congregation firmly established," the great sea opposite to the seismic. Then the essential newly built residence magnificent truth, extend the door and greet the Bhikkhu-stilts from the four directions.
Two of Buddha's disciples heard Australian virtues of Citta should go to Macchikàsanda to him. Citta heard sailings go a half-mile of the road to welcome, bringing two of Mr. glass, come in, rounded the duty with guest, and please "Commander of trust" for he heard in France. But the hard journey, You also get a short presentation of business post, and Citta Ii syndrome results. He ceremony of two wealthy girl out of disciples and invited the following day to the home of real life with a thousand Bhikkhu-stilts come by. Done him to invite the permanent enhancement in Macchikàsanda is the elders Sudhamma. Resented for being invited back, the elders refused though Citta trying to insist. Early the next morning, the home of Citta good animal food preparations, the Elders also maintains y hug Bowl to, not do the customers that to see his home donation. Although his master wholeheartedly invited to sit, elders still stand, leaving qifu gangui. Observed off animal food preparation for two Australian disciple, elders find ways of harassing his home, said:
-This home, his marvelous cuisine, but also the lack of a dish.
-What Dish, my false Religion?
-Sesame Cake!
Homeowners angry rebuke makes elders also enraged:
-This is accommodation of him, I will go.
The home country three times trying to convince him to stay, but the elders determined to go, and to world Religious Art's Citta and his.
The Buddha said:
-He is a vile, a friendly insult.
World Vision attributed the error to the elders and took him to his home to apologize. He obedient, back to home owner apologized, but owner shall not be forgiven. For failure, elders back to the place That Religion. How homeowners know that Buddha also forgive, but because the elders know very stubborn and arrogant, He should not speak out, let him go thirty miles that sorry. Elders returned, haughty heart dropped. And then the new Buddha for a Bhikkhu-stilts go apologize to his master, teaches that:
-Tu People should not give high-minded and his Vice, when that "it, my convent, South of us, this woman of mine". If, Vice, his romantic and the other will increase.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(73) in your favorite list is not adequate,
Want to sit in front of Bhikkhu-stilts,
Preferred rights in property, Crystal
Want people to feasts.
(74) "look forward to both increase,
To think that I do,
In everything, large and small,
Should we order ".
Stupid people think so,
The port and growth.
Heard his rebuke, Buddhist elders Sudhamma prostrated World Religion, from the seat to stand up, go right, and jamming together go to the companion tank to House his home. Owner Citta forgave him and in turn asking for forgiveness. Secret hypnosis elders keep the word of rebuke of the Buddha, and in just a few days symptoms A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
Upasaka Citta thought not yet met That has Religious effects, then the second, so he wanted to see the World. He won the diamond five hundred yen carts Sesame, rice, honey, sugar, clothing, tools and other the Crouching. Election time message to increase them. Nuns, male, female, who would like to meet Buddha come, won't lack for things people, whether food or any what dish. Increase female and male, renunciation, every group of five hundred people. They and his own entourage of three thousand people all, nobody lacking water soup, rice or anything else throughout the journey of thirty miles, because the Citta abundance food preparation. The Sun said he hit the road, located at every mile of the road service station, there are paps, hard, drinking water and other necessities, not missing any what dish. Play golf with a speed of miles a day, Chu heaven serves, Citta and Property-protection to in a month. With five hundred carts full as told, Chu heaven and who brings gifts to, and he shares.
What Religion should know A-nan:
-A-nan, when afternoon shadows fall, head fake Citta will come with five hundred carts and wealthy girl me.
-World Religion, there are miracles would happen?
-Flower Sun will fall down as the rain continued, until the Government of flooding to knee the eight karìsas .
The people in the mouth of each other. They take the stand at the sides of the road to not lose the latest grace to see the Germany of Citta .
Near to the essential, five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts, go ahead. The women's own renunciation are fake new Leader reputation go behind, also with five hundred men renunciation go ahead. Fake Chief Citta of headless Buddha path goes on, look where that place is rúng. The populace-fried soy sauce which is the Chief author Citta. He entered the six colours of the Buddha glory, coming near, close down his ankles planted Buddha and wealthy girl You desk. Right now, a battle of rain falling flowers according to the predictions of world Religion, between all generations of thousands cheering.
Citta in return for That Suen a month. He surges Increase seat them in dormitories and many donated supplies, worry and take care of those have accompanied him. No one day he touched the stuff in the car of his cows, because everything donation are retrieved from the gift of God, who brings. Finally he must Like how Religious questions put off donated items in carts he returned home to retrieve his animal products rises. Buddha told A-nan moved space allocated to him. He is Hon crack back home with five hundred cows not cars, and three thousand people come by, Sun who stand up together, take:
-Religion he departed with no car!
But at the end of sentences they successively filled the seven treasures in the car. So when the Citta 's return, he worries for people just to donate product heavens person for him.
A-nan Presbyterian questions asked of Buddha:
-World Religion! Fake Chief Citta come during a March from the school to the essential, stay in the property, one of the essential, in that time all time donation using only animal product heavens person for him. Far up the road home with no car, the back filled with fruit, and he worries for people just to donate them. So is this just because he visited That he Respect to be respected? Or anywhere else?
The Buddha answers:
-A-nan! Though to me or any other place he got like that. Because this renunciation and trust enough, so where are also respected.
And he said the shelf later, in Mixed products:
(303) Credits, live happy world
Enough values title, property,
Where people come,
Her seat is available.
Past stories
14A. The making of Citta in Front.
And Buddha tells more:
Citta ever play the prayers at the foot of PadumuttaraBuddha. Through a hundred thousand caodaiists between heaven and man, he is reborn time Hunter made Buddha-Ca-Romaine. One rainy day, when smart was great, he went hunting in the forest with the spear. See a Bhikkhu-stilts sitting in caves with upper y hooded pull, think that You are meditating and need food, he ran home retrieved the rice surges. Met a few other real qifu gangui stilts-Bhikkhu, he also sớt Bowl. On the way back to the cave, he picked more quality flowers in the basket brought to Bhikkhu-stilts are sitting, ladies:
-False Religion! Please bless me!
He took the custard, sớt full of food and then put into the hands of him, finishing and glass prayer ceremony flowers rise:
-With selected food and scented flowers, you are very happy. Please let me be excited as such anywhere reborn after this, with many gifts and flowers on top of years of rain.
He has done many things in my life, virtuous after death being up the Sun, his place of flowers rained down pillow tops. Shit on his current engenders and the day he came here, the rain falling flowers with many gifts, the seven treasures, then filled the car. That's because jobs in the money quote Phuoc.
15. Sa Di Enacted seven years old People
Another world coast.
What Religion was taught in Member States due to what the elders Vanavàsi Tissa .
Past stories
15A. Ba-La-Poor Subjects
The story begins in the United Kingdom, the Habitat of the She-la-Mon Mahàsena, her friend-la-Mon Vangata (his father-the echo benefits-Xa). Property-benefits-elders to develop a real pity, qifu gangui minutes away Mahàsena should stop before his door. He said He came to qifu gangui, but because of poverty, there is nothing to tell, he figures. The other day, the elders came, he also fled, just look forward to get more details for you worship. Soon he was satisfied.
The number is, in a eulogy read, you get a bowl of porridge and a small piece of fabric. Remember to elders, he wants to worship to him. Elders are meditation, meditation flush and see She-la-Mon, y's hug the bowl, to find him standing there. Grandparents-la-subject satisfied, proceed to the welcome, intimate ceremony, wealthy girl, invited into the House and then took his porridge Bowl venting into the bowl of the elders. He only got half the porridge and hand cover the Bowl again. But his urgent account:
-False Religion! This is a bit of porridge, please ban me blessed hereafter not leave this life. I want to worship, not leave.
Elders get off porridge, eaten on the spot. Thanks he's done, She-la-Mon surges cloth says:
-False Religion! I also please reach the foot of France as you.
Elders promise the ability:
-Will be so, She-la-Mon!
And then He stood up, back to the States. The case of the She-la-true subjects like "donation though destitute who do people happily". Then he feels very close, full of grace with the wedding Festival.
Current story
15B. Sa-Di Tissa
Because sympathy with elders, dying grandparent-la-Mon reincarnation into the belly of the boss wife elders living in Dormitories-protection. The day when pregnant, his wife for her husband, and was attentive care, avoid the food too hot, too cold or too tart. She wished to be invited to the House five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts by elders leading the echo benefits--Xa, surges, cosy seating porridge of milk and rice repeatedly; In addition you will be golden yellow Bowl, hugging medical coats, sitting outside the assemblies, and is divided into sections of surplus rice-eating swarms Bhikkhu-like stilts. (Such is the sign of the son she was born a Bhikkhu-Sangha in stilts under the leadership of the Buddha).
She was like Italy. After ten months she was born a boy. Before and after the birth, she occasionally treated five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts because he benefits-echo-led Clinic with porridge, milk and rice. (Maybe because the baby before her-la-Mon donation porridge).
Evening entertainment on Japanese family, child birth and even give it a beautiful dress after bath it from early in the morning, put it to bed nice and up up her blanket were worth one hundred thousand.
See the elders, the boy told his teacher, thanks to master that was honored like this. And when people bring it up tho, it pulled the blanket, Italy would like to dedicate worship elders. People don't understand, pull out your arm, it's keen, they attempted to quiet. When prostrated elders it's new bear let go for footed fall blanket Him. Families understand dear:
-False Religion! Please accept the gift of the baby gender and consecration to the Lord, the servant who feasts him with the blanket is worth a hundred thousand.
Elders asked:
-A baby name?
-Please take part after his name.
So, it the name Tissa .
Upatissa is the name of the elders Oldtimer also at home.
Mom boy decided not to interject your child wishes. On the next day, as the day divided into servings, ear piercing, shaved hair and clothes, mom continues to treat five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts due benefits-head of the echo-Xa, with rice, milk and honey porridge.
Enacted by the age of seven, the boy told his mother wanted to go tu with elders. Mums wedding Festival, invited Him to the dear boy's intention and permission to lead the boy to essential campus that afternoon. And she has come to the essential material goods with more intimate consecration dormitory, then delivered her son for elders. He taught the sentence:
- Tissa, the monk is an arduous life, want to warm, then cold, then hot, were cool to want one monk must also about coming under the torso.
-False Religion! You can do anything You command.
-Well done!
He teaches you about consistent meditation in the first element of the body, into the impure of stems, and for you.
(Includes the consistent meditation Resources self study in thirty-two elements of the hull, who are not in school in the first element, then, floating. The French keep consistent practice Buddhist followers don't change, but there are many Bhikkhu-stilts, ni and CU of male artists, women have shown A-la-Han when only consistent meditation on hair and other elements. The Bhikkhu-stilts have not experienced often makes the animal toward A-la-Han not privileged to be fruition A-la-Han. For that reason only the elders taught the boy part of consistent meditation before receipt on the Sangha, and then transmits the ten world).
To celebrate the the Sangha, parents Tissa in the back seven days and cosy hostel Elf raises them only porridge of rice, milk and honey, not any other dish. The Bhikkhu-stilts gray soy sauce could not eat everything nostalgic porridge of rice, milk and honey. Saturday afternoon parents Tissa out on, and the eighth day you Tan Sa-di go by the Bhikkhu-stilts qifu gangui.
People in the know, the guards wait-Xa Sa-di to surges. They took five hundred pieces mattress fabrics lined Bowl and sớt five hundred donation Bowl to meet Sa-di on the road. The next day they came to essential campus dormitories also donation look like. So is Sa-di get a thousand of custard with mattress, liner notes dedicate all up increase them. (This is blessed by Her uncle before press-la-keeper, sweet piece of cloth). So the Bhikkhu-stilts called Uncle Pindapàtadàyaka Tissa, the lab owner of Tissa .
Back one day, cold, I go around the planet, see the Bhikkhu-stilts are heating up this spot, spot, both in the room to hold fire. Uncle surprised asking why not wrap blankets that are heating. The Bhikkhu-stilts said Tissa lot of Germany can make blankets, and they don't. And he notes to Word all over the planet who needs the blanket amnesty by paying attention to get, don't need to think where to blanket grab Bhikkhu-stilts. A thousand have gone to each of the suburban home, and receive five hundred blankets. The people brought blankets for fabric attaches from four sides. A storekeeper had five hundred blankets cover in front, a man walked to see them then advised he tucked away. Storekeeper asked carefully:
-Sa-di get blanket? As gift or what?
-As a gift.
-If I want to, then to, otherwise. He went away.
The other gone, the owner of the store is still not fret: "runs out of right to sight, if not also for the Counter-Reformation, but if stored away nothing of being responsible for the hook. In five hundred had two quilts valued at one hundred thousand Dong worth us hide take off ". What is the storekeeper lined hide take off. Uncle Sa-di led a thousand Bhikkhu-stilts to the right store. The boss sees the endearing heart of birth uncle, silently told myself "I give all my heart was also the Lake incident, blanket". So he pulled off two good blanket to the foot notes, and wealthy girl ladies:
-False Religion! Please let me share the French leg which He had seen.
SA-di Tissa promise kh.
So I got all one thousand the blanket and handed off to the Sangha. Therefore the Bhikkhu-stilts called Uncle Kambaladàyaka Tissa, who donated blankets.
(Boy, naming Day gift elders a rug, seven years into Sa-di get a thousand. Only the Sangha of Buddha from a small donation to the great blessings the like fruit).
In States Members of Tissa often visit ask. You see yourself hard tu, so please Respect That ceremony, wealthy girl subject of meditation, and then take the left property, Crystal Bowl y go away about twenty miles.
Along the Tissa met him at the village gate, thanks to his directions, to stay in a monastery for monks of the hidden forest. Sir, because of the fans, said tomorrow to the village of qifu mumo, then returned to let the villagers know they call Uncle Vanavàsika Tissa, news people in the forest. Tissa in villages are carrying supplies to donation and wealthy girl, who also stand back forever see you don't want to go. They prostrated at the foot notes petitioned to stay for three months, they will keep, three jewels refuge in world and practice the duty of eight days. Notes accepted the invitation, wish them happiness and unhappiness. Note that until the past two months, real Uncle qifu gangui certified A-la-Han dynasty along the God.
Now About your uncle's Property-elders benefit-the echo after the season to enter the lower House has just done, wealthy girl foursome Self opening ceremony of world Religion and please visit Tissa. The standard Buddhist Religious elders for author y. Items-hopea-contact or. That is both, each leading five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts along onto the road. All the other disciples such as Australian Australian Anthem-Romaine, A-law, Pros-ba-li, Phu-long-na.., led five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts along take the total of all is the forty thousand Bhikkhu-stilts.
They came right in that village, enquire. A renunciation that overlooks eighty disciples, the first Australian unit was the "Commander of the faith" is the Property of Sir-benefits-the echo. They protected each other excited, Chair, bed, would bring Crouching tools, lamps and oil. Then the line follows the elders, they together into hidden monastery. SA-di Tissa realized Sangha, take the position of several Australian Bowl medicine elders and do routine duties with Him.
Arrangements for the elders and take off y Bowl then dark. Dormitories-benefits-the echo the renunciation on vacation. They are pleased to listen to France because of the long time no hear. Elders said Tissa . Oh they said Tissa doesn't know what to say except pray two sentences "bridge you are happy! Pray you out negativity! " Elders and he asked again:
-Sa-di! How one can be happy? Can run out of negativity? Please explain.
Pay attention ladies:
Then I colored up enough fan càm France mean preaching Hall classics from shallow to deep, is the path taken to the Supreme level of taste is the fruit of A-la-Han, as the rain falls down on unremitting four continents, teaching the meaning of clear economic post in the Ministry of A Function, and the analysis in the names of people such as Buddha has presented that is, the five aggregates, four, and said: Uncle CHAN.
-Lettered Honor author! Such action will become A-la-Chinese are happy! Such action will become A-la-Han out negativity. Who does not get rid of negativity will stabilise with other things, suffering in hell and the other in place.
Elders praise:
-Well, Sa-di! He explained the Scriptures very or, now, ca soaked!
SA-di obedience.
Dawn the next day, the owner of Sa-di split into two groups. The perpetrator then decry:
-Really haven't seen anyone like him this treatment. How could he be like theory, when in the monastery here was so long in with parents that don't read a sentence in France would give them hearing here.
People will praise:
-We have not known, but the blessed fruits distinguish between good and evil, but serve a holy, to now hear French from kim of his guns.
World Religion to observe the world saw the home laboratory of elders Vanavàsì Tissa split into two groups of frustrating and how frustrating people, the wedding will be fallen to hell, so he wants to be there for them in harmony with the disciples of the Buddha, and the like will get rid of negativity.
The villagers had erected a tent, preparing the soup, rice, seat and wait Increasing them where Tissa to qifu gangui.
Time for real client, qifu gangui sees Bhikkhu-stilts asked Tissa has come with no. Tissa please come later, when the appropriate time comes. -Instant relief stilts Bhikkhu Communists bolster ties y, bring the Bowl onto the road into the village. The World medical relief in Respect and in the blink of an eye appeared, the lead before Falling. The villagers rejoice when you see big Buddha ring appears. They are happy to sit for the Court increase them with surges of Buddha seated in front and donation soup with hard food. SA-di in the village before the same Buddhist Sangha dine done. They respect surges of food. SA-di retrieved enough pieces to use and then to world Religion, Buddha Bowl pitcher vase received consecration Bowl put through Property-benefits-elders to develop, said:
-See Property-benefits-the ECHO, this is the average bowl of Sa-di.
Elders get custard, granted Sa-di said:
-Sit on the seat and real-life routine!
The villagers mostly lower with increase them, according to their helpfulness Buddha asked:
-Blessed lucky you, because Sa-di came home that you favor Property-See benefits-the ECHO, Items-hopea-, Ca-Romaine. Eighty Australian disciple. Also just because Sa-di this that we're here. You really Fuk era saw Buddha!
The villagers also realize how lucky they are pleased to see a Sa-di is increased their sunlit and Buddha followers trying to, be donation Sa-di like her. Therefore, those previously frustrating sailings birth center wedding Festival, who have more than the wedding Festival, then the wedding Festival. Many evidence of helpfulness lyrics last effects save, Nhị and Tam. And World Religion from standing up, sitting out on. The villagers a Buddhist practices.
Along the way, go next to Sa-di, the Religious question name the places formerly homeless old man singer just for you. After all, people come to the place I was at. Buddha climb to the top of a mountain and seeing the ocean, the Federation notes:
- Tissa! When the uncle standing on top of the mountain and looking in this direction, you see?
-World Religion, you see the ocean.
-What do you think when looking at the ocean?
-World Religion I think that tears you've cried for sorrow left more than four countries.
-Manual says Lam, Tissa! Thats right, the tears I cried when sorrow left more than four countries.
Finish World Religion read shelf:
Four sea water still,
So the rules indefinitely pour flush,
Because the sad, frantic, suffering
How you, let go of the lung chi forever?
And he said:
-Tissa, uncle?
-In mountain caves, Bach World Religion.
-What do you think?
-World Religion, I think, don't know how many times the child is dead and lying on the ground.
-Well done! Well done! Tissa, Yes. There is no place without beings lie down and die.
Then read what Religious Duties Being Upasalhaka, in two volumes as follows:
Fourteen thousand determined to burn here,
Upasàlhakas, Aboriginal
No, not dead.
Where is the French Director Chief chon TAM,
The beings do not suffer brain damage,
The self sufficiency, tri,
Happy holy place lived,
The immortal realms, absence of death.
(Usually love who also died. Because the seat would also be dead, so no one's dead that lay had not died at all. Only the elders A-nan is a special case. When He was a hundred and twenty years, observed his network life, saw Him coming, die now declares: "seven more days I will die". Residential the banks of the river Rohinì, the side, the other side guys are winning the banks for their elders. Want to avoid the contentious between the two sides because, He confirmed the two banks are his benefactors. Right on, You sit in the middle of the river and old urban planner, the higher the water seven tree, the sermon for the two sides finished their listeners that the body he will split in two, one half falls on this coast, the other half falls on the other coast. And then You get on the fire element. Away the flames from burning You body, split the fuselage in two each half down one side of the shore. The cry of coal as of cracked out. Mercy than they hurt at the Buddha enter. During the four months they than sorry: "as long as each unit carries y bade Dao master take longer, we thought as long as Germany was also Professor of ethics. But now he has to go! ").
The Buddha asked sa-di:
- Tissa, hear the Tiger Leopard or other animals, are you afraid of?
-I'm not afraid of the White World Religion! On the contrary, hearing the animals love the Mountains rise in the.
And I read the article about shelves sixty forest.
World Religion going, ask your uncle want to go under or go back. Reply as my teacher. Property-benefits-disqualified him understand Sami, you please stay if you wish. SA-di, and behold How Religious celebrations, up wealthy girl and turned heel. World Religion back to the States.
In France, the lines about Sa-di Tissa, from birth, hospitality donation, monk and get food, mattresses, blankets and lined with Bowl. Here many beneficial nutrients, but you give up all, into the Woods, don't bring any food would be brought to. Tissa truth has to do a difficult thing! World Religion to hear, and he teaches:
-Thats right, the Bhikkhu-stilts! There is a path leading to a profitable path to Nirvana. There are four penalties open to the Bhikkhu-stilts would live in the forest and the other happy offense to be beneficial. The Bhikkhu-stilts would go on the path to Nirvana, RID, and beneficial nutrients get into the Woods, striving, cultivation will witness the fruits of A-la-Han.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(75) other benefits world charm,
Another way Nirvana.
Bhikkhu-stilts, Buddhist disciples,
Please so to win voters.
Fancy glass supply clerk,

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