Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XIV. Buddhist Products
1. Ascended into the whole feeling of
Who won ...
The Buddha taught me this when You sit under the original Bodhi, are related to the girl child of the devil, and was repeated in the Kurus, with Ba-la-Mon Màgandiyà .
1a. The Buddha does not Get Màgandiyà
Stories that have a Ba-la-Mon têin Màgandiyà, Kuru (Sentence-long), have a daughter also named Màgandiyà (Port-la-United) gorgeous. Many wealthy and powerful in Her lineage-la-Mon and Suicide-the Roman Empire-Loi, want to marry her wife but he refused:
-The person is not worthy of her.
Day, when Germany World Religion to observe basic beings in the early morning, He saw her he-la-keeper with wife he could equally privileged Tam result (A-na-function). Now, grandparents-la-subject happened outside the village fire soup. World medical relief Religion brought the bowl to go to it. From far away, noticed the bright drawing of the Buddha, he thought: "this world none of this people, very popular with my daughter, I will marry him". He told Buddha:
-Sa-Mon, I just had a daughter, I find it a gorgeous husband but have yet to see, should not marry anyone. He deserves it, I would marry it to him. Come to expect here I will lead it to.
World Religion stand to listen, not to say anything. La home told his wife:
-It! Today I found a husband for his daughter. Let's marry it for him.
La makeup for kids, Pimp My wife go to the Buddha. Ibm curious Eastern drag along. The Buddha, instead of standing in place has a date, went to another, intentionally leave footprints (When the Indian Buddha foot and said: "let people like that, so. .. look at "footprint, footprint just in her place and nowhere else)
His wife Mrs.-la-keeper asked:
-Where is he?
I told him to stand here.
Look around see the footprint, She-la-subject only to his wife:
-The footprint of him here.
The wife was accustomed to nh n know the signs, immediately told her husband:
-Sir, this is not a footprint of people pursuing education.
-This issue important to Her. When I told him that I will marry you, he accepted the invitation.
-He wants to say something, but this is the footprint of people escape from taking part.
She said the shelves:
The footprints of unknown sex.
Evil people not ingrained deep footprint.
The footprint of people delusion, then fluctuate.
This is the footprint of people escape from the net of passion.
Grandparents-la-critical subjects:
-Oh, she don't be saying anymore, shut that goes by I.
To play golf a little, he found the Buddha, just for my wife:
-He's here.
Let's come near, he said:
-Sa-keeper, I will marry my daughter to you.
World Religion instead of saying: "we don't need to his daughter". He said:
-She-la-Mon! I have a few things to say to him, please listen to me.
-Tell me, I will listen.
World Religion tells people She-la-keeper heard the story happens in his life, at the Hermitage. The following is a summary of the story.
1B. Buddha to repudiate The Ghost girl in United Kingdom
The Crown Prince, gave up the throne, climbing horseback Hopea-Trac, have Far-anonymously, forward on the Hermitage. When out of the gate, United Kingdom said:
-All-reached-most! Come back in seven more minutes, he will do the Move London United Kingdom.
-We also know that, ma, but who does not like that.
So what purpose He went into the Woods hide the comport?
-We want to find enlightenment.
-Okay, since today, if You start taking bad, evil thoughts, we will act.
From there, the devil track Crown Prince for seven years, waiting for the opportunity. In six years, the Crown Prince, and then with the ascetic tries, He reached enlightenment under the Bodhi maple tree, You sit in it through the joy of salvation. Then the devil sitting on the Sun, looking down with looks miserable, thinking silently, "I watched Him all the time, looking for opportunities, but didn't have a chance, now that he has quit the power!".
The three daughters of the devil is craving, anger, Sexual delinquents asked each other:
-Our father?
Looked around, they saw the devil sitting there, they approached and asked:
-Father, why his father seemed melancholy and frustration to Europe?
Devil art ghost stories, the American says:
-Don't rush into despair, we will tame and will guide y on here.
-The baby, no one could tame him.
-We are the best, we'll do y blindly by sensuality. Will pimp y about not depressed.
They came close to Buddha, says:
-Sa, we want to do for the slave.
That doesn't Respect the membrane to words they don't sad eyes to them.
The female ghost whispering: "his Terms they like more. Guys like girls, others like green spring woman, who like the middle-aged woman, who preferred the old woman. We will fascinate y in any form ". And with God through every female transformation magic woman all ages. Or is the lack of female or child birth yet, woman has a child, child birth, two children, middle-aged woman, Lao She, they frequented met six times, and the Buddha says:
-Sa, we want slavery.
The World loses to Respect, the attitude of self in, do the things that make up the body and likewise You are melting. But then they haven't withdrawn, World Religion said:
-Let's go! Did you see what that enchanting exertion? Such actions only results with anyone not yet freed and joins the vile passions. As Lai got rid of tham. The people want to tame me?
He said the shelf:
(179) the taste of defeat, not victory
Located steps away on life,
Do not mark the victory,
The vast, world Buddha
Who uses the foot track,
Quadratic no to ticks?
(180) Who releases the grid reference,
AI be out walking his guide,
The vast, world Buddha
Who uses the foot track,
Quadratic no to ticks?
Said shelf, many angels were France label, three female ghosts she disappeared.
The Buddha told Her-la-Mon:
- Màgandiyà, the old days, we have seen three female ghosts, the body as pure NET gold no phlegm and these defilement range of body, I also didn't start taking part. Also women's full, he cordially thirty two things impure, a stigma of UE are painted. Whether for limbs slushy, this girl is the threshold, we don't want to touch her, though is just by the heel.
He said the shelf:
Each thread sees the craving, anger, lust,
I didn't start taking part.
Wicked body like this,
We don't want to touch though the heel.
2. God of Parallel Information
The position of dedicated meditation ...
The Buddha teaches this sentence when He was at the gates of Sankassa, linked to many natural, Nhon. But the story started from the United Kingdom.
2A. His Rebuke Tan Buddha Starter Lu
 Once, a fake Head into the United Kingdom to the Ganges to bath Residence. To take out the jewelry and clothes, he put it all in the basket. At the time there was a red gum trees grow on the banks of the Ganges, the roots being stuffed up, uprooted waves poured down the Ganges was the stones under the River from broken debris from hitting pieces. A wooden plate being ground water, drifting near the basket and Thinketh lềnh stuck on it. Fake Chief asks:
-What is it?
-Ladies a tree, most people answered.
He said giving the watch, and wonder: "is this what the wood Wood?" He took b a split a piece and see that it's red gum timber, nonferrous cockroach wings. He heads the author never believe a religion, but a righteous. Beautiful red tree bird he thought: "at home we have all this wood blocks, we're going to do with this tree". Then he thought: "there are many people claiming to be A-la-Han, they said: we are A-la-Han. But we don't know the A-la-Han. We will protect and comfort a wooden Bowl, take the wires hook up a bamboo scaffolding around sixty cubits (about two hundred yards). And announced: "If one is A-la-Han, fly up and retrieved the bowl. People would get, I and my wife will do the disciple ". Think, he returned, ordered the wooden Bowl retrieved wires hook up a bamboo scaffolding and declared:
-If anyone on this world is A-la-Han, fly up and take this Bowl!
The Mainland Professor layman told him:
-This is the main Bowl for us. Let's give it to us.
But the head fake just says:
-Fly up and taken away.
On Friday, hopea-ascetic House, accomplice could go to disciples of fake Chief told him: "this bowl is reserved for the master, do not require us to fly up high not just because a bauble. Please insert the bowl. " They came, and told him about the answer:
He said the Bowl only belongs to people who would be able to fly up and retrieved it.
NI-hopea-Prince decided to go. He ordered disciples:
-We will pick up a hand and a foot, and move as coming up. At that, you say: "Dear studying, doing? Please master don't display the hidden power of a A-la-Han dynasty before the crowd, just because a wooden Bowl ". Said like that, the people who pull the limbs down, and pushed him under the ground.
Done, hopea-Prince to tell the Minister:
This Australian author, Chief-Bowl ended this is not somebody else's. Do not require him to fly up to the air only because a trivial things like that. Please give me the bowl.
-His Excellency, fly up and retrieved it, only one way.
Qianwei County-Prince-the disciples:
-Okay, come here, come here.
When they arrived, he said:
-Now, we will soar.
Say, he lifted a hand and a leg up. At the time, hordes of disciples shout:
-Studying! Studying! The teacher doing? All just because a bowl of wood, turning down what must master, miserable exposing hidden in power between the crowd?
They run to, pulled back and put his hands lying on the ground. He said Chief author:
-Australian captain, what this disciple does not want me to fly up to the air, please put the bowl for me.
-An engineer! Fly up and taken away.
Mainland Professor layman try trying success in six days but wear them trying still get wood Bowl.
On Saturday, the fake Religious Items-hopea-and-fake-Lu-Mu-la-fallen (Pindola Bhàradvàja) prepared go Real Property in the United Kingdom, qifu gangui, He stops at a flat rock and wrap.
At the time few people hunt talked with each other:
-You, six foreign Catholic leader often claimed A-la-Han but seven minutes before the fake Head into a bowl hanging high up Amnesty and said: "If one is A-la-Han Chinese, make up imaginary and retrieved the bowl". No one in the ostensible A-la-Han can fly up nowhere. Now, we know for sure that there is A-la-Han on realms of life.
Heard the false Religious Items-hopea-fake Tan with top-say-Lu:
-Parent, they say can you hear This? As they are the Dharma puzzle. Now you have the God through the supernatural power, generous, fly up nowhere and grab a bowl.
Parent Directory-religion-related, He is famous through God, please take the bowl, if he does not take, I will also get.
-You go.
Fake Tan-ton top-Lu enter college, and then export the default You go around a rock three miles wide, the toe picks it up easily as lifting a piece of cotton wool. He flies around the United Kingdom seven laps Property The correct width also three miles, we found stone covering. Population found that thought: "the rock will fall to crush us." They run with fear, they team up and head tossing quarter-nia. Sees the ring Saturday, false Religious push boulders out far and previous incarnations. Found him, they exclaimed:
Fake Tan-religion-the beginning-Lu! Please keep the rock! Do not let it crush us.
False respect toward the rock away, it falls back. And then landed on the roof of the Home Secretary, this prostrate land him, and says:
-Religion, please fly down.
When the false Religion down to Earth, he flew a seat, for permission to lower the bowl down and put four types of fresh tasty food in a bowl give donation. Fake food bowl getting respect back to the essential. These people are absent, not yet found miracles, had gathered after the pull him and asks:
-False Religion! Please for gods grace we see.
Suen also repeated the false God of such information to them. and then continue on the essential.
The Religious World heard shouting Hooray of the crowd, ask A-nan:
-A-nan, they welcomed anyone?
-World Religion, Religion-fake-Lu rises nowhere and grab the Red wooden Bowl, people welcomed the Honor.
The Buddhist Religious calling to ask:
-Is it true that he do so?
-World Religion, indeed.
This top-Tan-Lu-, why is he doing that?
The Buddha rebuke false Religious, He smashed the bowl, giving the debris to the Bhikkhu-stilts pulverized. After that, He set out about banned development of information for the purpose of God.
2B. How to honor a promise Made Spirit.
The pagans hear that Sa-Abbreviated subject-ordered talks to break the bowl, and has prepared about banned the Sami God of grace, they say: "although their life depends on God, the disciples Having-also talks about breaking did not dare to set mode. Furthermore, the Sa-Abbreviated subject-laws also hold talks. This is a chance for us. "
And they go rao across the street.
-We like to keep the secret hidden power, so in the story, we have refused to display the power just because the wooden Bowl. But the disciple of Abbreviated-talks have panache to your permission before the masses only because a bowl. SA-Abbreviated subject-wise ordered the dam dam hot Bowl and give the law banning enforcement of the disciples of magic. From now on we will grace the magic only with him.
The King of Qin-BA-sa-la listening to Bach, the Buddha:
-World Religion, rumors He forbid the disciples had miracles emerge?
-Thats right, your Majesty.
-Pagan Groups are saying that they will grace the magic with Him. You have to do in that case?
-If they contest information we will, spirit-growing contest.
-He does not set out the law banning enforcement of miracles?
-The United Kingdom, we do not rule Out for us, the law applies only to my disciples.
-You mean to say the law because He set out to apply to everyone except himself?
-The United Kingdom, we will answer the Australian way. This United Kingdom, Majesty, a smooth upper gardens in the Imperial Court, right?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Australian United Kingdom! If people would eat the mango and other fruit in the garden of your Majesty, your Majesty will do?
-I will punish them.
-Majesty, but the right to eat the fruit?
-Sir, you don't have to be penalized. You have the right to eat things that belong to me.
Hey great! As the United Kingdom which ruled over the Kingdom of thirty miles, and yourself not being penalised when eating the fruit in the garden, while others do so penalty. Also that We have the rights on the celestial heavenly triangle in the world, and we can pass those laws so We set off, others don't, so we're going to contest for a miracle.
When the House Foreign Affairs leader heard these words, they said to each other:
-We are the pits! SA-Limited-subject talks claimed that by law he put out only applies to every disciple, not for him. And he declared that his Administration would develop a miracle. We have to do?
The King asks the Buddha:
-World Religion, when God through grace, Sir?
-On the full moon day of the month Asàlhi, in four months.
-World Religion, in?
-Near the Hostel-.
(Why the Buddha location that far? Because the Dormitory-protection is the place where all the Buddha has modern schools of the force, and where she can hold more people).
The layman listening so the table together:
-Four months Sa-Limited-subject talks will show spirit in Dormitories-protection. From here to there, we must pursue him relentlessly. When residents found out, they will ask: "What is this?". We will answer: "you should remember that we have said we will fight with Sa-Abbreviated subject-radio. He fled should we chase ".
When the Buddha went qifu mumo carried on the street into United Kingdom, Gentile also goes by. Where would You tho, they spend the night there, where would You spend the night, then they eat breakfast there. When people ask:
-Like what?
They answer as above. The people said to each other:
-We will be watching the miracle.
And they pull in after the Buddha to protect foreign relief groups-Campus also close button. Arrival they prepare shelter, spend hundreds of thousands of coins to charge ordered the construction of a tent with wooden columns, and Lotus green roofing. Done they declared:
-We will practice the miracle here.
The King-anonymously to the white Buddha:
The White World, the pagans ordered take off to camp, I can build one for you?
-No, your Majesty, we have the people.
-World Religion, here there's nobody equal to construction for him?
-United Kingdom, Australian King Sun God's Love.
-The White World, he will Respect the God through grace?
-In under the mango tree called the tree of Ganda .
The layman heard Buddha shows the God in under the mango tree, immediately they pluck off the mango tree roots in the one-mile perimeter around it, even the new tree grows, and tasting all the forest.
2 c Preliminary Information..
On the Moon, Asàlhi, Germany World Religion come into the city. On the same day that Ganda, the grounds of the upper fluid, see a mango to nine gold among the leaves, delicious fragrance of bay. Ganda , the two of them then left, will rise. Along the way, meet Buddha, he thought: "If the King left, n the King can give us eight or sixteen, not enough feed him for a lifetime. But if one donation, will benefit the Salvation we not together ". The mango fruit, sweet guy and nine for the Buddha.
The Buddha looked A-nan, A-nan got mango and bring the Buddha Bowl keys Buddha surges out to pick mangoes and unanswered like sitting at it, A-nan cover is located. When finished, A sitting Buddha-nan mango juice filter into the water and rise of Buddha Buddha. drink the juice mango finished Ganda :
-Workplace relations a hole here and planted mango seed down.
The guy holding the garden do y lyrics Buddha. The Buddha hand seat right on the mango is grown. Right now, a tall mango tree to grow lush very quickly, fifty cubits high (higher than 25 metres), from tree trunks reaching out in branches, each branch is also longer than twenty-five metres, four branches divided into four directions and an arm sticking straight up into the sky. In brief, the mango tree cotton-covered and left, and one side has a spike weighs each beam mango ripe. The Bhikkhu-stilts followed the Buddha, picking ripe mango eating finished off about. When the King heard the mango tree miracle and he ordered to be chopping and put guards. Because the mango tree is planted by Ganda, should be named the mango tree of Ganda .
The second row also was eating mangoes and exclaimed:
-The miscreant, pagan master when the master heard Sa-Limited-subject talks will do a miracle under the mango tree Ganda, ordered the spit all the mango tree within a mile, even the new tree grows also pulled up roots. Ðấy, the mango tree Ganda .
Say they throw rotten mango, mango seed into the layman.
God's Love for the God of Wind:
-Let's spit camp the layman and throw down the bridge.
And then ordered the Sun God:
-Let's burn them.
The gods are done. God's love to back order:
-The God Of Wind! Keep blowing up!
Spirit Wind kick off universe said. The layman shaking, sweating is full. Spirit wind also spray on them until they look like red ants. God's love to order the pouring rain, and the whole pagan like cow spots. Naked, chaos, they scattered.
As soon as they fled, a disciple of farmer Phu-lan-na Ca-Romaine thought silently: "tomorrow is the day to honor Professor we contest the power development, we have to go see". He remove the plow, and bring the soup have brought jugs from early in the morning, and grab the wire back home. When Phu-lan-na running the status quo dies, he asks:
-Studying, the home with the intention of going to go see studying showcases allowed back. So where are you going, Sir?
Phu-Mauritius responded:
-You want to see what miracle? Give us water and rope.
The farmers brought, Phu-lan-na and water bird, go to the banks of the water column in the neck rope grab, then jump into the River, the water sparkling foam traffic jams up, Phu-lan-na had died, fell A-Bhikkhu.
The Buddha turned turns a walkway by the treasure out of nowhere, running across from the eastern horizon to the Western horizon. When afternoon came, people drag to view East stand extends to thirty-six miles. The Buddha thought: "This is the time we show God". He left the Interior flavor out standing in the terrace.
At the time, a female Buddhist name Gharanì proof, through no Tam, stood near the Buddha ladies:
-World Religion, how long did a disciple as his hard-power no longer, Sir, I will contest for a miracle.
Hey Gharanì, who made the God of what information?
-World Religion, I'll drown Earth into the water, and dive, and outcrops appear in the West of the Earth, and so will appear at the extreme west, the South Pole, the north pole of the Earth, and in between. People will ask, "who's that?" and the other person replied: "that's Gharanì. If this is the spirit of a woman, the spirit of Buddha's transcendent communion will be like? " The layman will lose, no need to wait for That Suen.
The Buddha answered:
-We know that the son of God through grace may as I have just said. But this honor is not.
Gharanì "The World is our suggestion rejected Religion, will have one more great information gods grace I". She stood aside.
A male resident named minutes Culla Anàthapindika think whisper: "how long Germany World Religion is still disciples as we, the people, are the three kingdoms to do not bother coming to this story".
He came to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, I will make a spirit.
-Spirit communion?
-World Religion, the will into An Offense, twelve mile high, stands between the masses, the Dragons up like thunder, stormy, I will shake the Earth like Australian Brahma rocked the Earth. The public will ask: "what was that?" and the other person would reply: "such is the earthquakes caused by Culla Anàthapindika". The layman said: "It is just the power of a homeless musician, while the power of the Buddha?" Say they will run without waiting to meet Him.
The World Religion as well as reply to Gharanì "I know I have the power". And rejected the proposal.
A little girl Sa-di was seven years old the name is Cìrà (Ly-la) has reached the quarter finals, to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, I will make a spirit.
-Spirit communion?
-Folded mountains of Tu-di, all those mountains on the Earth, including the Hope-into a code, and the hover on the mountains like a geese and not touch the mountain. People will see your question: "who?" and they will be answered: "that's little girl Sa-di-la". The layman will say: "Just a little girl of seven years is the new Sa-di also like God, spirit of Buddha?" And they will run away don't wait to meet World Religion.
The Buddha also rejected y as before.
Sees a Sa-di seven years named Cunda (Da Net), has reached the quarter finals of meditation and freed all join, the white Buddha:
-World Religion, I will make a spirit.
-Spirit communion?
-I will carry on playing a big Apple pink tree, symbolizing the Match-matching-theme, waving to the waving back and forth, will put the Apple branch goes wrong for people to eat. Also so I will bring to the coral flowers.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Uppalavannà (the Flowers) to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, will emerge the spirit.
-Spirit communion?
-Before the eyes of everyone in the twelve mile, you will turn into the United Kingdom with the London Transfer surrounds Entourage of thirty-six miles, to the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl.
-We know the God of your information.
Buddha also rejected.
The fake religious Items-hopea-contact to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, the spirit will appear.
-Spirit communion?
-I will put mountains of Tu-di, Lord of the mountains, between two teeth and bite it as biting a pea.
-Then what?
-The round earth rolls like a projector and pressed tightly between the fingers.
-Then what?
-I will rotate the Earth as a Potter's wheel, and the will for everyone's taste. 
-Then what?
-You will use the Tu-di mountain as a parachute, lift the Earth put up there, holding a hand like a monk holding umbrella where the hands, walk out of nowhere.
-We know the force says.
The Buddha also rejected suggestions of false Religion.
-Be sure That Religious know someone who can show through more generous spirit.
Fake and stood aside.
The Buddha said: Respect
-This category-hopea-contact, this does not have to work. Our burden is not the same burden of anyone, and no one can breach it, so no wonder when nobody's burden that We are. In the past, too, because of the life I do not rinse beings who can shoulder the burden to us.
Listen to the Buddha said that the false Religion, ladies:
-World Religion, he backed out, and going on at o n?
Buddha and he reiterated what the predecessor Usabha Kanha :
Because the load is too heavy, because the road subsidence of mud,
They won the horse Blackie, and it immediately goes cargo.
Buddha also continues the story details the predecessor Nandi Visàla to make the problem more clear:
Should always say soft, should never speak harsh,
The person said the word tenderness, it pulled a really heavy load,
And made him wealthy, all just because he likes her.
After recalling the story of the precursor, He walked on the way to cherish privacy, Entourage followed extends twelve miles in front of him, twelve miles behind, ten two miles on the left hand side, twelve miles of the right hand. World Religion stood majestic amidst a huge crowd surrounded twenty-four miles and chemo does spirit through Song.
2D. Buddha Does God Parallel Information
What is the spirit through Song of Like Futuristic? In this occasion, the Religious culture through Parallel spirit, spirit through micro magic than any spirit of communion we disciple. From the body He dropped fire, and from the foot of Him, or the hull flush fire, on the stem flush water. Front flush, flush water back, or front flush water, back flush. From the two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, two shoulders, two hands, two sides, two feet, the toes and the heel, where each section on the biography turns Ton flush fire and water. The sparkling water fire flow enough blue, yellow, red, white, pink and blue cordon splendor. That Honor goes to his incarnation, standing, or lying, or sitting; What is Religious incarnations go, standing or sitting. This is the traditional spirit through Song of the Buddha.
(This Spirit, Germany World Religious expressions when You go up to come down on the Pearl. At the time He entered the fire great tam-I, the fire from the stem flush, and when entering the marine water flush then I Tam-Australian from under the fuselage. All the parts on the body You are, every part of this fire the other part then flush flush water and vice versa. The flow of fire and water do not clown confusion, both blown away to heaven Brahma and come down to the realms of Cakkavàla. The six colors of the rays of fire and water, as liquid gold flows from the furnace, or the King's gold from flowing out, lighting tubes from the Cakkavàla, up to Date, then returned to Cakkavàla, as a pyramidal Cone and France world full of bright aura).
On that day the Buddha going up going down the mental chemistry show Parallel, sometimes through Him also the sermon for the masses to hear, don't make them fed up with endless legal article that makes them grow by loving moments, moments He let them rest, relax. So they praised applause echoes, hum. The Buddha looking at the middle of the crowd and taking sixteen ways to observe the mind of each person. When a beings would enjoy legal or post a God?, Instant Article correct teaching Him French and expressed through that person's spirit. And many beings are pure label in France.
When the Buddha found among the masses of Eastern Island no one knows and can ask, he successively turns on a different body, the reincarnation of Buddha and answer questions. When the Buddha went forth the reincarnations have these other movements and vice versa. Investors can find the spirit and theory, there are two hundred million people are French label pure.
2E. The Buddha Sky Offers Up thirty-three.
When we are done through God, the Buddha thought silently: "Headless Buddhas of the past where the current spirit after going through?". As usual, the Buddha will supply solar up thirty-three teaching and comment A-Bhikkhu-talks for mother ". Think that He lift the right foot and step up the mountain Yugandhara, left foot set up the mountain of Tu-di, and so the three steps of land dotted with twice, He walked six hundred eighty-two thousand miles. No one can measure the length of each Buddha's footsteps, just know that when Buddha lift feet up the mountain, at the foot of low head-shrink and when he stepped over them holding their heads up and stand in the old location.
Sun God Like Buddha shows and think silently: "The World will Respect here in the three-month rainy season on ngai Huangshi will do countless benefits to Chu. But if That Ton settle where, Chu heaven will not have chen legs. The lamina of the sixty mile long Huangshi and fifty miles wide, So he sat on the Religious as well as no one sitting ". The Buddha knew God's mind, He throws the whole slab covering specific coordinates Huangshi. God's love to think: "thats right you throw all bosses stone tools is set true, but when You sit up there you will certainly become thin out". The Buddha knew the he thought should be covered in the sticky rock mogul Sir y, as a major government high-loaded up the coat low stools, and he sat on it. At the time, the people in the US-you suddenly can't see Buddha, as the Moon suddenly diving. They asked each other:
-What Religion has to go Cittakùta or Kelàsa or Yugandhara? We do not see all, Lord rank, worldly wisdom of mankind.
They cry, whine. Others think the whisper: "The World Religion like poison, He annoyed when media like God does for a crowd like that, should have gone to other parishes. We have also met Him or not? "
They are crying, moaning, talking shelf:
Fun day in net, tern
He went back not far realms.
We no longer see Dark Victory ranks,
Lord world ranks,
for a gentler level in the human species.
They asked the fake Religious Items-hopea-Jian
-So where are you going, my false Religious Respect?
Although know where Buddha, but the fake Religious thought silently: "let others prove miracles", should everyone:
-Ask A fake Religious-nậu-long-da.
And when people asked, suppose A-nậu-long-da responded:
-Ton bow Sun rises thirty-three, sitting on his throne, Huangshi, he will teach A-comment-for mother talks Bhikkhu.
-Mr. Ton, when would He return?
-He was there for three months, and returned on the occasion of the award.
People shouting:
We're not going anywhere until the meet in Germany the duty to counsel.
They camped there, spend the night under the sky. And though the crowd they did not cause the stigma of UE on land, because when they land the bowel cracked out and closed, so the time the ground also clean.
Solar powered up before the Buddha told the fake Religious Items-hopea-contact:
-Items-hopea-related, says the sermon for everyone, also independent from Her Level will provide the food.
As such, during the three months, he Granted Her independent from food, beverages, perfumes, betel Palm betel nuts for everyone. The fake religious Items-hopea-then teach and answered all the questions.
When The World Religion has provided solar up thirty-three, was sitting on the Court, the French vassal state of ten thousand world surrounded and most of you.
On the thirty-three heavens,
When the Buddha who respect you of every species,
sit under the maple tree coral, on Court of Huangshi,
Ten thousand Elves gather and most realms.
Dark victory, ascended into the highest realms of heaven's place to sit,
No one's brilliance by him,
Only his unique, brilliant result, Chu heaven.
Empress Ma-da from the Sun to power-See, sitting Buddha's right hand, Sun Indaka also to sit right hand of Buddha, and Sun Ankura to sit on the left hand side. When the power to the sky, Ankura must leave room and sitting a seat away from twelve miles, while Indaka sits right hand Buddha. World Religion observed both, He wanted to teach about the great newspapers of the Phuoc donation worthy, should protect Ankura :
-Though in ten thousand years you have to set the fireplace throughout the twelve-mile long square, and countless food donation, after long time now you come here in our society, we should sit away from us for up to twelve miles. Why is that?
World Religion look Ankura and Indak, claimed one donation value, He said:
Ankurà, you seem to worship the multitude,
So that after a long time,
You're sitting far away place. Please come here!
She's intense sound down to the ground, people are camping under him are heard.
Enacted by the master Administrator who awaken, Ankura says:
-Things she donation has brought for you? Who deserves worship girl Fuk what newspaper? The massage felt Indaka just this little animal products. consecration So he lit than us, like the Moon brighter than all the stars.
When Ankura says so, the Buddha asked Indaka :
Hey Indaka, you sit right, why you're sitting here without moving?
Indaka a:
-World Religion, as a farm wife planted a little granular like on good rice, you receive this blessing thanks to the donation value for.
To unravel the problem of people who value not donation, Indaka says:
As to whether the same, though a lot, planted on the ground.
Do not reap much, not making amusing like farmers.
Material donation though many, evil person, consecration
Not achieved results much, no benefits for the countries.
Also, less seed seed sown on good soil,
Will reap the many results, farm wife please.
Thus, donation people of integrity, virtue and holiness.
Although little remains, much better results.
The tale that, on the occasion of Mr. A-nậu-long-da go qifu mumo, Indaka donation to honor author a spoon feed her. So although Ankura has burned thousands of fireplaces on about twelve mile long road in twelve thousand years, and the alms very much, but the work of Indaka be greater results.
World Religion said:
- Ankura, commented during the donation. With that approach, like sowing seed on good soil, the donation was a good result. But you don't do that, so you're not alert enough. Irene
He said the shelf:
Donation with the judgment, be result here,
People like that are heavenly beings.
As Lai praised the donation with the minds of the judges.
Should donation to people who deserve it most,
Will reap good fruit, as the seed sown in good soil.
He said the Dhammapada:
Grass harm rice garden,
Taking the harm of life,
He divorced people took part,
So are large fruit.
Grass harm rice garden,
The pitch to harm people.
Alms the glass courtyard,
So are large fruit.
Grass harm rice garden,
SI harm people.
Alms who ly si,
So are large fruit.
Grass harm rice garden,
Exercise to harm people.
He divorced people,
So are large fruit.
And sit between the client Assembly, the Buddha want to benefit for mother should start teaching conclusion A-Bhikkhu-talks, beginning with the sentence: "The good things, the bad things, this is not good, not bad." During the three months He taught conclusion A – non-stop talks-Bhikkhu. Time to go, Mr. real qifu gangui turned out a different fuselage and said: "Let's say France until We return." Done, He went to Mount Hope-code, after brushing your teeth and gargle place outdoor A-Brown-reach (Anotatta), He received food from Wrath-single- (Uttarakura), and sit in the garden of a fake Head Him lunch.
Property-benefits-fake religion up to heaven and See the ECHO-and do the marketing for the Buddha Buddha life son, when He said:
Property-benefits-echo-today We spoke French like that, he can recite for five hundred Company-stilts tu studied with him.
And the Buddha to show respect. We know that, when the Buddha does spirit through Song, there are five hundred young boys prestigious export with false Religion, the echo benefits-and-Property to refer to the Buddha has to say on this. Teaching of Buddha is complete, the fake Religious over the Sun instead of possible reincarnation of Buddha and say next. Property-benefits-fake disqualified religious back down humanity, says France to the Bhikkhu-stilts, and as soon as the Buddha remained heaven, the Bhikkhu-stilts achieve Visual Decor more details.
At the time of the Buddha Ca-lettuce, five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts is a small bat swarms. They stay in a mountain, and there are two teacher Bhikkhu-stilts reside therein read chanting A-Bhikkhu-radio. We hear the sound around it when organ Treatise and crashing out sound favorite. With the sentence: "this is the aggregates of beings, this is the era of beings", but they do not understand the meaning but because, the cherished reading, they are heavenly beings. In the time between lettuce and Ca-Like Buddha-ca, they in heaven enjoy pleasure and reborn into Dormitories-protection, in the prestigious family. Due to the glass and spirit through Song, they appeared in the fake Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO, and became the first to reach Pine Furniture sense chi. The Buddha taught only continued for three months. To hear Him teach, there are eight hundred thousand million of natural achieved lettered France label, and empress Ma-da testifying Beginner.
2f. The Buddha Down Human And Divine Celestial Spirit Qủy Escorts
In thirty-six miles, said the ceremony will award up to seven more days, to ask fake Religious Items-hopea-contact:
-Dear fake Religion, what obstacles if we know which day the Buddha back? We will not go anywhere until I met the Buddha.
The fake religious answers:
-Well done!
False religion goes to the foot of the mountain of Tu-di and think silently: "let people see me climb". And when Religious author started climbing, the body He manifest with y gold throughout. People tracking and each short circuit rings:
False-religion are climbing up a mile. two miles.
False religion onto the top of the mountain at the foot of the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, getting his head to lift the foot and Buddha:
-World Religion! People want to go to where to can see That Religion, when would That Respect back down?
-But this category-hopea-contact! Accommodation-benefits-the echo?
-World Religion! False religion are at the gates of Samkassa .
-This category-hopea-contact! Seven more days I will down at the gates of Samkassa on the lower award. Who wants to see Me come there.
The distance from Residence-up Samkassa is thirty miles, and no one can provide food for the people on it. The Buddha said:
-Teach them vows to keep son (not eat) and follow their health can go, as are essential to the neighboring French listeners property.
-Yes, Sir.
Corrugated back, telling everyone to know the teachings of the Buddha.
An CU season ended, HA was given the award. The Buddha said to God:
-Now is the time We return to the people.
God's Love and he turned out three roads by ladder, a gold, a silver, and a jade. Three roads leading from the mountains down to the gates of Tu-di Samkassa, the gold line to the right for Chu and bias in the silver road, to the left for Australian Brahma and progeny, the main road between jade for That Suen. In this occasion, the Buddha standing on the Summit of Tu-di culture spirit through Song and looked up. He looked through the nine heavens An offense, and when you look down You look to the floor hell Loads. Then He killed four enemy number-eight directions, look through endless realm, and Sun are all see each other. Them thick winter festival in approximately thirty-six miles in circumference, who saw the splendour of the Buddha to his will the Buddha.
From on-air Buddha comes down on the road by n, Chu Heaven down by gold, Brahma down by silver. The excellent spirit music-thát-BA (Pancasikha) bay on the right the Buddha, Buddha by praising the flock trays sounds great. The celestial gods-far away (Màtali) the Buddha left floral toss. Sun bird, Evening Sky West 55 mph Breaking Australian-ghost AI fans with the Yak. With the angels like Entourage, Buddha set foot down the gates of Samkassa. False religion to the echo-benefit-Residence of Buddha and wealthy girl, ceremony and elation because Germany has never seen That Respect back in the solemn ritual, the greatness of a Buddha. False religion says:
The unprecedented, no one's ever heard,
The mellow music theory tutor Duties,
Far from See-return performance with them.
Expressing pleasure with the shelf and done all the way, the false Religion of the white Buddha:
-World Religion, today, all Sun people see the you of him and follow him.
-Property-benefits-This echo, with such happy Buddha is more dignified level schools of both people and God.
He said the shelf:
(181) The position of dedicated meditation,
NET like an far,
Thien Chu are craving,
Primary ranks, mindfulness.
Client's usual Buddha, after culture through Parallel spirit has settled three months on the Sun, and back down at the gates of Samkassa. To mark the place where the Buddha put the foot down on Earth, a refined residence was built here. The Buddha will ask a question just comprehension of those who have not yet proven Record results, these people answer the easy questions, but could not answer questions for those symptoms and preliminary results. Similar evidence and preliminary results could not answer questions for those certified results. Ii. eventually be Four results cannot answer questions for the fake Religious Items-hopea-contact, fake Items-hopea Respect-not able to answer questions for the fake Religious Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO, and Property-benefits-false echo could not answer the question for Buddha.
Starter Buddha looked to the East, and the next. What a great festival in France. And people standing around four to eight directions, Brahma above, below is the Long, A-tu-la (Supannas), all of which stand to shape the glass palace, all told:
-World Religion, in this no one can answer this question, please do not ask more.
The Buddha says:
Property-benefits-echo-confused when hearing the question belongs in this place of Buddha: "all who have legally and result A tu-la-Han, all who are in practice, those who have not attended the result saved credentials, venerable, you know, I ask you to please tell me about going and saying of the people".
Done, the Buddha thought: "Although in the center of the Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO not Yi thought of the question, he is understood by asking about going and said of the people who practice and those who practice a prime result and A-la-Han, but he suspected the purpose I ask the question, and he is thinking like this : "On the issues of love and aggregates, or is the issue of the continental type, didn't know we should grasp the intent of the World Religion through which one?" If we're not opening help-echo benefits-Amnesty, he could not answer the question. Now we will help to develop the "benefits--Xa. And the Buddha asked:
Property-benefits-the ECHO,-he might understand the noun "this love"?
Buddhist thought: "Days at the echo benefits-understand-Accommodation Italy, he will answer questions within the aggregates of love".
The World Religious tv medium suite, instant question turns out apparently according to a hundred and a thousand ways. After Religious elders, suggestions That immediately answer the question.
We know that, except for the Whole level, no one can answer the question that is raised with Buddha-benefits-the echo Property. So the elders standing before the eloquent voice high Buddha says:
-World Religion, I can count the number of raindrops falling on the large sea of all the rain during a past life, and also that the count is the number of raindrops falling on the Mainland, fell on the mountain. And you can give an exact figure.
-Property-benefits-This echo, I know his number math ability.
Indeed, nothing can compare with the Intellectual Property of-benefits-echo (the irrational wisdom). Thus, false Religion says:
-Sand the Ganges deluge, the great sea, Mote more immeasurable, you can use the position counted count total.
(Note the sentence on the shelves as follows: "the White World to honor the Holy Supreme position ranks, after answering this question, you can answer the hundreds of thousands of other questions, each question is marked by a grain of sand or a drop of water or a grain of dust. Include all the grains of sand, water, dust particles, not missing a grain of dust, is also less likely to answer the child's questions ").
Sa-subject abundantly blessed to have come up on the media of the Buddha answered questions smoothly, although at first the false Religion not know what question tail first as it is located in the Buddha field.
When the Bhikkhu-stilts heard this shelf, were chattering as follows:
False-religion-benefits-the ECHO, the Residence of the Chief Justice, to answer the question that no one on earth can answer.
The Buddha heard the speculation, teaches that:
-This is not the first Dormitory-benefits-the echo answers questions that on the whole this world no one can answer, he did so in the past.
The Buddha tells the story of the past (Jàtaka 99 ):
Although more than a thousand people gathered in different locations and lack of talking a hundred years.
Not by a transcendent place, understand what other people say.
3. Long Wang And Woman.
Difficult to change is made.
This story is told by l i when the Buddha sat under the tree of seven Sirìsaka, near Three-dollar complaint, contact to Long United Kingdom Erakapatta .
At the time of the Buddha Ca-Romaine, Erakapatta is a Sa-young subjects. One day, the teacher sitting on the boat to swim along the Ganges River. Through the Woods Eraka, holding a leaf, canoe go fast again, and new master torn leaves. The teacher thought silently "peanuts!" During the twenty years of meditation in the forest, the master did not repent this failure, but when near death, I have the feeling of being a leaf Eraka horizontal neck wrap. Master wants to confess, but not Bhikkhu-stilts would close. Filled with regret the master exclaimed:
-About our products defective.
After death the master regenerated do the Long, large size as a ship. When engenders, see his shape, Long United Kingdom upset thinking silently: "after long meditation I was reborn in a ridiculous, place of birth into the swamp of frogs".
When Long United Kingdom has a daughter, He lies on the Ganges River and take the giant back high, long female singing and dancing on his back. Long United Kingdom think whisper: "by the way, when are the Buddha's birth, we will know. In case people would sing the response was the question of me, I will marry my daughter, always in both the property and the power of the Long United Kingdom ". On a night on the Bo-slaps, Long United Kingdom put his daughter on the back, long women dancing and singing that puzzle:
How is the King?
How does being known as the dominant sex reference?
How do you get rid of the power of taking exercise?
Why call people stupid?
All residents on the Match-match-the theme comes together: "we have to win long male". With the ability to wisely, they find answers and response singing, but long women are rejected. And the like for half a month, Dragon Lady reappeared, singing and dancing on the back of his father's, it happens all the time between two Buddha.
 When Buddha appeared, one morning, He observed the basic beings, and noticed the Long United Kingdom Erakapatta and young She-la-Mon Uttara has a charm worth staff. Consistent observation, He noticed: "today is the day Long United Kingdom put his daughter up the back and let the girl sing. Ms. Guy-la-Mon Uttara will learn singing answered because we only teach, Record results and bring the answer to the Long United Kingdom. To hear the answer, Long United Kingdom will know there are Buddha's birth and to meet me. When Long United Kingdom come, We will teach the sentence, at the end of the French Middle shelf items Shelf has eighty-four thousand people were labelled ".
At the seven trees now Sirìsaka not far from Three-la-complaint, and the Buddha to sit under a tree. The people prepare singing responded and gathered together. The Buddha saw Uttara are going near it, He said:
- Uttara!
-Show Respect! What?
-Come here!
Uttara to Buddhist ceremonies, and wealthy girl sitting on one side, the Buddha asked:
-Did you go?
-You come to Dragon Lady, the Long United Kingdom Erakapkatta are singing and dancing.
-But do you know the answer?
-Sir, you know.
Uttara read again the answer guy's for listening, Buddha Buddha:
-The answer is not correct. We will teach you the answer, you are carried away in response to Dragon Lady?
-Sir, of the White World Religion!
- Uttara! When the Dragon lady sing quiz, you should sing charged as follows:
Who would master the six, he is King.
People would have fun with six, he was taking part in exercise.
Mermaid i not happy with six, is escape from taking part.
People would have fun with six, is stupid.
After teaching the Uttara answers, Buddha:
-Uttara! When you're done singing, long ladies will sing:
Why do stupid people Recycle?
How does someone position themselves in?
By way of proof of Nirvana?
Please answer my question.
And you answered:
Due to the stupid craving heart reborn.
By will to the position it was in.
People escape from all the constant be,
Her evidence of nirvana.
Uttara remember the answer and Record results. After Preliminary evidence results, active guy up:
-This! I have the answer, let's make way for me.
IBM much so that eastern foot of splenic guy between their knees.
Dragon Lady is standing on the back of his father's, just dance just sing:
-With what is called the King of power?
Uttara reply:
-Who owns six apartment, he is King.
Dragon Lady turned to sing:
-Why are people stupid reborn?
Uttara song:
-Because of the greed of sex should be stupid reborn.
When Long United Kingdom heard the sentence, said that there was a Buddha appeared in the world. Long United Kingdom think whisper: "I've never heard a song like that during the time between the two Buddha. True Buddha birth today". The King's heart happy. A strong waving the Kingdom long gigantic tail, a large wavy insurgent clean sweep on the banks, then watch it fall in the range of the population down to the water. Long United Kingdom and he put the back support full-heartedly and put ashore. The King approached Uttara and asked:
-First born, the Buddha now?
-Mr Australian sitting under its trees.
-Let's get to it.
Long United Kingdom come to Uttara, the crowd pulled along. Sees place Buddha, Long United Kingdom culture aura on his path, and the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, lui stand one side crying. The Buddha asked:
-What's that, your Majesty?
-World Religion, is a disciple of the Buddha, and meditate during the twenty years. But not elaborately help for the inevitable result. Just because you do tear a leaf Eraka small, you must do the Dragon reborn, the bulls go by belly. In the period between the two Buddha, I won't be doing is listening to people, not France, not meet Buddha.
Hearing that, the Buddha answers:
This United Kingdom, Australian-hard to be a body, hard to be heard in France, difficult birth of Buddha. Because the Buddha to go through all generations of thousands of hard labor time.
He said the shelf:
(182) hard to replace, are made of people.
Hard to replace, are living longer.
Difficult to change, listen to the magic of France.
Hard instead, Buddha's birth.
Listen to the complete shelf, there are eighty thousand people are n b France pure label.
4. Education On The Way Of the Buddha In Seven Slapped
Do not do any evil.
This story is told when the Buddha are in Member States, relating to the question of Religion assuming A-nan.
Day, A fake Religious-nan is sitting suddenly thought: "The World Religion has taught about the parents of the seven lettered Buddhist life, taught about the life network, its client's tree of Buddha sit up, disciple, the utriusque Sangha and the foreign official household. All that Germany World Religion clear, but he does not talk about how border of seven lettered Buddhist life in day-slapped. How like today or else? ".
Think so, false Religion to Buddhism and white ladies ask things like above.
-Different but Buddhist Followers about the time dad-slapped, but similar teachings when the parish boundary.
The Buddha Bhikkhu-Ms.-test (Vipassì) -seven years slapped once, but his teachings in the day applies during seven years. Gas-Buddha (Sikhì) and the Buddhist Bhikkhu-Phu-XA (Vessabhù) six years claims-slapped once. Buddha's Question-save-religion (Kakusandha) and-na-ham-contradict-ni (Konàgamana)-father slapped each year. Ca-lettuce (BuddhaKassapa) six months, Dad-slapped once.
The World Religion has taught to fake A Religion-nan announced on time-life of Buddha done their seven slaps lettered, He explained that the border of the Buddha typically lettered words said in the day-slapped.
(183) do not do any evil,
Achievements the fresh almond,
Keep the mind pure Italian,
Lettered Word main Buddha.
(184) the Headless Buddha is often taught,
Rings, paramount, ascetic
Nirvana, the ultimate results,
Renunciation does not break people,
SA-subjects don't harm people.
(185) Not defamatory, destructive,
Households maintained about basics,
Have an eating,
Ready is located place NET tern,
Professional notes rising upper center,
Lettered Word main Buddha.
5. Others Buddhist Discontent For Teacher Bhikkhu Stilts
The oil money to buy gold ...
This story is told when the Buddha in at the Park, linked to a master Sa-disgruntled subjects.
The tale that, a Bhikkhu-stilts excuses joined the Sangha and do my duty duty, full Professor of the master's teaching that:
-Go to that place ... to study law.
Not long to go, master teacher, father ill. He wanted to meet me, but nobody found out. Before dying, he was saying the words remember, he awarded a cent for his son, and said:
-Please take this money, you the Bowl y shopping.
And he died.
When the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts returned home, his foot drills, brother master, roll on the ground, crying and saying:
-False Religion! His father had wanted to call the fake Religious death and gave you a cent, I have to do?
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts refused to take the money.
-We don't need the money.
But then, I thought: "there's nothing exciting when we live life qifu mumo? A percentage of this Council enough for us to live, we will continue. "
Were constraints by discontent, especially with shelves, meditation, and become painful as people infected. The U.S. asked the master:
-What is it?
-I'm discontent.
The uncle told you to go sub teacher, and finally to the ear story the Buddha called Buddha master up the q.
-Is it true that he is dissatisfied?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Why? Affordable he has any other way of life?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Fortune he was?
-Yes, a hundred.
-Well, go find some miểng Cup here, I will make a post, and know the results he has enough means to live or not?
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts bring miểng Cup to, Buddha said:
-Now, to out fifty copper for food drink, bought twenty-four seeds, ploughs, cultivators shovels, hoes and a shaver.
The result is a percentage not enough copper in anywhere. Buddha told the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The amount he paucity. Why he wished to be satisfied with some money like that? In the past, the move London United Kingdom just waving a precipitation is flush treasure, ten wetland surface two miles of gold and silver. These people live Regal spent thirty-six life doing God's Love, and although Chu Thien do long, when death is still not satisfied!
When finished, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts sometimes Buddha spoke the past. And he recounted the story of Buddha precursor Mandhàtà (285 Jàtaka) :
The end where the Sun the Moon illuminated.
Everyone living on the Earth is slave of Mandhàtà.
He read the Dhammapada:
(186) the oil rain with gold coins,
The exercise difficult to satisfy.
Many bitter sweet little sex,
Know it is quadratic.
(187) the death of Chief Justice ranks, Ðệ
Not looking for sex, bridge
Client education is natural oil,
Your favorite charity just kill.
6. Sa Long And United Kingdom.
Humans fear panic. ...
This story happened when Germany World Religion stay in the States, sitting on piles of sand, contact Aggidatta, priest of the King – anonymously.
Aggidatta (Saudi-us-reach-most) is the priest of King Kosala Mahà. When the King died, he is the son of three-private--anonymously, well respected Aggidatta elections and held the priesthood. Every time Aggidatta to the King, are welcome and invited to sit on par. After some time, Aggidatta think silently: "the King is very respected him, but could not be breaking with King forever. Living in the Imperial Palace is very interesting for those who contract with the King's litter page. We are already old, it is better to do the monks ". Aggidatta them then please country was King, the drummers rao over the city, alms material for a week, then leave the world, become monks in a pagan faction. Ten of thousands of people to follow him.
Aggidatta and the disciples are resident at the border of three countries: Angas, Ma-masterpiece-da, and sentence-long (Kurus). He taught his disciple:
-Lettered fraternity, when the person was thought by misdeed like wicked, cruel, go to entry into the river filled the jar and pour the sand.
And so when the master was the thought of real friendly harassment, they follow his teachings. After a time, place the large sand dunes. Long United Kingdom Ahicchatta come there. Residential water Angas, Ma-masterpiece-da and Kurus monthly bring solemn sacrifice to worship the master rises. Aggidatta teaching them as follows:
-Refuge where the mountain jungle, caves, trees, it is the refuge. Refuge so you will escape the suffering.
Once there, the Buddha then in Asceticism and attain enlightenment fullness, He arrived in the States near the Campus Dormitory-protection. Observe basic beings, He noticed Ba-la-Mon Aggidatta and his disciples have industry certified results A-la-Han. In the afternoon He says with mock Religious Items-hopea-contact:
-This section-contact-you see, hopea Ba-la-Mon Aggidatta have taught everyone a lesson other than truth? Please suggest to teach them.
-World Religion, the monks too, if you go this alone, afraid they won't follow. If So, make sure to also Respect they will obey.
We will come to that, please go ahead.
The fake religious Items-hopea-go and think silently: "this monk and powerful. If we're going to tell them they are gathered, they will hurt us again "and though an egypian. And he used the fake religious spirit media produces a heavy rain, the monks dispersed throughout the canopy. False religion before the tent of Aggidatta and call:
- Aggidatta!
Hearing the call, Aggidatta think whisper: "this life no one is calling for our clan name as such". With a stubborn attitude arrogant way, he asked:
-Who is it?
-I am here, I am a She-la-Mon.
-What do you want?
-Just give me a possible refuge through tonight.
-This is no place for you to stay, only a grassy tent fit for a priest.
- Aggidatta! The accommodation of the animal, animal's accommodation, and monks have accommodation of monks. Do not be afraid, let me in thanks.
-Are you a priest?
-Yes, I'm a priest.
-If the monks, the average Khàri of the UK? Where's your widgets?
-I also have widgets but the network according to its inconvenient, so the toiâ found himself taking on the go.
Aggidatta angry:
-So you find retrieved on the go!
-Come On, Aggidatta! Do not be angry, please just give me a place to stay overnight.
-It has no place in.
-Who's in the sand?
-Long United Kingdom!
-Let me in the sand.
-I can't let you in there, it is a great shame for artist thing.
-No, let me at it.
-Sir, then you will see.
False religion goes to the sand hills. When Long United Kingdom see the fake Religious go to close, thought: "he whispered the other masters to come here, make sure he doesn't know me. We will smoke spray kill him ". Think so Long United Kingdom Railway spray. The fake religious thought: "Long this Kingdom himself can spray hood, no one else smoke injection be sure". And suppose also spewing smoke. Smoke vapor of the sides up to Sun Brahma, the smoke does not cause a dent against false Religion but made him Long United Kingdom. Long Wang can't stay forever in the slightly smoky, and he caught the train. False religion and he entered the fire I and fire, tam-optical in the trunk He rises to Brahma. The fake Religious body such as a torch fire. The monks around the world see, thought: "Long United Kingdom are spraying fire priests there. He's sure to die for not listening to us. " When the fake Religious invention offers Long finished, He sat the old Fang Wang on Sand Hill. Long United Kingdom presentation to advocate good food around the sand hills, and turns into a dragon head large covered, cover the top of false Religion.
Early the next morning, the wholesale overhaul go to Sand Hill view show respect or not dead, they found false Religion sits on the sand, wealthy girl revered him and holiday sailings says:
-Religion, make Long Wang was harassed to formidable religious parents.
-You don't see cool cover equivalent for my medical?
The monk says:
-Sa-subjects WINS United Kingdom real aggressive magic!
And then they stand surrounded by fake Religion.
At the time That Honor goes to. Mock religious ceremony, wealthy girl stand up to him. The monks asked:
-This Unit is larger than Him?
-This is An Enlightened, Germany World Religion. I'm just a student.
Buddha to sit on top of the sand hills. The monks said to each other:
-If the spirit of the disciple, the spirit of this position?
And they respect the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl hand pieced together, called Him. Buddha said Aggidatta :
- Aggidatta you taught his disciples and the home test?
-You teach them the expression: refuge "where the mountain jungle, caves, trees. Such is the refuge. Refuge so you will escape from suffering.
-Not true! Hey Aggidatta! One refuge into places he did not escape from suffering. Only the refuge in Buddha, France, completely new Rise round escape suffering.
He said the shelf:
(188) the human fear of panic,
Find more space refuge,
Or dense forests, mountains,
Or garden, Temple Tower.
(189) the refuge is not OK,
Not the refuge Supreme.
The refuge place,
Not escape all suffering.
(190) the One refuge Buddha,
Chief Justice French and monks,
Primary voters who use comments,
See the four Holy Roman Empire.
(191) See suffering and agony,
See the suffering pass,
See the Holy path of eight sectors,
Give to the brain gauge.
(192) the Truth, safe refuge
Truth the Supreme refuge,
Have such refuge,
Escape all suffering.
The French article is finished, all the monks are proof of A-la-Han and have spirit. Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and they get into the Sangha, Germany World Religion reach out and tell them:
-Friendly hybrid, Bhikkhu-stilts! Let's live the Holy life.
Now that the master become Bhikkhu-stilts have tu from both a hundred years, and the full eight essential dishes.
Now, on all three residential water Angas, Ma-masterpiece-da and Kurus as usual to carry more supplies arrive. When they saw the teacher became Bhikkhu-stilts, they silently told myself: "Ba-la- Aggidatta subjects of us big or Sa-Limited disciplines-the big conversation?" And noticed That her seat was from Religious German here, they concluded: "there just Aggidatta big". The Buddha knew Italy, they said:
- Aggidatta, Let's fuck tan's suspicions his disciples.
Aggidatta a:
That is what you are looking forward.
And he used the spirit soaring pines of nowhere seven times, each time flying down all Buddha ceremony and wealthy girl:
-The White World, he is the master, you are his disciple.
As Aggidatta said, he nonetheless acknowledged himself as the disciple of Buddha.
7. Gentleman Born in See?
Difficult to meet tier Holy ...
This story happened when the Buddha in the Member States, in relation to the question of Religion assuming A-nan.
One day, A fake-nan sitting in residence on board, thinking silently: "World Religion has taught us about the lineage of the species of elephants, horses and cows, He said the noble elephant arises from the same Chaddanta or similar Uposatha, noble horse arising from Valàhaka lineage is the horse God, and noble message comes from the same line Dekkan. Also gentleman emanates from here? ".
False religion come to Buddha, and wealthy girl ladies and asked about the issue on the. Buddha:
-A-nan, gentleman could not born in any place, that are born within three hundred miles in diameter, along the perimeter of nine hundred miles of the capital of a country. And not born in any family, that family is in Close line-the Roman Empire-ly or she-la-Mon.
He said the shelf:
(193) hard to see Holy steps,
Maybe not,
Place of birth-place rank,
All the family peace.
8. What most happy On «environment?
Have fun instead of Buddha's birth! ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion in States, related to some teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts sitting in the road and discuss:
-Chu Hien, what was most happy in life?
Who shall say:
-Nothing happy by King.
Other people say:
-Only love is happiness.
Also who says:
– Only yummy food is happiest.
The Buddha went to the teacher and said:
-You sit here talking about what issues?
The Bhikkhu-stilts recounted, the Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! He says? All the happiness he has just told are in samsara suffering.
In contrast, met Buddha's birth, to hear Chief Justice French, live in harmony and purity of the Sangha, the things he is most happy.
He said the shelf:
(194) the rather Fun, Buddha's birth!
Have fun instead of France are available!
 Have fun instead, increased harmony!
Rather fun, harmony tu!
9. Respect The reverence of Ðáng Ranks
Donation ranks worthy of worship.
This story is told when the Buddha are travel related, to the Temple of the Golden Buddha Ca-Romaine.
One day, the Buddha comes from satellite to three-Campus-la-complaint along with some East of the Bhikkhu-stilts followed. On his way He visited a temple village Todeyya. The Buddha sitting wrong your A fake Religious and Tower-nan called She-la-subjects are plowing disposal. When the She-la-keeper arrived, he did not greet the Buddha that only wealthy girl Temple ceremony. Then he came to stand in front of Buddha, Buddha asked:
-Why is he mindful of this place?
BA-la-Mon replied:
This temple has several generations, so I respect it.
Praise the Buddha says:
-She-la, heal instead, he revered the temple very true.
When the Bhikkhu-stilts to hear the story, the master chattering:
-What the reason to honor praise like that?
The Buddha then taught business segment Ghatìkàra in Central (Majjhima Nikàya) to solve the clues to the Bhikkhu-stilts. He left a tonghua spirit Gold Mountain mid-air, where her presence towers of the Buddha-a mile high aromatic herbs. You just hand them the disciples and says:
-Ba-la-Mon, the more true than upon venerated those who deserve respect, as these.
And words in a passage out of Nirvana, He taught the class had four: Buddha, Buddhist, A genus of Flange-la-Han and Moved London United Kingdom worthy of building the tower. There are three types of Tower: the Tower of the shrine of the Buddha, the Tower Church benefit-residence monuments celebrating, and the church tower options.
Buddha Dhammapada says:
(195) the donation ranks worthy of worship,
Headless Buddha or disciples,
The ranks beyond hý comment,
Ðoạn destroy all sorrows.
(196) the donation of such rank,
The President, not fear.
The Germany as such,
No one estimate.
Listen to Her man-la-proof Profile subjects. During the seven-day Golden high towers a mile between the air. This is a great opportunity of the populace, their donation towers in any animal products. And when the towers back to the old location, at which a tower of stone to celebrate. There are eighty-four thousand people in them are pure label in France.

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