Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XXVI. Brahmin Products
1. La Australian Only
Please stanza ... tons of glass
The World Religion teach these words when You stay in the States, She related-la-Australian subjects Only, Pasàdabahula .
One day, after listening to the sermon Buddha, a Ba-la-Mon glee physicals since then to every day he sometimes sixteen gentlemen Bhikkhu-stilts to the donation. Every time the master arrived, he picked out, helping the average Bowl and offers:
-Please provide a visiting Him A-la-Han. Please invite Him A-la-Han sat.
Although the ladies sometimes with any teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, he hailed as A-la-Han. The master has not yet proven Record result think whispered: "he thought we had in this fight A-la-Han". The longer the fight A-la-Han Chinese think: "he not know we privileged A-la-Han". Results: all the teachers are upset and not to his house again.
Grandparents-la-extremely sad subjects. He thought: "At how the Bhikkhu-high stilts he didn't come home anymore?". He entered the Buddhist ceremony and essential residence, wealthy girl. The Religious World asked the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, so mean?
The white Buddha master reason. The Buddha said:
-But the Bhikkhu-stilts, he does not want him to call themselves A-la-Han?
-World Religion, not sure.
-But this is just a way people expressed joy, joy joy joy expression and nothing's wrong? Appreciation the hearts A-la-Ba-la-his Han subjects really is limitless. Therefore, the right thing for him is to eradicate the craving and just grab the Prime witness A-la-Han made his only desire.
He said the shelf:
(383) This Little She-la-Mon
Make effort on the line, paragraph
Waiver of the exercise,
Phase Unwrapping,
You are the ranks of wuwei.
2. How is the "two States"?
Thanks to the two permanent French ...
The World Religion teach these words when You stay in the States, involving various Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, there are thirty in other subjects-to States member of the Buddha ceremony and wealthy girl sitting on one side. Property-the echo benefits-fake religion know that the master has a certificate of eligibility A-la-Han, and he brought to the front of the Buddha:
-World Religion, He often taught about the "two States", what is "two States?".
The Buddha teaches:
-Property-benefits-This echo, two States is meditation and wisdom.
He said the shelf:
(384) thanks to two French resident,
Sees is the other side,
BA-la-technical position,
Any unlawful use end to clean.
3. What is on the other Coast?
This coast is not on the other coast.
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, in relation to the United Kingdom.
One day, the devil disguised to the Buddha and asked Him:
-White World, you Respect or consideration to "the other side". Please tell me what is "the other side"?
The Buddha said that as Mr ma said:
This Devil-he associated to the "other side"? Only people who escape take new sex reached it.
He said the shelf:
(385) Does this on the other coast, coast
Both banks have not,
Absent from the suffering, not bound,
We called her-la-Mon.
4. How is She-La-Mon?
Meditation, stay ly Tran ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to a-la-Mon.
Grandparents day, a-la-Mon suddenly thought: "the Buddha is often called the disciple is She-la, we also contentious in Her line-la-subjects, we also deserve to be called like that".
Thought so, and he brought to the Buddhist medical and talking up the issue. The Buddha says:
-We don't call someone who is She-la, just because of the line-up. I only call people who reach the fruition of A-la-Han is She-la-Mon.
He said the shelf:
(386) meditation, stay ly Tran
Nicely done, contraband,
To hit is the ultimate destination
We called her-la-Mon.
5. The Buddha Shines
The sun shining on board ...
The World Religion teach these words when You are in the castle of Mother Migàra, A fake Religion related-nan.
On day four, the King Himself – anonymously to the essential, the King embellished dresses really brilliant, hand carry the full flower, Sedum. At the time the false Religion Ca-save-da-di sit outside they are entering, stilts-Bhikkhu, whole body radiate a bright, loving flow as gold. And the Sun are diving, the moon has just grows. Fake A-religious nan in sight the Sun at sunset, watching the Moon is up, look at Europe's brilliant on the King, looking round the Mr light aura gold Ca-save-da-di, and finally look at Germany As Lai. Aura on the German body That goes beyond Respect than all.
He came to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, today the spot light of the trunk and he, only the aura He makes the satisfying, because Mr. brilliant light bodied than the other light.
The Buddha said:
-A-nan, the sunshine during the day, the moon lit night, the King then when splendid makeup, the A-la-Han then when importing certain escape chums. But the only Buddhist followers always shining day and night, brilliant than met five times.
He said the shelf:
(387) the Sun brightened the day.
The moon lit night.
Gas-lit world capital.
Pham Chi morning meditation.
The Buddha glory,
Brilliance both day and night.
About Buddha's light force, dread has overshadowed the real thing.
The dread force he's overshadowed the Vice.
Dread of the intelligence obscures the ignorance.
Dread the power of Chief Justice Umesh obscures what misdeed.
6. What is Bhikkhu Stilts?
End to the evil call breaking the Releases ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at the Park, involving a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
A-la-Mon by other master manufacturing excuses rather than according to the Buddha, and think: "Sa-Limited-subject talks called the disciple is Bhikkhu-stilts. We also deserve to be called like that ". Y and he came to the Buddha and talking up the issue.
The Buddha says:
-We don't call anyone is Bhikkhu-stilts merely because he put out. I only call people who have been smuggled or and infection structure minus is Bhikkhu-stilts, "who depart."
He said the shelf:
(388) end to call evil Criminals,
Happy NET call Sa,
UE profile, export it yourself
Should call ranks.
7. The Patient humiliation of Conquering The Evil.
It has a dam Breaking Releases ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, Religious-related Property-fake benefits-the echo.
One day, the charity credit sit back and praise the virtue of Property-benefits-false Respect the echo:
The false Religious teachers we, it's Germany that whoever yelled at high ring blamed for or beaten, You also do not angry.
At the time, have a Ba-la-pagan subjects question:
-One without anger?
-Our Master, mock Religious Dormitory-benefits-the echo.
-Certainly not who pissed him?
-Never had it, She-la-Mon.
-Okay, I will exasperate him.
-Believe me, I know how it should act like that with him.
The next day, false Religion into qifu gangui. Grandparents-la-subjects follow behind the fake Religious song a result rapidly punches on the back. False religion just ask: "what's that?" without even looking back and keep going. Her attitude, her he-la-subjects feel regretful overwhelmed: "box! Truth is you replace the virtue of false Religion! ".
He fell under Him:
Please forgive me.
-What is it?
-I would like to try You should have punched Him.
-Sir, I am not angry with him.
-If You are willing to forgive me, please from here please just come to my house in real life.
And he take the bowl of false Religion, brought Him home donation lunch. Fake religion happily handed the bowl.
Few foreign guys the seen so very angry.
-Pagan Name had we, a teacher for no one was offended, he sins unforgivable. We have to kill him.
They mastered the Earth, stones, simple, pulling up to stand in front of her house-la-Mon. When real life fake Religion done came out, Him to bat for the She-la-embracing subjects, the others see him come out with false Religion,:
-White Corrugated, please order the grandparents-la-keeper back.
-The leader, what do you want?
-Her name-la-keeper had him, and we want to target him.
-Why? He hit me or him?
-Dear Guest, Mr.
-If so, he apologized, the ng.
The fake religious advice to the Buddhists, and to allow the grandparents-la-sports, Religion back essential.
The Bhikkhu-stilts most indignant.
-What is this? A-la-Mon hit the false Religion which echo benefits-He-Residence back to the home of her real life! He beat the false Religion then also respect anyone anymore? He will beat this man around people.
The World Religious stories, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, none of the people She-la-Mon hit Ba-la-keeper, only She-la-Mon chums continue Her taste la Mon hit Holy fruit. By the taste would have results A-na-function completely ceased except all angry.
He said the shelf:
(389) Pham Chi Dam It!
Pham Chi shalt not knock!
Bad instead of beating Piracy Releases!
Ðập return the worse!
(390) For the position She-la,
This is not a small benefit,
When your not craving a good relationship,
Heart damage is stopped,
Only when she's miserable.
8. Mr. Di Life Model World
With relatives, mouth, Italy ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, regarding Mr Ma-ha-Ba-ba-SOAP.
Before publicly announced tantrum Bowl France, the Buddha has said for Mr Di model or, and he bowed the head life about France, the same as the person who was familiar with the jewelry stand receives aromatic wreaths. All in the Group of him also did so. Dear Professor and priest of him no one other than the German main World Religion. He was joined the Sangha of Buddha.
Later, some on stilts-group nuns Bhikkhu you about Him is about life:
-Mrs. Ma-ha-Ba-ba-theme SOAP no priest, no Dear Professor. She hand head tho y gold alone.
Listen to the world, the Bhikkhu-stilts ni disgruntled bear no other ceremony slapped and Self with her. They came to the white Buddha story, He taught:
-I handed out Bowls of France for her tantrum, I'm your priest, her professor. The man who abandoned the faults both of body, breath, mind, exited all took part, with those of people like that should not nourish thought.
He said the shelf:
(391) With relatives, mouth, Italy,
Do not do the evil,
The three are,
We called her-la-Mon.
9. Honor The Revered Ðáng
From anyone, said the Chief Justice.
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, Religious-related Property-fake benefits-the echo.
False respect is listening to the echo-benefit-Residence post shelves first from Dharma Religion Evil false pedestal, and on evidence resulting from the da, the fake Religious Seclusion when he heard the pedestal where Evil, always towards the glass bows, hand and accepted he always built top toward her. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering:
False-religion-benefits-according to the echo Property ties, every day the celebration Quartet.
And they came to the white Buddha Buddhist Religious calling to ask.:
-Property-benefits-This echo, they report him homage Quartet method, right?
-World Religion! You know me, you know that your child has or does not have lens 24-direction.
The Religious World of the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-Benefits-not the echo-Xa homage. Just because the Religious ceremony of Evil imitation glass pedestal, the first Dormitory-benefits-New France should be heard the echo. A Sa-Mon respect who taught her French-la-worship the sacred fire glass subjects.
He said the shelf:
(392) From anyone, said Chief of France,
Primary sensory ranks preaching,
Let's taste him homage,
As Pham Chi Church fire.
10. What is She-La-Mon?
Not because of the hair braided head.
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to a-la-keeper hair braided.
The tale that a grandparent-la-Mon suddenly thought: "We in She-la-pure subjects. SA-Abbreviated subject-the common guy talks-la-Mon. We also deserve to be called like that? ".
Think then, and he brought to the Buddhist medical and talking up the issue. The Buddha said:
-She-la, we don't call someone who is She-la-Mon only because her hair braided head, just because of the lineage, blood. I only call people who have infiltrated the truth is She-la-Mon.
He said the shelf:
(393) enacted by the call She-la,
Not because of the hair braided head,
Not of race, birth, life
One truth, the Chief,,
Just called She-la-Mon.
11. The She-La-Shifty Subjects
What fools ...
The World Religion teach these words when You are in France, regarding the way She-la-Mon shifty, hanging their trees upside as bats.
In Bhikkhu-Cup, have a Ba-residences-la-keeper wants to gain, y and he climbed up the mango tree near the city gates, hooks the legs on the ground, heads roll Spike, exclaim:
-Please give us a hundred Guineas! Let us silver coins! For me I'm a girl! If the person does not give what we ask, we will let go of the foot out, dying here and become evil spirit into this vandalism.
At the time, the Buddha along monks into qifu gangui. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts look to see who She-la-Mon hanging backwards people on the tree, and when she left, I feel y also hang on the tree. Residents in the thought: "this grandfather was hanging upside from morning until now, n u to him dead sure we can't live alone in this city". And fear to the Bhikkhu-beautiful-ly, Amnesty they bring nature under the mango y things required. The Ba-la-climb down, collect the spoils and leave.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts saw who She-la-Mon other shifty roam near the property up as dragons are crystal a cow. The master realized right then y asked:
-You are, you have already achieved what the request?
The white Buddha. Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, this is not the first time her shifty as a true name. The weather the past y as well. But this past y deceiving those substances other regimens, while before, don't mislead the medical wisdom.
Then He tells the story:
Past stories:
11A. Hermit Lie And Lord of da
The old days, there was a hermit near a village that lives on farming, and he is a hypocritical. At the time, to have a family or donation of food for him, whether day or night they are divided into sớt the diet for hermit as they have divided their child. One afternoon, they barbecue ones and to take part to the hermit. Monks happen smell fragrant meat and he asked:
-The meat?
-Iguana Meat.
The next day, qifu gangui was a tangle of butter, curd and brought about to take off in the tent on the grass. Near the tent master, there is a hill, an iguana in the Lord. It is usually a very respected teacher and physician visit. But the day the teacher wants to kill the iguana, and he tucked a rod in Austria, to near sand hills and pretend to sleep. When the iguana left the cave, to near the master, seeing the looks is especially unusual, it think the whisper: "today the master seems to do it, I don't like", and it turned the Bulls back to back. Priests see iguana crawling back and he threw the bat to kill, but the rod falls not hit. The iguana doll jump into the cave, the output pitch says:
-The idea of true priests,
Want to close, I come quickly,
Hold the sticks, attempted to kill,
Unmask pretending.
What fools,
Hair braided with goat skin,
 All inner negativity,
In addition to such polished surface.
The convent also want to use the real objects for example States the momentum:
-Iguana, come back!
Sees sample oatmeal.
Salt, pepper, oil,
What would be right.
Lizards responded:
-As heard the master say, the more I want to run away.
And Goannas said shelves:
So when I choose,
Hidden spot Titus on the Hill,
Master oil, pepper, salt,
To me, they are useful!
And then it says:
-Very sorry when I mistakenly believes the teacher is the hermit, but when I hold the sticks to kill me, the mantle of ethics have fallen down. O senseless, what useful when tying braided Plait of hair. Helpful when dressed pelt that filled the claws? Inside is the desire, the outside back points.
The Buddha concludes:
-The hermit She-la-current subjects, while the ones God is.
He said the shelf:
(394) useful fools,
Hair braided with goat skin,
All inner negativity,
In addition to such polished surface.
12. Ms. Kisa Gotami, Locate Bhikkhu Stilts Ni Tu Da Starter Almond
People dressed in piles of rubbish.
The World Religion teach these words when You are at the mountain Ghost Thứu, related to the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Kisa Gotami.
In the early minutes, the Sun God's love to the same Heavenly divine to listen Buddha surrounded by France. They respectfully sitting on one side to listen to the teachings from the German Republic to world Religion. At the time, out of The Bhikkhu-stilts ni Kisa Gotami was thinking: "we're going to visit Germany in world Religion". She flew up to the air, to the Buddha, but see God Like unto heaven holds. God's love to see ask the Buddha:
-World Religion, anyone new to just see him raising back out?
The Buddha said:
-Royal of the United Kingdom, it is the disciples, Bhikkhu-stilts ni Kisa Gotami, who has the most momentum Starter.
He said the shelf:
(395) Who dressed in trash
Skinny, thin, revealing ribbed vessels,
Body independent from meditation in the Woods,
We called her-la-Mon.
13. What is She-La-Mon?
We do not call Violations Releases ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to a-la-Mon.
A-la-keeper thought: "Sa-Abbreviated subject-also known as disciples talks She-la-Mon. Ta sanh Chief in line She-la, so he had to call me Mrs title-as-subject ". Think so, he asks the Buddha. Buddha says:
-We don't call someone who is She-la-subjects just because they bring forth out from a mother Her line-la-Mon. Who does not own the wealth in the world, does not run according to secular things, they call him only She-la-Mon.
He said the shelf:
(396) we do not call Violations,
Because the birth place, birth mother,
Only be called such,
If the mind is also trouble the brain,
No negativity accept in advance,
We called her-la-Mon.
14. Circus Performer Uggasena
Ðoạn off the Fang.
The World Religion teach these words when You're at Lisa, related to Uggasena. This story has been told in full detail in the comment section of the shelf post beginning with the sentence: "Quit too, currently, micro hybrids".
At the time, the teacher Bhikkhu-white Buddha on stilts:
-World Religion, Uggasena said: "I am not afraid," certainly him lied.
The Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, like the US, who would have ended all bound, she no longer fears.
He said the shelf:
(397) Ðoạn off the unlawful use,
There's nothing to fear,
Do not immerse before forcing,
We called her-la-Mon.
15. Arguing about Traction
Remove the leather belt, remove the outline ...
The Religious World, teach these words when You're in the States, involving two Ba-la-Mon.
The two She-la-subjects cycled two cows, a Minor name Hong (Culla Rohita), and an Australian named Hong (Rohita Mahà). One day, two grandparents-la-subjects discussed, comparing the two cows of another, who also said "Cow I'm deck number!".
Brawler runs out of steam, they think of ways to try pulling cows. Immediately they hit the wagon out of the river Aciravati, another substance in the car his bulls would really rock, sand filled and catch the bulls pull. But even for them the urge, the car still does not move and the sudden ropes are broken. The Bhikkhu-stilts at the bath, found that about the white Buddha. He teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, that is the line outside, can sever. But a Sa-keeper to sever the rope angry and taking exercise in introspective.
He said the shelf:
(398) Remove skin, remove belt,
Remove wires, map Department,
Remove the key, discerning,
We called her-la-Mon.

16. The World Ton Overpower Guys Angry Pitch
Not inimical, rings the humiliation ...
The World Religion teach these words while You're supposed to at Lisa, related to Akkosa Bhàradvàja .
When the Buddha was at Lisa, have a male She-la-Mon-da-Tu result has done, every time she sneezes, coughs, or slipped, are blurts:
-Nam Da Buddha! As Lai Suen, upper Dark sensations!
Her husband is a Ba-la-quọ, spewing conservative subjects don't believe in Buddha, and very frustrating to hear his wife just called Buddha. Day, while cleaning up the rice for the She-la, she strips her legs and forced her mouth anniversary titles very large Buddha. Grandparents-la-Gee, subjects thought silently: "total damage is the most unbearable. She's stupid wife each slipped stop religion claiming he Sa-skinhead subjects as habit si renders ".
He told her:
-This, I let her know I will beat her teacher by a debate right now.
-He kept handy, I have yet to see anyone can win Germany World Religion at all. You can go and ask him a question.
Grandparents-la-Mon to Buddha, no Hello, stand aside and asked Him:
Want to be a living NET, security
Have to remove something,
To no longer favor bi?
What should take?
Please speak to try!
He taught way,
To listen people are!
Do take out?
The Buddha answers:
Anger when no longer,
NET security will be living,
Anger was take,
Not according to his sense of priorities.
The root malicious yard,
The branch sweet, again tops
Fishing recreation always praises,
The squash was the pitch too,
By the yard when the clean removal,
Bi pros there.
The She-la-keeper heard the Buddha says, and he received the news his Prime and export A-la-Han. His brother heard the news he was in and he angrily yelled at the noun to Buddha Buddha Buddha also conquered ... but this person by such "real things", then y is also in evidence A Buddha-la-Han. The two youngest children, as well as two England, to strange Buddha, ended well, spice and fruit A-la-Han.
That day, the Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-It is miraculously, almond rings humiliation of Chu Buddha. All four brothers to German Religious World that He refurbished the murder is not responded to would, also made them refuge.
At the time, the Buddha comes close to asking:
-The he gathered here what grunts?
The master of the white Buddha. He explained:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, as We have from the patient, because we are people without causing offense between the world full of errors, so I am the true refuge for beings.
He said the shelf:
(399) Not inimical, bearing,
Defamation, Dan, penalty,
Grab the rings do the army,
We called her-la-Mon.
17. The fake Religious Symbolism the echo Being yelled at Mom.
Don't hate, off duty ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at Lisa, related to Religious Property-benefits-fake the echo.
When the Buddha in essential Forestry, a c Tr property Mr. echo minutes Property-benefits-hundred year lead Bhikkhu-stilts and qifu gangui to go before maternal home in the village of Nàlaka. Moms invited monks to the House, preparing the seat and while cleaning up food for the false Religion, she yelled at Him:
-Good riddance! Food! MI wandering from House to House to beg Freddie leftovers soup residue was not, to lick the sticky porridge Hall on the patch, on the spoon! So that mi also abandon his memories of millions to do. The humiliating loss for parents mi! Eat away!
And when cleaning up food for the master Bhikkhu-stilts, she also cursed:
-Those who charm d to do servant for you guys here? Eat away!
Ton echo benefits-non-Xa fake say a, get food, and essential. When Mr. La-almost-la brought rice surges Buddha, Germany World Religion question:
-La-almost-la! Today you go to?
-Yes, to the home of her son, the White World Religion!
-She say anything to you master?
-World Religion, she yelled at the intense fucking.
She said what?
La-almost-la for the Buddha heard the story, and he asked:
-And then the master you answered?
-World Religion, Religion author doesn't answer anything.
The Bhikkhu-story stilts, chattering together:
This client-you! Noble instead of rings false Religious Residence in Germany-benefits-the echo! Although his mother yelled at Him mouthing off like that, you're not angry a bit.
The World hear Religious and he teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who does everything minus bar desire bad, he's no longer angry pitch.
He said the shelf:
(400) Don't hate, off duty,
Maintenance, no craving,
The last body, photography,
We called her-la-Mon.
18. A-La-Han Have Divine Or Not?
As the water on the leaves sen. ..
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Uppalavannà. The story is told enough details in the article glossary shelves beginning with the sentence: "stupid People think is sweet, when evil has not yet matured". Story continues:
Soon after the Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in France: "Sure you have except off, illicit or still have to sexual gratification. Why not? They're not tree leaves or soil that the Bureau also brought people with flesh and blood, so how well did your favorite pleasure ".
The World Religious stories and he explained:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who never purges again craving love sensual or sexual gratification. Like a drop of water falls on the Lotus never stick back, it rolled round and fell down, such as rapeseed never stick on top of the needle, as well as sex never bound or the United Kingdom where the matter has to take except AI infection.
He said the shelf:
(401) like water on a Lotus leaf,
Such as rapeseed, metal
People who are not infected with craving,
We called her-la-Mon.
19. The Slaves Took the burden
Who on this earth ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to a-la-Mon.
When no law allowing slave get away home on the Sangha, one day people slaves of a Ba-la-Mon to please. Y are getting into the Sangha and soon witnesses A-la-Han. The Ba-la-subject search everywhere but not met. One day the Buddha leads the A-la-Han's position on the real qifu gangui, who She-la-Mon to see in the city, and behold, the attachment of fake medicine. The Buddha back to ask:
-She-la, what is it?
-Sir, this is the conversation-Having guys my servant.
-She-la, has left the health care burden.
Listen to the Buddha said, people She-la-Mon immediately understands that he has A-la-Han. He asked again:
-Is it true no, dear Abbreviated-talks?
The Buddha confirms:
-Indeed, the burden of the people he has let down.
He said the shelf:
(402) Who himself in this life,
Feeling miserable, eradicate suffering,
Burden, freed,
We called her-la-Mon.
20. Khamà Wisdom.
The deeply intellectual ...
The World Religion teach these words when You are in the mountain Ghost Thứu, related to the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Khemà .
Day, at first minutes, King Sun God's Love leads to hear the sermon Buddha Angel Chu, Bhikkhu-stilts ni Khemà also start thinking: "we're going to visit Germany in world Religion".
She flies to the Buddha, God and the heavenly divine encounters, Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and then back out, God likes to ask the Buddha:
-Who's that, dear World Religion?
This Australian-United Kingdom, it was the Bhikkhu-stilts ni Khemà, along with the wisdom, knows where is and where is not.
He said the shelf:
(403) The profound wisdom,
Cleverly know, Africa,
The certificate of the destination reached infinity,
We called her-la-Mon.
21. Sa And Angels
Do not contact both ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're in the States, related to the fake Religious Tissa Pabbhàravàsì .
German Australian Tissa Pabbhàravàsì when receiving consulates meditation headings from the Buddha, into the Woods. Out of Germany to find a cave to discreetly. When just to hang, He found the Palm NET security, and he thought the whisper: "If here, we will achieve the ultimate goal, the complete duty of Sa-Mon". Then the God in the cave also think: "a Sa-happy leaders were subject to here, really awkward for me when sharing with people. Perhaps you just stay the night, then go somewhere else. " Spirit and he led her children left the cave.
The following day, at the village of qifu gangui. A female pilot home see You fell in and he invited to the threshold House glass donation, and pray the full donation will need in three months of settling. The fake religious thought: "thanks to this we Buddhists will achieve voluntary basis", and he received verbal. Then He returned to the old engine. See Him about to cave, God thought: "Sure anybody invited Him. Tomorrow or after tomorrow he will go ". Like, half passed, the God of frustration: "fake Religion certainly will be here during the rainy season. Total loss is hard for when sharing with Sa-always subject, which also failed to invite Him to go elsewhere. We can find your fault? " The goddess used celestial observation labels Sa's life-keeper since his time in the jungle, there is no Bhikkhu stain. "It's The absolutely pure. We will find a way to make something and have to say sorry to him. "
The goddess to the home countries of the fake Religious home, enter the smallest son, and kill it, the boy suddenly eye and phenacetin. The mother panicked scream:
-Why am I like this?
The goddess tells her:
-We have the IRIS, but don't harm anything. You just need to please the taste to this constant qifu gangui stilts-Bhikkhu carried a few medicinal plants for their drink, I will let.
-Would rather my children die, I never ask Him that.
-If not please you, please ask a Ton on my nose you placed.
-I also cannot do so.
-Okay, let's wash the feet of false Religion, and take water rảy to the top of the IRIS.
When Sun CE come as usual, she moved the food out for him and carry a brass water to wash the feet of false Religion. She does water wash rảy fake Religion please head my son, false Religion and child consent to be let.
Gods stand waiting at the mouth of the cave. Boys life is done, false Religion stands up and still not left the meditation section, He reassigned male participants return home hang, walked silently moderates three mư two things i made. New fake religion to the shelf, the goddess has to say:
-Welcome mat healers. You shalt not on here anymore.
Instant fake religion stops to ask:
-Who are you?
-I am the gods stay here.
The fake religious thought: "I have been doing a physician?" He surveyed his lifelong number-from at the start in the Sangha, saw there a Bhikkhu what stains marred, and he told the goddess:
-I never do both physician. Why do you say that?
-Thats right, never.
-I'll tell the teacher or.
-Yes, please say.
-Master remember again. Today, the teacher has rảy her son's head legs wash water lab server is to support the teacher, were ma catch?
-Yes, we have rảy the water.
-Master not found as did healers?
So, you say I do as work?
-Thats right.
The fake religious thought to myself: "indeed we did have the proper determination. I was really happy to be kept. Even the gods can't find trace of virtue, where the Bhikkhu because we strictly maintain four about purity. She just find what we rảy wash water feet up top a boy ".
With that in mind has always kept the whole purity, feeling incredibly fake joy. And then the fake Religious feelings and tame the heart a step, He privileged the fruit A-la-Han.
The goddess taught him:
-You've been unjustly offended me as a Bhikkhu-happy offense stilts purity. Let's go, don't go here anymore.
Mr Stern said the shelves: 
He lives in clean,
Happy offense does not stain the Bhikkhu.
Purity rose never yelled at,
Lick out of the forest.
False religion in back to the end of the season and then settle back to place Buddha. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts asked:
-Parent, This parent has achieved the ultimate goal, rounded the duty a Sa-keeper?
False religion tells past experience for the master heard, beginning at to hang in. The master asked:
-Parent, when the other goddess, this says you look like you got angry?
-No, I'm not angry.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha:
-World Religion, teacher Bhikkhu-this stilts lie. The teacher said when goddess master everything, not angry.
The Religious World to listen to them tell stories. He taught:
Hey, you're not on stilts-Bhikkhu terrace of wrath. Him not talking to homeless or monks, living the independent life, minimum education and student voters.
He said the shelf:
(404) does not contact either,
Renunciation and secular,
Celibacy, at least,
We called her-la-Mon.
22. Terms And Subjects She Sa
Leave thy, for being ...
The World Religion teach these words when You're at the Park, involving a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
A Bhikkhu-stilts excuses after receiving consulates meditation associated headings back into the jungle, pay attention to meditate and DAC results A-la-Han. The teacher thought to myself: "we're going to be submitted to World Religious belief of the German peace and boundless medium to achieve this". And the master left the forest, up the way back. At the time, in a village neighbor just walking, there is a woman who is arguing with her husband. When husbands away from home, she thought: "we're going home". She went out on the road, see Sa-m n, she thought: "we should go near this false Religion", and then you follow the teacher Bhikkhu-sharp heels on stilts. False religion not look beautiful to you.
Husbands come home do not see where the wife knew immediately: "Make her home" he go. See her, he thought: "You can't go through this forest alone. She went with who? " Suddenly he saw the Sa-subjects: "Make this lead teacher she's gone." He then proceeded to threaten the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, wife exclaimed:
-Sa-Mon this virtue never look look or asking, I would. Please don't insult the teacher.
 -She want to say she dropped this style here? We will give him a battle worthy of her own guilt.
In the angry hate her man, he beat the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts quinces Prince then leads her to his wife about.
Sa-keeper's body full of lizards roi when the master of the monastery, the other teacher rub people for master to Italy to see the roi and he asked. The teacher tells the story of the tail head. The master said:
-But the other parent, when he beat this parent so you have said? You have floating around?
-No, dear divine parents. I'm not angry.
The white teacher over the Buddha story and dear:
-World Religion, we asked the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts have angry no, him saying no. Him lie.
The Sejong listening to what they tell and teach:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who are smuggled in or out of instant roi sticks. Though who hit them, they also don't anger back yard.
He said the shelf:
(405) Remove the staff, for beings.
Weak or strong,
Don't kill, don't kill,

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