Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XII. Ego Products
1. Prince Bo Threads And Bird
If love ego ...
While at Bhesakalàvana, the Religion has taught the sentence on related to the Prince.
1a. The Prince, Who Built the House and Bird
Prince Bodhi built a Palace called Sen Ðỏ (Kokanađa) does not look like any of the Palace on the ground, like in nowhere.
Done he asked the builders:
-Have you ever build a palace would look like this in yet another place, or this is the first work in life you just done?
He responded first that is Hunter. Italy's Prince is like to his unique, so it is best to kill you the Hunter, or the amputation of limbs, eyes or ... He met his best friend is Sanjikàputta said. This report for I dare you not to know, because divers a gifted artisans like being killed. So when the Prince to ask Hunter has finished yet, not yet, and need to add a little wood, timber has dried out plastic, you will his detention in a separate room to focus work, no one is allowed to loitering, except your wife will bring lunch. Prince's consent.
You start Hunter chipped wood grain into birds Kim ugly birds, wide enough to Lord him and his wife. He said his wife sold off belongings, rules out with gold give you take off. And when the work is complete, he and his wife, and climb into the belly of bird, and the bird flew through the bay Windows, though the Prince gave the soldiers sealed enclosure. Uk themed to the land in Greece-Greek-paint code, create a municipality with spirit and resided there. People called him the King of Horses.
1B. The Prince Zhao Ðãi Buddha
The Prince decided to open the meeting to celebrate the day completed the Palace and is sometimes invited to world Religion. He smeared clay-walled up plastering mix with four types of scent, and carpet Cushion cover onto the floor from the doorstep. The Prince did not have children. While the buffer and carpet coverings, he silently thought that if he will be having your son or daughter, That Respect will trample the carpet. But after he and visiting Buddha three times, wealthy girl into the House, He refused to, just take the fake Religious eyes A-nan. A-nan elders understand Italy, swept the carpet up. Then the Prince bows the glass Buddha porridge and rising hard, wealthy girl finished Him sitting a desk side ladies:
-World Religion, the faithful servant of world Religion. Thread three times I found refuge where World Religion. First pregnant mother, the child is the second for the third time, when coming of age have the wisdom. Why World Religion not be boarded and carpet padding?
-Prince, what do you think when i tr to the floor with the other cloth?
-World Religion, I think if the subnet number will have your son or daughter, That Respect will go up.
-For that reason I refuse to step up.
-But the White World, affordable child's network number is never had a son, daughter?
-Thats right then, Prince.
-For whatever reason, the White World Religion?
-In before you have committed an error, not discerning.
-On time, Bach World Religion?
To answer, the Buddha tells:
Past stories
1 c. People eat birds eggs
Hundreds of shipwrecked sea. All of which in turn are all dead, except the couple clinging is a piece of plywood, pull over on a nearby island. Both the husband and the wife are too hungry and can't find something to eat while the birds on the island many of the countless, should they eat birds eggs boiled on the coal furnace. Not enough no, they always eat the little bird. They ate like from young age, at stand up to old age. All his life, not one they are.
(All The Past)
That philosophy for the Prince to see faults in reincarnations, and then taught:
-Prince, if one in three young, middle-aged, and old time of you and your wife, before light is also a son or daughter in this shit. Or at least one of the two people are smarter then this shit you already have children. The Prince, if you know the weight of your life, we have to remember to keep all three of his time in his life. If forgotten, at least one of the three.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(157) If love ego,
Needed to protect themselves.
The position of the three,
Always awake.
2. A Bhikkhu Stilts Greed
First of all put yourself ...
In the States, That Religion has taught on the question concerning the elders Upananda, a Prince of the line they like.
Elders inherent talent theory. But strangely after having listened, he nonchalantly minimum v get out of medicine by Bhikkhu-coat other stilts, to keep the offense, made for themselves, including their belongings to leave. Up the wet season to the next, he travels about the countryside. Stop at a planet, he and theory the Sa-di and the family favorites. They sometimes he stayed here during the rainy season. He asked:
-A Bhikkhu-stilts stay here during the rainy season will get life?
They answer:
-An overcoat.
Yes No elders margin, to leave the shoes and go forward to a dormitory. When invited to stay, also the old question:
-Get Life?
-Two coats.
Elders to back rod.
Sees the property Tuesday, asked: glass
-Get Life?
-Three coats.
Him to leave the water.
Sees the property Wednesday, Elf asked:
-Investors can get life?
-Four coats.
Him and he responded:
-Well done! We lived here
Then Mr. sermon for the upasaka and Bhikkhu-stilts in it, or to worship him countless people h. y Austria. Expiry of the stay, You notify the property sent Him homemade glass left. And the middlemen out of the property is completed, He loaded a car crawling up the road.
Now in a dormitory, two medium receives two stilts-Bhikkhu coat and a blanket, either do not know how to divide the right, should stop by the side of argument:
-You take the shirt away! Also my blanket.
Elders suddenly walked, they stop sailings:
-Elders, please split it properly, and give us something.
Surface stately elders asked again:
-You have to respect my decision?
-Good. So, this blanket just for the guys, two master theory each a shirt.
Sleepy face and of two other elders, stilts-Bhikkhu carry the expensive blanket onto the shoulder.
Disgust and disappointment, the them to questions of world Religion. Buddha said is not the first time he took the map of the master and make the master, in disgust before he did so.
And he tells:
Past Stories
2A. Otter And Jackals
The ancient, there are two Otter is Anutìracàrì and Gambhìracàrì catch a fish rose to, but when dividends then the embarrassing and loudly with each other:
-My fish head, fish tail he is part.
Not be divided equally and satisfactory for both, should see the ball a dog forest, they call up thanks to solve:
-Doctor, doctor, this divide this fish as your doctor find the right with the right, and your doctor will be rewarded.
Jackals, Ministry official page:
-We are the King appointed judge. We are the Court's constant court must sit hours. We're out here just to relax the feet, now we don't have time to do that.
-Oh, don't say that. Let's share and be rewarded.
-You have to respect the decision of the US?
-Yes, this doctor, we will obey.
-Well, then the two of you, who swam along the shore (Anutìracàrì) will have the tail, who swim in deep water (Gambhìracàrì) will be the head, and between mine, because he is justice.
Say, jackals and run between variables. pick up Also we just stand by Otter filled disgust and frustration.
(All The Past)
World Religion comforting two Bhikkhu-stilts, and rebuke Upananda :
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, who want to teach other people must first subduing to morally.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(158) first put yourself,
Into what,
The following new Catholic culture people,
The position from being infected.
3. be Released Ðộng as Word of mouth
Please do it yourself ...
Because elders Padhànika Tissa, that Religion teaches the sentence on at United Park.
Elders are Buddhas for meditation consistent headings, then led five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts into the jungle. First off he told them:
This client-you! Get item from the Buddha in the world and then, all must pay attention to meditation.
He finished out and sleep. Also the action throughout the Scriptures go on stilts-Bhikkhu a soup, and the middle of the night then into dormitories. No sleep eyes, elders get up go the Bhikkhu-stilts, ask them:
-Is he on here to sleep? Out of the property of essential immediately! Consistent meditation!
Finished, he left on the seat, out and sleep. The Bhikkhu-stilts across the back of business throughout the Administration justify, and to guard their property. ejaculation last Elders get up, to make them, driven out of essential and he returned to sleep. The position of elders as nostalgic reminders like that, the Bhikkhu-stilts could not focus, although the chanting or meditation, so much so that they want acceptance. Ultimately they told each other:
-Our master too enthusiastic. Let's track him see stars!
Discover the truth, they only know shaking his head said:
-Master of us overgrown rhetoric, we had loss.
Too tired because of insomnia, not a Bhikkhu-stilts would result.
Expiry in the jungle, people returned after the Buddha dear greeting, World Religion asked them:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! He has a mantra meditation consistent or not? Meditation hypnosis suite?
They can't help but tell the self. The Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first time elders do the cultivation efforts he failed. Previously he also do so.
And according to the requirements of the Bhikkhu-stilts Mr storytelling duties being Akàlaràvikukkuta :
Such was his mother father nurtured,
Don't be taught by the teacher.
Chickens don't Crow on stars are,
Right time, right now, right.
In it, the chicken was the elders Padhànika Tissa, five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts at that is the Sa-di, and the masters is famous.
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! If a person commandments tell other guys, first of all ask yourself subduing, and subduing the can subduing other guys.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(159) Please do it yourself,
As his article teaching people,
Cleverly, the thing itself,
Difficult to change, self subduing!
4. Do not Hate his parents
Health yourself just yourself ...
This Buddha in States, related to the mothers of elders Kumàra Kassapa .
4A. Kumaara Kassapa Hello In
The daughter of the Attorney General into the Treasury of the United Kingdom before coming of age who have permission monk several times, but was not. Sees her married couples age, about life as a controlling husband house party, do loyal wife. Soon she had brought, but she and her husband are not. Ms. spice, please, this is my husband, and he led her to the Sangha. She joined the Sangha Sangha in denominational Threads-she-hit.
After a while we see her pregnant Nuns should ask:
-This means?
She responded:
-Dear, you don't understand. But I know for sure is the happy offense kept clean.
They led her to a Subject-she-reach, and because fear of rebuke, he ordered deported. She successively conjure nuns:
-Attorney national Quarter! Do not ruin my life! The renunciation is not as suggested by the fake Religious Threads-she-hit. Please lead your child to world Religion in the States.
World Religion knew she was pregnant while in the world, and in response to evidence of false accusations, He summoned the King-Australian and U.s. Grant, She anonymously independent from, Bhikkhu-and the characters being-XA ear eye communication, other elders Favor-three-cups:
-You come between the four of them advocate for her man convicted.
Elders call Ms. Bhikkhu-overstayed-front residence the King assigned responsibilities. She let the curtain hang around the woman, and the visit from the hands, feet, navel, belly, to the lower part. Then count the number of computers, and on, she commented woman was pregnant while still in the world, li n notify elders. Before the quarter finals they declared Him innocent woman and a baby was born healthy, and big like she was begging the foot of Padumuttara Buddha.
The other day the King passed nuns, heard babies crying, stop asking to know about child bearing sailings is the Imperial Palace of the Princess. Originally named holidays, they put as Kassapa, as was raised in the Royal Court, so everyone called Prince Kassapa, Kumàra Kassapa .
On the playground, a few minutes, the baby there. defeat They exclaim:
-No Name father mother not hit us!
Kassapa immediately to the King asked:
-Your Majesty, it says I'm not the father not mother, who is your mother would say to me.
King just the Princess said:
-The mother of your children!
Kassapa not complain:
I don't have many parents like that, right off the only a mother, who's that?
King knows can not lie lie, should tell the truth. Kassapa immensely touched, please export right. King Huan Hy leads to meet Buddha, and about life, notes become elders Kassapa. To receive items from the café 's Religious meditation, Kassapa withdrew into the jungle. But his effort was still not certified result, should You think need to go back to the Buddha, please change headings, then to stay in the mountain Andha .
(Now a Bhikkhu-stilts from the time of Buddha-meditation and self certified Tam lettuce fruit. He is reborn on the Sun Brahma and then back to Earth, ask Kumàra Kassapa fifteen questions, with the message "no one other than That Religion can answer this question, let's go see a World Religion". Kassapa heard by, and when the question is answered, the elders testify A-la-Han).
4B. Do not Hate his parents
During the twelve years from the date of Kassapa left abandoned secular, mothers still cry most nuns tears because the suffering away from me. One day away, she saw real qifu gangui elders on their way to la and he brought up:
-My baby! My children!
She runs up to and down him, rolling down falls under the soil. Milk from flowing out chest in wet shirt when she stands up and hugging elders. Think that if said words will not help anything to her, Kassapa loudly with her:
-What do you want here? She did not give up the secular sentiments?
Chới mothers with their children, incredibly telling yourself as a pirate. She ask more: compression
-I love you, you say?
But Kassapa still just repeat the words knock due to cruel. She later understands that just because it is that she did not resist tears during twelve years. But it's too tough for her, why she hurt it? Right now, she cut off roots and child proof nabagesera results A-la-Han.
After the Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Threads-she-hit-like to take Kumàra Kassapa, who likely attended the result-proof and all nuns mother. But That Respect has sheltered them. The compassion of the Buddha for the great beings knew how!
Buddha hears sailings taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This is not the first time We're based and defended them. In previous lifetimes as well.
And Buddha storytelling Duties Being Nigrodha :
Do not according to nai turn forums
According to nai Lord that.
Would rather die stag party Princess,
Than living next to other deer.
He identified the characters as follows:
-In which the deer herd turn led a sect branch is Subject-she-hit, the deer in a derived branch is the Group of Threads-she-hit, the deer that have achieved voluntary basis as nuns, the newbie is Kumàra Kassapa, and the deer, deer God, sacrificed his life for the deer and newbie , the key is Me.
After praising nuns have cut with your child, take yourself as an stay yourself, That Religion has taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, because when a person gaining Salvation or heaven realms wing leader, then the result he could not become the property of other people, so yourself is his refuge. How a person can do for another person to be helpless?
And he read the Dhammapada:
(160) the y only yourself,
Would be the only other medicine.
Thanks to the cleverly subduing her,
Investors can hardly be just medical.
5. Maha Kàla Killed
Evil elects to do it yourself ...
Buddha on questions related to Member States at a homeless musician named Mahà Kàla was a prime result Projections.
On the eighth day of the month, Mahà Kàla himself, eight maintenance life and stay residences throughout the night elf sounded French. There are few thief after meals, khua vang home furnishings get up. They throw off of strong dispersion then took the who went on the run. A name entered the property early ejaculation, throw stuff in front of Mahà Kàla are washing the shores of the pond, and then running away. Homeowners don't see where thieves, only to see the homeless musician with exhibits, screaming in your face:
-Fall he stormed into the home I stole there permanently! You do like the French have sounded throughout the night!
He did not let the word would have been to pull over to death. They remove the body on the road and then go away.
In the early morning the Bhikkhu-stilts and Sa-di hug comments left the property of water, then go get the glass discovered the corpses of renunciation. They came to unstop World Religion:
-Renunciation has stayed all night to listen to France and died like carpet, it's the opposite of you!
The Buddha said:
-The Result of this case, the Bhikkhu-stilts! The death of Mahà Kàla not justifiable if only damn this current review. But compared with the evil industry caused in before then not does seem a whitewash.
And he tells:
Past stories
5a. The soldier And Wife Showers
Far away in a coastal village in the border of the King's Three-dollar complaint, a tape of the theft often ambush road and guests at the entrance to the forest. The King must handle a soldier there, and the time the soldiers will escort you into the forest and then back out.
The other day the couple into the Woods on small cars. The soldier saw she his wife too pretty should reach the love. When they got to escort the soldier said it was too late, have to wait for tomorrow morning. This season because the Sun's customers insist should be good to go now, but most soldiers do not suffer. He let aides turned the car though solo protest. The guest must stay in the House of the soldier.
Breaking dawn do sound like soldier steals into the House. Soon after the British Assistant to report your precious jewel theft. He rushed ordered gatekeeper villages examine people. Early win the car out, exploited and being caught the jewel hidden in the car, the jewel by the soldier sneaks up on the vehicle to slander. They yelled at you fucking don't regret lyrics and donate an additional battle should blow himself, finishing led to Blazon. Solo, was caned, being thrown away.
Such is the job of the artist before. General network he was fallen to hell A-Bhikkhu, polar bear image suffering so long, but you still should end the reported evil beaten like a row of a hundred lifetimes.
(All The Past)
What Religion teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! This only beings violates the new evil tormented brain gauge in four.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(161) the evil elects to do it yourself,
His birth his self created,
Crushing fools si,
As the Emerald diamond treasure.
6. the Threads She Hit almost all seek to kill Buddha
Break the world too seriously ...
What Religion was taught in Lisa, related Threads-she-hit.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Chu, Threads-she-reached-multiple episodes of toxic gas, bad evil personality, like too brutal. Just as malevolent as so Ivy leaned to the grace of A-SOAP-like, much sacrifice tribute for him, incited him to kill his father, and then the same plot to kill Buddha.
World Religion hear sailings:
-This is not the first time, in before he did.
Then He tells the story of Kurùga Miga and other stories in his duty being, done to teach:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! When a person put his evil count wins the surf every boundaries, to give to the evil bad bouncing delivery from the evil names, like vines clinging around the tree Sa-la, will eventually make the tree withered dies, that person will be in hell or a brain gauge worlds.
And reading the Dhammapada:
(162) broke the world too seriously,
As vines clinging to the tree,
Sow harmful to themselves,
As the enemy desires.
7. Subject-She-Hit-Most Divisive in the Rising Communists bolster ties
Easy to do evil ...
This Buddha's teachings in sentence Structure, due to the talk Threads-she-hit.
False religion A-nan one day the white Buddha:
-World Religion, this morning on the way to the United Kingdom real qifu gangui. Property Threads-she-hit-me that "from now on, counsel filed A-nan, I'll son and operating the work of Increasing them, independent of the Sangha and world Religion". Today y'll split the Sangha in two, himself son and operating the work of Increasing them.
Hear what Religion read shelf:
There is a friendly easy to do
For gentle friendly people
The evil kham
What do Phuoc Thien
The procedure is easy to do evil
For the evil database
Guy never cam
Do evil hands down.
Then He said:
-A-nan! One easy to do evil, hard to do.
And read the Dhammapada:
(163) easy to do evil,
Easy to do yourself,
Also the blessing, the good,
The ultimate truth is hard to do.
8. Locate Bhikkhu Stilts Ðố cavalry charge
Fools si pejorative.
Do what the elders Kàla, Buddha taught the sentence on at United Park.
In the Dormitory-often women have a guard to help elders Kàla with the kindness of mothers for the children. After listening to the sermon Buddha lauded truth is, it was like magic, from the mouth of a neighboring family, she told the elders also want to go hear. But he prevented. The reason is easy to understand, because he was afraid to hear the Buddha novel and then she won't need you anymore. But a light Frost glass finish, she eight world and then go to the essential, don't forget to tell your daughter the best care for elders.
Hearing the news that she was gone, the fire phựt pitch up violently, burning all the mind can he. Don't forget the thought she had severed with himself, he goes straight to the essential, to see her sitting in front of the Buddha, he successively gentlemen:
-World Religion! Stupid people can not understand a French post deep magic. Should just lecture she donation and alms duty position.
But Suen knows motivating him, should:
-Do not be cocky! Because evil comments, he has defamed the Dhamma of the Buddha, but like his client only damaging themselves.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(164) fools si pejorative,
Dhamma tier La-Chinese,
Holy steps, steps the Chief Justice network.
This Ant by evil,
As the result type of cane,
Bring septic removal results.
9. Gangsta Girl Saving A Homeless Musician
Do it yourself evil ...
Because Culla Kàla, Buddha questions on at United Park.
Also in the story of Mahà Kàla, then the Culla Kàla also stay all night listening to France, and was also arrested for the package map thief had to dump the front. They also grabbed upasaka planning, but few girls take a bath luxury Lake the river saw the world, confirm this renunciation not retrieved and please spare him. Culla Kàla release, and he brought to the property to the storytelling Elf Bhikkhu-stilts. This gentlemen tell Buddhist to hear, and to be Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Upasaka Culla Kàla was saved thanks to both sides, the intervention of the gypsy girl and he is innocent. Beings in this world due to industrial evil cause, himself suffered brain gauge in hell or other facility start dial worlds. But people do charity, the Salvation himself, was up realms of heaven or nirvana.
And he read the Dhammapada:
(165) the evil, do it yourself,
Do it yourself pollution.
Evil not to do it yourself,
Do it yourself pure.
NET, net, not herself,
Nobody purity.
10. Practice Foot Chief To Dignified World Religion
How many people favor oil ...
Buddha taught the sentence on in States, involving elders Attadattha .
About to enter Nirvana, the Buddha told his disciples:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the four months We will enter Nirvana.
Seven hundred Bhikkhu-stilts have not proven effects, terribly emotional, don't leave That Religion, and whispered to each other not knowing what to do. But the elders Attadattha then told myself that his removal entry coming Buddha and yet craving, so must strive hard to show results A-la-Han while Buddha is also in the world. The Bhikkhu-stilts surprised elders separated them, almost didn't speak to them anymore. They do not understand why questions of world Religion. He asked again, elders know the prayer Department so lauded him and teach the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Who would honestly to me as master Attadattha . Actually We are not dignified with floral feasts. Only the operator maintained according to France from low level to high level for it is dignified. Therefore he should imitate the elder Attadattha .
And he read the Dhammapada:
(166) the Oil how much,
Shalt not forget the part himself.
Thanks to win positions,

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