Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XVII. Anger Products
1. Anger Devastated Dung Nhan
Remove the outrage, ly ...
This story is told when the Buddha in the forest at Banyan, related to Rohinì, teenager Suicide-benefit.
1a. The girl Gets Facial Ðỏ Acne
A life of false Religion, A-nậu-long-the momentum back into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la-guard with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts. Royal family they like hearing the news are essential, except she welcomes Amnesty Rohinì. False religion question:
- Rohinì where?
-Mr. Suen, also at home.
-Why not?
-Mr. Suen, Duchess gets pimples boils filled with people, should be ashamed when going out.
-Call Rohinì to the right.
Rohinì known, face under a layer of fabric and go to. When she arrived, the fake Religious question:
-Why don't you come before?
-Dear fake Religion are pimples on the face, should be ashamed not to dare to go where.
-Why not work in Germany?
-Mr. Ton, can I do?
-Construction of a lecture.
-How many expensive things?
-You have a set of jewelry?
-Ladies, you have.
-How much is worth?
-About ten thousand.
-Well, get more details used in the construction.
-Who will construction for children?
The fake religious Prince is standing near and said:
-This is my duty.
-But, also, he would Respect transparency do?
-I am here, the offer of materials of construction to Rohinì .
-Yes, Sir.
And they brought the material to the false Religion, launched projects of construction, Rohinì :
-Go to the construction of a two-story building, and when done on the floor, she stood downstairs cleaning up scanned clean, food preparation and pouring of water filled the jar.
-Yes, Sir.
Rohinì obedient, she sold the entire jewelry to cash in construction. When the top floor just done, she personally cleared to catch Chu Bhikkhu-stilts, upon which the man boils diving.
When the building was finished, she invited monks are leading to Buddha sitting full House. She selected the whole food, cosy surges of hard and soft. Boys life, the Buddha asked:
-One donation today?
-Ladies, she Rohinì, his brother, the White World Religion.
-Call here.
She didn't want to come out, but the Buddha still to call again. When Rohinì to the Buddhist ceremony and wealthy girl, sitting, Buddha asked:
- Rohinì, why don't you come before?
-World Religion, children with pimples boils all over who should be ashamed not to dare to go.
-Do you know the cause would cause pimples spread full of people?
-No, Sir.
-Because pleasing anger triggers.
-Why have you done so?
-Listen here!
The Buddha tells the story:
1B. Queen Jealousy with female Dancers
During the past, there was a Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Three-dollar complaint mind being jealousy with a dancer of the Royal family, she thought: "we're going to make it miserable". She get plenty adept you Scabies has dried, crushed into powder and to call her dancing girls to her place, secret wrong people sprinkle the powder on the bed, Chair and towel scabies her coat. Then do the joke, she unleashed a little flour onto her. Immediately the girl floating pimples all over yourself, it sores look disgusting, she walked across the structure. When about lying on the bed, step-back powder on the skin, painful to her. Queen is Rohinì today.
The Buddha tells the complete story of the past, He taught:
- Rohinì, which is the bad seed that she has sown. Instigation or he hates how much less, however, nor is the primary thing.
He said the shelf:
(221) remove the outrage, cups,
Pass any unlawful use,
Don't accept before mailing,
Not according to the gauge, infinitely.
Listen to complete, many of them hearing evidence and preliminary results, the second result, Tam. Rohinì also Record results. Right now her body become blond.
Heavenly Beautiful Women. 1 c Cloudy
Rohinì after the General network, reborn up thirty-three heavens realms right at the intersection of the boundaries of the four God.
That beautiful girl after seeing her, all four solar unit files together:
-You belong to my boundaries.
-You reborn in our range.
They pulled together to God Like thanks to arbitration:
-The server! We debated about this female bias, please decide here.
Just saw Rohinì, God's Love is also wanted. He asked:
-When you see her, the feeling of him?
The first flavor says:
-Heart beats reverberate as drum adoration.
The second unit says:
-My idea of wide-eyed as the waterfall flows.
The third unit says:
-Just saw her eyes I want to explode.
The fourth unit says:
-Heart Hon openings as the flag fly.
God's love to the conclusion:
The most fun time, and I'm without her I would die.
Oh heavenly home! What you need is to die for!
They awarded her for God's Love and retreated. From the time she was God's Love, she wanted to walk the recitals where God would Like direct sailings.
2. Shou God V Teacher Bhikkhu Stilts
One block was outrage.
This story is told when Germany World Religion in essential Aggàlava property related to a Bhikkhu-stilts.
After the Buddha allowed the Bhikkhu-stilts live off-campus, the Head Elf into the United Kingdom for the store busy Dormitory master. A Bhikkhu-stilts in Alavi wanted to take off his own Interior, I feel a proper trunk, and he began to take down. On the trees, there is a female spirit life, she holding his little child, appears before the master beg:
-Sir, please don't break the House, you will have to roam no shelter with wild child.
-I can't find any other trees like the tree.
The master did not heed the pleas of the goddess. She thought silently: "If I feel the ta will stop. She then put the baby up tree branches. However, hieratic Bhikkhu-stilts were brandishing axes with the momentum is too strong, tight baby hands. Angry goddess reaching certain hands turn dead teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, but within moments she thought to myself: "this is a superlative stilts-Bhikkhu gentler, if we kill the teacher, we will fall down in hell. Moreover, if the spirit trees see the Sa-wood cutting their trees, subjects will tell each other: "A spirit tree killed Sa-Mon in cases like..", they will follow him to kill the Sa-Mon. The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts are master, I will talk to my duties as a Professor of arts master ".
She hands down, walked to cry to the Buddha, and wealthy girl stood aside. The Buddha asked:
-What is the life, spirit?
-World Religion, disciples, like. I've been trying to kill him, but think again and come here.
She narrates the story for the Buddha heard, Buddha:
-Heal instead! Heal instead! You have to behave very well when suppress anger as WINS railcar.
He said the shelf:
(222) the Ai block is enraged,
As the car stops are rolling,
We call the person who hit the car,
Others, downright contingency.
Listen, Goddess of fruit, the Profile credentials they also benefit.
But then, the goddess stands crying. The Buddha asked:
-What's that?
-World Religion, House of the breaks, I have to do now?
-Stop misery, we will give an accommodation.
He pointed to a tree near the townships of Him at United, and the goddess in her gift trees because of Such Hybrids, so although the gods would have tremendous power to also be unshakable. Multiply this, Buddha ordered the Bhikkhu-stilts holding the world "not to be tight felling of trees".
3. The poor and her daughter
Retrieved not angry angry WINS ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in life after Lisa son at home Uttarà, related to the American renunciation Uttarà .
3A. Punna enacted by The Public
In the United Kingdom, have a poor name Punna living renting fake Chief Sumana. Punna has a wife and a daughter named Uttara, are all slaves of Head fake.
Day, the order spread into Dormitories of seven minutes Festival. The morning ceremony, Chief author Sumana see Punna to, and he asked:
-The people who do the hiring for the holidays, and you're all on holiday or do?
-My Lord, leave only for the rich. The part I am not enough food for tomorrow, I leave nothing. I will pimp cow go plowing.
-Well, come on, plowing away!
Punna getting a pair of healthy cows and take the plow, tells his wife:
-Sir, people in the city, but his poor home holidays so I still have to go to work, I take two pieces of rice today for me.
And Punna out.
, False Religious Dormitory-benefits-the echo after the import plan seven days, thought: "today, I will bless." Noticed Punna with false Religion, asking: "Does he have enough faith and consecration to our worship?" The next observation see Punna credit into worship and enjoy the wedding, the number of large fortune, false Religion, bringing medical relief bowls go to Punna fields are ploughed, stop across the street and looked intently in a Bush. Punna found Religion, quit plowing to wealthy girl in ceremony, in land, and told myself: "Make False Religious need toothpicks". He brought the toothpick to show respect. False religion given this history of water and custard to Punna. "Make False Religious need water," Punna think so take this comb, comb the country filled the bowl and given the Honor. The fake religious thought: "this person in the House after all, if I go to the door his wife won't see. We will wait for the right moment, she brought out rice for my husband ".
False religion stand waiting for a moment when he saw his wife Punna started out to the road, He stepped up to. The wife saw the false Religion, thought to myself: "once we get the food didn't meet, other times to meet Him, we leave nothing to worship. Today we just met you have food. He has blessed me? ". She put down the food basket, false Religious ceremony in wealthy girl in land and Bach:
-Dear fake Religion, don't think that good food or bad, please bless my guys to me.
False religion brought the average bowl of out, Ms. rice into bowls, sớt be half, false Religion said: "enough values!" And he retrieved the hands cover the bowl. Dear wife:
-False Religion! A portion could not split into two. Please bless my this life and the hereafter. I want to worship You all seem to be.
Mrs. sớt rice into the bowl with the fake Religious wishes:
-Please be in France that he was testifying.
-You will be like.
False religion reading sentences, helpfulness and shelves to sit down in a cool place, clean, tho. Farm wife wife on home cooking.
Punna have plowed half acres, hungry too quit plowing down a tree to watch the road. When his wife brought rice to see her husband, sitting, she thinks looks: "he suffered intense hunger waiting for him, he will charge late, take the sticks, makes we just did not have the results, the genus is said by before". And she exclaimed:
-Sir, be patient a little bit and do not lose most of the work I do. In the early morning I brought rice for his Religious Property-benefits-fake encounter the ECHO and made off, about cooking rice should take a while. Make yourself happy?
-You say?
After listening to the finished second, Punna told his wife:
-Has worked well when the rice for the fake Religious consecration. I also brought a toothpick and mouthwash to give false Religion today.
With fears that excited to hear his wife tell stories, tired because of fasting from early in the morning, Punna pillow and sleeping wife feet up. Now, all land was ploughed up from morning were turned into gold, sparkling like the United Kanikàra. Punna wake, looking obviously told his wife:
-I look at the view, it looks like the ground turn into gold! Or was I lost the eye for lunch go far?
-I also see so.
Punna stand up, step down paddy fields to collect a land grab, rolling plow smashing try and see it is gold. He called for:
-Oh! We Respect Property-fake donation benefits-echo and right message today. But we can't seal off possible gold to spend.
So he took the basket of gold filled wife brought to the Palace of the King, my Lord:
-My Lord, United Kingdom, Australian land today I plough all turned into gold. Gold number he must enter the repository?
What name did you?
-What did you do today?
-Earlier today I rise to honor Property-benefits-the echo water imitation and toothpicks, my wife my rice portion surrendering to him.
 The King explains:
-That is the fruit blessed by the donation. What do we do here?
-Please bring a few thousand cars to carry the gold.
When the King's men picked up the gold, they said:
-This is the property of the King.
Gold in the hand they successively turned into soil. They returned to my Lord the King. The King asked:
-What do you say when picked up gold?
-We say it is the property of the United Kingdom.
-Who is he? Let's go and say that this is the property of Punna, then picked up the gold.
They do as the King of land immediately in hand, they turn into gold. They carry most of this gold to the Palace, and the pile of eighty cubit high.
Great for the townspeople to come and ask:
-Anyone in the gold like this?
-My Lord, no.
-We should donate something for him?
-Please give a treasure North 73 mph.
-Let's call him out of Phu Gia Chief, Jia Bahudhana .
-Australian United Kingdom, I live thanks to home users, please give me a place to stay.
The King of the lands only a fake Head before, says:
-Look, there's about lush and he let's clean up, take off the housing.
Punna store the finished House, held inauguration, increased throughout the seven boys today donation. The Buddha sermon for him, after France both Punna, his wife and her daughter Uttarà are evidence of effects.
Time later, Chief United Kingdom into Dormitories to ask Uttarà for his son, Punna refused, head fake Property: United Kingdom
-Do not do this, we are neighbors, he's wealthy and high status. Let's marry it for my son.
-His son according to the layman. My daughter Tam news. I do not marry.
Many prestigious buildings, funky, functional authority has advised Punna don't lose friendship of Head fake. Finally, Punna accepted the invitation, on the full moon day of the month Asalhi, married Uttarà .
3B. Uttarà And Sirimà
From the home her husband Uttarà do not have a chance to meet Jesus Bhikkhu-Sangha on stilts, or donation, or listen to France. Two and a half months passed, she asked the most.
-Winter season settling?
-Dear Lady, half a month away.
Uttarà the message about her father: "why confine child in a House like that? Guest yanked the child is rather than marry the son for a family like that. From here, I don't see a Sa-band, has no occasion to do a little merit ".
Her father was upset, saying:
-Oh! Her misfortune too!
He sent for her fifteen thousand accompanied a message: "in the name of female skills she has Sirimà, a night of a thousand. With this money, I take her to my husband, to my children. And you will have time to do the blessed ".
Uttarà call Sirimà to, for money, suggest doing with her husband. The husband of Uttarà also enchanted beauty of Sirimà should agree, to Uttarà freedom of donation and listen to France.
Uttarà sometimes the monks and Buddha:
-World Religion, start today-life son at home, please.
Enacted by the Buddha accepted the invitation, her happy thought silently: "from tomorrow onwards until the day Itself, we are most occasions down the four Buddha and listening." And she said the kitchen food preparation needed: "Let's Cook this dish, please do this cake".
One day, on the day before the four Self, husband Uttarà standing in his room window looking into the kitchen, think silently:
-This crazy wife is doing that?
To see Uttarà go forth, I promised myself soaked with sweat, excess ash filled the air sticky. y whispered: "A, in a place as his home that she does not love, comfort, just like cooking, cosy dear monks bare head", y laughed away turn. Sirimà standing nearby saw so, wondering: "did he see anyone laugh?". Look through the window to see the Uttarà, Sirimà jealous "Just because she only, between them still very idyllic" (Though Sirimà lives, half of her house like a floodlight for the eye, almost gaudy splendor, she forget her just as she believes she is the woman that most servers).
Sirimà feel the hate Uttarà want to make her miserable pain. She ran down the stairs, went into the kitchen, to the cake pan, scoop a tablespoon of butter are boiling towards Uttarà. Uttarà see you go to but still says:
-You helped me a lot. This may narrow the Earth, the Sun Breaking can accept, but her great kindness. Thanks to her, I was free to donation and listen to France, if I get angry with her, I will be burning. If not, it does not harm me.
Say like, and Uttarà loving heart towards the direction the opponent. When Sirimà mustard spoon butter are boiling up her head, say like cold water. Sirimà fetch always second spoon.
The home of Lady Uttarà sees it, exclaim:
-Get out! Sweat the idiot! You are right that what butter to top hosts.
They are beaten back, and though an egypian Emily stones, buckets of Sirimà to the ground. Uttarà try to dissuade that do not be. She stands sure before Sirimà, pushing his staff, asking Sirimà :
-Why are you violent action?
Her help Sirimà get up, wash with hot water, oil type you DAB for. At the time, Sirimà is the only memory she meets the new most, "is actually a vulgar action when we pour hot butter her up early just because her husband laughs with her. And you, instead ordered the servants to tie her, pulling back to chase them away when they beat us, and then the best of care. If we're not sorry her, first I will hot do seven piece ". Sirimà kneeling at the foot of Uttarà says:
-Madam, please forgive me.
Uttarà reply:
 -I was the son of my father, if the father I forgive her, I will forgive.
-Heal instead, wife. I will apologize to her father, head fake Punna .
- Punna is the father of my world. If the father of world export I forgive her, I will forgive.
-But who is the father of her worldly appearances?
-Is the Buddha, Enlightened level Loads.
-I dare not believe in Buddha's life.
-I will do for her. The Buddha will come here tomorrow with Chu Bhikkhu-stilts, prepare map donation and here please repent.
-Sir, Madam.
Sirimà back home, the five hundred female Bhikkhu prepared according to her. Her shop variety of delicious food, the next day brought home Uttarà. Dare not put the product into the bowl of the donation figures and Buddhist monks, she stood waiting. Uttarà of them then return and suspected insurgent. The life of Buddha, the son of Sirimà and women kneeling at the foot of the Buddha Bhikkhu group, He asked:
-You did what?
-You, yesterday you did like.. But this friend has prevented his workers not to hit you. She was so good so please forgive, she says if That Religion-forgiveness, you will forgive.
- Uttarà, Yes?
-Sir, of the White World Religion!
Uttarà what pleased him she thought about Sirimà, at the time, praised the Buddha:
-Heal instead! Heal instead! Uttarà! Such is the correct way to quell anger. Compassion can wipe out hatred. Do not swear to fucking yelling at, yelled at taking alms win San join date, use real language WINS hope language.
He said the shelf:
(223) Retrieved not angry angry WINS,
Get friendly win real friendly,
Take lab WINS San took part,
Retrieved chon Tam win spoiled Wei.
4. The Small Friendly Putting Sees Heaven
Telling the truth, not outrage.
This story is told when the Buddha in the States, involving fake Australian Religious Items-contact.
One day, the fake Religious Items-strolling place, see a huge force which are standing in front of his palace. Welcome to fake Religion's Angels, false Religious question:
-Angel, he is big, he did something that was like?
-Oh! Angelica Sir, please don't ask me. (the Sun is only making a minor philanthropist, should shame does not like to say).
False religion just ask again, asking for a final hearing, said Angel says:
-Mr. Suen, I never heard or reverence, donation of France. I'm just telling the truth.
Show respect to other palaces, ask a few other female bias. They tried to hide his work done but not through false Religion, a person says:
-Mr. speaker, I am not Religious alms or work on religion, but at the time of Buddha, Ca-my lettuce is the servant of a cruel boss. He just got beat up. But when thought anger surfaced I comforted themselves that: "he is home alone, can his custody, or his nose, luck or the luck anywhere. Do not anger ". As such, I do appeased her crush, only that, I was blessed.
Other people say:
-Mr. Ton, when I'm watching rice sugarcane, I worship a cane for a Sa-Mon.
-I worship a timbaràsaka .
-A elàluka.
-A phàrusaka .
-I worship a handful of turnips.
All were concluded: "in this way we achieve results the blessed".
False religion back to the white Buddha:
 -World Religion, there are people who are being the Sun just because said truth, or overpower the wrath, or alms a handful of beans etc.?
-Why do you ask me that? All Angels have not clearly mention him?
-Sir, I believe that only a few small thing like the heavenly beings well enough.
-This category-contact, only with real words, with only the tame the anger, or donate a small gift, people are being natural.
He said the shelf:
(224) the truth, not outrage,
Of the little people, please,
Thanks to three things this wholesome,
People close to heaven.
5. La Buddha As The on-arrival reception
Gentle innocuous ranks who ...
This story is told when the Buddha in Anjanavana near Sàketa, related to the question of Chu Bhikkhu-stilts.
One day, the Buddha along monks go into Sàketa qifu mumo, a-la-Mon in the Decade of the Force who are seeing i to the port city, he knelt to hug the foot Buddha exclaimed:
-My dear! His duty is to take care of children the parents at old age, why I not see you? This is the first time my father met, go to visit my mother.
Buddhist follower, said he brought the Buddhist home, sit on the seat arrangement available, with monks. The wife who She-la-Mon to meet Buddha, sowing the foot He says:
-Baby! Long son? No one will take care of your parents when old age.
She called for her son, daughter and the Buddha offered says:
-Let's go say hello to you.
Rejoice rejoice, the She-la-keeper and his wife worship seems to feed the Buddha and the Sangha, the petition;
-World Religion, take a lifetime here boys life.
The Buddha answered:
-Lettered Buddhist life never son in a fixed place.
-Like, please let us know who would invite tho.
From there, the Buddha told people to sometimes Him tho son that: "Please tell Her-la-Mon". And they came to talk to him:
-Tomorrow we sometimes life Buddha boy.
The Ba-la-keeper will bring rice soup from his home to have Buddha. When no one invited, in his Buddha. Both spouses often donation Buddha and listened to the French, by the time all three kingdoms syndrome results.
The Bhikkhu-stilts chattering in the path:
-Chu Hien, who She-la-Mon knows for sure that father Germany As Lai King, and he is the mother Sanskrit Translational empress Ma-da. Despite this, both grandparents are known As Lai is "our children", and the Ph t accept entrance address. What's this?
The Buddha heard this, He taught:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the couple She-la-Mon has me as the Italians when they call me.
He talks about the past:
-Time of the past, She-la-my father's subjects in the five hundred, the uncle of the five hundred, five hundred of my grandfather, my mother's wife of five hundred, five hundred of my aunt, my grandmother in a hundred lifetimes. I was raised through a thousand five hundred party fuck husband and one thousand five hundred party fuck his wife.
To explain the three thousand are descendants of their lifetime, the Buddha said the shelves:
When the idea of rejoice,
And hearts to trust,
We can believe in,
Who first met.
Through the contact too, now,
Love starting up,
As sen jutting above the water.
Three months in Sàketa, the Buddha often frequented Her House-la-to-life subjects son, after three months, their results A-la-Han and enter Nirvana. Everyone expressed their remains respected, put up the tree to a pallet and truss. Hearing the news that they have is That their father and mother German, people follow the funeral. The Buddha came to a lecture near where cremated, wait here. People came to the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl said:
-World Religion, please don't be sad because the song death.
They seek to pacify Him. Instead his rebuke they don't say so, Germany World Religion Center observations of people and said the French article corresponding to this special case, reader Jarà as follows:
Living truth.
A hundred years ago,
People had to die.
Although one has to live long
Gone old.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, unaware that Her people-la-keeper and his wife entered Nirvana, the Buddha asked:
-World Religion, they will be reborn where?
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the case of the A-la-Chinese Holy as they have no life. They have reached Out Nirvana, eternal, immortal realms.
He said the Dhammapada:
(225) degrees of Sage does not harm anyone,
The stem is usually tame,
Hit the background, immortal,
Here, no sense of priorities.
6. is the Person Making the gift Gift?
People often feeling the ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion at Mt. Thứu, Flexible in regard to Punna, the servant girl's Head into the United Kingdom.
One day, Punna is pounding the rice very much from the morning to the blackened burn the lights do not work out well. Finally, she stepped out for a moment, his body drenched in sweat. The time spirit Dabba the Malla has the task of giving Bhikkhu-stilts of Chu. After the hearing, he used the French spirit of pine do finger lights up like a lamp and go before leading the way, the Bhikkhu-stilts followed.
The light causes Punna attention to the Sa-keeper are going on the mountain. She thought silently: "as in set should now not yet asleep. Also the Bhikkhu-stilts revered over there, why don't you sleep? " And she came to the conclusion: "for sure had the teacher ill or bitten?".
Early the next morning, Punna took a little thank you, stuffed with cold water, snowman cake and roasted. After baking is completed, she brought the cake, drinking water, comes out of the river bathing, intend to eat cake on the way. At the time, the Buddha also goes on the road, in the village to qifu gangui. Punna saw him, thought: "there's some day meet Buddha, I have nothing to donation, or have food does not meet Buddha. Today met Buddha is available at his bakery. If You didn't notice, his peanut cake will donation to him ". And she put water down the side of the road, greet the Buddha and ladies:
-World Religion, please return to this simplicity and bless the child.
Buddha look to A-nan, false Religious ruling the bowl which is the gift of a great United Kingdom, awarded to the Buddha Buddha Bowl and put the cake receipt. thank you. Punna Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, year in land and Bach:
-World Religion, please tell the truth You witness, I was partaking.
-You will be so.
And standing on the spot, said Phuc wishes to honor. But Punna still thinking: "Although the World Respect him when he got to bless the cake but make Him not eat. Make sure You take a break and then thrown to the Raven, for dogs. And then He comes home a Prince or Emperor Unit United Kingdom, aware eating terrace ".
The Buddha knew Punna think should He look A-nan, to shed accents like to sit. The fake religious experience is located, the Buddha sat down outside the city gates and scones. Celestial heavens and he lettered pour honey (food suitable for both Sun and the people throughout the realms of water) into a dry cake 's hard Punna. Punnà stand Him real life. When finished eating, A Religious World-nan surges of water. At the end of this breakfast, the Respect his rebuke Punnà :
Hey Punna, why the disciples libel?
-World Religion, I'm not.
-So what do you say when you see them?
-World Religion, I think simply that: "Children forced to work should not go to sleep, and the Sa-subjects revered there why not sleep? Can some ill or snake bites details here? "
What Religion is complete, the listening teaching of Punnà :
Hey Punnà, you're miserable because no case was asleep. But the disciples We always woke should not sleep.
He said the shelf:
(226) the sense of common people,
Day and night schools, overhaul due diligence
Dedicated towards Nirvana,
Any pirated or target.
Listen, Punnà , assemblies Profile credentials sailings also benefitted.
World Religion on to the essential, the Bhikkhu-stilts about earlier as follows:
-Chu, who Like Sage Ton was very hard to swallow breakfast pie with of Punnà made of flour, bran and water by coal.
That Honor comes near, asked the master:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he gathered here to talk about?
When you hear says:
Hey, this is not on stilts-Bhikkhu is the Food We like, this incident also happened during the past.
He said the shelf:
-Excess Grass you usually eat,
Stunned you plate of oatmeal drink
Feed him days ago
Why you're eating?
-Properly watched came from,
Sir stunned sheet fed porridge.
And you, stud horse race
Sir, you all know, the other porridge didn't crave.
(Excerpt of the predecessor series)
And he recounted the story of the precursor Kundakasimdhavapotaka .
7. Nothing too much, too little.
A-tu-la should know ...
This story happened when the Buddha in at the Park, contact the South homeless musician Warrior plays .
Warrior plays (Tu-back) is a friendly credit live in Dormitories-protection, and there is a group of five hundred Buddhist. One day he flicked all five hundred people went to the property to France heard glass. First they came to Respect party-her fake-multi (Revata), wealthy girl glass holiday bows and sit aside. False religion is your favorite poison people homeless, love alone as a lion's favorite lonely, so He didn't say anything to them.
Tu-think whisper: "fake Religion said energy spent". The group got up to go to the fake Religious Dormitory-benefits-the ECHO, the goggles and the side stand. False religion question:
-You came to me what happened?
Tu-back ladies:
-White Corrugated imitation, I take you to go to France and met him-Mrs. But He didn't say anything, so the discontent and come here. Please show respect for our hypothesis.
-Good. You sit down.
And Property-benefits-pseudo echo explains A-Bhikkhu-colon talks Jiang Hai dynasty.
Tu-think whisper: "A-Bhikkhu-very confusing conversation, the fake Religious teaching's solution only for me too long, it didn't survive?" And he's frustrating lead them you go to spot fake Religion A-nan. False religion question: -what that renunciation?
Tu-back ladies:
-Mr. Ton, we come to You-you-look forward to hearing from France. False religion not saying a Word. Us to spot the fake Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO, and he teaches too much about A-Bhikkhu-talks with all detailed. We don't understand anything and upset religious affiliation, should come here. Please show respect for our hypothesis.
-Well, let's sit down and listen.
The false religion of the French speaking for them, brief and easy to understand. But they are also angry, leave and go to World Religion and ceremony, wealthy girl sitting back on one side. The Buddha asked:
-Why you're here?
-World Religion, we listen to France.
-But he has heard.
-World Religion, Religion-fake-she didn't say a Word, false Religious Dormitory-benefits-the echo too much teaching, Religion author A-nan says too short, we're not happy here.
Buddha hears is finished and his rebuke:
-Tu-back, from ancient to present, people always decry. People do not speak, who said many, who say little is hell, nobody fully compliment, nor who was cooking. Even the Soles United Kingdom also praise the guys cooking. Even the great location, the Sun, the Moon, even a Buddha, sits between the four of them that sermon also had people compliment guys cooking. Compliment your stupid as hell doesn't matter. But when people cultivated, intelligent opinion that's cooking.
He said the shelf:
(227) A-tu-la should know,
So old, so now,
Sitting, getting people cooking,
Said many people, cooking,
Say just be cooking,
Do people not get cooking
It's hard to find in life.
(228) of old, the future and the present,
You see this event,
People are cooking,
The full compliment.
(229) glow, jurors observe,
Ranks have the exclamation, canopy locations
Ranks do not stain, Bhikkhu
Be filled enough,, wisdom.
(230) the shining like gold,
Who would dare taste cooking?
Thien Chu are rewarded,
Brahma also lauded.
8. Green Pants Bhikkhu Stilts
Keep the stems don't outrage ...
This story happened when the Ton in at Lisa, concerning the continental pants Bhikkhu-stilts.
Day, the continental Group on stilts carrying wooden clogs-Bhikkhu pants, two hand-held sticks khua, boning goes up comes down beams, beams on a stone slab. Hear the bốp tires new, Buddha asked Him A-nan:
-A-nan! What was that?
False religion dear:
-World Religion, green trousers and Bhikkhu-stilts carrying clogs, go forth, should cause.
Listen, the Buddha teaches:
-A Bhikkhu-stilts must control the thoughts, words, and actions.
He said the shelf:
(231) Keep the fuselage, do not outrage,
Protection, manual protection,
From body to do evil,
With the fuselage, make fresh almond.
(232), don't keep his outrage,
The room lyrics, cleverly protects
Abandon evil crude lyrics,
With words, said.
(233) Keep Italy do not outrage,
The room, smart protection,
Abandon evil thoughts,
With Italy, think fresh almond.
(234) Steps position protecting,
Protect always say,
Protect both the mind,

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