Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XV. Happiness Products
1. The dispute between the two Neighbours Affair
Have fun instead, we live ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion is dwell near kinship Like-ca, related to the termination of the dispute between the neighboring tribes.
Residents in the Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection and populated into the sentence-benefit (Koliya) has a river. Rohinì River originates from a dam between the two cities, and provide water for the two fields on both sides. On March Jetthamùla, rice started, farmers, meeting the two sides into Question-benefits says:
-If the water of the river divided the two sides won't be enough rice, we need the country to nine. Let's make room for us.
The Love-ca reply:
-After you have produced a full plan, we just left the country starved and your bag go begging. Our rice also need water to nine. Now let us take water.
-No, we do not let you take water.
-Good riddance! We never ceded the country to the British.
The dispute became even, to the other party at this party punch a punching, punching the other side return and so has hatred. The controversy over when the party double climax start talking bad about each other's source.
Farmers into Gardeners-benefits says:
-Citizens into Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection, please carry your wife Bong Son goes elsewhere. We do not want to use elephants, horses, with the gases flood the CAD as lang's sister, married to Wolf.
Population of races Like-ca screamed:
-Sweat the leper, take his wife away out of sight. The people that we love, brought elephants to fight flood you, just live under the Apple trees like animals?
Farmer Ðán the two sides presented the story of them up, and the satrap ask their King. Lines Like-ca gas preparation and exclaim:
-We will demonstrate the power of those who married her sister.
Fishing line-also this page edit war and responded:
-We will demonstrate how the power of your life under the Apple trees.
When Germany World Religion to observe the world early in the morning, He saw the events on and think silently: "if we don't come to peace, they will kill each other to lose". He flies up nowhere, right on the Royal's Favorite gathering spot-ca, and sit the old urban planner on the vacuum of the river Rohinì . Family Love-ca see him, they threw gas and wealthy girl How to honor Buddha. desk question:
-Australian United Kingdom! Aggression because of what?
-World Religion, I don't know.
-Then who knows?
-Perhaps the General of the troops know.
He was a general reply:
-Probably the satrap said.
So, Buddha asked sequentially, to hordes of peasants, and they replied:
-World Religion, this war is because of the river.
The Buddha asked the King line of Love-ca:
-Australian United Kingdom! The value of a little rice water is?
-World Religion! Not worth anything.
-The value of the-line soldiers benefit?
-Line Suicide-priceless benefit, Bach World Religion!
-Nothing unreasonable by just because some water which he destroyed the Police line-like benefits.
They are silent. The Buddha advised taught:
-Zhucheng King! Why Chu permission to act like that? If we're not here today, he'll let blood flow into the river. The real action of his mistake. He lived in hatred, raising the pitch angry. We got rid of anger. He lived in the white trash of desire. We got rid of desire. He enthralled the pursuit team. I exited out of five.
Buddha said shelves:
(197) the rather Fun, we live,
Don't hate, amidst hatred.
Between those who hate,
We live no hatred.
(198) the rather Fun, we live,
Not the disease between sickness,
Between sick people,
We live not sickness.
(199) as Funny instead we live,
Not busy between busy.
Among those,
We live not busy.
2. The rural population to tame the Devil
Have fun instead, we live ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion in the village of BA-la-Mon Pancasala, contact to the United Kingdom.
One day, the Buddha to observe basic Three villagers-la-Mon excuses and noticed there are five hundred girls in the village are likely evidence of results of Tu-da-complete, He comes to the near villages. The time on the holidays, the village women go to near the river bath, shower her more jewelry anklets, bracelets go to the village. Right at that time, Germany World Religion goes to the village of qifu mumo, Ma United States control the whole population of villages causing no one donation of world Religion although only a small scoop, Buddha out of the village with an empty bowl. MA United Kingdom stands at the gateway to the village to ask:
-Sa-keeper, he did not receive anything?
-The embodiment of evil, this bad! Why he arranged to qifu gangui was not real?
-Well done! SA-please come to the village.
When it comes, the devil thought: "If Abbreviated-talks back in the villages, we will use the power makes people clap, laugh at him, and do every game mocked".
When the girls arrived at the port to see the Buddha, they reused and wealthy girl stood aside. Devil said to the Buddha:
-The White World, he does not claim to be some food would, sure is hungry.
This devil, though-for today I be disturbed, We remain at peace as in the Sun.
He said the shelf:
(200) instead of Fun, we live,
Nothing is known of him.
We will enjoy the loving,
As Chu Thien Quang.
3. The King-Anonymously Defeated
Student grudge victory ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion in States, related to the King-anonymously Kosala country.
The tale that, King-anonymously with A-SOAP-like, near the village of Kasika and defeated three times. Return after the third failure, the King thought silently: "If not win was also her milk, foul mouth name we live?". The King lying on the long lunch ready. Flight news going around the city and to the essential.
The Bhikkhu-stilts narrates the story for Germany World Religion:
-World Religion, the King after defeat three times near the villages of Kasika, were returned to quit eating, lying on the bed, dượi Savage said: "if we don't win the young King kia, we live?".
After the hearing, the Buddha teaches:
-Hey, guys on stilts were win-Bhikkhu resentment, hate losers are depressed.
He said the shelf:
(201) the victory born grudge,
Failed to bear the suffering.
Live NET President peace
Remove after every victory.
4. Do not Look Ðắm Drunk Woman
Fire flame match would take part.
This story is told when Germany World Religion in the Member States, in relation to a noble line girl.
The tale that, on the day of the wedding of his daughter, her parents invited Germany to world Religion to the donation. The Buddha Bhikkhu with them-stilts to her home tho son, bride whirring back and forth to salute them Increase then the groom stood looking at her health care and run up to take part. I don't see the Buddha, both to position eighty elders, just think of a single thing: "We want to get her gown hugged".
The Buddha knew the guy's mind, and he makes the groom does not see the bride again, which turned to admire the World Religion. When the guy standing there, looking at the Buddha take care, he told the boy:
This no-fire by fire, taking no evil would consent to anger, non-miserable by the gauge aggregates, not fun with fun Nirvana.
He said the shelf:
(202) the fire would take fire match?
Evil by anger?
Unbeatable gauge the gauge aggregates?
NET by using the lost tribe?
Listen to the young couple, certified results of the Tu-da-done. At the time, Buddha allowed them to see each other again.
5. Food for the Hungry Board Buddha
Hungry eating, ultimate disease ...
This story is told when Germany World Religion in Alavi, involving a male resident.
Day, Germany World Religion sit in divisions in States, He observed the basic beings, and noticed a poor farmer in Alavi has privileged coast result Tu-da-done. He comes along with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts to Alavi. Residents in this life Buddha brother invited sailings. The poor excuses also heard the Buddha came to Alavi, and intend to go listen to the sermon. But that day, the cows he's lost, he thinks: "I will go find ox or go listen to France?" In the end he decided: "we're going to find cows, then go listen to France after". Thus, in the early morning he bương baits to find ox.
Residents of Alavi arrange donation Buddha and monks for Buddhist boys life. after finished, they moved to take off the average bat and waited to hear from France. World Religion "I silently thought to go thirty miles of hiking just because a body evidence results based beings, who are wandering in the Woods to find ox. When that person comes back, We'll talk. " And he sat do thinh.
Sees lunches, other farmers find the cow and hit it about stables. He thought: "though not eating anything, at least I'm going Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl". Right after that, though are starving, he decided not to go home that rush go to Buddha, and wealthy girl glasses sit on one side. And he asked the Buddha considered about the food:
-The food of the monks left?
-World Religion, still.
-Well done! Let this poor.
And people make for the other according to the Buddha's instruction, adequate supply of hard food items, soft. The farmers ate, gargle.
(This is the only exception, the three organs did not record the religious affiliation to the food distribution). After the British farmers have no heart, you become an investment Center. The Buddha taught the four emperors in order Gauge-the-killer-Dao. Last posting France, England farmers certified results of Tu-da-done. The World Respect the helpfulness in Germany and returned to the essential hearing them, followed by a ramp, and then one went home.
The Bhikkhu-stilts Entourage Buddha day moderately dissatisfied, soy sauce FRY:
-Brothers think, What Religion has to do so. One thing not happen ever. So that afternoon when he saw a person in poverty, he has asked the food and teaching brought for him.
The Buddha stop steps, return to the question:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, he grunts something?
After listening to him, He said:
-Thats right! The Bhikkhu-stilts, I came here via a ramp coming under full thirty miles long, with only a single purpose, because we clearly see the farmers there are likely proven results of Tu-da-done. From early morning, he was in the forest all the description search cow, please don't empty stomach. I think if we say to the people listening in when y miserable because of hunger, y will not understand anything. So we have to do so. The Bhikkhu-stilts, not what suffering for by hunger.
He said the shelf:
(203) Hungry eat, paramount,
The Act, the ultimate gauge,
Understand as real as such,
Nirvana, the ultimate Club.
6. Eat More Max
Not sick, the ultimate benefit.
This story is told when the Buddha in Member States, relating to the King – anonymously.
There for a while, the King-anonymously have insatiable eating habits, eating lots of rice, soup, tomato-ri. The other day, after breakfast, the King is not a compulsive ngầy ngật because too no, comes to the Buddha and the party running around him with the suffering. The King only wants to sleep, but dare not, when the present Buddha. Finally the King to sit a party of world Religion. The Buddha asked:
-Royal United Kingdom, come here without sleeping?
-World Religion, not as such, but I always miserable after eating it.
This Australian-United Kingdom! Eating too frequently brought the hard-gauge.
He said the shelf:
Your favorite people sleep, eat big,
Located all over again,
No pork belly, no other
Input fools pregnant forever.
After saying the shelf advice, King Buddha said:
-Australian United Kingdom, need to keep Xue as eating, which is a good thing.
He said the next shelf:
People worry about eating, drinking moderation
Suffering reduced, add the increase in age.
The King does not remember most of the sentence the shelves (Because very sleepy). So Buddha said to the Prince Sudassana (Tu-da-na), nephew just under the King's servants:
-Make a note of this shelf sentence.
-World Religion, after school in the sentence, the shelves will do?
-When the King dinner, even when digging the last rice bowl you read shelf. The King will understand and immediately let go of the Cup. The next day, when cooking for the King, you less of rice equivalent final rice bowl.
-Yes, Sir! The White World Religion!
And every morning when the King Three afternoon-Wednesday-anonymously dinner, the Prince did as the word Buddha. And when the King, on shelves post alms thousand. The King himself happy with the limited amount of rice each day. After a time the King became sick and very slender perky.
One day, the King to the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and Bach:
_ The White World Religion, now my very happy, child can participate in hunting bears jungle, forest horse. Each child his instigation, but then I was married to Princess Vajirà for it, I donated this village to the Princess she has outdoor bath. Termites instigation vanish and happy child. The other day, a jewel, Imperial's assets were lost, but then again, I feel so happy. Want to friendship with Buddhist disciples, having been a princess in the Royal House of the Royal child living with Him, and so I am happy.
-Health is the greatest happiness that people desire. With what we have is the best. Faithfulness is the best thing when delivered. But there is no happiness that can compare with Nirvana.
He said the shelf:
(204) Not sick, the ultimate benefit,
Know enough money is paramount.
The credit for another,
Is she the paramount.
Nirvana, the ultimate Club.
7. Life Is Revered Buddhist Primary Foot
Toxic taste thread ...
This story recounts when Germany World Religion in Protection property-ly- (Vesali) relating to a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts.
Upon hearing the Buddha declares:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the four months we will enter Nirvana.
Seven percent masters Bhikkhu-stilts full of fear. The A-la-Chinese experience tenets impermanence, also the Prime does not Profile have not prevent tears. The Bhikkhu-stilts, gathered into small groups, and chattering, ask:
-What do we do?
At the time, there was a teacher Bhikkhu-stilts name Tissa thought silently: "If indeed four months That Respect into Nirvana, then because we haven't quit taking part in education, we must achieve results A-la-Han in Respect of world's remaining in the world". Immediately, the master end of the dread and live four private dues alone does not communicate with the other teacher and not say a Word to anybody. The Bhikkhu-stilts asked han:
This parent- Tissa, why do you do so?
However, Tissa not mindful of expletives.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to repeat the story for the Buddha heard:
-World Religion, Tissa there to honor Him.
The Buddha called Mr. Tissa come and ask:
- Tissa! Why did he do it?
When Tissa narrates the engine has the impact teacher, the Buddha praised:
-Heal instead, Tissa !
And he said the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts! Only someone as Tissa new reverence. Whether people revered Me with the aroma, well not really.
But who would practice the Supreme Truth and keeping the rules, who then really honor Him.
He said the shelf:
(205) Have taste, exclusive
Investors can also enjoys NET tern,
No fear, no evil,
The French position was tasting Hy.
8. God's love to the world Religious Care
Heals rather see Holy ...
This story is told when the Buddha in in the village of Beluva, related to the Sun God's Love.
On the last day of his life, the Buddha was dysentery, so very painful, Sun God-like to worry silently thinking: "we must come to the Buddha and in the care of the sick". Immediately, Sun God-like to leave high-bodied go to Buddha, and wealthy girl using two hands to massage the legs, Buddha asked: who is it?
-World Religion, the God's Love.
-Why are you here?
-The Religious World in the care of the pain.
This God-Like! For Chu, the smell of human hard foul smell divine, though far from a hundred miles. Please leave this place because we had the Bhikkhu-care on stilts.
-World Religion, I hear the scent of his virtue spread far from the eight secret, four thousand miles. You just want to be in the care of the pain.
God's Love to feel his hand to the barrel of the Buddha himself, the team it up first, and not little expressed nhờm formidable, as the King of Heaven are a team full of aroma. For God so love the World Religious care, and just left the place when the Buddhas have less pain.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts chattering:
-Oh! Really, how great is the honor of God's Love for That Suen! Try to think Like God had left Palace Sun splendor, to come to the World Religious care in pain like that! Try to think, he was the team's top Religious compost bins as the average team divisions, no shed appear formidable nhờm although only a stroke lips move!.
Listen to what the Buddha teaches:
-You say? No wonder when God's Love, the heavenly client King was dedicated to take care of us. Because thanks to the God of heaven, Like this have leave Los Soles Like old relatives, were the fruit of Tu-da-done and get a God like the new, youthful body. In the previous incarnation, he came to visit Me with fear because I was dying, was precipitated by the excellent spirit music-thát-Mrs. Meanwhile We sit in Indasala between Chu, I reassure him by post racks:
Ask, Vasava
Want something for speaking out
We are ready to answer
What you're asking. Then, Ta theory for God's love to hear. Finally, there are a hundred and forty million the angels are France labels. God's love to witness the fruits of Tu-da-done soon after and was as God's Love today. Because we have saved him so no wonder when he expressed to honor Him. The Bhikkhu-stilts! Truth is happy to be living close and caring schools of Mahayana Buddhism, alive with stupid only brings suffering.
Buddha said shelves:
(206) Heals rather, Holy See,
Living often at peace,
Don't see those stupid,
Often be at peace.
(207) living with stupid,
Long was worried about sad,
Replacement gauge near the sleeper,
As usually living enemies.
Have fun instead, near the location
As living.
(208) Ranks gentleness, wisdom,
Degrees of hearing many, maintenance,
Homemade ranks, Holy,
Please close intimacy,
Friendly staff, location,

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