Sunday 28 August 2016

Area of Dhammapada stories

XXIII. The Elephant Products
1. Buddha Being Insulted
I like the elephant battle between ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in the States, in the case of he himself.
In the area of the Dhammapada (179) was referring to the case of Màgandiyà being Buddha refused, and she gets to touch pride n ng. When becoming Queen, she resolved to revenge Her rent money toss Buddha city, residents told them that:
-When the Sa-Limited disciplines-talks here, qifu gangui you gathered the Blighty going by speaking to him, yelling at him Chase.
When the Buddha and A-nan arrived, residents do not believe the three jewels went by him, screaming.
-He is the enemy of pirates, ignorant, crazy, he is a camel, cow, donkey, demons in hell, is animal birth, have no hope of being rescued and then, he only water waiting to be fallen.
As such, they use the ten ways to swear at you fucking yelling at Buddha scolded. Listen to the false Religion, plated A-nan of the white Buddha:
-World population, this place doesn't, yelled at us, please go elsewhere.
-We will go anywhere, A-nan?
-You must leave the city to the other, the White World Religion.
-If the people in that city are also blamed for yelling at me?
-We go to other cities, the White World Religion.
-As if to other places also yelled at the noun?
-Let's go someplace else, Like Religion.
-A-nan! We should not do so. Wherever there's trouble, affliction, we should stay there until they must be appeased, and only then we should go somewhere else. But who doesn't, yelled at us?
-World Religion, these guys down, slaves, all are blamed for murder.
-A-nan! I like the elephant has to battle. And as the elephant battle between bear the name fly from four sides, the duty we have to patiently listen to the evil words uttered.
V He retrieved his lectures with the title:
(320) we like the battle between elephants,
Bear archery,
Endure any defamatory,
Evil about a lot of people.
(321) Elephant trainer, take the,
Horse training, riding, the King
The paramount ranks, training,
Endure any defamation.
(322) Fine instead, pure Mule,
Thoroughbred horses Sindh
An elephant has tusks, statues,
This Supreme self.
[*] Nice horse species in the River, Sindha India
Listen, the masses on both sides of the road, at the junction, crossroads, who yanked money vouchers are Buddhist rent Record result to Tam.
2. Master of elephant Training Subjects Sa
The species isn't riding ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, linked to a Bhikkhu-stilts served as Manager.
One day, a Bhikkhu-stilts previously governing the statue, standing on the banks of the river Acirvatì to see a statue of trying an elephant trainer. Find people from reaching results, want tips, and he told the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts stood near:
-If the elephant in this place, this place ... it will listen now.
The audience heard, follow the words, and soon the elephants obey you ...
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha story. The Buddhist master called for her to ask: stilts-Bhikkhu
-Is he really talk like that?
-World Religion, Yes!
Buddha his rebuke:
-You're worthless, you're competition with arts training elephants, animal training to do? Not to climb the back the beast that is can go to where to want to come to that yet to be. Only in the training itself can get hard to place. From here you don't do yourself, subduing training fun again:
He said the shelf:
(323) the species isn't riding,
Putting people to Nirvana,
Only the order of things,
Sees the purpose, thanks for article.
3. He and his Brahmin
The name elephant Member Households.
The story occurred when the Buddha in Dormitories-protection, in case a-la-elderly subjects were driven leper children.
In the Dormitories of a guard--is-Division has four sons and his eight hundred thousand gold coins. When the child comes of age, he married his wife for us and for each one hundred thousand gold coins. Later, his wife died, the children meeting each other again taunting:
-If my father married another, fortune will be divided for the following child and nothing at all. Genus by we care the old man to enjoy his fortune.
We serve around him thoughtful, worried about delicious food, nice clothes, bathing him, every duty are rounded.
One day, they come to see the most he is still sleeping. As soon as he woke, they washed his hands, and talking about the disadvantages of a family split into two lines. We promise:
-We will care my father until his father's death, father please give us the remaining amount.
The old man pm under requests, always split four hundred thousand remaining funds four parts, each part, you own nothing, apart from clothes stick to skin.
The first few days, her serve him. One day, when he comes home this person as usual, she stood in the door seal has just met he said:
-You have to add his son a hundred or a thousand? Apparently he gives each of his son two hundred thousand Dong. He does not know the way to some other child home?
Grandparents-la-subjects angry, yelled at:
-Shut up, woman.
He came home a second child. But just a few minutes, he was sent out of the House by way of a first child, and she's also occurred at the home of the youngest child. Ended he had no home to.
So, he quit worldly life, monk according to congregation Pandaranga, begging from home to home. Over time, he becomes sick due to old age, lean body collapse because of bad food and shelter is not warm enough. One day, after going about begging, he sprawled and fell asleep. Open your eyes he tired looking around didn't have a child to count. He thought the whisper: "They say that Sa-Limited disciplines-have a conversation gracefully from the peace, true face of openness, that his attitude to the wedding Festival, that strange sitting with You all seem friendly. Maybe we should come up with Sa-Limited-subject talks, to be treated to the warmth ".
He capped, hug the bowl, carrying away to World Religion. Sees where he sat aside real glasses. The World greeted his Respect and asked:
-She-la, why he came to this place with looks terrible, torn jacket describes the Macintosh?
-Dear co Viet – talks, I have four sons, but they're intoxicated by my wife, and then chased me out of the House.
-Okay, you learn in the article this shelves. And when people and children he came home, he read up before them.
He taught:
They are the child when born rejoice, I yearn.
So that they hear his wife instigated, chasing me as chase the dog.
They call me "Dear Father!..." evil and real cream.
Devil mask the son, they abandoned me when old age, as older horses starved.
Do some father, begging to wander.
A rod longer better flood the real tastes.
Sticks also drove Bull dog.
Guide rod in the darkness, help the foot through muddy puddles.
Grandparents-la-rote lessons on the subject.
One day, Her line-la-meeting, the subject his son to the meeting. They dress in luxurious, precious jewels and seat of honor among those She-la-Mon. The old man silently told myself: "this is a good opportunity for us." He went into the meeting room, between the people he put up says:
-I like to read a poem, please please listen for.
-You read it, we listen.
He stood between the assemblies, read up the article Buddha shelf.
The law of the time posited that: "If people would enjoy the fortune of the parents, which does not foster parents, will suffer the death penalty". The child he was frightened, knelt beneath him begging:
-Daddy! Please save us.
The father's heart is weak, and he brought his bail for them.
-Please don't treat them. They raised me.
Assemblies he hordes harm:
-From now on, if you don't care of his tools, we will put out the law.
Four sons, panic rush man bags for home, bath oil, massage, Palm States topical cream, ham ... to chalk his tools, then called his wife to tell:
-From the present duty of care to her father. If that lip shortcomings.
They clean up the upper feed for him.
From there be fostered, quieter comfortable, warm resting his tools recovered health, lush body. He told myself: "I was like this is thanks to Sa-Abbreviated subject-talkie". He then selected a pair of fine fabrics, go to Buddha, greeting him and retreat sits on one side, place the fabric under the foot of the Buddha, ladies:
-White Glass Co Viet – talks, Ms. line-la-Mon we wish that one teachers receive, please co Viet-German talks reverence is my master, received the gift.
Buddha receives approximately fabric, and lectures for his tools. To listen he refuge in Buddha and ladies:
-Abbreviated-talks, my children often give me a four-day meals, I'm donation Him two meals.
-Very good, he he, but we only went to the House would be selected.
His tools home told the children:
-You, Sa-Abbreviated subject-talks is you I dedicate to him two meals. When He came to be treated to stop the flaws.
The children are promised to listen. The next day, the Buddha goes qifu gangui, He stood before the door of the eldest son. People in a hurry take the average of his bowl, invited into the House, prepare the couch sitting Buddha is sometimes clouded, and the terrace of the food donation. The following day, Germany World Religion to the children, they all welcomed Him warm.
Day coming to the Festival, the Chief asked him:
-Father, who is our honor benefactor?
-Only Sa-Abbreviated subject-well, no one talks to the other.
-Like, tomorrow, please invite him and five hundred Sa-Mon.
His tools are sometimes the Buddhas and the five cent increase them. The next day, same Buddha they rise to his home. The House decorated according to the rites of Carnival, grandparents-la-Mon Buddha's seat and clean them up, surges epigastric food cult kinds of hard, soft type. Four children sitting in front of the Buddha, that:
-Sir Abbreviated-talks, us thoughtful old man care, dare not goals. Please look at the old man see.
-You do so well. The wise never also nurtured attentive parents.
He said the shelf:
(324) the elephant named Tai Households,
Play hard, subduing,
Bondage is not eating,
Elephant memory forest elephants.
The Buddha tells the story of the elephant Member Households (Dhanapàla) though was the King, the care for the delicious food, in beautiful places, still remember the mother where the forest elephants. Not eating because of thought of making the obligation for parents. Listen, children were tearful. The Buddha knew that they were instilled and he lectures. Finally, all his tools, his son, daughter-in-law, were both certified Profile results.
4. An Oral Proposed Resolution
Who is your favorite sleeping, eating ...
The story happened when Germany World Religion in States, related to the King – anonymously.
There for a while, the King-so much food to Cook rice often anonymously with curry, spicy sauce. The other day, after the abundant breakfast, the body and Center ngầy ngật, the King to Buddha, go forth in front of Him with looks really tired. The King only wants to sits roll out sleeping without a sit down parties should come to the Buddha the world and he sees the Buddha asked:
-Royal of the United Kingdom, before coming here He has not been to sleep thinking?
-World Religion, is not. The always uneasy after eating no.
This Australian-United Kingdom! Insatiable eating often lead to fatigue.
He said the shelf:
(325) Who preferred great sleeping, eating,
Located all over again,
No pork belly, no other
Input fools pregnant forever.
Want to help the King, Buddha added:
Smart people eat just so long as the
Mind nhỏm light, long life, old.
Buddha told Prince Uttara (Wrath-da):
-I learn in the article this shelves, and each time the King dwell yen, I read up in the following way and the King will stop.
Done, the Buddha showed the Prince how to do it. The Prince obeys the word of the Buddha. And after a time the King of small eating light, reduce weight and becomes pleasant. The King regularly visits the Buddha, Festival organizers surges worship products dark WINS in seven days. When Germany World Religion comes up the word Islamic congregation, the Court were to be major benefits.
5. Notes the minor And Massage
Before this mind let go of lung ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in States, involving minor notes Sànu .
Sànu is the only son of a devout family, you get to the Sangha while still very young. Then pay attention zealously and always. Note rounded duty faithfully with priests, with higher education and increased life span. Each month, on July 8, I get up early, portable water filled the jars pint, sweeping the lectures, clean the tables and chairs, light up lights, and use in the call-hardened credit to listen to France.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts seen docile and diligent notes, voice notes like reading chanting should normally require the Court notes read. Note never refused, saying: "My tired heart..." or "The aches ..." or proved reluctant. Pay attention, the High Court, sitting on the couch reading as ocean currents the tide flush from the Chu. When litigation is finished reading, notes lag behind xuốnng armchair and helpfulness: "all litigation resulting from the newspaper reader Phuoc, please revert direction for my parents".
The current incarnation Uncle song don't know anything about the direction, but before the mother's uncle, reborn do yaksha demon. She used to listen to the Scriptures with the gods. And she said: "I love you, we thank the helpfulness of the son". Often the sentence: "a Sa-pure precept subjects are Sun and endearing people." Thus, Chu heaven revered Uncle Sa-di, see par Sun Ðại violations, or as the Torch light. Also, they revered and praised Ms. yaksha, fuck of note. When the yaksha to listen to business, she was sitting in the first Chair, drink water, have food before. Even the yaksha full powers, also gave way and make room for her to sit.
When Sànu comes of age, physical play Uncle tirển, I become lazy bored. And don't win themselves, on the other, don't tell anyone, to beard hair grows long, y nhớp nhúa coat, I bring medicine Bowl back home. She saw the return home lab female, she notes:
-This Request, usually at the front of the House with the teacher or a brother or a couple of Sa-di young, stars of today alone?
Pay attention to the suffering mother expressed about his discontent. Renunciation is the devout women, explains to the disadvantage of secular life, but I don't listen. Ended up, I whispered, I think: "maybe don't need counseling, he will think again". She said:
-Wait for me, sitting here. do your children eat rice. Ate, I bring good clothes out for her to wear.
She worries about to seat, giving the left wheel out the treat, and clean up the pancakes, then worry about cooking rice. She sat that way wash the rice.
At the time, Ms. yaksha wondered: "Sa-di go? You have a real qifu gangui be? ". She observed that I want complete procedure, are back to sitting at home mother.
She thought: "If I was paying attention to the Sa-di, we shall be lettered natural respect. We will prevent him ". She immediately entered into the notes, control of limbs, twisting the neck attaches and bucket falls to the ground, the Sa-di-eye trợn by contrast, phenacetin, struggle. Mothers who are rice, see vo rush holding notes up, every abalone around i run to, bring emergency.
Mothers weep, read shelf:
I am listening A-la-Han
Teaches: "People every half month
Hold about eight
And about claims-slapped on
Eight others, full moon, fourteen
Keep happy offense like
Yes, non-invasive massage "
But today I'm back
See them break the Sànu.
The massage Felt Devil heard her read shelf, and he responded:
Lettered A-la-han said hit
One for every half a month
Hold about eight
And about Claims-slapped on
Eight others, full moon, fourteen
Keep happy offense like
Yes, non-invasive massage.
And then the massage Felt read shelf advice Sànu :
Let's hear the massage Pillow talk
Don't look away, do evil
Stealthily or openly.
If the evil of today's life work
Or later, you will
Never get rid of suffering
Although it has wings to fly
 Find the hidden path to heaven.
Finished, the demons out. Sànu opened his eyes, saw his mother's ear hair tangled, weeping cry, people around us. Not know its been demons enter, ask:
-I also just sitting on the couch, his mother wash the rice near you. Why are you now lies under the Earth?
And I said:
People crying in the
Or go back
You sit here why mother
Crying baby billion numbness?
Moms want to specify to you see bad consequences of the exported from all worldly pleasures, pleasures all sensuality, wanted to keep complete. She responded:
Darling, people cry
Dead people, or people who go
Let's not return to forever.
They also cry when
The restore advent
People who like him
Living dead nothing.
She compared the life coal furnaces, as secular as hell, stressed the harm of life at home.
Than breaking dawn.
I want to fall?
Places of hell from four sides,
I like to fall into?
She added:
-Baby! The bridge was lucky! My mother has been saved as gavran firewood out of the fire, having abandoned the world Buddhist follower now want to go back home in the scorching the Earth. You to lick out and cover for us!
Finished, she told myself: "there is no way to wake the distaste, disgust me more?"
To more clearly note, she read shelf:
Make essential tons!
The road bridge may
By the way my mom makes
The point of life?
Raven thread out of the fire,
The wood bar is drunk,
Want to fire burned again,
How, do?
Note Sànu listening, the perception of self and say:
-I'm not perfect.
-Well done! I love you!
A mother, her Hy Festival moved enough delicious for you. Dinner, she asked age notes and are old enough to recognize Shou Bhikkhu-stilts official joined the Sangha, she donation notes three y. With full bowl, and formally was the Bhikkhu-Sangha's stilts.
The Religious World, right at the time advised should pay attention to control of thought:
-If a person thought to himself lasting remote, Coachman, thought enough of everything without trying to control, he can not achieve Liberation. So to attempt to control thought, as the alkaline end elephant elephant rider during sexual release by iron hooks.
He said the shelf:
(326) Before this mind let go of lung,
Run by a charity, education, communication,
Now Chief of tame,
As the elephant thing hook grip.
Listen, listen to the same French bias with lettered Sànu, France labels. After this, set Sànu smoothly tripiṭaka, He becomes an erudite teachers, lived a hundred and two dozen years, encompassing chemistry Match-match-title, and finally enter Nirvana.
6. Elephant Bogged
Please please don't launch Yi ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in at the Park, elephant-related Pàveyyaka.
The King-anonymously have an elephant named Pàveyyaka. As a child it is very strong, but the old strength back. One day, it is the large lake, horizontal wading compress the legs down the mud does not step. People whispered:
-View! Elephant boy is stronger, the weak now.
The King, hearing the news, immediately ordered the statue:
-Drag the elephant from mud,
Managed objects go to the lake shore, implored to give elephants like coming out of the battle, the helmet, the drum beat to the famous wine.
His elephant's resurgence. It stood up quickly and pulled the leg out of luck, dyspepsia, dry soil associated steps. The Bhikkhu-stilts saw the work, about the white Buddha, Buddha:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the elephant has pulled himself out of the swamp is not loving. But he was immersed in mires desire, keep trying with all his strength to escape.
He said the shelf:
(327) Let's have fun not ample magnification,
Manual protective Centre of Italy,
Drag yourself from evil,
As the elephants to be bogged down.
7. Make A Fake Elephant Buddha
If you are Hien ...
The story occurred when the Buddha in a forest with elephants Pàveyyaka, involving a group of Bhikkhu-stilts.
When the Buddha in Kosambi, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts there has split into factions debated each other. Buddha said nobody listened, and he brought Him into the Woods to enter the lower house alone. Here, an elephant Princess has served Him thoughtful. This people increases or further information. Where the guards, he Granted Her Amnesty-independent from, Ms. Bhikkhu-great houses, overstayed-XA Phu households to request A pseudo Religious-nan:
-White Corrugated, please let us see Buddha.
And five hundred teachers in the other, stilts-Bhikkhu after settling, was to request A-nan:
-Mr. Suen, has long we do not hear the sound of France Germany World Religion. Please please give us false Religious meet World Religion and hear Him live.
False religion A-nan sailings pimp five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts walked to the forest where the Buddha in forest gate, He Sees think. whisper: "The Future As President she had been living for three months. Now it's just not appropriate, if we suddenly bring out those hundred people along with us ". Think so, he comes alone to the Buddha. When the elephant Princess Pàveyyaka found the fake Religious, tossing the hose forward. The Buddha said:
-Go forth, Pàveyyaka, do not repel him. Such is the attendant of the Tathāgata.
Elephant God and he brought the book back to the faucet, and open to help y bowl of fake Religious, but He refused. Elephants think: "If people behave, will not put up its supplies of stone As Lai sitting". Placed her Bowl y religion down to Earth (according to the rituals were not to your widgets where the master's Chair or bed). After the ceremony, the fake Religious retreat sits on one side. The Buddha asked:
-He came alone?
A-nan dear that I came up with five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts.
-Where are They?
I don't know the intent of the World should Respect to them outside of the forest.
-Please call them on.
False religion came out called five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts. The wedding reception of world Religious Festival of the master. And the Bhikkhu-stilts have the white Buddha:
-World Religion, he is a dignified Buddha, a noble Prince. You must be alone for three months at this place, it's hard when standing, when sitting. No one to help him in the work as important, no one put them into water for Him gargle ...
The Buddha answered:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, elephant Princess Pàveyyaka did help me all things. Enacted by the person you like, independent living resident is also good. And if none of you like that, it is better to live alone.
He said the shelf:
(328) If you are gentle,
Ðáng living, healthy, happy
NIE offers all danger,
The wedding Festival live mindfully.
(329) Not met buddy,
Ðáng living, healthy, happy
As King, water removal
Make life alone,
As forest elephants living elephants.
(330) better than living alone,
Not stupid friends,
Independent from the fuselage, not evil,
Live carefree myriad Plun,
As forest elephants living elephants.
8. Thank you Devil Tempted the Buddha
Have fun rather you need! ...
When Germany United-slapped in during tu seclusion in the mountains snow (Himàlaya), ruler of the harsh. And Germany World Religion to see people being more cruel punishment, He animated the mercy. He told myself: "why not practice a righteous mode, integrity, no killing, conquest and suffering".
When he caught the devil thought on transient in Buddha head, he thought: "Sa-Limited-subject talks got ruled. Perhaps now he wants to be King, it was an occasion for him to scatter. If he assumed the rule, we can tempt him. We will come to greed. "
Devil to the Buddha and asked:
-Sir, let Germany World Religious rule, let the dark ruler Wins ranks, there will be no killing, conquest and suffering, that the only equity and integrity.
This Ma-United Kingdom! He saw how we say so?
-Sir, a Buddhist can execute four development miracle. Just He ordered: "mountains Himàlaya keep turning into gold", it will turn into gold. I will also take your resources to accomplish all these things can be done by your forces. As such, he will direct the Chief Justice ruled.
The Buddha said:
Greed non disclosure agreement
Despite the zijin mountain
Knowing that, the smart people search
Duong straight right.
People were soon drawing before
People of the suffering,
How would you see the intersection
«Environment for fun?
Let people have profound
Birth to death human reincarnation
Self practice of subduing
"The tongue" forced how life
Buddha warned Ma United Kingdom:
This devil, I suggest-again, I don't like him. That's what I want to say.
He said the shelf:
(331) have fun rather you need!
Have fun, live know enough!
Have fun instead, dying there in Germany!
Happy instead of miserable, every paragraph!
(332) have fun instead, Empress mother!
Have fun changing tastes, the father!
Have fun instead of glass, Sa-keeper!
Rather, the Holy Sage glasses fun!
(333), old world Fun!
Have fun, stay safe credit!
Have fun, be stay wisdom!

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