Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Ten basic ethical standards of Buddhists.

These are: humility, your mind, honest, steadfast, no distractions, patience, gratitude, detachment, engagement and details removed.

Medical Ethics Buddhist precepts on. If the rule is considered the ethical principles of sustainability, stability, not change, the requirements of practical life requires the addition of ethical standards reciprocal nature. The additional ethical standards, according to the delineation of a number of Buddhist law, it is sometimes referred to as the world does not matter (contempt), to have time to be considered of behavior (law ​​school) between person to person. From the practical life, to Buddhist ethics easily spread, the unraveling of Buddhist ethics is imperative. In numerous Buddhist ethics is shown dotted in the business, law, speech, writing commentaries ... the proposed temporary ten basic ethical standards. These are: humility, your mind, honest, steadfast, no distractions, patience, gratitude, detachment, engagement and details removed. 1. Humility First, humility is an absence of moral behavior ego, arrogance crushed. Arrogance is a deep thick atmosphere of being in general. Business Increase spending outlined three basic things arrogance (1). According to Business Class, the small ego, anything less collisions occur due to arrogance: Who destructive arrogance No little residue remains as strong country ravaged trees weak reeds (2). And according to the Buddha, only those who conquer self, to be able to convince feel pride. The story of the young man bragging Saccaka as loudly declared: Whether we have a dialogue with a pillar accidentally, when he pillar dialogue with me and tremble, and fear, and fear alone that a regular (3). After the Buddha preaching, youth Saccaka realized mistakes and know how to behave with humility and our Buddha monks. Story forerunner 125 Buddha also mentioned a similar story to brag, but as a personal as monks (4). Second, humility is shown below and respect who made ​​the glasses on. Mutual respect in communication, behavior is the expression level of ethics. From the story of conduct mutual respect between partridge, monkeys and elephants (5), the Buddha taught the monks monks: Those French fluently Respecting elders This life is commendable about life after birth God (6).  In the congregation recluse, Brahmin Buddha's time, only the assembly of the Buddha's disciples have compliance, mutual respect shown in the following acts: Homage Career elder / Not envious one (7). Traditional morality is the reason may be due to the humble created. Third, humility does not mean demeaning but also means to assert yourself, respect yourself in the quiet awakening. In this sense, humility, almost with pride. That's what the Buddha instructions: Learn the water flow from the deep canyon ravine running water noise largest real silent sea blank What sonorous / What silence filled with water Ngu as flaking / Tier position as pond full of (8). As can be seen, one of the standards of conduct for students of Buddhism is humble attitude, calm, needs fine, leisurely and steadily before vortex of ego and the ego property . 2. Tam your legal department According to Mahayana intelligent commentary subjects (9), the mind is the tiger with his self and you are shy with people. In the widely used definition, then your mind is a disgrace to yourself and to others. Shame is the moral energy works in many ways. In the realm of practice, motivated by shame heart, when I think about the merits of the Buddha taught, the bodhisattva, the saint rose, so efforts to cultivate. In ten reasons Bodhi Development Center, all of which are related to the heart of shame for the great kindness that we have received (10). It is because of this shame that we promote efforts to advance religious. No shame, hardly promoted in practice. Contemplate further his teachings The Son: They are macho, we here also, as well as a religious form of promotion based on the effect of heart shame. Due to the classic definition should be ashamed to call two methods in bright, pure white (二種白法) (11). Shame is not only dynamic advance in goodness but also can be applied in vivid reality of man. In real life contact, the moral of the family, society was formed thanks also feel ashamed . Thanks to two new measures should be able to just be here as it is the mother or mother's sister, and this is his wife or mother's brother ... (12). Classics Nikaya also called shame is both legal and white (13) and two measures decided dignity, human morality, because without it the world's second law will go to chaos as among the goats, species of poultry, pigs, dogs, apes can (14). Central speaking experience, if a person does not have your mind, when I say that he does not have anything without doing evil (15). This is also confirmed by the Buddha in Buddhist doctrine so (16). Thus, shame is an important ethical standards, not the assertion of human dignity but also contributes to motivation promoted in many ways, in daily life as well as in spirit. The image of a young man like jewelry, but was wrapped around the neck a solid confirm or verify a dog ... would make him shy, irritable, ashamed, as vivid illustration of the application of permanent capacity shame, to energy metabolism unworthy (17). As human beings, to shame. No shame is not a true man. Because of this, shame ethical standards Buddha insisted that the two methods have the ability to protect the world (18). 3. Honesty Honesty is a moral standard is widely admired, faith and love. The honesty always promise a future wide open. Honest expression through many forms and relations; but here, being honest with yourself and with others are two major characteristics. First of all, to be honest with yourself. Setting this idea does not need to argue. However, when investigating deeper, we see clearly sometimes not honest with yourself. Be honest with yourself is a clear awareness of all aspects of myself as: ability, conditions, strengths and weaknesses, interests and favorite things ... not a metaphor standing on lake , it can recognize the snails, oysters, fish swim ... with conditions in lakes and quiet (19). The lighting conditions conscious of myself as that. From the clear perception and attitude that this is accepted by itself, is the beginning of attitude honest with yourself. Be honest with yourself have a certain influence on the success of the self. Second, be honest with others. This is a prerequisite for building trust in all relationships. When they are honest people trust, and trust is a decisive factor for the sustainability of all relationships between people. That's what the Buddha affirms: In this life, faith / Evening win humans (20). Expand this sense can see, the teacher-student relationship, spouse, father, friend ... the mutual trust decided to happiness, peace and sustainability of the relationship. Living without news of another's hell scene. And they want to believe the same to be honest, do not lie together. In this sense, dishonesty or deception is the gateway to other crimes. Therefore, in theory such scriptures, the Buddha insisted very strongly: All that a person has violated a law, I say no evil, he does not. What is a law? This monks, ie which lie well known (21). Honest or not lying together a basic ethical standards, the binder of all relationships, the success factors in all activities human activities. 4. Consistency Consistency is the will, the stability of the decision, the estimates, in relationships, in ideal or chosen path. Depending on the specific context that consistently been interpreted differently. Ethical standards consistent decision personality, abilities, values ​​... human. Consistency is the consistency in practice. With Buddha, the great vows root Bodhi witness before the night is indicative of the strong consistency: Whether skin, tendon becomes arid, though there is blood in the body exhausted, but if fail direction, I decided not to leave this place (22). Maybe the effort that was the culmination of a process, but which showed consistency needed in all stages of practice. From the vows of the Buddha, contact with the road that we have been chosen today, can realize the shortcomings due to fickle. Because, in practice the Buddha taught, every practice has different requirements, the variation in legal subjects sometimes at the expense of one's life time. Moreover, the difference between living beings and the bodhisattva associated equipment to penetrate the standards consistently. Therefore, before the reality of suffering, both vow same, however, the basic elements make up the difference, is the consistency of each party. In everyday life, consistency is needed in every relationship. In this context, consistent standards can be understood as broken loyalty, fidelity, son of iron organization, with friends, with your spouse. That's what the Buddha asserted in business spending Increase: The unfortunate time to realize one's perseverance, have in a long time could not be different (23). This is an overview of the level of intellectual steeped in Enlightenment. Therefore, the moral qualities of man is revealed in different circumstances. The story of a husband evening worship Princess Yashodhara be recorded in the financial Elementary (24) is a beautiful picture of moral fidelity, iron woman's son according to Buddhist ethics. Even on the way tu or in real life, ethical standards are consistently praised and honored. Consistency is a milestone in the dignity of a human need. 5. No distractions In reminding the pathetic words of the Buddha before Nirvana, no distractions is imbued with love injunctions (25). No distractions are not let loose, not running after pleasure, diligent practice of healing methods. This is an important moral standards, is mentioned in many texts. By doing Increased spending, no distractions is a method practiced, is making vigorous, cover and abides two benefits: benefits now and benefits in the future (26). Only one effect is not only legal but a lifetime, enough to see the magic of his approach to how big. Increased spending has led Beijing also use visuals to represent not happy distraction: as elephant footprints, can dung photography footprints, such as a house, everything pointed roof rafters, rafter are facing, as interrupt a beam of mango, the mango are under his belt, as Dharmaraja, the power of the kingdom depends, as the light of the moon than the stars ... Not only that, the important texts as the Dhammapada (27), neural correlates (28), Business Class (29) ... are praised virtue no distractions. In terms of practice, no distractions is critical to the success of every practice. Therefore, restrained senses, not chasing ranks first meaning of sex is not spontaneous. Images can thin the fear of wild turtle movements were recorded in the neural correlates (30) is a vivid metaphor for the end of the base receiver. Because, just turtle poking any body, somewhat out, the field can be grabbed. Therefore, no distractions also mean survival not only in practice that involves all forms of existence. In the second aspect, no distractions synonymous with diligence, is laborious. Need to find, recognize good work is important but put into practice the awareness that life is due diligence. Diligent create sublimation, success in all areas and is well consistent communication between worldly content and production methods that. If you consider the practice and all the success in life is the chariot, is not distraction is the primary motivation, not only does not preserve carriage tilt, pour, but also put the carriage forward. 6. Patience Patience is tolerance, acceptance of suffering, oppressed, cancel humiliation, discomfort ... by external conditions bring, but the mind is calm. This is a moral quality is expressed in many levels. In kinhTrung the image thieves who used saws, sawing limbs but still not starting field practitioners interested or disgust, brain (31), is the expression of a high quality extreme patience. Mahayana view patience is one of six important virtues of the Bodhisattva path. First, the challenges of natural conditions as well as the impact of humans, to survive, police need to know peace and patience. That is an interim natural living conditions and patience in the clash and interaction with the social environment. Rings are meant to live this. Business Increase spending is also known that patience: there is no class of people who nhiec nhiec yelled yelled back, not anger the man was angry, not with who bicker bicker. This monks, here called executive director endurance (32). Second, in everyday life, sometimes to transform people, the patient should be present in certain limits. Yaksa Alavaka story is recorded in Volume Business (33) is a typical example. The story goes that a measure it, the Buddha is in the abode of Alavaka deleted. Deleted Alavaka request Buddha went out, happy Buddha went out; Removed the requirement Buddha goes on, he still accepted done. By the fourth time, the Buddha did not comply with the requirements of deleted, firmly said: Hey Sage, I will not go out. What he needs to do is go? (34). Three times go out, go to the request of Yaksa sly enough see Buddha behave smoothly patience to what extent. Third, patience is power. The power is the power to do it all myself. So when done well patience, demonstrate a strong ability to practice. Thanks to this ability, you can not control your mind. As the winner myself is the most glorious victories (35). The way to practice this power begins with the extended center, land cover such as heart Buddha taught Rahula in the central business (36). Patience is something hard to hold it fast, but still interested in peace, Although the ethical standards, but meant as a life skill uplifting, high bar. 7. Gratitude Gratitude is understood here that includes the report you. By doing Increased spending, the gratitude is one of two kinds of people in life are hard to find (37). In contact origination, to form a human, it must receive a lot of thanks. In numerous merit, according to Mahayana duty mentality address bar, the security (38), there are four basic grace: you parents, thank the people involved around us, thanks to national and thanks Three Jewels . The existence of a person is caused by parents. From the physical legacy platform, to nurture and consolidate knowledge, married husband and wife up, given the legacy of the road and towards the good. Indeed, it is difficult to name them all, as well as repay the merits of parents. Speaking as economic costs increase if a mother carrying shoulder, shoulder carrying a father, do so during hundreds of years, until a hundred years old ... well enough or do not pay you enough mother and father (39). Next, with a ordinary people, the reason firmly in knowledge, firmly in position, favorable living in rhythm, peace of mind and safety in life ... is due to the support of many people: from teacher groups, friends, neighbors, family ... Well aware of the grace that is received, the proper attitude of an adult. Third, have life, and stability, safety of human blessings. Because once the environment is guaranteed, new lasting happiness and peace of mind can accomplish voluntary basis. The guarantee of habitat due attention, effort and sacrifice of official national leaders. Awareness of this right to behave should be, is that proper attention. Finally, the reason understands itself, recognize the path of happiness, there are adequate facilities for their karmic conditions, was told by the operator of the Three. If as a parent, friend, teacher organizations, countries can help me with pain and happiness in life, the Three Jewels can help us out of suffering and permanent peace in many lives. And so, the disciple of the Buddha should be grateful and intensive efforts to secure protection in return. Gratitude is a woven material of human dignity. Recognizing the right and full of grace and effort in return for what may, is crucial ethical standards of a Buddhist. 8. Letting go Letting go is the art of behavior in the relationship, is to let go of the idea of joy, pain and effort lo abandon bad habits accumulated from many generations. First of all, worry often associated with sorrow, especially worried idly, not related goodness. Letting go of all worries, living with the present reality is knocking on the door of happiness. This is the Buddha taught in Business: The past does not hunt / no desire Future / Past cessation / The future has not yet come / Only current legal / key insight here (40). In real life, sometimes unavoidable to worry about these things because life poses. However, learning how to let go of the little things, sometimes reap big results. Know detachment, sacrifice is the premise leads to all the achievements. Monkey business story in the State (41), panic lo find beans are dropped, so he let go and dropped the first year, the vivid metaphor for this case. Not only that, know how to let go remove the memory-related pain is a therapy for the mind active. Because there are things happening in u forever distant past, but hold on the mind, and the pain sometimes reappear on, make people squirm, re numb. Letting go of the bad things is one way of keeping the sap for yourself. Happy detachment is also a form of expression for loving heart. Therefore, by letting go so easily forgive the mistakes, giving guys a chance to fault rehabilitation. Letting go also help people become more widely, not selfish, petty: The basis of his / No petty petty (42). Thanks to well-letting, should be interested generosity arise. Said the classics, through letting go, escaped the defilements of the mind avarice, almsgiving easy, hands wide open (43). Also, letting dwell longer interested with what is available. Know how to let go of unreasonable demands, is one way to bring peace life. To get a true sense of life and fullness must learn to let go, detachment. Letting go does not help purify the mind, but also the method by abandoning themselves to the understanding imperfect, defective. 9. Commitment Commitment is the growth center for the benefit of others, in some cases to accept the sacrifice, loss. Commitment is the action center Bodhisattva vow, because it is the mind has brought benefits to many people. Commitment is found Bodhi mind, is led from the start up voluntarily, Development Center. Because they can voluntarily set of beings, the Buddha mind development can lead to (44). In this sense, the Buddha is great testament to the establishment prayer, commitment: We bring lawn munja / Stable rather, this life / I would rather die battle / Better, life failure (45). The work of his self-transformation is also a process of effort, commitment. Commitment is a voluntary action Bodhisattva mind. Because life is inherently full of misery and suffering too, who wish to bring the Bodhisattva always work as hard as I could, to alleviate suffering for life. Commitment is not synonymous with daredevil, forget yourself. Commitment under the standards of the Buddha must be based on the strength, love and wisdom. Only then, the new commitment to the full sense, and reduce unnecessary losses while implementing vows to help others. Buddhism brought altruism, and is an expression of commitment to move away from the self. Commitment is the consecrated life without thinking about self-interest. In many ways photography of people mentioned in the economic Wei Ma Cat (46), then the benefit of others (operating profit photography) sense prevail. The image of a burning incense stick itself can be understood in its multiple meanings, but the fragrant tribute to the life of the workshop, the fact is recorded from cedar. Through features sketches of Buddha's life, from many lifetimes of 547 stories precursor, until forty-five years after the Enlightenment discourse, is a disaster epic endless commitment vows: for the sake , for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humans (47). Once the head is crowned education, the impending evil, aim, it requires very lives up prayer, commitment. Engaging manifestation of courage, saved from the basis of love and attention shown by the mental eye. Only such a happy new commitment to bring happiness, peace for many people. 10. Advanced remove Advanced remove more gas, the honor and dignity of man. Staying true to the basic ethical standards of a man, according to the ethical principles that underlie certain information called off. The quality of a person consists of a name to distinguish, plus the the appropriate moral conduct. Keeping virtue ethics has meant keeping the details off. Once you have lived in fellowship, treat, when something humiliating honor, fame still capable of governing people, keeping it off is the problem more meaningful human, humane. In the frame of reference relative secular ethics, then remove the weather still plays an important role. Do not confuse the different frame of reference to judge the matter. In the State of the story lion humiliated contains reference values ​​(48). The story goes that a lioness live near the cave of jackals. One day, meet predestined, jackals proposes to lions. Sadness and frustration because disrespectful proposal, the lioness took death to wash the shame of the other. Fortunately, they were met by a lion, a precursor to the Buddha, has dedicated the presentation, so she has overcome lion dilemma that. Maybe the story is related only suggestive, but which showed more respect for removing sometimes more important than his own life. Every man, every being possesses the respective products. Because the list corresponds to the (49). From the people who first male to female, recluse, Brahmin are the basic moral dignity. To live up to this standard are called to live with more removed. Neural correlates gave a valuable overview of the weather off: Between the legs species / is supreme enlightenment / Between the four-legged species / strain is supreme Pure / In every concubines / demand upon the dark win / In every son / Loyalty is up wins (50). It is possible to compensate a few more things in the dignity of the quotation, but at least the past has shown that removing information is of fundamental importance in shaping the nature of man. Advances to the nature Ethics whether to create separate value systems of humans and human society. Buddhist ethical principles beyond superpower, high bar, also covers the practical standards, not dry, can test the performance right now and here. Ten ethical standards mentioned in itself is not all, but if it is implemented, then certain fruits will fill.  This is a prerequisite for building trust in all relationships. When they are honest people trust, and trust is a decisive factor for the sustainability of all relationships between people. That's what the Buddha affirms: In this life, faith / Evening win humans (20). Expand this sense can see, the teacher-student relationship, spouse, father, friend ... the mutual trust decided to happiness, peace and sustainability of the relationship. Living without news of another's hell scene. And they want to believe the same to be honest, do not lie together. In this sense, dishonesty or deception is the gateway to other crimes. Therefore, in theory such scriptures, the Buddha insisted very strongly: All that a person has violated a law, I say no evil, he does not. What is a law? This monks, ie which lie well known (21). Honest or not lying together a basic ethical standards, the binder of all relationships, the success factors in all activities human activities. 4. Consistency Consistency is the will, the stability of the decision, the estimates, in relationships, in ideal or chosen path. Depending on the specific context that consistently been interpreted differently. Ethical standards consistent decision personality, abilities, values ​​... human. Consistency is the consistency in practice. With Buddha, the great vows root Bodhi witness before the night is indicative of the strong consistency: Whether skin, tendon becomes arid, though there is blood in the body exhausted, but if fail direction, I decided not to leave this place (22). Maybe the effort that was the culmination of a process, but which showed consistency needed in all stages of practice. From the vows of the Buddha, contact with the road that we have been chosen today, can realize the shortcomings due to fickle. Because, in practice the Buddha taught, every practice has different requirements, the variation in legal subjects sometimes at the expense of one's life time. Moreover, the difference between living beings and the bodhisattva associated equipment to penetrate the standards consistently. Therefore, before the reality of suffering, both vow same, however, the basic elements make up the difference, is the consistency of each party. In everyday life, consistency is needed in every relationship. In this context, consistent standards can be understood as broken loyalty, fidelity, son of iron organization, with friends, with your spouse. That's what the Buddha asserted in business spending Increase: The unfortunate time to realize one's perseverance, have in a long time could not be different (23). This is an overview of the level of intellectual steeped in Enlightenment. Therefore, the moral qualities of man is revealed in different circumstances. The story of a husband evening worship Princess Yashodhara be recorded in the financial Elementary (24) is a beautiful picture of moral fidelity, iron woman's son according to Buddhist ethics. Even on the way tu or in real life, ethical standards are consistently praised and honored. Consistency is a milestone in the dignity of a human need. 5. No distractions In reminding the pathetic words of the Buddha before Nirvana, no distractions is imbued with love injunctions (25). No distractions are not let loose, not running after pleasure, diligent practice of healing methods. This is an important moral standards, is mentioned in many texts. By doing Increased spending, no distractions is a method practiced, is making vigorous, cover and abides two benefits: benefits now and benefits in the future (26). Only one effect is not only legal but a lifetime, enough to see the magic of his approach to how big. Increased spending has led Beijing also use visuals to represent not happy distraction: as elephant footprints, can dung photography footprints, such as a house, everything pointed roof rafters, rafter are facing, as interrupt a beam of mango, the mango are under his belt, as Dharmaraja, the power of the kingdom depends, as the light of the moon than the stars ... Not only that, the important texts as the Dhammapada (27), neural correlates (28), Business Class (29) ... are praised virtue no distractions. In terms of practice, no distractions is critical to the success of every practice. Therefore, restrained senses, not chasing ranks first meaning of sex is not spontaneous. Images can thin the fear of wild turtle movements were recorded in the neural correlates (30) is a vivid metaphor for the end of the base receiver. Because, just turtle poking any body, somewhat out, the field can be grabbed. Therefore, no distractions also mean survival not only in practice that involves all forms of existence. In the second aspect, no distractions synonymous with diligence, is laborious. Need to find, recognize good work is important but put into practice the awareness that life is due diligence. Diligent create sublimation, success in all areas and is well consistent communication between worldly content and production methods that. If you consider the practice and all the success in life is the chariot, is not distraction is the primary motivation, not only does not preserve carriage tilt, pour, but also put the carriage forward. 6. Patience Patience is tolerance, acceptance of suffering, oppressed, cancel humiliation, discomfort ... by external conditions bring, but the mind is calm. This is a moral quality is expressed in many levels. In kinhTrung the image thieves who used saws, sawing limbs but still not starting field practitioners interested or disgust, brain (31), is the expression of a high quality extreme patience. Mahayana view patience is one of six important virtues of the Bodhisattva path. First, the challenges of natural conditions as well as the impact of humans, to survive, police need to know peace and patience. That is an interim natural living conditions and patience in the clash and interaction with the social environment. Rings are meant to live this. Business Increase spending is also known that patience: there is no class of people who nhiec nhiec yelled yelled back, not anger the man was angry, not with who bicker bicker. This monks, here called executive director endurance (32). Second, in everyday life, sometimes to transform people, the patient should be present in certain limits. Yaksa Alavaka story is recorded in Volume Business (33) is a typical example. The story goes that a measure it, the Buddha is in the abode of Alavaka deleted. Deleted Alavaka request Buddha went out, happy Buddha went out; Removed the requirement Buddha goes on, he still accepted done. By the fourth time, the Buddha did not comply with the requirements of deleted, firmly said: Hey Sage, I will not go out. What he needs to do is go? (34). Three times go out, go to the request of Yaksa sly enough see Buddha behave smoothly patience to what extent. Third, patience is power. The power is the power to do it all myself. So when done well patience, demonstrate a strong ability to practice. Thanks to this ability, you can not control your mind. As the winner myself is the most glorious victories (35). The way to practice this power begins with the extended center, land cover such as heart Buddha taught Rahula in the central business (36). Patience is something hard to hold it fast, but still interested in peace, Although the ethical standards, but meant as a life skill uplifting, high bar. 7. Gratitude Gratitude is understood here that includes the report you. By doing Increased spending, the gratitude is one of two kinds of people in life are hard to find (37). In contact origination, to form a human, it must receive a lot of thanks. In numerous merit, according to Mahayana duty mentality address bar, the security (38), there are four basic grace: you parents, thank the people involved around us, thanks to national and thanks Three Jewels . The existence of a person is caused by parents. From the physical legacy platform, to nurture and consolidate knowledge, married husband and wife up, given the legacy of the road and towards the good. Indeed, it is difficult to name them all, as well as repay the merits of parents. Speaking as economic costs increase if a mother carrying shoulder, shoulder carrying a father, do so during hundreds of years, until a hundred years old ... well enough or do not pay you enough mother and father (39). Next, with a ordinary people, the reason firmly in knowledge, firmly in position, favorable living in rhythm, peace of mind and safety in life ... is due to the support of many people: from teacher groups, friends, neighbors, family ... Well aware of the grace that is received, the proper attitude of an adult. Third, have life, and stability, safety of human blessings. Because once the environment is guaranteed, new lasting happiness and peace of mind can accomplish voluntary basis. The guarantee of habitat due attention, effort and sacrifice of official national leaders. Awareness of this right to behave should be, is that proper attention. Finally, the reason understands itself, recognize the path of happiness, there are adequate facilities for their karmic conditions, was told by the operator of the Three. If as a parent, friend, teacher organizations, countries can help me with pain and happiness in life, the Three Jewels can help us out of suffering and permanent peace in many lives. And so, the disciple of the Buddha should be grateful and intensive efforts to secure protection in return. Gratitude is a woven material of human dignity. Recognizing the right and full of grace and effort in return for what may, is crucial ethical standards of a Buddhist. 8. Letting go Letting go is the art of behavior in the relationship, is to let go of the idea of joy, pain and effort lo abandon bad habits accumulated from many generations. First of all, worry often associated with sorrow, especially worried idly, not related goodness. Letting go of all worries, living with the present reality is knocking on the door of happiness. This is the Buddha taught in Business: The past does not hunt / no desire Future / Past cessation / The future has not yet come / Only current legal / key insight here (40). In real life, sometimes unavoidable to worry about these things because life poses. However, learning how to let go of the little things, sometimes reap big results. Know detachment, sacrifice is the premise leads to all the achievements. Monkey business story in the State (41), panic lo find beans are dropped, so he let go and dropped the first year, the vivid metaphor for this case. Not only that, know how to let go remove the memory-related pain is a therapy for the mind active. Because there are things happening in u forever distant past, but hold on the mind, and the pain sometimes reappear on, make people squirm, re numb. Letting go of the bad things is one way of keeping the sap for yourself. Happy detachment is also a form of expression for loving heart. Therefore, by letting go so easily forgive the mistakes, giving guys a chance to fault rehabilitation. Letting go also help people become more widely, not selfish, petty: The basis of his / No petty petty (42). Thanks to well-letting, should be interested generosity arise. Said the classics, through letting go, escaped the defilements of the mind avarice, almsgiving easy, hands wide open (43). Also, letting dwell longer interested with what is available. Know how to let go of unreasonable demands, is one way to bring peace life. To get a true sense of life and fullness must learn to let go, detachment. Letting go does not help purify the mind, but also the method by abandoning themselves to the understanding imperfect, defective. 9. Commitment Commitment is the growth center for the benefit of others, in some cases to accept the sacrifice, loss. Commitment is the action center Bodhisattva vow, because it is the mind has brought benefits to many people. Commitment is found Bodhi mind, is led from the start up voluntarily, Development Center. Because they can voluntarily set of beings, the Buddha mind development can lead to (44). In this sense, the Buddha is great testament to the establishment prayer, commitment: We bring lawn munja / Stable rather, this life / I would rather die battle / Better, life failure (45). The work of his self-transformation is also a process of effort, commitment. Commitment is a voluntary action Bodhisattva mind. Because life is inherently full of misery and suffering too, who wish to bring the Bodhisattva always work as hard as I could, to alleviate suffering for life. Commitment is not synonymous with daredevil, forget yourself. Commitment under the standards of the Buddha must be based on the strength, love and wisdom. Only then, the new commitment to the full sense, and reduce unnecessary losses while implementing vows to help others. Buddhism brought altruism, and is an expression of commitment to move away from the self. Commitment is the consecrated life without thinking about self-interest. In many ways photography of people mentioned in the economic Wei Ma Cat (46), then the benefit of others (operating profit photography) sense prevail. The image of a burning incense stick itself can be understood in its multiple meanings, but the fragrant tribute to the life of the workshop, the fact is recorded from cedar. Through features sketches of Buddha's life, from many lifetimes of 547 stories precursor, until forty-five years after the Enlightenment discourse, is a disaster epic endless commitment vows: for the sake , for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humans (47). Once the head is crowned education, the impending evil, aim, it requires very lives up prayer, commitment. Engaging manifestation of courage, saved from the basis of love and attention shown by the mental eye. Only such a happy new commitment to bring happiness, peace for many people. 10. Advanced remove Advanced remove more gas, the honor and dignity of man. Staying true to the basic ethical standards of a man, according to the ethical principles that underlie certain information called off. The quality of a person consists of a name to distinguish, plus the the appropriate moral conduct. Keeping virtue ethics has meant keeping the details off. Once you have lived in fellowship, treat, when something humiliating honor, fame still capable of governing people, keeping it off is the problem more meaningful human, humane. In the frame of reference relative secular ethics, then remove the weather still plays an important role. Do not confuse the different frame of reference to judge the matter. In the State of the story lion humiliated contains reference values ​​(48). The story goes that a lioness live near the cave of jackals. One day, meet predestined, jackals proposes to lions. Sadness and frustration because disrespectful proposal, the lioness took death to wash the shame of the other. Fortunately, they were met by a lion, a precursor to the Buddha, has dedicated the presentation, so she has overcome lion dilemma that. Maybe the story is related only suggestive, but which showed more respect for removing sometimes more important than his own life. Every man, every being possesses the respective products. Because the list corresponds to the (49). From the people who first male to female, recluse, Brahmin are the basic moral dignity. To live up to this standard are called to live with more removed. Neural correlates gave a valuable overview of the weather off: Between the legs species / is supreme enlightenment / Between the four-legged species / strain is supreme Pure / In every concubines / demand upon the dark win / In every son / Loyalty is up wins (50). It is possible to compensate a few more things in the dignity of the quotation, but at least the past has shown that removing information is of fundamental importance in shaping the nature of man. Advances to the nature Ethics whether to create separate value systems of humans and human society. Buddhist ethical principles beyond superpower, high bar, also covers the practical standards, not dry, can test the performance right now and here. Ten ethical standards mentioned in itself is not all, but if it is implemented, then certain fruits will fill.  This is a prerequisite for building trust in all relationships. When they are honest people trust, and trust is a decisive factor for the sustainability of all relationships between people. That's what the Buddha affirms: In this life, faith / Evening win humans (20). Expand this sense can see, the teacher-student relationship, spouse, father, friend ... the mutual trust decided to happiness, peace and sustainability of the relationship. Living without news of another's hell scene. And they want to believe the same to be honest, do not lie together. In this sense, dishonesty or deception is the gateway to other crimes. Therefore, in theory such scriptures, the Buddha insisted very strongly: All that a person has violated a law, I say no evil, he does not. What is a law? This monks, ie which lie well known (21). Honest or not lying together a basic ethical standards, the binder of all relationships, the success factors in all activities human activities. 4. Consistency Consistency is the will, the stability of the decision, the estimates, in relationships, in ideal or chosen path. Depending on the specific context that consistently been interpreted differently. Ethical standards consistent decision personality, abilities, values ​​... human. Consistency is the consistency in practice. With Buddha, the great vows root Bodhi witness before the night is indicative of the strong consistency: Whether skin, tendon becomes arid, though there is blood in the body exhausted, but if fail direction, I decided not to leave this place (22). Maybe the effort that was the culmination of a process, but which showed consistency needed in all stages of practice. From the vows of the Buddha, contact with the road that we have been chosen today, can realize the shortcomings due to fickle. Because, in practice the Buddha taught, every practice has different requirements, the variation in legal subjects sometimes at the expense of one's life time. Moreover, the difference between living beings and the bodhisattva associated equipment to penetrate the standards consistently. Therefore, before the reality of suffering, both vow same, however, the basic elements make up the difference, is the consistency of each party. In everyday life, consistency is needed in every relationship. In this context, consistent standards can be understood as broken loyalty, fidelity, son of iron organization, with friends, with your spouse. That's what the Buddha asserted in business spending Increase: The unfortunate time to realize one's perseverance, have in a long time could not be different (23). This is an overview of the level of intellectual steeped in Enlightenment. Therefore, the moral qualities of man is revealed in different circumstances. The story of a husband evening worship Princess Yashodhara be recorded in the financial Elementary (24) is a beautiful picture of moral fidelity, iron woman's son according to Buddhist ethics. Even on the way tu or in real life, ethical standards are consistently praised and honored. Consistency is a milestone in the dignity of a human need. 5. No distractions In reminding the pathetic words of the Buddha before Nirvana, no distractions is imbued with love injunctions (25). No distractions are not let loose, not running after pleasure, diligent practice of healing methods. This is an important moral standards, is mentioned in many texts. By doing Increased spending, no distractions is a method practiced, is making vigorous, cover and abides two benefits: benefits now and benefits in the future (26). Only one effect is not only legal but a lifetime, enough to see the magic of his approach to how big. Increased spending has led Beijing also use visuals to represent not happy distraction: as elephant footprints, can dung photography footprints, such as a house, everything pointed roof rafters, rafter are facing, as interrupt a beam of mango, the mango are under his belt, as Dharmaraja, the power of the kingdom depends, as the light of the moon than the stars ... Not only that, the important texts as the Dhammapada (27), neural correlates (28), Business Class (29) ... are praised virtue no distractions. In terms of practice, no distractions is critical to the success of every practice. Therefore, restrained senses, not chasing ranks first meaning of sex is not spontaneous. Images can thin the fear of wild turtle movements were recorded in the neural correlates (30) is a vivid metaphor for the end of the base receiver. Because, just turtle poking any body, somewhat out, the field can be grabbed. Therefore, no distractions also mean survival not only in practice that involves all forms of existence. In the second aspect, no distractions synonymous with diligence, is laborious. Need to find, recognize good work is important but put into practice the awareness that life is due diligence. Diligent create sublimation, success in all areas and is well consistent communication between worldly content and production methods that. If you consider the practice and all the success in life is the chariot, is not distraction is the primary motivation, not only does not preserve carriage tilt, pour, but also put the carriage forward. 6. Patience Patience is tolerance, acceptance of suffering, oppressed, cancel humiliation, discomfort ... by external conditions bring, but the mind is calm. This is a moral quality is expressed in many levels. In kinhTrung the image thieves who used saws, sawing limbs but still not starting field practitioners interested or disgust, brain (31), is the expression of a high quality extreme patience. Mahayana view patience is one of six important virtues of the Bodhisattva path. First, the challenges of natural conditions as well as the impact of humans, to survive, police need to know peace and patience. That is an interim natural living conditions and patience in the clash and interaction with the social environment. Rings are meant to live this. Business Increase spending is also known that patience: there is no class of people who nhiec nhiec yelled yelled back, not anger the man was angry, not with who bicker bicker. This monks, here called executive director endurance (32). Second, in everyday life, sometimes to transform people, the patient should be present in certain limits. Yaksa Alavaka story is recorded in Volume Business (33) is a typical example. The story goes that a measure it, the Buddha is in the abode of Alavaka deleted. Deleted Alavaka request Buddha went out, happy Buddha went out; Removed the requirement Buddha goes on, he still accepted done. By the fourth time, the Buddha did not comply with the requirements of deleted, firmly said: Hey Sage, I will not go out. What he needs to do is go? (34). Three times go out, go to the request of Yaksa sly enough see Buddha behave smoothly patience to what extent. Third, patience is power. The power is the power to do it all myself. So when done well patience, demonstrate a strong ability to practice. Thanks to this ability, you can not control your mind. As the winner myself is the most glorious victories (35). The way to practice this power begins with the extended center, land cover such as heart Buddha taught Rahula in the central business (36). Patience is something hard to hold it fast, but still interested in peace, Although the ethical standards, but meant as a life skill uplifting, high bar. 7. Gratitude Gratitude is understood here that includes the report you. By doing Increased spending, the gratitude is one of two kinds of people in life are hard to find (37). In contact origination, to form a human, it must receive a lot of thanks. In numerous merit, according to Mahayana duty mentality address bar, the security (38), there are four basic grace: you parents, thank the people involved around us, thanks to national and thanks Three Jewels . The existence of a person is caused by parents. From the physical legacy platform, to nurture and consolidate knowledge, married husband and wife up, given the legacy of the road and towards the good. Indeed, it is difficult to name them all, as well as repay the merits of parents. Speaking as economic costs increase if a mother carrying shoulder, shoulder carrying a father, do so during hundreds of years, until a hundred years old ... well enough or do not pay you enough mother and father (39). Next, with a ordinary people, the reason firmly in knowledge, firmly in position, favorable living in rhythm, peace of mind and safety in life ... is due to the support of many people: from teacher groups, friends, neighbors, family ... Well aware of the grace that is received, the proper attitude of an adult. Third, have life, and stability, safety of human blessings. Because once the environment is guaranteed, new lasting happiness and peace of mind can accomplish voluntary basis. The guarantee of habitat due attention, effort and sacrifice of official national leaders. Awareness of this right to behave should be, is that proper attention. Finally, the reason understands itself, recognize the path of happiness, there are adequate facilities for their karmic conditions, was told by the operator of the Three. If as a parent, friend, teacher organizations, countries can help me with pain and happiness in life, the Three Jewels can help us out of suffering and permanent peace in many lives. And so, the disciple of the Buddha should be grateful and intensive efforts to secure protection in return. Gratitude is a woven material of human dignity. Recognizing the right and full of grace and effort in return for what may, is crucial ethical standards of a Buddhist. 8. Letting go Letting go is the art of behavior in the relationship, is to let go of the idea of joy, pain and effort lo abandon bad habits accumulated from many generations. First of all, worry often associated with sorrow, especially worried idly, not related goodness. Letting go of all worries, living with the present reality is knocking on the door of happiness. This is the Buddha taught in Business: The past does not hunt / no desire Future / Past cessation / The future has not yet come / Only current legal / key insight here (40). In real life, sometimes unavoidable to worry about these things because life poses. However, learning how to let go of the little things, sometimes reap big results. Know detachment, sacrifice is the premise leads to all the achievements. Monkey business story in the State (41), panic lo find beans are dropped, so he let go and dropped the first year, the vivid metaphor for this case. Not only that, know how to let go remove the memory-related pain is a therapy for the mind active. Because there are things happening in u forever distant past, but hold on the mind, and the pain sometimes reappear on, make people squirm, re numb. Letting go of the bad things is one way of keeping the sap for yourself. Happy detachment is also a form of expression for loving heart. Therefore, by letting go so easily forgive the mistakes, giving guys a chance to fault rehabilitation. Letting go also help people become more widely, not selfish, petty: The basis of his / No petty petty (42). Thanks to well-letting, should be interested generosity arise. Said the classics, through letting go, escaped the defilements of the mind avarice, almsgiving easy, hands wide open (43). Also, letting dwell longer interested with what is available. Know how to let go of unreasonable demands, is one way to bring peace life. To get a true sense of life and fullness must learn to let go, detachment. Letting go does not help purify the mind, but also the method by abandoning themselves to the understanding imperfect, defective. 9. Commitment Commitment is the growth center for the benefit of others, in some cases to accept the sacrifice, loss. Commitment is the action center Bodhisattva vow, because it is the mind has brought benefits to many people. Commitment is found Bodhi mind, is led from the start up voluntarily, Development Center. Because they can voluntarily set of beings, the Buddha mind development can lead to (44). In this sense, the Buddha is great testament to the establishment prayer, commitment: We bring lawn munja / Stable rather, this life / I would rather die battle / Better, life failure (45). The work of his self-transformation is also a process of effort, commitment. Commitment is a voluntary action Bodhisattva mind. Because life is inherently full of misery and suffering too, who wish to bring the Bodhisattva always work as hard as I could, to alleviate suffering for life. Commitment is not synonymous with daredevil, forget yourself. Commitment under the standards of the Buddha must be based on the strength, love and wisdom. Only then, the new commitment to the full sense, and reduce unnecessary losses while implementing vows to help others. Buddhism brought altruism, and is an expression of commitment to move away from the self. Commitment is the consecrated life without thinking about self-interest. In many ways photography of people mentioned in the economic Wei Ma Cat (46), then the benefit of others (operating profit photography) sense prevail. The image of a burning incense stick itself can be understood in its multiple meanings, but the fragrant tribute to the life of the workshop, the fact is recorded from cedar. Through features sketches of Buddha's life, from many lifetimes of 547 stories precursor, until forty-five years after the Enlightenment discourse, is a disaster epic endless commitment vows: for the sake , for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humans (47). Once the head is crowned education, the impending evil, aim, it requires very lives up prayer, commitment. Engaging manifestation of courage, saved from the basis of love and attention shown by the mental eye. Only such a happy new commitment to bring happiness, peace for many people. 10. Advanced remove Advanced remove more gas, the honor and dignity of man. Staying true to the basic ethical standards of a man, according to the ethical principles that underlie certain information called off. The quality of a person consists of a name to distinguish, plus the the appropriate moral conduct. Keeping virtue ethics has meant keeping the details off. Once you have lived in fellowship, treat, when something humiliating honor, fame still capable of governing people, keeping it off is the problem more meaningful human, humane. In the frame of reference relative secular ethics, then remove the weather still plays an important role. Do not confuse the different frame of reference to judge the matter. In the State of the story lion humiliated contains reference values ​​(48). The story goes that a lioness live near the cave of jackals. One day, meet predestined, jackals proposes to lions. Sadness and frustration because disrespectful proposal, the lioness took death to wash the shame of the other. Fortunately, they were met by a lion, a precursor to the Buddha, has dedicated the presentation, so she has overcome lion dilemma that. Maybe the story is related only suggestive, but which showed more respect for removing sometimes more important than his own life. Every man, every being possesses the respective products. Because the list corresponds to the (49). From the people who first male to female, recluse, Brahmin are the basic moral dignity. To live up to this standard are called to live with more removed. Neural correlates gave a valuable overview of the weather off: Between the legs species / is supreme enlightenment / Between the four-legged species / strain is supreme Pure / In every concubines / demand upon the dark win / In every son / Loyalty is up wins (50). It is possible to compensate a few more things in the dignity of the quotation, but at least the past has shown that removing information is of fundamental importance in shaping the nature of man. Advances to the nature Ethics whether to create separate value systems of humans and human society. Buddhist ethical principles beyond superpower, high bar, also covers the practical standards, not dry, can test the performance right now and here. Ten ethical standards mentioned in itself is not all, but if it is implemented, then certain fruits will fill. Through features sketches of Buddha's life, from many lifetimes of 547 stories precursor, until forty-five years after the Enlightenment discourse, is a disaster epic endless commitment vows: for the sake , for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humans (47). Once the head is crowned education, the impending evil, aim, it requires very lives up prayer, commitment. Engaging manifestation of courage, saved from the basis of love and attention shown by the mental eye. Only such a happy new commitment to bring happiness, peace for many people. 10. Advanced remove Advanced remove more gas, the honor and dignity of man. Staying true to the basic ethical standards of a man, according to the ethical principles that underlie certain information called off. The quality of a person consists of a name to distinguish, plus the the appropriate moral conduct. Keeping virtue ethics has meant keeping the details off. Once you have lived in fellowship, treat, when something humiliating honor, fame still capable of governing people, keeping it off is the problem more meaningful human, humane. In the frame of reference relative secular ethics, then remove the weather still plays an important role. Do not confuse the different frame of reference to judge the matter. In the State of the story lion humiliated contains reference values ​​(48). The story goes that a lioness live near the cave of jackals. One day, meet predestined, jackals proposes to lions. Sadness and frustration because disrespectful proposal, the lioness took death to wash the shame of the other. Fortunately, they were met by a lion, a precursor to the Buddha, has dedicated the presentation, so she has overcome lion dilemma that. Maybe the story is related only suggestive, but which showed more respect for removing sometimes more important than his own life. Every man, every being possesses the respective products. Because the list corresponds to the (49). From the people who first male to female, recluse, Brahmin are the basic moral dignity. To live up to this standard are called to live with more removed. Neural correlates gave a valuable overview of the weather off: Between the legs species / is supreme enlightenment / Between the four-legged species / strain is supreme Pure / In every concubines / demand upon the dark win / In every son / Loyalty is up wins (50). It is possible to compensate a few more things in the dignity of the quotation, but at least the past has shown that removing information is of fundamental importance in shaping the nature of man. Advances to the nature Ethics whether to create separate value systems of humans and human society. Buddhist ethical principles beyond superpower, high bar, also covers the practical standards, not dry, can test the performance right now and here. Ten ethical standards mentioned in itself is not all, but if it is implemented, then certain fruits will fill.  Through features sketches of Buddha's life, from many lifetimes of 547 stories precursor, until forty-five years after the Enlightenment discourse, is a disaster epic endless commitment vows: for the sake , for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humans (47). Once the head is crowned education, the impending evil, aim, it requires very lives up prayer, commitment. Engaging manifestation of courage, saved from the basis of love and attention shown by the mental eye. Only such a happy new commitment to bring happiness, peace for many people. 10. Advanced remove Advanced remove more gas, the honor and dignity of man. Staying true to the basic ethical standards of a man, according to the ethical principles that underlie certain information called off. The quality of a person consists of a name to distinguish, plus the the appropriate moral conduct. Keeping virtue ethics has meant keeping the details off. Once you have lived in fellowship, treat, when something humiliating honor, fame still capable of governing people, keeping it off is the problem more meaningful human, humane. In the frame of reference relative secular ethics, then remove the weather still plays an important role. Do not confuse the different frame of reference to judge the matter. In the State of the story lion humiliated contains reference values ​​(48). The story goes that a lioness live near the cave of jackals. One day, meet predestined, jackals proposes to lions. Sadness and frustration because disrespectful proposal, the lioness took death to wash the shame of the other. Fortunately, they were met by a lion, a precursor to the Buddha, has dedicated the presentation, so she has overcome lion dilemma that. Maybe the story is related only suggestive, but which showed more respect for removing sometimes more important than his own life. Every man, every being possesses the respective products. Because the list corresponds to the (49). From the people who first male to female, recluse, Brahmin are the basic moral dignity. To live up to this standard are called to live with more removed. Neural correlates gave a valuable overview of the weather off: Between the legs species / is supreme enlightenment / Between the four-legged species / strain is supreme Pure / In every concubines / demand upon the dark win / In every son / Loyalty is up wins (50). It is possible to compensate a few more things in the dignity of the quotation, but at least the past has shown that removing information is of fundamental importance in shaping the nature of man. Advances to the nature Ethics whether to create separate value systems of humans and human society. Buddhist ethical principles beyond superpower, high bar, also covers the practical standards, not dry, can test the performance right now and here. Ten ethical standards mentioned in itself is not all, but if it is implemented, then certain fruits will fill. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/4/2015.