Sunday 29 March 2015

Renounced the "self" as the sermon.

Lecture is unfortunate noble preacher because they are the messengers of the Tathagata, to bring the light of the law's spread around all the time makes you enjoy nectar - a happy life, died peacefully, enjoying an located in the leisure scene, or liberation, nirvana.

Currently, living sermon exciting development in many parts of the country and abroad. The sermon is not the monks, monks and nuns, but also the laity. Besides, thanks to modern media, the lecture of the shaman is recording, recording and out everywhere, bring direct benefits to learners at home as well as ordained. However, for every student upon them effectively, then the sermon fit the local culture, language and the specific circumstances of the object is not simple method hear. Preach to others requires you to have a full mage year Thich Ton virtues that assertion in Anguttara II as follows:

Buddha preached ...
One time, Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, in Ghosita garden. At that time, he came Udayi sitting sermon to the congregation crowded around. Venerable Ananda saw this white Exalted:
White Exalted, venerable Udayi sitting sermon to the congregation crowded around.
Ananda Hey, it's not easy to preach to others. To preach to others, this Ananda, after an internal legal residence is in new, should preach to others. What year?
I will preach sequentially; I will preach to the eye in practice; I will preach to the heart of introspection; I will preach, not because of the material; I will preach, do not hurt yourself and people. This Ananda, when preaching to others must think so.

Shamans full faith in the ability of this new sermon. This article emphasizes the episode last three virtues: Lecture compassion for introspection, not for preaching the sermon material resources and do not hurt yourself and others.
Lecture for contentment with the desire to understand the teachings heard, may apply Buddhist teachings in practice to transform suffering, and bring joy, toward liberation is an important goal of sermon. All for the sake beings, who preached prudence in the use of language to avoid damaging or confuse the listener and damage to the shaman. In fact, if for the sake of beings that sermon, the wizard will try our best to find means of lectures to achieve the ultimate goal of the sermon. Therefore, the wizard will create a lesson plan using lecture and language appropriate for the audience according to custom, and radical level. Naturally a similar approach with four legal sufficiency thanks forgot my remaining for whom the sermon. Doing so is letting go of self to the sermon.

In the Mahayana sutras, renounce self sermon is what Bhagavan graciously remind the shaman is degenerate time now blessed thin thickness to avoid increasing the upper chronic sermon. Fa missing Vajra Force Officers in the General Security Business Integration is a typical example.
Missing Vajrayana Buddhist transparency athletes move, saying, "Blessed! Already weakened by the statement said Tathagata affordable wrong not defame Tathagata. The secret of the Tathagata is weak magical, not prevented her vast, incredible world. Oil weak to say the secret of the Tathagata that self interest in mind the wisdom of the Tathagata enter the human body, do not force the child. '
The Buddha said, "That's right. As word of the missing said. Directed wisdom of the Tathagata into place, no one is there to be peace. Buddhist disciples classic propaganda departments, all rely compassionate of the Tathagata. "
Even Bodhisattvas as His First Born processor Vajra Force Officers also let go of self and rely director compassionate wisdom and teachings of the Tathagata is the case we ordinary class. Similarly in many Mahayana sutras as Buddhist chanting Balaam density, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva also depend on the compassionate Buddha declared that merit the title of Buddhist texts as follows:
"Hey Buddhists! My god this shifting power and compassion of Lord almighty Shakyamuni Buddha, which says Cong Duc Real Possibility theory pulse of the approved maintenance of the Name "
If for compassion and benefit beings that sermon and not being greedy with the concept of morality would be the Buddhas he silently blessed to preach the advantages of lesson plans, learn to sermon subjects, using appropriate language etc ... in order to bring real benefits to hear legal subjects.
Prayer brings this merit
Repatriation beings throughout France

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