Tuesday 31 March 2015

Learn about the "no-mind" Lu Hui Neng organization.

If you know which is the very center concept, immaculate, each thought were unfounded, platform, every thought is itself liberation. If starting a concept that does not know the concept of emptiness itself off from France, the concept was freed and the true incarnation of France itself emptiness. Incarnation (conception) arising from France itself (no idea), so the people who see the nature, saw France itself, the concept is very notion.

1. Heart no idea

Topic Start Mahayana his followers Ma Ming says: "Can leave all concepts of interest, which means no-mind. It's like nowhere, nowhere without large scale. France World A French minister ie equality body of the Tathagata beings. France this body all beings who have so-called A sense ". Luan said: "So these beings observing the very notion that living beings have Buddha Tri-oriented." Business Wins Man, the nature of Pure Self said: "Tathagata organ no no mail delivery. Tathagata has no general organ compounded. Tathagata permanent organ invariant ... Tathagata organ transplants are the legal world, the legal body organs, usually the Earth's organ, the organ pure nature. Tathagata pure visceral nature of capital, disturbing thoughts can not defiled because they can not touch. " In other words, the nature of mind or Tathagata organ, or French, the very concept itself because no disturbing thoughts touching, infected cells. Flower Adornment Sutra, the Tu-di substantially agree, praising the Enlightenment following steps:

Where no approved method holds
no idea nor infection
atrium No country
in the legal nature of such damage.
In no, no two
not two nor
three realms all not
see the Buddhas ... A place
that comes close relatives There's
No start which is starting
No body does not see
Buddha body is immeasurable.

The path and the destination of the Mahayana sect whatever, whether using any means, just to reach the very heart of this concept, France itself, the Tathagata organs which are not contaminated, the emptiness "The most numerous organisms duty hybrid" This (a famous verse of Lu Hui Neng group) ... mind this very concept or France itself, the entire Buddhist, only a few people directly reached in full once, by that even the best schools online only, cut most teachers, such as Zen and Dzogchen (Dzochen) of the Indo-Tibetan, also set the path to enlightenment shop cut tu ("enlightened reason but cut, the detouring shop unless "- Shurangama) means partial realizations France itself (depending on visual component) to complete enlightenment. Word of Contents opening lecture was held: "The good knowledge! Bodhi nature of this ancient capital of purity. Only use this center directly to the Buddha ". In the second volume, the Wisdom in Buddhism, he teaches very clearly, here only quote a few paragraphs: "The good knowledge! Tri Bodhi Wisdom in Buddhism who lives everyone's capital. Just because the heart can love without compensation, should have good knowledge era, it is present only see nature. Be aware that the stupid people who do not mind the difference Buddhahood. Only enlightened by such passion that stupid contract with location. Now I am because of him, said Ma-ha legal Wisdom in Buddhism Balaam secret, that he is the wisdom ... The nature is Buddha, Buddha leave no other identity. What is Ma-ha? Ma-ha is great. Mind large amount, like nowhere, no edge; no square circles, large and small; nor green, yellow, red, white; nor on the bottom, short-term; no fun angry, right and wrong, good and evil, without the tail, to the realm of Buddha also like nowhere. Noble qualities of life that are not, no one method can be attained. Vacuum nature is the same. The good knowledge! Nature encompassing all want to be big legal. All measures are in the nature of the person. If you see all the evil that good people are not taking such leave, nor attachment, as nowhere mind, he called modern, so to say that Ma-ha. " Mind's like nowhere, covering all legal, but not contaminated by the law, the delusions, which means that frees the mind: "The good knowledge! No, the Buddha was enlightened beings, there is a notion that enlightened beings are Buddha. So want to know where measures are self-interested. Why not from the mind that sees itself as soon as the nature of Truth? World Economic Bodhisattva said: '' Self-duty nature of our natural capital purity '. If self-interest, they have seen the nature of the Buddhist religion. Beijing Wei-ma-hard to say: '' Immediately xit getting back course (completed acquisition) of interest. The good knowledge! Contemplative wisdom, the wise beyond, clearly knows the heart. If you know the heart, the heart of the capital was freed. If freed, which means Bat-elegant-black triangle. Bat-elegant-black triangle that is no-mind ". All beings we all Buddhist everyone available this pure natural bath, is also covered in the Buddhist center around this pure natural duty. Just go back to take (Full prime), then immediately went into a Buddha to Buddha. This is one of the main means of DC teachers that often when I talk about Zen teachings.

Going through this life that riding white buffalo, the results of the Buddhist legacy is peaceful, happy pleasure, results were:
"Self in Kabbalah, Auditorium du Samadhi":
No concept, the main concept
Yes concept, conception is wrong
There are no such management
Ngu white ox away forever.
There are things we need to pay attention very center concept does not mean that the heart does not have ideas, but rather to not be defiled, unimpeded by the thought. Formless too. Formless is not no form at all, but the formless is not polluted and unimpeded by appearances. Countless office does not mean nothing at all, which is what everyone is cylindrical were not defiled or obstacles it. The mind which is so freeing. Heart no-mind, formless and an office is not the concept, the generals, the female was present (ie the whole of birth and death) as obstacles, defilement. In contrast, no concept of mind, formless and an unobstructed office also the anniversary, the Minister, of what is available. Wisdom in Buddhism Business Centre said: "Excellence is not immediate, ie no color". Identity that is not broke do not mean to go all the colors are not or emptiness, but it is not self-identity. Ie no color does not mean there is emptiness, all colors disappear. In both propositions, identity remains intact, and no unimpeded, stained by color and color is not free of obstacles, destroyed by No. Because "no other identity No, no not another color." Tam no-mind is not "what is not neutral", which is the basis, the foundation for all activities. Therefore, only in particular in the history of Vietnam, the monk is the activity most powerful and effective, in all areas, from culture to society, politics, medicine. 2. Corresponds to the very center concept to communicate, corresponds to the very heart of this concept liberate capital, we need to practice "very happy anniversary", "most unfortunate Samadhi", "uncivil Samadhi". Sixth Patriarch very happy about the following idea: "Why are called no-mind? If you find all the measures that do not mind sticking infection, which is no-mind. Use it all over the place but did not attach all places. Just get a pure heart, that six out of six food store, where six ceiling complex disorders such pollution. Go go free, seamless application does not slow down, it's the Bat-elegant-black triangle, in freeing themselves, called very happy anniversary. And if the percentage of such thinking, often causing great end concept, which is legal binding, also called marginal kien.Cac good knowledge! Meets all legal measures, the concepts are very smooth. Enlightenment notion that nothing is found realm of the Buddhas. Enlightenment notion that nothing is to land Buddha. " In another passage, he said, "is where the concept-mind that no-mind ... Where the mind such scenes infection, called no-mind. Stay right where his concept that often leave the scene, the scene that is not in consciousness. And as hundreds of such thinking, rid of all the thoughts, ideas end to all the dead, and the life born elsewhere, it is wrong to. School directors who need to think of that. Why do up very concrete idea? Just because people love saying see nature, but there are scenes where the concept, where the concept came from the wrong arise. All the employees from that delusion born ceiling, but nature which does not have a means to be able to elect. If you have a prime spot and said that painting is blessed hope, then that is wrong ceiling work. So this method do take very concrete concept. The good knowledge! Forever is no what? Concept, the concept of what? Forever is not two generals, not mind hearing these workers. Mindfulness is the concept of nature as Truth. As the foot of the concept. As the concept is used by Chan. As a thought of Truth nature. Truth As true nature should start concept. As the foot without ear eye color bar instant annihilation. The good knowledge! As a thought of nature Truth, six units have seen but not heard touching infected all know that scene, true nature is often at. Should business (Duy-ma-hard) says: Usually cleverly distinguished minister of the First law which means no action ''. Thus the very notion that there is no concept of occupational hearing delusions. Practitioner dwells in nature Legs As, and there is a thought of by Chan as a thought of. Birth anniversary of Truth As head straight away so the idea was bored. It's official transformation into place, birth and death of Nirvana, each concept concept. Self-identity consists available for all Dinh Hue, and shop or just "The lily is a can and who can not have two. And wisdom like a lamp and light. Ie bright lights, no lights ie dark. Lights can be of light, the light of the lamp used. Name but two, to which uniform. This is the legal wisdom so. " So do not just sit meditating on, which corresponds to meditate is nature, "the wisdom of equality": "" The good knowledge! Sao called meditate? In this method does not block does not mind. In addition to all the realms of good and evil, mind does not start, called sitting. In essence, it does not work, called meditation. Sao called meditation? Also leave Minister meditation. In such chaos is making. Outside if adhesion minister, then went inside the mind disorder. If outside the departed minister, went undisturbed mind. The nature of self-purification equity, because the scene that shows the scene in chaos. If you see the scene undisturbed mind, it is true to that. " Good Knowledge! Also departed minister is meditation, in such disorders as specified. In addition to meditation, which is meditation. Doing gender Bodhisattva said: "Self It is the responsibility of the original nature pure capital. The good knowledge! On each anniversary of each concept, nature finds itself pure, self-cultivation self-propelled, self-Buddhist Circuit ". As well very handy with a pure thought, one lives permanently with the Buddha, the Buddha realm: "On the ground self-interest, awareness Tathagata exaggerated clarity, in addition to the depth of pure, clean out the sun Luc education. Nature shines inside, except for three consecutive toxic, hell most of the time the crime to destroy. In the wise beyond it, like the West. If no such practice, how to get there? ". When his mind is Buddha ("That the mind is Buddha", or, according to the Platform experience, "That is a former center Buddha"), and the mind was of the unborn "Mindfulness before birth is not interested, then not destroy the Buddhist concept. List all generals are interested, leave all the Buddhist minister ". Then, "If the place where it all, walking outside, purely a direct interest, such that the leg up ashrams Pure, was most well known as the Three-black." Then this life is normal self by liberation: "No one can attain new approach can create all phenomena. If he is also well known as the Bodhi Nirvana. The nature of the establishment was found not to be well founded, to go free, no delay is not afraid. Applications that do, the words that meeting, found throughout the incarnation, not leaving nature, which is itself in Kabbalah, Auditorium du-black triangle. It shows the nature called. " 3. No-mind and body center three three bodies of the Buddha, Dharma body, sambhogakaya, reincarnation are capital in nature its place. The process of meditation is the process Khai Thi Ngo Ba Enter nature that body, such as the Lotus Sutra says. This is the interpretation and practice of Indo-Tibetan Dzogchen. "Three Buddha in nature, people are born with. Because love should not find yourself interested in nature, the search for three body Tathagata but seeing the Buddha himself had three. The instructor makes me he heard he found himself in nature have three Buddha. Three Buddha born from nature, not from outside but is ". Mind is the very concept of purity Dharmakaya Buddha: "Why are called Pure Dharmakaya Buddha? the introduction of capital nature pure nature of all phenomena from birth. Thinking of all the evil being evil deeds. Thinking of all the good works being virtuous. Thus, the measures are of the essence. As often in the morning sky, the sun is usually shining moon, but with clouds, the light on the dark bottom. Suddenly the wind blew clouds tan, around all morning, all are current form. The good knowledge! Location as the sun, moon-like wisdom. Wisdom which usually am, but the situation should be followed because clouds obscured the temporary nature, are not clear. If you get good legal knowledge hear righteous, self-love than expected, then the wise beyond, where the nature of all phenomena are present. Those who see nature as such. This is called the Pure Dharmakaya Buddha. " French capital itself as pure, unstained, without obscuration by the French themselves thoughts should be very center concept, which frees, the emptiness, the Truth As ... France found itself called him see nature. "Perfection Star newspaper called itself? For such a lamp can rule out the darkness of thousands of years, one can destroy the wisdom of thousands of years of dormancy. Do not think about before, we were not able to attain through. Often thought of after each round anniversary anniversary each morning (league members) then finds nature. But other evil, not two natures. This unique nature called true nature. In the true nature of evil without infection friendly infections, which called Perfection Buddha Report. Self-concept evil nature launch a charity's eternal annihilation. Start a friendly nature, the constant sa bad idea to terminate, straight to the Supreme Bodhi. In each anniversary anniversary finds, did not take the idea, he called the newspaper itself. " Report of the mind itself is very light this concept. Lighting is often called the "luminous" in the business. Report itself is luminous emptiness of France itself. If "every idea every morning concepts are round, no infection and evil, are themselves seen (nature), did not take the concept (Chan As), we are living in the report itself. If the "right where the concept that often leave the scene, such that scene where consciousness is" bright idea circular concept, concepts no longer hangs on the birth and death anniversary of falsehoods, but the concept is made ​​up of clarity from emptiness. Also of interest is the use of no-mind, but if the concept itself hangs on the scene, the concept of birth and death, and concept beady concept, the idea did not take root (the concept), is made ​​up of clarity, it is Nirvana. " Abstract, if France itself is unborn passed away, the report itself is the body that shines France. Economic arguments often said President Screening, Soto called Default Projection, all for just this sense. "Why are known as inhibitors hundred thousand incarnations? If not think all the qualities which are not legal citizenship. A thinking concept, called metamorphosis. After the evil chemical properties as hell, thinking good deeds into heaven and hazardous chemicals as a dragon snake, compassionate bodhisattva of work, the wisdom of making higher realms, as the lower realms of stupidity. Self-identity transformation lot, enthusiasts can not awareness, concept evil thought arises, often go evil ways. If a good idea to return, wisdom instant delivery. This is called Buddha nature incarnation. " incarnation is thought, that concept is the use of the mind. Dharmakaya is the mind without thought, not polluted by thoughts (no idea), which is emptiness ("if you do not think the nature of all phenomena which are not President"). Since in nature and does not, start thinking a concept of good and evil, there is reincarnation. Thought it should be a lot of memories hundred thousand incarnation. Think what they do that, that's the place. If you know how to use this in mind, reverse the origin of it (their reflection), the French recognize themselves, find their identities. And just to follow the rambling thoughts of birth and death, the birth and death as day.The prison should also recite that "good return" means the return is not involved, no courts, no ignorance, no person falls, the "Wisdom instant delivery." Without the concept (the incarnation), it is not known what to go back to France to see the very concept itself. Without the use of the mind, it does not know what to to find out something of interest. Again, we see more of the Clerk of the only organizations: not kill the concept is good. If you know the mind which is very conception, immaculate, each thought were unfounded, platform, every thought itself it is liberating. If starting a concept that does not know the concept of emptiness itself off from France, the concept was freed and the true incarnation of France itself emptiness. Incarnation (conception) arising from France itself (no idea), so the people who see the nature, saw France itself, the concept is very notion. If you start a notion that this conception in the light of the luminous body Alert the concept that is light and the true incarnation of newspaper luminous body. Sixth Patriarch Three relatives summarized as follows: "From the French body that thought, then that is a reincarnation of the Buddha. Self-concept nature anniversary show, which is Buddha newspaper. Self-realization self-cultivation merits of nature, it is true refuge. Every three enlightened nature itself, which is known to be the Buddha nature ". Thinking (concept) without leave France itself Emptiness (no idea), it is reincarnation, which is the manifestation of emptiness equity release. As self-concept notion nature of their reflection ("self-concept nature anniversary show"), which is itself luminous newspaper. Use all things in life, that is, every thought, to cultivate the virtues of nature Ba itself, it is true refuge. Such as: "In each concept each concept, nature finds itself pure, self-cultivation self-propelled, self-direction that the Buddha."END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/4/2015.

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