Thursday 19 March 2015

My Play Bodhi Mind
"The main French-sold-leader, practice the correct key-France, who then called a religious-easy-Lai."
                                        Business School-A-Jaw

My College-Admit Ly-Veterinary Records Three-La-Suite-Multi
Play The Bodhi-Mind
50th-anniversary of Buddha, which the Director
in nail-yameen (1957)
          One year full-time,
            On the twentieth-anniversary of Buddha, which the Director last year (1956) I heart-prayer session-room and press-full year operating the sutras, the thin-typically, universal-for every e-Buddha-body profile.
            Complete the scene incredibly difficult-difficult, complex-periodicals, only a heart patient complaint, news-idea where Tam-the family-households, both in the 50th-anniversary of Buddha, which the Director this year (1957), 12 episodes consisting of 22 volumes and 4 small products was born.
            Record a Italy-the prayer, would like-the kind words-anniversary and presented the n up T-bail-intelligent. Feedback-driven industry-Germany to Master, you Direct-owner who had a religious experience and support-– into the capital, along the four printing, green led, France-about us-born, are both full-time as the Buddha-casting director.
            SaigonThe season-Leader in Nail-yameen (1957)
PLAY the Bodhi-mind[1]
-The Elegant eight-word translation, Breaking out in simplified script
-Love-Heart-Latin translation of Chinese into Vietnamese.
          When Germany World-religion speaking out loud as the roaring lion[2], secret-intelligent display Of-tri-band[3] and then, successively, the Great Portuguese Slapped Maitreya (From-Shi), from his seat to stand up, chễ Austria as owner, ownership of land, steep pillow on your knees please, pieced together, provide direction to the Buddha, White says: "You must change-Hoa-Hoa instead! The great Saints of world-religion, often bringing Center Zan-bi-Cyrillic letters and speaking out "secret cam-Lo-Sheng Da-la-ni[4] thus, to its capital-Regent-about, dear please Germany World-religion us mercy-born actor told Radio France-upper Bodhi, prompting the owner-love (us-born) no mind, how play is? Owner – the who play it, how tu-action be? And, since human-what charm did not regress to transfer the College-admit-mind. [5]
            Now, Germany That Bao Dai-ton Bo-Slapped Maitreya: "If in good faith-male-female-friendly, user-agent, wanted for possession-love, tu Dai Hanh-love-friendship scraps and want an agent to Nirvana, first need to play in hostile mind-to win. In mind the enemy-what's victory? -One is for the owner-love, who plays the great-from-cans, flasks-wide Modeler. The two are, for the most-required-vaccine-position[6], the mind does not regress-switch. Thirdly, with regard to the possession, as the start-Italy-idea as close friends and in every insurance-accident, vowed to save-them. Four is, for the owner-sex, usually run out Italy-idea is owed them. The year is usually carrying the infamous lap-Tigress, think how would paid their debt? The play is in the mind, the decision soon proved to be the main upper level-infinity-ball key-sense ". [7]
            Then again, the great Portuguese Slapped Maitreya! What is for in-surplus, for the mind of tu-onions, are real-world-shifting? -Like ancient, a bright, intelligent media – traders – throughout, often working people-from, tastes-pros, seeing my parents, they found, usually poor-parting the body-mind-set, know what the media used also-levels, help-block? Injured-worker's impairment-think: "nothing more than was hot, picked up the jewel As-Italy-security[8], to bring about new levels from the also-to be poor!" Because human-thing, the coast and trade who played-dung-Meng, not pity themselves-destined, from home, included transport, search-private stuff-Liang (Liang-real, object-use), the same search you heal, boat and yacht-monk (sail).
            While trade-human skull to halfway, meet a stranger, from the hot back, the other strangers ask trade-entertainment that: "He wants to go, search hurry-gold?" Injured-worker's full answer the charm-as above: to help the people of cork-along, should now want to go hot, find the jewel As-Italy-security, bring about investment-level for them. Stranger says: "before I leave home, as well as that, because want to save fuselage-eliminated the suffering-poor brains-together. When I play the mind then go out on the road, I met many risk-nan, would undergo the same wide, across the gravel sand (s-Mac), there is a vast area of butt-ch t water, a tree, a lot of the same elephant, Tiger, quote, Sai-lang, snake, lion etc.; or experiencing aggressors stole, big river, big mountains, hungry, hot, wet weather, economic — scary shit, fear-fear. Through it, I am the same boat – engineer on to hot to see big wind to, big fish, wickedly-long, Thunder, hail, clap, maelstrom ... There are numerous archive-accident, can't say much. But endure the agony-accident like that, but still can't find the jewel As-Italy-security, which is what helps the body, temporarily provides enough for themselves, rather than have to help the poor lack of trunk-clan. Now I suggest human-imitation, not subject to time-time, fatigue only gauge for yourself only! I want the same human-imitation of other arrangements, in other places. Why is that? Because, in the other large tanks have much tribulation, rather than an accident, would: Black-Black-painted Maple,, pharmacy-soa, La-police, giant fish, gynostemma pentaphyllum-long ... but, only ever heard the name n As-Italy, the thousands of people seeking the jewel, has yet to make one, two were her jewel. By human-Human, I highly recommend her charm-Jia should soon come! "
            At the time, the other home traders-listen now and then, more and more falling-TIEN and emit fee-mind three wins, decisively on hot search n not back. Three fee-what's winning mentality? -A is the thought that my parents, brother, poorer consumers-they like, we dare you to not get help for each other is what? The two are, to think that the body belongs to me, earlier abundance, please help us food, clothes, mercy me much, now suffering from extreme poverty-the same, trunk-not rescue all are, I dare you would let go of that, which would like to move back? Thirdly, we think that when at home, look after the House, dictate me-I'm a big, small, and rebuke it, could you would them poverty, not hurt them, so they are fun, but want to go back? So, the coast-thinking of getting charged an-Germany, spear-thing playing Center-dung-Meng, determination-to proto-advance, Costa into the hot, look Like-Italy-privacy, then come home, offering help for the body part, spoiled consumer, from the period of extreme-nan, forever ". [9]
            The Bo-Bo as well as in the great Slap-Slap Bodhi plays-mind, a thought-Green-Beast, Quartet-b.[10] of the ten directions, both my parents died before, because of the mercy me, should make any evil karma, to sa-fallen into hell, ain't the devil, animal-born, bear all the suffering-brain. By itself, the coast-we-think: "what transport is used, to help to those who are suffering-she '? Italian boots-anniversary then, found only on the hot College-France Luc Ba-la-suite-most bridge, Buddha-vaccine-position, can help be suffering birth-death for possession-love it! Bo-Slapped my thoughts-think like that and then, play Center-dung-must not regress hid, essential-crane forward, not lazy--lazy, bored-out, included transport, search-private stuff-Liang, seeking sensory healing-enlightenment (Bodhi) and France (main-France) and France-monk.
            When Bo-Slaps to halfway, meet a Ma-Wang, President-business map-them, or it does do a body the Sun, or it does do a body, or it does make her body-la-Mon, or it does do a body home, caravan or it does make your body Pop-dark chocolate, dark chocolate-ni-Switch, or it does do an other species. MA-United Kingdom across the Federation United-who play Slap that: "Now he wants to place a rush-gold? -Bo-him a: "because all they were born-brain-gauge, now wants to enter in a large tank Corps-level, demand for Buddhist-vaccine-as-Italy Told-i.e., to save all of them-born being poor" lack. Ma-Wang said: "I also played when the new world because they want an all-born being miserable-the brain out of the House, e-mail me through the birth place of the great desert, sa-cabinet-save-transfer (other tossed forever), good enough all the starving, steals the aggressors, scared-scared every accident, rather than an accident, new to being in hot record-level-France. Or to see the applicants, or having people asking for eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, hands, feet, chi-Xue, heart, lungs, intestines, stomach, liver, thick-suite, spleen, kidney, to this country, up, wife, children, children in the son, the son in girls, the wrong person — making, things like who, depending on what application will give the student's heart sẻn-sorry, just bridge the mind-the jewel (position-intellectual property, the Buddha-mind). Experience endless-the amount of shit born-electronics store-switch in the tank the gauge, but the bear all the suffering-accident, still not be infinity-upper Bodhi, which just returned to the bridge resulted in A-la-Han, the new out of the three realms and was President-kill Nirvana. Now I tell him, not subject to the labour-power, pained should suicide-Tri, I want him and stepped up between the result of that. Why, because, I think of the three evil way is often subject to poverty, the mind think of eating, heads side up rotten-no, can anyone give me mouth a feast no where? All the user-set distress-suffering-mind, destined the impermanence, the faster the water flows down the mountain, steps charity-tri-mode (you heal) while difficult to meet, if not to believe in, practice-passive, after eating-s copy up! In the hot death-birth, save-moving uncertainty, the mind like the Moon water bottom, what makes him! The evil man-trí-recipe (you wicked) easy to see, easy to see, often advised supporters-run Portuguese Director-Slaps, dropping by-wealth, body-face value, expecting to lead Bodhi. The genus lettered Buddha was born, how the new time out once, a thousand, ten thousand people demand relief Bodhi, are one, two people are. Therefore, I suggest that human-imitation shouldn't be subjected to lao-gauge, which should get a-bridge, self certified Nirvana. Again, in three loads of shit, bear all have new evidence, gauge is Buddha-fruit Bo-Slaps, but here, the right in this life, or in just three years will witness was the fruit A-la-Han, is a quadratic Scalar-learning, subject to suffering do read! Stupid-si infinity-mind, mind they longed to bridge the Buddha-fruit, go through ridiculous-the amount of shit, bear all the time-gauge, has yet to hear evidence is the fruit of A-la-Han, the only evidence was directed to the fruit Loads-upper Bodhi! For as someone caught a little bird, the Golden bird sightings-sí, he successively drop the bird caught, are grasped in hand, proceed forward, Chase birds Kim-sí kia, but big bird, flapping wing fly high, bird also flown. Stupid bridge Buddha-fruit, as well as put the fruit A-la-Han, a Buddha-other, two are lost. Know then, expecting him soon Hui-right in this life, he decided to plan A la fruit were Chinese! "
            Sailings now, Bo-listen well, he Slapped the more courageous-Meng, who three plays out. 01 What's mind? -First, to think that all of them – from the life of the disabled-only I could birth-death to date, which is the body of the mine, or is elected-you, are currently subject to the agony-brain, yet escape was, could you do me back down back? The two are, to think that all of them – born from unconscious-so far, only I could provide us levels-food, clothes, mercy me deep-set, now they suffered much agony-in London-feedback, I've told them temple, could you do me the world of mind-transfer students? Thirdly, we all thought-born, from childhood until now, only I could infinity-they are all bereaved-belongs to I was wrong-making and sometimes his rebuke-accountability, we don't have any enemies-a gift of them all! By human-favored him, we shouldn't regress hid, needed more proof to homogeneous dung-Director-Bodhi fruit. If shown to be the most essential-Bodhi-mind-protect, use get help them-born being miserable-in birth-death, so called Great-United-Slapped in College-admit, for tu-mind is real-world-turning. [11]
            Then again, Dude-Slapped Maitreya! He should know as Bo-tu-art-happy Slapping admit, played out in the mind. During the year, the first heart centre is for the owner-love, play-run Center-bi; the second mind is because the owners – the Most bridge-set-location, the mind does not regress-switch; two mind then, for great-admit, Bo-Slapped need essential-Dr. tu-action. The third mind is all right-with my friend; Center for Wednesday's friendly all-sex for me is I don't have anything else of enemies-in response; Center for Thursday's friendly all-sex is progeny-in I had against them starting out the real business-friendly, non-penalty charge, yelled at his rebuke, the intensive-care of Tiger-infamous, as would the temple paid! Three's mind, leaving the Portuguese Slapped dung-Meng real-depression, until shown to be directed-Major-upper level-Invisible result key-sense ". [12]

[1] This is the business of 261, in the greater-Organ-Trading. Topics-this clearly had items in Journal-Y T-Bao ". Beijing has 10 product range: Product Specification-Y T-the first, the product of da-La-Ni Monday and works-Bodhi-mind here was the third. Bodhi-mind has three grades: Bodhi-mind of Rod-writer, Bodhi-mind of Charm-and the Bodhi-mind of the Buddhas, this talk about infinity-Upper Bodhi-mind i.e., Bodhi-mind of Bodhi Buddha (Bodhi): Ancient room as "Scouts", which translates as "Vigilance". Play-Bodhi-mind: i.e. play-run Center for Foot Bridge-or play-run Center for main bridge-Buds.
[2] The roaring lion: lion is the animal species, one hour it is other animals up dragons are awesome. for reliable enough for Buddha-Germany, in great-they said what the answer is to make decisions-designated, not scared-scared and on the contrary, they listen, mind-brain goals-tan, ma-United Kingdom scared-scared, so male-example lyrics Buddha said as lion roar.
[3] Total-Tri Band: News, da-la-ni-Da subject.-la-ni (Dhàrani) Chinese translation is Of-maintenance, which means keeping the no loss, keep storage batteries do not run. Take the notion, trying, how wisdom, United-States, meditate on, tu Slapped full wisdom was the German one. Subjects: it means "French subjects". France-Division Of strictly maintenance-includes 4 kinds: legal, sense, paying attention, patient, but usually just for you-subjects of the Suite-the Church, called General-maintenance-keeper.
[4] Mon da-la-ni is very secret, micro-magic, enemies-win and have Italy-explaining-release cam-highway.
[5] This is the charm-originator, Mr. Bo-Slapped Maitreya concur-the English slang-German secret-intelligent display Of-maintenance-Buddha's subjects, and Bo-slapped the Maitreya Buddha asked: How did for them-born Player was Ill-upper Bodhi-mind, who does play the tu-is and how not to regress-transfer?
[6] -The setting-strain-rest: News Buddha-mind. Means taking a position of Member-Buddha, know all the French-led vassal state of Buddha and knows all their charm-human-born.
[7] On this the Buddha answered questions of the Bo-Slapped Maitreya is they'd Age-almond-born tu and reaches Nirvana needs to emit fee-mind year wins. The five then swab does not regress-turn and quickly shown to be direct – Endless results-upper Bodhi.
[8] As-Italy-Bao (Cintãmani): also known as Ma-ni-i.e., that is, from where this jewel, played-out everything with the Italy-our prayer-born expectation. As-Italy-said male-example for the Buddha-mind News For-set-vaccine-position.
[9] The above paragraphs the Buddha speaks of the merchants, because of under-intelligent, knowing a-close detector-due, said mercy parent, national body addressing-mind playing him in hot search n As-what do bring relief to all though between someone can stop, having covered by insurance-accident, still not pleasing frayed, frustrated, that reaches the destination of Italy-Chapel, to male-example for the Portuguese who discovered the great happy-Slapped tu admit to that.
[10] Green-Beast: Natural, human, A-tu-la, hell, the devil fell, cattle-born. Sichuan province Born: species eggs, species of bear, species where wet, moist chemical species--born.
[11] On it says Dude who plays the great-almond Slapped tu-admit, reaching infinity-upper Bodhi need for center-forward, though more serious-and Ma-Wang, thank you-coax.

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