Monday 30 March 2015

Want to meditate, before we have to know the theory behind the new practice. Why we should meditate? Buddha in four postures we are all religious. Four posture is walking, standing, lying and sitting. However, of the four postures that Zen masters say only that wins than sitting.
Want to meditate, before we have to know the theory behind the new practice. Why we should meditate? Buddha in four postures we are all religious. Four posture is walking, standing, lying and sitting. However, of the four postures that Zen masters say that only sit wins over all.
Why? As usual, thinking than lose heart, to harass our continually arises. Not only is it constantly during normal, but even when going to sleep, I wish it was not thought wildly. As long as it's too tired to stay under their new bed. So long we expect to be the first such center entice concealed forever.
Buddha taught all beings from samsara is now led, but now come from? From the body, speech and mind. But now but honestly say three is now the owner. If the idea is good, do good body, good mouth; thought of themselves as bad bad, bad mouth. Attention should be proactive. If the silence is now well under that end.
All lost distinguish them from the harassment arises. Good idea, bad idea, the idea, the idea of harassment v. v ... For years we give the delusion that your mind and let it commander, led her away in samsara. As long as things calm her thoughts, I realized I still hear clearly distinguished without the intervention of attention. This is what is known honest money, its availability. But as usual we run prospects attention should forget it. The karma does not know, not a cause, then how reincarnation?
So practice is to free birth and death. Want liberation of birth and death, they must stop all operations, especially the industrial front, because the initiative. So our goal is to give attention to meditate quietly. The silence then the tri constant current constant sense of money, not lose them. The true heart no minister, no action. As the conditioned under the shadow of external things like people that have, so it whirring mess forever, then led her away to create more business.
The focus of our practice is to return to his real leg. Zen House says we as riders looking for buffalo buffalo or bowel Buddha Buddha, the Buddha kept outside for him forget his real Buddha are. It's so pitiful mistake.
In the eyes of Buddhism, we do not have to find where the Buddha, but the constant attention every sense of their knowledge is at the heart of the Buddha.
But now that interest are thinking things, discrimination, more lost, obscured constant harassment. So we have to clean it whirring mind to mind is the truth. Just as the moon shining on the dark clouds were nowhere to hide dark. If multiple continuous cloud cover so we could not see the moon. I do not see the moon, not no moon. Just as we can not see his Buddha, not no Buddha himself.
Sitting meditation is to stop her mind whirring again. For years it his master, now we won the right to host again. Do not run it again, it must be stopped. We mastered the whirring thoughts that we are now employed. Conversely, if it is his master when he led his eyes closed and his going to run with it, do not resist.
So the sense of sitting meditation is very important. Buddha sitting in meditation to meditate and not to play, or sitting meditation for health care delivery. Sitting meditation is gradually stop karma. Karma clean the cleaning industry. Now clean the liberation of birth and death. When the constant knowledge that his constant sense is presented. That led to it being now freed of birth and death. Live with it, do we not also suffering in samsara again. That is where the universal practice of meditation.
We often see people who are poor crazy, but think that he looks just like crazy. Because things everywhere under five years on, just babble in my head forever. The crazy to say out loud, but they themselves will whisper whisper inside. Out of this story to another story, what is your thought, well remembered. Just so that babble all day, do not be quiet for a minute. Think much, much heavier head thinking, so its hard to do it yourself, do not have anyone in there anywhere.
Now we have not completely stopped what he thinks junk, but if somewhat mastered, the first its that much lighter. Many people think they have a lot of things, sometimes things are not worth thinking still thought vicious forever, until the matter should not think they thought out. People are often so strange.
Just when things stop thinking messy, serene mind, the new intellectual light, as long as it needs to think we thought was right. So many people say "I'm sorry to meditate often solve problems that are outside unresolved". Because resolved to sit there and settle forever, into a forgotten practice. It is a truth. Because when meditating, slightly quieter mind, suddenly remembering his past problems deadlock, now natural light, they saw very clearly. Seeing or so, so I worry solve forget its main purpose is for the mind sitting still.
So to see that our purpose is to cultivate the mind is quiet. Mind is quiet, the breakfast place. As the water in the pool is cloudy, we ladle into jars. After a time from morning to afternoon, the water became slang. Water in not only by his nickname, which is in the nature of water. It is so opaque and tiny debris. Residues stop, lingo down, the water in the back. Surface water is turbid, the scene is not. New or existing water surface clear all external objects. Ie water in the morning, cloudy water that is dark.
We meditate is to slang in mind down the dregs. Scum quiet the mind and security. Security Center is located morning. It was the closest result of meditation. As far outcome, the end result is the liberation of birth and death. Buddhist practitioners meditate without incurring a huge disadvantage. Because the peace of mind whirring not lead nostalgic now. Now leads the misfortune to have no date of birth and death together.
The meditation not only peace of mind, body position that the good morning again. Life is always playful, not sad not suffering. Often when we think of someone you hate the face frowned, thinking of his people, the angry red face, think of your loved ones, then naturally want to tears v. v ... Just like face all day so we changed countless times. Only if you do, do not think his new face impassive, calm, refreshed. That particular interests, the closest of meditation.
Mind has an illness at the natural body. The following new worries there in the mind, the body being very sick. Saul disease doctors scared, because even though there is no treatment or medication well. Just knowing the grief tu lo reduce new, new end to be. It is a truth. With this in mind see the value of meditation. People often do not understand the criticism: "What were you doing sitting dim forever!" A lot of people criticize that, I taught nuns, Buddhists do not do anything, just sit all day dim dim futile. The world looked exhausted as seen sitting in vain, but the truth is very important job.
We all day or just run out forever and never look back at her. When you look back and see what he is unaware of the concept of being suddenly came whirring not actually kill her. For a long time due to ignorance, we recognize that yourself. When the kill was stopped, I realized there was a critical, not being not kill, always bright and provincial own existence. It's a real her. Realizing such as rediscovered treasures his home has long been forgotten. A work such that it can be said to be so vain!
Here, I just said profile of the meaning and benefits of practicing meditation like that. You want to know all worth it then gradually go into practice. When they do, as the water heater itself known, what can be said to be.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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