Tuesday 31 March 2015

From the beginning, the goal of Buddhism is the original happiness and suffering. Since being based diversified nature, the Buddha to vehicles with multiple disciplines with the familiar maxim.
It's "Dharma beings multilateral multi-disease". So the teachings of the Buddha are divided into ten vehicles concrete (concrete manner established by the Chinese), each sect to suit some Tanh beings. Most schools were developed in China, though Zen, Pure Land or Password ... also have a common aim is to make all beings are enlightened.

A. Introduction

 From the beginning, the goal of Buddhism is the original happiness and suffering. Since being based diversified nature, the Buddha to vehicles with multiple disciplines with the familiar maxim. It's "Dharma beings multilateral multi-disease". So the teachings of the Buddha are divided into ten vehicles concrete (concrete manner established by the Chinese), each sect to suit some Tanh beings. Most schools were developed in China, though Zen, Pure Land or Password ... also have a common aim is to make all beings are enlightened.
Currently in ten schools, some cardboard seconded temporarily subsided, but Zen, Pure Land, Password, despite ups and downs, but always be in vogue.
Particularly Pure tone is the only way to help sentient beings in the Dharma Ending find a way out of suffering samsara pain. In the Infinite Life Buddha prophesied: "Life destroy all future business direction, we use compassion mercy, separate storage business for about a hundred years. If these beings having this experience, discretion voluntary basis, are attained level ". An Quang his masters, a higher increase in modern China, has said: "degenerate time, complex beings heavy heart. If outside the Buddhist mindfulness courses that other religious sects, which sowed good fortune part time basis with fresh, place in another part of the time not escape samsara. But there are a few high moral position is extraordinary feat, but there are steps Bodhisattva vows that makes an angle to lead beings didactic approach eyes. "
 Most notably, in Vietnam, the Pure Land is the majority of the public to apply and gives great results. As practical benefits for the majority, since passed, the Pure Land method obviously became the practice essence that students of Buddhism in Vietnam. Because it is easy to religious teachings easy to attain, but also susceptible to errors in perception and practice, so students need to understand the Buddhist dignity to benefit most on the path of liberation.


Pure Land sect or the other most developed mostly in China. China is regarded as the cradle of Mahayana Buddhism and especially Vietnam influenced the practice of traditional Chinese Buddhist very deep. Although Pure Land originating from India, but is fruitful in China due to uphold the preacher of you Sensei, typically Tue Far. Therefore, the Pure Land in countries like China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam ... see Him (Far Tue) was the first group has spread the practice. To understand the practice of cardboard Pure dark shirt, we first need to understand summary of the life and Svetlana spread the tone of the primary structure only, Tue embassy.

1. My Profile

 Stock Huiyuan their masters, national origin in the land of long sessions, Swallow Mon District, Shanxi Province China. Born in South Thach million, five Armor midday, dating Dien sacrifice, the reign of Emperor Thanh Tan. It is not clear what are their parents' names. His childhood Confucian traditions and lifestyle. About thirteen years old, he has familiarized the Confucian doctrine, the old page, thought Hundred Schools of Thought ... Although a treasure of traditional philosophy are available but do not satisfy his will to explore .
 At that time there shaman An Act declaration directed at the Middle Temple Industries, young Thai Hang Hang painting of mountains. Increase devotees gathered in large legal hear.
Because curiosity wants to learn the profound explanation should he come to the temple Enterprise Middle School teaching life. When listening to his teaching experience An Act Wisdom, His mind is cleared of deep mystery magic show enlightened. And he lamented that: "Any doubt Buddha profound legacy! So long in vain to chase bait we put garbage Confucius, Strong, Aging, Home! ".
Then he (Huiyuan) please refuge Catholic monastic life with Shamans Security Act, which measures the performance Tue Far. Thai dating Friday, so tourists to the Grand Master Games-positive origin, Jiangxi Province, saw lots of paint stick u mountain, where the practice should be to establish monasteries took the title of Longquan (Dragon Spring).
Because of love masters faith, the more we study maps growing, should have extensive facilities for practice, The Complete medical history Thai temple Development Center took him in the mountains east of Lot paint god named Lam Dong Yun self . (The reason for the name is divinely inspired Legend of the night before the construction of the temple divine touch, transportation of supplies to plants, stones ... enough to build a new temple called divinely inspired).
Since While landscape painting was completed lots, he encourages them to take tu pure map. To distinguish the moment of reciting, University Professor for planting white lotus ponds, the water released twelve lotus wood, water streams out on. Every hour the water pushed through a lotus. Public health according to the course that practice. There are many intellectuals four undergraduate because merit Dear list of masters and times please be discussed and planned according to our Dharma practice as Hien Enlightenment, the Buddha Gia Xa, Save Migration, United Overseas Chi ...
His translation, annotated texts authored lot. Especially the subject property Sa Bai United paralogical, five natural made ​​at the time the court must accept admired.
 Over three holy minister is seen, certainly had the opportunity to rebirth, all the masters were well prepared. As said before being reborn time, should undergo ill for several days, even to dissuade people, great teachers still do not rice porridge medicine. He then advised us map provided achievements: "I paint Block, in the first eleven years, three times saw Buddha and noble embodiment. Register now to see the Buddhist life. Surely we will be born in the pure. "
 After reminding regulations and prepare for mass finishing, August 6 th him an adieu wall map them died at the age of 83 years old.

2. The purpose of Buddhism

 Buddha said: "I was born for the good of the majority, because compassion for the world, for peace and happiness of gods and men" (Increased costs of doing). Thus the presence of the Buddha in this world with the sole purpose and that is great benefit born population; without passion is being swept back dive in the sea life DROP birth and death, the Buddha never appeared.
 Thus, throughout history, where it brought Buddhism to the message of peace happiness to it. The presence of Buddhism always synonymous with peace of every prosperous country, every country.
So, even though the practice, provided practical benefit for beings, help people be directed towards Maybe right way right, then that person is doing precious skeptical outlook of the three Buddhas, are mentioned only high tone of Buddhism.
So the sacred mission of you is holy disciples spread the Dharma, find all skillful means being provided to guide the direction of Buddhism. Standing in absolute terms, but said they had no concrete only Buddhism, sects, all of which method separately; but standing on a vehicle, there are countless Buddhist teachings that children need to understand clearly and objectively. Using four missionary vows sufficient to prove equal compassion, wisdom Vietnam, offhandedly Attachment To practice:
"Boundless beings vows degree
endless negativity vows paragraph
teachings countless vows to learn
Buddhist religion supreme vow to ".
That's enough for us to see that the teachings of Buddhism profound magic, the vast immensity. And so, throughout the Buddhist new beings can be immeasurable advantage of being based on the nature of this world. Thus, through the process of being Pure tones have asserted their dignity, have people see the benefits of a practical method means wonderful mystery, but the organization of the sect His other Nhat Nguyen Thien As, Ich Incidentally, Radical Enlightenment, Liench'ih ... and countless secret religious mind has to be reborn in the Pure Land. Much is enough to see the profound teachings of, in order to help all beings fortunate to reap good results. Thich Thien Tam wrote in his book Buddhist mindfulness weak cross: "Drugs are not a north-south, all the drug or disease. French high low HAP France magic ".

3. What is Pure?

Pure aka Pure Earth, Bliss, Pure Scene, West, is entirely peaceful realm is no longer suffering. Those who are reborn in bliss, it certainly will not fall permanently threatened in the triangle diagram.
In the Amitabha, the Buddha explained to Sariputra said, "Shariputra! Belgium list of the galaxy tried ecstasy? United Nations numerous organic beings we suffer, lettered placard life lost, trying bliss list ". That is, the Buddha told him that he Shariputra: why call is bliss? Because we did not have the birth place of suffering enclosure, just enjoy the peace and happy life full so called Bliss.
 Pure is the Chinese transliteration Vietnam. According to the index itself is pure clean, quiet, no defilement; the realms of Water, a national level or a certain world. Thus, the Pure is a realm of pure water, a world entirely without unstained purity.
Through the explanation of the Pure, we noticed was that there must be a world full of factors humans, birds, living situation is of course! This is explained in the Amitabha Sutra.

4. Pureland not

 As mentioned above, the Pure is a realm of water, power and merit through prayer practiced for generations of Amida that the world Moat most wins in "ten realms Buddha also lost scene" - Sam Di Da. But many argue that the Pure bogus, it's just fiction or a finesse of missionaries, want to dazzle the masses chickened weak, no sense of self. There are those who argue that science has advanced, it was found to Mars, the moon ... but where to find the realm of Pure water is?
These are very shallow argument that the moat of the less studied Pure Land, there is no belief in the ancient teachings of the Buddha, of the group.
In order to clarify the issues being debated, first of all, the writer presents some basic facts of Buddhism.
If science explain all what we need to practice according to the Dharma. Moreover, one does something spontaneous that science is taken as arguments, we become instruments of science, scientific slave, and not the Buddhist practitioners who specialize MOIT again. When science is not found does not mean that we do not have to recognize the very limits of science. In the old days when no one microscope believe Buddha said in a bowl of water with all four thousand eight bugs do not? Or when no telescope, scientists believe Buddha said countless world? Although no one believes, but with insight perceived as truth, the Buddha said. More than twenty centuries after they each recognize the Buddha's teachings.
How about fifteen years now, post event press aliens come to earth of ours. Due to the incident UFO, aliens crashed in the Philippines (Philippines). Philippines authorities have arrested a man with skin the size, weight, color ... press described very detailed. The scientists of the Soviet Union disappeared. The scientific community and the charge based on some facts and concluded that these people by the aliens abducted to the study of man in the earth. Since then scientists trying to find out the distant world of aliens, but so far they have found traces of anything about these people yet? So we dare to assert that there is no? If not, why they appear on our earth? A world like that but could not find how can see Pure Land.
The next section is the view of Buddhist metaphysics.
- In the world of metaphysical realms include gods, World asura, location Hell and peta. This is the world of business is often mentioned. In the Tam Di De, Magazines A Ham ...., Said the anecdote between monks and maidens di Tam went like this: "When you see the monks Tam going to bath in a river in the morning, telling fairy Pi Monks did that, why give real happy to find that the virtual happiness ". Thereby leading to the repartee between the monks and maidens. Finally he led the first female monk came to the Buddha and Buddhist ethics goods. Fairies found refuge center and make disciples of the Buddha. In the Sutra tells his story Bodhi Monastery sits enter the emptiness, was launched gods praise flower offerings. When the discharge, he saw around him full of flowers. Surprised he asked: who scattered flowers around us more than that? The gods replied, "He teaches Uncivil or so, we hit the flower offerings." He abandoned the question: "Where do I have to say that the theory Uncivil?" The gods said, "He did not say, do not listen, it is Chon Prajna". The repartee between the gods and Buddha and his disciples in the holy scriptures very much. Thus, in the economic, ideological Mahayana and Theravada, have acknowledged the existence of gods. It is in the historic section of the Buddha: after enlightenment, because remember the grace of form vegetative body, Mahamaya skin, Buddha incarnation of heaven Executioner benefit, preach to his mother. After listening to finish law, Queen Maya evidence is holy.
- Besides there are realms of beings inferior to men, which is the realm of the species living in hell and peta. They are so new species curse way feel bad retribution. For such species, the ordinary eye or telescope of scientists can not see.
Thus, the gods or the realm of Hell, peta is the metaphysical realm, but is not there. Want to see this realm, only insight of the Buddha or of holy monks and disciples attained heavenly beings label or new religious enlightenment see.
 Well, planes, even to the naked eye or telescope glass of scientists can not see, but based on the teachings of the Buddha we believe there is. In the realm of Pure Buddha said, but also why we do not have to be? Is it because of conflicting sects, although shows good results, but we are extremely proscription of legal subjects as well as the realm of the Pure?
Again, what it also causal. Tu in the world, the realm of the living, good religious gathering of heaven. How much crime is falling triangle map ... then why are not reciting the Buddha of the Pure Land? This is what we contradict the teachings of the Buddha. If you follow this discursive can not have the other things are similar. If not consistent with each other, this morning recommend good practice in international gathering ... Who believes to be directed towards. That is some evidence of the obvious for the Pure tone.

5. The method of practicing basic Pure

According to the traditional method, the pure religious faith must have deep, deep prayer and action set.
 The first pure religious faith must be in practice, believe in their ability to lead the Buddha Amitabha. And it is essential to believe in the possibility reborn in themselves. His body loan says: "The Vow irrespective of the elderly, the young, good guys, bad. Must know faith is the root. The purpose of the Vow to save all beings crimes deep, disturbing illustrious. If such information is not required Buddhist vows other virtues. Without any more virtuous Buddhist concept. Without fear of evil deeds, because it unobstructed by the Vow, impede evil deeds being reborn. "
 The prayer is: Because without prayer, it can not single-mindedly towards the goal. So prayer is to the mind is the most specialized in the practice and bring all its attention towards your goals are desired. Prayer is seen as a dream that my heart has always fostered a decision made ​​to be completed. So Flower Adornment Sutra says, "Credit form of merit", faith is born mother of merit.
 Three is happy: Happy ie practice. Practical standpoint, the Pure Land has four basic practices:
 It minister Buddhist concept: First Ie meaning into mind, the hybrid nature of the concept themselves or say other than it is the concept of nature Di momentum. This method is practiced by upper level apartment located upstream.
Visualize Buddhist concept: Based on experience Amitayurdhyana, medical visualization and chief newspaper reported blissful realm. In this economic sixteen teaching methods consistent, if visualization is mastered, the eyes are open or closed at both practitioner sight Bliss is money.
Quan Buddhist memorial: Using human mind focused on the metal body of the Buddha Amitabha , carefully observing every good minister of Buddhism, recognized each definition carefully. Visualizing so until maturity, whether open or closed eyes closed at all clear image of Buddha is always immediate cash.
Tri list Buddhist concept: This is the method commonly used practice of most religious people pure. Just use the concept or idea silently mouth the word Amitabha Buddha four or six digits Namo Amitabha Buddha. Bring attention focused recite the name of Buddha lead time is about peace of mind proved once bright, easily the most attention.
 Particularly maintenance list chanting characteristic method for Pure tone. In the book Ten Essentials of Buddhist mindfulness, Venerable Zen Center has presented a list of ten methods lead Buddhist concept as follows
1 / Phan Van Tri list.
2 / Asia Books list maintenance.
3 / Custom Name immediate maintenance.
4 / Access empowerment maintenance list.
5 / Visual projector maintenance list.
6 / Prostrating maintenance list.
7 / Name gather maintenance list.
8 / Contact chemotherapy list.
9 / Quang Trung maintenance list.
10 / Mini Buddha maintenance list.
Venerable said: "Tri list includes Buddhist concept based around the three (upper, middle, lower), the favorable effect quickly, anyone can practice. Tri list if the planet would have felt the way, money is the medical report shows righteous realms Bliss, show enlightened the mind, nowadays though not endorse minister, after rebirth is determined by evidence ".
 But one thing we need to note: In the Amitabha Buddha dies if it wants to be reborn "Tam any attachment, the real crazy." Thus, if the daily practice Pure Land Buddhist concept mouth and read the prayer of Bliss time nightly course is not necessarily what we are reborn. Because we recite orally, according to the key practice diligently, but the mind does not want separation from the attachment of money, the real, emotional ... well, it was difficult deathbed that is reborn. Therefore, two extremely essential issues during the religious practice of the Pure, which is the heart and Yem Han. Han desire, bibs are disgusted. That is the practice in accordance with the pure teachings, they must be bored samsara heart of pure desire. If there are daily fed Saha Center of Pure ham in a warm, someday mature in reflection and practice, is the great-grandson of death will be reborn, will be Amida and tributary holy lead them to rebirth in the Pure. Therefore, upper air Pure Tri Tinh pen name is Linda (Appetite for Pure Land), to speak to the essence of his Pure Land practice. He has made the poem speaks of Pure heart: 
"Me to tears spill Western
Saha injured tang suffering very
dear person please impairment losses more
quickly Nembutsu go, lest worry ".
This is the method of contemplation and practice critical of Pure crash. Just perform the essential things that we will achieve great benefits, will shorten the distance the path of Bliss.

6. Why should we pray rebirth

To see the sense why should pray rebirth, please write the two outlined the basics of Buddhist mindfulness Ten Essentials book by Monk Thich Thien Tam.
- Sugar Dangers of birth and death: Property Label With Buddha saw all beings from countless lifetimes were propelled into the six realms of samsara, has been subject to thousands of suffering in the path of birth and death. Since there is no guide should beings had accepted fate without knowing what to do, rather than at the mercy of life floating life. Since enlightenment is born, beings have the opportunity to make themselves out to be my escape. However, until today we still live an ordinary life floating life. But there is one thing in life is luck in life is not to wear fur horns team is a unique opportunity to access this mystery teachings. But having been profound teachings that practice illegal possession seek blessings natural goodness, is back in life to enjoy the pleasures of the ordinary is not true; whether we find retreat center to enjoy the blessings in heavenly beings, it is not the primary aspiration of the three Buddhas. He said the Provincial Development Center tu Am so called Ta.
Because beings as though heaven is still samsara. So the essence of Buddhism is to make beings escape samsara, no longer fall into servitude for another Tam is true to the nostalgic of the Buddhas. - It should be freed immediately in the present.  Although in the teachings of the Buddha have many legal subjects, which method also provides the practitioner towards liberation, just as fast or slow other reasonable as that! Meditation also helps to show enlightened beings body meditation, ie the heart of the Buddha. Because it is self-cultivation method, no further instructions of Buddhas enlightenment grace not the time is ripe, one would have to be reborn again in the fragile human life to continue until the religious enlightenment . But way too arduous birth and death, whether spiritual seeds there, but lacks charm, it is difficult to bear fruit surface. Stock virtue to say: "If the practice is not freed, then the practice of this life become the enemy of life Tuesday". Because, by training many blessings, life after birth honor awarded the honor. Living in luxury, the less happy fate directed learning, "Hao religion you learn nan - The Four Cross chapter II", created in the sugar industry birth and death, place of death and degeneration Tam map. That is not the enemy of life Tuesday stars? Legend has it that: Su Shi, Song Dynasty scholar Academy, listen more extensive study, eminent talent, intelligence investment. He lives between money and Zen Buddhism in India is fellow Mount Van Cu. Due to not being Buddha's enlightened mind should turn your life as a scholar Academy, smart, talented brilliant. Therefore, in the present life life, he became antagonistic Dharma, craving for sensual, with seven wives. May thanks to Buddhist India, fellow from a previous life, to find means of salvation, the new rules back towards the Dharma. Near the end of his life, he has hired painter Amitabha Buddha, where to go and take with you. Has anyone asked, he replied: "This statue is on my work there. And the same thing is not lacking in the meditation. Thereby we contemplate enough to be legal subjects wins liberation in life now. Just so, formerly of The Zen Pure honey Switching method of adjectives. His God As meditation counseled: "Mat measures later, the economic cut off, save only four words Amitabha Buddha to save sentient beings. If a man does not believe, all will be hell. " He Vinh Dien Tho Minh City Zen, see the rebirth wins a Pure Life should have returned to the path pure and simple assignment since data to compare as follows:

"There is no pure meditation
Ten, nine lost highway
Warm scene when out
Blinking away with it ".
No pure meditation
practice Muon, all from suffering
rebirth see Di Da
Lo do not enlightened.
There Pure Meditation the
tiger As more horny
teacher who makes life time
later the Buddha.
No Zen is not Pure
iron beds, brass fire column
to eternal life Muon
No refuge ".

- For the vow of Amitabha Buddha.
In forty-eight vows of Amitabha Buddha, may 18th is: "When I become a Buddha, all beings in the ten directions with popular belief, I want the water realm, rings to ten times, if not reborn, I am not in the house enlightenment, except those who create offense against the army canceled the Dhamma. "
 May 19: "When I become a Buddha, ten being discovered from your Mind merit voluntary birth of my realms. If I'm not the holy gods before they embody them, while I am not at home enlightenment ".
Therefore, practice the teachings Buddha, beyond themselves, and get the blessings of the Buddha to lead a di momentum, worry not be reborn. In conclusion she sa Pi Cross office, Nagarjuna said that if people want fast towards retrogression, that person must wholeheartedly reverently recite the heart of Amitabha Buddha.
Like all shows, Pure Land practice is a method wins, the practice is easy to cultivate, easy controls, suitable for all levels radical, is the only path of liberation in life.

7. How do I know if I was reborn

 Rebirth is the only purpose of the Pure Land practitioner. Hence the phenomenon of rebirth actually extremely important in order to identify effective practice of the practitioner. For people reciting the Buddha's essential to know certain order your experience will be reborn. The meditation that shows strange realm as Buddha or the church scene, which is stumbling, should not celebrate or pursued under the strange scene. But with practice pure, it is because of performance practice, Buddhist concept of maturity, merit fullness, is pure self-interest, should the current situation on the net, is a good omen for the practitioner press certainly attain birth.
Tue Far preliminary pure ancestry, eleven years before rebirth seen three times more auspicious and sacred minister. On the night of July 30, Monday Hy That year, he sat enter the station where Prajna. Just open your eyes out for, see Amitabha and noble beings out front. Amida Buddha told him, "because this forces us to pray duty comforted him, then he will travel to seven days for our country."
 The next day Tue Far narrated everything to His disciples heard and confirmed that: "I painted this in Lot, in the eleventh year, three times saw Buddha and noble embodiment. Register now to see the Buddhist life. Surely we will be born in the Pure Land. "
Before passing, his masters Am province has twice seen Ecstasy triangle is holy, He reassured them that the map: "I am certain will be reborn".
As Thus, for the pure practice, first and foremost is to be followed leads to rebirth. That want to experience the possibility of its rebirth besides elaborately practice, dedicated to Buddhist concept is pure religious practitioners need to see the great generals like Amida prophesies, or the holy scene out or pond golden shower in excellent ... All these are auspicious, to signal that a certain person will be reborn.


 Pure is a very typical practice magic, easy to control and easy tu suit every level of being frugal. Just have faith in the power of prayer Buddha Amitabha and dedicated evoked his name is certain to be reborn. When the water Bliss, whether jointly or being reborn now in place where the boundary of the Pure, the first and foremost is that we no longer fall within the three servitude threatened again, overnight and then were pure lotus goods, absolutely pure, holy integration of our products where western Bliss.
 These were the pioneering masters Pure attained practice as faith, encouragement for all beings co-cultivation center training, and was reborn. To the knowledge of the Far be considered preliminary organization of Tong Pure. He has since liberation welfare of beings that set up facilities. Lot painting is a testament, was noted for a merit grade team has since beings that from a perspective Pure, he formed a reality where Moat Pure East Pagoda Forest, east unspeakable quartet we have provided in the spirit of transparency pure religious commune.
From there we find causal Pure beings with real French face enormous. Please do not rush to hear of another greenhouse superficial comments about Pure heaven or defamatory criticism of some superficial, then stabbing suspect the confusion.
 The real justification for the failure to identify the Pure Land Pure Land West of dignified calm in most of the ten directions. The doctrine of "pure idealism" is a Pure philosophy, although it is quintessential to convey the real meaning in Buddhism but can not contract with the diverse nature of beings base, making ordinary people to bored to practice the way to go alone into the deep sea immense interest not rely place. It is a large bulkhead, do so down to the foot in the door looking for a meditation on the route refuge liberation. So Pure religion, although the practice facilities, but that means everyone wins in the media, in order to bring all beings that can gain access to the path of liberation benefit most for themselves and others.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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