Monday 30 March 2015

In daily, Kumbu Solu all old people are turning my wheel. In the morning when they are at home and the evening before they go to sleep, they are holding a bead (mala) in her left hand, a London Business in the right hands, and maintained that litigation is the mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG.
And when they come back, they are constantly turning my wheel and maintained that litigation is the mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG.
I often think: "How come my LUN is the practice of Dharma is that?" In the mind I have kicked up such a question, just because I am foolish, unknown to the benefit of France this seclusion. I didn't know the importance and possibility of greater London economy purify. Just touch and go the Jing LUN only, you will also purify countless sins and achievement was a huge merit.
The Lawudo I found many ancient texts, the manuscript of the Lawudo Lama. The previous incarnation of the Lawudo Lama popularly known as Lama (Kunsang) and Yeshe who thought I was the reincarnation of Jesus. Lawudo Lama does not live in the monastery, He hides in a cave monastery. He has spent a lot of effort to copy the French tu concerning various religious duties of Vajrayana. At the time such documents are rare, so you have to copy hand out lots of copies.

Because they were kept in the cave of extremely low humidity, the texts were wet, and I was drying them in the Sun. If you don't finish them, the drying texture will grow and the species of insects will make them suffer disintegrates. The species of insects thrive and gouged into the small hole on the texts.

One day when I'm viewing the text beneath the sunlight, I saw one of these ancient texts entitled "Mani Kabum". It talks about the entire history of the evolution of the world, including the Dharma has come into this world as to how and why the Tibetan people, snow country, became a particular object is the Buddha of compassion Avalokiteśvara acquisition. The Buddha A-di-da and the Buddha of compassion is the same in a family identity and have strong links with each other. And for more than twenty years, the Buddha of compassion and the Buddha A-di-da has not only led to Tibet and China, but also the Western countries, in particular by spreading the Dharma.

In articles Mani Kabum, I see there is a brief snippet of French lineage tu Jing LUN and a brief instruction on how visualizations and meditation when you practice this method. In Tibet, and generally anywhere there Mahayana teachings of Vajrayana, French tu kinh Luan has spread to. Mr. Nagarjuna has this Board for An Sample Buddha (fairy [Dakini] Singhamukha). Later An award template was Buddha Dharma to Germany United States being, who then passed it on to Tibet.

After reading these texts, I had more faith that France tu this is not nonsense, it was based on the Scriptures, value and meaning. From this version, I had some understanding of the ability to purify the mind is powerful and accumulating merit of immeasurable tu kinh Luan.

In 1987, when I'm in Australia's Chenrezig Institute, I found it extremely at peace. A feeling of serenity that you want to be there, live there. Chenrezig Institute before, not like that, and I wonder why it changed. At the time, Geshe Lama Konchog are there. Geshe-la has maintained a lot of France. After the escape from Tibet, He spent years hiding tu in the caves of Milarepa in the Himalayas. He had made the French 2000 Nyung-nays, the Hermitage two days-one of the meditation Buddha of compassion, including the eight Mahayana precepts life and made many prostrate and maintained that litigation is the mantra. Geshe Lama Konchog trained the mind very well on the way to his seclusion, so I think that the peace Institute Chenrezig may be due to his mind Bodhi.

However, on a day near the end there, the following thoughts into my head, "Oh, this change may be due to the arrival of the London economy – previously it is not here." The London experience here is much smaller than the Robin in the German land of Bhaisajyaguru, but it is very unique and inside it still contains a lot of spells are printed with super small size. Some time later, when I came to Brazil at the invitation of a meditation Center there, a guy gave me a book written by one of the senior disciples of Tulku Tarthang about his experience when in charge of the construction of the Chedi and the wheel in the center of Tarthang Tulku. In one paragraph, he said that after London was built, the area was completely transformed, becomes peaceful, pleasant, and beneficial for the mind.

This confirmed my belief, based on my own argument, that Chenrezig Institute has become peaceful since the arrival of my new rotation there. The person that has experience to be efficient from the economic construction Chou helped me solidify my belief.
There are four types: Sutra London, London fire London Business, utility and Feng Jing LUN. One of the benefits of the London economy as it represents all the morals of the headless Buddha and Bodhisattva across the ten directions. To do useful beings, headless Buddha and Bodhisattva has made a London trading to purify all the wickedness and cover our obstacle course, help us realise the evidence on the way to the tu enlightenment. All sentient beings (not only mankind but also the insects), in the area of the London economy is built will be saved from the rebirth into the lower realms; they will be born into the realms of heaven or the people, or be a guest of birth into the pure land of the Buddha.

If you have an investment in houses Mani mantra carried rotating, then your House will resemble the Potala, the pure land of the Buddha of compassion. If you have an alternate economy next to when you die, you will not need to move di God of consciousness (powa) anymore. Having a working wheel itself has become a legal order to transfer you to a conscious spirit move the translational speed. Just think of the London economy also helps a dying man brought the God consciousness to the investment of the Central vessels and go out the top to a guest to the realms of pure land of the Buddha A-di-da, or of the Buddha of compassion. Just touching the capital luan also purify the evil and countless hidden obstacle course. When recording a Jing LUN containing 100,000,000 incantations OM MANI PADME HUNG, you will earn the amount of merit like when reading the 100,000,000 times the spell OM MANI PADME HUNG.

The London economy here in the land of Bhaisajyaguru containing 11.8 billion incantations, so just turning my wheel a round similar to read all times the mantra. In the few short seconds, you've been purify in a powerful way and accumulated a lot of merit. Just turned my wheel once is also equivalent to several years of Hermitage. This is explained as being one of the benefits of the London economy.

With wheel turned by water power, when water touches it, the water will be blessed. When the water which flows out to the ocean or the ponds, it will bring power to purify all the billions of animals and insects there.

I had a wish, he wishes recently become more intense, to build a London business out in the ocean. Because people have asked me for help in many of the project idea is different, so the Dharma as a wheel turned by water power has been delayed. However, recently when I went to a Center in Taiwan, in a conversation about the London economy, I was referring to this idea. One of the hosts, who runs the family's business activities in the past few years, Hong Kong has a very experienced one do rotating Hy turned by water power because his father had early career by selling fish. Because of the family's prosperity comes from fisheries, he feels his family is also indebted to the many fish species, and in, he was eager to do something to repay or benefit for the fish.

When I mentioned the idea of doing an investment in London under water, he wanted to cry, and then he asked: "why are you asking me to build the London economy is this?" After the hearing I explained the reason, he has a very elaborate wedding Festival in London under the sea. I proposed the idea to build it in waters near Taiwan, but he thought should build it in Hawaii, where the Pacific ocean water will be in contact with the London economy and bring plenty useful.

Get the type of my wheel turned by the heat of the candles or electric lights. The light emitted from the London economy will purify the evil career of beings that it touches. My wheel turned by wind power is similar to that. The winds touching my LUN will be blessed and will then have the capability to purify the evil karma and Karma cover by any sentient beings it touches.

Because my wheel is able to purify bad karma is very strong, I think that would be a good idea to use them. A few years ago, back when I c g explanation of the benefits of the London economy in Kopan, Lorna and Terry have volunteered to make the London economy for the disciples who want to practice this method. They have very generously made the small and LUN Scriptures to many disciples, and me.

I then gave the London economy to the King of Nepal. When I told him that the London economy will help it when dying, suddenly he looks cold. I think it is not a topic that people often tell him. When he asked: "do I have to keep it?" Then I said: "Yes".

In a London trading business also mentioned that help prevent the essential components and the other beings harm and prevent illness, so I got the idea to use them to heal. Anyone who contracted diseases such as AIDS or cancer, whether with or without any understanding of the Dharma, all can use Jing LUN for meditation and healing. For example, the patient can come to the land of the Buddha of this Pharmaceutical few hours each day to spin the wheel and visualizations.

There are two legal practice visualizations. With the first method, you figure the rays emanating from the incantations in Robin, illumination and purify you of all diseases and the causes of disease, your negative thoughts and the impact of them still remain in the mind like your resume. Then, you visualize the light light all sentient beings and purify all their suffering, as well as the cover of their karma and evil.

In France the visualizations on Monday, the rays of light are emitted from the spell, like a vacuum cleaner pump hooks up all the sickness, damage morale and, most importantly, the cause of sickness, evil and cover the obstacle course. All these things are being sucked into the London economy. While the anniversary year or ten strings of the mantra, please purify themselves contemplate themselves in this way.

Finally, you should maintain that litigation a few series while visualizations that the beam of light emitted from the Luan purify all our karma and suffering born out of the six realms. These being in London and after that all sentient beings, including you, are freed, the realization of the entire path and became the Buddha of compassion. (You can also practice go to interference around the Chedi, relics while learning visualizations as well).

If someone is sick with AIDS, cancer or other diseases, you should meditate like that every day, as long as possible, will certainly have effects. I know a few people who have fully recovered from the last stages of cancer through meditation. Although one might not know anything about the Dharma, about rebirth or career. Because they want the peace of mind in the present and journey, because they are interested in having a healthy body and a healthy mind, they should use extremely powerful and extremely meaning for healing.

I want to stress that every investment London big or small can all be sick people use to treat. This French tu very practical and very meaningful. Two years ago, I would have recommended Jim McCann London economy built here, in the land of the Buddha of this Pharmaceutical, not only for the people of this practice, but also to households for the land. It is useful for all insects and animals as well as humans. Jim and his wife, Mrs. Sandra, have spent a lot of time and effort to the London economy in this beautiful, although I'm sure that there are many others who help them. From the bottom, I would like to thank them very much for this achievement. The London Economics make this place became sacred and noble, like a net the realms.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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