Sunday 29 March 2015

Cause Buddha institutional morality.


"About as real life schedule of truth, was crystallized from personality ethics, great deeds to foster self-interest, benefit others, a factor of Buddhahood. Gender is also a key function to build order and discipline, a man full of light, improving knowledge, intellectual development. "

Blessed is the one who has supreme enlightenment do anything thoughtful and careful, no omissions, whether a small thing. In the first 12 years of the establishment of our congregation was largely increased most radical teaching qualifications sublime saints A- La- drought, components or illegal practice of closing stages. The radical position was inferior only to hear the Buddha reveal the enlightened few times in a row. So the life of the monks that day absolutely pure. But Buddha unprocessed About Discipline but still, limited to those presented in the form of a simple form of the general terms of upholding the base.

Exalted says: "Monks as seen sharp eye, ear heard, tasted tongue, nose, smell, touch themselves, the legal fate, he does not hold general minister, did not hold its own minister. What causes the root cause is not hanging on, not born craving, bi and immoral law arises, if there arises immediately monks living tame practical reasons upholding the base " .
Exalted practice through practical phase Middle Empire, operating Eightfold Path form, bhikkhus should hold Right, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right to. Through the presentation as above we see precept but have not yet clear.
The first five books in the Law, He Shariputra said to the Buddha: "O Buddha Dharma how the Tathagata, after passing Tathagata Dharma and he was persistent."
Exalted says: "The Buddha said that the legal world, the disciples say so to practice, make the Dhamma is long lasting head."
Sariputra said, "O Exalted why the world does not see Bhagavan only speak French regime?"
Buddha said: "This venerable, time to do what we know, this has not so far we have not prepared the world. When the Sangha can work for fame, for illegal possession occurs, the Tathagata new gender regime ".
He also taught: "If I manufacture About prior violation, he will defame our lives. They will say that I do not have to cause offense, why the precept coercion. This is not necessarily located. Thus the Tathagata has no compassion, no benefits, no encircled beings. As people without children said that she would give birth on time. The story was unbelievable, because not true. If the kids see it to believe it is, and how useful unborn illegal, do not sin, heaven do not see how people are prepared Gender. So it should be obvious sin, then Buddha About the new regime, this is the right time. This Shariputra as physicians that causes the illness and know how sweet medicine to treat his illness. "
Since then, gradually increase after the birth of the Congregation for the illegal possession for the purpose of heart they are not true. Therefore Sangha has happened many many monks case of disorderly order, let loose bohemian life, violate moral purification ... making Buddhist Congregation of being a bad reputation spread, the more conflicting opinions . To solve these problems, Bhagavan began preparations to treat Gender mistakes happened, and prevent acts of evil is about to violate law or committed, they must repent, and maintain the prestige of the Increase delegation.
Buddha precepts are manufactured in about 13 minutes after the Buddha attained enlightenment, but depending on range depending fetters, are not given to institutional About Gender from 3-4 times a New World. This is a typical case speaks flexibility and range expansion of morality. Another case presented typical sex, must undergo three stages new:
- Phase One: Religion Say Na Tu Recommended son of the village chief Ca skin, due to the request of the mother to leave her son to continue the family line, so he came to have sex with his ex-wife out. After the incident Sun is assumed guilty conscience, felt ashamed with pure monks should confess to the monks, monks white Buddha, Buddha rebuked and international institutions: "Three monks who he is La Di is not in general ".
- Second Stage: A depressed monks holy life, home sex acts with his ex-wife. About Buddha refrained because of the depressed cases holy life. Therefore, additional processing Exalted "monks who have the prime responsibility to learn and accept the origin of life of monks, unfinished faltering world but no giant, lewd acts monks who Ba La Di was not living" .
- The third stage: The monks live in the forest, ghost was natural disturbances, should have the harlot with the ape. Discipline think Buddha cautioned not the case with the animal species, again Buddha About complemented on the full "life over the monks who have learned to accept life and origin of monks not Full gender, gender did not reveal impairment of the executive lewd, until the animal species, three monks who did not live La Di ".
Buddha appears on your worldly beings purpose of liberation from samsara line, precept to his non-coercive way, forcing the complete peacefulness of disciples. Thanks to the World that legal practice Buddha has achieved enlightenment and bring wisdom passed down to them being regarded as relative Hue About his own life. So before Nirvana, Buddha graciously Di teacher: "After passing us, you must respect the preservation of Balaam problem, wood rubbing, as the poor meet treasure, as across the river unto the boat, such as physicians see patients etc ... to know this is your Master, even though it is outside the law office that is not so. " The spirit of Buddha institutional world is looking on the surface of the mass of the Sangha, the Buddha is the chairperson or the proof in the preparation instructions. About the remedy for the prevention of corruption of the public. Buddha is the healer for all beings, if the disease is not that the prescription drug loading and then he would protest, they will not be given, even if patients are treated whether they will appreciate immensely, this is normal psychology of all beings.
As we commented in the business through solutions Buddha taught done to say: "All I say is only legal means to practice complete abandon." There are times though practitioner practice whatsoever practitioners must take the first commandment as to preserve dignity. If the practitioner is able to practice their religion About gone, the body Hue About the network is no longer.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/3/2015.

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